]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/src/boost/boost/math/distributions/detail/inv_discrete_quantile.hpp
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[ceph.git] / ceph / src / boost / boost / math / distributions / detail / inv_discrete_quantile.hpp
1 // Copyright John Maddock 2007.
2 // Use, modification and distribution are subject to the
3 // Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file
4 // LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
9 #include <algorithm>
11 namespace boost{ namespace math{ namespace detail{
13 //
14 // Functor for root finding algorithm:
15 //
16 template <class Dist>
17 struct distribution_quantile_finder
18 {
19 typedef typename Dist::value_type value_type;
20 typedef typename Dist::policy_type policy_type;
22 distribution_quantile_finder(const Dist d, value_type p, bool c)
23 : dist(d), target(p), comp(c) {}
25 value_type operator()(value_type const& x)
26 {
27 return comp ? value_type(target - cdf(complement(dist, x))) : value_type(cdf(dist, x) - target);
28 }
30 private:
31 Dist dist;
32 value_type target;
33 bool comp;
34 };
35 //
36 // The purpose of adjust_bounds, is to toggle the last bit of the
37 // range so that both ends round to the same integer, if possible.
38 // If they do both round the same then we terminate the search
39 // for the root *very* quickly when finding an integer result.
40 // At the point that this function is called we know that "a" is
41 // below the root and "b" above it, so this change can not result
42 // in the root no longer being bracketed.
43 //
44 template <class Real, class Tol>
45 void adjust_bounds(Real& /* a */, Real& /* b */, Tol const& /* tol */){}
47 template <class Real>
48 void adjust_bounds(Real& /* a */, Real& b, tools::equal_floor const& /* tol */)
49 {
51 b -= tools::epsilon<Real>() * b;
52 }
54 template <class Real>
55 void adjust_bounds(Real& a, Real& /* b */, tools::equal_ceil const& /* tol */)
56 {
58 a += tools::epsilon<Real>() * a;
59 }
61 template <class Real>
62 void adjust_bounds(Real& a, Real& b, tools::equal_nearest_integer const& /* tol */)
63 {
65 a += tools::epsilon<Real>() * a;
66 b -= tools::epsilon<Real>() * b;
67 }
68 //
69 // This is where all the work is done:
70 //
71 template <class Dist, class Tolerance>
72 typename Dist::value_type
73 do_inverse_discrete_quantile(
74 const Dist& dist,
75 const typename Dist::value_type& p,
76 bool comp,
77 typename Dist::value_type guess,
78 const typename Dist::value_type& multiplier,
79 typename Dist::value_type adder,
80 const Tolerance& tol,
81 boost::uintmax_t& max_iter)
82 {
83 typedef typename Dist::value_type value_type;
84 typedef typename Dist::policy_type policy_type;
86 static const char* function = "boost::math::do_inverse_discrete_quantile<%1%>";
90 distribution_quantile_finder<Dist> f(dist, p, comp);
91 //
92 // Max bounds of the distribution:
93 //
94 value_type min_bound, max_bound;
95 boost::math::tie(min_bound, max_bound) = support(dist);
97 if(guess > max_bound)
98 guess = max_bound;
99 if(guess < min_bound)
100 guess = min_bound;
102 value_type fa = f(guess);
103 boost::uintmax_t count = max_iter - 1;
104 value_type fb(fa), a(guess), b =0; // Compiler warning C4701: potentially uninitialized local variable 'b' used
106 if(fa == 0)
107 return guess;
109 //
110 // For small expected results, just use a linear search:
111 //
112 if(guess < 10)
113 {
114 b = a;
115 while((a < 10) && (fa * fb >= 0))
116 {
117 if(fb <= 0)
118 {
119 a = b;
120 b = a + 1;
121 if(b > max_bound)
122 b = max_bound;
123 fb = f(b);
124 --count;
125 if(fb == 0)
126 return b;
127 if(a == b)
128 return b; // can't go any higher!
129 }
130 else
131 {
132 b = a;
133 a = (std::max)(value_type(b - 1), value_type(0));
134 if(a < min_bound)
135 a = min_bound;
136 fa = f(a);
137 --count;
138 if(fa == 0)
139 return a;
140 if(a == b)
141 return a; // We can't go any lower than this!
