]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/qa/tasks/cephfs/fuse_mount.py
import 15.2.0 Octopus source
[ceph.git] / ceph / qa / tasks / cephfs / fuse_mount.py
1 from StringIO import StringIO
2 import json
3 import time
4 import logging
5 from textwrap import dedent
7 from teuthology import misc
8 from teuthology.contextutil import MaxWhileTries
9 from teuthology.orchestra import run
10 from teuthology.orchestra.run import CommandFailedError
11 from .mount import CephFSMount
13 log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
16 class FuseMount(CephFSMount):
17 def __init__(self, ctx, client_config, test_dir, client_id, client_remote):
18 super(FuseMount, self).__init__(ctx, test_dir, client_id, client_remote)
20 self.client_config = client_config if client_config else {}
21 self.fuse_daemon = None
22 self._fuse_conn = None
23 self.id = None
24 self.inst = None
25 self.addr = None
27 def mount(self, mount_path=None, mount_fs_name=None, mountpoint=None, mount_options=[]):
28 if mountpoint is not None:
29 self.mountpoint = mountpoint
30 self.setupfs(name=mount_fs_name)
32 try:
33 return self._mount(mount_path, mount_fs_name, mount_options)
34 except RuntimeError:
35 # Catch exceptions by the mount() logic (i.e. not remote command
36 # failures) and ensure the mount is not left half-up.
37 # Otherwise we might leave a zombie mount point that causes
38 # anyone traversing cephtest/ to get hung up on.
39 log.warn("Trying to clean up after failed mount")
40 self.umount_wait(force=True)
41 raise
43 def _mount(self, mount_path, mount_fs_name, mount_options):
44 log.info("Client client.%s config is %s" % (self.client_id, self.client_config))
46 daemon_signal = 'kill'
47 if self.client_config.get('coverage') or self.client_config.get('valgrind') is not None:
48 daemon_signal = 'term'
50 log.info('Mounting ceph-fuse client.{id} at {remote} {mnt}...'.format(
51 id=self.client_id, remote=self.client_remote, mnt=self.mountpoint))
53 self.client_remote.run(args=['mkdir', '-p', self.mountpoint],
54 timeout=(15*60), cwd=self.test_dir)
56 run_cmd = [
57 'sudo',
58 'adjust-ulimits',
59 'ceph-coverage',
60 '{tdir}/archive/coverage'.format(tdir=self.test_dir),
61 'daemon-helper',
62 daemon_signal,
63 ]
65 fuse_cmd = ['ceph-fuse', "-f"]
67 if mount_path is not None:
68 fuse_cmd += ["--client_mountpoint={0}".format(mount_path)]
70 if mount_fs_name is not None:
71 fuse_cmd += ["--client_fs={0}".format(mount_fs_name)]
73 fuse_cmd += mount_options
75 fuse_cmd += [
76 '--name', 'client.{id}'.format(id=self.client_id),
77 # TODO ceph-fuse doesn't understand dash dash '--',
78 self.mountpoint,
79 ]
81 cwd = self.test_dir
82 if self.client_config.get('valgrind') is not None:
83 run_cmd = misc.get_valgrind_args(
84 self.test_dir,
85 'client.{id}'.format(id=self.client_id),
86 run_cmd,
87 self.client_config.get('valgrind'),
88 )
89 cwd = None # misc.get_valgrind_args chdir for us
91 run_cmd.extend(fuse_cmd)
93 def list_connections():
94 self.client_remote.run(
95 args=["sudo", "mount", "-t", "fusectl", "/sys/fs/fuse/connections", "/sys/fs/fuse/connections"],
96 check_status=False,
97 timeout=(15*60)
98 )
99 p = self.client_remote.run(
100 args=["ls", "/sys/fs/fuse/connections"],
101 stdout=StringIO(),
102 check_status=False,
103 timeout=(15*60)
104 )
105 if p.exitstatus != 0:
106 return []
108 ls_str = p.stdout.getvalue().strip()
109 if ls_str:
110 return [int(n) for n in ls_str.split("\n")]
111 else:
112 return []
114 # Before starting ceph-fuse process, note the contents of
