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26 <div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
27 <a name="document_to_test_formatting.remez"></a><a class="link" href="remez.html" title="Sample Article (The Remez Method)"> Sample Article (The
28 Remez Method)</a>
29 </h2></div></div></div>
30 <p>
31 The <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Remez_algorithm" target="_top">Remez algorithm</a>
32 is a methodology for locating the minimax rational approximation to a function.
33 This short article gives a brief overview of the method, but it should not
34 be regarded as a thorough theoretical treatment, for that you should consult
35 your favorite textbook.
36 </p>
37 <p>
38 Imagine that you want to approximate some function f(x) by way of a rational
39 function R(x), where R(x) may be either a polynomial P(x) or a ratio of two
40 polynomials P(x)/Q(x) (a rational function). Initially we'll concentrate on
41 the polynomial case, as it's by far the easier to deal with, later we'll extend
42 to the full rational function case.
43 </p>
44 <p>
45 We want to find the "best" rational approximation, where "best"
46 is defined to be the approximation that has the least deviation from f(x).
47 We can measure the deviation by way of an error function:
48 </p>
49 <p>
50 E<sub>abs</sub>(x) = f(x) - R(x)
51 </p>
52 <p>
53 which is expressed in terms of absolute error, but we can equally use relative
54 error:
55 </p>
56 <p>
57 E<sub>rel</sub>(x) = (f(x) - R(x)) / |f(x)|
58 </p>
59 <p>
60 And indeed in general we can scale the error function in any way we want, it
61 makes no difference to the maths, although the two forms above cover almost
62 every practical case that you're likely to encounter.
63 </p>
64 <p>
65 The minimax rational function R(x) is then defined to be the function that
66 yields the smallest maximal value of the error function. Chebyshev showed that
67 there is a unique minimax solution for R(x) that has the following properties:
68 </p>
69 <div class="itemizedlist"><ul class="itemizedlist" type="disc">
70 <li class="listitem">
71 If R(x) is a polynomial of degree N, then there are N+2 unknowns: the N+1
72 coefficients of the polynomial, and maximal value of the error function.
73 </li>
74 <li class="listitem">
75 The error function has N+1 roots, and N+2 extrema (minima and maxima).
76 </li>
77 <li class="listitem">
78 The extrema alternate in sign, and all have the same magnitude.
79 </li>
80 </ul></div>
81 <p>
82 That means that if we know the location of the extrema of the error function
83 then we can write N+2 simultaneous equations:
84 </p>
85 <p>
86 R(x<sub>i</sub>) + (-1)<sup>i</sup>E = f(x<sub>i</sub>)
87 </p>
88 <p>
89 where E is the maximal error term, and x<sub>i</sub> are the abscissa values of the N+2
90 extrema of the error function. It is then trivial to solve the simultaneous
91 equations to obtain the polynomial coefficients and the error term.
92 </p>
93 <p>
94 <span class="emphasis"><em>Unfortunately we don't know where the extrema of the error function
95 are located!</em></span>
96 </p>
97 <a name="document_to_test_formatting.remez.the_remez_method"></a><h5>
98 <a name="id771060"></a>
99 <a class="link" href="remez.html#document_to_test_formatting.remez.the_remez_method">The Remez
100 Method</a>
101 </h5>
102 <p>
103 The Remez method is an iterative technique which, given a broad range of assumptions,
104 will converge on the extrema of the error function, and therefore the minimax
105 solution.
106 </p>
107 <p>
108 In the following discussion we'll use a concrete example to illustrate the
109 Remez method: an approximation to the function e<sup>x</sup> over the range [-1, 1].
110 </p>
111 <p>
112 Before we can begin the Remez method, we must obtain an initial value for the
113 location of the extrema of the error function. We could "guess" these,
114 but a much closer first approximation can be obtained by first constructing
115 an interpolated polynomial approximation to f(x).
