]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/qa/tasks/notification_tests.py
import ceph quincy 17.2.4
[ceph.git] / ceph / qa / tasks / notification_tests.py
1 """
2 Run a set of bucket notification tests on rgw.
3 """
4 from io import BytesIO
5 from configobj import ConfigObj
6 import base64
7 import contextlib
8 import logging
9 import os
10 import random
11 import string
13 from teuthology import misc as teuthology
14 from teuthology import contextutil
15 from teuthology.orchestra import run
17 log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
20 @contextlib.contextmanager
21 def download(ctx, config):
22 assert isinstance(config, dict)
23 log.info('Downloading bucket-notifications-tests...')
24 testdir = teuthology.get_testdir(ctx)
25 branch = ctx.config.get('suite_branch')
26 repo = ctx.config.get('suite_repo')
27 log.info('Using branch %s from %s for bucket notifications tests', branch, repo)
28 for (client, client_config) in config.items():
29 ctx.cluster.only(client).run(
30 args=['git', 'clone', '-b', branch, repo, '{tdir}/ceph'.format(tdir=testdir)],
31 )
33 sha1 = client_config.get('sha1')
35 if sha1 is not None:
36 ctx.cluster.only(client).run(
37 args=[
38 'cd', '{tdir}/ceph'.format(tdir=testdir),
39 run.Raw('&&'),
40 'git', 'reset', '--hard', sha1,
41 ],
42 )
44 try:
45 yield
46 finally:
47 log.info('Removing bucket-notifications-tests...')
48 testdir = teuthology.get_testdir(ctx)
49 for client in config:
50 ctx.cluster.only(client).run(
51 args=[
52 'rm',
53 '-rf',
54 '{tdir}/ceph'.format(tdir=testdir),
55 ],
56 )
58 def _config_user(bntests_conf, section, user):
59 """
60 Configure users for this section by stashing away keys, ids, and
61 email addresses.
62 """
63 bntests_conf[section].setdefault('user_id', user)
64 bntests_conf[section].setdefault('email', '{user}+test@test.test'.format(user=user))
65 bntests_conf[section].setdefault('display_name', 'Mr. {user}'.format(user=user))
66 bntests_conf[section].setdefault('access_key',
67 ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase) for i in range(20)))
68 bntests_conf[section].setdefault('secret_key',
69 base64.b64encode(os.urandom(40)).decode())
72 @contextlib.contextmanager
73 def pre_process(ctx, config):
74 """
75 This function creates a directory which is required to run some AMQP tests.
76 """
77 assert isinstance(config, dict)
78 log.info('Pre-processing...')
80 for (client, _) in config.items():
81 (remote,) = ctx.cluster.only(client).remotes.keys()
82 test_dir=teuthology.get_testdir(ctx)
84 ctx.cluster.only(client).run(
85 args=[
86 'mkdir', '-p', '/home/ubuntu/.aws/models/s3/2006-03-01/',
87 ],
88 )
90 ctx.cluster.only(client).run(
91 args=[
92 'cd', '/home/ubuntu/.aws/models/s3/2006-03-01/', run.Raw('&&'), 'cp', '{tdir}/ceph/examples/boto3/service-2.sdk-extras.json'.format(tdir=test_dir), 'service-2.sdk-extras.json'
93 ],
94 )
96 try:
97 yield
98 finally:
99 log.info('Pre-processing completed...')
100 test_dir = teuthology.get_testdir(ctx)
101 for (client, _) in config.items():
102 (remote,) = ctx.cluster.only(client).remotes.keys()
104 ctx.cluster.only(client).run(
105 args=[
106 'rm', '-rf', '/home/ubuntu/.aws/models/s3/2006-03-01/service-2.sdk-extras.json',
107 ],
108 )
110 ctx.cluster.only(client).run(
111 args=[
112 'cd', '/home/ubuntu/', run.Raw('&&'), 'rmdir', '-p', '.aws/models/s3/2006-03-01/',
113 ],
114 )
117 @contextlib.contextmanager
118 def create_users(ctx, config):
119 """
120 Create a main and an alternate s3 user.
121 """
122 assert isinstance(config, dict)
123 log.info('Creating rgw user...')
124 testdir = teuthology.get_testdir(ctx)
126 users = {'s3 main': 'foo'}
127 for client in config['clients']:
128 bntests_conf = config['bntests_conf'][client]
129 for section, user in users.items():
130 _config_user(bntests_conf, section, '{user}.{client}'.format(user=user, client=client))
131 log.debug('Creating user {user} on {host}'.format(user=bntests_conf[section]['user_id'], host=client))
132 cluster_name, daemon_type, client_id = teuthology.split_role(client)
133 client_with_id = daemon_type + '.' + client_id
134 ctx.cluster.only(client).run(
135 args=[
136 'adjust-ulimits',
137 'ceph-coverage',
138 '{tdir}/archive/coverage'.format(tdir=testdir),
139 'radosgw-admin',
140 '-n', client_with_id,
141 'user', 'create',
142 '--uid', bntests_conf[section]['user_id'],
143 '--display-name', bntests_conf[section]['display_name'],
144 '--access-key', bntests_conf[section]['access_key'],
145 '--secret', bntests_conf[section]['secret_key'],
146 '--cluster', cluster_name,
147 ],
148 )
150 try:
151 yield
152 finally:
153 for client in config['clients']:
154 for user in users.values():
155 uid = '{user}.{client}'.format(user=user, client=client)
156 cluster_name, daemon_type, client_id = teuthology.split_role(client)
157 client_with_id = daemon_type + '.' + client_id
158 ctx.cluster.only(client).run(
159 args=[
160 'adjust-ulimits',
161 'ceph-coverage',
162 '{tdir}/archive/coverage'.format(tdir=testdir),
163 'radosgw-admin',
164 '-n', client_with_id,
165 'user', 'rm',
166 '--uid', uid,
167 '--purge-data',
168 '--cluster', cluster_name,
169 ],
170 )
172 @contextlib.contextmanager
173 def configure(ctx, config):
174 assert isinstance(config, dict)
175 log.info('Configuring bucket-notifications-tests...')
