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4 Copyright Doug Gregor 2004. Use, modification and
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7 http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
9 For more information, see http://www.boost.org
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11 <head>
12 <title>Bundled Properties</title>
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19 <h1>Bundled Properties</h1>
21 <p>Class templates <code><a
22 href="adjacency_list.html">adjacency_list</a></code> and
23 <code><a href="adjacency_matrix.html">adjacency_matrix</a></code> support
24 the introduction of named properties via <a
25 href="using_adjacency_list.html#sec:adjacency-list-properties">internal
26 properties</a>. However, this method is cumbersome in many uses,
27 where it would be more intuitive to just specify a structure or
28 class that contains internal properties for edges or
29 vertices. Bundled properties allow one to use
30 <code>adjacency_list</code> and <code>adjacency_matrix</code> in this
31 manner, providing a simple
32 way to introduce and access any number of internal properties
33 for vertices and edges.</p>
35 <p>One can introduce bundled properties into an
36 either graph type by providing a user-defined class
37 type for the <code>VertexProperties</code> or
38 <code>EdgeProperties</code> template arguments. The user-defined
39 class may alternatively be placed at the end of a
40 <code>property</code> list, replacing the (implicit)
41 <code>boost::no_property</code> argument.</p>
43 <h2>Example: Route planning</h2>
44 <p>Consider the implementation of a simple route planner that
45 should find the shortest directions from one city to another
46 via a set of highways. The vertices of the graph are cities,
47 and we may wish to store several bits of information about the
48 city within each vertex:</p>
49 <pre>
50 struct City
51 {
52 string name;
53 int population;
54 vector&lt;int&gt; zipcodes;
55 };
56 </pre>
58 <p>
59 The edges in the graph represent highways, which also have several interesting
60 attributes:
61 </p>
63 <pre>
64 struct Highway
65 {
66 string name;
67 double miles;
68 int speed_limit;
69 int lanes;
70 bool divided;
71 };
72 </pre>
74 <p>With bundled properties, we can directly use the <code>City</code> and
75 <code>Highway</code> structures to define the graph:</p>
76 <pre>
77 typedef boost::adjacency_list&lt;
78 boost::listS, boost::vecS, boost::bidirectionalS,
79 City, Highway&gt;
80 Map;
81 </pre>
83 <p>Without bundled properties, translating this example directly
84 into an instantiation of <code>adjacency_list</code> would
85 involve several custom properties and would result in a type
86 like this:</p>
87 <pre>
88 typedef boost::adjacency_list&lt;
89 boost::listS, boost::vecS, boost::bidirectionalS,
90 // Vertex properties
91 boost::property&lt;boost::vertex_name_t, std::string,
92 boost::property&lt;population_t, int,
93 boost::property&lt;zipcodes_t, std::vector&lt;int&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;,
94 // Edge properties
95 boost::property&lt;boost::edge_name_t, std::string,
96 boost::property&lt;boost::edge_weight_t, double,
97 boost::property&lt;edge_speed_limit_t, int,
98 boost::property&lt;edge_lanes_t, int,
99 boost::property&lt;edge_divided, bool&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;
100 Map;
101 </pre>
103 <p>
104 Bundling vertex and edge properties greatly simplifies the declaration of
105 graphs.
106 </p>
107 <p>
108 In addition to vertex and edge bundles, we can also bundle properties of the
109 graph itself. Suppopse we extend the application to include a portfolio of
110 route-planning maps for different countries. In addition to the <code>City</code>
111 and <code>Highway</code> bundles above, we can declare a graph bundle,
112 <code>Country</Code>.
