]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/qa/tasks/s3a_hadoop.py
import quincy beta 17.1.0
[ceph.git] / ceph / qa / tasks / s3a_hadoop.py
1 import contextlib
2 import logging
3 from teuthology import misc
4 from teuthology.orchestra import run
6 log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
9 @contextlib.contextmanager
10 def task(ctx, config):
11 """
12 Run Hadoop S3A tests using Ceph
13 usage:
14 -tasks:
15 ceph-ansible:
16 s3a-hadoop:
17 maven-version: '3.6.3' (default)
18 hadoop-version: '2.9.2'
19 bucket-name: 's3atest' (default)
20 access-key: 'anykey' (uses a default value)
21 secret-key: 'secretkey' ( uses a default value)
22 role: client.0
23 """
24 if config is None:
25 config = {}
27 assert isinstance(config, dict), \
28 "task only supports a dictionary for configuration"
30 assert hasattr(ctx, 'rgw'), 's3a-hadoop must run after the rgw task'
32 overrides = ctx.config.get('overrides', {})
33 misc.deep_merge(config, overrides.get('s3a-hadoop', {}))
34 testdir = misc.get_testdir(ctx)
36 role = config.get('role')
37 (remote,) = ctx.cluster.only(role).remotes.keys()
38 endpoint = ctx.rgw.role_endpoints.get(role)
39 assert endpoint, 's3tests: no rgw endpoint for {}'.format(role)
41 # get versions
42 maven_major = config.get('maven-major', 'maven-3')
43 maven_version = config.get('maven-version', '3.6.3')
44 hadoop_ver = config.get('hadoop-version', '2.9.2')
45 bucket_name = config.get('bucket-name', 's3atest')
46 access_key = config.get('access-key', 'EGAQRD2ULOIFKFSKCT4F')
47 secret_key = config.get(
48 'secret-key',
49 'zi816w1vZKfaSM85Cl0BxXTwSLyN7zB4RbTswrGb')
51 # set versions for cloning the repo
52 apache_maven = 'apache-maven-{maven_version}-bin.tar.gz'.format(
53 maven_version=maven_version)
54 maven_link = 'http://archive.apache.org/dist/maven/' + \
55 '{maven_major}/{maven_version}/binaries/'.format(maven_major=maven_major, maven_version=maven_version) + apache_maven
56 hadoop_git = 'https://github.com/apache/hadoop'
57 hadoop_rel = 'hadoop-{ver} rel/release-{ver}'.format(ver=hadoop_ver)
58 if hadoop_ver == 'trunk':
59 # just checkout a new branch out of trunk
60 hadoop_rel = 'hadoop-ceph-trunk'
61 install_prereq(remote)
62 remote.run(
63 args=[
64 'cd',
65 testdir,
66 run.Raw('&&'),
67 'wget',
68 maven_link,
69 run.Raw('&&'),
70 'tar',
71 '-xvf',
72 apache_maven,
73 run.Raw('&&'),
74 'git',
75 'clone',
76 run.Raw(hadoop_git),
77 run.Raw('&&'),
78 'cd',
79 'hadoop',
80 run.Raw('&&'),
81 'git',
82 'checkout',
83 '-b',
84 run.Raw(hadoop_rel)
85 ]
86 )
87 configure_s3a(remote, endpoint.dns_name, access_key, secret_key, bucket_name, testdir)
88 setup_user_bucket(remote, endpoint.dns_name, access_key, secret_key, bucket_name, testdir)
89 if hadoop_ver.startswith('2.8'):
90 # test all ITtests but skip AWS test using public bucket landsat-pds
91 # which is not available from within this test
92 test_options = '-Dit.test=ITestS3A* -Dparallel-tests -Dscale \
93 -Dfs.s3a.scale.test.timeout=1200 \
94 -Dfs.s3a.scale.test.huge.filesize=256M verify'
95 else:
96 test_options = 'test -Dtest=S3a*,TestS3A*'
97 try:
98 run_s3atest(remote, maven_version, testdir, test_options)
99 yield
100 finally:
101 log.info("Done s3a testing, Cleaning up")
102 for fil in ['apache*', 'hadoop*', 'venv*', 'create*']:
103 remote.run(args=['rm', run.Raw('-rf'), run.Raw('{tdir}/{file}'.format(tdir=testdir, file=fil))])
106 def install_prereq(client):
107 """
108 Install pre requisites for RHEL and CentOS
109 TBD: Ubuntu
110 """
111 if client.os.name == 'rhel' or client.os.name == 'centos':
112 client.run(
113 args=[
114 'sudo',
115 'yum',
116 'install',
117 '-y',
118 'protobuf-c.x86_64',
119 'java',
120 'java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel',
121 'dnsmasq'
122 ]
123 )
126 def setup_user_bucket(client, dns_name, access_key, secret_key, bucket_name, testdir):
127 """
128 Create user with access_key and secret_key that will be
129 used for the s3a testdir
130 """
131 client.run(
132 args=[
133 'sudo',
134 'radosgw-admin',
135 'user',
136 'create',
137 run.Raw('--uid'),
138 's3a',
139 run.Raw('--display-name="s3a cephtests"'),
140 run.Raw('--access-key={access_key}'.format(access_key=access_key)),
