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[ceph.git] / ceph / doc / radosgw / multitenancy.rst
1 .. _rgw-multitenancy:
3 =================
4 RGW Multi-tenancy
5 =================
7 .. versionadded:: Jewel
9 The multi-tenancy feature allows to use buckets and users of the same
10 name simultaneously by segregating them under so-called ``tenants``.
11 This may be useful, for instance, to permit users of Swift API to
12 create buckets with easily conflicting names such as "test" or "trove".
14 From the Jewel release onward, each user and bucket lies under a tenant.
15 For compatibility, a "legacy" tenant with an empty name is provided.
16 Whenever a bucket is referred without an explicit tenant, an implicit
17 tenant is used, taken from the user performing the operation. Since
18 the pre-existing users are under the legacy tenant, they continue
19 to create and access buckets as before. The layout of objects in RADOS
20 is extended in a compatible way, ensuring a smooth upgrade to Jewel.
22 Administering Users With Explicit Tenants
23 =========================================
25 Tenants as such do not have any operations on them. They appear and
26 disappear as needed, when users are administered. In order to create,
27 modify, and remove users with explicit tenants, either an additional
28 option --tenant is supplied, or a syntax '<tenant>$<user>' is used
29 in the parameters of the radosgw-admin command.
31 Examples
32 --------
34 Create a user testx$tester to be accessed with S3::
36 # radosgw-admin --tenant testx --uid tester --display-name "Test User" --access_key TESTER --secret test123 user create
38 Create a user testx$tester to be accessed with Swift::
40 # radosgw-admin --tenant testx --uid tester --display-name "Test User" --subuser tester:test --key-type swift --access full user create
41 # radosgw-admin --subuser 'testx$tester:test' --key-type swift --secret test123
43 .. note:: The subuser with explicit tenant has to be quoted in the shell.
45 Tenant names may contain only alphanumeric characters and underscores.
47 Accessing Buckets with Explicit Tenants
48 =======================================
50 When a client application accesses buckets, it always operates with
51 credentials of a particular user. As mentioned above, every user belongs
52 to a tenant. Therefore, every operation has an implicit tenant in its
53 context, to be used if no tenant is specified explicitly. Thus a complete
54 compatibility is maintained with previous releases, as long as the
55 referred buckets and referring user belong to the same tenant.
56 In other words, anything unusual occurs when accessing another tenant's
57 buckets *only*.
59 Extensions employed to specify an explicit tenant differ according
60 to the protocol and authentication system used.
62 S3
63 --
65 In case of S3, a colon character is used to separate tenant and bucket.
66 Thus a sample URL would be::
68 https://ep.host.dom/tenant:bucket
70 Here's a simple Python sample:
72 .. code-block:: python
73 :linenos:
75 from boto.s3.connection import S3Connection, OrdinaryCallingFormat
76 c = S3Connection(
77 aws_access_key_id="TESTER",
78 aws_secret_access_key="test123",
79 host="ep.host.dom",
80 calling_format = OrdinaryCallingFormat())
81 bucket = c.get_bucket("test5b:testbucket")
83 Note that it's not possible to supply an explicit tenant using
84 a hostname. Hostnames cannot contain colons, or any other separators
85 that are not already valid in bucket names. Using a period creates an
86 ambiguous syntax. Therefore, the bucket-in-URL-path format has to be
87 used.
89 Due to the fact that the native S3 API does not deal with
90 multi-tenancy and radosgw's implementation does, things get a bit
91 involved when dealing with signed URLs and public read ACLs.
93 * A **signed URL** does contain the ``AWSAccessKeyId`` query
94 parameters, from which radosgw is able to discern the correct user
95 and tenant owning the bucket. In other words, an application
96 generating signed URLs should be able to take just the un-prefixed
97 bucket name, and produce a signed URL that itself contains the
98 bucket name without the tenant prefix. However, it is *possible* to
99 include the prefix if you so choose.
101 Thus, accessing a signed URL of an object ``bar`` in a container
102 ``foo`` belonging to the tenant ``7188e165c0ae4424ac68ae2e89a05c50``
103 would be possible either via
104 ``http://<host>:<port>/foo/bar?AWSAccessKeyId=b200fb6634c547199e436a0f93c0c46e&Expires=1542890806&Signature=eok6CYQC%2FDwmQQmqvY5jTg6ehXU%3D``,
105 or via
106 ``http://<host>:<port>/7188e165c0ae4424ac68ae2e89a05c50:foo/bar?AWSAccessKeyId=b200fb6634c547199e436a0f93c0c46e&Expires=1542890806&Signature=eok6CYQC%2FDwmQQmqvY5jTg6ehXU%3D``,
107 depending on whether or not the tenant prefix was passed in on
108 signature generation.
110 * A bucket with a **public read ACL** is meant to be read by an HTTP
111 client *without* including any query parameters that would allow
112 radosgw to discern tenants. Thus, publicly readable objects must
113 always be accessed using the bucket name with the tenant prefix.
115 Thus, if you set a public read ACL on an object ``bar`` in a
116 container ``foo`` belonging to the tenant
117 ``7188e165c0ae4424ac68ae2e89a05c50``, you would need to access that
118 object via the public URL
119 ``http://<host>:<port>/7188e165c0ae4424ac68ae2e89a05c50:foo/bar``.
121 Swift with built-in authenticator
122 ---------------------------------
124 TBD -- not in test_multen.py yet
126 Swift with Keystone
127 -------------------
129 In the default configuration, although native Swift has inherent
130 multi-tenancy, radosgw does not enable multi-tenancy for the Swift
131 API. This is to ensure that a setup with legacy buckets --- that is,
132 buckets that were created before radosgw supported multitenancy ---,
133 those buckets retain their dual-API capability to be queried and
134 modified using either S3 or Swift.
136 If you want to enable multitenancy for Swift, particularly if your
137 users only ever authenticate against OpenStack Keystone, you should
138 enable Keystone-based multitenancy with the following ``ceph.conf``
139 configuration option::
141 rgw keystone implicit tenants = true
143 Once you enable this option, any newly connecting user (whether they
144 are using the Swift API, or Keystone-authenticated S3) will prompt
145 radosgw to create a user named ``<tenant_id>$<tenant_id``, where
146 ``<tenant_id>`` is a Keystone tenant (project) UUID --- for example,
147 ``7188e165c0ae4424ac68ae2e89a05c50$7188e165c0ae4424ac68ae2e89a05c50``.
149 Whenever that user then creates an Swift container, radosgw internally
150 translates the given container name into
151 ``<tenant_id>/<container_name>``, such as
152 ``7188e165c0ae4424ac68ae2e89a05c50/foo``. This ensures that if there
153 are two or more different tenants all creating a container named
154 ``foo``, radosgw is able to transparently discern them by their tenant
155 prefix.
157 It is also possible to limit the effects of implicit tenants
158 to only apply to swift or s3, by setting ``rgw keystone implicit tenants``
159 to either ``s3`` or ``swift``. This will likely primarily
160 be of use to users who had previously used implicit tenants
161 with older versions of ceph, where implicit tenants
162 only applied to the swift protocol.
164 Notes and known issues
165 ----------------------
167 Just to be clear, it is not possible to create buckets in other
168 tenants at present. The owner of newly created bucket is extracted
169 from authentication information.