]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/src/boost/libs/concept_check/test/stl_concept_covering.cpp
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[ceph.git] / ceph / src / boost / libs / concept_check / test / stl_concept_covering.cpp
1 // (C) Copyright Jeremy Siek 2000-2002.
2 // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
3 // accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
4 // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
6 // This file doesn't work on other compilers.
7 #if defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__KCC)
9 #include <algorithm>
10 #include <numeric>
11 #include <boost/config.hpp>
12 #include <boost/concept_check.hpp>
13 #include <boost/concept_archetype.hpp>
15 /*
17 This file uses the archetype classes to find out which concepts
18 actually *cover* the STL algorithms true requirements. The
19 archetypes/concepts chosen do not necessarily match the C++ standard
20 or the SGI STL documentation, but instead were chosen based on the
21 minimal concepts that current STL implementations require, which in
22 many cases is less stringent than the standard. In some places there
23 was significant differences in the implementations' requirements and
24 in those places macros were used to select different requirements,
25 the purpose being to document what the requirements of various
26 implementations are. It is an open issue as to whether the C++
27 standard should be changed to reflect these weaker requirements.
29 */
31 boost::detail::dummy_constructor dummy_cons;
33 // This is a special concept needed for std::swap_ranges.
34 // It is mutually convertible, and also SGIAssignable
35 template <class T>
36 class mutually_convertible_archetype
37 {
38 private:
39 mutually_convertible_archetype() { }
40 public:
41 mutually_convertible_archetype(const mutually_convertible_archetype&) { }
42 mutually_convertible_archetype&
43 operator=(const mutually_convertible_archetype&)
44 { return *this; }
45 mutually_convertible_archetype(boost::detail::dummy_constructor) { }
47 template <class U>
48 mutually_convertible_archetype&
49 operator=(const mutually_convertible_archetype<U>&)
50 { return *this; }
52 };
55 // for std::accumulate
56 namespace accum
57 {
58 typedef boost::sgi_assignable_archetype<> Ret;
59 struct T {
60 T(const Ret&) { }
61 T(boost::detail::dummy_constructor x) { }
62 };
63 typedef boost::null_archetype<> Tin;
64 Ret operator+(const T&, const Tin&) {
65 return Ret(dummy_cons);
66 }
67 }
69 // for std::inner_product
70 namespace inner_prod
71 {
72 typedef boost::sgi_assignable_archetype<> RetAdd;
73 typedef boost::sgi_assignable_archetype<> RetMult;
74 struct T {
75 T(const RetAdd&) { }
76 T(boost::detail::dummy_constructor x) { }
77 };
78 typedef boost::null_archetype<int> Tin1;
79 typedef boost::null_archetype<char> Tin2;
80 }
82 namespace boost { // so Koenig lookup will find
84 inner_prod::RetMult
85 operator*(const inner_prod::Tin1&, const inner_prod::Tin2&) {
86 return inner_prod::RetMult(dummy_cons);
87 }
88 inner_prod::RetAdd
89 operator+(const inner_prod::T&,
90 const inner_prod::RetMult&) {
91 return inner_prod::RetAdd(dummy_cons);
92 }
93 }
96 // for std::partial_sum and adj_diff
97 namespace part_sum
98 {
99 class T {
100 public:
101 typedef boost::sgi_assignable_archetype<> Ret;
102 T(const Ret&) { }
103 T(boost::detail::dummy_constructor x) { }
104 private:
105 T() { }
106 };
107 T::Ret operator+(const T&, const T&) {
108 return T::Ret(dummy_cons);
109 }
110 T::Ret operator-(const T&, const T&) {
111 return T::Ret(dummy_cons);
112 }
113 }
115 // for std::power
117 namespace power_stuff {
118 struct monoid_archetype {
119 monoid_archetype(boost::detail::dummy_constructor x) { }
120 };
122 boost::multipliable_archetype<monoid_archetype>
123 identity_element
124 (std::multiplies< boost::multipliable_archetype<monoid_archetype> >)
125 {
126 return boost::multipliable_archetype<monoid_archetype>(dummy_cons);
127 }
128 }
130 struct tag1 { };