141 run.Raw('--secret-key={secret_key}'.format(secret_key=secret_key)),
142 run.Raw('--email=s3a@ceph.com'),
143 ]
144 )
145 client.run(
146 args=[
147 'python3',
148 '-m',
149 'venv',
150 '{testdir}/venv'.format(testdir=testdir),
151 run.Raw('&&'),
152 run.Raw('{testdir}/venv/bin/pip'.format(testdir=testdir)),
153 'install',
154 'boto'
155 ]
156 )
157 create_bucket = """
158 #!/usr/bin/env python
159 import boto
160 import boto.s3.connection
161 access_key = '{access_key}'
162 secret_key = '{secret_key}'
164 conn = boto.connect_s3(
165 aws_access_key_id = access_key,
166 aws_secret_access_key = secret_key,
167 host = '{dns_name}',
168 is_secure=False,
169 calling_format = boto.s3.connection.OrdinaryCallingFormat(),
170 )
171 bucket = conn.create_bucket('{bucket_name}')
172 for bucket in conn.get_all_buckets():
173 print(bucket.name + "\t" + bucket.creation_date)
174 """.format(access_key=access_key, secret_key=secret_key, dns_name=dns_name, bucket_name=bucket_name)
175 py_bucket_file = '{testdir}/create_bucket.py'.format(testdir=testdir)
176 client.sudo_write_file(py_bucket_file, create_bucket, mode='0744')
177 client.run(
178 args=[
179 'cat',
180 '{testdir}/create_bucket.py'.format(testdir=testdir),
181 ]
182 )
183 client.run(
184 args=[
185 '{testdir}/venv/bin/python'.format(testdir=testdir),
186 '{testdir}/create_bucket.py'.format(testdir=testdir),
187 ]
188 )
191 def run_s3atest(client, maven_version, testdir, test_options):
192 """
193 Finally run the s3a test
194 """
195 aws_testdir = '{testdir}/hadoop/hadoop-tools/hadoop-aws/'.format(testdir=testdir)
196 run_test = '{testdir}/apache-maven-{maven_version}/bin/mvn'.format(testdir=testdir, maven_version=maven_version)
197 # Remove AWS CredentialsProvider tests as it hits public bucket from AWS
198 # better solution is to create the public bucket on local server and test
199 rm_test = 'rm src/test/java/org/apache/hadoop/fs/s3a/ITestS3AAWSCredentialsProvider.java'
200 client.run(
201 args=[
202 'cd',
203 run.Raw(aws_testdir),
204 run.Raw('&&'),
205 run.Raw(rm_test),
206 run.Raw('&&'),
207 run.Raw(run_test),
208 run.Raw(test_options)
209 ]
210 )
213 def configure_s3a(client, dns_name, access_key, secret_key, bucket_name, testdir):
214 """
215 Use the template to configure s3a test, Fill in access_key, secret_key
216 and other details required for test.
217 """
218 config_template = """<configuration>
219 <property>
220 <name>fs.s3a.endpoint</name>
221 <value>{name}</value>
222 </property>
224 <property>
225 <name>fs.contract.test.fs.s3a</name>
226 <value>s3a://{bucket_name}/</value>
227 </property>
229 <property>
230 <name>fs.s3a.connection.ssl.enabled</name>
231 <value>false</value>
232 </property>
234 <property>
235 <name>test.fs.s3n.name</name>
236 <value>s3n://{bucket_name}/</value>
237 </property>
239 <property>
240 <name>test.fs.s3a.name</name>
241 <value>s3a://{bucket_name}/</value>
242 </property>
244 <property>
245 <name>test.fs.s3.name</name>
246 <value>s3://{bucket_name}/</value>
247 </property>
249 <property>
250 <name>fs.s3.awsAccessKeyId</name>
251 <value>{access_key}</value>
252 </property>
254 <property>
255 <name>fs.s3.awsSecretAccessKey</name>
256 <value>{secret_key}</value>
257 </property>
259 <property>
260 <name>fs.s3n.awsAccessKeyId</name>
261 <value>{access_key}</value>
262 </property>
264 <property>
265 <name>fs.s3n.awsSecretAccessKey</name>
266 <value>{secret_key}</value>
267 </property>
269 <property>
270 <name>fs.s3a.access.key</name>
271 <description>AWS access key ID. Omit for Role-based authentication.</description>
272 <value>{access_key}</value>
273 </property>
275 <property>
276 <name>fs.s3a.secret.key</name>
277 <description>AWS secret key. Omit for Role-based authentication.</description>
278 <value>{secret_key}</value>
279 </property>
280 </configuration>
281 """.format(name=dns_name, bucket_name=bucket_name, access_key=access_key, secret_key=secret_key)
282 config_path = testdir + '/hadoop/hadoop-tools/hadoop-aws/src/test/resources/auth-keys.xml'
283 client.write_file(config_path, config_template)
284 # output for debug
285 client.run(args=['cat', config_path])