]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/doc/_ext/ceph_confval.py
import quincy 17.2.0
[ceph.git] / ceph / doc / _ext / ceph_confval.py
1 import io
2 import contextlib
3 import os
4 import sys
5 from typing import Any, Dict, List, Union
7 from docutils.nodes import Node
8 from docutils.parsers.rst import directives
9 from docutils.statemachine import StringList
11 from sphinx import addnodes
12 from sphinx.directives import ObjectDescription
13 from sphinx.domains.python import PyField
14 from sphinx.environment import BuildEnvironment
15 from sphinx.locale import _
16 from sphinx.util import logging, status_iterator, ws_re
17 from sphinx.util.docutils import switch_source_input, SphinxDirective
18 from sphinx.util.docfields import Field
19 from sphinx.util.nodes import make_id
20 import jinja2
21 import jinja2.filters
22 import yaml
24 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
27 TEMPLATE = '''
28 {% if desc %}
29 {{ desc | wordwrap(70) | indent(3) }}
30 {% endif %}
31 :type: ``{{opt.type}}``
32 {%- if default is not none %}
33 {%- if opt.type == 'size' %}
34 :default: ``{{ default | eval_size | iec_size }}``
35 {%- elif opt.type == 'secs' %}
36 :default: ``{{ default | readable_duration(opt.type) }}``
37 {%- elif opt.type in ('uint', 'int', 'float') %}
38 :default: ``{{ default | readable_num(opt.type) }}``
39 {%- elif opt.type == 'millisecs' %}
40 :default: ``{{ default }}`` milliseconds
41 {%- elif opt.type == 'bool' %}
42 :default: ``{{ default | string | lower }}``
43 {%- else %}
44 :default: {{ default | literal }}
45 {%- endif -%}
46 {%- endif %}
47 {%- if opt.enum_values %}
48 :valid choices:{% for enum_value in opt.enum_values -%}
49 {{" -" | indent(18, not loop.first) }} {{ enum_value | literal }}
50 {% endfor %}
51 {%- endif %}
52 {%- if opt.min is defined and opt.max is defined %}
53 :allowed range: ``[{{ opt.min }}, {{ opt.max }}]``
54 {%- elif opt.min is defined %}
55 :min: ``{{ opt.min }}``
56 {%- elif opt.max is defined %}
57 :max: ``{{ opt.max }}``
58 {%- endif %}
59 {%- if opt.constraint %}
60 :constraint: {{ opt.constraint }}
61 {% endif %}
62 {%- if opt.policies %}
63 :policies: {{ opt.policies }}
64 {% endif %}
65 {%- if opt.example %}
66 :example: {{ opt.example }}
67 {%- endif %}
68 {%- if opt.see_also %}
69 :see also: {{ opt.see_also | map('ref_confval') | join(', ') }}
70 {%- endif %}
71 {% if opt.note %}
72 .. note::
73 {{ opt.note }}
74 {%- endif -%}
75 {%- if opt.warning %}
76 .. warning::
77 {{ opt.warning }}
78 {%- endif %}
79 '''
82 def eval_size(value) -> int:
83 try:
84 return int(value)
85 except ValueError:
86 times = dict(_K=1 << 10,
87 _M=1 << 20,
88 _G=1 << 30,
89 _T=1 << 40)
90 for unit, m in times.items():
91 if value.endswith(unit):
92 return int(value[:-len(unit)]) * m
93 raise ValueError(f'unknown value: {value}')
96 def readable_duration(value: str, typ: str) -> str:
97 try:
98 if typ == 'sec':
99 v = int(value)
100 postfix = 'second' if v == 1 else 'seconds'
101 return f'{v} {postfix}'
102 elif typ == 'float':
103 return str(float(value))
104 else:
105 return str(int(value))
106 except ValueError:
107 times = dict(_min=['minute', 'minutes'],
108 _hr=['hour', 'hours'],
109 _day=['day', 'days'])
110 for unit, readables in times.items():
111 if value.endswith(unit):
112 v = int(value[:-len(unit)])
113 postfix = readables[0 if v == 1 else 1]
114 return f'{v} {postfix}'
115 raise ValueError(f'unknown value: {value}')
118 def do_plain_num(value: str, typ: str) -> str:
119 if typ == 'float':
120 return str(float(value))
121 else:
122 return str(int(value))
125 def iec_size(value: int) -> str:
126 if value == 0:
127 return '0B'
128 units = dict(Ei=60,
129 Pi=50,
130 Ti=40,
131 Gi=30,
132 Mi=20,
133 Ki=10,
134 B=0)
135 for unit, bits in units.items():
136 m = 1 << bits
137 if value % m == 0:
138 value //= m
139 return f'{value}{unit}'
140 raise Exception(f'iec_size() failed to convert {value}')
143 def do_fileize_num(value: str, typ: str) -> str:
144 v = eval_size(value)
145 return iec_size(v)
148 def readable_num(value: str, typ: str) -> str:
149 e = ValueError()
150 for eval_func in [do_plain_num,
151 readable_duration,
152 do_fileize_num]:
153 try:
154 return eval_func(value, typ)
155 except ValueError as ex:
156 e = ex
157 raise e
160 def literal(name) -> str:
161 if name:
162 return f'``{name}``'
163 else:
164 return f'<empty string>'
167 def ref_confval(name) -> str:
168 return f':confval:`{name}`'
171 def jinja_template() -> jinja2.Template:
172 env = jinja2.Environment()
173 env.filters['eval_size'] = eval_size
174 env.filters['iec_size'] = iec_size
175 env.filters['readable_duration'] = readable_duration
176 env.filters['readable_num'] = readable_num
177 env.filters['literal'] = literal
178 env.filters['ref_confval'] = ref_confval
179 return env.from_string(TEMPLATE)
182 FieldValueT = Union[bool, float, int, str]
185 class CephModule(SphinxDirective):
186 """
