]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/qa/tasks/qemu.py
update sources to ceph Nautilus 14.2.1
[ceph.git] / ceph / qa / tasks / qemu.py
1 """
2 Qemu task
3 """
4 from cStringIO import StringIO
6 import contextlib
7 import logging
8 import os
9 import yaml
10 import time
12 from teuthology import misc as teuthology
13 from teuthology import contextutil
14 from tasks import rbd
15 from teuthology.orchestra import run
16 from teuthology.config import config as teuth_config
18 from util.workunit import get_refspec_after_overrides
20 log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
23 DEFAULT_IMAGE_URL = 'http://download.ceph.com/qa/ubuntu-12.04.qcow2'
24 DEFAULT_IMAGE_SIZE = 10240 # in megabytes
26 DEFAULT_MEM = 4096 # in megabytes
28 def create_images(ctx, config, managers):
29 for client, client_config in config.iteritems():
30 disks = client_config.get('disks', DEFAULT_NUM_DISKS)
31 if not isinstance(disks, list):
32 disks = [{} for n in range(int(disks))]
33 clone = client_config.get('clone', False)
34 assert disks, 'at least one rbd device must be used'
35 for i, disk in enumerate(disks[1:]):
36 create_config = {
37 client: {
38 'image_name': '{client}.{num}'.format(client=client,
39 num=i + 1),
40 'image_format': 2 if clone else 1,
41 'image_size': (disk or {}).get('image_size',
43 }
44 }
45 managers.append(
46 lambda create_config=create_config:
47 rbd.create_image(ctx=ctx, config=create_config)
48 )
50 def create_clones(ctx, config, managers):
51 for client, client_config in config.iteritems():
52 clone = client_config.get('clone', False)
53 if clone:
54 num_disks = client_config.get('disks', DEFAULT_NUM_DISKS)
55 if isinstance(num_disks, list):
56 num_disks = len(num_disks)
57 for i in xrange(num_disks):
58 create_config = {
59 client: {
60 'image_name':
61 '{client}.{num}-clone'.format(client=client, num=i),
62 'parent_name':
63 '{client}.{num}'.format(client=client, num=i),
64 }
65 }
66 managers.append(
67 lambda create_config=create_config:
68 rbd.clone_image(ctx=ctx, config=create_config)
69 )
71 @contextlib.contextmanager
72 def create_dirs(ctx, config):
73 """
74 Handle directory creation and cleanup
75 """
76 testdir = teuthology.get_testdir(ctx)
77 for client, client_config in config.iteritems():
78 assert 'test' in client_config, 'You must specify a test to run'
79 (remote,) = ctx.cluster.only(client).remotes.keys()
80 remote.run(
81 args=[
82 'install', '-d', '-m0755', '--',
83 '{tdir}/qemu'.format(tdir=testdir),
84 '{tdir}/archive/qemu'.format(tdir=testdir),
85 ]
86 )
87 try:
88 yield
89 finally:
90 for client, client_config in config.iteritems():
91 assert 'test' in client_config, 'You must specify a test to run'
92 (remote,) = ctx.cluster.only(client).remotes.keys()
93 remote.run(
94 args=[
95 'rmdir', '{tdir}/qemu'.format(tdir=testdir), run.Raw('||'), 'true',
96 ]
97 )
99 @contextlib.contextmanager
100 def generate_iso(ctx, config):
101 """Execute system commands to generate iso"""
102 log.info('generating iso...')
