]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/src/arrow/js/gulp/util.js
import quincy 17.2.0
[ceph.git] / ceph / src / arrow / js / gulp / util.js
1 // Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
2 // or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
3 // distributed with this work for additional information
4 // regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
5 // to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
6 // "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
7 // with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
8 //
9 // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10 //
11 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
12 // software distributed under the License is distributed on an
14 // KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
15 // specific language governing permissions and limitations
16 // under the License.
18 const fs = require('fs');
19 const path = require(`path`);
20 const pump = require(`stream`).pipeline;
21 const child_process = require(`child_process`);
22 const { targets, modules } = require('./argv');
23 const {
24 ReplaySubject,
25 empty: ObservableEmpty,
26 throwError: ObservableThrow,
27 fromEvent: ObservableFromEvent
28 } = require('rxjs');
29 const {
30 share,
31 flatMap,
32 takeUntil,
33 defaultIfEmpty,
34 mergeWith,
35 } = require('rxjs/operators');
36 const asyncDone = require('util').promisify(require('async-done'));
38 const mainExport = `Arrow`;
39 const npmPkgName = `apache-arrow`;
40 const npmOrgName = `@${npmPkgName}`;
42 const releasesRootDir = `targets`;
43 const knownTargets = [`es5`, `es2015`, `esnext`];
44 const knownModules = [`cjs`, `esm`, `cls`, `umd`];
45 const tasksToSkipPerTargetOrFormat = {
46 src: { clean: true, build: true },
47 cls: { test: true, package: true }
48 };
49 const packageJSONFields = [
50 `version`, `license`, `description`,
51 `author`, `homepage`, `repository`,
52 `bugs`, `keywords`, `dependencies`,
53 `bin`
54 ];
56 const metadataFiles = [`LICENSE.txt`, `NOTICE.txt`, `README.md`].map((filename) => {
57 let prefixes = [`./`, `../`];
58 let p = prefixes.find((prefix) => {
59 try {
60 fs.statSync(path.resolve(path.join(prefix, filename)));
61 } catch (e) { return false; }
62 return true;
63 });
64 if (!p) {
65 throw new Error(`Couldn't find ${filename} in ./ or ../`);
66 }
67 return path.join(p, filename);
68 });
70 // see: https://github.com/google/closure-compiler/blob/c1372b799d94582eaf4b507a4a22558ff26c403c/src/com/google/javascript/jscomp/CompilerOptions.java#L2988
71 const gCCLanguageNames = {
72 es5: `ECMASCRIPT5`,
73 es2015: `ECMASCRIPT_2015`,
74 es2016: `ECMASCRIPT_2016`,
75 es2017: `ECMASCRIPT_2017`,
76 es2018: `ECMASCRIPT_2018`,
77 es2019: `ECMASCRIPT_2019`,
78 esnext: `ECMASCRIPT_NEXT`
79 };
81 function taskName(target, format) {
82 return !format ? target : `${target}:${format}`;
83 }
85 function packageName(target, format) {
86 return !format ? target : `${target}-${format}`;
87 }
89 function tsconfigName(target, format) {
90 return !format ? target : `${target}.${format}`;
91 }
93 function targetDir(target, format) {
94 return path.join(releasesRootDir, ...(!format ? [target] : [target, format]));
95 }
97 function shouldRunInChildProcess(target, format) {
98 // If we're building more than one module/target, then yes run this task in a child process
99 if (targets.length > 1 || modules.length > 1) { return true; }
100 // If the target we're building *isn't* the target the gulp command was configured to run, then yes run that in a child process
101 if (targets[0] !== target || modules[0] !== format) { return true; }
102 // Otherwise no need -- either gulp was run for just one target, or we've been spawned as the child of a multi-target parent gulp
103 return false;
104 }
106 const gulp = path.join(path.parse(require.resolve(`gulp`)).dir, `bin/gulp.js`);
107 function spawnGulpCommandInChildProcess(command, target, format) {
108 const args = [gulp, command, '-t', target, '-m', format, `--silent`];
109 const opts = {
110 stdio: [`ignore`, `inherit`, `inherit`],
111 env: { ...process.env, NODE_NO_WARNINGS: `1` }
112 };
113 return asyncDone(() => child_process.spawn(`node`, args, opts))
114 .catch((e) => { throw `Error in "${command}:${taskName(target, format)}" task`; });
115 }
117 const logAndDie = (e) => { if (e) { process.exit(1) } };
118 function observableFromStreams(...streams) {
119 if (streams.length <= 0) { return ObservableEmpty(); }
120 const pumped = streams.length <= 1 ? streams[0] : pump(...streams, logAndDie);
121 const fromEvent = ObservableFromEvent.bind(null, pumped);
122 const streamObs = fromEvent(`data`).pipe(
123 mergeWith(fromEvent(`error`).pipe(flatMap((e) => ObservableThrow(e)))),
124 takeUntil(fromEvent(`end`).pipe(mergeWith(fromEvent(`close`)))),
125 defaultIfEmpty(`empty stream`),
126 share({ connector: () => new ReplaySubject(), resetOnError: false, resetOnComplete: false, resetOnRefCountZero: false })
127 );
128 streamObs.stream = pumped;
129 streamObs.observable = streamObs;
130 return streamObs;
131 }
133 function* combinations(_targets, _modules) {
134 const targets = known(knownTargets, _targets || [`all`]);
135 const modules = known(knownModules, _modules || [`all`]);
137 if (_targets.includes(`src`)) {
138 yield [`src`, ``];
139 return;
140 }
142 if (_targets.includes(`all`) && _modules.includes(`all`)) {
143 yield [`ts`, ``];
144 yield [`src`, ``];
145 yield [npmPkgName, ``];
146 }
148 for (const format of modules) {
149 for (const target of targets) {
150 yield [target, format];
151 }
152 }
154 function known(known, values) {
155 return values.includes(`all`) ? known
156 : values.includes(`src`) ? [`src`]
157 : Object.keys(
158 values.reduce((map, arg) => ((
159 (known.includes(arg)) &&
160 (map[arg.toLowerCase()] = true)
161 || true) && map
162 ), {})
163 ).sort((a, b) => known.indexOf(a) - known.indexOf(b));
164 }
165 }
167 const publicModulePaths = (dir) => [
168 `${dir}/${mainExport}.dom.js`,
169 `${dir}/util/int.js`,
170 `${dir}/compute/predicate.js`,
171 ];
173 const esmRequire = require(`esm`)(module, {
174 mode: `auto`,
175 cjs: {
176 /* A boolean for storing ES modules in require.cache. */
177 cache: true,
178 /* A boolean for respecting require.extensions in ESM. */
179 extensions: true,
180 /* A boolean for __esModule interoperability. */
181 interop: true,
182 /* A boolean for importing named exports of CJS modules. */
183 namedExports: true,
184 /* A boolean for following CJS path rules in ESM. */
185 paths: true,
186 /* A boolean for __dirname, __filename, and require in ESM. */
187 vars: true,
188 }
189 });
191 module.exports = {
192 mainExport, npmPkgName, npmOrgName, metadataFiles, packageJSONFields,
194 knownTargets, knownModules, tasksToSkipPerTargetOrFormat, gCCLanguageNames,
196 taskName, packageName, tsconfigName, targetDir, combinations, observableFromStreams,
197 publicModulePaths, esmRequire, shouldRunInChildProcess, spawnGulpCommandInChildProcess,
199 targetAndModuleCombinations: [...combinations(targets, modules)]
200 };