]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/doc/dev/developer_guide/basic-workflow.rst
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[ceph.git] / ceph / doc / dev / developer_guide / basic-workflow.rst
1 Basic Workflow
2 ==============
4 The following chart illustrates the basic Ceph development workflow:
6 .. ditaa::
8 Upstream Code Your Local Environment
10 /----------\ git clone /-------------\
11 | Ceph | -------------------------> | ceph/master |
12 \----------/ \-------------/
13 ^ |
14 | | git branch fix_1
15 | git merge |
16 | v
17 /----------------\ git commit --amend /-------------\
18 | ninja check |---------------------> | ceph/fix_1 |
19 | ceph--qa--suite| \-------------/
20 \----------------/ |
21 ^ | fix changes
22 | | test changes
23 | review | git commit
24 | |
25 | v
26 /--------------\ /-------------\
27 | github |<---------------------- | ceph/fix_1 |
28 | pull request | git push \-------------/
29 \--------------/
31 This page assumes that you are a new contributor with an idea for a bugfix or
32 enhancement, but do not know how to proceed. Watch the `Getting Started with
33 Ceph Development <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5UIehZ1oLs>`_ video for a
34 practical summary of this workflow.
36 Updating the tracker
37 --------------------
39 Before you start, you should know the :ref:`issue-tracker` (Redmine) number
40 of the bug you intend to fix. If there is no tracker issue, now is the time to
41 create one for code changes. Straightforward documentation cleanup does
42 not necessarily require a corresponding tracker issue. However, an issue
43 (ticket) should be created if one is adding new documentation chapters or
44 files, or for other substantial changes.
46 The tracker ticket serves to explain the issue (bug) to your fellow Ceph
47 developers and keep them informed as you make progress toward resolution. To
48 this end, please provide a descriptive title and write appropriate information
49 and details into the description. When composing the ticket's title, consider "If I
50 want to search for this ticket two years from now, what keywords will I search
51 for?"
53 If you have sufficient tracker permissions, assign the bug to yourself by
54 setting the ``Assignee`` field. If your tracker permissions have not been
55 elevated, simply add a comment with a short message like "I am working on this
56 issue".
58 Forking and Cloning the Ceph Repository
59 ---------------------------------------
61 This section, and the ones that follow, correspond to nodes in the above chart.
63 The upstream code is found at https://github.com/ceph/ceph.git, which is known
64 as the "upstream repo", or simply "upstream". As the chart shows, we will make
65 a local copy of this repository, modify it, test our modifications, then submit
66 the modifications for review and merging.
68 A local copy of the upstream code is made by
70 1. Forking the upstream repo on GitHub, and
71 2. Cloning your fork to make a local working copy
74 Forking The Ceph Repository
75 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
77 See the `GitHub documentation
78 <https://help.github.com/articles/fork-a-repo/#platform-linux>`_ for
79 detailed instructions on forking. In short, if your GitHub username is
80 "mygithubaccount", your fork of the upstream repo will appear at
81 ``https://github.com/mygithubaccount/ceph``.
83 Cloning Your Fork
84 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
86 Once you have created your fork, clone it by running:
88 .. prompt:: bash $
90 git clone https://github.com/mygithubaccount/ceph
92 You must fork the Ceph repository before you clone it. Without forking, you cannot
93 open a `GitHub pull request
94 <https://docs.github.com/en/free-pro-team@latest/github/collaborating-with-issues-and-pull-requests/creating-a-pull-request>`_.
96 For more information on using GitHub, refer to `GitHub Help
97 <https://help.github.com/>`_.
99 Configuring Your Local Environment
100 ----------------------------------
102 In the local environment created in the previous step, you now have a copy of
103 the ``master`` branch in ``remotes/origin/master``. This fork
104 (https://github.com/mygithubaccount/ceph.git) is frozen in time and the
105 upstream repo (https://github.com/ceph/ceph.git, typically abbreviated to
106 ``ceph/ceph.git``) is updated frequently by other contributors. This means that
107 you must sync your fork periodically. Failure to synchronize your fork may
108 result in your commits and pull requests failing to merge because they refer to
109 file contents that have changed since you last synchronized your fork.
111 Configure your local git environment with your name and email address.
113 .. prompt:: bash $
115 git config user.name "FIRST_NAME LAST_NAME"
116 git config user.email "MY_NAME@example.com"
118 Add the upstream repo as a "remote" and fetch it:
120 .. prompt:: bash $
122 git remote add ceph https://github.com/ceph/ceph.git
123 git fetch ceph
125 These commands fetch all the branches and commits from ``ceph/ceph.git`` to the
126 local git repo as ``remotes/ceph/$BRANCH_NAME`` and can be referenced as
127 ``ceph/$BRANCH_NAME`` in local git commands.
