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[ceph.git] / ceph / src / boost / libs / logic / doc / tribool.boostbook
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
2 <!DOCTYPE library PUBLIC "-//Boost//DTD BoostBook XML V1.0//EN"
3 "http://www.boost.org/tools/boostbook/dtd/boostbook.dtd">
4 <library name="Tribool" dirname="logic" id="tribool"
5 last-revision="$Date: 2007/05/03 03:28:53 $" xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude">
6 <libraryinfo>
7 <author>
8 <firstname>Douglas</firstname>
9 <surname>Gregor</surname>
10 <email>dgregor -at- cs.indiana.edu</email>
11 </author>
13 <copyright>
14 <year>2002</year>
15 <year>2003</year>
16 <year>2004</year>
17 <holder>Douglas Gregor</holder>
18 </copyright>
20 <legalnotice>
21 <para>Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost
22 Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file
23 <filename>LICENSE_1_0.txt</filename> or copy at <ulink
24 url="http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt">http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt</ulink>)</para>
25 </legalnotice>
27 <librarypurpose>Three-state boolean type</librarypurpose>
28 <librarycategory name="category:misc"/>
29 </libraryinfo>
31 <title>Boost.Tribool</title>
33 <section id="tribool.introduction">
34 <title>Introduction</title>
36 <para>The 3-state boolean library contains a single class,
37 <code><classname>boost::logic::tribool</classname></code>, along with
38 support functions and operator overloads that implement 3-state
39 boolean logic. </para>
40 </section>
42 <section id="tribool.tutorial">
43 <title>Tutorial</title>
45 <using-namespace name="boost::logic"/>
47 <section>
48 <title>Basic usage</title>
49 <para> The <code><classname>tribool</classname></code> class acts
50 like the built-in <code>bool</code> type, but for 3-state boolean
51 logic. The three states are <code>true</code>, <code>false</code>,
52 and <code><functionname>indeterminate</functionname></code>, where
53 the first two states are equivalent to those of the C++
54 <code>bool</code> type and the last state represents an unknown
55 boolean value (that may be <code>true</code> or
56 <code>false</code>, we don't know).</para>
58 <para> The <code><classname>tribool</classname></code> class
59 supports conversion from <code>bool</code> values and literals
60 along with its own
61 <code><functionname>indeterminate</functionname></code>
62 keyword:</para>
64 <programlisting><classname>tribool</classname> b(true);
65 b = false;
66 b = <functionname>indeterminate</functionname>;
67 <classname>tribool</classname> b2(b);</programlisting>
69 <para> <code><classname>tribool</classname></code> supports
70 conversions to <code>bool</code> for use in conditional
71 statements. The conversion to <code>bool</code> will be
72 <code>true</code> when the value of the
73 <code><classname>tribool</classname></code> is always true, and
74 <code>false</code> otherwise. Consequently, the following idiom
75 may be used to determine which of the three states a
76 <code><classname>tribool</classname></code> currently
77 holds:</para>
79 <programlisting><classname>tribool</classname> b = some_operation();
80 if (b) {
81 // b is true
82 }
83 else if (!b) {
84 // b is false
85 }
86 else {
87 // b is indeterminate
88 }</programlisting>
90 <para> <code><classname>tribool</classname></code> supports the
91 3-state logic operators <code>!</code> (negation),
92 <code>&amp;&amp;</code> (AND), and <code>||</code> (OR), with
93 <code>bool</code> and <code><classname>tribool</classname></code>
94 values. For instance:</para>
96 <programlisting><classname>tribool</classname> x = some_op();
97 <classname>tribool</classname> y = some_other_op();
98 if (x &amp;&amp; y) {
99 // both x and y are true
100 }
101 else if (!(x &amp;&amp; y)) {
102 // either x or y is false
103 }
104 else {
105 // neither x nor y is false, but we don't know that both are true
107 if (x || y) {
108 // either x or y is true
109 }
110 }</programlisting>
112 <para> Similarly, <code><classname>tribool</classname></code>
113 supports 3-state equality comparisons via the operators
114 <code>==</code> and <code>!=</code>. These operators differ from
115 "normal" equality operators in C++ because they return a
116 <code><classname>tribool</classname></code>, because potentially we
117 might not know the result of a comparison (try to compare
118 <code>true</code> and
119 <code><functionname>indeterminate</functionname></code>). For
120 instance:</para>
122 <programlisting><classname>tribool</classname> x(true);
123 <classname>tribool</classname> y(<functionname>indeterminate</functionname>);
125 assert(x == x); // okay, x == x returns true
126 assert(x == true); // okay, can compare <classname>tribool</classname>s and bools</programlisting>