103 testdir = teuthology.get_testdir(ctx)
105 # use ctx.config instead of config, because config has been
106 # through teuthology.replace_all_with_clients()
107 refspec = get_refspec_after_overrides(ctx.config, {})
109 git_url = teuth_config.get_ceph_qa_suite_git_url()
110 log.info('Pulling tests from %s ref %s', git_url, refspec)
112 for client, client_config in config.iteritems():
113 assert 'test' in client_config, 'You must specify a test to run'
114 test = client_config['test']
116 (remote,) = ctx.cluster.only(client).remotes.keys()
118 clone_dir = '{tdir}/qemu_clone.{role}'.format(tdir=testdir, role=client)
119 remote.run(args=refspec.clone(git_url, clone_dir))
121 src_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
122 userdata_path = os.path.join(testdir, 'qemu', 'userdata.' + client)
123 metadata_path = os.path.join(testdir, 'qemu', 'metadata.' + client)
125 with file(os.path.join(src_dir, 'userdata_setup.yaml'), 'rb') as f:
126 test_setup = ''.join(f.readlines())
127 # configuring the commands to setup the nfs mount
128 mnt_dir = "/export/{client}".format(client=client)
129 test_setup = test_setup.format(
130 mnt_dir=mnt_dir
131 )
133 with file(os.path.join(src_dir, 'userdata_teardown.yaml'), 'rb') as f:
134 test_teardown = ''.join(f.readlines())
136 user_data = test_setup
137 if client_config.get('type', 'filesystem') == 'filesystem':
138 num_disks = client_config.get('disks', DEFAULT_NUM_DISKS)
139 if isinstance(num_disks, list):
140 num_disks = len(num_disks)
141 for i in xrange(1, num_disks):
142 dev_letter = chr(ord('a') + i)
143 user_data += """
144 - |
145 #!/bin/bash
146 mkdir /mnt/test_{dev_letter}
147 mkfs -t xfs /dev/vd{dev_letter}
148 mount -t xfs /dev/vd{dev_letter} /mnt/test_{dev_letter}
149 """.format(dev_letter=dev_letter)
151 user_data += """
152 - |
153 #!/bin/bash
154 test -d /etc/ceph || mkdir /etc/ceph
155 cp /mnt/cdrom/ceph.* /etc/ceph/
156 """
158 cloud_config_archive = client_config.get('cloud_config_archive', [])
159 if cloud_config_archive:
160 user_data += yaml.safe_dump(cloud_config_archive, default_style='|',
161 default_flow_style=False)
163 # this may change later to pass the directories as args to the
164 # script or something. xfstests needs that.
165 user_data += """
166 - |
167 #!/bin/bash
168 test -d /mnt/test_b && cd /mnt/test_b
169 /mnt/cdrom/test.sh > /mnt/log/test.log 2>&1 && touch /mnt/log/success
170 """ + test_teardown
172 user_data = user_data.format(
173 ceph_branch=ctx.config.get('branch'),
174 ceph_sha1=ctx.config.get('sha1'))
175 teuthology.write_file(remote, userdata_path, StringIO(user_data))
177 with file(os.path.join(src_dir, 'metadata.yaml'), 'rb') as f:
178 teuthology.write_file(remote, metadata_path, f)
180 test_file = '{tdir}/qemu/{client}.test.sh'.format(tdir=testdir, client=client)
182 log.info('fetching test %s for %s', test, client)
183 remote.run(
184 args=[
185 'cp', '--', os.path.join(clone_dir, test), test_file,
186 run.Raw('&&'),
187 'chmod', '755', test_file,
188 ],
189 )
190 remote.run(
191 args=[
192 'genisoimage', '-quiet', '-input-charset', 'utf-8',
193 '-volid', 'cidata', '-joliet', '-rock',
194 '-o', '{tdir}/qemu/{client}.iso'.format(tdir=testdir, client=client),
195 '-graft-points',
196 'user-data={userdata}'.format(userdata=userdata_path),
197 'meta-data={metadata}'.format(metadata=metadata_path),
198 'ceph.conf=/etc/ceph/ceph.conf',
199 'ceph.keyring=/etc/ceph/ceph.keyring',
200 'test.sh={file}'.format(file=test_file),
201 ],
202 )
203 try:
204 yield
205 finally:
206 for client in config.iterkeys():
