]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/qa/tasks/s3tests.py
import new upstream nautilus stable release 14.2.8
[ceph.git] / ceph / qa / tasks / s3tests.py
1 """
2 Run a set of s3 tests on rgw.
3 """
4 from cStringIO import StringIO
5 from configobj import ConfigObj
6 import base64
7 import contextlib
8 import logging
9 import os
10 import random
11 import string
13 from teuthology import misc as teuthology
14 from teuthology import contextutil
15 from teuthology.config import config as teuth_config
16 from teuthology.orchestra import run
17 from teuthology.orchestra.connection import split_user
19 log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
21 @contextlib.contextmanager
22 def download(ctx, config):
23 """
24 Download the s3 tests from the git builder.
25 Remove downloaded s3 file upon exit.
27 The context passed in should be identical to the context
28 passed in to the main task.
29 """
30 assert isinstance(config, dict)
31 log.info('Downloading s3-tests...')
32 testdir = teuthology.get_testdir(ctx)
33 for (client, client_config) in config.items():
34 s3tests_branch = client_config.get('force-branch', None)
35 if not s3tests_branch:
36 raise ValueError(
37 "Could not determine what branch to use for s3-tests. Please add 'force-branch: {s3-tests branch name}' to the .yaml config for this s3tests task.")
39 log.info("Using branch '%s' for s3tests", s3tests_branch)
40 sha1 = client_config.get('sha1')
41 git_remote = client_config.get('git_remote', teuth_config.ceph_git_base_url)
42 ctx.cluster.only(client).run(
43 args=[
44 'git', 'clone',
45 '-b', s3tests_branch,
46 git_remote + 's3-tests.git',
47 '{tdir}/s3-tests'.format(tdir=testdir),
48 ],
49 )
50 if sha1 is not None:
51 ctx.cluster.only(client).run(
52 args=[
53 'cd', '{tdir}/s3-tests'.format(tdir=testdir),
54 run.Raw('&&'),
55 'git', 'reset', '--hard', sha1,
56 ],
57 )
58 try:
59 yield
60 finally:
61 log.info('Removing s3-tests...')
62 testdir = teuthology.get_testdir(ctx)
63 for client in config:
64 ctx.cluster.only(client).run(
65 args=[
66 'rm',
67 '-rf',
68 '{tdir}/s3-tests'.format(tdir=testdir),
69 ],
70 )
73 def _config_user(s3tests_conf, section, user):
74 """
75 Configure users for this section by stashing away keys, ids, and
76 email addresses.
77 """
78 s3tests_conf[section].setdefault('user_id', user)
79 s3tests_conf[section].setdefault('email', '{user}+test@test.test'.format(user=user))
80 s3tests_conf[section].setdefault('display_name', 'Mr. {user}'.format(user=user))
81 s3tests_conf[section].setdefault('access_key', ''.join(random.choice(string.uppercase) for i in xrange(20)))
82 s3tests_conf[section].setdefault('secret_key', base64.b64encode(os.urandom(40)))
83 s3tests_conf[section].setdefault('totp_serial', ''.join(random.choice(string.digits) for i in xrange(10)))
84 s3tests_conf[section].setdefault('totp_seed', base64.b32encode(os.urandom(40)))
85 s3tests_conf[section].setdefault('totp_seconds', '5')
88 @contextlib.contextmanager
89 def create_users(ctx, config):
90 """
91 Create a main and an alternate s3 user.
92 """
93 assert isinstance(config, dict)
94 log.info('Creating rgw users...')
95 testdir = teuthology.get_testdir(ctx)
96 users = {'s3 main': 'foo', 's3 alt': 'bar', 's3 tenant': 'testx$tenanteduser'}
97 for client in config['clients']:
98 s3tests_conf = config['s3tests_conf'][client]
99 s3tests_conf.setdefault('fixtures', {})
100 s3tests_conf['fixtures'].setdefault('bucket prefix', 'test-' + client + '-{random}-')
101 for section, user in users.iteritems():
102 _config_user(s3tests_conf, section, '{user}.{client}'.format(user=user, client=client))
103 log.debug('Creating user {user} on {host}'.format(user=s3tests_conf[section]['user_id'], host=client))
104 cluster_name, daemon_type, client_id = teuthology.split_role(client)
105 client_with_id = daemon_type + '.' + client_id
106 ctx.cluster.only(client).run(
107 args=[
108 'adjust-ulimits',
109 'ceph-coverage',
110 '{tdir}/archive/coverage'.format(tdir=testdir),
111 'radosgw-admin',
112 '-n', client_with_id,
113 'user', 'create',
114 '--uid', s3tests_conf[section]['user_id'],
115 '--display-name', s3tests_conf[section]['display_name'],
116 '--access-key', s3tests_conf[section]['access_key'],
117 '--secret', s3tests_conf[section]['secret_key'],
118 '--email', s3tests_conf[section]['email'],
119 '--cluster', cluster_name,
120 ],
121 )
122 ctx.cluster.only(client).run(
123 args=[
124 'adjust-ulimits',
125 'ceph-coverage',
126 '{tdir}/archive/coverage'.format(tdir=testdir),
127 'radosgw-admin',
128 '-n', client_with_id,
129 'mfa', 'create',
130 '--uid', s3tests_conf[section]['user_id'],
131 '--totp-serial', s3tests_conf[section]['totp_serial'],
132 '--totp-seed', s3tests_conf[section]['totp_seed'],
133 '--totp-seconds', s3tests_conf[section]['totp_seconds'],
134 '--totp-window', '8',
135 '--totp-seed-type', 'base32',
136 '--cluster', cluster_name,
137 ],
138 )
139 try:
140 yield
141 finally:
142 for client in config['clients']:
143 for user in users.itervalues():
144 uid = '{user}.{client}'.format(user=user, client=client)
145 cluster_name, daemon_type, client_id = teuthology.split_role(client)
146 client_with_id = daemon_type + '.' + client_id
147 ctx.cluster.only(client).run(
148 args=[
149 'adjust-ulimits',
150 'ceph-coverage',
151 '{tdir}/archive/coverage'.format(tdir=testdir),
152 'radosgw-admin',
153 '-n', client_with_id,
154 'user', 'rm',
155 '--uid', uid,
156 '--purge-data',
157 '--cluster', cluster_name,
158 ],
159 )
162 @contextlib.contextmanager
163 def configure(ctx, config):
164 """
165 Configure the s3-tests. This includes the running of the
166 bootstrap code and the updating of local conf files.
