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9 <Head>
10 <Title>Sparse Matrix Ordering Example</Title>
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18 <H1><A NAME="sec:sparse-matrix-ordering"></A>
19 Sparse Matrix Ordering
20 </H1>
22 <P>
23 Graph theory was identified as a powerful tool for sparse matrix
24 computation when Seymour Parter used undirected graphs to model
25 symmetric Gaussian elimination more than 30 years ago&nbsp;[<A HREF="bibliography.html#parter61:_gauss">28</A>].
26 Graphs can be used to model symmetric matrices, factorizations and
27 algorithms on non-symmetric matrices, such as fill paths in Gaussian
28 elimination, strongly connected components in matrix irreducibility,
29 bipartite matching, and alternating paths in linear dependence and
30 structural singularity. Not only do graphs make it easier to
31 understand and analyze sparse matrix algorithms, but they broaden the
32 area of manipulating sparse matrices using existing graph algorithms
33 and techniques&nbsp;[<A
34 HREF="bibliography.html#george93:graphtheory">13</A>]. In this section, we are
35 going to illustrate how to use BGL in sparse matrix computation such
36 as ordering algorithms. Before we go further into the sparse matrix
37 algorithms, let us take a step back and review a few things.
39 <P>
41 <H2>Graphs and Sparse Matrices</H2>
43 <P>
44 A graph is fundamentally a way to represent a binary relation between
45 objects. The nonzero pattern of a sparse matrix also describes a
46 binary relation between unknowns. Therefore the nonzero pattern of a
47 sparse matrix of a linear system can be modeled with a graph
48 <I>G(V,E)</I>, whose <I>n</I> vertices in <I>V</I> represent the
49 <I>n</I> unknowns, and where there is an edge from vertex <I>i</I> to
50 vertex <I>j</I> when <i>A<sub>ij</sub></i> is nonzero. Thus, when a
51 matrix has a symmetric nonzero pattern, the corresponding graph is
52 undirected.
54 <P>
56 <H2>Sparse Matrix Ordering Algorithms</H2>
58 <P>
59 The process for solving a sparse symmetric positive definite linear
60 system, <i>Ax=b</i>, can be divided into four stages as follows:
61 <DL>
62 <DT><STRONG>Ordering:</STRONG></DT>
63 <DD>Find a permutation <i>P</i> of matrix <i>A</i>,
64 </DD>
65 <DT><STRONG>Symbolic factorization:</STRONG></DT>
66 <DD>Set up a data structure for the Cholesky
67 factor <i>L</i> of <i>PAP<sup>T</sup></i>,
68 </DD>
69 <DT><STRONG>Numerical factorization:</STRONG></DT>
70 <DD>Decompose <i>PAP<sup>T</sup></i> into <i>LL<sup>T</sup></i>,
71 </DD>
72 <DT><STRONG>Triangular system solution:</STRONG></DT>
73 <DD>Solve <i>LL<sup>T</sup>Px=Pb</i> for <i>x</i>.
74 </DD>
75 </DL>
76 Because the choice of permutation <i>P</i> will directly determine the
77 number of fill-in elements (elements present in the non-zero structure
78 of <i>L</i> that are not present in the non-zero structure of
79 <i>A</i>), the ordering has a significant impact on the memory and
80 computational requirements for the latter stages. However, finding
81 the optimal ordering for <i>A</i> (in the sense of minimizing fill-in)
82 has been proven to be NP-complete&nbsp;[<a
83 href="bibliography.html#garey79:computers-and-intractability">30</a>]
84 requiring that heuristics be used for all but simple (or specially
85 structured) cases.
87 <P>
88 A widely used but rather simple ordering algorithm is a variant of the
89 Cuthill-McKee orderings, the reverse Cuthill-McKee ordering algorithm.
90 This algorithm can be used as a preordering method to improve ordering
91 in more sophisticated methods such as minimum degree
92 algorithms&nbsp;[<a href="bibliography.html#LIU:MMD">21</a>].
