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26 <div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title">
27 <a name="math_toolkit.powers.cbrt"></a><a class="link" href="cbrt.html" title="cbrt">cbrt</a>
28 </h3></div></div></div>
29 <pre class="programlisting"><span class="preprocessor">#include</span> <span class="special">&lt;</span><span class="identifier">boost</span><span class="special">/</span><span class="identifier">math</span><span class="special">/</span><span class="identifier">special_functions</span><span class="special">/</span><span class="identifier">cbrt</span><span class="special">.</span><span class="identifier">hpp</span><span class="special">&gt;</span>
30 </pre>
31 <pre class="programlisting"><span class="keyword">namespace</span> <span class="identifier">boost</span><span class="special">{</span> <span class="keyword">namespace</span> <span class="identifier">math</span><span class="special">{</span>
33 <span class="keyword">template</span> <span class="special">&lt;</span><span class="keyword">class</span> <span class="identifier">T</span><span class="special">&gt;</span>
34 <a class="link" href="../result_type.html" title="Calculation of the Type of the Result"><span class="emphasis"><em>calculated-result-type</em></span></a> <span class="identifier">cbrt</span><span class="special">(</span><span class="identifier">T</span> <span class="identifier">x</span><span class="special">);</span>
36 <span class="keyword">template</span> <span class="special">&lt;</span><span class="keyword">class</span> <span class="identifier">T</span><span class="special">,</span> <span class="keyword">class</span> <a class="link" href="../../policy.html" title="Chapter&#160;15.&#160;Policies: Controlling Precision, Error Handling etc">Policy</a><span class="special">&gt;</span>
37 <a class="link" href="../result_type.html" title="Calculation of the Type of the Result"><span class="emphasis"><em>calculated-result-type</em></span></a> <span class="identifier">cbrt</span><span class="special">(</span><span class="identifier">T</span> <span class="identifier">x</span><span class="special">,</span> <span class="keyword">const</span> <a class="link" href="../../policy.html" title="Chapter&#160;15.&#160;Policies: Controlling Precision, Error Handling etc">Policy</a><span class="special">&amp;);</span>
39 <span class="special">}}</span> <span class="comment">// namespaces</span>
40 </pre>
41 <p>
42 Returns the cubed root of x: x<sup>1/3</sup>.
43 </p>
44 <p>
45 The return type of this function is computed using the <a class="link" href="../result_type.html" title="Calculation of the Type of the Result"><span class="emphasis"><em>result
46 type calculation rules</em></span></a>: the return is <code class="computeroutput"><span class="keyword">double</span></code>
47 when <span class="emphasis"><em>x</em></span> is an integer type and T otherwise.
48 </p>
49 <p>
50 The final <a class="link" href="../../policy.html" title="Chapter&#160;15.&#160;Policies: Controlling Precision, Error Handling etc">Policy</a> argument is optional and can
51 be used to control the behaviour of the function: how it handles errors,
52 what level of precision to use etc. Refer to the <a class="link" href="../../policy.html" title="Chapter&#160;15.&#160;Policies: Controlling Precision, Error Handling etc">policy
53 documentation for more details</a>.
54 </p>
55 <p>
56 Implemented using Halley iteration.
57 </p>
58 <p>
59 The following graph illustrates the behaviour of cbrt:
60 </p>
61 <p>
62 <span class="inlinemediaobject"><img src="../../../graphs/cbrt.svg" align="middle"></span>
63 </p>
64 <h5>
65 <a name="math_toolkit.powers.cbrt.h0"></a>
66 <span class="phrase"><a name="math_toolkit.powers.cbrt.accuracy"></a></span><a class="link" href="cbrt.html#math_toolkit.powers.cbrt.accuracy">Accuracy</a>
67 </h5>
68 <p>
69 For built in floating-point types <code class="computeroutput"><span class="identifier">cbrt</span></code>
70 should have approximately 2 epsilon accuracy.
71 </p>
72 <div class="table">
73 <a name="math_toolkit.powers.cbrt.table_cbrt"></a><p class="title"><b>Table&#160;6.80.&#160;Error rates for cbrt</b></p>
74 <div class="table-contents"><table class="table" summary="Error rates for cbrt">
75 <colgroup>
76 <col>
77 <col>
78 <col>
79 <col>
80 <col>
81 </colgroup>
82 <thead><tr>
83 <th>
84 </th>
85 <th>
86 <p>
87 Microsoft Visual C++ version 12.0<br> Win32<br> double
88 </p>
89 </th>
90 <th>
91 <p>
92 GNU C++ version 5.1.0<br> linux<br> double
93 </p>
94 </th>
95 <th>
96 <p>
97 GNU C++ version 5.1.0<br> linux<br> long double
98 </p>
99 </th>
100 <th>
101 <p>
102 Sun compiler version 0x5130<br> Sun Solaris<br> long double
103 </p>
104 </th>
105 </tr></thead>
106 <tbody><tr>
107 <td>
108 <p>
109 cbrt Function
110 </p>
111 </td>
112 <td>
113 <p>
114 <span class="blue">Max = 1.7&#949; (Mean = 0.565&#949;)</span><br> <br>
115 (<span class="emphasis"><em>&lt;math.h&gt;:</em></span> Max = 1.7&#949; (Mean = 0.565&#949;))
116 </p>
117 </td>
118 <td>
119 <p>
120 <span class="blue">Max = 0&#949; (Mean = 0&#949;)</span><br> <br> (<span class="emphasis"><em>Cephes:</em></span>
121 Max = 0&#949; (Mean = 0&#949;))
122 </p>
123 </td>
124 <td>
125 <p>
126 <span class="blue">Max = 1.34&#949; (Mean = 0.471&#949;)</span><br> <br>
127 (<span class="emphasis"><em>&lt;tr1/cmath&gt;:</em></span> Max = 1.34&#949; (Mean = 0.471&#949;))<br>
128 (<span class="emphasis"><em>&lt;math.h&gt;:</em></span> Max = 1.34&#949; (Mean = 0.471&#949;))
129 </p>
130 </td>
131 <td>
132 <p>
133 <span class="blue">Max = 1.11&#949; (Mean = 0.424&#949;)</span><br> <br>
134 (<span class="emphasis"><em>&lt;math.h&gt;:</em></span> Max = 1.11&#949; (Mean = 0.424&#949;))
135 </p>
136 </td>
137 </tr></tbody>
138 </table></div>
139 </div>
140 <br class="table-break"><h5>
141 <a name="math_toolkit.powers.cbrt.h1"></a>
142 <span class="phrase"><a name="math_toolkit.powers.cbrt.testing"></a></span><a class="link" href="cbrt.html#math_toolkit.powers.cbrt.testing">Testing</a>
143 </h5>
144 <p>
145 A mixture of spot test sanity checks, and random high precision test values
146 calculated using NTL::RR at 1000-bit precision.
147 </p>
148 </div>
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151 <td align="right"><div class="copyright-footer">Copyright &#169; 2006-2010, 2012-2014 Nikhar Agrawal,
152 Anton Bikineev, Paul A. Bristow, Marco Guazzone, Christopher Kormanyos, Hubert
153 Holin, Bruno Lalande, John Maddock, Jeremy Murphy, Johan R&#229;de, Gautam Sewani,
154 Benjamin Sobotta, Thijs van den Berg, Daryle Walker and Xiaogang Zhang<p>
155 Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
156 file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at <a href="http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt" target="_top">http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt</a>)
157 </p>
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