167 """
168 assert isinstance(config, dict)
169 log.info('Configuring s3-tests...')
170 testdir = teuthology.get_testdir(ctx)
171 for client, properties in config['clients'].iteritems():
172 s3tests_conf = config['s3tests_conf'][client]
173 if properties is not None and 'rgw_server' in properties:
174 host = None
175 for target, roles in zip(ctx.config['targets'].iterkeys(), ctx.config['roles']):
176 log.info('roles: ' + str(roles))
177 log.info('target: ' + str(target))
178 if properties['rgw_server'] in roles:
179 _, host = split_user(target)
180 assert host is not None, "Invalid client specified as the rgw_server"
181 s3tests_conf['DEFAULT']['host'] = host
182 else:
183 s3tests_conf['DEFAULT']['host'] = 'localhost'
185 if properties is not None and 'slow_backend' in properties:
186 s3tests_conf['fixtures']['slow backend'] = properties['slow_backend']
188 (remote,) = ctx.cluster.only(client).remotes.keys()
189 remote.run(
190 args=[
191 'cd',
192 '{tdir}/s3-tests'.format(tdir=testdir),
193 run.Raw('&&'),
194 './bootstrap',
195 ],
196 )
197 conf_fp = StringIO()
198 s3tests_conf.write(conf_fp)
199 teuthology.write_file(
200 remote=remote,
201 path='{tdir}/archive/s3-tests.{client}.conf'.format(tdir=testdir, client=client),
202 data=conf_fp.getvalue(),
203 )
205 log.info('Configuring boto...')
206 boto_src = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'boto.cfg.template')
207 for client, properties in config['clients'].iteritems():
208 with file(boto_src, 'rb') as f:
209 (remote,) = ctx.cluster.only(client).remotes.keys()
210 conf = f.read().format(
211 idle_timeout=config.get('idle_timeout', 30)
212 )
213 teuthology.write_file(
214 remote=remote,
215 path='{tdir}/boto.cfg'.format(tdir=testdir),
216 data=conf,
217 )
219 try:
220 yield
222 finally:
223 log.info('Cleaning up boto...')
224 for client, properties in config['clients'].iteritems():
225 (remote,) = ctx.cluster.only(client).remotes.keys()
226 remote.run(
227 args=[
228 'rm',
229 '{tdir}/boto.cfg'.format(tdir=testdir),
230 ],
231 )
233 @contextlib.contextmanager
234 def run_tests(ctx, config):
235 """
236 Run the s3tests after everything is set up.
238 :param ctx: Context passed to task
239 :param config: specific configuration information
240 """
241 assert isinstance(config, dict)
242 testdir = teuthology.get_testdir(ctx)
243 # civetweb > 1.8 && beast parsers are strict on rfc2616
244 attrs = ["!fails_on_rgw", "!lifecycle_expiration", "!fails_strict_rfc2616"]
245 for client, client_config in config.iteritems():
246 (remote,) = ctx.cluster.only(client).remotes.keys()
247 args = [
248 'S3TEST_CONF={tdir}/archive/s3-tests.{client}.conf'.format(tdir=testdir, client=client),
249 'BOTO_CONFIG={tdir}/boto.cfg'.format(tdir=testdir)
250 ]
251 # the 'requests' library comes with its own ca bundle to verify ssl
252 # certificates - override that to use the system's ca bundle, which
253 # is where the ssl task installed this certificate
254 if remote.os.package_type == 'deb':
255 args += ['REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE=/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt']
256 else:
257 args += ['REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE=/etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt']
258 args += [
259 '{tdir}/s3-tests/virtualenv/bin/nosetests'.format(tdir=testdir),
260 '-w',
261 '{tdir}/s3-tests'.format(tdir=testdir),
262 '-v',
263 '-a', ','.join(attrs),
264 ]
265 if client_config is not None and 'extra_args' in client_config:
266 args.extend(client_config['extra_args'])
268 remote.run(
269 args=args,
270 label="s3 tests against rgw"
271 )
272 yield
274 @contextlib.contextmanager
275 def scan_for_leaked_encryption_keys(ctx, config):
276 """
277 Scan radosgw logs for the encryption keys used by s3tests to
278 verify that we're not leaking secrets.
