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4 <title>The Effect of a Poor Initial Guess</title>
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26 <div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title">
27 <a name="math_toolkit.roots.bad_guess"></a><a class="link" href="bad_guess.html" title="The Effect of a Poor Initial Guess">The Effect of a Poor Initial
28 Guess</a>
29 </h3></div></div></div>
30 <p>
31 It's instructive to take our "toy" example algorithms, and use
32 deliberately bad initial guesses to see how the various root finding algorithms
33 fair. We'll start with the cubed root, and using the cube root of 500 as
34 the test case:
35 </p>
36 <div class="informaltable"><table class="table">
37 <colgroup>
38 <col>
39 <col>
40 <col>
41 <col>
42 <col>
43 <col>
44 <col>
45 <col>
46 <col>
47 <col>
48 <col>
49 <col>
50 <col>
51 </colgroup>
52 <thead><tr>
53 <th>
54 <p>
55 Initial Guess=
56 </p>
57 </th>
58 <th>
59 <p>
60 -500% (&#8776;1.323)
61 </p>
62 </th>
63 <th>
64 <p>
65 -100% (&#8776;3.97)
66 </p>
67 </th>
68 <th>
69 <p>
70 -50% (&#8776;3.96)
71 </p>
72 </th>
73 <th>
74 <p>
75 -20% (&#8776;6.35)
76 </p>
77 </th>
78 <th>
79 <p>
80 -10% (&#8776;7.14)
81 </p>
82 </th>
83 <th>
84 <p>
85 -5% (&#8776;7.54)
86 </p>
87 </th>
88 <th>
89 <p>
90 5% (&#8776;8.33)
91 </p>
92 </th>
93 <th>
94 <p>
95 10% (&#8776;8.73)
96 </p>
97 </th>
98 <th>
99 <p>
100 20% (&#8776;9.52)
101 </p>
102 </th>
103 <th>
104 <p>
105 50% (&#8776;11.91)
106 </p>
107 </th>
108 <th>
109 <p>
110 100% (&#8776;15.87)
111 </p>
112 </th>
113 <th>
114 <p>
115 500 (&#8776;47.6)
116 </p>
117 </th>
118 </tr></thead>
119 <tbody>
120 <tr>
121 <td>
122 <p>
123 bracket_and_solve_root
124 </p>
125 </td>
126 <td>
127 <p>
128 12
129 </p>
130 </td>
131 <td>
132 <p>
133 8
134 </p>
135 </td>
136 <td>
137 <p>
138 8
139 </p>
140 </td>
141 <td>
142 <p>
143 10
144 </p>
145 </td>
146 <td>
147 <p>
148 11
149 </p>
150 </td>
151 <td>
152 <p>
153 11
154 </p>
155 </td>
156 <td>
157 <p>
158 11
159 </p>
160 </td>
161 <td>
162 <p>
163 11
164 </p>
165 </td>
166 <td>
167 <p>
168 11
169 </p>
170 </td>
171 <td>
172 <p>
173 11
174 </p>
175 </td>
176 <td>
177 <p>
178 7
179 </p>
180 </td>
181 <td>
182 <p>
183 13
184 </p>
185 </td>
186 </tr>
187 <tr>
188 <td>
189 <p>
190 newton_iterate
191 </p>
192 </td>
193 <td>
194 <p>
195 12
196 </p>
197 </td>
198 <td>
199 <p>
200 7
201 </p>
202 </td>
203 <td>
204 <p>
205 7
206 </p>
207 </td>
208 <td>
209 <p>
210 5
211 </p>
212 </td>
213 <td>
214 <p>
215 5
216 </p>
217 </td>
218 <td>
219 <p>
220 4
221 </p>
222 </td>
223 <td>
224 <p>
225 4
226 </p>
227 </td>
228 <td>
229 <p>
230 5
231 </p>
232 </td>
233 <td>
234 <p>
235 5
236 </p>
237 </td>
238 <td>
239 <p>
240 6
241 </p>
242 </td>
243 <td>
244 <p>
245 7
246 </p>
247 </td>
248 <td>
249 <p>
250 9
251 </p>
252 </td>
253 </tr>
254 <tr>
255 <td>
256 <p>
257 halley_iterate
258 </p>
259 </td>
260 <td>
261 <p>
262 7
263 </p>
264 </td>
265 <td>
266 <p>
267 4
268 </p>
269 </td>
270 <td>
271 <p>
272 4
273 </p>
274 </td>
275 <td>
276 <p>
277 3
278 </p>
