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26 <div class="titlepage"><div><div><h4 class="title">
27 <a name="math_toolkit.roots.root_comparison.cbrt_comparison"></a><a class="link" href="cbrt_comparison.html" title="Comparison of Cube Root Finding Algorithms">Comparison
28 of Cube Root Finding Algorithms</a>
29 </h4></div></div></div>
30 <p>
31 In the table below, the cube root of 28 was computed for three <a href="http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/types" target="_top">fundamental
32 types</a> floating-point types, and one <a href="../../../../../../../libs/multiprecision/doc/html/index.html" target="_top">Boost.Multiprecision</a>
33 type <a href="../../../../../../../libs/multiprecision/doc/html/boost_multiprecision/tut/floats/cpp_bin_float.html" target="_top">cpp_bin_float</a>
34 using 50 decimal digit precision, using four algorithms.
35 </p>
36 <p>
37 The 'exact' answer was computed using a 100 decimal digit type:
38 </p>
39 <pre class="programlisting"><span class="identifier">cpp_bin_float_100</span> <span class="identifier">full_answer</span> <span class="special">(</span><span class="string">"3.036588971875662519420809578505669635581453977248111123242141654169177268411884961770250390838097895"</span><span class="special">);</span>
40 </pre>
41 <p>
42 Times were measured using <a href="../../../../../../../libs/timer/doc/index.html" target="_top">Boost.Timer</a>
43 using <code class="computeroutput"><span class="keyword">class</span> <span class="identifier">cpu_timer</span></code>.
44 </p>
45 <div class="itemizedlist"><ul class="itemizedlist" style="list-style-type: disc; ">
46 <li class="listitem">
47 <span class="emphasis"><em>Its</em></span> is the number of iterations taken to find
48 the root.
49 </li>
50 <li class="listitem">
51 <span class="emphasis"><em>Times</em></span> is the CPU time-taken in arbitrary units.
52 </li>
53 <li class="listitem">
54 <span class="emphasis"><em>Norm</em></span> is a normalized time, in comparison to the
55 quickest algorithm (with value 1.00).
56 </li>
57 <li class="listitem">
58 <span class="emphasis"><em>Dis</em></span> is the distance from the nearest representation
59 of the 'exact' root in bits. Distance from the 'exact' answer is measured
60 by using function <a href="../../../../../../../libs/math/doc/html/math_toolkit/next_float/float_distance.html" target="_top">Boost.Math
61 float_distance</a>. One or two bits distance means that all results
62 are effectively 'correct'. Zero means 'exact' - the nearest <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Floating_point#Representable_numbers.2C_conversion_and_rounding" target="_top">representable</a>
63 value for the floating-point type.
64 </li>
65 </ul></div>
66 <p>
67 The cube-root function is a simple function, and is a contrived example
68 for root-finding. It does allow us to investigate some of the factors controlling
69 efficiency that may be extrapolated to more complex functions.
70 </p>
71 <p>
72 The program used was <a href="../../../../../example/root_finding_algorithms.cpp" target="_top">root_finding_algorithms.cpp</a>.
73 100000 evaluations of each floating-point type and algorithm were used
74 and the CPU times were judged from repeat runs to have an uncertainty of
75 10 %. Comparing MSVC for <code class="computeroutput"><span class="keyword">double</span></code>
76 and <code class="computeroutput"><span class="keyword">long</span> <span class="keyword">double</span></code>
77 (which are identical on this patform) may give a guide to uncertainty of
78 timing.