131 struct tag2 { };
134 int
135 main()
136 {
137 using namespace boost;
139 //===========================================================================
140 // Non-mutating Algorithms
141 {
142 input_iterator_archetype< null_archetype<> > in;
143 unary_function_archetype< null_archetype<> , null_archetype<> >
144 f(dummy_cons);
145 std::for_each(in, in, f);
146 }
147 // gcc bug
148 {
149 typedef equality_comparable2_first_archetype<> Left;
150 input_iterator_archetype< Left > in;
151 equality_comparable2_second_archetype<> value(dummy_cons);
152 in = std::find(in, in, value);
153 }
154 {
155 typedef null_archetype<> T;
156 input_iterator_archetype<T> in;
157 unary_predicate_archetype<T> pred(dummy_cons);
158 in = std::find_if(in, in, pred);
159 }
160 {
161 forward_iterator_archetype< equality_comparable_archetype<> > fo;
162 fo = std::adjacent_find(fo, fo);
163 }
164 {
165 forward_iterator_archetype<
166 convertible_to_archetype< null_archetype<> > > fo;
167 binary_predicate_archetype<null_archetype<> , null_archetype<> >
168 pred(dummy_cons);
169 fo = std::adjacent_find(fo, fo, pred);
170 }
171 // gcc bug
172 {
173 typedef equal_op_first_archetype<> Left;
174 input_iterator_archetype<Left> in;
175 typedef equal_op_second_archetype<> Right;
176 forward_iterator_archetype<Right> fo;
177 in = std::find_first_of(in, in, fo, fo);
178 }
179 {
180 typedef equal_op_first_archetype<> Left;
181 typedef input_iterator_archetype<Left> InIter;
182 InIter in;
183 function_requires< InputIterator<InIter> >();
184 equal_op_second_archetype<> value(dummy_cons);
185 std::iterator_traits<InIter>::difference_type
186 n = std::count(in, in, value);
187 ignore_unused_variable_warning(n);
188 }
189 {
190 typedef input_iterator_archetype< null_archetype<> > InIter;
191 InIter in;
192 unary_predicate_archetype<null_archetype<> > pred(dummy_cons);
193 std::iterator_traits<InIter>::difference_type
194 n = std::count_if(in, in, pred);
195 ignore_unused_variable_warning(n);
196 }
197 // gcc bug
198 {
199 typedef equal_op_first_archetype<> Left;
200 typedef input_iterator_archetype<Left> InIter1;
201 InIter1 in1;
202 typedef equal_op_second_archetype<> Right;
203 typedef input_iterator_archetype<Right> InIter2;
204 InIter2 in2;
205 std::pair<InIter1, InIter2> p = std::mismatch(in1, in1, in2);
206 ignore_unused_variable_warning(p);
207 }
208 {
209 typedef input_iterator_archetype<null_archetype<> > InIter;
210 InIter in1, in2;
211 binary_predicate_archetype<null_archetype<> , null_archetype<> >
212 pred(dummy_cons);
213 std::pair<InIter, InIter> p = std::mismatch(in1, in1, in2, pred);
214 ignore_unused_variable_warning(p);
215 }
216 // gcc bug
217 {
218 typedef equality_comparable2_first_archetype<> Left;
219 input_iterator_archetype<Left> in1;
220 typedef equality_comparable2_second_archetype<> Right;
221 input_iterator_archetype<Right> in2;
222 bool b = std::equal(in1, in1, in2);
223 ignore_unused_variable_warning(b);
224 }
225 {
226 input_iterator_archetype< null_archetype<> >
227 in1, in2;
228 binary_predicate_archetype<null_archetype<> , null_archetype<> >
229 pred(dummy_cons);
230 bool b = std::equal(in1, in1, in2, pred);
231 ignore_unused_variable_warning(b);
232 }
233 {
234 typedef equality_comparable2_first_archetype<> Left;
235 forward_iterator_archetype<Left> fo1;
236 typedef equality_comparable2_second_archetype<> Right;
237 forward_iterator_archetype<Right> fo2;
238 fo1 = std::search(fo1, fo1, fo2, fo2);
239 }
240 {
241 typedef equality_comparable2_first_archetype<
242 convertible_to_archetype<null_archetype<> > > Left;
243 forward_iterator_archetype<Left> fo1;
244 typedef equality_comparable2_second_archetype<
245 convertible_to_archetype<null_archetype<> > > Right;
246 forward_iterator_archetype<Right> fo2;
247 binary_predicate_archetype<null_archetype<> , null_archetype<> >
248 pred(dummy_cons);
249 fo1 = std::search(fo1, fo1, fo2, fo2, pred);
250 }
251 {
252 typedef equality_comparable2_first_archetype<> Left;
