]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/SubmittingPatches-backports.rst
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[ceph.git] / ceph / SubmittingPatches-backports.rst
1 Submitting Patches to Ceph - Backports
2 ======================================
4 Most likely you're reading this because you intend to submit a GitHub pull
5 request ("PR") targeting one of the stable branches ("nautilus", etc.) at
6 https://github.com/ceph/ceph.
8 Before you open that PR, please read this entire document or, at the very least,
9 the following two sections: `General principles`_ and `Cherry-picking rules`_.
12 .. contents::
13 :depth: 3
16 General principles
17 ------------------
19 To help the people who will review your backport, please state either in the
20 backport PR, or in the backport tracker issue, or in the master tracker issue:
22 1. what bug is fixed
23 2. why this fix is the minimal way to do it
24 3. why does this need to be fixed in <release>
26 The above should be followed especially in cases when the backport could be seen
27 as introducing, into a stable branch, code that is not related to a particular
28 bug or issue.
30 Rationale: every modification of a stable branch carries a certain risk of
31 introducing a regression. To minimize this risk, backports should be as
32 straightforward and narrowly-targeted as possible. As a stable release series
33 ages, the importance of following these general principles rises.
36 Cherry-picking rules
37 --------------------
39 The following rules, which have been codified from "best practices" developed
40 over years of backporting, apply to the actual backport implementation:
42 * all fixes should land in master first
43 * commits to stable branches should be cherry-picked from master
44 * before starting to cherry-pick a set of commits from master, grep the master git history for the SHA1 of each master commit (using ``git log --grep``) to check for follow-up fixes. Include any follow-up fixes found in the set of commits to be cherry-picked.
45 * cherry-picks must be done using ``git cherry-pick -x``
46 * if a commit could not be cherry-picked from master, the commit message must explain why that was not possible
47 * the commit message generated by ``git cherry-pick -x`` must not be modified, except to add a "Conflicts" section below the "cherry picked from commit ..." line added by git
48 * the "Conflicts" section must mention all files where changes had to be made manually (not just conflicts flagged by git)
49 * the "Conflicts" section should also describe the manual changes that were made
50 * if a change is to be backported to multiple stable branches, a tracker issue is needed, so the backports can be tracked (if a change is only to be backported to the most recent stable branch, a tracker issue is not strictly required)
52 For more information on tracker issues, see `Tracker workflow`_.
54 For more information on conflict resolution and writing the "Conflicts" section,
55 see `Conflict resolution`_.
57 Adhering to these rules will make your backport easier for reviewers to
58 understand. Not adhering to these rules creates additional work for reviewers
59 and may cause your backport PR to be rejected.
61 Notes on the cherry-picking rules
62 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
64 What does "all fixes should land in master first" mean? What if I just need to
65 fix the issue in <release>?
67 As the person fixing the issue, you are required to first check whether the
68 issue exists in master. If it does, then the proper course of action is to
69 create a master tracker (see `Tracker workflow`_) and fix the issue in master,
70 first, and only then cherry-pick the fix to the stable branches that have the
71 issue.
73 If the issue exists in the stable branch, but not in master, there are several
74 possibilities:
76 1. it's a regression introduced into the stable branch by a bad backport
77 2. the issue was fixed in master by some massive refactoring that cannot be backported
78 3. the issue was already fixed in master by a cherry-pickable commit
80 In cases 1 and 2, it's permissible to fix the issue directly in the most recent
81 stable branch, subject to the rule "if a commit could not be cherry-picked from
82 master, the commit message must explain why that was not possible". Once the
83 fix has landed in the most recent stable branch, it can be cherry-picked to
84 older stable branches from there.
86 In case 3, the issue should be handled like any other backport - read on.
89 Tracker workflow
90 ----------------
92 Any change that is to be backported to multiple stable branches should have
93 an associated tracker issue at https://tracker.ceph.com.
95 For fixes already merged to master, this may have already been done - see the
96 ``Fixes:`` line in the master PR. If the master PR has already been merged and
97 there is no associated master tracker issue, you can create a master tracker
98 issue and fill in the fields as described below.
100 This master tracker issue should be in the "Bug" or "Feature"
101 trackers of the relevant subproject under the "Ceph" parent project (or
102 in the "Ceph" project itself if none of the subprojects are a good fit).
103 The stable branches to which the master changes are to be cherry-picked should
104 be listed in the "Backport" field. For example::
106 Backport: mimic, nautilus
108 Once the PR targeting master is open, add the PR number assigned by GitHub to
109 the tracker issue. For example, if the PR number is 99999::
111 Pull request ID: 99999
113 Once the master PR has been merged, after checking that the change really needs
114 to be backported and the Backport field has been populated, change the master
115 tracker issue's ``Status`` field to "Pending Backport".
117 Status: Pending Backport
119 If you do not have sufficient permissions to modify any field of the tracker
120 issue, just add a comment describing what changes you would like to make.
