]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/src/boost/boost/histogram/axis/variable.hpp
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[ceph.git] / ceph / src / boost / boost / histogram / axis / variable.hpp
1 // Copyright 2015-2018 Hans Dembinski
2 //
3 // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
4 // (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt
5 // or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
10 #include <algorithm>
11 #include <boost/core/nvp.hpp>
12 #include <boost/histogram/axis/interval_view.hpp>
13 #include <boost/histogram/axis/iterator.hpp>
14 #include <boost/histogram/axis/metadata_base.hpp>
15 #include <boost/histogram/axis/option.hpp>
16 #include <boost/histogram/detail/convert_integer.hpp>
17 #include <boost/histogram/detail/detect.hpp>
18 #include <boost/histogram/detail/limits.hpp>
19 #include <boost/histogram/detail/relaxed_equal.hpp>
20 #include <boost/histogram/detail/replace_type.hpp>
21 #include <boost/histogram/fwd.hpp>
22 #include <boost/throw_exception.hpp>
23 #include <cassert>
24 #include <cmath>
25 #include <limits>
26 #include <memory>
27 #include <stdexcept>
28 #include <string>
29 #include <type_traits>
30 #include <utility>
31 #include <vector>
33 namespace boost {
34 namespace histogram {
35 namespace axis {
37 /** Axis for non-equidistant bins on the real line.
39 Binning is a O(log(N)) operation. If speed matters and the problem domain
40 allows it, prefer a regular axis, possibly with a transform.
42 If the axis has an overflow bin (the default), a value on the upper edge of the last
43 bin is put in the overflow bin. The axis range represents a semi-open interval.
45 If the overflow bin is deactivated, then a value on the upper edge of the last bin is
46 still counted towards the last bin. The axis range represents a closed interval. This
47 is the desired behavior for random numbers drawn from a bounded interval, which is
48 usually closed.
50 @tparam Value input value type, must be floating point.
51 @tparam MetaData type to store meta data.
52 @tparam Options see boost::histogram::axis::option.
53 @tparam Allocator allocator to use for dynamic memory management.
54 */
55 template <class Value, class MetaData, class Options, class Allocator>
56 class variable : public iterator_mixin<variable<Value, MetaData, Options, Allocator>>,
57 public metadata_base_t<MetaData> {
58 // these must be private, so that they are not automatically inherited
59 using value_type = Value;
60 using metadata_base = metadata_base_t<MetaData>;
61 using metadata_type = typename metadata_base::metadata_type;
62 using options_type =
63 detail::replace_default<Options, decltype(option::underflow | option::overflow)>;
64 using allocator_type = Allocator;
65 using vector_type = std::vector<Value, allocator_type>;
67 static_assert(
68 std::is_floating_point<value_type>::value,
69 "current version of variable axis requires floating point type; "
70 "if you need a variable axis with an integral type, please submit an issue");
72 static_assert(
73 (!options_type::test(option::circular) && !options_type::test(option::growth)) ||
74 (options_type::test(option::circular) ^ options_type::test(option::growth)),
75 "circular and growth options are mutually exclusive");
77 public:
78 constexpr variable() = default;
79 explicit variable(allocator_type alloc) : vec_(alloc) {}
81 /** Construct from iterator range of bin edges.
83 @param begin begin of edge sequence.
84 @param end end of edge sequence.
85 @param meta description of the axis (optional).
86 @param options see boost::histogram::axis::option (optional).
87 @param alloc allocator instance to use (optional).