253 forward_iterator_archetype<Left> fo;
254 equality_comparable2_second_archetype<> value(dummy_cons);
255 int n = 1;
256 fo = std::search_n(fo, fo, n, value);
257 }
258 {
259 forward_iterator_archetype<
260 convertible_to_archetype<null_archetype<> > > fo;
261 convertible_to_archetype<null_archetype<> > value(dummy_cons);
262 binary_predicate_archetype<null_archetype<> , null_archetype<> >
263 pred(dummy_cons);
264 int n = 1;
265 fo = std::search_n(fo, fo, n, value, pred);
266 }
267 {
268 typedef equality_comparable2_first_archetype<> Left;
269 forward_iterator_archetype<Left> fo1;
270 typedef equality_comparable2_second_archetype<null_archetype<> > Right;
271 forward_iterator_archetype<Right> fo2;
272 fo1 = std::find_end(fo1, fo1, fo2, fo2);
273 }
274 {
275 // equality comparable required because find_end() calls search
276 typedef equality_comparable2_first_archetype<
277 convertible_to_archetype<null_archetype<> > > Left;
278 forward_iterator_archetype<Left> fo1;
279 typedef equality_comparable2_second_archetype<
280 convertible_to_archetype<null_archetype<> > > Right;
281 forward_iterator_archetype<Right> fo2;
282 binary_predicate_archetype<null_archetype<> , null_archetype<> >
283 pred(dummy_cons);
284 fo1 = std::find_end(fo1, fo1, fo2, fo2, pred);
285 }
287 //===========================================================================
288 // Mutating Algorithms
290 {
291 typedef null_archetype<> T;
292 input_iterator_archetype<T> in;
293 output_iterator_archetype<T> out(dummy_cons);
294 out = std::copy(in, in, out);
295 }
296 {
297 typedef assignable_archetype<> OutT;
298 typedef convertible_to_archetype<OutT> InT;
299 bidirectional_iterator_archetype<InT> bid_in;
300 mutable_bidirectional_iterator_archetype<OutT> bid_out;
301 bid_out = std::copy_backward(bid_in, bid_in, bid_out);
302 }
303 {
304 sgi_assignable_archetype<> a(dummy_cons), b(dummy_cons);
305 std::swap(a, b);
306 }
307 {
308 typedef sgi_assignable_archetype<> T;
309 mutable_forward_iterator_archetype<T> a, b;
310 std::iter_swap(a, b);
311 }
312 {
313 typedef mutually_convertible_archetype<int> Tin;
314 typedef mutually_convertible_archetype<char> Tout;
315 mutable_forward_iterator_archetype<Tin> fi1;
316 mutable_forward_iterator_archetype<Tout> fi2;
317 fi2 = std::swap_ranges(fi1, fi1, fi2);
318 }
319 {
320 typedef null_archetype<int> Tin;
321 typedef null_archetype<char> Tout;
322 input_iterator_archetype<Tin> in;
323 output_iterator_archetype<Tout> out(dummy_cons);
324 unary_function_archetype<null_archetype<> ,
325 convertible_to_archetype<Tout> > op(dummy_cons);
326 out = std::transform(in, in, out, op);
327 }
328 {
329 typedef null_archetype<int> Tin1;
330 typedef null_archetype<char> Tin2;
331 typedef null_archetype<double> Tout;
332 input_iterator_archetype<Tin1> in1;
333 input_iterator_archetype<Tin2> in2;
334 output_iterator_archetype<Tout> out(dummy_cons);
335 binary_function_archetype<Tin1, Tin2,
336 convertible_to_archetype<Tout> > op(dummy_cons);
337 out = std::transform(in1, in1, in2, out, op);
338 }
339 {
340 typedef equality_comparable2_first_archetype<
341 assignable_archetype<> > FT;
342 mutable_forward_iterator_archetype<FT> fi;
343 equality_comparable2_second_archetype<
344 convertible_to_archetype<FT> > value(dummy_cons);
345 std::replace(fi, fi, value, value);
346 }
347 {
348 typedef null_archetype<> PredArg;
349 typedef assignable_archetype<
350 convertible_to_archetype<PredArg> > FT;
351 mutable_forward_iterator_archetype<FT> fi;
352 unary_predicate_archetype<PredArg> pred(dummy_cons);
353 convertible_to_archetype<FT> value(dummy_cons);
354 std::replace_if(fi, fi, pred, value);
355 }
356 // gcc bug
357 {
358 // Issue, the use of ?: inside replace_copy() complicates things
359 typedef equal_op_first_archetype<> Tin;
360 typedef null_archetype<> Tout;
361 typedef equal_op_second_archetype< convertible_to_archetype<Tout> > T;
362 input_iterator_archetype<Tin> in;
363 output_iterator_archetype<Tout> out(dummy_cons);
364 T value(dummy_cons);