121 Someone with permissions will make the necessary modifications on your behalf.
123 For straightforward backports, that's all that you (as the developer of the fix)
124 need to do. Volunteers from the `Stable Releases and Backports team`_ will
125 proceed to create Backport issues to track the necessary backports and stage the
126 backports by opening GitHub PRs with the cherry-picks. If you don't want to
127 wait, and provided you have sufficient permissions at https://tracker.ceph.com,
128 you can `create Backport tracker issues` and `stage backports`_ yourself. In
129 that case, read on.
132 .. _`create backport tracker issues`:
133 .. _`backport tracker issue`:
135 Creating Backport tracker issues
136 --------------------------------
138 To track backporting efforts, "backport tracker issues" can be created from
139 a parent "master tracker issue". The master tracker issue is described in the
140 previous section, `Tracker workflow`_. This section focuses the backport tracker
141 issue.
143 Once the entire `Tracker workflow`_ has been completed for the master issue,
144 issues can be created in the Backport tracker for tracking the backporting work.
146 Under ordinary circumstances, the developer who merges the master PR will flag
147 the master tracker issue for backport by changing the Status to "Pending
148 Backport", and volunteers from the `Stable Releases and Backports team`_
149 periodically create backport tracker issues by running the
150 ``backport-create-issue`` script. They also do the actual backporting. But that
151 does take time and you may not want to wait.
153 You might be tempted to forge ahead and create the backport issues yourself.
154 Please don't do that - it is difficult (bordering on impossible) to get all the
155 fields correct when creating backport issues manually, and why even try when
156 there is a script that gets it right every time? Setting up the script requires
157 a small up-front time investment. Once that is done, creating backport issues
158 becomes trivial.
160 The backport-create-issue script
161 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
163 The script used to create backport issues is located at
164 ``src/script/backport-create-issue`` in the master branch. Though there might be
165 an older version of this script in a stable branch, do not use it. Only use the
166 most recent version from master.
168 Once you have the script somewhere in your PATH, you can proceed to install the
169 dependencies.
171 The dependencies are:
173 * python3
174 * python-redmine
176 Python 3 should already be present on any recent Linux installation. The second
177 dependency, `python-redmine`_, can be obtained from PyPi::
179 pip3 install --user python-redmine
182 .. _`python-redmine`: https://pypi.org/project/python-redmine/
184 Then, try to run the script::
186 backport-create-issue --help
188 This should produce a usage message.
190 Finally, run the script to actually create the Backport issues.
191 For example, if the tracker issue number is 55555::
193 backport-create-issue --user <tracker_username> --password <tracker_password> 55555
195 The script needs to know your https://tracker.ceph.com credentials in order to
196 authenticate to Redmine. In lieu of providing your literal username and password
197 on the command line, you could also obtain a REST API key ("My account" -> "API
198 access key") and run the script like so::
200 backport-create-issue --key <tracker_api_key> 55555
203 .. _`stage backports`:
204 .. _`stage the backport`:
205 .. _`staging a backport`:
207 Opening a backport PR
208 ---------------------
210 Once the `Tracker workflow`_ is completed and the `backport tracker issue`_ has
211 been created, it's time to open a backport PR. One possibility is to do this
212 manually, while taking care to follow the `cherry-picking rules`_. However, this
213 can result in a backport that is not properly staged. For example, the PR
214 description might not contain a link to the `backport tracker issue`_ (a common
215 oversight). You might even forget to update the `backport tracker issue`_.
217 In the past, much time was lost, and much frustration caused, by the necessity
218 of staging backports manually. Now, fortunately, there is a script available
219 which automates the process and takes away most of the guesswork.
221 The ceph-backport.sh script
222 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
224 Similar to the case of creating the `Backport tracker issues`_, staging the actual
225 backport PR and updating the Backport tracker issue is difficult - if not
226 impossible - to get right if you're doing it manually, and quickly becomes
227 tedious if you do it more than once in a long while.
229 The ``ceph-backport.sh`` script automates the entire process of cherry-picking
230 the commits from the master PR, opening the GitHub backport PR, and
231 cross-linking the GitHub backport PR with the correct Backport tracker issue.
232 The script can also be used to good effect if you have already manually prepared
233 the backport branch with the cherry-picks in it.
235 The script is located at ``src/script/ceph-backport.sh`` in the ``master``
236 branch. Though there might be an older version of this script in a stable
237 branch, do not use it. Only use the most recent version from master.
239 This is just a bash script, so the only dependency is ``bash`` itself, but it
240 does need to be run in the top level of a local clone of ``ceph/ceph.git``.
241 A small up-front time investment is required to get the script working in your
242 environment. This is because the script needs to autenticate itself (i.e., as
243 you) in order to use the GitHub and Redmine REST API services.