79 </p>
80 <p>
81 The requested precision was set as follows:
82 </p>
83 <div class="informaltable"><table class="table">
84 <colgroup>
85 <col>
86 <col>
87 </colgroup>
88 <thead><tr>
89 <th>
90 <p>
91 Function
92 </p>
93 </th>
94 <th>
95 <p>
96 Precision Requested
97 </p>
98 </th>
99 </tr></thead>
100 <tbody>
101 <tr>
102 <td>
103 <p>
104 TOMS748
105 </p>
106 </td>
107 <td>
108 <p>
109 numeric_limits&lt;T&gt;::digits - 2
110 </p>
111 </td>
112 </tr>
113 <tr>
114 <td>
115 <p>
116 Newton
117 </p>
118 </td>
119 <td>
120 <p>
121 floor(numeric_limits&lt;T&gt;::digits * 0.6)
122 </p>
123 </td>
124 </tr>
125 <tr>
126 <td>
127 <p>
128 Halley
129 </p>
130 </td>
131 <td>
132 <p>
133 floor(numeric_limits&lt;T&gt;::digits * 0.4)
134 </p>
135 </td>
136 </tr>
137 <tr>
138 <td>
139 <p>
140 Schr&#246;der
141 </p>
142 </td>
143 <td>
144 <p>
145 floor(numeric_limits&lt;T&gt;::digits * 0.4)
146 </p>
147 </td>
148 </tr>
149 </tbody>
150 </table></div>
151 <div class="itemizedlist"><ul class="itemizedlist" style="list-style-type: disc; ">
152 <li class="listitem">
153 The C++ Standard cube root function <a href="http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/numeric/math/cbrt" target="_top">std::cbrt</a>
154 is only defined for built-in or fundamental types, so cannot be used
155 with any User-Defined floating-point types like <a href="../../../../../../../libs/multiprecision/doc/html/index.html" target="_top">Boost.Multiprecision</a>.
156 This, and that the cube function is so impeccably-behaved, allows the
157 implementer to use many tricks to achieve a fast computation. On some
158 platforms,<code class="computeroutput"><span class="identifier">std</span><span class="special">::</span><span class="identifier">cbrt</span></code> appeared several times as quick
159 as the more general <code class="computeroutput"><span class="identifier">boost</span><span class="special">::</span><span class="identifier">math</span><span class="special">::</span><span class="identifier">cbrt</span></code>,
160 on other platforms / compiler options <code class="computeroutput"><span class="identifier">boost</span><span class="special">::</span><span class="identifier">math</span><span class="special">::</span><span class="identifier">cbrt</span></code>
161 is noticeably faster. In general, the results are highly dependent
162 on the code-generation / processor architecture selection compiler
163 options used. One can assume that the standard library will have been
164 compiled with options <span class="emphasis"><em>nearly</em></span> optimal for the platform
165 it was installed on, where as the user has more choice over the options
166 used for Boost.Math. Pick something too general/conservative and performance
167 suffers, while selecting options that make use of the latest instruction
168 set opcodes speed's things up noticeably.
169 </li>
170 <li class="listitem">
171 Two compilers in optimise mode were compared: GCC 4.9.1 using Netbeans
172 IDS and Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 (Update 1) on the same hardware.
173 The number of iterations seemed consistent, but the relative run-times
174 surprisingly different.
175 </li>
176 <li class="listitem">
177 <code class="computeroutput"><span class="identifier">boost</span><span class="special">::</span><span class="identifier">math</span><span class="special">::</span><span class="identifier">cbrt</span></code> allows use with <span class="emphasis"><em>any
178 user-defined floating-point type</em></span>, conveniently <a href="../../../../../../../libs/multiprecision/doc/html/index.html" target="_top">Boost.Multiprecision</a>.
179 It too can take some advantage of the good-behaviour of the cube function,
180 compared to the more general implementation in the nth root-finding
181 examples. For example, it uses a polynomial approximation to generate
182 a better guess than dividing the exponent by three, and can avoid the
183 complex checks in <a class="link" href="../roots_deriv.html#math_toolkit.roots.roots_deriv.newton">Newton-Raphson
184 iteration</a> required to prevent the search going wildly off-track.
185 For a known precision, it may also be possible to fix the number of
186 iterations, allowing inlining and loop unrolling. It also algebraically
187 simplifies the Halley steps leading to a big reduction in the number
188 of floating point operations required compared to a "black box"
189 implementation that calculates the derivatives seperately and then
190 combines them in the Halley code. Typically, it was found that computation
191 using type <code class="computeroutput"><span class="keyword">double</span></code> took
192 a few times longer when using the various root-finding algorithms directly
193 rather than the hand coded/optimized <code class="computeroutput"><span class="identifier">cbrt</span></code>
194 routine.