279 </td>
280 <td>
281 <p>
282 3
283 </p>
284 </td>
285 <td>
286 <p>
287 3
288 </p>
289 </td>
290 <td>
291 <p>
292 3
293 </p>
294 </td>
295 <td>
296 <p>
297 3
298 </p>
299 </td>
300 <td>
301 <p>
302 3
303 </p>
304 </td>
305 <td>
306 <p>
307 4
308 </p>
309 </td>
310 <td>
311 <p>
312 4
313 </p>
314 </td>
315 <td>
316 <p>
317 6
318 </p>
319 </td>
320 </tr>
321 <tr>
322 <td>
323 <p>
324 schroder_iterate
325 </p>
326 </td>
327 <td>
328 <p>
329 11
330 </p>
331 </td>
332 <td>
333 <p>
334 6
335 </p>
336 </td>
337 <td>
338 <p>
339 6
340 </p>
341 </td>
342 <td>
343 <p>
344 4
345 </p>
346 </td>
347 <td>
348 <p>
349 3
350 </p>
351 </td>
352 <td>
353 <p>
354 3
355 </p>
356 </td>
357 <td>
358 <p>
359 3
360 </p>
361 </td>
362 <td>
363 <p>
364 3
365 </p>
366 </td>
367 <td>
368 <p>
369 4
370 </p>
371 </td>
372 <td>
373 <p>
374 5
375 </p>
376 </td>
377 <td>
378 <p>
379 5
380 </p>
381 </td>
382 <td>
383 <p>
384 8
385 </p>
386 </td>
387 </tr>
388 </tbody>
389 </table></div>
390 <p>
391 As you can see <code class="computeroutput"><span class="identifier">bracket_and_solve_root</span></code>
392 is relatively insensitive to starting location - as long as you don't start
393 many orders of magnitude away from the root it will take roughly the same
394 number of steps to bracket the root and solve it. On the other hand the derivative-based
395 methods are slow to start, but once they have some digits correct they increase
396 precision exceptionally fast: they are therefore quite sensitive to the initial
397 starting location.
398 </p>
399 <p>
400 The next table shows the number of iterations required to find the second
401 radius of an ellipse with first radius 50 and arc-length 500:
402 </p>
403 <div class="informaltable"><table class="table">
404 <colgroup>
405 <col>
406 <col>
407 <col>
408 <col>
409 <col>
410 <col>
411 <col>
412 <col>
413 <col>
414 <col>
415 <col>
416 <col>
417 <col>
418 </colgroup>
419 <thead><tr>
420 <th>
421 <p>
422 Initial Guess=
423 </p>
424 </th>
425 <th>
426 <p>
427 -500% (&#8776;20.6)
428 </p>
429 </th>
430 <th>
431 <p>
432 -100% (&#8776;61.81)
433 </p>
434 </th>
435 <th>
436 <p>
437 -50% (&#8776;61.81)
438 </p>
439 </th>
440 <th>
441 <p>
442 -20% (&#8776;98.9)
443 </p>
444 </th>
445 <th>
446 <p>
447 -10% (&#8776;111.3)
448 </p>
449 </th>
450 <th>
451 <p>
452 -5% (&#8776;117.4)
453 </p>
454 </th>
455 <th>
456 <p>
457 5% (&#8776;129.8)
458 </p>
459 </th>
460 <th>
461 <p>
462 10% (&#8776;136)
463 </p>
464 </th>
465 <th>
466 <p>
467 20% (&#8776;148.3)
468 </p>
469 </th>
470 <th>
471 <p>
472 50% (&#8776;185.4)
473 </p>
474 </th>
475 <th>
476 <p>
477 100% (&#8776;247.2)
478 </p>
479 </th>
480 <th>
481 <p>
482 500 (&#8776;741.7)
483 </p>
484 </th>
485 </tr></thead>
486 <tbody>
487 <tr>
488 <td>
489 <p>
490 bracket_and_solve_root
491 </p>
492 </td>
493 <td>
494 <p>
495 11
496 </p>
497 </td>
498 <td>
499 <p>
500 5
501 </p>
502 </td>
503 <td>
504 <p>
505 5
506 </p>
507 </td>
508 <td>
509 <p>
510 8
511 </p>
512 </td>
513 <td>
514 <p>
515 8
516 </p>
517 </td>
518 <td>
519 <p>
