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1 <HTML>
2 <!--
3 Copyright (c) Jeremy Siek 2000
5 Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
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9 <Head>
10 <Title>MutableGraph</Title>
11 <BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff" LINK="#0000ee" TEXT="#000000" VLINK="#551a8b"
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16 <BR Clear>
19 <H2><A NAME="sec:MutableGraph"></A>
20 MutableGraph
21 </H2>
23 A MutableGraph can be changed via the addition or removal of
24 edges and vertices.
26 <H3>Refinement of</H3>
28 <a href="./Graph.html">Graph</a>
30 <h3>Notation</h3>
32 <Table>
33 <TR>
34 <TD><tt>G</tt></TD>
35 <TD>A type that is a model of Graph.</TD>
36 </TR>
38 <TR>
39 <TD><tt>g</tt></TD>
40 <TD>An object of type <tt>G</tt>.</TD>
41 </TR>
43 <TR>
44 <TD><tt>e</tt></TD>
45 <TD>An object of type <tt>boost::graph_traits&lt;G&gt;::edge_descriptor</tt>.</TD>
46 </TR>
48 <TR>
49 <TD><tt>u,v</tt></TD>
50 <TD>are objects of type <tt>boost::graph_traits&lt;G&gt;::vertex_descriptor</tt>.</TD>
51 </TR>
53 <TR>
54 <TD><tt>iter</tt></TD>
55 <TD>is an object of type <tt>boost::graph_traits&lt;G&gt;::out_edge_iterator</tt>.</TD>
56 </TR>
58 <TR>
59 <TD><tt>p</tt></TD>
60 <TD>is an object of a type that models <a
61 href="http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/Predicate.html">Predicate</a>
62 and whose argument type matches the <tt>edge_descriptor</tt> type.
63 </TR>
65 </table>
67 <H3>Valid Expressions</H3>
69 <table border>
71 <tr>
72 <TD><a name="sec:add-edge"><TT>add_edge(u,&nbsp;v,&nbsp;g)</TT></a></TD>
73 <TD>
74 Inserts the edge <i>(u,v)</i> into the graph, and returns an edge
75 descriptor pointing to the new edge. If the graph disallows parallel
76 edges, and the edge <i>(u,v)</i> is already in the graph, then the
77 <tt>bool</tt> flag returned is <tt>false</tt> and the returned edge
78 descriptor points to the already existing edge. Note that for
79 undirected graphs, <i>(u,v)</i> is the same edge as <i>(v,u)</i>, so
80 after a call to the function <tt>add_edge()</tt>, this implies that
81 edge <i>(u,v)</i> will appear in the out-edges of <i>u</i> and
82 <i>(u,v)</i> (or equivalently <i>(v,u)</i>) will appear in the
83 out-edges of <i>v</i>. Put another way, <i>v</i> will be adjacent to
84 <i>u</i> and <i>u</i> will be adjacent to <i>v</i>.
85 <br>
86 Return type: <TT>std::pair&lt;edge_descriptor, bool&gt;</TT>
87 </TD>
88 </tr>
90 <tr>
91 <TD><a name="sec:remove_edge"><TT>remove_edge(u,&nbsp;v,&nbsp;g)</TT></a></TD>
92 <TD>
93 Remove the edge <i>(u,v)</i> from the graph. If the
94 graph allows parallel edges this remove all occurrences of
95 <i>(u,v)</i>.<br>
96 Return type: <TT>void</TT><br>
97 Precondition: <i>u</i> and <i>v</i> are vertices in the graph.<br>
98 Postcondition: <i>(u,v)</i> is no longer in the edge set for
99 <TT>g</TT>.<br>
100 </TD>
101 </TR>
104 <tr>
105 <TD><TT>remove_edge(e,&nbsp;g)</TT></TD>
106 <TD>Remove the edge <i>e</i> from the graph.<br>
107 Return type: <TT>void</TT><br>
108 Precondition: <i>e</i> is an edge in the graph.<br>
109 Postcondition: <i>e</i> is no longer in the edge set for <TT>g</TT>.
110 </TD>
111 </TR>
113 <tr>
114 <TD><TT>remove_edge(iter,&nbsp;g)</TT></TD>
115 <TD>Remove the edge pointed to be <tt>iter</tt> from the graph. This
116 expression is only required when the graph also models <a
117 href="./IncidenceGraph.html">IncidenceGraph</a>.<br>
118 Return type: <TT>void</TT><br>
119 Precondition: <tt>*iter</tt> is an edge in the graph.<br>
120 Postcondition: <tt>*iter</tt> is no longer in the edge set for <TT>g</TT>.
121 </TD>
122 </TR>
124 <tr>
125 <TD><TT>remove_edge_if(p,&nbsp;g)</TT></TD>
126 <TD>Remove all the edges from graph <tt>g</tt> for which
127 the predicate <tt>p</tt> returns true.<br>
128 Return type: <TT>void</TT>
129 </TD>
130 </TR>
132 <tr>
133 <TD><TT>remove_out_edge_if(u,&nbsp;p,&nbsp;g)</TT></TD>
134 <TD>Remove all the out-edges of vertex <tt>u</tt> for which the
135 predicate <tt>p</tt> returns true. This expression is only required
136 when the graph also models <a
137 href="./IncidenceGraph.html">IncidenceGraph</a>.<br>
138 Return type: <TT>void</TT>
139 </TD>
140 </TR>
142 <tr>
143 <TD><TT>remove_in_edge_if(u,&nbsp;p,&nbsp;g)</TT></TD>
144 <TD>Remove all the in-edges of vertex <tt>u</tt> for which the
145 predicate <tt>p</tt> returns true. This expression is only required when the
146 graph also models <a
147 href="./BidirectionalGraph.html">BidirectionalGraph</a>.<br>
148 Return type: <TT>void</TT>
149 </TD>
150 </TR>
153 <tr>
154 <TD><a name="sec:add-vertex"><TT>add_vertex(g)</TT></a></TD>
155 <TD>
156 Add a new vertex to the graph. The <TT>vertex_descriptor</TT> for the
157 new vertex is returned.<br>
158 Return type: <TT>vertex_descriptor</TT>
159 </TD>
160 </TR>
163 <tr>
164 <TD><TT>clear_vertex(u,&nbsp;g)</TT></TD>
165 <TD>
166 Remove all edges to and from vertex <tt>u</tt> from the graph.<br>
167 Return type: <TT>void</TT><br>
168 Precondition: <tt>u</tt> is a valid vertex descriptor of <TT>g</TT>.<br>
169 Postcondition: <tt>u</tt> does not appear as a source or target of
170 any edge in <TT>g</TT>.
