]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/qa/tasks/scrub_test.py
import 15.2.4
[ceph.git] / ceph / qa / tasks / scrub_test.py
1 """Scrub testing"""
3 import contextlib
4 import json
5 import logging
6 import os
7 import time
8 import tempfile
10 from tasks import ceph_manager
11 from teuthology import misc as teuthology
13 log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
16 def wait_for_victim_pg(manager):
17 """Return a PG with some data and its acting set"""
18 # wait for some PG to have data that we can mess with
19 victim = None
20 while victim is None:
21 stats = manager.get_pg_stats()
22 for pg in stats:
23 size = pg['stat_sum']['num_bytes']
24 if size > 0:
25 victim = pg['pgid']
26 acting = pg['acting']
27 return victim, acting
28 time.sleep(3)
31 def find_victim_object(ctx, pg, osd):
32 """Return a file to be fuzzed"""
33 (osd_remote,) = ctx.cluster.only('osd.%d' % osd).remotes.keys()
34 data_path = os.path.join(
35 '/var/lib/ceph/osd',
36 'ceph-{id}'.format(id=osd),
37 'fuse',
38 '{pg}_head'.format(pg=pg),
39 'all',
40 )
42 # fuzz time
43 ls_out = osd_remote.sh('sudo ls %s' % data_path)
45 # find an object file we can mess with (and not the pg info object)
46 osdfilename = next(line for line in ls_out.split('\n')
47 if not line.endswith('::::head#'))
48 assert osdfilename is not None
50 # Get actual object name from osd stored filename
51 objname = osdfilename.split(':')[4]
52 return osd_remote, os.path.join(data_path, osdfilename), objname
55 def corrupt_file(osd_remote, path):
56 # put a single \0 at the beginning of the file
57 osd_remote.run(
58 args=['sudo', 'dd',
59 'if=/dev/zero',
60 'of=%s/data' % path,
61 'bs=1', 'count=1', 'conv=notrunc']
62 )
65 def get_pgnum(pgid):
66 pos = pgid.find('.')
67 assert pos != -1
68 return pgid[pos+1:]
71 def deep_scrub(manager, victim, pool):
72 # scrub, verify inconsistent
73 pgnum = get_pgnum(victim)
74 manager.do_pg_scrub(pool, pgnum, 'deep-scrub')
76 stats = manager.get_single_pg_stats(victim)
77 inconsistent = stats['state'].find('+inconsistent') != -1
78 assert inconsistent
81 def repair(manager, victim, pool):
82 # repair, verify no longer inconsistent
83 pgnum = get_pgnum(victim)
84 manager.do_pg_scrub(pool, pgnum, 'repair')
86 stats = manager.get_single_pg_stats(victim)
87 inconsistent = stats['state'].find('+inconsistent') != -1
88 assert not inconsistent
91 def test_repair_corrupted_obj(ctx, manager, pg, osd_remote, obj_path, pool):
92 corrupt_file(osd_remote, obj_path)
93 deep_scrub(manager, pg, pool)
94 repair(manager, pg, pool)
97 def test_repair_bad_omap(ctx, manager, pg, osd, objname):
98 # Test deep-scrub with various omap modifications
99 # Modify omap on specific osd
100 log.info('fuzzing omap of %s' % objname)
101 manager.osd_admin_socket(osd, ['rmomapkey', 'rbd', objname, 'key'])
102 manager.osd_admin_socket(osd, ['setomapval', 'rbd', objname,
103 'badkey', 'badval'])
104 manager.osd_admin_socket(osd, ['setomapheader', 'rbd', objname, 'badhdr'])
106 deep_scrub(manager, pg, 'rbd')
107 # please note, the repair here is errnomous, it rewrites the correct omap
108 # digest and data digest on the replicas with the corresponding digests
109 # from the primary osd which is hosting the victim object, see
110 # find_victim_object().
111 # so we need to either put this test and the end of this task or
112 # undo the mess-up manually before the "repair()" that just ensures
113 # the cleanup is sane, otherwise the succeeding tests will fail. if they
114 # try set "badkey" in hope to get an "inconsistent" pg with a deep-scrub.
