]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/src/boost/boost/spirit/home/karma/detail/alternative_function.hpp
import new upstream nautilus stable release 14.2.8
[ceph.git] / ceph / src / boost / boost / spirit / home / karma / detail / alternative_function.hpp
1 // Copyright (c) 2001-2011 Hartmut Kaiser
2 // Copyright (c) 2001-2011 Joel de Guzman
3 //
4 // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
5 // file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
7 #if !defined(SPIRIT_KARMA_ALTERNATIVE_MAR_01_2007_1124AM)
10 #if defined(_MSC_VER)
11 #pragma once
12 #endif
14 #include <boost/spirit/home/karma/domain.hpp>
15 #include <boost/spirit/home/karma/directive/buffer.hpp>
16 #include <boost/spirit/home/support/unused.hpp>
17 #include <boost/spirit/home/support/utree/utree_traits_fwd.hpp>
18 #include <boost/spirit/home/karma/detail/attributes.hpp>
19 #include <boost/spirit/home/support/detail/hold_any.hpp>
20 #include <boost/spirit/home/karma/detail/output_iterator.hpp>
21 #include <boost/spirit/home/support/container.hpp>
22 #include <boost/utility/enable_if.hpp>
23 #include <boost/variant.hpp>
24 #include <boost/detail/workaround.hpp>
26 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
27 namespace boost { namespace spirit { namespace karma { namespace detail
28 {
29 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
30 // execute a generator if the given Attribute type is compatible
31 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
33 // this gets instantiated if the Attribute type is _not_ compatible with
34 // the generator
35 template <typename Component, typename Attribute, typename Expected
36 , typename Enable = void>
37 struct alternative_generate
38 {
39 template <typename OutputIterator, typename Context, typename Delimiter>
40 static bool
41 call(Component const&, OutputIterator&, Context&, Delimiter const&
42 , Attribute const&, bool& failed)
43 {
44 failed = true;
45 return false;
46 }
47 };
49 template <typename Component>
50 struct alternative_generate<Component, unused_type, unused_type>
51 {
52 template <typename OutputIterator, typename Context, typename Delimiter>
53 static bool
54 call(Component const& component, OutputIterator& sink, Context& ctx
55 , Delimiter const& d, unused_type, bool&)
56 {
58 component; // suppresses warning: C4100: 'component' : unreferenced formal parameter
59 #endif
60 // return true if any of the generators succeed
61 return component.generate(sink, ctx, d, unused);
62 }
63 };
65 // this gets instantiated if there is no Attribute given for the
66 // alternative generator
67 template <typename Component, typename Expected>
68 struct alternative_generate<Component, unused_type, Expected>
69 : alternative_generate<Component, unused_type, unused_type> {};
71 // this gets instantiated if the generator does not expect to receive an
72 // Attribute (the generator is self contained).
73 template <typename Component, typename Attribute>
74 struct alternative_generate<Component, Attribute, unused_type>
75 : alternative_generate<Component, unused_type, unused_type> {};
77 // this gets instantiated if the Attribute type is compatible to the
78 // generator
79 template <typename Component, typename Attribute, typename Expected>
80 struct alternative_generate<Component, Attribute, Expected
81 , typename enable_if<
82 traits::compute_compatible_component<Expected, Attribute, karma::domain> >::type>
83 {
84 template <typename OutputIterator, typename Context, typename Delimiter>
85 static bool
86 call(Component const& component, OutputIterator& sink
87 , Context& ctx, Delimiter const& d, Attribute const& attr, bool&)
88 {
90 component; // suppresses warning: C4100: 'component' : unreferenced formal parameter
91 #endif
92 return call(component, sink, ctx, d, attr
93 , spirit::traits::not_is_variant_or_variant_in_optional<Attribute, karma::domain>());
94 }
96 template <typename OutputIterator, typename Context, typename Delimiter>
97 static bool
98 call(Component const& component, OutputIterator& sink
99 , Context& ctx, Delimiter const& d, Attribute const& attr, mpl::true_)
100 {
102 component; // suppresses warning: C4100: 'component' : unreferenced formal parameter
103 #endif
104 return component.generate(sink, ctx, d, attr);
105 }
107 template <typename OutputIterator, typename Context, typename Delimiter>
108 static bool
109 call(Component const& component, OutputIterator& sink