94 <P>
96 <H3><A NAME="SECTION001032100000000000000">
97 Reverse Cuthill-McKee Ordering Algorithm</A>
98 </H3>
99 The original Cuthill-McKee ordering algorithm is primarily designed to
100 reduce the profile of a matrix&nbsp;[<A
101 HREF="bibliography.html#george81:__sparse_pos_def">14</A>].
102 George discovered that the reverse ordering often turned out to be
103 superior to the original ordering in 1971. Here we describe the
104 Reverse Cuthill-McKee algorithm in terms of a graph:
106 <OL>
107 <LI><I>Finding a starting vertex</I>: Determine a starting vertex
108 <I>r</I> and assign <i>r</i> to <I>x<sub>1</sub></I>.
109 </LI>
110 <LI><I>Main part</I>: For <I>i=1,...,N</I>, find all
111 the unnumbered neighbors of the vertex <I>x<sub>i</sub></I> and number them
112 in increasing order of degree.
113 </LI>
114 <LI><I>Reversing ordering</I>: The reverse Cuthill-McKee ordering
115 is given by <I>y<sub>1</sub>,...,y<sub>N</sub></I> where
116 <I>y<sub>i</sub></I> is <I>x<sub>N-i+1</sub></I> for <I>i = 1,...,N</I>.
117 </LI>
118 </OL>
119 In the first step a good starting vertex needs to be determined. The
120 study by George and Liu&nbsp;[<A
121 HREF="bibliography.html#george81:__sparse_pos_def">14</A>] showed that
122 a pair of vertices which are at maximum or near maximum ``distance''
123 apart are good ones. They also proposed an algorithm to find such a
124 starting vertex in &nbsp;[<A
125 HREF="bibliography.html#george81:__sparse_pos_def">14</A>], which we
126 show in <A
127 HREF="#fig:ggcl_find_starting_vertex">Figure
128 1</A> implemented using the BGL interface.
130 <P>
131 <P></P>
132 <DIV ALIGN="CENTER"><A NAME="fig:ggcl_find_starting_vertex"></A>
133 <table border><tr><td>
134 <pre>
135 namespace boost {
136 template &lt;class Graph, class Vertex, class Color, class Degree&gt;
137 Vertex
138 pseudo_peripheral_pair(Graph& G, const Vertex& u, int& ecc,
139 Color color, Degree degree)
140 {
141 typename property_traits&lt;Color&gt;::value_type c = get(color, u);
143 rcm_queue&lt;Vertex, Degree&gt; Q(degree);
145 typename boost::graph_traits&lt;Graph&gt;::vertex_iterator ui, ui_end;
146 for (boost::tie(ui, ui_end) = vertices(G); ui != ui_end; ++ui)
147 put(color, *ui, white(c));
148 breadth_first_search(G, u, Q, bfs_visitor&lt;&gt;(), color);
150 ecc = Q.eccentricity();
151 return Q.spouse();
152 }
154 template &lt;class Graph, class Vertex, class Color, class Degree&gt;
155 Vertex find_starting_node(Graph& G, Vertex r, Color c, Degree d) {
156 int eccen_r, eccen_x;
157 Vertex x = pseudo_peripheral_pair(G, r, eccen_r, c, d);
158 Vertex y = pseudo_peripheral_pair(G, x, eccen_x, c, d);
160 while (eccen_x &gt; eccen_r) {
161 r = x;
162 eccen_r = eccen_x;
163 x = y;
164 y = pseudo_peripheral_pair(G, x, eccen_x, c, d);
165 }
166 return x;
167 }
168 } // namespace boost
169 </pre>
170 </td></tr></table>
172 <table><tr><td>
173 <STRONG>Figure 1:</STRONG>
174 The BGL implementation of <TT>find_starting_node</TT>. The key
175 part <TT>pseudo_peripheral_pair</TT> is BFS with a custom queue
176 type virtually.
177 </td></tr></table></CAPTION>
178 </DIV>
179 <P></P>
181 The key part of step one is a custom queue type with BFS as shown in
182 <A
183 HREF="#fig:ggcl_find_starting_vertex">Figure
184 1</A>. The main Cuthill-McKee algorithm shown in Figure&nbsp;<A
185 HREF="#fig:cuthill-mckee">Figure 2</A>
186 is a fenced priority queue with a generalized BFS. If
187 <TT>inverse_permutation</TT> is a normal iterator, the result stored
188 is the inverse permutation of original Cuthill-McKee ordering. On the
189 other hand, if <TT>inverse_permutation</TT> is a reverse iterator, the
190 result stored is the inverse permutation of reverse Cuthill-McKee
191 ordering. Our implementation is quite concise because many components
192 from BGL can be reused.