520 7
521 </p>
522 </td>
523 <td>
524 <p>
525 7
526 </p>
527 </td>
528 <td>
529 <p>
530 8
531 </p>
532 </td>
533 <td>
534 <p>
535 9
536 </p>
537 </td>
538 <td>
539 <p>
540 8
541 </p>
542 </td>
543 <td>
544 <p>
545 6
546 </p>
547 </td>
548 <td>
549 <p>
550 10
551 </p>
552 </td>
553 </tr>
554 <tr>
555 <td>
556 <p>
557 newton_iterate
558 </p>
559 </td>
560 <td>
561 <p>
562 4
563 </p>
564 </td>
565 <td>
566 <p>
567 4
568 </p>
569 </td>
570 <td>
571 <p>
572 4
573 </p>
574 </td>
575 <td>
576 <p>
577 3
578 </p>
579 </td>
580 <td>
581 <p>
582 3
583 </p>
584 </td>
585 <td>
586 <p>
587 3
588 </p>
589 </td>
590 <td>
591 <p>
592 3
593 </p>
594 </td>
595 <td>
596 <p>
597 3
598 </p>
599 </td>
600 <td>
601 <p>
602 3
603 </p>
604 </td>
605 <td>
606 <p>
607 4
608 </p>
609 </td>
610 <td>
611 <p>
612 4
613 </p>
614 </td>
615 <td>
616 <p>
617 4
618 </p>
619 </td>
620 </tr>
621 <tr>
622 <td>
623 <p>
624 halley_iterate
625 </p>
626 </td>
627 <td>
628 <p>
629 4
630 </p>
631 </td>
632 <td>
633 <p>
634 3
635 </p>
636 </td>
637 <td>
638 <p>
639 3
640 </p>
641 </td>
642 <td>
643 <p>
644 3
645 </p>
646 </td>
647 <td>
648 <p>
649 3
650 </p>
651 </td>
652 <td>
653 <p>
654 2
655 </p>
656 </td>
657 <td>
658 <p>
659 2
660 </p>
661 </td>
662 <td>
663 <p>
664 3
665 </p>
666 </td>
667 <td>
668 <p>
669 3
670 </p>
671 </td>
672 <td>
673 <p>
674 3
675 </p>
676 </td>
677 <td>
678 <p>
679 3
680 </p>
681 </td>
682 <td>
683 <p>
684 3
685 </p>
686 </td>
687 </tr>
688 <tr>
689 <td>
690 <p>
691 schroder_iterate
692 </p>
693 </td>
694 <td>
695 <p>
696 4
697 </p>
698 </td>
699 <td>
700 <p>
701 3
702 </p>
703 </td>
704 <td>
705 <p>
706 3
707 </p>
708 </td>
709 <td>
710 <p>
711 3
712 </p>
713 </td>
714 <td>
715 <p>
716 3
717 </p>
718 </td>
719 <td>
720 <p>
721 2
722 </p>
723 </td>
724 <td>
725 <p>
726 2
727 </p>
728 </td>
729 <td>
730 <p>
731 3
732 </p>
733 </td>
734 <td>
735 <p>
736 3
737 </p>
738 </td>
739 <td>
740 <p>
741 3
742 </p>
743 </td>
744 <td>
745 <p>
746 3
747 </p>
748 </td>
749 <td>
750 <p>
751 3
752 </p>
753 </td>
754 </tr>
755 </tbody>
756 </table></div>
757 <p>
758 Interestingly this function is much more resistant to a poor initial guess
759 when using derivatives.
760 </p>
761 </div>
762 <table xmlns:rev="http://www.cs.rpi.edu/~gregod/boost/tools/doc/revision" width="100%"><tr>
763 <td align="left"></td>
764 <td align="right"><div class="copyright-footer">Copyright &#169; 2006-2010, 2012-2014 Nikhar Agrawal,
765 Anton Bikineev, Paul A. Bristow, Marco Guazzone, Christopher Kormanyos, Hubert
766 Holin, Bruno Lalande, John Maddock, Jeremy Murphy, Johan R&#229;de, Gautam Sewani,
767 Benjamin Sobotta, Thijs van den Berg, Daryle Walker and Xiaogang Zhang<p>
768 Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
769 file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at <a href="http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt" target="_top">http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt</a>)
770 </p>
771 </div></td>
772 </tr></table>
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