]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/src/arrow/cpp/src/parquet/arrow/reader.h
import quincy 17.2.0
[ceph.git] / ceph / src / arrow / cpp / src / parquet / arrow / reader.h
1 // Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
2 // or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
3 // distributed with this work for additional information
4 // regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
5 // to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
6 // "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
7 // with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
8 //
9 // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10 //
11 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
12 // software distributed under the License is distributed on an
14 // KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
15 // specific language governing permissions and limitations
16 // under the License.
18 #pragma once
20 #include <cstdint>
21 // N.B. we don't include async_generator.h as it's relatively heavy
22 #include <functional>
23 #include <memory>
24 #include <vector>
26 #include "parquet/file_reader.h"
27 #include "parquet/platform.h"
28 #include "parquet/properties.h"
30 namespace arrow {
32 class ChunkedArray;
33 class KeyValueMetadata;
34 class RecordBatchReader;
35 struct Scalar;
36 class Schema;
37 class Table;
38 class RecordBatch;
40 } // namespace arrow
42 namespace parquet {
44 class FileMetaData;
45 class SchemaDescriptor;
47 namespace arrow {
49 class ColumnChunkReader;
50 class ColumnReader;
51 struct SchemaManifest;
52 class RowGroupReader;
54 /// \brief Arrow read adapter class for deserializing Parquet files as Arrow row batches.
55 ///
56 /// This interfaces caters for different use cases and thus provides different
57 /// interfaces. In its most simplistic form, we cater for a user that wants to
58 /// read the whole Parquet at once with the `FileReader::ReadTable` method.
59 ///
60 /// More advanced users that also want to implement parallelism on top of each
61 /// single Parquet files should do this on the RowGroup level. For this, they can
62 /// call `FileReader::RowGroup(i)->ReadTable` to receive only the specified
63 /// RowGroup as a table.
64 ///
65 /// In the most advanced situation, where a consumer wants to independently read
66 /// RowGroups in parallel and consume each column individually, they can call
67 /// `FileReader::RowGroup(i)->Column(j)->Read` and receive an `arrow::Column`
68 /// instance.
69 ///
70 /// The parquet format supports an optional integer field_id which can be assigned
71 /// to a field. Arrow will convert these field IDs to a metadata key named
72 /// PARQUET:field_id on the appropriate field.
73 // TODO(wesm): nested data does not always make sense with this user
74 // interface unless you are only reading a single leaf node from a branch of
75 // a table. For example:
76 //
77 // repeated group data {
78 // optional group record {
79 // optional int32 val1;
80 // optional byte_array val2;
81 // optional bool val3;
82 // }
83 // optional int32 val4;
84 // }
85 //
86 // In the Parquet file, there are 3 leaf nodes:
87 //
88 // * data.record.val1
89 // * data.record.val2
90 // * data.record.val3
91 // * data.val4
92 //
93 // When materializing this data in an Arrow array, we would have:
94 //
95 // data: list<struct<
96 // record: struct<
97 // val1: int32,
98 // val2: string (= list<uint8>),
99 // val3: bool,
100 // >,
101 // val4: int32
102 // >>
103 //
104 // However, in the Parquet format, each leaf node has its own repetition and
105 // definition levels describing the structure of the intermediate nodes in
106 // this array structure. Thus, we will need to scan the leaf data for a group
107 // of leaf nodes part of the same type tree to create a single result Arrow
108 // nested array structure.
109 //
110 // This is additionally complicated "chunky" repeated fields or very large byte
111 // arrays
112 class PARQUET_EXPORT FileReader {
113 public:
114 /// Factory function to create a FileReader from a ParquetFileReader and properties
115 static ::arrow::Status Make(::arrow::MemoryPool* pool,
116 std::unique_ptr<ParquetFileReader> reader,
117 const ArrowReaderProperties& properties,
118 std::unique_ptr<FileReader>* out);
120 /// Factory function to create a FileReader from a ParquetFileReader
121 static ::arrow::Status Make(::arrow::MemoryPool* pool,
122 std::unique_ptr<ParquetFileReader> reader,
123 std::unique_ptr<FileReader>* out);
125 // Since the distribution of columns amongst a Parquet file's row groups may
126 // be uneven (the number of values in each column chunk can be different), we
127 // provide a column-oriented read interface. The ColumnReader hides the
128 // details of paging through the file's row groups and yielding
129 // fully-materialized arrow::Array instances
130 //
131 // Returns error status if the column of interest is not flat.