116 </p>
117 <p>
118 In order to obtain the N+1 coefficients of the interpolated polynomial we need
119 N+1 points (x<sub>0</sub>...x<sub>N</sub>): with our interpolated form passing through each of those
120 points that yields N+1 simultaneous equations:
121 </p>
122 <p>
123 f(x<sub>i</sub>) = P(x<sub>i</sub>) = c<sub>0</sub> + c<sub>1</sub>x<sub>i</sub> ... + c<sub>N</sub>x<sub>i</sub><sup>N</sup>
124 </p>
125 <p>
126 Which can be solved for the coefficients c<sub>0</sub>...c<sub>N</sub> in P(x).
127 </p>
128 <p>
129 Obviously this is not a minimax solution, indeed our only guarantee is that
130 f(x) and P(x) touch at N+1 locations, away from those points the error may
131 be arbitrarily large. However, we would clearly like this initial approximation
132 to be as close to f(x) as possible, and it turns out that using the zeros of
133 an orthogonal polynomial as the initial interpolation points is a good choice.
134 In our example we'll use the zeros of a Chebyshev polynomial as these are particularly
135 easy to calculate, interpolating for a polynomial of degree 4, and measuring
136 <span class="emphasis"><em>relative error</em></span> we get the following error function:
137 </p>
138 <p>
139 <span class="inlinemediaobject"><img src="../images/remez-2.png" alt="remez-2"></span>
140 </p>
141 <p>
142 Which has a peak relative error of 1.2x10<sup>-3</sup>.
143 </p>
144 <p>
145 While this is a pretty good approximation already, judging by the shape of
146 the error function we can clearly do better. Before starting on the Remez method
147 propper, we have one more step to perform: locate all the extrema of the error
148 function, and store these locations as our initial <span class="emphasis"><em>Chebyshev control
149 points</em></span>.
150 </p>
151 <div class="note"><table border="0" summary="Note">
152 <tr>
153 <td rowspan="2" align="center" valign="top" width="25"><img alt="[Note]" src="../../../../doc/src/images/note.png"></td>
154 <th align="left">Note</th>
155 </tr>
156 <tr><td align="left" valign="top">
157 <p>
158 In the simple case of a polynomial approximation, by interpolating through
159 the roots of a Chebyshev polynomial we have in fact created a <span class="emphasis"><em>Chebyshev
160 approximation</em></span> to the function: in terms of <span class="emphasis"><em>absolute
161 error</em></span> this is the best a priori choice for the interpolated form
162 we can achieve, and typically is very close to the minimax solution.
163 </p>
164 <p>
165 However, if we want to optimise for <span class="emphasis"><em>relative error</em></span>,
166 or if the approximation is a rational function, then the initial Chebyshev
167 solution can be quite far from the ideal minimax solution.
168 </p>
169 <p>
170 A more technical discussion of the theory involved can be found in this
171 <a href="http://math.fullerton.edu/mathews/n2003/ChebyshevPolyMod.html" target="_top">online
172 course</a>.
173 </p>
174 </td></tr>
175 </table></div>
176 <a name="document_to_test_formatting.remez.remez_step_1"></a><h5>
177 <a name="id771248"></a>
178 <a class="link" href="remez.html#document_to_test_formatting.remez.remez_step_1">Remez Step 1</a>
179 </h5>
180 <p>
181 The first step in the Remez method, given our current set of N+2 Chebyshev
182 control points x<sub>i</sub>, is to solve the N+2 simultaneous equations:
183 </p>
184 <p>
185 P(x<sub>i</sub>) + (-1)<sup>i</sup>E = f(x<sub>i</sub>)
186 </p>
187 <p>
188 To obtain the error term E, and the coefficients of the polynomial P(x).
189 </p>
190 <p>
191 This gives us a new approximation to f(x) that has the same error <span class="emphasis"><em>E</em></span>
192 at each of the control points, and whose error function <span class="emphasis"><em>alternates
193 in sign</em></span> at the control points. This is still not necessarily the
194 minimax solution though: since the control points may not be at the extrema
195 of the error function. After this first step here's what our approximation's
196 error function looks like:
197 </p>
198 <p>
199 <span class="inlinemediaobject"><img src="../images/remez-3.png" alt="remez-3"></span>
200 </p>
201 <p>
202 Clearly this is still not the minimax solution since the control points are
203 not located at the extrema, but the maximum relative error has now dropped
204 to 5.6x10<sup>-4</sup>.