195 <P></P>
196 <DIV ALIGN="CENTER"><A NAME="fig:cuthill-mckee"></A><A NAME="6261"></A>
197 <table border><tr><td>
198 <pre>
199 template &lt; class Graph, class Vertex, class OutputIterator,
200 class Color, class Degree &gt;
201 inline void
202 cuthill_mckee_ordering(Graph& G,
203 Vertex s,
204 OutputIterator inverse_permutation,
205 Color color, Degree degree)
206 {
207 typedef typename property_traits&lt;Degree&gt;::value_type DS;
208 typename property_traits&lt;Color&gt;::value_type c = get(color, s);
209 typedef indirect_cmp&lt;Degree, std::greater&lt;DS&gt; &gt; Compare;
210 Compare comp(degree);
211 fenced_priority_queue&lt;Vertex, Compare &gt; Q(comp);
213 typedef cuthill_mckee_visitor&lt;OutputIterator&gt; CMVisitor;
214 CMVisitor cm_visitor(inverse_permutation);
216 typename boost::graph_traits&lt;Graph&gt;::vertex_iterator ui, ui_end;
217 for (boost::tie(ui, ui_end) = vertices(G); ui != ui_end; ++ui)
218 put(color, *ui, white(c));
219 breadth_first_search(G, s, Q, cm_visitor, color);
220 }
221 </pre>
222 </td></tr></table>
224 <TABLE>
225 <TR><TD> <STRONG>Figure 2:</STRONG> The BGL implementation of
226 Cuthill-McKee algoithm. </TD></TR> </TABLE></CAPTION> </DIV><P></P>
227 <P>
230 <P>
232 <H3>Minimum Degree Ordering Algorithm</H3>
234 <P>
235 The pattern of another category of high-quality ordering algorithms in
236 wide use is based on a greedy approach such that the ordering is
237 chosen to minimize some quantity at each step of a simulated -step
238 symmetric Gaussian elimination process. The algorithms using such an
239 approach are typically distinguished by their greedy minimization
240 criteria&nbsp;[<a href="bibliography.html#ng-raghavan">34</a>].
242 <P>
243 In graph terms, the basic ordering process used by most greedy
244 algorithms is as follows:
246 <OL>
247 <LI><EM>Start:</EM> Construct undirected graph <i>G<sup>0</sup></i>
248 corresponding to matrix <i>A</i>
250 </LI>
251 <LI><EM>Iterate:</EM> For <i>k = 1, 2, ... </i> until
252 <i>G<sup>k</sup> = { }</i> do:
254 <UL>
255 <LI>Choose a vertex <i>v<sup>k</sup></i> from <i>G<sup>k</sup></i>
256 according to some criterion
257 </LI>
258 <LI>Eliminate <i>v<sup>k</sup></i> from <i>G<sup>k</sup></i> to form
259 <i>G<sup>k+1</sup></i>
261 </LI>
262 </UL>
263 </LI>
264 </OL>
265 The resulting ordering is the sequence of vertices <i>{v<sup>0</sup>,
266 v<sup>1</sup>,...}</i> selected by the algorithm.
268 <P>
269 One of the most important examples of such an algorithm is the
270 <I>Minimum Degree</I> algorithm. At each step the minimum degree
271 algorithm chooses the vertex with minimum degree in the corresponding
272 graph as <i>v<sup>k</sup></i>. A number of enhancements to the basic
273 minimum degree algorithm have been developed, such as the use of a
274 quotient graph representation, mass elimination, incomplete degree
275 update, multiple elimination, and external degree. See&nbsp;[<A
276 href="bibliography.html#George:evolution">35</a>] for a historical
277 survey of the minimum degree algorithm.