110 , Context& ctx, Delimiter const& d, Attribute const& attr, mpl::false_)
111 {
113 component; // suppresses warning: C4100: 'component' : unreferenced formal parameter
114 #endif
115 typedef
116 traits::compute_compatible_component<Expected, Attribute, domain>
117 component_type;
119 // if we got passed an empty optional, just fail generation
120 if (!traits::has_optional_value(attr))
121 return false;
123 // make sure, the content of the passed variant matches our
124 // expectations
125 typename traits::optional_attribute<Attribute>::type attr_ =
126 traits::optional_value(attr);
127 if (!component_type::is_compatible(spirit::traits::which(attr_)))
128 return false;
130 // returns true if any of the generators succeed
131 typedef typename component_type::compatible_type compatible_type;
132 return component.generate(sink, ctx, d
133 , boost::get<compatible_type>(attr_));
134 }
135 };
137 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
138 // alternative_generate_function: a functor supplied to fusion::any which
139 // will be executed for every generator in a given alternative generator
140 // expression
141 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
142 template <typename OutputIterator, typename Context, typename Delimiter,
143 typename Attribute, typename Strict>
144 struct alternative_generate_function
145 {
146 alternative_generate_function(OutputIterator& sink_, Context& ctx_
147 , Delimiter const& d, Attribute const& attr_)
148 : sink(sink_), ctx(ctx_), delim(d), attr(attr_) {}
150 template <typename Component>
151 bool operator()(Component const& component)
152 {
153 typedef
154 typename traits::attribute_of<Component, Context>::type
155 expected_type;
156 typedef
157 alternative_generate<Component, Attribute, expected_type>
158 generate;
160 // wrap the given output iterator avoid output as long as one
161 // component fails
162 detail::enable_buffering<OutputIterator> buffering(sink);
163 bool r = false;
164 bool failed = false; // will be ignored
165 {
166 detail::disable_counting<OutputIterator> nocounting(sink);
167 r = generate::call(component, sink, ctx, delim, attr, failed);
168 }
169 if (r)
170 buffering.buffer_copy();
171 return r;
172 }
174 // avoid double buffering
175 template <typename Component>
176 bool operator()(buffer_directive<Component> const& component)
177 {
178 typedef typename
179 traits::attribute_of<Component, Context>::type
180 expected_type;
181 typedef alternative_generate<
182 buffer_directive<Component>, Attribute, expected_type>
183 generate;
185 bool failed = false; // will be ignored
186 return generate::call(component, sink, ctx, delim, attr, failed);
187 }
189 OutputIterator& sink;
190 Context& ctx;
191 Delimiter const& delim;
192 Attribute const& attr;
194 // silence MSVC warning C4512: assignment operator could not be generated
195 BOOST_DELETED_FUNCTION(alternative_generate_function& operator= (alternative_generate_function const&))
196 };
198 // specialization for strict alternatives
199 template <typename OutputIterator, typename Context, typename Delimiter,
200 typename Attribute>
201 struct alternative_generate_function<
202 OutputIterator, Context, Delimiter, Attribute, mpl::true_>
203 {
204 alternative_generate_function(OutputIterator& sink_, Context& ctx_
205 , Delimiter const& d, Attribute const& attr_)
206 : sink(sink_), ctx(ctx_), delim(d), attr(attr_), failed(false) {}
208 template <typename Component>
209 bool operator()(Component const& component)
210 {
211 typedef
212 typename traits::attribute_of<Component, Context>::type
213 expected_type;
214 typedef
215 alternative_generate<Component, Attribute, expected_type>
216 generate;
218 if (failed)
219 return false; // give up when already failed
221 // wrap the given output iterator avoid output as long as one
222 // component fails
223 detail::enable_buffering<OutputIterator> buffering(sink);
224 bool r = false;
225 {
226 detail::disable_counting<OutputIterator> nocounting(sink);
227 r = generate::call(component, sink, ctx, delim, attr, failed);
228 }
229 if (r && !failed)
230 {
231 buffering.buffer_copy();
232 return true;
233 }
234 return false;
235 }
237 OutputIterator& sink;
238 Context& ctx;
239 Delimiter const& delim;
240 Attribute const& attr;
241 bool failed;
243 // silence MSVC warning C4512: assignment operator could not be generated
244 BOOST_DELETED_FUNCTION(alternative_generate_function& operator= (alternative_generate_function const&))
245 };
246 }}}}
248 #endif