]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/src/boost/libs/hana/include/boost/hana/fwd/string.hpp
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[ceph.git] / ceph / src / boost / libs / hana / include / boost / hana / fwd / string.hpp
1 /*!
2 @file
3 Forward declares `boost::hana::string`.
5 @copyright Louis Dionne 2013-2016
6 Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
7 (See accompanying file LICENSE.md or copy at http://boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
8 */
13 #include <boost/hana/config.hpp>
14 #include <boost/hana/fwd/core/make.hpp>
19 //! @ingroup group-datatypes
20 //! Compile-time string.
21 //!
22 //! Conceptually, a `hana::string` is like a tuple holding
23 //! `integral_constant`s of underlying type `char`. However, the
24 //! interface of `hana::string` is not as rich as that of a tuple,
25 //! because a string can only hold compile-time characters as opposed
26 //! to any kind of object.
27 //!
28 //! Compile-time strings are used for simple purposes like being keys in a
29 //! `hana::map` or tagging the members of a `Struct`. However, you might
30 //! find that `hana::string` does not provide enough functionality to be
31 //! used as a full-blown compile-time string implementation (e.g. regexp
32 //! matching or substring finding). Indeed, providing a comprehensive
33 //! string interface is a lot of job, and it is out of the scope of the
34 //! library for the time being.
35 //!
36 //!
37 //! @note
38 //! The representation of `hana::string` is implementation-defined.
39 //! In particular, one should not take for granted that the template
40 //! parameters are `char`s. The proper way to access the contents of
41 //! a `hana::string` as character constants is to use `hana::unpack`
42 //! or `hana::to<char const*>`, as documented below.
43 //!
44 //!
45 //! Modeled concepts
46 //! ----------------
47 //! For most purposes, a `hana::string` is functionally equivalent to a
48 //! tuple holding `Constant`s of underlying type `char`.
49 //!
50 //! 1. `Comparable`\n
51 //! Two strings are equal if and only if they have the same number of
52 //! characters and characters at corresponding indices are equal.
53 //! @include example/string/comparable.cpp
54 //!
55 //! 2. `Orderable`\n
56 //! The total order implemented for `Orderable` is the usual
57 //! lexicographical comparison of strings.
58 //! @include example/string/orderable.cpp
59 //!
60 //! 3. `Foldable`\n
61 //! Folding a string is equivalent to folding the sequence of its
62 //! characters.
63 //! @include example/string/foldable.cpp
64 //!
65 //! 4. `Iterable`\n
66 //! Iterating over a string is equivalent to iterating over the sequence
67 //! of its characters. Also note that `operator[]` can be used instead of
68 //! the `at` function.
69 //! @include example/string/iterable.cpp
70 //!
71 //! 5. `Searchable`\n
72 //! Searching through a string is equivalent to searching through the
73 //! sequence of its characters.
74 //! @include example/string/searchable.cpp
75 //!
76 //! 6. `Hashable`\n
77 //! The hash of a compile-time string is a type uniquely representing
78 //! that string.
79 //! @include example/string/hashable.cpp
80 //!
81 //!
82 //! Conversion to `char const*`
83 //! ---------------------------
84 //! A `hana::string` can be converted to a `constexpr` null-delimited
85 //! string of type `char const*` by using `to<char const*>`. This makes
86 //! it easy to turn a compile-time string into a runtime string. However,
87 //! note that this conversion is not an embedding, because `char const*`
88 //! does not model the same concepts as `hana::string` does.
89 //! @include example/string/to.cpp
90 //!
91 //!
92 //! > #### Rationale for `hana::string` not being a `Constant`
93 //! > The underlying type held by a `hana::string` could be either
94 //! > `char const*` or some other constexpr-enabled string-like container.
95 //! > In the first case, `hana::string` can not be a `Constant` because
96 //! > the models of several concepts would not be respected by the
97 //! > underlying type, causing `value` not to be structure-preserving.
98 //! > Providing an underlying value of constexpr-enabled string-like
99 //! > container type like `std::string_view` would be great, but that's
100 //! > a bit complicated for the time being.