207 (remote,) = ctx.cluster.only(client).remotes.keys()
208 remote.run(
209 args=[
210 'rm', '-rf',
211 '{tdir}/qemu/{client}.iso'.format(tdir=testdir, client=client),
212 os.path.join(testdir, 'qemu', 'userdata.' + client),
213 os.path.join(testdir, 'qemu', 'metadata.' + client),
214 '{tdir}/qemu/{client}.test.sh'.format(tdir=testdir, client=client),
215 '{tdir}/qemu_clone.{client}'.format(tdir=testdir, client=client),
216 ],
217 )
219 @contextlib.contextmanager
220 def download_image(ctx, config):
221 """Downland base image, remove image file when done"""
222 log.info('downloading base image')
223 testdir = teuthology.get_testdir(ctx)
224 for client, client_config in config.iteritems():
225 (remote,) = ctx.cluster.only(client).remotes.keys()
226 base_file = '{tdir}/qemu/base.{client}.qcow2'.format(tdir=testdir, client=client)
227 image_url = client_config.get('image_url', DEFAULT_IMAGE_URL)
228 remote.run(
229 args=[
230 'wget', '-nv', '-O', base_file, image_url,
231 ]
232 )
234 disks = client_config.get('disks', None)
235 if not isinstance(disks, list):
236 disks = [{}]
237 image_name = '{client}.0'.format(client=client)
238 image_size = (disks[0] or {}).get('image_size', DEFAULT_IMAGE_SIZE)
239 remote.run(
240 args=[
241 'qemu-img', 'convert', '-f', 'qcow2', '-O', 'raw',
242 base_file, 'rbd:rbd/{image_name}'.format(image_name=image_name)
243 ]
244 )
245 remote.run(
246 args=[
247 'rbd', 'resize',
248 '--size={image_size}M'.format(image_size=image_size),
249 image_name,
250 ]
251 )
252 try:
253 yield
254 finally:
255 log.debug('cleaning up base image files')
256 for client in config.iterkeys():
257 base_file = '{tdir}/qemu/base.{client}.qcow2'.format(
258 tdir=testdir,
259 client=client,
260 )
261 (remote,) = ctx.cluster.only(client).remotes.keys()
262 remote.run(
263 args=[
264 'rm', '-f', base_file,
265 ],
266 )
269 def _setup_nfs_mount(remote, client, mount_dir):
270 """
271 Sets up an nfs mount on the remote that the guest can use to
272 store logs. This nfs mount is also used to touch a file
273 at the end of the test to indicate if the test was successful
274 or not.
275 """
276 export_dir = "/export/{client}".format(client=client)
277 log.info("Creating the nfs export directory...")
278 remote.run(args=[
279 'sudo', 'mkdir', '-p', export_dir,
280 ])
281 log.info("Mounting the test directory...")
282 remote.run(args=[
283 'sudo', 'mount', '--bind', mount_dir, export_dir,
284 ])
285 log.info("Adding mount to /etc/exports...")
286 export = "{dir} *(rw,no_root_squash,no_subtree_check,insecure)".format(
287 dir=export_dir
288 )
289 remote.run(args=[
290 'sudo', 'sed', '-i', '/^\/export\//d', "/etc/exports",
291 ])
292 remote.run(args=[
293 'echo', export, run.Raw("|"),
294 'sudo', 'tee', '-a', "/etc/exports",
295 ])
296 log.info("Restarting NFS...")
297 if remote.os.package_type == "deb":
298 remote.run(args=['sudo', 'service', 'nfs-kernel-server', 'restart'])
299 else:
300 remote.run(args=['sudo', 'systemctl', 'restart', 'nfs'])
303 def _teardown_nfs_mount(remote, client):
304 """
305 Tears down the nfs mount on the remote used for logging and reporting the
306 status of the tests being ran in the guest.
307 """
308 log.info("Tearing down the nfs mount for {remote}".format(remote=remote))
309 export_dir = "/export/{client}".format(client=client)
310 log.info("Stopping NFS...")
311 if remote.os.package_type == "deb":
312 remote.run(args=[
313 'sudo', 'service', 'nfs-kernel-server', 'stop'
314 ])
315 else:
316 remote.run(args=[
317 'sudo', 'systemctl', 'stop', 'nfs'
318 ])
319 log.info("Unmounting exported directory...")