171 </TD>
172 </TR>
174 <tr>
175 <TD><a name="sec:remove-vertex"><TT>remove_vertex(u,&nbsp;g)</TT></a></TD>
176 <TD>
177 Remove <i>u</i> from the vertex set of the graph. Note that undefined
178 behavior may result if there are edges remaining in the graph who's
179 target is <i>u</i>. Typically the <TT>clear_vertex()</TT> function
180 should be called first.<br>
181 Return type: <TT>void</TT><br>
182 Precondition: <TT>u</TT> is a valid vertex descriptor of <TT>g</TT>.<br>
183 Postcondition: <TT>num_vertices(g)</TT> is one less, <TT>u</TT>
184 no longer appears in the vertex set of the graph and it
185 is no longer a valid vertex descriptor.
186 </TD>
187 </TR>
188 </TABLE>
190 <P>
191 </LI>
192 </UL>
194 <P>
196 <H3>Complexity Guarantees</H3>
198 <P>
200 <UL>
201 <LI>Edge insertion must be either amortized constant time or it
202 can be <i>O(log(E/V))</i> if the insertion also checks to
203 prevent the addition of parallel edges (which is a ``feature'' of
204 some graph types).
205 </LI>
206 <LI>Edge removal is guaranteed to be <i>O(E)</i>.</LI>
207 <LI>Vertex insertion is guaranteed to be amortized constant time.</LI>
208 <LI>Clearing a vertex is <i>O(E + V)</i>.</LI>
209 <LI>Vertex removal is <i>O(E + V)</i>.</LI>
210 </UL>
212 <H3>Models</H3>
214 <UL>
215 <LI><TT>adjacency_list</TT>
216 </LI>
217 </UL>
220 <H3>Concept Checking Class</H3>
222 <PRE>
223 template &lt;class G&gt;
224 struct MutableGraphConcept
225 {
226 typedef typename boost::graph_traits&lt;G&gt;::edge_descriptor edge_descriptor;
227 void constraints() {
228 v = add_vertex(g);
229 clear_vertex(v, g);
230 remove_vertex(v, g);
231 e_b = add_edge(u, v, g);
232 remove_edge(u, v, g);
233 remove_edge(e, g);
234 }
235 G g;
236 edge_descriptor e;
237 std::pair&lt;edge_descriptor, bool&gt; e_b;
238 typename boost::graph_traits&lt;G&gt;::vertex_descriptor u, v;
239 typename boost::graph_traits&lt;G&gt;::out_edge_iterator iter;
240 };
242 template &lt;class edge_descriptor&gt;
243 struct dummy_edge_predicate {
244 bool operator()(const edge_descriptor& e) const {
245 return false;
246 }
247 };
249 template &lt;class G&gt;
250 struct MutableIncidenceGraphConcept
251 {
252 void constraints() {
253 BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT(( MutableGraph&lt;G&gt; ));
254 remove_edge(iter, g);
255 remove_out_edge_if(u, p, g);
256 }
257 G g;
258 typedef typename boost::graph_traits&lt;G&gt;::edge_descriptor edge_descriptor;
259 dummy_edge_predicate&lt;edge_descriptor&gt; p;
260 typename boost::graph_traits&lt;G&gt;::vertex_descriptor u;
261 typename boost::graph_traits&lt;G&gt;::out_edge_iterator iter;
262 };
264 template &lt;class G&gt;
265 struct MutableBidirectionalGraphConcept
266 {
267 void constraints() {
268 BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT(( MutableIncidenceGraph&lt;G&gt; ));
269 remove_in_edge_if(u, p, g);
270 }
271 G g;
272 typedef typename boost::graph_traits&lt;G&gt;::edge_descriptor edge_descriptor;
273 dummy_edge_predicate&lt;edge_descriptor&gt; p;
274 typename boost::graph_traits&lt;G&gt;::vertex_descriptor u;
275 };
277 template &lt;class G&gt;
278 struct MutableEdgeListGraphConcept
279 {
280 void constraints() {
281 BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT(( MutableGraph&lt;G&gt; ));
282 remove_edge_if(p, g);
283 }
284 G g;
285 typedef typename boost::graph_traits&lt;G&gt;::edge_descriptor edge_descriptor;
286 dummy_edge_predicate&lt;edge_descriptor&gt; p;
287 };
288 </PRE>
290 <br>
291 <HR>
292 <TABLE>
293 <TR valign=top>
294 <TD nowrap>Copyright &copy; 2000-2001</TD><TD>
295 <A HREF="http://www.boost.org/people/jeremy_siek.htm">Jeremy Siek</A>, Indiana University (<A HREF="mailto:jsiek@osl.iu.edu">jsiek@osl.iu.edu</A>)
296 </TD></TR></TABLE>
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