365 out = std::replace_copy(in, in, out, value, value);
366 }
367 {
368 // The issue of ?: also affects this function
369 typedef null_archetype<> Tout;
370 typedef assignable_archetype< convertible_to_archetype<Tout> > Tin;
371 input_iterator_archetype<Tin> in;
372 output_iterator_archetype<Tout> out(dummy_cons);
373 unary_predicate_archetype<Tin> pred(dummy_cons);
374 Tin value(dummy_cons);
375 out = std::replace_copy_if(in, in, out, pred, value);
376 }
377 {
378 typedef assignable_archetype<> FT;
379 mutable_forward_iterator_archetype<FT> fi;
380 typedef convertible_to_archetype<FT> T;
381 T value(dummy_cons);
382 std::fill(fi, fi, value);
383 }
384 {
385 typedef null_archetype<> Tout;
386 typedef convertible_to_archetype<Tout> T;
387 output_iterator_archetype<Tout> out(dummy_cons);
388 T value(dummy_cons);
389 int n = 1;
390 out = std::fill_n(out, n, value);
391 }
392 {
393 typedef assignable_archetype<> FT;
394 typedef convertible_to_archetype<FT> Ret;
395 mutable_forward_iterator_archetype<FT> fi;
396 generator_archetype<Ret> gen;
397 std::generate(fi, fi, gen);
398 }
399 {
400 typedef assignable_archetype<> FT;
401 typedef convertible_to_archetype<FT> Ret;
402 mutable_forward_iterator_archetype<FT> fi;
403 generator_archetype<Ret> gen;
404 int n = 1;
405 std::generate_n(fi, n, gen);
406 }
407 {
408 typedef assignable_archetype< equality_comparable2_first_archetype<> > FT;
409 typedef equality_comparable2_second_archetype<> T;
410 mutable_forward_iterator_archetype<FT> fi;
411 T value(dummy_cons);
412 fi = std::remove(fi, fi, value);
413 }
414 {
415 typedef assignable_archetype<> FT;
416 mutable_forward_iterator_archetype<FT> fi;
417 typedef null_archetype<> PredArg;
418 unary_predicate_archetype<PredArg> pred(dummy_cons);
419 fi = std::remove_if(fi, fi, pred);
420 }
421 // gcc bug
422 {
423 typedef null_archetype<> Tout;
424 typedef equality_comparable2_first_archetype<
425 convertible_to_archetype<Tout> > Tin;
426 typedef equality_comparable2_second_archetype<> T;
427 input_iterator_archetype<Tin> in;
428 output_iterator_archetype<Tout> out(dummy_cons);
429 T value(dummy_cons);
430 out = std::remove_copy(in, in, out, value);
431 }
432 {
433 typedef null_archetype<> T;
434 input_iterator_archetype<T> in;
435 output_iterator_archetype<T> out(dummy_cons);
436 unary_predicate_archetype<T> pred(dummy_cons);
437 out = std::remove_copy_if(in, in, out, pred);
438 }
439 {
440 typedef sgi_assignable_archetype< equality_comparable_archetype<> > T;
441 mutable_forward_iterator_archetype<T> fi;
442 fi = std::unique(fi, fi);
443 }
444 {
445 typedef null_archetype<int> Arg1;
446 typedef null_archetype<char> Arg2;
447 typedef sgi_assignable_archetype<
448 convertible_to_archetype<Arg1,
449 convertible_to_archetype<Arg2> > > FT;
450 mutable_forward_iterator_archetype<FT> fi;
451 binary_predicate_archetype<Arg1, Arg2> pred(dummy_cons);
452 fi = std::unique(fi, fi, pred);
453 }
454 // gcc bug
455 {
456 typedef equality_comparable_archetype< sgi_assignable_archetype<> > T;
457 input_iterator_archetype<T> in;
458 output_iterator_archetype<T> out(dummy_cons);
459 out = std::unique_copy(in, in, out);
460 }
461 {
462 typedef sgi_assignable_archetype<> T;
463 input_iterator_archetype<T> in;
464 output_iterator_archetype<T> out(dummy_cons);
465 binary_predicate_archetype<T, T> pred(dummy_cons);
466 out = std::unique_copy(in, in, out, pred);
467 }
468 {
469 typedef sgi_assignable_archetype<> T;
470 mutable_bidirectional_iterator_archetype<T> bi;
471 std::reverse(bi, bi);
472 }
473 {
474 typedef null_archetype<> Tout;
475 typedef convertible_to_archetype<Tout> Tin;
476 bidirectional_iterator_archetype<Tin> bi;
477 output_iterator_archetype<Tout> out(dummy_cons);
478 out = std::reverse_copy(bi, bi, out);
479 }
480 {
481 typedef sgi_assignable_archetype<> T;
482 mutable_forward_iterator_archetype<T> fi;
483 // Issue, SGI STL is not have void return type, C++ standard does
484 std::rotate(fi, fi, fi);
485 }
486 {
487 typedef null_archetype<> Tout;