195 </li>
196 <li class="listitem">
197 The importance of getting a good guess can be seen by the iteration
198 count for the multiprecision case: here we "cheat" a little
199 and use the cube-root calculated to double precision as the initial
200 guess. The limitation of this tactic is that the range of possible
201 (exponent) values may be less than the multiprecision type.
202 </li>
203 <li class="listitem">
204 For <a href="http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/types" target="_top">fundamental
205 types</a>, there was little to choose between the three derivative
206 methods, but for <a href="../../../../../../../libs/multiprecision/doc/html/boost_multiprecision/tut/floats/cpp_bin_float.html" target="_top">cpp_bin_float</a>,
207 <a class="link" href="../roots_deriv.html#math_toolkit.roots.roots_deriv.newton">Newton-Raphson
208 iteration</a> was twice as fast. Note that the cube-root is an extreme
209 test case as the cost of calling the functor is so cheap that the runtimes
210 are largely dominated by the complexity of the iteration code.
211 </li>
212 <li class="listitem">
213 Compiling with optimisation halved computation times, and any differences
214 between algorithms became nearly negligible. The optimisation speed-up
215 of the <a href="http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=210111" target="_top">TOMS
216 Algorithm 748: enclosing zeros of continuous functions</a> was
217 especially noticable.
218 </li>
219 <li class="listitem">
220 Using a multiprecision type like <code class="computeroutput"><span class="identifier">cpp_bin_float_50</span></code>
221 for a precision of 50 decimal digits took a lot longer, as expected
222 because most computation uses software rather than 64-bit floating-point
223 hardware. Speeds are often more than 50 times slower.
224 </li>
225 <li class="listitem">
226 Using <code class="computeroutput"><span class="identifier">cpp_bin_float_50</span></code>,
227 <a href="http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=210111" target="_top">TOMS Algorithm
228 748: enclosing zeros of continuous functions</a> was much slower
229 showing the benefit of using derivatives. <a class="link" href="../roots_deriv.html#math_toolkit.roots.roots_deriv.newton">Newton-Raphson
230 iteration</a> was found to be twice as quick as either of the second-derivative
231 methods: this is an extreme case though, the function and its derivatives
232 are so cheap to compute that we're really measuring the complexity
233 of the boilerplate root-finding code.
234 </li>
235 <li class="listitem">
236 For multiprecision types only one or two extra <span class="emphasis"><em>iterations</em></span>
237 are needed to get the remaining 35 digits, whatever the algorithm used.
238 (The time taken was of course much greater for these types).
239 </li>
240 <li class="listitem">
241 Using a 100 decimal-digit type only doubled the time and required only
242 a very few more iterations, so the cost of extra precision is mainly
243 the underlying cost of computing more digits, not in the way the algorithm
244 works. This confirms previous observations using <a href="http://www.shoup.net/ntl/" target="_top">NTL