280 :param ctx: Context passed to task
281 :param config: specific configuration information
282 """
283 assert isinstance(config, dict)
285 try:
286 yield
287 finally:
288 # x-amz-server-side-encryption-customer-key
289 s3test_customer_key = 'pO3upElrwuEXSoFwCfnZPdSsmt/xWeFa0N9KgDijwVs='
291 log.debug('Scanning radosgw logs for leaked encryption keys...')
292 procs = list()
293 for client, client_config in config.iteritems():
294 if not client_config.get('scan_for_encryption_keys', True):
295 continue
296 cluster_name, daemon_type, client_id = teuthology.split_role(client)
297 client_with_cluster = '.'.join((cluster_name, daemon_type, client_id))
298 (remote,) = ctx.cluster.only(client).remotes.keys()
299 proc = remote.run(
300 args=[
301 'grep',
302 '--binary-files=text',
303 s3test_customer_key,
304 '/var/log/ceph/rgw.{client}.log'.format(client=client_with_cluster),
305 ],
306 wait=False,
307 check_status=False,
308 )
309 procs.append(proc)
311 for proc in procs:
312 proc.wait()
313 if proc.returncode == 1: # 1 means no matches
314 continue
315 log.error('radosgw log is leaking encryption keys!')
316 raise Exception('radosgw log is leaking encryption keys')
318 @contextlib.contextmanager
319 def task(ctx, config):
320 """
321 Run the s3-tests suite against rgw.
323 To run all tests on all clients::
325 tasks:
326 - ceph:
327 - rgw:
328 - s3tests:
330 To restrict testing to particular clients::
332 tasks:
333 - ceph:
334 - rgw: [client.0]
335 - s3tests:
336 client.0:
337 force-branch: ceph-nautilus
339 To run against a server on client.1 and increase the boto timeout to 10m::
341 tasks:
342 - ceph:
343 - rgw: [client.1]
344 - s3tests:
345 client.0:
346 force-branch: ceph-nautilus
347 rgw_server: client.1
348 idle_timeout: 600
350 To pass extra arguments to nose (e.g. to run a certain test)::
352 tasks:
353 - ceph:
354 - rgw: [client.0]
355 - s3tests:
356 client.0:
357 force-branch: ceph-nautilus
358 extra_args: ['test_s3:test_object_acl_grand_public_read']
359 client.1:
360 force-branch: ceph-nautilus
361 extra_args: ['--exclude', 'test_100_continue']
362 """
363 assert hasattr(ctx, 'rgw'), 's3tests must run after the rgw task'
364 assert config is None or isinstance(config, list) \
365 or isinstance(config, dict), \
366 "task s3tests only supports a list or dictionary for configuration"
367 all_clients = ['client.{id}'.format(id=id_)
368 for id_ in teuthology.all_roles_of_type(ctx.cluster, 'client')]
369 if config is None:
370 config = all_clients
371 if isinstance(config, list):
372 config = dict.fromkeys(config)
373 clients = config.keys()
375 overrides = ctx.config.get('overrides', {})
376 # merge each client section, not the top level.
377 for client in config.iterkeys():
378 if not config[client]:
379 config[client] = {}
380 teuthology.deep_merge(config[client], overrides.get('s3tests', {}))
382 log.debug('s3tests config is %s', config)
384 s3tests_conf = {}
385 for client in clients:
386 endpoint = ctx.rgw.role_endpoints.get(client)
387 assert endpoint, 's3tests: no rgw endpoint for {}'.format(client)
389 s3tests_conf[client] = ConfigObj(
390 indent_type='',
391 infile={
392 'DEFAULT':
393 {
394 'port' : endpoint.port,
395 'is_secure' : endpoint.cert is not None,
396 'api_name' : 'default',
397 },
398 'fixtures' : {},
399 's3 main' : {},
400 's3 alt' : {},
401 's3 tenant': {},
402 }
403 )
405 with contextutil.nested(
406 lambda: download(ctx=ctx, config=config),
407 lambda: create_users(ctx=ctx, config=dict(
408 clients=clients,
409 s3tests_conf=s3tests_conf,
410 )),
411 lambda: configure(ctx=ctx, config=dict(
412 clients=config,
413 s3tests_conf=s3tests_conf,
414 )),
415 lambda: run_tests(ctx=ctx, config=config),
416 lambda: scan_for_leaked_encryption_keys(ctx=ctx, config=config),
417 ):
418 pass
419 yield