205 </p>
206 <a name="document_to_test_formatting.remez.remez_step_2"></a><h5>
207 <a name="id771342"></a>
208 <a class="link" href="remez.html#document_to_test_formatting.remez.remez_step_2">Remez Step 2</a>
209 </h5>
210 <p>
211 The second step is to locate the extrema of the new approximation, which we
212 do in two stages: first, since the error function changes sign at each control
213 point, we must have N+1 roots of the error function located between each pair
214 of N+2 control points. Once these roots are found by standard root finding
215 techniques, we know that N extrema are bracketed between each pair of roots,
216 plus two more between the endpoints of the range and the first and last roots.
217 The N+2 extrema can then be found using standard function minimisation techniques.
218 </p>
219 <p>
220 We now have a choice: multi-point exchange, or single point exchange.
221 </p>
222 <p>
223 In single point exchange, we move the control point nearest to the largest
224 extrema to the absissa value of the extrema.
225 </p>
226 <p>
227 In multi-point exchange we swap all the current control points, for the locations
228 of the extrema.
229 </p>
230 <p>
231 In our example we perform multi-point exchange.
232 </p>
233 <a name="document_to_test_formatting.remez.iteration"></a><h5>
234 <a name="id771387"></a>
235 <a class="link" href="remez.html#document_to_test_formatting.remez.iteration">Iteration</a>
236 </h5>
237 <p>
238 The Remez method then performs steps 1 and 2 above iteratively until the control
239 points are located at the extrema of the error function: this is then the minimax
240 solution.
241 </p>
242 <p>
243 For our current example, two more iterations converges on a minimax solution
244 with a peak relative error of 5x10<sup>-4</sup> and an error function that looks like:
245 </p>
246 <p>
247 <span class="inlinemediaobject"><img src="../images/remez-4.png" alt="remez-4"></span>
248 </p>
249 <a name="document_to_test_formatting.remez.rational_approximations"></a><h5>
250 <a name="id771441"></a>
251 <a class="link" href="remez.html#document_to_test_formatting.remez.rational_approximations">Rational
252 Approximations</a>
253 </h5>
254 <p>
255 If we wish to extend the Remez method to a rational approximation of the form
256 </p>
257 <p>
258 f(x) = R(x) = P(x) / Q(x)
259 </p>
260 <p>
261 where P(x) and Q(x) are polynomials, then we proceed as before, except that
262 now we have N+M+2 unknowns if P(x) is of order N and Q(x) is of order M. This
263 assumes that Q(x) is normalised so that it's leading coefficient is 1, giving
264 N+M+1 polynomial coefficients in total, plus the error term E.
265 </p>
266 <p>
267 The simultaneous equations to be solved are now:
268 </p>
269 <p>
270 P(x<sub>i</sub>) / Q(x<sub>i</sub>) + (-1)<sup>i</sup>E = f(x<sub>i</sub>)
271 </p>
272 <p>
273 Evaluated at the N+M+2 control points x<sub>i</sub>.
274 </p>
275 <p>
276 Unfortunately these equations are non-linear in the error term E: we can only
277 solve them if we know E, and yet E is one of the unknowns!
278 </p>
279 <p>
280 The method usually adopted to solve these equations is an iterative one: we
281 guess the value of E, solve the equations to obtain a new value for E (as well
282 as the polynomial coefficients), then use the new value of E as the next guess.