115 manager.osd_admin_socket(osd, ['setomapheader', 'rbd', objname, 'hdr'])
116 manager.osd_admin_socket(osd, ['rmomapkey', 'rbd', objname, 'badkey'])
117 manager.osd_admin_socket(osd, ['setomapval', 'rbd', objname,
118 'key', 'val'])
119 repair(manager, pg, 'rbd')
122 class MessUp:
123 def __init__(self, manager, osd_remote, pool, osd_id,
124 obj_name, obj_path, omap_key, omap_val):
125 self.manager = manager
126 self.osd = osd_remote
127 self.pool = pool
128 self.osd_id = osd_id
129 self.obj = obj_name
130 self.path = obj_path
131 self.omap_key = omap_key
132 self.omap_val = omap_val
134 @contextlib.contextmanager
135 def _test_with_file(self, messup_cmd, *checks):
136 temp = tempfile.mktemp()
137 backup_cmd = ['sudo', 'cp', os.path.join(self.path, 'data'), temp]
138 self.osd.run(args=backup_cmd)
139 self.osd.run(args=messup_cmd.split())
140 yield checks
141 create_cmd = ['sudo', 'mkdir', self.path]
142 self.osd.run(args=create_cmd, check_status=False)
143 restore_cmd = ['sudo', 'cp', temp, os.path.join(self.path, 'data')]
144 self.osd.run(args=restore_cmd)
146 def remove(self):
147 cmd = 'sudo rmdir {path}'.format(path=self.path)
148 return self._test_with_file(cmd, 'missing')
150 def append(self):
151 cmd = 'sudo dd if=/dev/zero of={path}/data bs=1 count=1 ' \
152 'conv=notrunc oflag=append'.format(path=self.path)
153 return self._test_with_file(cmd,
154 'data_digest_mismatch',
155 'size_mismatch')
157 def truncate(self):
158 cmd = 'sudo dd if=/dev/null of={path}/data'.format(path=self.path)
159 return self._test_with_file(cmd,
160 'data_digest_mismatch',
161 'size_mismatch')
163 def change_obj(self):
164 cmd = 'sudo dd if=/dev/zero of={path}/data bs=1 count=1 ' \
165 'conv=notrunc'.format(path=self.path)
166 return self._test_with_file(cmd,
167 'data_digest_mismatch')
169 @contextlib.contextmanager
170 def rm_omap(self):
171 cmd = ['rmomapkey', self.pool, self.obj, self.omap_key]
172 self.manager.osd_admin_socket(self.osd_id, cmd)
173 yield ('omap_digest_mismatch',)
174 cmd = ['setomapval', self.pool, self.obj,
175 self.omap_key, self.omap_val]
176 self.manager.osd_admin_socket(self.osd_id, cmd)
178 @contextlib.contextmanager
179 def add_omap(self):
180 cmd = ['setomapval', self.pool, self.obj, 'badkey', 'badval']
181 self.manager.osd_admin_socket(self.osd_id, cmd)
182 yield ('omap_digest_mismatch',)
183 cmd = ['rmomapkey', self.pool, self.obj, 'badkey']
184 self.manager.osd_admin_socket(self.osd_id, cmd)
186 @contextlib.contextmanager
187 def change_omap(self):
188 cmd = ['setomapval', self.pool, self.obj, self.omap_key, 'badval']
189 self.manager.osd_admin_socket(self.osd_id, cmd)
190 yield ('omap_digest_mismatch',)
191 cmd = ['setomapval', self.pool, self.obj, self.omap_key, self.omap_val]
192 self.manager.osd_admin_socket(self.osd_id, cmd)
195 class InconsistentObjChecker:
196 """Check the returned inconsistents/inconsistent info"""
198 def __init__(self, osd, acting, obj_name):
199 self.osd = osd
200 self.acting = acting
201 self.obj = obj_name
202 assert self.osd in self.acting
204 def basic_checks(self, inc):
205 assert inc['object']['name'] == self.obj
206 assert inc['object']['snap'] == "head"
207 assert len(inc['shards']) == len(self.acting), \