130 Resetting Local Master to Upstream Master
131 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
133 Your local ``master`` branch can be reset to the upstream Ceph ``master``
134 branch by running the following commands:
136 .. prompt:: bash $
138 git fetch ceph
139 git checkout master
140 git reset --hard ceph/master
141 git push -u origin master
143 This procedure should be followed often, in order to keep your local ``master``
144 in sync with upstream ``master``.
146 Creating a Bugfix branch
147 ------------------------
149 Create a branch for your bugfix:
151 .. prompt:: bash $
153 git checkout master
154 git checkout -b fix_1
155 git push -u origin fix_1
157 This creates a local branch called ``fix_1`` in our GitHub fork. At this point,
158 the ``fix_1`` branch is identical to the ``master`` branch, but not for long!
159 You are now ready to modify the code. Be careful to always run `git checkout
160 master` first, otherwise you may find commits from an unrelated branch mixed
161 with your new work.
163 Fixing the bug locally
164 ----------------------
166 In the `Ceph issue tracker <https://tracker.ceph.com>`_, change the status of
167 the tracker issue to "In progress". This communicates to other Ceph
168 contributors that you have begun working on a fix, which helps to avoid
169 duplication of effort. If you don't have permission to change that field, your
170 previous comment that you are working on the issue is sufficient.
172 Your fix may be very simple and require only minimal testing. But that's not
173 likely. It is more likely that the process of fixing your bug will be iterative
174 and will involve trial and error, as well as skill. An explanation of how to
175 fix bugs is beyond the scope of this document. Instead, we focus on the
176 mechanics of the process in the context of the Ceph project.
178 For a detailed discussion of the tools available for validating bugfixes,
179 see the chapters on testing.
181 For now, let us assume that you have finished work on the bugfix, that you have
182 tested the bugfix , and that you believe that it works. Commit the changes to
183 your local branch using the ``--signoff`` option (here represented as the `s`
184 portion of the `-as` flag):
186 .. prompt:: bash $
188 git commit -as
190 Push the changes to your fork:
192 .. prompt:: bash $
194 git push origin fix_1
196 Opening a GitHub pull request
197 -----------------------------
199 The next step is to open a GitHub pull request (PR). This makes your bugfix
200 visible to the community of Ceph contributors. They will review it and may
201 perform additional testing and / or request changes.
203 This is the point where you "go public" with your modifications. Be prepared
204 to receive suggestions and constructive criticism in the form of comments
205 within the PR. Don't worry! The Ceph project is a friendly place!
207 If you are uncertain how to create and manage pull requests, you may read
208 `this GitHub pull request tutorial`_.
210 .. _`this GitHub pull request tutorial`:
211 https://help.github.com/articles/using-pull-requests/
213 For ideas on what constitutes a "good" pull request, see
214 the `Git Commit Good Practice`_ article at the `OpenStack Project Wiki`_.
216 .. _`Git Commit Good Practice`: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/GitCommitMessages
217 .. _`OpenStack Project Wiki`: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Main_Page
219 and our own `Submitting Patches <https://github.com/ceph/ceph/blob/master/SubmittingPatches.rst>`_ document.
221 Once your pull request (PR) is opened, update the :ref:`issue-tracker` by
222 adding a comment directing other contributors to your PR. The comment can be
223 as simple as::
225 *PR*: https://github.com/ceph/ceph/pull/$NUMBER_OF_YOUR_PULL_REQUEST
227 Understanding Automated PR validation
228 -------------------------------------
230 When you create or update your PR, the Ceph project's `Continuous Integration
231 (CI) <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Continuous_integration>`_ infrastructure
232 automatically tests it. At the time of this writing (September 2020), the
233 automated CI testing included five tests:
235 #. a test to check that the commits are properly signed (see :ref:`submitting-patches`):
236 #. a test to check that the documentation builds
237 #. a test to check that the submodules are unmodified
238 #. a test to check that the API is in order
239 #. a :ref:`make check<make-check>` test
241 Additional tests may be performed depending on which files your PR modifies.
243 The :ref:`make check<make-check>` test builds the PR and runs it through a battery of
244 tests. These tests run on servers operated by the Ceph Continuous
245 Integration (CI) team. When the tests complete, the result will be shown
246 on GitHub in the pull request itself.
248 You should test your modifications before you open a PR.
249 Refer to the chapters on testing for details.
251 Notes on PR make check test
252 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
254 The GitHub :ref:`make check<make-check>` test is driven by a Jenkins instance.
256 Jenkins merges your PR branch into the latest version of the base branch before
257 starting tests. This means that you don't have to rebase the PR to pick up any fixes.
259 You can trigger PR tests at any time by adding a comment to the PR - the
260 comment should contain the string "test this please". Since a human subscribed
261 to the PR might interpret that as a request for him or her to test the PR, we
262 recommend that you address Jenkins directly. For example, write "jenkins retest
263 this please". For efficiency a single re-test can also be requested with
264 e.g. "jenkins test signed". For reference, a list of these requests is
265 automatically added to the end of each new PR's description.
