]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/src/boost/boost/math/special_functions/chebyshev_transform.hpp
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[ceph.git] / ceph / src / boost / boost / math / special_functions / chebyshev_transform.hpp
1 // (C) Copyright Nick Thompson 2017.
2 // Use, modification and distribution are subject to the
3 // Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file
4 // LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
8 #include <cmath>
9 #include <type_traits>
10 #include <fftw3.h>
11 #include <boost/math/constants/constants.hpp>
12 #include <boost/math/special_functions/chebyshev.hpp>
14 #ifdef BOOST_HAS_FLOAT128
15 #include <quadmath.h>
16 #endif
18 namespace boost { namespace math {
20 namespace detail{
22 template <class T>
23 struct fftw_cos_transform;
25 template<>
26 struct fftw_cos_transform<double>
27 {
28 fftw_cos_transform(int n, double* data1, double* data2)
29 {
30 plan = fftw_plan_r2r_1d(n, data1, data2, FFTW_REDFT10, FFTW_ESTIMATE);
31 }
32 ~fftw_cos_transform()
33 {
34 fftw_destroy_plan(plan);
35 }
36 void execute(double* data1, double* data2)
37 {
38 fftw_execute_r2r(plan, data1, data2);
39 }
40 static double cos(double x) { return std::cos(x); }
41 static double fabs(double x) { return std::fabs(x); }
42 private:
43 fftw_plan plan;
44 };
46 template<>
47 struct fftw_cos_transform<float>
48 {
49 fftw_cos_transform(int n, float* data1, float* data2)
50 {
51 plan = fftwf_plan_r2r_1d(n, data1, data2, FFTW_REDFT10, FFTW_ESTIMATE);
52 }
53 ~fftw_cos_transform()
54 {
55 fftwf_destroy_plan(plan);
56 }
57 void execute(float* data1, float* data2)
58 {
59 fftwf_execute_r2r(plan, data1, data2);
60 }
61 static float cos(float x) { return std::cos(x); }
62 static float fabs(float x) { return std::fabs(x); }
63 private:
64 fftwf_plan plan;
65 };
67 template<>
68 struct fftw_cos_transform<long double>
69 {
70 fftw_cos_transform(int n, long double* data1, long double* data2)
71 {
72 plan = fftwl_plan_r2r_1d(n, data1, data2, FFTW_REDFT10, FFTW_ESTIMATE);
73 }
74 ~fftw_cos_transform()
75 {
76 fftwl_destroy_plan(plan);
77 }
78 void execute(long double* data1, long double* data2)
79 {
80 fftwl_execute_r2r(plan, data1, data2);
81 }
82 static long double cos(long double x) { return std::cos(x); }
83 static long double fabs(long double x) { return std::fabs(x); }
84 private:
85 fftwl_plan plan;
86 };
87 #ifdef BOOST_HAS_FLOAT128
88 template<>
89 struct fftw_cos_transform<__float128>
90 {
91 fftw_cos_transform(int n, __float128* data1, __float128* data2)
92 {
93 plan = fftwq_plan_r2r_1d(n, data1, data2, FFTW_REDFT10, FFTW_ESTIMATE);
94 }
95 ~fftw_cos_transform()
96 {
97 fftwq_destroy_plan(plan);
98 }
99 void execute(__float128* data1, __float128* data2)
100 {
101 fftwq_execute_r2r(plan, data1, data2);
102 }
103 static __float128 cos(__float128 x) { return cosq(x); }
104 static __float128 fabs(__float128 x) { return fabsq(x); }
105 private:
106 fftwq_plan plan;
107 };
109 #endif
110 }
112 template<class Real>
