]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/monitoring/prometheus/alerts/ceph_default_alerts.yml
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[ceph.git] / ceph / monitoring / prometheus / alerts / ceph_default_alerts.yml
1 groups:
2 - name: cluster health
3 rules:
4 - alert: health error
5 expr: ceph_health_status == 2
6 for: 5m
7 labels:
8 severity: critical
9 type: ceph_default
10 oid:
11 annotations:
12 description: >
13 Ceph in HEALTH_ERROR state for more than 5 minutes.
14 Please check "ceph health detail" for more information.
16 - alert: health warn
17 expr: ceph_health_status == 1
18 for: 15m
19 labels:
20 severity: warning
21 type: ceph_default
22 oid:
23 annotations:
24 description: >
25 Ceph has been in HEALTH_WARN for more than 15 minutes.
26 Please check "ceph health detail" for more information.
28 - name: mon
29 rules:
30 - alert: low monitor quorum count
31 expr: sum(ceph_mon_quorum_status) < 3
32 labels:
33 severity: critical
34 type: ceph_default
35 oid:
36 annotations:
37 description: |
38 Monitor count in quorum is below three.
40 Only {{ $value }} of {{ with query "count(ceph_mon_quorum_status)" }}{{ . | first | value }}{{ end }} monitors are active.
42 The following monitors are down:
43 {{- range query "(ceph_mon_quorum_status == 0) + on(ceph_daemon) group_left(hostname) (ceph_mon_metadata * 0)" }}
44 - {{ .Labels.ceph_daemon }} on {{ .Labels.hostname }}
45 {{- end }}
47 - name: osd
48 rules:
49 - alert: 10% OSDs down
50 expr: count(ceph_osd_up == 0) / count(ceph_osd_up) * 100 >= 10
51 labels:
52 severity: critical
53 type: ceph_default
54 oid:
55 annotations:
56 description: |
57 {{ $value | humanize }}% or {{ with query "count(ceph_osd_up == 0)" }}{{ . | first | value }}{{ end }} of {{ with query "count(ceph_osd_up)" }}{{ . | first | value }}{{ end }} OSDs are down (≥ 10%).
59 The following OSDs are down:
60 {{- range query "(ceph_osd_up * on(ceph_daemon) group_left(hostname) ceph_osd_metadata) == 0" }}
61 - {{ .Labels.ceph_daemon }} on {{ .Labels.hostname }}
62 {{- end }}
64 - alert: OSD down
65 expr: count(ceph_osd_up == 0) > 0
66 for: 15m
67 labels:
68 severity: warning
69 type: ceph_default
70 oid:
71 annotations:
72 description: |
73 {{ $s := "" }}{{ if gt $value 1.0 }}{{ $s = "s" }}{{ end }}
74 {{ $value }} OSD{{ $s }} down for more than 15 minutes.
76 {{ $value }} of {{ query "count(ceph_osd_up)" | first | value }} OSDs are down.
78 The following OSD{{ $s }} {{ if eq $s "" }}is{{ else }}are{{ end }} down:
79 {{- range query "(ceph_osd_up * on(ceph_daemon) group_left(hostname) ceph_osd_metadata) == 0"}}
80 - {{ .Labels.ceph_daemon }} on {{ .Labels.hostname }}
81 {{- end }}
83 - alert: OSDs near full
84 expr: |
85 (
86 ((ceph_osd_stat_bytes_used / ceph_osd_stat_bytes) and on(ceph_daemon) ceph_osd_up == 1)
87 * on(ceph_daemon) group_left(hostname) ceph_osd_metadata
88 ) * 100 > 90
89 for: 5m
90 labels:
91 severity: critical
92 type: ceph_default
93 oid:
94 annotations:
95 description: >
96 OSD {{ $labels.ceph_daemon }} on {{ $labels.hostname }} is
97 dangerously full: {{ $value | humanize }}%
99 - alert: flapping OSD
100 expr: |
101 (
102 rate(ceph_osd_up[5m])
103 * on(ceph_daemon) group_left(hostname) ceph_osd_metadata
104 ) * 60 > 1
105 labels:
106 severity: warning
107 type: ceph_default
108 oid:
109 annotations:
110 description: >
111 OSD {{ $labels.ceph_daemon }} on {{ $labels.hostname }} was
112 marked down and back up at {{ $value | humanize }} times once a
113 minute for 5 minutes.
115 # alert on high deviation from average PG count
116 - alert: high pg count deviation
117 expr: |
118 abs(
119 (
120 (ceph_osd_numpg > 0) - on (job) group_left avg(ceph_osd_numpg > 0) by (job)
121 ) / on (job) group_left avg(ceph_osd_numpg > 0) by (job)
122 ) * on(ceph_daemon) group_left(hostname) ceph_osd_metadata > 0.30
123 for: 5m
124 labels:
125 severity: warning
126 type: ceph_default
127 oid:
128 annotations:
129 description: >
130 OSD {{ $labels.ceph_daemon }} on {{ $labels.hostname }} deviates
131 by more than 30% from average PG count.