245 The script is self-documenting. Just run the script and proceed from there.
247 Once the script has been set up properly, you can validate the setup like so::
249 ceph-backport.sh --setup
251 Once you have this saying "Overall setup is OK", you have two options for
252 staging the backport: either leave everything to the script, or prepare the
253 backport branch yourself and use the script only for creating the PR and
254 updating the Backport tracker issue.
256 If you prefer to leave everything to the script, just provide the Backport
257 tracker issue number to the script::
259 ceph-backport.sh 55555
261 The script will start by creating the backport branch in your local git clone.
262 The script always uses the following format for naming the branch::
264 wip-<backport_issue_number>-<name_of_stable_branch>
266 For example, if the Backport tracker issue number is 55555 and it's targeting
267 the stable branch "nautilus", the backport branch would be named::
269 wip-55555-nautilus
271 If you prefer to create the backport branch yourself, just do that. Be sure to
272 name the backport branch as described above. (It's a good idea to use this
273 branch naming convention for all your backporting work.) Then, run the script::
275 ceph-backport.sh 55555
277 The script will see that the backport branch already exists, and use it.
279 Conflict resolution
280 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
282 If git reports conflicts, the script will abort to allow you to resolve the
283 conflicts manually.
285 Once the conflicts are resolved, complete the cherry-pick ::
287 git cherry-pick --continue
289 Git will present a draft commit message with a "Conflicts" section.
291 Unfortunately, in recent versions of git, the Conflicts section is commented
292 out. Since the Conflicts section is mandatory for Ceph backports that do not
293 apply cleanly, you will need to uncomment the entire "Conflicts" section
294 of the commit message before committing the cherry-pick. You can also
295 include commentary on what the conflicts were and how you resolved
296 them. For example::
298 Conflicts:
299 src/foo/bar.cc
300 - mimic does not have blatz; use batlo instead
302 When editing the cherry-pick commit message, leave everything before the
303 "cherry picked from" line unchanged. Any edits you make should be in the part
304 following that line. Here is an example::
306 osd: check batlo before setting blatz
308 Setting blatz requires special precautions. Check batlo first.
310 Fixes: https://tracker.ceph.com/issues/99999
311 Signed-off-by: Random J Developer <random@developer.example.com>
312 (cherry picked from commit 01d73020da12f40ccd95ea1e49cfcf663f1a3a75)
314 Conflicts:
315 src/osd/batlo.cc
316 - add_batlo_check has an extra arg in newer code
318 Naturally, the ``Fixes`` line points to the master issue. You might be tempted
319 to modify it so it points to the backport issue, but - please - don't do that.
320 First, the master issue points to all the backport issues, and second, *any*
321 editing of the original commit message calls the entire backport into doubt,
322 simply because there is no good reason for such editing.
324 The part below the ``(cherry picked from commit ...)`` line is fair game for
325 editing. If you need to add additional information to the cherry-pick commit
326 message, append that information below this line. Once again: do not modify the
327 original commit message.
330 Labelling of backport PRs
331 -------------------------
333 Once the backport PR is open, the first order of business is to set the
334 Milestone tag to the stable release the backport PR is targeting. For example,
335 if the PR is targeting "nautilus", set the Milestone tag to "nautilus".
337 If you don't have sufficient GitHub permissions to set the Milestone, add
338 a comment to the PR with the following content::
340 @ceph/backport-admins
342 This will alert the `Stable Releases and Backports team`_ to your PR, and
343 someone will ensure your PR gets the proper labels.
346 .. _`backport PR reviewing`:
347 .. _`backport PR testing`:
348 .. _`backport PR merging`:
350 Reviewing, testing, and merging of backport PRs
351 -----------------------------------------------
353 Once your backport PR is open and the Milestone is set properly, the
354 `Stable Releases and Backports team` will take care of getting the PR
355 reviewed and tested. Once the PR is reviewed and tested, it will be merged.
357 If you would like to facilitate this process, you can solicit reviews and run
358 integration tests on the PR. In this case, add comments to the PR describing the
359 tests you ran and their results.
361 Once the PR has been reviewed and deemed to have undergone sufficient testing,
362 it will be merged. Even if you have sufficient GitHub permissions to merge the
363 PR, please do *not* merge it yourself. (Uncontrolled merging to stable branches
364 unnecessarily complicates the release preparation process, which is done by
365 volunteers.)
368 Stable Releases and Backports team
369 ----------------------------------
371 Ceph has a `Stable Releases and Backports`_ team, staffed by volunteers,
372 which is charged with maintaining the stable releases and backporting bugfixes
373 from the master branch to them. (That team maintains a wiki, accessible by
374 clicking the `Stable Releases and Backports`_ link, which describes various
375 workflows in the backporting lifecycle.)
377 .. _`Stable Releases and Backports`: http://tracker.ceph.com/projects/ceph-releases/wiki
379 Ordinarily, it is enough to fill out the "Backport" field in the bug (tracker
380 issue). The volunteers from the Stable Releases and Backports team will
381 backport the fix, run regression tests on it, and include it in one or more
382 future point releases.