142 }
143 }
144 }
145 //
146 // Try and bracket using a couple of additions first,
147 // we're assuming that "guess" is likely to be accurate
148 // to the nearest int or so:
149 //
150 else if(adder != 0)
151 {
152 //
153 // If we're looking for a large result, then bump "adder" up
154 // by a bit to increase our chances of bracketing the root:
155 //
156 //adder = (std::max)(adder, 0.001f * guess);
157 if(fa < 0)
158 {
159 b = a + adder;
160 if(b > max_bound)
161 b = max_bound;
162 }
163 else
164 {
165 b = (std::max)(value_type(a - adder), value_type(0));
166 if(b < min_bound)
167 b = min_bound;
168 }
169 fb = f(b);
170 --count;
171 if(fb == 0)
172 return b;
173 if(count && (fa * fb >= 0))
174 {
175 //
176 // We didn't bracket the root, try
177 // once more:
178 //
179 a = b;
180 fa = fb;
181 if(fa < 0)
182 {
183 b = a + adder;
184 if(b > max_bound)
185 b = max_bound;
186 }
187 else
188 {
189 b = (std::max)(value_type(a - adder), value_type(0));
190 if(b < min_bound)
191 b = min_bound;
192 }
193 fb = f(b);
194 --count;
195 }
196 if(a > b)
197 {
198 using std::swap;
199 swap(a, b);
200 swap(fa, fb);
201 }
202 }
203 //
204 // If the root hasn't been bracketed yet, try again
205 // using the multiplier this time:
206 //
207 if((boost::math::sign)(fb) == (boost::math::sign)(fa))
208 {
209 if(fa < 0)
210 {
211 //
212 // Zero is to the right of x2, so walk upwards
213 // until we find it:
214 //
215 while(((boost::math::sign)(fb) == (boost::math::sign)(fa)) && (a != b))
216 {
217 if(count == 0)
218 return policies::raise_evaluation_error(function, "Unable to bracket root, last nearest value was %1%", b, policy_type());
219 a = b;
220 fa = fb;
221 b *= multiplier;
222 if(b > max_bound)
223 b = max_bound;
224 fb = f(b);
225 --count;
226 BOOST_MATH_INSTRUMENT_CODE("a = " << a << " b = " << b << " fa = " << fa << " fb = " << fb << " count = " << count);
227 }
228 }
229 else
230 {
231 //
232 // Zero is to the left of a, so walk downwards
233 // until we find it:
234 //
235 while(((boost::math::sign)(fb) == (boost::math::sign)(fa)) && (a != b))
236 {
237 if(fabs(a) < tools::min_value<value_type>())
238 {
239 // Escape route just in case the answer is zero!
240 max_iter -= count;
241 max_iter += 1;
242 return 0;
243 }
244 if(count == 0)
245 return policies::raise_evaluation_error(function, "Unable to bracket root, last nearest value was %1%", a, policy_type());
246 b = a;
247 fb = fa;
248 a /= multiplier;
249 if(a < min_bound)
250 a = min_bound;
251 fa = f(a);
252 --count;
253 BOOST_MATH_INSTRUMENT_CODE("a = " << a << " b = " << b << " fa = " << fa << " fb = " << fb << " count = " << count);
254 }
255 }
256 }
257 max_iter -= count;
258 if(fa == 0)
259 return a;
260 if(fb == 0)
261 return b;
262 if(a == b)
263 return b; // Ran out of bounds trying to bracket - there is no answer!
264 //
265 // Adjust bounds so that if we're looking for an integer
266 // result, then both ends round the same way:
267 //
268 adjust_bounds(a, b, tol);
269 //
270 // We don't want zero or denorm lower bounds:
271 //
272 if(a < tools::min_value<value_type>())
273 a = tools::min_value<value_type>();
274 //
275 // Go ahead and find the root:
276 //
277 std::pair<value_type, value_type> r = toms748_solve(f, a, b, fa, fb, tol, count, policy_type());
278 max_iter += count;
279 BOOST_MATH_INSTRUMENT_CODE("max_iter = " << max_iter << " count = " << count);
280 return (r.first + r.second) / 2;
281 }
282 //
283 // Some special routine for rounding up and down:
284 // We want to check and see if we are very close to an integer, and if so test to see if
285 // that integer is an exact root of the cdf. We do this because our root finder only
286 // guarantees to find *a root*, and there can sometimes be many consecutive floating
287 // point values which are all roots. This is especially true if the target probability
288 // is very close 1.