320 remote.run(args=[
321 'sudo', 'umount', export_dir
322 ])
323 log.info("Deleting exported directory...")
324 remote.run(args=[
325 'sudo', 'rm', '-r', '/export'
326 ])
327 log.info("Deleting export from /etc/exports...")
328 remote.run(args=[
329 'sudo', 'sed', '-i', '$ d', '/etc/exports'
330 ])
331 log.info("Starting NFS...")
332 if remote.os.package_type == "deb":
333 remote.run(args=[
334 'sudo', 'service', 'nfs-kernel-server', 'start'
335 ])
336 else:
337 remote.run(args=[
338 'sudo', 'systemctl', 'start', 'nfs'
339 ])
342 @contextlib.contextmanager
343 def run_qemu(ctx, config):
344 """Setup kvm environment and start qemu"""
345 procs = []
346 testdir = teuthology.get_testdir(ctx)
347 for client, client_config in config.iteritems():
348 (remote,) = ctx.cluster.only(client).remotes.keys()
349 log_dir = '{tdir}/archive/qemu/{client}'.format(tdir=testdir, client=client)
350 remote.run(
351 args=[
352 'mkdir', log_dir, run.Raw('&&'),
353 'sudo', 'modprobe', 'kvm',
354 ]
355 )
357 # make an nfs mount to use for logging and to
358 # allow to test to tell teuthology the tests outcome
359 _setup_nfs_mount(remote, client, log_dir)
361 # Hack to make sure /dev/kvm permissions are set correctly
362 # See http://tracker.ceph.com/issues/17977 and
363 # https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1333159
364 remote.run(args='sudo udevadm control --reload')
365 remote.run(args='sudo udevadm trigger /dev/kvm')
366 remote.run(args='ls -l /dev/kvm')
368 qemu_cmd = 'qemu-system-x86_64'
369 if remote.os.package_type == "rpm":
370 qemu_cmd = "/usr/libexec/qemu-kvm"
371 args=[
372 'adjust-ulimits',
373 'ceph-coverage',
374 '{tdir}/archive/coverage'.format(tdir=testdir),
375 'daemon-helper',
376 'term',
377 qemu_cmd, '-enable-kvm', '-nographic', '-cpu', 'host',
378 '-smp', str(client_config.get('cpus', DEFAULT_CPUS)),
379 '-m', str(client_config.get('memory', DEFAULT_MEM)),
380 # cd holding metadata for cloud-init
381 '-cdrom', '{tdir}/qemu/{client}.iso'.format(tdir=testdir, client=client),
382 ]
384 cachemode = 'none'
385 ceph_config = ctx.ceph['ceph'].conf.get('global', {})
386 ceph_config.update(ctx.ceph['ceph'].conf.get('client', {}))
387 ceph_config.update(ctx.ceph['ceph'].conf.get(client, {}))
388 if ceph_config.get('rbd cache', True):
389 if ceph_config.get('rbd cache max dirty', 1) > 0:
390 cachemode = 'writeback'
391 else:
392 cachemode = 'writethrough'
394 clone = client_config.get('clone', False)
395 num_disks = client_config.get('disks', DEFAULT_NUM_DISKS)
396 if isinstance(num_disks, list):
397 num_disks = len(num_disks)
398 for i in xrange(num_disks):
399 suffix = '-clone' if clone else ''
400 args.extend([
401 '-drive',
402 'file=rbd:rbd/{img}:id={id},format=raw,if=virtio,cache={cachemode}'.format(
403 img='{client}.{num}{suffix}'.format(client=client, num=i,
404 suffix=suffix),
405 id=client[len('client.'):],
406 cachemode=cachemode,
407 ),
408 ])
409 time_wait = client_config.get('time_wait', 0)
411 log.info('starting qemu...')
412 procs.append(
413 remote.run(
414 args=args,
415 logger=log.getChild(client),
416 stdin=run.PIPE,
417 wait=False,
418 )
419 )
421 try:
422 yield
423 finally:
424 log.info('waiting for qemu tests to finish...')
