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[ceph.git] / ceph / doc / mgr / administrator.rst
1 .. _mgr-administrator-guide:
3 ceph-mgr administrator's guide
4 ==============================
6 Manual setup
7 ------------
9 Usually, you would set up a ceph-mgr daemon using a tool such
10 as ceph-ansible. These instructions describe how to set up
11 a ceph-mgr daemon manually.
13 First, create an authentication key for your daemon::
15 ceph auth get-or-create mgr.$name mon 'allow profile mgr' osd 'allow *' mds 'allow *'
17 Place that key as file named ``keyring`` into ``mgr data`` path, which for a cluster "ceph"
18 and mgr $name "foo" would be ``/var/lib/ceph/mgr/ceph-foo`` respective ``/var/lib/ceph/mgr/ceph-foo/keyring``.
20 Start the ceph-mgr daemon::
22 ceph-mgr -i $name
24 Check that the mgr has come up by looking at the output
25 of ``ceph status``, which should now include a mgr status line::
27 mgr active: $name
29 Client authentication
30 ---------------------
32 The manager is a new daemon which requires new CephX capabilities. If you upgrade
33 a cluster from an old version of Ceph, or use the default install/deploy tools,
34 your admin client should get this capability automatically. If you use tooling from
35 elsewhere, you may get EACCES errors when invoking certain ceph cluster commands.
36 To fix that, add a "mgr allow \*" stanza to your client's cephx capabilities by
37 `Modifying User Capabilities`_.
39 High availability
40 -----------------
42 In general, you should set up a ceph-mgr on each of the hosts
43 running a ceph-mon daemon to achieve the same level of availability.
45 By default, whichever ceph-mgr instance comes up first will be made
46 active by the monitors, and the others will be standbys. There is
47 no requirement for quorum among the ceph-mgr daemons.
49 If the active daemon fails to send a beacon to the monitors for
50 more than :confval:`mon_mgr_beacon_grace`, then it will be replaced
51 by a standby.
53 If you want to preempt failover, you can explicitly mark a ceph-mgr
54 daemon as failed using ``ceph mgr fail <mgr name>``.
56 Performance and Scalability
57 ---------------------------
59 All the mgr modules share a cache that can be enabled with
60 ``ceph config set mgr mgr_ttl_cache_expire_seconds <seconds>``, where seconds
61 is the time to live of the cached python objects.
63 It is recommended to enable the cache with a 10 seconds TTL when there are 500+
64 osds or 10k+ pgs as internal structures might increase in size, and cause latency
65 issues when requesting large structures. As an example, an OSDMap with 1000 osds
66 has a approximate size of 4MiB. With heavy load, on a 3000 osd cluster there has
67 been a 1.5x improvement enabling the cache.
69 Furthermore, you can run ``ceph daemon mgr.${MGRNAME} perf dump`` to retrieve perf
70 counters of a mgr module. In ``mgr.cache_hit`` and ``mgr.cache_miss`` you'll find the
71 hit/miss ratio of the mgr cache.
73 Using modules
74 -------------
76 Use the command ``ceph mgr module ls`` to see which modules are
77 available, and which are currently enabled. Use ``ceph mgr module ls --format=json-pretty``
78 to view detailed metadata about disabled modules. Enable or disable modules
79 using the commands ``ceph mgr module enable <module>`` and
80 ``ceph mgr module disable <module>`` respectively.
82 If a module is *enabled* then the active ceph-mgr daemon will load
83 and execute it. In the case of modules that provide a service,
84 such as an HTTP server, the module may publish its address when it
85 is loaded. To see the addresses of such modules, use the command
86 ``ceph mgr services``.
88 Some modules may also implement a special standby mode which runs on
89 standby ceph-mgr daemons as well as the active daemon. This enables
90 modules that provide services to redirect their clients to the active
91 daemon, if the client tries to connect to a standby.
93 Consult the documentation pages for individual manager modules for more
94 information about what functionality each module provides.
96 Here is an example of enabling the :term:`Dashboard` module:
98 .. code-block:: console
100 $ ceph mgr module ls
101 {
102 "enabled_modules": [
103 "restful",
104 "status"
105 ],
106 "disabled_modules": [
107 "dashboard"
108 ]
109 }
111 $ ceph mgr module enable dashboard
112 $ ceph mgr module ls
113 {
114 "enabled_modules": [
115 "restful",
116 "status",
117 "dashboard"
118 ],
119 "disabled_modules": [
120 ]
121 }
123 $ ceph mgr services
124 {
125 "dashboard": "http://myserver.com:7789/",
126 "restful": "https://myserver.com:8789/"
127 }
130 The first time the cluster starts, it uses the :confval:`mgr_initial_modules`
131 setting to override which modules to enable. However, this setting
132 is ignored through the rest of the lifetime of the cluster: only
133 use it for bootstrapping. For example, before starting your
134 monitor daemons for the first time, you might add a section like
135 this to your ``ceph.conf``:
137 .. code-block:: ini
139 [mon]
140 mgr_initial_modules = dashboard balancer
142 Module Pool
143 -----------
145 The manager creates a pool for use by its module to store state. The name of
146 this pool is ``.mgr`` (with the leading ``.`` indicating a reserved pool
147 name).
149 .. note::
151 Prior to Quincy, the ``devicehealth`` module created a
152 ``device_health_metrics`` pool to store device SMART statistics. With
153 Quincy, this pool is automatically renamed to be the common manager module
154 pool.
157 Calling module commands
158 -----------------------
160 Where a module implements command line hooks, the commands will
161 be accessible as ordinary Ceph commands. Ceph will automatically incorporate
162 module commands into the standard CLI interface and route them appropriately to
163 the module.::
165 ceph <command | help>
167 Configuration
168 -------------
170 .. confval:: mgr_module_path
171 .. confval:: mgr_initial_modules
172 .. confval:: mgr_disabled_modules
173 .. confval:: mgr_standby_modules
174 .. confval:: mgr_data
175 .. confval:: mgr_tick_period
176 .. confval:: mon_mgr_beacon_grace
178 .. _Modifying User Capabilities: ../../rados/operations/user-management/#modify-user-capabilities