132 virtual ::arrow::Status GetColumn(int i, std::unique_ptr<ColumnReader>* out) = 0;
134 /// \brief Return arrow schema for all the columns.
135 virtual ::arrow::Status GetSchema(std::shared_ptr<::arrow::Schema>* out) = 0;
137 /// \brief Read column as a whole into a chunked array.
138 ///
139 /// The indicated column index is relative to the schema
140 virtual ::arrow::Status ReadColumn(int i,
141 std::shared_ptr<::arrow::ChunkedArray>* out) = 0;
143 // NOTE: Experimental API
144 // Reads a specific top level schema field into an Array
145 // The index i refers the index of the top level schema field, which may
146 // be nested or flat - e.g.
147 //
148 // 0 foo.bar
149 // foo.bar.baz
150 // foo.qux
151 // 1 foo2
152 // 2 foo3
153 //
154 // i=0 will read the entire foo struct, i=1 the foo2 primitive column etc
155 virtual ::arrow::Status ReadSchemaField(
156 int i, std::shared_ptr<::arrow::ChunkedArray>* out) = 0;
158 /// \brief Return a RecordBatchReader of row groups selected from row_group_indices.
159 ///
160 /// Note that the ordering in row_group_indices matters. FileReaders must outlive
161 /// their RecordBatchReaders.
162 ///
163 /// \returns error Status if row_group_indices contains an invalid index
164 virtual ::arrow::Status GetRecordBatchReader(
165 const std::vector<int>& row_group_indices,
166 std::unique_ptr<::arrow::RecordBatchReader>* out) = 0;
168 ::arrow::Status GetRecordBatchReader(const std::vector<int>& row_group_indices,
169 std::shared_ptr<::arrow::RecordBatchReader>* out);
171 /// \brief Return a RecordBatchReader of row groups selected from
172 /// row_group_indices, whose columns are selected by column_indices.
173 ///
174 /// Note that the ordering in row_group_indices and column_indices
175 /// matter. FileReaders must outlive their RecordBatchReaders.
176 ///
177 /// \returns error Status if either row_group_indices or column_indices
178 /// contains an invalid index
179 virtual ::arrow::Status GetRecordBatchReader(
180 const std::vector<int>& row_group_indices, const std::vector<int>& column_indices,
181 std::unique_ptr<::arrow::RecordBatchReader>* out) = 0;
183 /// \brief Return a generator of record batches.
184 ///
185 /// The FileReader must outlive the generator, so this requires that you pass in a
186 /// shared_ptr.
187 ///
188 /// \returns error Result if either row_group_indices or column_indices contains an
189 /// invalid index
190 virtual ::arrow::Result<
191 std::function<::arrow::Future<std::shared_ptr<::arrow::RecordBatch>>()>>
192 GetRecordBatchGenerator(std::shared_ptr<FileReader> reader,
193 const std::vector<int> row_group_indices,
194 const std::vector<int> column_indices,
195 ::arrow::internal::Executor* cpu_executor = NULLPTR,
196 int row_group_readahead = 0) = 0;
198 ::arrow::Status GetRecordBatchReader(const std::vector<int>& row_group_indices,
199 const std::vector<int>& column_indices,
200 std::shared_ptr<::arrow::RecordBatchReader>* out);
202 /// Read all columns into a Table
203 virtual ::arrow::Status ReadTable(std::shared_ptr<::arrow::Table>* out) = 0;
205 /// \brief Read the given columns into a Table
206 ///
207 /// The indicated column indices are relative to the schema
208 virtual ::arrow::Status ReadTable(const std::vector<int>& column_indices,
209 std::shared_ptr<::arrow::Table>* out) = 0;
211 virtual ::arrow::Status ReadRowGroup(int i, const std::vector<int>& column_indices,
212 std::shared_ptr<::arrow::Table>* out) = 0;
214 virtual ::arrow::Status ReadRowGroup(int i, std::shared_ptr<::arrow::Table>* out) = 0;
216 virtual ::arrow::Status ReadRowGroups(const std::vector<int>& row_groups,
217 const std::vector<int>& column_indices,
218 std::shared_ptr<::arrow::Table>* out) = 0;
220 virtual ::arrow::Status ReadRowGroups(const std::vector<int>& row_groups,
221 std::shared_ptr<::arrow::Table>* out) = 0;
223 /// \brief Scan file contents with one thread, return number of rows
224 virtual ::arrow::Status ScanContents(std::vector<int> columns,
225 const int32_t column_batch_size,
226 int64_t* num_rows) = 0;
228 /// \brief Return a reader for the RowGroup, this object must not outlive the
229 /// FileReader.