425 run.wait(procs)
427 if time_wait > 0:
428 log.debug('waiting {time_wait} sec for workloads detect finish...'.format(
429 time_wait=time_wait));
430 time.sleep(time_wait)
432 log.debug('checking that qemu tests succeeded...')
433 for client in config.iterkeys():
434 (remote,) = ctx.cluster.only(client).remotes.keys()
436 # ensure we have permissions to all the logs
437 log_dir = '{tdir}/archive/qemu/{client}'.format(tdir=testdir,
438 client=client)
439 remote.run(
440 args=[
441 'sudo', 'chmod', 'a+rw', '-R', log_dir
442 ]
443 )
445 # teardown nfs mount
446 _teardown_nfs_mount(remote, client)
447 # check for test status
448 remote.run(
449 args=[
450 'test', '-f',
451 '{tdir}/archive/qemu/{client}/success'.format(
452 tdir=testdir,
453 client=client
454 ),
455 ],
456 )
459 @contextlib.contextmanager
460 def task(ctx, config):
461 """
462 Run a test inside of QEMU on top of rbd. Only one test
463 is supported per client.
465 For example, you can specify which clients to run on::
467 tasks:
468 - ceph:
469 - qemu:
470 client.0:
471 test: http://download.ceph.com/qa/test.sh
472 client.1:
473 test: http://download.ceph.com/qa/test2.sh
475 Or use the same settings on all clients:
477 tasks:
478 - ceph:
479 - qemu:
480 all:
481 test: http://download.ceph.com/qa/test.sh
483 For tests that don't need a filesystem, set type to block::
485 tasks:
486 - ceph:
487 - qemu:
488 client.0:
489 test: http://download.ceph.com/qa/test.sh
490 type: block
492 The test should be configured to run on /dev/vdb and later
493 devices.
495 If you want to run a test that uses more than one rbd image,
496 specify how many images to use::
498 tasks:
499 - ceph:
500 - qemu:
501 client.0:
502 test: http://download.ceph.com/qa/test.sh
503 type: block
504 disks: 2
506 - or -
508 tasks:
509 - ceph:
510 - qemu:
511 client.0:
512 test: http://ceph.com/qa/test.sh
513 type: block
514 disks:
515 - image_size: 1024
516 - image_size: 2048
518 You can set the amount of CPUs and memory the VM has (default is 1 CPU and
519 4096 MB)::
521 tasks:
522 - ceph:
523 - qemu:
524 client.0:
525 test: http://download.ceph.com/qa/test.sh
526 cpus: 4
527 memory: 512 # megabytes
529 If you want to run a test against a cloned rbd image, set clone to true::
531 tasks:
532 - ceph:
533 - qemu:
534 client.0:
535 test: http://download.ceph.com/qa/test.sh
536 clone: true
538 If you need to configure additional cloud-config options, set cloud_config
539 to the required data set::
541 tasks:
542 - ceph
543 - qemu:
544 client.0:
545 test: http://ceph.com/qa/test.sh
546 cloud_config_archive:
547 - |
548 #/bin/bash
549 touch foo1
550 - content: |
551 test data
552 type: text/plain
553 filename: /tmp/data
555 If you need to override the default cloud image, set image_url:
557 tasks:
558 - ceph
559 - qemu:
560 client.0:
561 test: http://ceph.com/qa/test.sh
562 image_url: https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/releases/16.04/release/ubuntu-16.04-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk1.img
563 """
564 assert isinstance(config, dict), \
565 "task qemu only supports a dictionary for configuration"
567 config = teuthology.replace_all_with_clients(ctx.cluster, config)
569 managers = []
570 create_images(ctx=ctx, config=config, managers=managers)
571 managers.extend([
572 lambda: create_dirs(ctx=ctx, config=config),
573 lambda: generate_iso(ctx=ctx, config=config),
574 lambda: download_image(ctx=ctx, config=config),
575 ])
576 create_clones(ctx=ctx, config=config, managers=managers)
577 managers.append(
578 lambda: run_qemu(ctx=ctx, config=config),
579 )
581 with contextutil.nested(*managers):
582 yield