283 The method is repeated until E converges on a stable value.
284 </p>
285 <p>
286 These complications extend the running time required for the development of
287 rational approximations quite considerably. It is often desirable to obtain
288 a rational rather than polynomial approximation none the less: rational approximations
289 will often match more difficult to approximate functions, to greater accuracy,
290 and with greater efficiency, than their polynomial alternatives. For example,
291 if we takes our previous example of an approximation to e<sup>x</sup>, we obtained 5x10<sup>-4</sup> accuracy
292 with an order 4 polynomial. If we move two of the unknowns into the denominator
293 to give a pair of order 2 polynomials, and re-minimise, then the peak relative
294 error drops to 8.7x10<sup>-5</sup>. That's a 5 fold increase in accuracy, for the same
295 number of terms overall.
296 </p>
297 <a name="document_to_test_formatting.remez.practical_considerations"></a><h5>
298 <a name="id771550"></a>
299 <a class="link" href="remez.html#document_to_test_formatting.remez.practical_considerations">Practical
300 Considerations</a>
301 </h5>
302 <p>
303 Most treatises on approximation theory stop at this point. However, from a
304 practical point of view, most of the work involves finding the right approximating
305 form, and then persuading the Remez method to converge on a solution.
306 </p>
307 <p>
308 So far we have used a direct approximation:
309 </p>
310 <p>
311 f(x) = R(x)
312 </p>
313 <p>
314 But this will converge to a useful approximation only if f(x) is smooth. In
315 addition round-off errors when evaluating the rational form mean that this
316 will never get closer than within a few epsilon of machine precision. Therefore
317 this form of direct approximation is often reserved for situations where we
318 want efficiency, rather than accuracy.
319 </p>
320 <p>
321 The first step in improving the situation is generally to split f(x) into a
322 dominant part that we can compute accurately by another method, and a slowly
323 changing remainder which can be approximated by a rational approximation. We
324 might be tempted to write:
325 </p>
326 <p>
327 f(x) = g(x) + R(x)
328 </p>
329 <p>
330 where g(x) is the dominant part of f(x), but if f(x)/g(x) is approximately
331 constant over the interval of interest then:
332 </p>
333 <p>
334 f(x) = g(x)(c + R(x))
335 </p>
336 <p>
337 Will yield a much better solution: here <span class="emphasis"><em>c</em></span> is a constant
338 that is the approximate value of f(x)/g(x) and R(x) is typically tiny compared
339 to <span class="emphasis"><em>c</em></span>. In this situation if R(x) is optimised for absolute
340 error, then as long as its error is small compared to the constant <span class="emphasis"><em>c</em></span>,
341 that error will effectively get wiped out when R(x) is added to <span class="emphasis"><em>c</em></span>.
342 </p>
343 <p>
344 The difficult part is obviously finding the right g(x) to extract from your
345 function: often the asymptotic behaviour of the function will give a clue,
346 so for example the function __erfc becomes proportional to e<sup>-x<sup>2</sup></sup>/x as x becomes
347 large. Therefore using:
348 </p>
349 <p>
350 erfc(z) = (C + R(x)) e<sup>-x<sup>2</sup></sup>/x
351 </p>
352 <p>
353 as the approximating form seems like an obvious thing to try, and does indeed
354 yield a useful approximation.
355 </p>
356 <p>
357 However, the difficulty then becomes one of converging the minimax solution.
358 Unfortunately, it is known that for some functions the Remez method can lead
359 to divergent behaviour, even when the initial starting approximation is quite
360 good. Furthermore, it is not uncommon for the solution obtained in the first
361 Remez step above to be a bad one: the equations to be solved are generally
362 "stiff", often very close to being singular, and assuming a solution
363 is found at all, round-off errors and a rapidly changing error function, can
364 lead to a situation where the error function does not in fact change sign at
365 each control point as required. If this occurs, it is fatal to the Remez method.