230 virtual std::shared_ptr<RowGroupReader> RowGroup(int row_group_index) = 0;
232 /// \brief The number of row groups in the file
233 virtual int num_row_groups() const = 0;
235 virtual ParquetFileReader* parquet_reader() const = 0;
237 /// Set whether to use multiple threads during reads of multiple columns.
238 /// By default only one thread is used.
239 virtual void set_use_threads(bool use_threads) = 0;
241 /// Set number of records to read per batch for the RecordBatchReader.
242 virtual void set_batch_size(int64_t batch_size) = 0;
244 virtual const ArrowReaderProperties& properties() const = 0;
246 virtual const SchemaManifest& manifest() const = 0;
248 virtual ~FileReader() = default;
249 };
251 class RowGroupReader {
252 public:
253 virtual ~RowGroupReader() = default;
254 virtual std::shared_ptr<ColumnChunkReader> Column(int column_index) = 0;
255 virtual ::arrow::Status ReadTable(const std::vector<int>& column_indices,
256 std::shared_ptr<::arrow::Table>* out) = 0;
257 virtual ::arrow::Status ReadTable(std::shared_ptr<::arrow::Table>* out) = 0;
259 private:
260 struct Iterator;
261 };
263 class ColumnChunkReader {
264 public:
265 virtual ~ColumnChunkReader() = default;
266 virtual ::arrow::Status Read(std::shared_ptr<::arrow::ChunkedArray>* out) = 0;
267 };
269 // At this point, the column reader is a stream iterator. It only knows how to
270 // read the next batch of values for a particular column from the file until it
271 // runs out.
272 //
273 // We also do not expose any internal Parquet details, such as row groups. This
274 // might change in the future.
275 class PARQUET_EXPORT ColumnReader {
276 public:
277 virtual ~ColumnReader() = default;
279 // Scan the next array of the indicated size. The actual size of the
280 // returned array may be less than the passed size depending how much data is
281 // available in the file.
282 //
283 // When all the data in the file has been exhausted, the result is set to
284 // nullptr.
285 //
286 // Returns Status::OK on a successful read, including if you have exhausted
287 // the data available in the file.
288 virtual ::arrow::Status NextBatch(int64_t batch_size,
289 std::shared_ptr<::arrow::ChunkedArray>* out) = 0;
290 };
292 /// \brief Experimental helper class for bindings (like Python) that struggle
293 /// either with std::move or C++ exceptions
294 class PARQUET_EXPORT FileReaderBuilder {
295 public:
296 FileReaderBuilder();
298 /// Create FileReaderBuilder from Arrow file and optional properties / metadata
299 ::arrow::Status Open(std::shared_ptr<::arrow::io::RandomAccessFile> file,
300 const ReaderProperties& properties = default_reader_properties(),
301 std::shared_ptr<FileMetaData> metadata = NULLPTR);
303 ParquetFileReader* raw_reader() { return raw_reader_.get(); }
305 /// Set Arrow MemoryPool for memory allocation
306 FileReaderBuilder* memory_pool(::arrow::MemoryPool* pool);
307 /// Set Arrow reader properties
308 FileReaderBuilder* properties(const ArrowReaderProperties& arg_properties);
309 /// Build FileReader instance
310 ::arrow::Status Build(std::unique_ptr<FileReader>* out);
312 private:
313 ::arrow::MemoryPool* pool_;
314 ArrowReaderProperties properties_;
315 std::unique_ptr<ParquetFileReader> raw_reader_;
316 };
318 /// \defgroup parquet-arrow-reader-factories Factory functions for Parquet Arrow readers
319 ///
320 /// @{
322 /// \brief Build FileReader from Arrow file and MemoryPool
323 ///
324 /// Advanced settings are supported through the FileReaderBuilder class.
326 ::arrow::Status OpenFile(std::shared_ptr<::arrow::io::RandomAccessFile>,
327 ::arrow::MemoryPool* allocator,
328 std::unique_ptr<FileReader>* reader);
330 /// @}
333 ::arrow::Status StatisticsAsScalars(const Statistics& Statistics,
334 std::shared_ptr<::arrow::Scalar>* min,
335 std::shared_ptr<::arrow::Scalar>* max);
337 namespace internal {
340 ::arrow::Status FuzzReader(const uint8_t* data, int64_t size);
342 } // namespace internal
343 } // namespace arrow
344 } // namespace parquet