]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/src/boost/libs/hana/include/boost/hana/fwd/eval_if.hpp
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[ceph.git] / ceph / src / boost / libs / hana / include / boost / hana / fwd / eval_if.hpp
1 /*!
2 @file
3 Forward declares `boost::hana::eval_if`.
5 @copyright Louis Dionne 2013-2016
6 Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
7 (See accompanying file LICENSE.md or copy at http://boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
8 */
13 #include <boost/hana/config.hpp>
14 #include <boost/hana/core/when.hpp>
18 //! Conditionally execute one of two branches based on a condition.
19 //! @ingroup group-Logical
20 //!
21 //! Given a condition and two branches in the form of lambdas or
22 //! `hana::lazy`s, `eval_if` will evaluate the branch selected by the
23 //! condition with `eval` and return the result. The exact requirements
24 //! for what the branches may be are the same requirements as those for
25 //! the `eval` function.
26 //!
27 //!
28 //! Deferring compile-time evaluation inside `eval_if`
29 //! --------------------------------------------------
30 //! By passing a unary callable to `eval_if`, it is possible to defer
31 //! the compile-time evaluation of selected expressions inside the
32 //! lambda. This is useful when instantiating a branch would trigger
33 //! a compile-time error; we only want the branch to be instantiated
34 //! when that branch is selected. Here's how it can be achieved.
35 //!
36 //! For simplicity, we'll use a unary lambda as our unary callable.
37 //! Our lambda must accept a parameter (usually called `_`), which
38 //! can be used to defer the compile-time evaluation of expressions
39 //! as required. For example,
40 //! @code
41 //! template <typename N>
42 //! auto fact(N n) {
43 //! return hana::eval_if(n == hana::int_c<0>,
44 //! [] { return hana::int_c<1>; },
45 //! [=](auto _) { return n * fact(_(n) - hana::int_c<1>); }
46 //! );
47 //! }
48 //! @endcode
49 //!
50 //! What happens here is that `eval_if` will call `eval` on the selected
51 //! branch. In turn, `eval` will call the selected branch either with
52 //! nothing -- for the _then_ branch -- or with `hana::id` -- for the
53 //! _else_ branch. Hence, `_(x)` is always the same as `x`, but the
54 //! compiler can't tell until the lambda has been called! Hence, the
55 //! compiler has to wait before it instantiates the body of the lambda
56 //! and no infinite recursion happens. However, this trick to delay the
57 //! instantiation of the lambda's body can only be used when the condition
58 //! is known at compile-time, because otherwise both branches have to be
59 //! instantiated inside the `eval_if` anyway.
60 //!
61 //! There are several caveats to note with this approach to lazy branching.
62 //! First, because we're using lambdas, it means that the function's
63 //! result can't be used in a constant expression. This is a limitation
64 //! of the current language.
65 //!
66 //! The second caveat is that compilers currently have several bugs
67 //! regarding deeply nested lambdas with captures. So you always risk
68 //! crashing the compiler, but this is a question of time before it is
69 //! not a problem anymore.
70 //!
71 //! Finally, it means that conditionals can't be written directly inside
72 //! unevaluated contexts. The reason is that a lambda can't appear in an
73 //! unevaluated context, for example in `decltype`. One way to workaround
74 //! this is to completely lift your type computations into variable
75 //! templates instead. For example, instead of writing
76 //! @code
77 //! template <typename T>
78 //! struct pointerize : decltype(
79 //! hana::eval_if(hana::traits::is_pointer(hana::type_c<T>),
80 //! [] { return hana::type_c<T>; },
81 //! [](auto _) { return _(hana::traits::add_pointer)(hana::type_c<T>); }
82 //! ))
83 //! { };
84 //! @endcode
85 //!
86 //! you could instead write
87 //!
88 //! @code
89 //! template <typename T>
90 //! auto pointerize_impl(T t) {
91 //! return hana::eval_if(hana::traits::is_pointer(t),
92 //! [] { return hana::type_c<T>; },
93 //! [](auto _) { return _(hana::traits::add_pointer)(hana::type_c<T>); }
94 //! );
95 //! }
96 //!
97 //! template <typename T>
98 //! using pointerize = decltype(pointerize_impl(hana::type_c<T>));
99 //! @endcode
100 //!
101 //! > __Note__: This example would actually be implemented more easily
102 //! > with partial specializations, but my bag of good examples is empty
103 //! > at the time of writing this.
104 //!
105 //! Now, this hoop-jumping only has to be done in one place, because
106 //! you should use normal function notation everywhere else in your
107 //! metaprogram to perform type computations. So the syntactic
108 //! cost is amortized over the whole program.
109 //!
110 //! Another way to work around this limitation of the language would be
111 //! to use `hana::lazy` for the branches. However, this is only suitable
112 //! when the branches are not too complicated. With `hana::lazy`, you
113 //! could write the previous example as
114 //! @code
115 //! template <typename T>
116 //! struct pointerize : decltype(
117 //! hana::eval_if(hana::traits::is_pointer(hana::type_c<T>),
118 //! hana::make_lazy(hana::type_c<T>),
119 //! hana::make_lazy(hana::traits::add_pointer)(hana::type_c<T>)
120 //! ))
121 //! { };
122 //! @endcode
123 //!
124 //!
125 //! @param cond
126 //! The condition determining which of the two branches is selected.
127 //!
128 //! @param then
129 //! An expression called as `eval(then)` if `cond` is true-valued.
130 //!
131 //! @param else_
132 //! A function called as `eval(else_)` if `cond` is false-valued.
133 //!
134 //!
135 //! Example
136 //! -------
137 //! @include example/eval_if.cpp
139 constexpr auto eval_if = [](auto&& cond, auto&& then, auto&& else_) -> decltype(auto) {
140 return tag-dispatched;
141 };
142 #else
143 template <typename L, typename = void>
144 struct eval_if_impl : eval_if_impl<L, when<true>> { };
146 struct eval_if_t {
147 template <typename Cond, typename Then, typename Else>
148 constexpr decltype(auto) operator()(Cond&& cond, Then&& then, Else&& else_) const;
149 };
151 constexpr eval_if_t eval_if{};
152 #endif