187 Directive to name the mgr module for which options are documented.
188 """
189 has_content = False
190 required_arguments = 1
191 optional_arguments = 0
192 final_argument_whitespace = False
194 def run(self) -> List[Node]:
195 module = self.arguments[0].strip()
196 if module == 'None':
197 self.env.ref_context.pop('ceph:module', None)
198 else:
199 self.env.ref_context['ceph:module'] = module
200 return []
203 class CephOption(ObjectDescription):
204 """
205 emit option loaded from given command/options/<name>.yaml.in file
206 """
207 has_content = True
208 required_arguments = 1
209 optional_arguments = 0
210 final_argument_whitespace = False
211 option_spec = {
212 'module': directives.unchanged,
213 'default': directives.unchanged
214 }
217 doc_field_types = [
218 Field('default',
219 label=_('Default'),
220 has_arg=False,
221 names=('default',)),
222 Field('type',
223 label=_('Type'),
224 has_arg=False,
225 names=('type',),
226 bodyrolename='class'),
227 ]
229 template = jinja_template()
230 opts: Dict[str, Dict[str, FieldValueT]] = {}
231 mgr_opts: Dict[str, # module name
232 Dict[str, # option name
233 Dict[str, # field_name
234 FieldValueT]]] = {}
236 def _load_yaml(self) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, FieldValueT]]:
237 if CephOption.opts:
238 return CephOption.opts
239 opts = []
240 for fn in status_iterator(self.config.ceph_confval_imports,
241 'loading options...', 'red',
242 len(self.config.ceph_confval_imports),
243 self.env.app.verbosity):
244 self.env.note_dependency(fn)
245 try:
246 with open(fn, 'r') as f:
247 yaml_in = io.StringIO()
248 for line in f:
249 if '@' not in line:
250 yaml_in.write(line)
251 yaml_in.seek(0)
252 opts += yaml.safe_load(yaml_in)['options']
253 except OSError as e:
254 message = f'Unable to open option file "{fn}": {e}'
255 raise self.error(message)
256 CephOption.opts = dict((opt['name'], opt) for opt in opts)
257 return CephOption.opts
259 def _normalize_path(self, dirname):
260 my_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
261 src_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(my_dir, '../..'))
262 return os.path.join(src_dir, dirname)
264 def _is_mgr_module(self, dirname, name):
265 if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(dirname, name)):
266 return False
267 if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dirname, name, '__init__.py')):
268 return False
269 return name not in ['tests']
271 @contextlib.contextmanager
272 def mocked_modules(self):
273 # src/pybind/mgr/tests
274 from tests import mock
275 mock_imports = ['rados',
276 'rbd',
277 'cephfs',
278 'dateutil',
279 'dateutil.parser']
280 # make dashboard happy
281 mock_imports += ['OpenSSL',
282 'jwt',
283 'bcrypt',
284 'jsonpatch',
285 'rook.rook_client',
286 'rook.rook_client.ceph',
287 'rook.rook_client._helper',
288 'cherrypy=3.2.3']
289 # make diskprediction_local happy
290 mock_imports += ['numpy',
291 'scipy']
292 # make restful happy
293 mock_imports += ['pecan',
294 'pecan.rest',
295 'pecan.hooks',
296 'werkzeug',
297 'werkzeug.serving']
299 for m in mock_imports:
300 args = {}
301 parts = m.split('=', 1)
302 mocked = parts[0]
303 if len(parts) > 1:
304 args['__version__'] = parts[1]
305 sys.modules[mocked] = mock.Mock(**args)
307 try:
308 yield
309 finally:
310 for m in mock_imports:
311 mocked = m.split('=', 1)[0]
312 sys.modules.pop(mocked)
314 def _collect_options_from_module(self, name):
315 with self.mocked_modules():
316 mgr_mod = __import__(name, globals(), locals(), [], 0)
317 # import 'M' from src/pybind/mgr/tests
318 from tests import M
320 def subclass(x):
321 try:
322 return issubclass(x, M)
323 except TypeError:
324 return False
325 ms = [c for c in mgr_mod.__dict__.values()
326 if subclass(c) and 'Standby' not in c.__name__]
327 [m] = ms
328 assert isinstance(m.MODULE_OPTIONS, list)
329 return m.MODULE_OPTIONS
331 def _load_module(self, module) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, FieldValueT]]:
332 mgr_opts = CephOption.mgr_opts.get(module)
333 if mgr_opts is not None:
334 return mgr_opts
335 python_path = self.config.ceph_confval_mgr_python_path