208 "the number of returned shard does not match with the acting set"
210 def run(self, check, inc):
211 func = getattr(self, check)
212 func(inc)
214 def _check_errors(self, inc, err_name):
215 bad_found = False
216 good_found = False
217 for shard in inc['shards']:
218 log.info('shard = %r' % shard)
219 log.info('err = %s' % err_name)
220 assert 'osd' in shard
221 osd = shard['osd']
222 err = err_name in shard['errors']
223 if osd == self.osd:
224 assert bad_found is False, \
225 "multiple entries found for the given OSD"
226 assert err is True, \
227 "Didn't find '{err}' in errors".format(err=err_name)
228 bad_found = True
229 else:
230 assert osd in self.acting, "shard not in acting set"
231 assert err is False, \
232 "Expected '{err}' in errors".format(err=err_name)
233 good_found = True
234 assert bad_found is True, \
235 "Shard for osd.{osd} not found".format(osd=self.osd)
236 assert good_found is True, \
237 "No other acting shards found"
239 def _check_attrs(self, inc, attr_name):
240 bad_attr = None
241 good_attr = None
242 for shard in inc['shards']:
243 log.info('shard = %r' % shard)
244 log.info('attr = %s' % attr_name)
245 assert 'osd' in shard
246 osd = shard['osd']
247 attr = shard.get(attr_name, False)
248 if osd == self.osd:
249 assert bad_attr is None, \
250 "multiple entries found for the given OSD"
251 bad_attr = attr
252 else:
253 assert osd in self.acting, "shard not in acting set"
254 assert good_attr is None or good_attr == attr, \
255 "multiple good attrs found"
256 good_attr = attr
257 assert bad_attr is not None, \
258 "bad {attr} not found".format(attr=attr_name)
259 assert good_attr is not None, \
260 "good {attr} not found".format(attr=attr_name)
261 assert good_attr != bad_attr, \
262 "bad attr is identical to the good ones: " \
263 "{0} == {1}".format(good_attr, bad_attr)
265 def data_digest_mismatch(self, inc):
266 assert 'data_digest_mismatch' in inc['errors']
267 self._check_attrs(inc, 'data_digest')
269 def missing(self, inc):
270 assert 'missing' in inc['union_shard_errors']
271 self._check_errors(inc, 'missing')
273 def size_mismatch(self, inc):
274 assert 'size_mismatch' in inc['errors']
275 self._check_attrs(inc, 'size')
277 def omap_digest_mismatch(self, inc):
278 assert 'omap_digest_mismatch' in inc['errors']
279 self._check_attrs(inc, 'omap_digest')
282 def test_list_inconsistent_obj(ctx, manager, osd_remote, pg, acting, osd_id,
283 obj_name, obj_path):
284 mon = manager.controller
285 pool = 'rbd'
286 omap_key = 'key'
287 omap_val = 'val'
288 manager.do_rados(mon, ['-p', pool, 'setomapval', obj_name,
289 omap_key, omap_val])
290 # Update missing digests, requires "osd deep scrub update digest min age: 0"
291 pgnum = get_pgnum(pg)
292 manager.do_pg_scrub(pool, pgnum, 'deep-scrub')
294 messup = MessUp(manager, osd_remote, pool, osd_id, obj_name, obj_path,
295 omap_key, omap_val)
296 for test in [messup.rm_omap, messup.add_omap, messup.change_omap,
297 messup.append, messup.truncate, messup.change_obj,
298 messup.remove]:
299 with test() as checks:
300 deep_scrub(manager, pg, pool)
301 cmd = 'rados list-inconsistent-pg {pool} ' \
302 '--format=json'.format(pool=pool)