279 <P>
280 The BGL implementation of the Minimum Degree algorithm closely follows
281 the algorithmic descriptions of the one in &nbsp;[<A
282 HREF="bibliography.html#LIU:MMD">21</A>]. The implementation presently
283 includes the enhancements for mass elimination, incomplete degree
284 update, multiple elimination, and external degree.
286 <P>
287 In particular, we create a graph representation to improve the
288 performance of the algorithm. It is based on a templated ``vector of
289 vectors.'' The vector container used is an adaptor class built on top
290 the STL <TT>std::vector</TT> class. Particular characteristics of this
291 adaptor class include the following:
293 <UL>
294 <LI>Erasing elements does not shrink the associated memory.
295 Adding new elements after erasing will not need to allocate
296 additional memory.
297 </LI>
298 <LI>Additional memory is allocated efficiently on demand when new
299 elements are added (doubling the capacity every time it is
300 increased). This property comes from STL vector.
301 </LI>
302 </UL>
304 <P>
305 Note that this representation is similar to that used in Liu's
306 implementation, with some important differences due to dynamic memory
307 allocation. With the dynamic memory allocation we do not need to
308 over-write portions of the graph that have been eliminated,
309 allowing for a more efficient graph traversal. More importantly,
310 information about the elimination graph is preserved allowing for
311 trivial symbolic factorization. Since symbolic factorization can be
312 an expensive part of the entire solution process, improving its
313 performance can result in significant computational savings.
315 <P>
316 The overhead of dynamic memory allocation could conceivably compromise
317 performance in some cases. However, in practice, memory allocation
318 overhead does not contribute significantly to run-time for our
319 implementation as shown in &nbsp;[] because it is not
320 done very often and the cost gets amortized.
322 <P>
324 <H2>Proper Self-Avoiding Walk</H2>
326 <P>
327 The finite element method (FEM) is a flexible and attractive numerical
328 approach for solving partial differential equations since it is
329 straightforward to handle geometrically complicated domains. However,
330 unstructured meshes generated by FEM does not provide an obvious
331 labeling (numbering) of the unknowns while it is vital to have it for
332 matrix-vector notation of the underlying algebraic equations. Special
333 numbering techniques have been developed to optimize memory usage and
334 locality of such algorithms. One novel technique is the self-avoiding
335 walk&nbsp;[].
337 <P>
338 If we think a mesh is a graph, a self-avoiding walk(SAW) over an
339 arbitrary unstructured two-dimensional mesh is an enumeration of all
340 the triangles of the mesh such that two successive triangles shares an
341 edge or a vertex. A proper SAW is a SAW where jumping twice over the
342 same vertex is forbidden for three consecutive triangles in the walk.
343 it can be used to improve parallel efficiency of several irregular
344 algorithms, in particular issues related to reducing runtime memory
345 access (improving locality) and interprocess communications. The
346 reference&nbsp;[] has proved the existence
347 of A PSAW for any arbitrary triangular mesh by extending an existing
348 PSAW over a small piece of mesh to a larger part. The proof
349 effectively provides a set of rules to construct a PSAW.
351 <P>
352 The algorithm family of constructing a PSAW on a mesh is to start from
353 any random triangle of the mesh, choose new triangles sharing an edge
354 with the current sub-mesh and extend the existing partial PSAW over
355 the new triangles.
357 <P>
358 Let us define a dual graph of a mesh. Let a triangle in the mesh be a
359 vertex and two triangles sharing an edge in the mesh means there is an
360 edge between two vertices in the dual graph. By using a dual graph of
361 a mesh, one way to implement the algorithm family of constructing a
362 PSAW is to reuse BGL algorithms such as BFS and DFS with a customized
363 visitor to provide operations during
364 traversal. The customized visitor has the function <TT>tree_edge()</TT>
365 which is to extend partial PSAW in case by case and function
366 <TT>start_vertex()</TT> which is to set up the PSAW for the starting vertex.
368 <br>
369 <HR>
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372 <TD nowrap>Copyright &copy; 2000-2001</TD><TD>
373 <A HREF="http://www.boost.org/people/jeremy_siek.htm">Jeremy Siek</A>, Indiana University (<A HREF="mailto:jsiek@osl.iu.edu">jsiek@osl.iu.edu</A>)
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