113 </p>
115 <pre>
116 struct Country {
117 string name;
118 bool use_right; // Drive on the left or right
119 bool use_metric; // mph or km/h
120 };
121 </pre>
123 <p>The graph would now be declared as:</p>
125 <pre>
126 <pre>
127 typedef boost::adjacency_list&lt;
128 boost::listS, boost::vecS, boost::bidirectionalS,
129 City, Highway, Country&gt;
130 Map;
131 </pre>
132 </pre>
134 <h2>Accessing bundled properties</h2>
135 <p>To access a bundled property for a particular edge or vertex,
136 subscript your graph with the descriptor of the edge or vertex
137 whose bundled property you wish to access. For instance:</p>
138 <pre>
139 Map map; // load the map
140 Map::vertex_descriptor v = *vertices(map).first;
141 map[v].name = "Troy";
142 map[v].population = 49170;
143 map[v].zipcodes.push_back(12180);
144 Map::edge_descriptor e = *out_edges(v, map).first;
145 map[e].name = "I-87";
146 map[e].miles = 10.;
147 map[e].speed_limit = 65;
148 map[e].lanes = 4;
149 map[e].divided = true;
150 </pre>
152 <p>
153 The graph bundle, since it does not correspond to a vertex or edge descripor
154 is accessed using the graph_bundle object as a key.
155 </p>
157 <pre>
158 map[graph_bundle].name = "United States";
159 map[graph_bundle].use_right = true;
160 map[graph_bundle].use_metric = false;
161 </pre>
164 <h2>Properties maps from bundled properties</h2>
165 <p>Often one needs to create a property map from an internal
166 property for use in a generic algorithm. For instance, using the
167 graph without bundled properties we might invoke <a
168 href="dijkstra_shortest_paths.html">Dijkstra's shortest
169 paths</a> algorithm like this:</p>
170 <pre>
171 vector&lt;double&gt; distances(num_vertices(map));
172 dijkstra_shortest_paths(map, from,
173 weight_map(get(edge_length, map))
174 .distance_map(make_iterator_property_map(distances.begin(),
175 get(vertex_index, map))));
176 </pre>
178 <p>With bundled properties, we can just pass a <em>member pointer</em>
179 as the property for <code>get</code>. The equivalent example using bundled
180 properties is:</p>
181 <pre>
182 vector&lt;double&gt; distances(num_vertices(map));
183 dijkstra_shortest_paths(map, from,
184 weight_map(get(<font color="#ff0000">&amp;Highway::miles</font>, map))
185 .distance_map(make_iterator_property_map(distances.begin(),
186 get(vertex_index, map))));
187 </pre>
189 <p>The type of the returned property map is <code>property_map&lt;Map, double Highway::*&gt;::type</code>
190 or <code>property_map&lt;Map, double Highway::*&gt;::const_type</code>, depending on whether the graph
191 <code>map</code> is non-constant or constant.
193 <p> You may also access the entire vertex or edge bundle as a property map
194 using the <code>vertex_bundle</code> or <code>edge_bundle</code> properties,
195 respectively. For instance, the property map returned by <code>get(vertex_bundle, map)</code> is
196 an <a href="../../property_map/doc/LvaluePropertyMap.html">Lvalue Property Map</a> providing access to the
197 <code>City</code> values stored in each vertex.
199 <h2>Property maps for a graph bundle</h2>
200 There is currently no support for creating property maps from the bundled
201 properties of a graph.
203 <h2>Getting the type of bundled properties</h2>
205 <p>To get the type of the vertex or edge bundle for a given graph
206 type <tt>Graph</tt>, you can use the trait
207 classes <tt>vertex_bundle_type</tt>
208 and <tt>edge_bundle_type</tt>. The
209 type <tt>vertex_bundle_type&lt;Graph&gt;::type</tt> will be the
210 type bundled with vertices (or <tt>no_vertex_bundle</tt> if the
211 graph supports bundles but no vertex bundle
212 exists). Likewise, <tt>edge_bundle_type&lt;Graph&gt;::type</tt>
213 will be the type bundled with edges (or <tt>no_edge_bundle</tt> if
214 no edge bundle exists).</p>
216 <h2>Compatibility</h2> <p>Bundled properties will only work
217 properly on compilers that support class template partial
218 specialization.</p>
220 <hr>
221 Copyright &copy; 2004 <a href="http://www.boost.org/people/doug_gregor.html">Doug Gregor</a>.
222 <address><a href="mailto:gregod@cs.rpi.edu"></a></address>
223 <!-- Created: Fri May 7 09:59:21 EDT 2004 -->
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225 Last modified: Fri May 7 10:56:01 EDT 2004
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