245 A Library for doing Number Theory</a> high-precision types.
246 </li>
247 </ul></div>
248 <h6>
249 <a name="math_toolkit.roots.root_comparison.cbrt_comparison.h0"></a>
250 <span class="phrase"><a name="math_toolkit.roots.root_comparison.cbrt_comparison.program_root_finding_algorithms_"></a></span><a class="link" href="cbrt_comparison.html#math_toolkit.roots.root_comparison.cbrt_comparison.program_root_finding_algorithms_">Program
251 root_finding_algorithms.cpp, Microsoft Visual C++ version 12.0, Dinkumware
252 standard library version 610, Win32, x64<br> 1000000 evaluations of each
253 of 5 root_finding algorithms.</a>
254 </h6>
255 <div class="table">
256 <a name="math_toolkit.roots.root_comparison.cbrt_comparison.cbrt_4"></a><p class="title"><b>Table&#160;12.1.&#160;Cube root(28) for float, double, long double and cpp_bin_float_50</b></p>
257 <div class="table-contents"><table class="table" summary="Cube root(28) for float, double, long double and cpp_bin_float_50">
258 <colgroup>
259 <col>
260 <col>
261 <col>
262 <col>
263 <col>
264 <col>
265 <col>
266 <col>
267 <col>
268 <col>
269 <col>
270 <col>
271 <col>
272 <col>
273 <col>
274 <col>
275 <col>
276 <col>
277 <col>
278 <col>
279 <col>
280 </colgroup>
281 <thead><tr>
282 <th>
283 </th>
284 <th>
285 <p>
286 float
287 </p>
288 </th>
289 <th>
290 </th>
291 <th>
292 </th>
293 <th>
294 </th>
295 <th>
296 </th>
297 <th>
298 <p>
299 double
300 </p>
301 </th>
302 <th>
303 </th>
304 <th>
305 </th>
306 <th>
307 </th>
308 <th>
309 </th>
310 <th>
311 <p>
312 long d
313 </p>
314 </th>
315 <th>
316 </th>
317 <th>
318 </th>
319 <th>
320 </th>
321 <th>
322 </th>
323 <th>
324 <p>
325 cpp50
326 </p>
327 </th>
328 <th>
329 </th>
330 <th>
331 </th>
332 <td class="auto-generated">&#160;</td>
333 <td class="auto-generated">&#160;</td>
334 </tr></thead>
335 <tbody>
336 <tr>
337 <td>
338 <p>
339 Algorithm
340 </p>
341 </td>
342 <td>
343 <p>
344 Its
345 </p>
346 </td>
347 <td>
348 <p>
349 Times
350 </p>
351 </td>
352 <td>
353 <p>
354 Norm
355 </p>
356 </td>
357 <td>
358 <p>
359 Dis
360 </p>
361 </td>
362 <td>
363 </td>
364 <td>
365 <p>
366 Its
367 </p>
368 </td>
369 <td>
370 <p>
371 Times
372 </p>
373 </td>
374 <td>
375 <p>
376 Norm
377 </p>
378 </td>
379 <td>
380 <p>
381 Dis
382 </p>
383 </td>
384 <td>
385 </td>
386 <td>
387 <p>
388 Its
389 </p>
390 </td>
391 <td>
392 <p>
393 Times
394 </p>
395 </td>
396 <td>
397 <p>
398 Norm
399 </p>
400 </td>
401 <td>
402 <p>
403 Dis
404 </p>
405 </td>
406 <td>
407 </td>
408 <td>
409 <p>
410 Its
411 </p>
412 </td>
413 <td>
414 <p>
415 Times
416 </p>
417 </td>
418 <td>
419 <p>
420 Norm
421 </p>
422 </td>
423 <td>
424 <p>
425 Dis
426 </p>
427 </td>
428 <td>
429 </td>
430 </tr>
431 <tr>
432 <td>
433 <p>
434 cbrt
435 </p>
436 </td>
437 <td>
438 <p>
439 0
440 </p>
441 </td>
442 <td>
443 <p>
444 46875
445 </p>
446 </td>
447 <td>
448 <p>
449 <span class="blue">1.0</span>
450 </p>
451 </td>
452 <td>
453 <p>
454 0
455 </p>
456 </td>
457 <td>
458 </td>
459 <td>
460 <p>
461 0
462 </p>
463 </td>
464 <td>
465 <p>
466 46875
467 </p>
468 </td>
469 <td>
470 <p>
471 <span class="blue">1.0</span>
472 </p>
473 </td>
474 <td>
475 <p>
476 1
477 </p>
478 </td>
479 <td>
480 </td>