336 for path in python_path.split(':'):
337 sys.path.insert(0, self._normalize_path(path))
338 module_path = self.env.config.ceph_confval_mgr_module_path
339 module_path = self._normalize_path(module_path)
340 sys.path.insert(0, module_path)
341 if not self._is_mgr_module(module_path, module):
342 raise self.error(f'module "{module}" not found under {module_path}')
343 fn = os.path.join(module_path, module, 'module.py')
344 if os.path.exists(fn):
345 self.env.note_dependency(fn)
346 os.environ['UNITTEST'] = 'true'
347 opts = self._collect_options_from_module(module)
348 CephOption.mgr_opts[module] = dict((opt['name'], opt) for opt in opts)
349 return CephOption.mgr_opts[module]
351 def _current_module(self) -> str:
352 return self.options.get('module',
353 self.env.ref_context.get('ceph:module'))
355 def _render_option(self, name) -> str:
356 cur_module = self._current_module()
357 if cur_module:
358 try:
359 opt = self._load_module(cur_module).get(name)
360 except Exception as e:
361 message = f'Unable to load module "{cur_module}": {e}'
362 raise self.error(message)
363 else:
364 opt = self._load_yaml().get(name)
365 if opt is None:
366 raise self.error(f'Option "{name}" not found!')
367 if cur_module and 'type' not in opt:
368 # the type of module option defaults to 'str'
369 opt['type'] = 'str'
370 desc = opt.get('fmt_desc') or opt.get('long_desc') or opt.get('desc')
371 opt_default = opt.get('default')
372 default = self.options.get('default', opt_default)
373 try:
374 return self.template.render(opt=opt,
375 desc=desc,
376 default=default)
377 except Exception as e:
378 message = (f'Unable to render option "{name}": {e}. ',
379 f'opt={opt}, desc={desc}, default={default}')
380 raise self.error(message)
382 def handle_signature(self,
383 sig: str,
384 signode: addnodes.desc_signature) -> str:
385 signode.clear()
386 signode += addnodes.desc_name(sig, sig)
387 # normalize whitespace like XRefRole does
388 name = ws_re.sub(' ', sig)
389 cur_module = self._current_module()
390 if cur_module:
391 return '/'.join(['mgr', cur_module, name])
392 else:
393 return name
395 def transform_content(self, contentnode: addnodes.desc_content) -> None:
396 name = self.arguments[0]
397 source, lineno = self.get_source_info()
398 source = f'{source}:{lineno}:<confval>'
399 fields = StringList(self._render_option(name).splitlines() + [''],
400 source=source, parent_offset=lineno)
401 with switch_source_input(self.state, fields):
402 self.state.nested_parse(fields, 0, contentnode)
404 def add_target_and_index(self,
405 name: str,
406 sig: str,
407 signode: addnodes.desc_signature) -> None:
408 node_id = make_id(self.env, self.state.document, self.objtype, name)
409 signode['ids'].append(node_id)
410 self.state.document.note_explicit_target(signode)
411 entry = f'{name}; configuration option'
412 self.indexnode['entries'].append(('pair', entry, node_id, '', None))
413 std = self.env.get_domain('std')
414 std.note_object(self.objtype, name, node_id, location=signode)
417 def _reset_ref_context(app, env, docname):
418 env.ref_context.pop('ceph:module', None)
421 def setup(app) -> Dict[str, Any]:
422 app.add_config_value('ceph_confval_imports',
423 default=[],
424 rebuild='html',
425 types=[str])
426 app.add_config_value('ceph_confval_mgr_module_path',
427 default=[],
428 rebuild='html',
429 types=[str])
430 app.add_config_value('ceph_confval_mgr_python_path',
431 default=[],
432 rebuild='',
433 types=[str])
434 app.add_object_type(
435 'confsec',
436 'confsec',
437 objname='configuration section',
438 indextemplate='pair: %s; configuration section',
439 doc_field_types=[
440 Field(
441 'example',
442 label=_('Example'),
443 has_arg=False,
444 )]
445 )
446 app.add_object_type(
447 'confval',
448 'confval',
449 objname='configuration option',
450 )
451 app.add_directive_to_domain('std', 'mgr_module', CephModule)
452 app.add_directive_to_domain('std', 'confval', CephOption, override=True)
453 app.connect('env-purge-doc', _reset_ref_context)
455 return {
456 'version': 'builtin',
457 'parallel_read_safe': True,
458 'parallel_write_safe': True,
459 }