289 //
290 template <class Dist>
291 inline typename Dist::value_type round_to_floor(const Dist& d, typename Dist::value_type result, typename Dist::value_type p, bool c)
292 {
294 typename Dist::value_type cc = ceil(result);
295 typename Dist::value_type pp = cc <= support(d).second ? c ? cdf(complement(d, cc)) : cdf(d, cc) : 1;
296 if(pp == p)
297 result = cc;
298 else
299 result = floor(result);
300 //
301 // Now find the smallest integer <= result for which we get an exact root:
302 //
303 while(result != 0)
304 {
305 cc = result - 1;
306 if(cc < support(d).first)
307 break;
308 pp = c ? cdf(complement(d, cc)) : cdf(d, cc);
309 if(pp == p)
310 result = cc;
311 else if(c ? pp > p : pp < p)
312 break;
313 result -= 1;
314 }
316 return result;
317 }
319 #ifdef BOOST_MSVC
320 #pragma warning(push)
321 #pragma warning(disable:4127)
322 #endif
324 template <class Dist>
325 inline typename Dist::value_type round_to_ceil(const Dist& d, typename Dist::value_type result, typename Dist::value_type p, bool c)
326 {
328 typename Dist::value_type cc = floor(result);
329 typename Dist::value_type pp = cc >= support(d).first ? c ? cdf(complement(d, cc)) : cdf(d, cc) : 0;
330 if(pp == p)
331 result = cc;
332 else
333 result = ceil(result);
334 //
335 // Now find the largest integer >= result for which we get an exact root:
336 //
337 while(true)
338 {
339 cc = result + 1;
340 if(cc > support(d).second)
341 break;
342 pp = c ? cdf(complement(d, cc)) : cdf(d, cc);
343 if(pp == p)
344 result = cc;
345 else if(c ? pp < p : pp > p)
346 break;
347 result += 1;
348 }
350 return result;
351 }
353 #ifdef BOOST_MSVC
354 #pragma warning(pop)
355 #endif
356 //
357 // Now finally are the public API functions.
358 // There is one overload for each policy,
359 // each one is responsible for selecting the correct
360 // termination condition, and rounding the result
361 // to an int where required.
362 //
363 template <class Dist>
364 inline typename Dist::value_type
365 inverse_discrete_quantile(
366 const Dist& dist,
367 typename Dist::value_type p,
368 bool c,
369 const typename Dist::value_type& guess,
370 const typename Dist::value_type& multiplier,
371 const typename Dist::value_type& adder,
372 const policies::discrete_quantile<policies::real>&,
373 boost::uintmax_t& max_iter)
374 {
375 if(p > 0.5)
376 {
377 p = 1 - p;
378 c = !c;
379 }
380 typename Dist::value_type pp = c ? 1 - p : p;
381 if(pp <= pdf(dist, 0))
382 return 0;
383 return do_inverse_discrete_quantile(
384 dist,
385 p,
386 c,
387 guess,
388 multiplier,
389 adder,
390 tools::eps_tolerance<typename Dist::value_type>(policies::digits<typename Dist::value_type, typename Dist::policy_type>()),
391 max_iter);
392 }
394 template <class Dist>
395 inline typename Dist::value_type
396 inverse_discrete_quantile(
397 const Dist& dist,
398 const typename Dist::value_type& p,
399 bool c,
400 const typename Dist::value_type& guess,
401 const typename Dist::value_type& multiplier,
402 const typename Dist::value_type& adder,
403 const policies::discrete_quantile<policies::integer_round_outwards>&,
404 boost::uintmax_t& max_iter)
405 {
406 typedef typename Dist::value_type value_type;
408 typename Dist::value_type pp = c ? 1 - p : p;
409 if(pp <= pdf(dist, 0))
410 return 0;
411 //
412 // What happens next depends on whether we're looking for an
413 // upper or lower quantile:
414 //
415 if(pp < 0.5f)
416 return round_to_floor(dist, do_inverse_discrete_quantile(
417 dist,
418 p,
419 c,
420 (guess < 1 ? value_type(1) : (value_type)floor(guess)),
421 multiplier,
422 adder,
423 tools::equal_floor(),
424 max_iter), p, c);
425 // else:
426 return round_to_ceil(dist, do_inverse_discrete_quantile(
427 dist,
428 p,
