]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/src/boost/libs/coroutine/doc/coro.qbk
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[ceph.git] / ceph / src / boost / libs / coroutine / doc / coro.qbk
1 [/
2 Copyright Oliver Kowalke 2009.
3 Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
4 (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
5 http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt
6 ]
8 [library Coroutine
9 [quickbook 1.5]
10 [authors [Kowalke, Oliver]]
11 [copyright 2009 Oliver Kowalke]
12 [purpose C++ Library providing coroutine facility]
13 [id coroutine]
14 [category text]
15 [license
16 Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
17 (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
18 [@http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt])
19 ]
20 ]
23 [def __boost_asio__ [*Boost.Asio]]
24 [def __boost_build__ [*Boost.Build]]
25 [def __boost_context__ [*Boost.Context]]
26 [def __boost_coroutine__ [*Boost.Coroutine]]
27 [def __boost_exception__ [*Boost.Exception]]
28 [def __boost_function_types__ [*Boost.FunctionTypes]]
29 [def __boost_move__ [*Boost.Move]]
30 [def __boost_mpl__ [*Boost.MPL]]
31 [def __boost_optional__ [*Boost.Optional]]
32 [def __boost_preprocessor__ [*Boost.Preprocessor]]
33 [def __boost_range__ [*Boost.Range]]
34 [def __boost_result_of__ [*Boost.ResultOf]]
35 [def __boost_smart_ptr__ [*Boost.SmartPtr]]
36 [def __boost_static_assert__ [*Boost.StaticAssert]]
37 [def __boost_tuple__ [*Boost.Tuple]]
38 [def __boost_type_traits__ [*Boost.TypeTraits]]
39 [def __boost_utility__ [*Boost.Utility]]
40 [def __boost_version__ [*Boost-1.52.0]]
42 [def __coro__ ['coroutine]]
43 [def __coro_fn__ ['coroutine-function]]
44 [def __coros__ ['coroutines]]
45 [def __ctx__ ['context]]
46 [def __not_a_coro__ ['not-a-coroutine]]
47 [def __segmented_stack__ ['segmented-stack]]
48 [def __signature__ ['Signature]]
49 [def __stack_allocator_concept__ ['stack-allocator concept]]
50 [def __stack_allocator__ ['stack-allocator]]
51 [def __stack_traits__ ['stack-traits]]
52 [def __stack__ ['stack]]
53 [def __tls__ ['thread-local-storage]]
55 [def __acoro__ ['asymmetric_coroutine<>]]
56 [def __attrs__ ['attributes]]
57 [def __begin__ ['std::begin()]]
58 [def __bind__ ['boost::bind()]]
59 [def __call_coro_bool__ ['symmetric_coroutine<>::call_type::operator bool]]
60 [def __call_coro_op__ ['symmetric_coroutine<>::call_type::operator()]]
61 [def __call_coro__ ['symmetric_coroutine<>::call_type]]
62 [def __coro_allocator__ ['stack_allocator]]
63 [def __coro_ns__ ['boost::coroutines]]
64 [def __end__ ['std::end()]]
65 [def __fcontext__ ['boost::contexts::fcontext_t]]
66 [def __fetch__ ['inbuf::fetch()]]
67 [def __forced_unwind__ ['detail::forced_unwind]]
68 [def __getline__ ['std::getline()]]
69 [def __handle_read__ ['session::handle_read()]]
70 [def __io_service__ ['boost::asio::io_sevice]]
71 [def __protected_allocator__ ['protected_stack_allocator]]
72 [def __pull_coro__ ['asymmetric_coroutine<>::pull_type]]
73 [def __pull_coro_bool__ ['asymmetric_coroutine<>::pull_type::operator bool]]
74 [def __pull_coro_get__ ['asymmetric_coroutine<>::pull_type::get()]]
75 [def __pull_coro_it__ ['asymmetric_coroutine<>::pull_type::iterator]]
76 [def __pull_coro_op__ ['asymmetric_coroutine<>::pull_type::operator()]]
77 [def __push_coro__ ['asymmetric_coroutine<>::push_type]]
78 [def __push_coro_bool__ ['asymmetric_coroutine<>::push_type::operator bool]]
79 [def __push_coro_it__ ['asymmetric_coroutine<>::push_type::iterator]]
80 [def __push_coro_op__ ['asymmetric_coroutine<>::push_type::operator()]]
81 [def __scoro__ ['symmetric_coroutine<>]]
82 [def __segmented_allocator__ ['segmented_stack_allocator]]
83 [def __server__ ['server]]
84 [def __session__ ['session]]
85 [def __stack_context__ ['stack_context]]
86 [def __segmented_allocator__ ['segmented_stack_allocator]]
87 [def __standard_allocator__ ['standard_stack_allocator]]
88 [def __start__ ['session::start()]]
89 [def __terminate__ ['std::terminate()]]
90 [def __thread__ ['boost::thread]]
91 [def __tie__ ['boost::tie]]
92 [def __tuple__ ['boost::tuple<>]]
93 [def __underflow__ ['stream_buf::underflow()]]
94 [def __yield_context__ ['boost::asio::yield_context]]
95 [def __yield_coro_bool__ ['symmetric_coroutine<>::yield_type::operator bool]]
96 [def __yield_coro_get__ ['symmetric_coroutine<>::yield_type::get()]]
97 [def __yield_coro_op__ ['symmetric_coroutine<>::yield_type::operator()]]
98 [def __yield_coro__ ['symmetric_coroutine<>::yield_type]]
100 [include overview.qbk]
101 [include intro.qbk]
102 [include motivation.qbk]
103 [include coroutine.qbk]
104 [include attributes.qbk]
105 [include stack.qbk]
106 [include performance.qbk]
107 [include architectures.qbk]
108 [include acknowledgements.qbk]