113 class chebyshev_transform
114 {
115 public:
116 template<class F>
117 chebyshev_transform(const F& f, Real a, Real b,
118 Real tol = 500 * std::numeric_limits<Real>::epsilon(),
119 size_t max_refinements = 15) : m_a(a), m_b(b)
120 {
121 if (a >= b)
122 {
123 throw std::domain_error("a < b is required.\n");
124 }
125 using boost::math::constants::half;
126 using boost::math::constants::pi;
127 using std::cos;
128 using std::abs;
129 Real bma = (b-a)*half<Real>();
130 Real bpa = (b+a)*half<Real>();
131 size_t n = 256;
132 std::vector<Real> vf;
134 size_t refinements = 0;
135 while(refinements < max_refinements)
136 {
137 vf.resize(n);
138 m_coeffs.resize(n);
140 detail::fftw_cos_transform<Real> plan(static_cast<int>(n), vf.data(), m_coeffs.data());
141 Real inv_n = 1/static_cast<Real>(n);
142 for(size_t j = 0; j < n/2; ++j)
143 {
144 // Use symmetry cos((j+1/2)pi/n) = - cos((n-1-j+1/2)pi/n)
145 Real y = detail::fftw_cos_transform<Real>::cos(pi<Real>()*(j+half<Real>())*inv_n);
146 vf[j] = f(y*bma + bpa)*inv_n;
147 vf[n-1-j]= f(bpa-y*bma)*inv_n;
148 }
150 plan.execute(vf.data(), m_coeffs.data());
151 Real max_coeff = 0;
152 for (auto const & coeff : m_coeffs)
153 {
154 if (detail::fftw_cos_transform<Real>::fabs(coeff) > max_coeff)
155 {
156 max_coeff = detail::fftw_cos_transform<Real>::fabs(coeff);
157 }
158 }
159 size_t j = m_coeffs.size() - 1;
160 while (abs(m_coeffs[j])/max_coeff < tol)
161 {
162 --j;
163 }
164 // If ten coefficients are eliminated, the we say we've done all
165 // we need to do:
166 if (n - j > 10)
167 {
168 m_coeffs.resize(j+1);
169 return;
170 }
172 n *= 2;
173 ++refinements;
174 }
175 }
177 Real operator()(Real x) const
178 {
179 using boost::math::constants::half;
180 if (x > m_b || x < m_a)
181 {
182 throw std::domain_error("x not in [a, b]\n");
183 }
185 Real z = (2*x - m_a - m_b)/(m_b - m_a);
186 return chebyshev_clenshaw_recurrence(m_coeffs.data(), m_coeffs.size(), z);
187 }
189 // Integral over entire domain [a, b]
190 Real integrate() const
191 {
192 Real Q = m_coeffs[0]/2;
193 for(size_t j = 2; j < m_coeffs.size(); j += 2)
194 {
195 Q += -m_coeffs[j]/((j+1)*(j-1));
196 }
197 return (m_b - m_a)*Q;
198 }
200 const std::vector<Real>& coefficients() const
201 {
202 return m_coeffs;
203 }
205 Real prime(Real x) const
206 {
207 Real z = (2*x - m_a - m_b)/(m_b - m_a);
208 Real dzdx = 2/(m_b - m_a);
209 if (m_coeffs.size() < 2)
210 {
211 return 0;
212 }
213 Real b2 = 0;
214 Real d2 = 0;
215 Real b1 = m_coeffs[m_coeffs.size() -1];
216 Real d1 = 0;
217 for(size_t j = m_coeffs.size() - 2; j >= 1; --j)
218 {
219 Real tmp1 = 2*z*b1 - b2 + m_coeffs[j];
220 Real tmp2 = 2*z*d1 - d2 + 2*b1;
221 b2 = b1;
222 b1 = tmp1;
224 d2 = d1;
225 d1 = tmp2;
226 }
227 return dzdx*(z*d1 - d2 + b1);
228 }
230 void print_coefficients() const
231 {
232 std::cout << "{";
233 for(auto const & coeff : m_coeffs) {
234 std::cout << coeff << ", ";
235 }
236 std::cout << "}\n";
237 }
240 private:
241 std::vector<Real> m_coeffs;
242 Real m_a;
243 Real m_b;
244 };
246 }}
247 #endif