115 # /sys/fs/fuse/connections
116 pre_mount_conns = list_connections()
117 log.info("Pre-mount connections: {0}".format(pre_mount_conns))
119 proc = self.client_remote.run(
120 args=run_cmd,
121 cwd=cwd,
122 logger=log.getChild('ceph-fuse.{id}'.format(id=self.client_id)),
123 stdin=run.PIPE,
124 wait=False,
125 )
126 self.fuse_daemon = proc
128 # Wait for the connection reference to appear in /sys
129 mount_wait = self.client_config.get('mount_wait', 0)
130 if mount_wait > 0:
131 log.info("Fuse mount waits {0} seconds before checking /sys/".format(mount_wait))
132 time.sleep(mount_wait)
133 timeout = int(self.client_config.get('mount_timeout', 30))
134 waited = 0
136 post_mount_conns = list_connections()
137 while len(post_mount_conns) <= len(pre_mount_conns):
138 if self.fuse_daemon.finished:
139 # Did mount fail? Raise the CommandFailedError instead of
140 # hitting the "failed to populate /sys/" timeout
141 self.fuse_daemon.wait()
142 time.sleep(1)
143 waited += 1
144 if waited > timeout:
145 raise RuntimeError("Fuse mount failed to populate /sys/ after {0} seconds".format(
146 waited
147 ))
148 else:
149 post_mount_conns = list_connections()
151 log.info("Post-mount connections: {0}".format(post_mount_conns))
153 # Record our fuse connection number so that we can use it when
154 # forcing an unmount
155 new_conns = list(set(post_mount_conns) - set(pre_mount_conns))
156 if len(new_conns) == 0:
157 raise RuntimeError("New fuse connection directory not found ({0})".format(new_conns))
158 elif len(new_conns) > 1:
159 raise RuntimeError("Unexpectedly numerous fuse connections {0}".format(new_conns))
160 else:
161 self._fuse_conn = new_conns[0]
163 self.gather_mount_info()
165 def gather_mount_info(self):
166 status = self.admin_socket(['status'])
167 self.id = status['id']
168 self.client_pid = status['metadata']['pid']
169 try:
170 self.inst = status['inst_str']
171 self.addr = status['addr_str']
172 except KeyError:
173 sessions = self.fs.rank_asok(['session', 'ls'])
174 for s in sessions:
175 if s['id'] == self.id:
176 self.inst = s['inst']
177 self.addr = self.inst.split()[1]
178 if self.inst is None:
179 raise RuntimeError("cannot find client session")
181 def is_mounted(self):
182 proc = self.client_remote.run(
183 args=[
184 'stat',
185 '--file-system',
186 '--printf=%T\n',
187 '--',
188 self.mountpoint,
189 ],
190 cwd=self.test_dir,
191 stdout=StringIO(),
192 stderr=StringIO(),
193 wait=False,
194 timeout=(15*60)
195 )
196 try:
197 proc.wait()
198 except CommandFailedError:
199 if ("endpoint is not connected" in proc.stderr.getvalue()
200 or "Software caused connection abort" in proc.stderr.getvalue()):
201 # This happens is fuse is killed without unmount
202 log.warn("Found stale moutn point at {0}".format(self.mountpoint))
203 return True
204 else:
205 # This happens if the mount directory doesn't exist
206 log.info('mount point does not exist: %s', self.mountpoint)
207 return False
209 fstype = proc.stdout.getvalue().rstrip('\n')
210 if fstype == 'fuseblk':
211 log.info('ceph-fuse is mounted on %s', self.mountpoint)
212 return True
213 else:
214 log.debug('ceph-fuse not mounted, got fs type {fstype!r}'.format(
215 fstype=fstype))
216 return False
218 def wait_until_mounted(self):
219 """
220 Check to make sure that fuse is mounted on mountpoint. If not,
221 sleep for 5 seconds and check again.
222 """
224 while not self.is_mounted():
225 # Even if it's not mounted, it should at least
226 # be running: catch simple failures where it has terminated.