429 c,
430 (value_type)ceil(guess),
431 multiplier,
432 adder,
433 tools::equal_ceil(),
434 max_iter), p, c);
435 }
437 template <class Dist>
438 inline typename Dist::value_type
439 inverse_discrete_quantile(
440 const Dist& dist,
441 const typename Dist::value_type& p,
442 bool c,
443 const typename Dist::value_type& guess,
444 const typename Dist::value_type& multiplier,
445 const typename Dist::value_type& adder,
446 const policies::discrete_quantile<policies::integer_round_inwards>&,
447 boost::uintmax_t& max_iter)
448 {
449 typedef typename Dist::value_type value_type;
451 typename Dist::value_type pp = c ? 1 - p : p;
452 if(pp <= pdf(dist, 0))
453 return 0;
454 //
455 // What happens next depends on whether we're looking for an
456 // upper or lower quantile:
457 //
458 if(pp < 0.5f)
459 return round_to_ceil(dist, do_inverse_discrete_quantile(
460 dist,
461 p,
462 c,
463 ceil(guess),
464 multiplier,
465 adder,
466 tools::equal_ceil(),
467 max_iter), p, c);
468 // else:
469 return round_to_floor(dist, do_inverse_discrete_quantile(
470 dist,
471 p,
472 c,
473 (guess < 1 ? value_type(1) : floor(guess)),
474 multiplier,
475 adder,
476 tools::equal_floor(),
477 max_iter), p, c);
478 }
480 template <class Dist>
481 inline typename Dist::value_type
482 inverse_discrete_quantile(
483 const Dist& dist,
484 const typename Dist::value_type& p,
485 bool c,
486 const typename Dist::value_type& guess,
487 const typename Dist::value_type& multiplier,
488 const typename Dist::value_type& adder,
489 const policies::discrete_quantile<policies::integer_round_down>&,
490 boost::uintmax_t& max_iter)
491 {
492 typedef typename Dist::value_type value_type;
494 typename Dist::value_type pp = c ? 1 - p : p;
495 if(pp <= pdf(dist, 0))
496 return 0;
497 return round_to_floor(dist, do_inverse_discrete_quantile(
498 dist,
499 p,
500 c,
501 (guess < 1 ? value_type(1) : floor(guess)),
502 multiplier,
503 adder,
504 tools::equal_floor(),
505 max_iter), p, c);
506 }
508 template <class Dist>
509 inline typename Dist::value_type
510 inverse_discrete_quantile(
511 const Dist& dist,
512 const typename Dist::value_type& p,
513 bool c,
514 const typename Dist::value_type& guess,
515 const typename Dist::value_type& multiplier,
516 const typename Dist::value_type& adder,
517 const policies::discrete_quantile<policies::integer_round_up>&,
518 boost::uintmax_t& max_iter)
519 {
521 typename Dist::value_type pp = c ? 1 - p : p;
522 if(pp <= pdf(dist, 0))
523 return 0;
524 return round_to_ceil(dist, do_inverse_discrete_quantile(
525 dist,
526 p,
527 c,
528 ceil(guess),
529 multiplier,
530 adder,
531 tools::equal_ceil(),
532 max_iter), p, c);
533 }
535 template <class Dist>
536 inline typename Dist::value_type
537 inverse_discrete_quantile(
538 const Dist& dist,
539 const typename Dist::value_type& p,
540 bool c,
541 const typename Dist::value_type& guess,
542 const typename Dist::value_type& multiplier,
543 const typename Dist::value_type& adder,
544 const policies::discrete_quantile<policies::integer_round_nearest>&,
545 boost::uintmax_t& max_iter)
546 {
547 typedef typename Dist::value_type value_type;
549 typename Dist::value_type pp = c ? 1 - p : p;
550 if(pp <= pdf(dist, 0))
551 return 0;
552 //
553 // Note that we adjust the guess to the nearest half-integer:
554 // this increase the chances that we will bracket the root
555 // with two results that both round to the same integer quickly.
556 //
557 return round_to_floor(dist, do_inverse_discrete_quantile(
558 dist,
559 p,
560 c,
561 (guess < 0.5f ? value_type(1.5f) : floor(guess + 0.5f) + 0.5f),
562 multiplier,
563 adder,
564 tools::equal_nearest_integer(),
565 max_iter) + 0.5f, p, c);
566 }
568 }}} // namespaces