132 # alert on high commit latency...but how high is too high
133 - name: mds
134 rules:
135 # no mds metrics are exported yet
136 - name: mgr
137 rules:
138 # no mgr metrics are exported yet
139 - name: pgs
140 rules:
141 - alert: pgs inactive
142 expr: ceph_pool_metadata * on(pool_id,instance) group_left() (ceph_pg_total - ceph_pg_active) > 0
143 for: 5m
144 labels:
145 severity: critical
146 type: ceph_default
147 oid:
148 annotations:
149 description: >
150 {{ $value }} PGs have been inactive for more than 5 minutes in pool {{ $labels.name }}.
151 Inactive placement groups aren't able to serve read/write
152 requests.
153 - alert: pgs unclean
154 expr: ceph_pool_metadata * on(pool_id,instance) group_left() (ceph_pg_total - ceph_pg_clean) > 0
155 for: 15m
156 labels:
157 severity: warning
158 type: ceph_default
159 oid:
160 annotations:
161 description: >
162 {{ $value }} PGs haven't been clean for more than 15 minutes in pool {{ $labels.name }}.
163 Unclean PGs haven't been able to completely recover from a
164 previous failure.
165 - name: nodes
166 rules:
167 - alert: root volume full
168 expr: node_filesystem_avail_bytes{mountpoint="/"} / node_filesystem_size_bytes{mountpoint="/"} * 100 < 5
169 for: 5m
170 labels:
171 severity: critical
172 type: ceph_default
173 oid:
174 annotations:
175 description: >
176 Root volume (OSD and MON store) is dangerously full: {{ $value | humanize }}% free.
178 # alert on nic packet errors and drops rates > 1% packets/s
179 - alert: network packets dropped
180 expr: |
181 (
182 increase(node_network_receive_drop_total{device!="lo"}[1m]) +
183 increase(node_network_transmit_drop_total{device!="lo"}[1m])
184 ) / (
185 increase(node_network_receive_packets_total{device!="lo"}[1m]) +
186 increase(node_network_transmit_packets_total{device!="lo"}[1m])
187 ) >= 0.0001 or (
188 increase(node_network_receive_drop_total{device!="lo"}[1m]) +
189 increase(node_network_transmit_drop_total{device!="lo"}[1m])
190 ) >= 10
191 labels:
192 severity: warning
193 type: ceph_default
194 oid:
195 annotations:
196 description: >
197 Node {{ $labels.instance }} experiences packet drop > 0.01% or >
198 10 packets/s on interface {{ $labels.device }}.
200 - alert: network packet errors
201 expr: |
202 (
203 increase(node_network_receive_errs_total{device!="lo"}[1m]) +
204 increase(node_network_transmit_errs_total{device!="lo"}[1m])
205 ) / (
206 increase(node_network_receive_packets_total{device!="lo"}[1m]) +
207 increase(node_network_transmit_packets_total{device!="lo"}[1m])
208 ) >= 0.0001 or (
209 increase(node_network_receive_errs_total{device!="lo"}[1m]) +
210 increase(node_network_transmit_errs_total{device!="lo"}[1m])
211 ) >= 10
212 labels:
213 severity: warning
214 type: ceph_default
215 oid:
216 annotations:
217 description: >
218 Node {{ $labels.instance }} experiences packet errors > 0.01% or
219 > 10 packets/s on interface {{ $labels.device }}.
221 - alert: storage filling up
222 expr: |
223 predict_linear(node_filesystem_free_bytes[2d], 3600 * 24 * 5) *
224 on(instance) group_left(nodename) node_uname_info < 0
225 labels:
226 severity: warning
227 type: ceph_default
228 oid:
229 annotations:
230 description: >
231 Mountpoint {{ $labels.mountpoint }} on {{ $labels.nodename }}
232 will be full in less than 5 days assuming the average fill-up
233 rate of the past 48 hours.
235 - alert: MTU Mismatch
236 expr: node_network_mtu_bytes{device!="lo"} * (node_network_up{device!="lo"} > 0) != on() group_left() (quantile(0.5, node_network_mtu_bytes{device!="lo"}))
237 labels:
238 severity: warning
239 type: ceph_default
240 oid:
241 annotations:
242 description: >
243 Node {{ $labels.instance }} has a different MTU size ({{ $value }})
244 than the median value on device {{ $labels.device }}.
246 - name: pools
247 rules:
248 - alert: pool full
249 expr: |
250 ceph_pool_stored / (ceph_pool_stored + ceph_pool_max_avail)
251 * on(pool_id) group_right ceph_pool_metadata * 100 > 90
252 labels:
253 severity: critical
254 type: ceph_default
255 oid:
256 annotations:
257 description: Pool {{ $labels.name }} at {{ $value | humanize }}% capacity.
259 - alert: pool filling up
260 expr: |
261 (
262 predict_linear(ceph_pool_stored[2d], 3600 * 24 * 5)
263 >= ceph_pool_stored + ceph_pool_max_avail
264 ) * on(pool_id) group_left(name) ceph_pool_metadata
265 labels:
266 severity: warning
267 type: ceph_default
268 oid:
269 annotations:
270 description: >
271 Pool {{ $labels.name }} will be full in less than 5 days
272 assuming the average fill-up rate of the past 48 hours.
274 - name: healthchecks
275 rules:
276 - alert: Slow OSD Ops
277 expr: ceph_healthcheck_slow_ops > 0
278 for: 30s
279 labels:
280 severity: warning
281 type: ceph_default
282 annotations:
283 description: >
284 {{ $value }} OSD requests are taking too long to process (osd_op_complaint_time exceeded)