128 <para> The <code><functionname>indeterminate</functionname></code> keyword (representing the
129 <functionname>indeterminate</functionname>&nbsp;<code><classname>tribool</classname></code> value)
130 doubles as a function to check if the value of a
131 <code><classname>tribool</classname></code> is indeterminate,
132 e.g.,</para>
134 <programlisting><classname>tribool</classname> x = try_to_do_something_tricky();
135 if (<functionname>indeterminate</functionname>(x)) {
136 // value of x is indeterminate
137 }
138 else {
139 // report success or failure of x
140 }</programlisting>
142 <para> All the logical operators and methods of <code><classname>tribool</classname></code> are marked
143 as <code>constexpr</code> in C++11. It means that <code><classname>tribool</classname></code> can
144 be used in compile time expressions:</para>
146 <programlisting>constexpr <classname>tribool</classname> x = (tribool(true) || tribool(indeterminate));
147 <functionname>static_assert</functionname>(x, "Must be true!");
148 </programlisting>
150 <note>Some compilers may have troubles with evaluating <code>tribool::operator safe_bool()</code> at compile time.</note>
153 </section>
155 <section>
156 <title>Renaming the indeterminate state</title>
157 <para> Users may introduce additional keywords for the indeterminate
158 value in addition to the implementation-supplied
159 <code><functionname>indeterminate</functionname></code> using the
160 <code><macroname>BOOST_TRIBOOL_THIRD_STATE</macroname></code>
161 macro. For instance, the following macro instantiation (at the
162 global scope) will introduce the keyword <code>maybe</code> as a
163 synonym for <code><functionname>indeterminate</functionname></code>
164 (also residing in the <code>boost</code> namespace):</para>
165 <programlisting><macroname>BOOST_TRIBOOL_THIRD_STATE</macroname>(maybe)
166 <classname>tribool</classname> x = maybe;
167 if (maybe(x)) { /* ... */ }</programlisting>
168 </section>
170 <section>
171 <title><code>tribool</code> input/output</title>
172 <para><code><classname>tribool</classname></code> objects may be
173 read from and written to streams by including the
174 <headername>boost/logic/tribool_io.hpp</headername> header in a
175 manner very similar to <code>bool</code> values. When the
176 <code>boolalpha</code> flag is not set on the input/output stream,
177 the integral values 0, 1, and 2 correspond to <code>tribool</code>
178 values <code>false</code>, <code>true</code>, and
179 <code>indeterminate</code>, respectively. When
180 <code>boolalpha</code> is set on the stream, arbitrary strings can
181 be used to represent the three values, the default being "false",
182 "true", and "indeterminate". For instance:</para>
183 <programlisting><classname>tribool</classname> x;
184 cin &gt;&gt; x; // Type "0", "1", or "2" to get false, true, or indeterminate
185 cout &lt;&lt; boolalpha &lt;&lt; x; // Produces "false", "true", or "indeterminate"</programlisting>
187 <para><code><classname>tribool</classname></code> input and output
188 is sensitive to the stream's current locale. The strings associated
189 with false and true values are contained in the standard
190 <code><classname>std::numpunct</classname></code> facet, and the
191 string naming the indeterminate type is contained in the
192 <code><classname>indeterminate_name</classname></code> facet. To
193 replace the name of the indeterminate state, you need to imbue your
194 stream with a local containing a
195 <code><classname>indeterminate_name</classname></code> facet, e.g.:</para>
197 <programlisting><macroname>BOOST_TRIBOOL_THIRD_STATE</macroname>(maybe)
198 locale global;
199 locale test_locale(global, new <classname>indeterminate_name</classname>&lt;char&gt;("maybe"));
200 cout.imbue(test_locale);
201 <classname>tribool</classname> x(maybe);
202 cout &lt;&lt; boolalpha &lt;&lt; x &lt;&lt; endl; // Prints "maybe"</programlisting>
204 <para>If you C++ standard library implementation does not support
205 locales, <code>tribool</code> input/output will still work, but you
206 will be unable to customize the strings printed/parsed when
207 <code>boolalpha</code> is set.</para>
208 </section>
210 </section>
212 <xi:include href="reference.xml"/>
214 <testsuite id="tribool.tests">
215 <run-test filename="tribool_test.cpp">
216 <purpose><para>Test all features of the
217 <code><classname>boost::logic::tribool</classname></code>
218 class.</para></purpose>
219 </run-test>
221 <run-test filename="tribool_rename_test.cpp">
222 <purpose><para>Test the use of the
223 <code><macroname>BOOST_TRIBOOL_THIRD_STATE</macroname></code>
224 macro.</para></purpose>
225 </run-test>
227 <run-test filename="tribool_io_test.cpp">
228 <purpose><para>Test tribool input/output.</para></purpose>
229 </run-test>
230 </testsuite>
231 </library>