267 If there is a build failure and you aren't sure what caused it, check the
268 :ref:`make check<make-check>` log. To access it, click on the "details" (next
269 to the :ref:`make check<make-check>` test in the PR) link to enter the Jenkins web
270 GUI. Then click on "Console Output" (on the left).
272 Jenkins is configured to search logs for strings known to have been associated
273 with :ref:`make check<make-check>` failures in the past. However, there is no
274 guarantee that these known strings are associated with any given
275 :ref:`make check<make-check>` failure. You'll have to read through the log to determine the
276 cause of your specific failure.
278 Integration tests AKA ceph-qa-suite
279 -----------------------------------
281 Since Ceph is complex, it may be necessary to test your fix to
282 see how it behaves on real clusters running on physical or virtual
283 hardware. Tests designed for this purpose live in the `ceph/qa
284 sub-directory`_ and are run via the `teuthology framework`_.
286 .. _`ceph/qa sub-directory`: https://github.com/ceph/ceph/tree/master/qa/
287 .. _`teuthology repository`: https://github.com/ceph/teuthology
288 .. _`teuthology framework`: https://github.com/ceph/teuthology
290 The Ceph community has access to the `Sepia lab
291 <https://wiki.sepia.ceph.com/doku.php>`_ where `integration tests`_ can be run
292 on physical hardware.
293 Other developers may add tags like "needs-qa" to your PR. This allows PRs that
294 need testing to be merged into a single branch and tested all at the same time.
295 Since teuthology suites can take hours (even days in some cases) to run, this
296 can save a lot of time.
298 To request access to the Sepia lab, start `here
299 <https://wiki.sepia.ceph.com/doku.php?id=vpnaccess>`_.
301 Integration testing is discussed in more detail in the `integration
302 tests`_ chapter.
304 .. _integration tests: ../testing_integration_tests/tests-integration-testing-teuthology-intro
306 Code review
307 -----------
309 Once your bugfix has been thoroughly tested, or even during this process,
310 it will be subjected to code review by other developers. This typically
311 takes the form of comments in the PR itself, but can be supplemented
312 by discussions on :ref:`irc` and the :ref:`mailing-list`.
314 Amending your PR
315 ----------------
317 While your PR is going through testing and `Code Review`_, you can
318 modify it at any time by editing files in your local branch.
320 After updates are committed locally (to the ``fix_1`` branch in our
321 example), they need to be pushed to GitHub so they appear in the PR.
323 Modifying the PR is done by adding commits to the ``fix_1`` branch upon
324 which it is based, often followed by rebasing to modify the branch's git
325 history. See `this tutorial
326 <https://www.atlassian.com/git/tutorials/rewriting-history>`_ for a good
327 introduction to rebasing. When you are done with your modifications, you
328 will need to force push your branch with:
330 .. prompt:: bash $
332 git push --force origin fix_1
334 Why do we take these extra steps instead of simply adding additional commits
335 the the PR? It is best practice for a PR to consist of a single commit; this
336 makes for clean history, eases peer review of your changes, and facilitates
337 merges. In rare circumstances it also makes it easier to cleanly revert
338 changes.
340 Merging
341 -------
343 The bugfix process completes when a project lead merges your PR.
345 When this happens, it is a signal for you (or the lead who merged the PR)
346 to change the :ref:`issue-tracker` status to "Resolved". Some issues may be
347 flagged for backporting, in which case the status should be changed to
348 "Pending Backport" (see the :ref:`backporting` chapter for details).
350 See also :ref:`merging` for more information on merging.
352 Proper Merge Commit Format
353 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
355 This is the most basic form of a merge commit::
357 doc/component: title of the commit
359 Reviewed-by: Reviewer Name <rname@example.com>
361 This consists of two parts:
363 #. The title of the commit / PR to be merged.
364 #. The name and email address of the reviewer. Enclose the reviewer's email
365 address in angle brackets.
367 Using .githubmap to Find a Reviewer's Email Address
368 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
369 If you cannot find the email address of the reviewer on his or her GitHub
370 page, you can look it up in the **.githubmap** file, which can be found in
371 the repository at **/ceph/.githubmap**.
373 Using "git log" to find a Reviewer's Email Address
374 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
375 If you cannot find a reviewer's email address by using the above methods, you
376 can search the git log for their email address. Reviewers are likely to have
377 committed something before. If they have made previous contributions, the git
378 log will probably contain their email address.
380 Use the following command
382 .. prompt:: bash [branch-under-review]$
384 git log
386 Using ptl-tool to Generate Merge Commits
387 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
389 Another method of generating merge commits involves using Patrick Donnelly's
390 **ptl-tool** pull commits. This tool can be found at
391 **/ceph/src/script/ptl-tool.py**. Merge commits that have been generated by
392 the **ptl-tool** have the following form::
394 Merge PR #36257 into master
395 * refs/pull/36257/head:
396 client: move client_lock to _unmount()
397 client: add timer_lock support
398 Reviewed-by: Patrick Donnelly <pdonnell@redhat.com>