88 */
89 template <class It, class = detail::requires_iterator<It>>
90 variable(It begin, It end, metadata_type meta = {}, options_type options = {},
91 allocator_type alloc = {})
92 : metadata_base(std::move(meta)), vec_(std::move(alloc)) {
93 (void)options;
95 if (std::distance(begin, end) < 2)
96 BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::invalid_argument("bins > 0 required"));
98 vec_.reserve(std::distance(begin, end));
99 vec_.emplace_back(*begin++);
100 bool strictly_ascending = true;
101 for (; begin != end; ++begin) {
102 strictly_ascending &= vec_.back() < *begin;
103 vec_.emplace_back(*begin);
104 }
105 if (!strictly_ascending)
107 std::invalid_argument("input sequence must be strictly ascending"));
108 }
110 // kept for backward compatibility
111 template <class It, class = detail::requires_iterator<It>>
112 variable(It begin, It end, metadata_type meta, allocator_type alloc)
113 : variable(begin, end, std::move(meta), {}, std::move(alloc)) {}
115 /** Construct variable axis from iterable range of bin edges.
117 @param iterable iterable range of bin edges.
118 @param meta description of the axis (optional).
119 @param options see boost::histogram::axis::option (optional).
120 @param alloc allocator instance to use (optional).
121 */
122 template <class U, class = detail::requires_iterable<U>>
123 variable(const U& iterable, metadata_type meta = {}, options_type options = {},
124 allocator_type alloc = {})
125 : variable(std::begin(iterable), std::end(iterable), std::move(meta), options,
126 std::move(alloc)) {}
128 // kept for backward compatibility
129 template <class U, class = detail::requires_iterable<U>>
130 variable(const U& iterable, metadata_type meta, allocator_type alloc)
131 : variable(std::begin(iterable), std::end(iterable), std::move(meta), {},
132 std::move(alloc)) {}
134 /** Construct variable axis from initializer list of bin edges.
136 @param list `std::initializer_list` of bin edges.
137 @param meta description of the axis (optional).
138 @param options see boost::histogram::axis::option (optional).
139 @param alloc allocator instance to use (optional).
140 */
141 template <class U>
142 variable(std::initializer_list<U> list, metadata_type meta = {},
143 options_type options = {}, allocator_type alloc = {})
144 : variable(list.begin(), list.end(), std::move(meta), options, std::move(alloc)) {}
146 // kept for backward compatibility
147 template <class U>
148 variable(std::initializer_list<U> list, metadata_type meta, allocator_type alloc)
149 : variable(list.begin(), list.end(), std::move(meta), {}, std::move(alloc)) {}
151 /// Constructor used by algorithm::reduce to shrink and rebin (not for users).
152 variable(const variable& src, index_type begin, index_type end, unsigned merge)
153 : metadata_base(src), vec_(src.get_allocator()) {
154 assert((end - begin) % merge == 0);
155 if (options_type::test(option::circular) && !(begin == 0 && end == src.size()))
156 BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::invalid_argument("cannot shrink circular axis"));
157 vec_.reserve((end - begin) / merge);
158 const auto beg = src.vec_.begin();
159 for (index_type i = begin; i <= end; i += merge) vec_.emplace_back(*(beg + i));
160 }
162 /// Return index for value argument.
163 index_type index(value_type x) const noexcept {
164 if (options_type::test(option::circular)) {
165 const auto a = vec_[0];
166 const auto b = vec_[size()];
167 x -= std::floor((x - a) / (b - a)) * (b - a);
168 }
169 // upper edge of last bin is inclusive if overflow bin is not present
170 if (!options_type::test(option::overflow) && x == vec_.back()) return size() - 1;
171 return static_cast<index_type>(std::upper_bound(vec_.begin(), vec_.end(), x) -
172 vec_.begin() - 1);
173 }
175 std::pair<index_type, index_type> update(value_type x) noexcept {
176 const auto i = index(x);
177 if (std::isfinite(x)) {
178 if (0 <= i) {
179 if (i < size()) return std::make_pair(i, 0);
180 const auto d = value(size()) - value(size() - 0.5);
181 x = std::nextafter(x, (std::numeric_limits<value_type>::max)());
182 x = (std::max)(x, vec_.back() + d);
183 vec_.push_back(x);
184 return {i, -1};
185 }
186 const auto d = value(0.5) - value(0);
187 x = (std::min)(x, value(0) - d);
188 vec_.insert(vec_.begin(), x);
189 return {0, -i};
190 }
191 return {x < 0 ? -1 : size(), 0};
192 }
194 /// Return value for fractional index argument.