176 testdir = teuthology.get_testdir(ctx)
177 for client, properties in config['clients'].items():
178 (remote,) = ctx.cluster.only(client).remotes.keys()
179 bntests_conf = config['bntests_conf'][client]
181 conf_fp = BytesIO()
182 bntests_conf.write(conf_fp)
183 remote.write_file(
184 path='{tdir}/ceph/src/test/rgw/bucket_notification/bn-tests.{client}.conf'.format(tdir=testdir, client=client),
185 data=conf_fp.getvalue(),
186 )
188 remote.run(
189 args=[
190 'cd',
191 '{tdir}/ceph/src/test/rgw/bucket_notification'.format(tdir=testdir),
192 run.Raw('&&'),
193 './bootstrap',
194 ],
195 )
197 try:
198 yield
199 finally:
200 log.info('Removing bn-tests.conf file...')
201 testdir = teuthology.get_testdir(ctx)
202 for client, properties in config['clients'].items():
203 (remote,) = ctx.cluster.only(client).remotes.keys()
204 remote.run(
205 args=['rm', '-f',
206 '{tdir}/ceph/src/test/rgw/bucket_notification/bn-tests.{client}.conf'.format(tdir=testdir,client=client),
207 ],
208 )
210 @contextlib.contextmanager
211 def run_tests(ctx, config):
212 """
213 Run the bucket notifications tests after everything is set up.
214 :param ctx: Context passed to task
215 :param config: specific configuration information
216 """
217 assert isinstance(config, dict)
218 log.info('Running bucket-notifications-tests...')
219 testdir = teuthology.get_testdir(ctx)
220 for client, client_config in config.items():
221 (remote,) = ctx.cluster.only(client).remotes.keys()
223 attr = ["!kafka_test", "!amqp_test", "!amqp_ssl_test", "!modification_required", "!manual_test"]
225 if 'extra_attr' in client_config:
226 attr = client_config.get('extra_attr')
228 args = [
229 'BNTESTS_CONF={tdir}/ceph/src/test/rgw/bucket_notification/bn-tests.{client}.conf'.format(tdir=testdir, client=client),
230 '{tdir}/ceph/src/test/rgw/bucket_notification/virtualenv/bin/python'.format(tdir=testdir),
231 '-m', 'nose',
232 '-s',
233 '{tdir}/ceph/src/test/rgw/bucket_notification/test_bn.py'.format(tdir=testdir),
234 '-v',
235 '-a', ','.join(attr),
236 ]
238 remote.run(
239 args=args,
240 label="bucket notification tests against different endpoints"
241 )
242 yield
244 @contextlib.contextmanager
245 def task(ctx,config):
246 """
247 To run bucket notification tests under Kafka endpoint the prerequisite is to run the kafka server. Also you need to pass the
248 'extra_attr' to the notification tests. Following is the way how to run kafka and finally bucket notification tests::
250 tasks:
251 - kafka:
252 client.0:
253 kafka_version: 2.6.0
254 - notification_tests:
255 client.0:
256 extra_attr: ["kafka_test"]
258 To run bucket notification tests under AMQP endpoint the prerequisite is to run the rabbitmq server. Also you need to pass the
259 'extra_attr' to the notification tests. Following is the way how to run rabbitmq and finally bucket notification tests::
261 tasks:
262 - rabbitmq:
263 client.0:
264 - notification_tests:
265 client.0:
266 extra_attr: ["amqp_test"]
268 If you want to run the tests against your changes pushed to your remote repo you can provide 'suite_branch' and 'suite_repo'
269 parameters in your teuthology-suite command. Example command for this is as follows::
271 teuthology-suite --ceph-repo https://github.com/ceph/ceph-ci.git -s rgw:notifications --ceph your_ceph_branch_name -m smithi --suite-repo https://github.com/your_name/ceph.git --suite-branch your_branch_name
273 """
274 assert config is None or isinstance(config, list) \
275 or isinstance(config, dict), \
276 "task kafka only supports a list or dictionary for configuration"
278 all_clients = ['client.{id}'.format(id=id_)
279 for id_ in teuthology.all_roles_of_type(ctx.cluster, 'client')]
280 if config is None:
281 config = all_clients
282 if isinstance(config, list):
283 config = dict.fromkeys(config)
284 clients=config.keys()
286 log.debug('Notifications config is %s', config)
288 bntests_conf = {}
290 for client in clients:
291 endpoint = ctx.rgw.role_endpoints.get(client)
292 assert endpoint, 'bntests: no rgw endpoint for {}'.format(client)
294 bntests_conf[client] = ConfigObj(
295 indent_type='',
296 infile={
297 'DEFAULT':
298 {
299 'port':endpoint.port,
300 'host':endpoint.dns_name,
301 },
302 's3 main':{}
303 }
304 )
306 with contextutil.nested(
307 lambda: download(ctx=ctx, config=config),
308 lambda: pre_process(ctx=ctx, config=config),
309 lambda: create_users(ctx=ctx, config=dict(
310 clients=clients,
311 bntests_conf=bntests_conf,
312 )),
313 lambda: configure(ctx=ctx, config=dict(
314 clients=config,
315 bntests_conf=bntests_conf,
316 )),
317 lambda: run_tests(ctx=ctx, config=config),
318 ):
319 pass
320 yield