488 typedef convertible_to_archetype<Tout> FT;
489 forward_iterator_archetype<FT> fi;
490 output_iterator_archetype<Tout> out(dummy_cons);
491 out = std::rotate_copy(fi, fi, fi, out);
492 }
493 {
494 typedef sgi_assignable_archetype<> T;
495 mutable_random_access_iterator_archetype<T> ri;
496 std::random_shuffle(ri, ri);
497 }
498 {
499 typedef sgi_assignable_archetype<> T;
500 mutable_random_access_iterator_archetype<T> ri;
501 unary_function_archetype<std::ptrdiff_t, std::ptrdiff_t> ran(dummy_cons);
502 std::random_shuffle(ri, ri, ran);
503 }
504 {
505 typedef null_archetype<> PredArg;
506 typedef sgi_assignable_archetype<convertible_to_archetype<PredArg> > FT;
507 mutable_bidirectional_iterator_archetype<FT> bi;
508 unary_predicate_archetype<PredArg> pred(dummy_cons);
509 bi = std::partition(bi, bi, pred);
510 }
511 {
512 typedef null_archetype<> PredArg;
513 typedef sgi_assignable_archetype<convertible_to_archetype<PredArg> > FT;
514 mutable_forward_iterator_archetype<FT> fi;
515 unary_predicate_archetype<PredArg> pred(dummy_cons);
516 fi = std::stable_partition(fi, fi, pred);
517 }
519 //===========================================================================
520 // Sorting Algorithms
521 {
522 typedef sgi_assignable_archetype<
523 less_than_comparable_archetype<> > T;
524 mutable_random_access_iterator_archetype<T> ri;
525 std::sort(ri, ri);
526 }
527 {
528 typedef null_archetype<> Arg;
529 typedef sgi_assignable_archetype<
530 convertible_to_archetype<Arg> > T;
531 mutable_random_access_iterator_archetype<T> ri;
532 binary_predicate_archetype<Arg, Arg> comp(dummy_cons);
533 std::sort(ri, ri, comp);
534 }
535 {
536 typedef less_than_comparable_archetype<
537 sgi_assignable_archetype<> > ValueType;
538 mutable_random_access_iterator_archetype<ValueType> ri;
539 std::stable_sort(ri, ri);
540 }
541 {
542 typedef null_archetype<> Arg;
543 typedef sgi_assignable_archetype<
544 convertible_to_archetype<Arg> > ValueType;
545 mutable_random_access_iterator_archetype<ValueType> ri;
546 binary_predicate_archetype<Arg, Arg> comp(dummy_cons);
547 std::stable_sort(ri, ri, comp);
548 }
549 {
550 typedef sgi_assignable_archetype<
551 less_than_comparable_archetype<> > T;
552 mutable_random_access_iterator_archetype<T> ri;
553 std::partial_sort(ri, ri, ri);
554 }
556 {
557 typedef null_archetype<> Arg;
558 typedef sgi_assignable_archetype<
559 convertible_to_archetype<Arg> > T;
560 mutable_random_access_iterator_archetype<T> ri;
561 binary_predicate_archetype<Arg, Arg> comp(dummy_cons);
562 std::partial_sort(ri, ri, ri, comp);
563 }
564 // gcc bug
565 {
566 // This could be formulated so that the two iterators are not
567 // required to have the same value type, but it is messy.
568 typedef sgi_assignable_archetype<
569 less_than_comparable_archetype<> > T;
570 input_iterator_archetype<T> in;
571 mutable_random_access_iterator_archetype<T> ri_out;
572 ri_out = std::partial_sort_copy(in, in , ri_out, ri_out);
573 }
574 {
575 typedef sgi_assignable_archetype<> T;
576 input_iterator_archetype<T> in;
577 mutable_random_access_iterator_archetype<T> ri_out;
578 binary_predicate_archetype<T, T> comp(dummy_cons);
579 ri_out = std::partial_sort_copy(in, in , ri_out, ri_out, comp);
580 }
581 {
582 typedef sgi_assignable_archetype< less_than_comparable_archetype<> > T;
583 mutable_random_access_iterator_archetype<T> ri;
584 std::nth_element(ri, ri, ri);
585 }
586 {
587 typedef null_archetype<int> Arg1;
588 typedef null_archetype<char> Arg2;
589 typedef sgi_assignable_archetype<
590 convertible_to_archetype<Arg1,
591 convertible_to_archetype<Arg2> > > T;
592 mutable_random_access_iterator_archetype<T> ri;
593 binary_predicate_archetype<Arg1, Arg2> comp(dummy_cons);
594 std::nth_element(ri, ri, ri, comp);
595 }
596 {
597 #if defined(__GNUC__)
598 typedef less_than_op_first_archetype<> FT;
599 typedef less_than_op_second_archetype<> T;
600 #elif defined(__KCC)
601 // The KAI version of this uses a one-argument less-than function
602 // object.