227 assert not self.fuse_daemon.poll()
229 time.sleep(5)
231 # Now that we're mounted, set permissions so that the rest of the test will have
232 # unrestricted access to the filesystem mount.
233 try:
234 stderr = StringIO()
235 self.client_remote.run(args=['sudo', 'chmod', '1777', self.mountpoint], timeout=(15*60), cwd=self.test_dir, stderr=stderr)
236 except run.CommandFailedError:
237 stderr = stderr.getvalue()
238 if "Read-only file system".lower() in stderr.lower():
239 pass
240 else:
241 raise
243 def _mountpoint_exists(self):
244 return self.client_remote.run(args=["ls", "-d", self.mountpoint], check_status=False, cwd=self.test_dir, timeout=(15*60)).exitstatus == 0
246 def umount(self):
247 try:
248 log.info('Running fusermount -u on {name}...'.format(name=self.client_remote.name))
249 self.client_remote.run(
250 args=[
251 'sudo',
252 'fusermount',
253 '-u',
254 self.mountpoint,
255 ],
256 cwd=self.test_dir,
257 timeout=(30*60),
258 )
259 except run.CommandFailedError:
260 log.info('Failed to unmount ceph-fuse on {name}, aborting...'.format(name=self.client_remote.name))
262 self.client_remote.run(args=[
263 'sudo',
264 run.Raw('PATH=/usr/sbin:$PATH'),
265 'lsof',
266 run.Raw(';'),
267 'ps',
268 'auxf',
269 ], timeout=(60*15))
271 # abort the fuse mount, killing all hung processes
272 if self._fuse_conn:
273 self.run_python(dedent("""
274 import os
275 path = "/sys/fs/fuse/connections/{0}/abort"
276 if os.path.exists(path):
277 open(path, "w").write("1")
278 """).format(self._fuse_conn))
279 self._fuse_conn = None
281 stderr = StringIO()
282 try:
283 # make sure its unmounted
284 self.client_remote.run(
285 args=[
286 'sudo',
287 'umount',
288 '-l',
289 '-f',
290 self.mountpoint,
291 ],
292 stderr=stderr,
293 timeout=(60*15)
294 )
295 except CommandFailedError:
296 if self.is_mounted():
297 raise
299 assert not self.is_mounted()
300 self._fuse_conn = None
301 self.id = None
302 self.inst = None
303 self.addr = None
305 def umount_wait(self, force=False, require_clean=False, timeout=900):
306 """
307 :param force: Complete cleanly even if the MDS is offline
308 """
309 if not (self.is_mounted() and self.fuse_daemon):
310 log.debug('ceph-fuse client.{id} is not mounted at {remote} {mnt}'.format(id=self.client_id,
311 remote=self.client_remote,
312 mnt=self.mountpoint))
313 return
315 if force:
316 assert not require_clean # mutually exclusive
318 # When we expect to be forcing, kill the ceph-fuse process directly.
319 # This should avoid hitting the more aggressive fallback killing
320 # in umount() which can affect other mounts too.
321 self.fuse_daemon.stdin.close()
323 # However, we will still hit the aggressive wait if there is an ongoing
324 # mount -o remount (especially if the remount is stuck because MDSs
325 # are unavailable)
327 self.umount()
329 try:
330 # Permit a timeout, so that we do not block forever
331 run.wait([self.fuse_daemon], timeout)
332 except MaxWhileTries:
333 log.error("process failed to terminate after unmount. This probably"
334 " indicates a bug within ceph-fuse.")