195 value_type value(real_index_type i) const noexcept {
196 if (options_type::test(option::circular)) {
197 auto shift = std::floor(i / size());
198 i -= shift * size();
199 double z;
200 const auto k = static_cast<index_type>(std::modf(i, &z));
201 const auto a = vec_[0];
202 const auto b = vec_[size()];
203 return (1.0 - z) * vec_[k] + z * vec_[k + 1] + shift * (b - a);
204 }
205 if (i < 0) return detail::lowest<value_type>();
206 if (i == size()) return vec_.back();
207 if (i > size()) return detail::highest<value_type>();
208 const auto k = static_cast<index_type>(i); // precond: i >= 0
209 const real_index_type z = i - k;
210 // check z == 0 needed to avoid returning nan when vec_[k + 1] is infinity
211 return (1.0 - z) * vec_[k] + (z == 0 ? 0 : z * vec_[k + 1]);
212 }
214 /// Return bin for index argument.
215 auto bin(index_type idx) const noexcept { return interval_view<variable>(*this, idx); }
217 /// Returns the number of bins, without over- or underflow.
218 index_type size() const noexcept { return static_cast<index_type>(vec_.size()) - 1; }
220 /// Returns the options.
221 static constexpr unsigned options() noexcept { return options_type::value; }
223 template <class V, class M, class O, class A>
224 bool operator==(const variable<V, M, O, A>& o) const noexcept {
225 const auto& a = vec_;
226 const auto& b = o.vec_;
227 return std::equal(a.begin(), a.end(), b.begin(), b.end()) &&
228 detail::relaxed_equal{}(this->metadata(), o.metadata());
229 }
231 template <class V, class M, class O, class A>
232 bool operator!=(const variable<V, M, O, A>& o) const noexcept {
233 return !operator==(o);
234 }
236 /// Return allocator instance.
237 auto get_allocator() const { return vec_.get_allocator(); }
239 template <class Archive>
240 void serialize(Archive& ar, unsigned /* version */) {
241 ar& make_nvp("seq", vec_);
242 ar& make_nvp("meta", this->metadata());
243 }
245 private:
246 vector_type vec_;
248 template <class V, class M, class O, class A>
249 friend class variable;
250 };
252 #if __cpp_deduction_guides >= 201606
254 template <class T>
255 variable(std::initializer_list<T>)
256 -> variable<detail::convert_integer<T, double>, null_type>;
258 template <class T, class M>
259 variable(std::initializer_list<T>, M)
260 -> variable<detail::convert_integer<T, double>,
261 detail::replace_type<std::decay_t<M>, const char*, std::string>>;
263 template <class T, class M, unsigned B>
264 variable(std::initializer_list<T>, M, const option::bitset<B>&)
265 -> variable<detail::convert_integer<T, double>,
266 detail::replace_type<std::decay_t<M>, const char*, std::string>,
267 option::bitset<B>>;
269 template <class Iterable, class = detail::requires_iterable<Iterable>>
270 variable(Iterable) -> variable<
271 detail::convert_integer<
272 std::decay_t<decltype(*std::begin(std::declval<Iterable&>()))>, double>,
273 null_type>;
275 template <class Iterable, class M>
276 variable(Iterable, M) -> variable<
277 detail::convert_integer<
278 std::decay_t<decltype(*std::begin(std::declval<Iterable&>()))>, double>,
279 detail::replace_type<std::decay_t<M>, const char*, std::string>>;
281 template <class Iterable, class M, unsigned B>
282 variable(Iterable, M, const option::bitset<B>&) -> variable<
283 detail::convert_integer<
284 std::decay_t<decltype(*std::begin(std::declval<Iterable&>()))>, double>,
285 detail::replace_type<std::decay_t<M>, const char*, std::string>, option::bitset<B>>;
287 #endif
289 } // namespace axis
290 } // namespace histogram
291 } // namespace boost
293 #endif