603 typedef less_than_comparable_archetype<> T;
604 typedef convertible_to_archetype<T> FT;
605 #endif
606 forward_iterator_archetype<FT> fi;
607 T value(dummy_cons);
608 fi = std::lower_bound(fi, fi, value);
609 }
610 {
611 typedef null_archetype<int> Arg1;
612 typedef null_archetype<char> Arg2;
613 typedef convertible_to_archetype<Arg1> FT;
614 typedef convertible_to_archetype<Arg2> T;
615 forward_iterator_archetype<FT> fi;
616 T value(dummy_cons);
617 binary_predicate_archetype<Arg1, Arg2> comp(dummy_cons);
618 fi = std::lower_bound(fi, fi, value, comp);
619 }
620 {
621 #if defined(__GNUC__)
622 // Note, order of T,FT is flipped from lower_bound
623 typedef less_than_op_second_archetype<> FT;
624 typedef less_than_op_first_archetype<> T;
625 #elif defined(__KCC)
626 typedef less_than_comparable_archetype<> T;
627 typedef convertible_to_archetype<T> FT;
628 #endif
629 forward_iterator_archetype<FT> fi;
630 T value(dummy_cons);
631 fi = std::upper_bound(fi, fi, value);
632 }
633 {
634 typedef null_archetype<int> Arg1;
635 typedef null_archetype<char> Arg2;
636 // Note, order of T,FT is flipped from lower_bound
637 typedef convertible_to_archetype<Arg1> T;
638 typedef convertible_to_archetype<Arg2> FT;
639 forward_iterator_archetype<FT> fi;
640 T value(dummy_cons);
641 binary_predicate_archetype<Arg1, Arg2> comp(dummy_cons);
642 fi = std::upper_bound(fi, fi, value, comp);
643 }
644 {
645 #if defined(__GNUC__)
646 typedef less_than_op_first_archetype<
647 less_than_op_second_archetype< null_archetype<>, optag2>, optag1> FT;
648 typedef less_than_op_second_archetype<
649 less_than_op_first_archetype< null_archetype<>, optag2>, optag1> T;
650 #elif defined(__KCC)
651 typedef less_than_comparable_archetype<> T;
652 typedef convertible_to_archetype<T> FT;
653 #endif
654 typedef forward_iterator_archetype<FT> FIter;
655 FIter fi;
656 T value(dummy_cons);
657 std::pair<FIter,FIter> p = std::equal_range(fi, fi, value);
658 ignore_unused_variable_warning(p);
659 }
660 {
661 typedef null_archetype<int> Arg1;
662 typedef null_archetype<char> Arg2;
663 typedef convertible_to_archetype<Arg1,
664 convertible_to_archetype<Arg2> > FT;
665 typedef convertible_to_archetype<Arg2,
666 convertible_to_archetype<Arg1> > T;
667 typedef forward_iterator_archetype<FT> FIter;
668 FIter fi;
669 T value(dummy_cons);
670 binary_predicate_archetype<Arg1, Arg2> comp(dummy_cons);
671 std::pair<FIter,FIter> p = std::equal_range(fi, fi, value, comp);
672 ignore_unused_variable_warning(p);
673 }
674 {
675 #if defined(__GNUC__)
676 typedef less_than_op_first_archetype<
677 less_than_op_second_archetype<null_archetype<>, optag2>, optag1> FT;
678 typedef less_than_op_second_archetype<
679 less_than_op_first_archetype<null_archetype<>, optag2>, optag1> T;
680 #elif defined(__KCC)
681 typedef less_than_op_first_archetype< less_than_comparable_archetype<> > T;
682 typedef less_than_op_second_archetype< convertible_to_archetype<T> > FT;
683 #endif
684 forward_iterator_archetype<FT> fi;
685 T value(dummy_cons);
686 bool b = std::binary_search(fi, fi, value);
687 ignore_unused_variable_warning(b);
688 }
689 {
690 typedef null_archetype<int> Arg1;
691 typedef null_archetype<char> Arg2;
692 #if defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__KCC)
693 typedef convertible_to_archetype<Arg1,
694 convertible_to_archetype<Arg2> > FT;
695 typedef convertible_to_archetype<Arg2,
696 convertible_to_archetype<Arg1> > T;
697 #endif
698 typedef forward_iterator_archetype<FT> FIter;
699 FIter fi;
700 T value(dummy_cons);
701 binary_predicate_archetype<Arg1, Arg2> comp(dummy_cons);
702 bool b = std::binary_search(fi, fi, value, comp);
703 ignore_unused_variable_warning(b);
704 }
705 {
706 typedef null_archetype<> Tout;