101 template <typename implementation_defined>
102 struct string {
103 //! Equivalent to `hana::equal`
104 template <typename X, typename Y>
105 friend constexpr auto operator==(X&& x, Y&& y);
107 //! Equivalent to `hana::not_equal`
108 template <typename X, typename Y>
109 friend constexpr auto operator!=(X&& x, Y&& y);
111 //! Equivalent to `hana::less`
112 template <typename X, typename Y>
113 friend constexpr auto operator<(X&& x, Y&& y);
115 //! Equivalent to `hana::greater`
116 template <typename X, typename Y>
117 friend constexpr auto operator>(X&& x, Y&& y);
119 //! Equivalent to `hana::less_equal`
120 template <typename X, typename Y>
121 friend constexpr auto operator<=(X&& x, Y&& y);
123 //! Equivalent to `hana::greater_equal`
124 template <typename X, typename Y>
125 friend constexpr auto operator>=(X&& x, Y&& y);
127 //! Equivalent to `hana::at`
128 template <typename N>
129 constexpr decltype(auto) operator[](N&& n);
130 };
131 #else
132 template <char ...s>
133 struct string;
134 #endif
136 //! Tag representing a compile-time string.
137 //! @relates hana::string
138 struct string_tag { };
141 //! Create a compile-time `hana::string` from a parameter pack of `char`
142 //! `integral_constant`s.
143 //! @relates hana::string
144 //!
145 //! Given zero or more `integral_constant`s of underlying type `char`,
146 //! `make<string_tag>` creates a `hana::string` containing those characters.
147 //! This is provided mostly for consistency with the rest of the library,
148 //! as `hana::string_c` is more convenient to use in most cases.
149 //!
150 //!
151 //! Example
152 //! -------
153 //! @include example/string/make.cpp
154 template <>
155 constexpr auto make<string_tag> = [](auto&& ...chars) {
156 return string<implementation_defined>{};
157 };
158 #endif
160 //! Alias to `make<string_tag>`; provided for convenience.
161 //! @relates hana::string
162 constexpr auto make_string = make<string_tag>;
164 //! Create a compile-time string from a parameter pack of characters.
165 //! @relates hana::string
166 //!
167 //!
168 //! Example
169 //! -------
170 //! @include example/string/string_c.cpp
172 template <char ...s>
173 constexpr string<implementation_defined> string_c{};
174 #else
175 template <char ...s>
176 constexpr string<s...> string_c{};
177 #endif
179 //! Create a compile-time string from a string literal.
180 //! @relates hana::string
181 //!
182 //! This macro is a more convenient alternative to `string_c` for creating
183 //! compile-time strings. However, since this macro uses a lambda
184 //! internally, it can't be used in an unevaluated context.
185 //!
186 //!
187 //! Example
188 //! -------
189 //! @include example/string/macro.cpp
191 auto BOOST_HANA_STRING(s) = see documentation;
192 #define BOOST_HANA_STRING(s) see documentation
194 // Note:
195 // The trick above seems to exploit a bug in Doxygen, which makes the
196 // BOOST_HANA_STRING macro appear in the related objects of hana::string
197 // (as we want it to).
198 #else
199 // defined in <boost/hana/string.hpp>
200 #endif
203 namespace literals {
204 //! Creates a compile-time string from a string literal.
205 //! @relatesalso boost::hana::string
206 //!
207 //! The string literal is parsed at compile-time and the result is
208 //! returned as a `hana::string`. This feature is an extension that
209 //! is disabled by default; see below for details.
210 //!
211 //! @note
212 //! Only narrow string literals are supported right now; support for
213 //! fancier types of string literals like wide or UTF-XX might be
214 //! added in the future if there is a demand for it. See [this issue]
215 //! [Hana.issue80] if you need this.
216 //!
217 //! @warning
218 //! This user-defined literal is an extension which requires a special
219 //! string literal operator that is not part of the standard yet.
220 //! That operator is supported by both Clang and GCC, and several
221 //! proposals were made for it to enter C++17. However, since it is
222 //! not standard, it is disabled by default and defining the
223 //! `BOOST_HANA_CONFIG_ENABLE_STRING_UDL` config macro is required
224 //! to get this operator. Hence, if you want to stay safe, just use
225 //! the `BOOST_HANA_STRING` macro instead. If you want to be fast and
226 //! furious (I do), define `BOOST_HANA_CONFIG_ENABLE_STRING_UDL`.
227 //!
228 //!
229 //! Example
230 //! -------
231 //! @include example/string/literal.cpp
232 //!
233 //! [Hana.issue80]: https://github.com/boostorg/hana/issues/80
234 template <typename CharT, CharT ...s>
235 constexpr auto operator"" _s();
236 }
237 #endif