]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/make-dist
update sources to ceph Nautilus 14.2.1
[ceph.git] / ceph / make-dist
1 #!/bin/sh -e
3 if [ ! -d .git ]; then
4 echo "no .git present. run this from the base dir of the git checkout."
5 exit 1
6 fi
8 version=$1
9 [ -z "$version" ] && version=`git describe --match 'v*' | sed 's/^v//'`
10 outfile="ceph-$version"
12 echo "version $version"
14 # update submodules
15 echo "updating submodules..."
16 force=$(if git submodule usage 2>&1 | grep --quiet 'update.*--force'; then echo --force ; fi)
17 if ! git submodule sync || ! git submodule update $force --init --recursive; then
18 echo "Error: could not initialize submodule projects"
19 echo " Network connectivity might be required."
20 exit 1
21 fi
23 download_boost() {
24 boost_version=$1
25 shift
26 boost_sha256=$1
27 shift
28 boost_version_underscore=$(echo $boost_version | sed 's/\./_/g')
29 boost_fname=boost_${boost_version_underscore}.tar.bz2
30 set +e
31 while true; do
32 url_base=$1
33 shift
34 if [ -z $url_base ]; then
35 echo "Error: failed to download boost."
36 exit
37 fi
38 url=$url_base/$boost_fname
39 wget -c --no-verbose -O $boost_fname $url
40 if [ $? != 0 -o ! -e $boost_fname ]; then
41 echo "Download of $url failed"
42 elif [ $(sha256sum $boost_fname | awk '{print $1}') != $boost_sha256 ]; then
43 echo "Error: failed to download boost: SHA256 mismatch."
44 else
45 break
46 fi
47 done
48 set -e
49 tar xjf $boost_fname -C src \
50 --exclude="$boost_version_underscore/libs/*/doc" \
51 --exclude="$boost_version_underscore/libs/*/example" \
52 --exclude="$boost_version_underscore/libs/*/examples" \
53 --exclude="$boost_version_underscore/libs/*/meta" \
54 --exclude="$boost_version_underscore/libs/*/test" \
55 --exclude="$boost_version_underscore/tools/boostbook" \
56 --exclude="$boost_version_underscore/tools/quickbook" \
57 --exclude="$boost_version_underscore/tools/auto_index" \
58 --exclude='doc' --exclude='more' --exclude='status'
59 mv src/boost_${boost_version_underscore} src/boost
60 tar cf ${outfile}.boost.tar ${outfile}/src/boost
61 rm -rf src/boost
62 }
64 _python_autoselect() {
65 python_command=
66 for interpreter in python2.7 python3 ; do
67 type $interpreter > /dev/null 2>&1 || continue
68 python_command=$interpreter
69 break
70 done
71 if [ -z "$python_command" ] ; then
72 echo "Could not find a suitable python interpreter! Bailing out."
73 exit 1
74 fi
75 echo $python_command
76 }
78 build_dashboard_frontend() {
79 CURR_DIR=`pwd`
80 TEMP_DIR=`mktemp -d`
81 $CURR_DIR/src/tools/setup-virtualenv.sh --python=$(_python_autoselect) $TEMP_DIR
82 $TEMP_DIR/bin/pip install nodeenv
83 $TEMP_DIR/bin/nodeenv -p --node=10.13.0
84 cd src/pybind/mgr/dashboard/frontend
85 . $TEMP_DIR/bin/activate
86 npm ci
87 npm run build -- --prod --progress=false
88 deactivate
89 cd $CURR_DIR
90 rm -rf $TEMP_DIR
91 tar cf dashboard_frontend.tar $outfile/src/pybind/mgr/dashboard/frontend/dist
92 }
94 # clean out old cruft...
95 echo "cleanup..."
96 rm -f $outfile*
98 # build new tarball
99 echo "building tarball..."
100 bin/git-archive-all.sh --prefix ceph-$version/ \
101 --verbose \
102 --ignore corpus \
103 $outfile.tar
105 # populate files with version strings
106 echo "including src/.git_version, ceph.spec"
108 (git rev-parse HEAD ; git describe) 2> /dev/null > src/.git_version
110 # if the version has '-' in it, it has a 'release' part,
111 # like vX.Y.Z-N-g<shortsha1>. If it doesn't, it's just
112 # vX.Y.Z. Handle both, and translate - to . for rpm
113 # naming rules (the - separates version and release).
115 if expr index $version '-' > /dev/null; then
116 rpm_version=`echo $version | cut -d - -f 1-1`
117 rpm_release=`echo $version | cut -d - -f 2- | sed 's/-/./'`
118 else
119 rpm_version=$version
120 rpm_release=0
121 fi
123 for spec in ceph.spec.in alpine/APKBUILD.in; do
124 cat $spec |
125 sed "s/@VERSION@/$rpm_version/g" |
126 sed "s/@RPM_RELEASE@/$rpm_release/g" |
127 sed "s/@TARBALL_BASENAME@/ceph-$version/g" > `echo $spec | sed 's/.in$//'`
128 done
129 ln -s . $outfile
130 tar cvf $outfile.version.tar $outfile/src/.git_version $outfile/ceph.spec $outfile/alpine/APKBUILD
131 # NOTE: If you change this version number make sure the package is available
132 # at the three URLs referenced below (may involve uploading to download.ceph.com)
133 boost_version=1.67.0
134 download_boost $boost_version 2684c972994ee57fc5632e03bf044746f6eb45d4920c343937a465fd67a5adba \
135 https://dl.bintray.com/boostorg/release/$boost_version/source \
136 https://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/boost/boost/$boost_version \
137 https://download.ceph.com/qa
138 build_dashboard_frontend
139 tar --concatenate -f $outfile.all.tar $outfile.version.tar
140 tar --concatenate -f $outfile.all.tar $outfile.boost.tar
141 tar --concatenate -f $outfile.all.tar $outfile.tar
142 tar --concatenate -f $outfile.all.tar dashboard_frontend.tar
143 mv $outfile.all.tar $outfile.tar
144 rm $outfile
145 rm -f $outfile.version.tar
146 rm -f $outfile.boost.tar
148 echo "compressing..."
149 bzip2 -9 $outfile.tar
151 echo "done."