707 #if defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__KCC)
708 typedef less_than_op_first_archetype<
709 less_than_op_second_archetype<
710 convertible_to_archetype<Tout>, optag2>, optag1 > Tin1;
711 typedef less_than_op_second_archetype<
712 less_than_op_first_archetype<
713 convertible_to_archetype<Tout>, optag2> ,optag1> Tin2;
714 #endif
715 // gcc bug
716 input_iterator_archetype<Tin1> in1;
717 input_iterator_archetype<Tin2> in2;
718 output_iterator_archetype<Tout> out(dummy_cons);
719 out = std::merge(in1, in1, in2, in2, out);
720 out = std::set_union(in1, in1, in2, in2, out);
721 out = std::set_intersection(in1, in1, in2, in2, out);
722 out = std::set_difference(in1, in1, in2, in2, out);
723 out = std::set_symmetric_difference(in1, in1, in2, in2, out);
724 }
725 {
726 typedef null_archetype<> T;
727 input_iterator_archetype<T> in1;
728 input_iterator_archetype<T,2> in2;
729 typedef convertible_from_archetype<T> Tout;
730 output_iterator_archetype<T> out(dummy_cons);
731 binary_predicate_archetype<T, T> comp(dummy_cons);
732 out = std::merge(in1, in1, in2, in2, out, comp);
733 out = std::set_union(in1, in1, in2, in2, out, comp);
734 out = std::set_intersection(in1, in1, in2, in2, out, comp);
735 out = std::set_difference(in1, in1, in2, in2, out, comp);
736 out = std::set_symmetric_difference(in1, in1, in2, in2, out, comp);
737 }
738 {
739 typedef sgi_assignable_archetype<
740 less_than_comparable_archetype<> > T;
741 mutable_bidirectional_iterator_archetype<T> bi;
742 std::inplace_merge(bi, bi, bi);
743 }
744 {
745 typedef null_archetype<> Arg;
746 typedef sgi_assignable_archetype<
747 convertible_to_archetype<Arg> > T;
748 mutable_bidirectional_iterator_archetype<T> bi;
749 binary_predicate_archetype<Arg, Arg> comp(dummy_cons);
750 std::inplace_merge(bi, bi, bi, comp);
751 }
752 // gcc bug
753 {
754 typedef less_than_op_first_archetype<
755 less_than_op_second_archetype<null_archetype<>, optag1>, optag2> Tin1;
756 typedef less_than_op_second_archetype<
757 less_than_op_first_archetype<null_archetype<>, optag1>, optag2> Tin2;
758 input_iterator_archetype<Tin1> in1;
759 input_iterator_archetype<Tin2> in2;
760 bool b = std::includes(in1, in1, in2, in2);
761 b = std::lexicographical_compare(in1, in1, in2, in2);
762 ignore_unused_variable_warning(b);
763 }
764 {
765 typedef null_archetype<int> Tin;
766 input_iterator_archetype<Tin> in1;
767 input_iterator_archetype<Tin,1> in2;
768 binary_predicate_archetype<Tin, Tin> comp(dummy_cons);
769 bool b = std::includes(in1, in1, in2, in2, comp);
770 b = std::lexicographical_compare(in1, in1, in2, in2, comp);
771 ignore_unused_variable_warning(b);
772 }
773 {
774 typedef sgi_assignable_archetype<
775 less_than_comparable_archetype<> > T;
776 mutable_random_access_iterator_archetype<T> ri;
777 std::push_heap(ri, ri);
778 std::pop_heap(ri, ri);
779 std::make_heap(ri, ri);
780 std::sort_heap(ri, ri);
781 }
782 {
783 typedef null_archetype<> Arg;
784 typedef sgi_assignable_archetype<
785 convertible_to_archetype<Arg> > T;
786 mutable_random_access_iterator_archetype<T> ri;
787 binary_predicate_archetype<Arg, Arg> comp(dummy_cons);
788 std::push_heap(ri, ri, comp);
789 std::pop_heap(ri, ri, comp);
790 std::make_heap(ri, ri, comp);
791 std::sort_heap(ri, ri, comp);
792 }
793 {
794 typedef less_than_comparable_archetype<> T;
795 T a(dummy_cons), b(dummy_cons);
798 const T& c = min BOOST_PREVENT_MACRO_SUBSTITUTION(a, b);
799 const T& d = max BOOST_PREVENT_MACRO_SUBSTITUTION(a, b);
800 ignore_unused_variable_warning(c);
801 ignore_unused_variable_warning(d);
802 }
803 {
804 typedef null_archetype<> Arg;
805 binary_predicate_archetype<Arg, Arg> comp(dummy_cons);
806 typedef convertible_to_archetype<Arg> T;