335 raise
336 except CommandFailedError:
337 if require_clean:
338 raise
340 self.cleanup()
342 def cleanup(self):
343 """
344 Remove the mount point.
346 Prerequisite: the client is not mounted.
347 """
348 stderr = StringIO()
349 try:
350 self.client_remote.run(
351 args=[
352 'rmdir',
353 '--',
354 self.mountpoint,
355 ],
356 cwd=self.test_dir,
357 stderr=stderr,
358 timeout=(60*5),
359 check_status=False,
360 )
361 except CommandFailedError:
362 if "No such file or directory" in stderr.getvalue():
363 pass
364 else:
365 raise
367 def kill(self):
368 """
369 Terminate the client without removing the mount point.
370 """
371 log.info('Killing ceph-fuse connection on {name}...'.format(name=self.client_remote.name))
372 self.fuse_daemon.stdin.close()
373 try:
374 self.fuse_daemon.wait()
375 except CommandFailedError:
376 pass
378 def kill_cleanup(self):
379 """
380 Follow up ``kill`` to get to a clean unmounted state.
381 """
382 log.info('Cleaning up killed ceph-fuse connection')
383 self.umount()
384 self.cleanup()
386 def teardown(self):
387 """
388 Whatever the state of the mount, get it gone.
389 """
390 super(FuseMount, self).teardown()
392 self.umount()
394 if self.fuse_daemon and not self.fuse_daemon.finished:
395 self.fuse_daemon.stdin.close()
396 try:
397 self.fuse_daemon.wait()
398 except CommandFailedError:
399 pass
401 # Indiscriminate, unlike the touchier cleanup()
402 self.client_remote.run(
403 args=[
404 'rm',
405 '-rf',
406 self.mountpoint,
407 ],
408 cwd=self.test_dir,
409 timeout=(60*5)
410 )
412 def _asok_path(self):
413 return "/var/run/ceph/ceph-client.{0}.*.asok".format(self.client_id)
415 @property
416 def _prefix(self):
417 return ""
419 def admin_socket(self, args):
420 pyscript = """
421 import glob
422 import re
423 import os
424 import subprocess
426 def find_socket(client_name):
427 asok_path = "{asok_path}"
428 files = glob.glob(asok_path)
430 # Given a non-glob path, it better be there
431 if "*" not in asok_path:
432 assert(len(files) == 1)
433 return files[0]
435 for f in files:
436 pid = re.match(".*\.(\d+)\.asok$", f).group(1)
437 if os.path.exists("/proc/{{0}}".format(pid)):
438 return f
439 raise RuntimeError("Client socket {{0}} not found".format(client_name))
441 print(find_socket("{client_name}"))
442 """.format(
443 asok_path=self._asok_path(),
444 client_name="client.{0}".format(self.client_id))
446 # Find the admin socket
447 p = self.client_remote.run(args=[
448 'sudo', 'python3', '-c', pyscript
449 ], stdout=StringIO(), timeout=(15*60))
450 asok_path = p.stdout.getvalue().strip()
451 log.info("Found client admin socket at {0}".format(asok_path))
453 # Query client ID from admin socket
454 p = self.client_remote.run(
455 args=['sudo', self._prefix + 'ceph', '--admin-daemon', asok_path] + args,
456 stdout=StringIO(), timeout=(15*60))
457 return json.loads(p.stdout.getvalue())
459 def get_global_id(self):
460 """
461 Look up the CephFS client ID for this mount
462 """
463 return self.admin_socket(['mds_sessions'])['id']
465 def get_global_inst(self):
466 """
467 Look up the CephFS client instance for this mount
468 """
469 return self.inst
471 def get_global_addr(self):
472 """
473 Look up the CephFS client addr for this mount
474 """
475 return self.addr
477 def get_client_pid(self):
478 """
479 return pid of ceph-fuse process
480 """
481 status = self.admin_socket(['status'])
482 return status['metadata']['pid']
484 def get_osd_epoch(self):
485 """
486 Return 2-tuple of osd_epoch, osd_epoch_barrier
487 """
488 status = self.admin_socket(['status'])
489 return status['osd_epoch'], status['osd_epoch_barrier']
491 def get_dentry_count(self):
492 """
493 Return 2-tuple of dentry_count, dentry_pinned_count
494 """
495 status = self.admin_socket(['status'])
496 return status['dentry_count'], status['dentry_pinned_count']
498 def set_cache_size(self, size):
499 return self.admin_socket(['config', 'set', 'client_cache_size', str(size)])