303 pgs = json.loads(mon.sh(cmd))
304 assert pgs == [pg]
306 cmd = 'rados list-inconsistent-obj {pg} ' \
307 '--format=json'.format(pg=pg)
308 objs = json.loads(mon.sh(cmd))
309 assert len(objs['inconsistents']) == 1
311 checker = InconsistentObjChecker(osd_id, acting, obj_name)
312 inc_obj = objs['inconsistents'][0]
313 log.info('inc = %r', inc_obj)
314 checker.basic_checks(inc_obj)
315 for check in checks:
316 checker.run(check, inc_obj)
319 def task(ctx, config):
320 """
321 Test [deep] scrub
323 tasks:
324 - chef:
325 - install:
326 - ceph:
327 log-whitelist:
328 - '!= data_digest'
329 - '!= omap_digest'
330 - '!= size'
331 - deep-scrub 0 missing, 1 inconsistent objects
332 - deep-scrub [0-9]+ errors
333 - repair 0 missing, 1 inconsistent objects
334 - repair [0-9]+ errors, [0-9]+ fixed
335 - shard [0-9]+ .* : missing
336 - deep-scrub 1 missing, 1 inconsistent objects
337 - does not match object info size
338 - attr name mistmatch
339 - deep-scrub 1 missing, 0 inconsistent objects
340 - failed to pick suitable auth object
341 - candidate size [0-9]+ info size [0-9]+ mismatch
342 conf:
343 osd:
344 osd deep scrub update digest min age: 0
345 - scrub_test:
346 """
347 if config is None:
348 config = {}
349 assert isinstance(config, dict), \
350 'scrub_test task only accepts a dict for configuration'
351 first_mon = teuthology.get_first_mon(ctx, config)
352 (mon,) = ctx.cluster.only(first_mon).remotes.keys()
354 num_osds = teuthology.num_instances_of_type(ctx.cluster, 'osd')
355 log.info('num_osds is %s' % num_osds)
357 manager = ceph_manager.CephManager(
358 mon,
359 ctx=ctx,
360 logger=log.getChild('ceph_manager'),
361 )
363 while len(manager.get_osd_status()['up']) < num_osds:
364 time.sleep(10)
366 for i in range(num_osds):
367 manager.raw_cluster_cmd('tell', 'osd.%d' % i, 'injectargs',
368 '--', '--osd-objectstore-fuse')
369 manager.flush_pg_stats(range(num_osds))
370 manager.wait_for_clean()
372 # write some data
373 p = manager.do_rados(mon, ['-p', 'rbd', 'bench', '--no-cleanup', '1',
374 'write', '-b', '4096'])
375 log.info('err is %d' % p.exitstatus)
377 # wait for some PG to have data that we can mess with
378 pg, acting = wait_for_victim_pg(manager)
379 osd = acting[0]
381 osd_remote, obj_path, obj_name = find_victim_object(ctx, pg, osd)
382 manager.do_rados(mon, ['-p', 'rbd', 'setomapval', obj_name, 'key', 'val'])
383 log.info('err is %d' % p.exitstatus)
384 manager.do_rados(mon, ['-p', 'rbd', 'setomapheader', obj_name, 'hdr'])
385 log.info('err is %d' % p.exitstatus)
387 # Update missing digests, requires "osd deep scrub update digest min age: 0"
388 pgnum = get_pgnum(pg)
389 manager.do_pg_scrub('rbd', pgnum, 'deep-scrub')
391 log.info('messing with PG %s on osd %d' % (pg, osd))
392 test_repair_corrupted_obj(ctx, manager, pg, osd_remote, obj_path, 'rbd')
393 test_repair_bad_omap(ctx, manager, pg, osd, obj_name)
394 test_list_inconsistent_obj(ctx, manager, osd_remote, pg, acting, osd,
395 obj_name, obj_path)
396 log.info('test successful!')
398 # shut down fuse mount
399 for i in range(num_osds):
400 manager.raw_cluster_cmd('tell', 'osd.%d' % i, 'injectargs',
401 '--', '--no-osd-objectstore-fuse')
402 time.sleep(5)
403 log.info('done')