366 It is also possible to obtain solutions that are perfectly valid mathematically,
367 but which are quite useless computationally: either because there is an unavoidable
368 amount of roundoff error in the computation of the rational function, or because
369 the denominator has one or more roots over the interval of the approximation.
370 In the latter case while the approximation may have the correct limiting value
371 at the roots, the approximation is nonetheless useless.
372 </p>
373 <p>
374 Assuming that the approximation does not have any fatal errors, and that the
375 only issue is converging adequately on the minimax solution, the aim is to
376 get as close as possible to the minimax solution before beginning the Remez
377 method. Using the zeros of a Chebyshev polynomial for the initial interpolation
378 is a good start, but may not be ideal when dealing with relative errors and/or
379 rational (rather than polynomial) approximations. One approach is to skew the
380 initial interpolation points to one end: for example if we raise the roots
381 of the Chebyshev polynomial to a positive power greater than 1 then the roots
382 will be skewed towards the middle of the [-1,1] interval, while a positive
383 power less than one will skew them towards either end. More usefully, if we
384 initially rescale the points over [0,1] and then raise to a positive power,
385 we can skew them to the left or right. Returning to our example of e<sup>x</sup> over [-1,1],
386 the initial interpolated form was some way from the minimax solution:
387 </p>
388 <p>
389 <span class="inlinemediaobject"><img src="../images/remez-2.png" alt="remez-2"></span>
390 </p>
391 <p>
392 However, if we first skew the interpolation points to the left (rescale them
393 to [0, 1], raise to the power 1.3, and then rescale back to [-1,1]) we reduce
394 the error from 1.3x10<sup>-3</sup>to 6x10<sup>-4</sup>:
395 </p>
396 <p>
397 <span class="inlinemediaobject"><img src="../images/remez-5.png" alt="remez-5"></span>
398 </p>
399 <p>
400 It's clearly still not ideal, but it is only a few percent away from our desired
401 minimax solution (5x10<sup>-4</sup>).
402 </p>
403 <a name="document_to_test_formatting.remez.remez_method_checklist"></a><h5>
404 <a name="id771737"></a>
405 <a class="link" href="remez.html#document_to_test_formatting.remez.remez_method_checklist">Remez
406 Method Checklist</a>
407 </h5>
408 <p>
409 The following lists some of the things to check if the Remez method goes wrong,
410 it is by no means an exhaustive list, but is provided in the hopes that it
411 will prove useful.
412 </p>
413 <div class="itemizedlist"><ul class="itemizedlist" type="disc">
414 <li class="listitem">
415 Is the function smooth enough? Can it be better separated into a rapidly
416 changing part, and an asymptotic part?
417 </li>
418 <li class="listitem">
419 Does the function being approximated have any "blips" in it?
420 Check for problems as the function changes computation method, or if a
421 root, or an infinity has been divided out. The telltale sign is if there
422 is a narrow region where the Remez method will not converge.
423 </li>
424 <li class="listitem">
425 Check you have enough accuracy in your calculations: remember that the
426 Remez method works on the difference between the approximation and the
427 function being approximated: so you must have more digits of precision
428 available than the precision of the approximation being constructed. So
429 for example at double precision, you shouldn't expect to be able to get
430 better than a float precision approximation.
431 </li>
432 <li class="listitem">
433 Try skewing the initial interpolated approximation to minimise the error
434 before you begin the Remez steps.
435 </li>
436 <li class="listitem">
437 If the approximation won't converge or is ill-conditioned from one starting
438 location, try starting from a different location.
439 </li>
440 <li class="listitem">
441 If a rational function won't converge, one can minimise a polynomial (which
442 presents no problems), then rotate one term from the numerator to the denominator
443 and minimise again. In theory one can continue moving terms one at a time
444 from numerator to denominator, and then re-minimising, retaining the last
445 set of control points at each stage.
