]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/src/boost/boost/pending/fibonacci_heap.hpp
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[ceph.git] / ceph / src / boost / boost / pending / fibonacci_heap.hpp
1 // (C) Copyright Jeremy Siek 2004.
2 // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
3 // accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
4 // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
8 #if defined(__sgi) && !defined(__GNUC__)
9 # include <math.h>
10 #else
11 # include <boost/config/no_tr1/cmath.hpp>
12 #endif
13 #include <iosfwd>
14 #include <vector>
15 #include <functional>
16 #include <boost/config.hpp>
17 #include <boost/property_map/property_map.hpp>
19 //
20 // An adaptation of Knuth's Fibonacci heap implementation
21 // in "The Stanford Graph Base", pages 475-482.
22 //
24 namespace boost {
27 template <class T,
28 class Compare = std::less<T>,
29 class ID = identity_property_map>
30 class fibonacci_heap
31 {
32 typedef typename boost::property_traits<ID>::value_type size_type;
33 typedef T value_type;
34 protected:
35 typedef fibonacci_heap self;
36 typedef std::vector<size_type> LinkVec;
37 typedef typename LinkVec::iterator LinkIter;
38 public:
40 fibonacci_heap(size_type n,
41 const Compare& cmp,
42 const ID& id = identity_property_map())
43 : _key(n), _left(n), _right(n), _p(n), _mark(n), _degree(n),
44 _n(0), _root(n), _id(id), _compare(cmp), _child(n),
45 #if defined(BOOST_MSVC) || defined(__ICL) // need a new macro?
46 new_roots(size_type(log(float(n))) + 5) { }
47 #else
48 new_roots(size_type(std::log(float(n))) + 5) { }
49 #endif
51 // 33
52 void push(const T& d) {
53 ++_n;
54 size_type v = get(_id, d);
55 _key[v] = d;
56 _p[v] = nil();
57 _degree[v] = 0;
58 _mark[v] = false;
59 _child[v] = nil();
60 if (_root == nil()) {
61 _root = _left[v] = _right[v] = v;
62 //std::cout << "root added" << std::endl;
63 } else {
64 size_type u = _left[_root];
65 _left[v] = u;
66 _right[v] = _root;
67 _left[_root] = _right[u] = v;
68 if (_compare(d, _key[_root]))
69 _root = v;
70 //std::cout << "non-root node added" << std::endl;
71 }
72 }
73 T& top() { return _key[_root]; }
74 const T& top() const { return _key[_root]; }
76 // 38
77 void pop() {
78 --_n;
79 int h = -1;
80 size_type v, w;
81 if (_root != nil()) {
82 if (_degree[_root] == 0) {
83 v = _right[_root];
84 } else {
85 w = _child[_root];
86 v = _right[w];
87 _right[w] = _right[_root];
88 for (w = v; w != _right[_root]; w = _right[w])
89 _p[w] = nil();
90 }
91 while (v != _root) {
92 w = _right[v];
93 add_tree_to_new_roots(v, new_roots.begin(), h);
94 v = w;
95 }
96 rebuild_root_list(new_roots.begin(), h);
97 }
98 }
99 // 39
100 inline void add_tree_to_new_roots(size_type v,
101 LinkIter new_roots,
102 int& h)
103 {
104 int r;
105 size_type u;
106 r = _degree[v];
107 while (1) {
108 if (h < r) {
109 do {
110 ++h;
111 new_roots[h] = (h == r ? v : nil());
112 } while (h < r);
113 break;
114 }
115 if (new_roots[r] == nil()) {
116 new_roots[r] = v;
117 break;
118 }
119 u = new_roots[r];
120 new_roots[r] = nil();
121 if (_compare(_key[u], _key[v])) {
122 _degree[v] = r;
123 _mark[v] = false;
124 std::swap(u, v);
125 }
126 make_child(u, v, r);
127 ++r;
128 }
129 _degree[v] = r;
130 _mark[v] = false;
131 }
132 // 40
133 void make_child(size_type u, size_type v, size_type r) {
134 if (r == 0) {
135 _child[v] = u;
136 _left[u] = u;
137 _right[u] = u;
138 } else {
139 size_type t = _child[v];
140 _right[u] = _right[t];
141 _left[u] = t;
142 _right[t] = u;
143 _left[_right[u]] = u;
144 }
145 _p[u] = v;
146 }
147 // 41
148 inline void rebuild_root_list(LinkIter new_roots, int& h)
149 {
150 size_type u, v, w;
151 if (h < 0)
152 _root = nil();
153 else {
154 T d;
155 u = v = new_roots[h];
156 d = _key[u];
157 _root = u;
158 for (h--; h >= 0; --h)
159 if (new_roots[h] != nil()) {
160 w = new_roots[h];
161 _left[w] = v;
162 _right[v] = w;
163 if (_compare(_key[w], d)) {
164 _root = w;
165 d = _key[w];
166 }
167 v = w;
168 }
169 _right[v] = u;
170 _left[u] = v;
171 }
172 }
174 // 34
175 void update(const T& d) {
176 size_type v = get(_id, d);
177 assert(!_compare(_key[v], d));
178 _key[v] = d;
179 size_type p = _p[v];
180 if (p == nil()) {
181 if (_compare(d, _key[_root]))
182 _root = v;
183 } else if (_compare(d, _key[p]))
184 while (1) {
185 size_type r = _degree[p];
186 if (r >= 2)
187 remove_from_family(v, p);
188 insert_into_forest(v, d);
189 size_type pp = _p[p];
190 if (pp == nil()) {
191 --_degree[p];
192 break;
193 }
194 if (_mark[p] == false) {
195 _mark[p] = true;
196 --_degree[p];
197 break;
198 } else
199 --_degree[p];
200 v = p;
201 p = pp;
202 }
203 }
205 inline size_type size() const { return _n; }
206 inline bool empty() const { return _n == 0; }
208 void print(std::ostream& os) {
209 if (_root != nil()) {
210 size_type i = _root;
211 do {
212 print_recur(i, os);
213 os << std::endl;
214 i = _right[i];
215 } while (i != _root);
216 }
217 }
219 protected:
220 // 35
221 inline void remove_from_family(size_type v, size_type p) {
222 size_type u = _left[v];
223 size_type w = _right[v];
224 _right[u] = w;
225 _left[w] = u;
226 if (_child[p] == v)
227 _child[p] = w;
228 }
229 // 36
230 inline void insert_into_forest(size_type v, const T& d) {
231 _p[v] = nil();
232 size_type u = _left[_root];
233 _left[v] = u;
234 _right[v] = _root;
235 _left[_root] = _right[u] = v;
236 if (_compare(d, _key[_root]))
237 _root = v;
238 }
240 void print_recur(size_type x, std::ostream& os) {
241 if (x != nil()) {
242 os << x;
243 if (_degree[x] > 0) {
244 os << "(";
245 size_type i = _child[x];
246 do {
247 print_recur(i, os); os << " ";
248 i = _right[i];
249 } while (i != _child[x]);
250 os << ")";
251 }
252 }
253 }
255 size_type nil() const { return _left.size(); }
257 std::vector<T> _key;
258 LinkVec _left, _right, _p;
259 std::vector<bool> _mark;
260 LinkVec _degree;
261 size_type _n, _root;
262 ID _id;
263 Compare _compare;
264 LinkVec _child;
265 LinkVec new_roots;
266 };
268 } // namespace boost