807 T a(dummy_cons), b(dummy_cons);
810 const T& c = min BOOST_PREVENT_MACRO_SUBSTITUTION(a, b, comp);
811 const T& d = max BOOST_PREVENT_MACRO_SUBSTITUTION(a, b, comp);
812 ignore_unused_variable_warning(c);
813 ignore_unused_variable_warning(d);
814 }
815 {
816 typedef less_than_comparable_archetype<> T;
817 forward_iterator_archetype<T> fi;
818 fi = std::min_element(fi, fi);
819 fi = std::max_element(fi, fi);
820 }
821 {
822 typedef null_archetype<> Arg;
823 binary_predicate_archetype<Arg, Arg> comp(dummy_cons);
824 typedef convertible_to_archetype<Arg> T;
825 forward_iterator_archetype<T> fi;
826 fi = std::min_element(fi, fi, comp);
827 fi = std::max_element(fi, fi, comp);
828 }
829 {
830 typedef sgi_assignable_archetype<
831 less_than_comparable_archetype<> > T;
832 mutable_bidirectional_iterator_archetype<T> bi;
833 bool b = std::next_permutation(bi, bi);
834 b = std::prev_permutation(bi, bi);
835 ignore_unused_variable_warning(b);
836 }
837 {
838 typedef null_archetype<> Arg;
839 binary_predicate_archetype<Arg, Arg> comp(dummy_cons);
840 typedef sgi_assignable_archetype<
841 convertible_to_archetype<Arg> > T;
842 mutable_bidirectional_iterator_archetype<T> bi;
843 bool b = std::next_permutation(bi, bi, comp);
844 b = std::prev_permutation(bi, bi, comp);
845 ignore_unused_variable_warning(b);
846 }
847 //===========================================================================
848 // Generalized Numeric Algorithms
850 {
851 // Bummer, couldn't use plus_op because of a problem with
852 // mutually recursive types.
853 input_iterator_archetype<accum::Tin> in;
854 accum::T init(dummy_cons);
855 init = std::accumulate(in, in, init);
856 }
857 {
858 typedef null_archetype<int> Arg1;
859 typedef null_archetype<char> Arg2;
860 typedef sgi_assignable_archetype<
861 convertible_to_archetype<Arg1> > T;
862 typedef convertible_to_archetype<T> Ret;
863 input_iterator_archetype<Arg2> in;
864 T init(dummy_cons);
865 binary_function_archetype<Arg1, Arg2, Ret> op(dummy_cons);
866 init = std::accumulate(in, in, init, op);
867 }
868 {
869 input_iterator_archetype<inner_prod::Tin1> in1;
870 input_iterator_archetype<inner_prod::Tin2> in2;
871 inner_prod::T init(dummy_cons);
872 init = std::inner_product(in1, in1, in2, init);
873 }
874 {
875 typedef null_archetype<int> MultArg1;
876 typedef null_archetype<char> MultArg2;
877 typedef null_archetype<short> AddArg1;
878 typedef null_archetype<long> AddArg2;
879 typedef sgi_assignable_archetype<
880 convertible_to_archetype<AddArg1> > T;
881 typedef convertible_to_archetype<AddArg2> RetMult;
882 typedef convertible_to_archetype<T> RetAdd;
883 input_iterator_archetype<MultArg1> in1;
884 input_iterator_archetype<MultArg2> in2;
885 T init(dummy_cons);
886 binary_function_archetype<MultArg1, MultArg2, RetMult> mult_op(dummy_cons);
887 binary_function_archetype<AddArg1, AddArg2, RetAdd> add_op(dummy_cons);
888 init = std::inner_product(in1, in1, in2, init, add_op, mult_op);
889 }
890 {
891 input_iterator_archetype<part_sum::T> in;
892 output_iterator_archetype<part_sum::T> out(dummy_cons);
893 out = std::partial_sum(in, in, out);
894 }
895 {
896 typedef sgi_assignable_archetype<> T;
897 input_iterator_archetype<T> in;
898 output_iterator_archetype<T> out(dummy_cons);
899 binary_function_archetype<T, T, T> add_op(dummy_cons);
900 out = std::partial_sum(in, in, out, add_op);
901 binary_function_archetype<T, T, T> subtract_op(dummy_cons);
902 out = std::adjacent_difference(in, in, out, subtract_op);
903 }
904 {
905 input_iterator_archetype<part_sum::T> in;
906 output_iterator_archetype<part_sum::T> out(dummy_cons);
907 out = std::adjacent_difference(in, in, out);
908 }
909 return 0;
910 }
912 #else
914 int main() {}
916 #endif