446 </li>
447 <li class="listitem">
448 Try using a smaller interval. It may also be possible to optimise over
449 one (small) interval, rescale the control points over a larger interval,
450 and then re-minimise.
451 </li>
452 <li class="listitem">
453 Keep absissa values small: use a change of variable to keep the abscissa
454 over, say [0, b], for some smallish value <span class="emphasis"><em>b</em></span>.
455 </li>
456 </ul></div>
457 <a name="document_to_test_formatting.remez.references"></a><h5>
458 <a name="id771857"></a>
459 <a class="link" href="remez.html#document_to_test_formatting.remez.references">References</a>
460 </h5>
461 <p>
462 The original references for the Remez Method and it's extension to rational
463 functions are unfortunately in Russian:
464 </p>
465 <p>
466 Remez, E.Ya., <span class="emphasis"><em>Fundamentals of numerical methods for Chebyshev approximations</em></span>,
467 "Naukova Dumka", Kiev, 1969.
468 </p>
469 <p>
470 Remez, E.Ya., Gavrilyuk, V.T., <span class="emphasis"><em>Computer development of certain approaches
471 to the approximate construction of solutions of Chebyshev problems nonlinearly
472 depending on parameters</em></span>, Ukr. Mat. Zh. 12 (1960), 324-338.
473 </p>
474 <p>
475 Gavrilyuk, V.T., <span class="emphasis"><em>Generalization of the first polynomial algorithm
476 of E.Ya.Remez for the problem of constructing rational-fractional Chebyshev
477 approximations</em></span>, Ukr. Mat. Zh. 16 (1961), 575-585.
478 </p>
479 <p>
480 Some English language sources include:
481 </p>
482 <p>
483 Fraser, W., Hart, J.F., <span class="emphasis"><em>On the computation of rational approximations
484 to continuous functions</em></span>, Comm. of the ACM 5 (1962), 401-403, 414.
485 </p>
486 <p>
487 Ralston, A., <span class="emphasis"><em>Rational Chebyshev approximation by Remes' algorithms</em></span>,
488 Numer.Math. 7 (1965), no. 4, 322-330.
489 </p>
490 <p>
491 A. Ralston, <span class="emphasis"><em>Rational Chebyshev approximation, Mathematical Methods
492 for Digital Computers v. 2</em></span> (Ralston A., Wilf H., eds.), Wiley, New
493 York, 1967, pp. 264-284.
494 </p>
495 <p>
496 Hart, J.F. e.a., <span class="emphasis"><em>Computer approximations</em></span>, Wiley, New York
497 a.o., 1968.
498 </p>
499 <p>
500 Cody, W.J., Fraser, W., Hart, J.F., <span class="emphasis"><em>Rational Chebyshev approximation
501 using linear equations</em></span>, Numer.Math. 12 (1968), 242-251.
502 </p>
503 <p>
504 Cody, W.J., <span class="emphasis"><em>A survey of practical rational and polynomial approximation
505 of functions</em></span>, SIAM Review 12 (1970), no. 3, 400-423.
506 </p>
507 <p>
508 Barrar, R.B., Loeb, H.J., <span class="emphasis"><em>On the Remez algorithm for non-linear families</em></span>,
509 Numer.Math. 15 (1970), 382-391.
510 </p>
511 <p>
512 Dunham, Ch.B., <span class="emphasis"><em>Convergence of the Fraser-Hart algorithm for rational
513 Chebyshev approximation</em></span>, Math. Comp. 29 (1975), no. 132, 1078-1082.
514 </p>
515 <p>
516 G. L. Litvinov, <span class="emphasis"><em>Approximate construction of rational approximations
517 and the effect of error autocorrection</em></span>, Russian Journal of Mathematical
518 Physics, vol.1, No. 3, 1994.
519 </p>
520 </div>
521 <table xmlns:rev="http://www.cs.rpi.edu/~gregod/boost/tools/doc/revision" width="100%"><tr>
522 <td align="left"></td>
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