481 <td>
482 <p>
483 0
484 </p>
485 </td>
486 <td>
487 <p>
488 46875
489 </p>
490 </td>
491 <td>
492 <p>
493 <span class="blue">1.0</span>
494 </p>
495 </td>
496 <td>
497 <p>
498 1
499 </p>
500 </td>
501 <td>
502 </td>
503 <td>
504 <p>
505 0
506 </p>
507 </td>
508 <td>
509 <p>
510 4906250
511 </p>
512 </td>
513 <td>
514 <p>
515 1.1
516 </p>
517 </td>
518 <td>
519 <p>
520 0
521 </p>
522 </td>
523 <td>
524 </td>
525 </tr>
526 <tr>
527 <td>
528 <p>
529 TOMS748
530 </p>
531 </td>
532 <td>
533 <p>
534 8
535 </p>
536 </td>
537 <td>
538 <p>
539 234375
540 </p>
541 </td>
542 <td>
543 <p>
544 <span class="red">5.0</span>
545 </p>
546 </td>
547 <td>
548 <p>
549 -1
550 </p>
551 </td>
552 <td>
553 </td>
554 <td>
555 <p>
556 11
557 </p>
558 </td>
559 <td>
560 <p>
561 437500
562 </p>
563 </td>
564 <td>
565 <p>
566 <span class="red">9.3</span>
567 </p>
568 </td>
569 <td>
570 <p>
571 2
572 </p>
573 </td>
574 <td>
575 </td>
576 <td>
577 <p>
578 11
579 </p>
580 </td>
581 <td>
582 <p>
583 437500
584 </p>
585 </td>
586 <td>
587 <p>
588 <span class="red">9.3</span>
589 </p>
590 </td>
591 <td>
592 <p>
593 2
594 </p>
595 </td>
596 <td>
597 </td>
598 <td>
599 <p>
600 7
601 </p>
602 </td>
603 <td>
604 <p>
605 66218750
606 </p>
607 </td>
608 <td>
609 <p>
610 <span class="red">15.</span>
611 </p>
612 </td>
613 <td>
614 <p>
615 -2
616 </p>
617 </td>
618 <td>
619 </td>
620 </tr>
621 <tr>
622 <td>
623 <p>
624 Newton
625 </p>
626 </td>
627 <td>
628 <p>
629 5
630 </p>
631 </td>
632 <td>
633 <p>
634 109375
635 </p>
636 </td>
637 <td>
638 <p>
639 2.3
640 </p>
641 </td>
642 <td>
643 <p>
644 0
645 </p>
646 </td>
647 <td>
648 </td>
649 <td>
650 <p>
651 6
652 </p>
653 </td>
654 <td>
655 <p>
656 125000
657 </p>
658 </td>
659 <td>
660 <p>
661 2.7
662 </p>
663 </td>
664 <td>
665 <p>
666 0
667 </p>
668 </td>
669 <td>
670 </td>
671 <td>
672 <p>
673 6
674 </p>
675 </td>
676 <td>
677 <p>
678 140625
679 </p>
680 </td>
681 <td>
682 <p>
683 3.0
684 </p>
685 </td>
686 <td>
687 <p>
688 0
689 </p>
690 </td>
691 <td>
692 </td>
693 <td>
694 <p>
695 2
696 </p>
697 </td>
698 <td>
699 <p>
700 4531250
701 </p>
702 </td>
703 <td>
704 <p>
705 <span class="blue">1.0</span>
706 </p>
707 </td>
708 <td>
709 <p>
710 0
711 </p>
712 </td>
713 <td>
714 </td>
715 </tr>
716 <tr>
717 <td>
718 <p>
719 Halley
720 </p>
721 </td>
722 <td>
723 <p>
724 3
725 </p>
726 </td>
727 <td>
728 <p>
729 125000
730 </p>
731 </td>
732 <td>
733 <p>
734 2.7
735 </p>
736 </td>
737 <td>
738 <p>
739 0
740 </p>
741 </td>
742 <td>
743 </td>
744 <td>
745 <p>
746 4
747 </p>
748 </td>
749 <td>
750 <p>
751 156250
752 </p>
753 </td>
754 <td>
755 <p>
756 3.3
757 </p>
758 </td>
759 <td>
760 <p>
761 0
762 </p>
763 </td>
764 <td>
765 </td>
766 <td>
767 <p>
768 4
769 </p>
770 </td>
771 <td>
772 <p>
773 156250
774 </p>
775 </td>
776 <td>
777 <p>
778 3.3
779 </p>
780 </td>
781 <td>
782 <p>
783 0
784 </p>
785 </td>
786 <td>
787 </td>
788 <td>
789 <p>
790 2
791 </p>
792 </td>
793 <td>
794 <p>
795 10625000
796 </p>
797 </td>
798 <td>
799 <p>
800 2.3
801 </p>
802 </td>
803 <td>
804 <p>
805 0
806 </p>
807 </td>
808 <td>
809 </td>
810 </tr>
811 <tr>
812 <td>
813 <p>
814 Schr&#246;der
815 </p>
816 </td>
817 <td>
818 <p>
819 4
820 </p>
821 </td>
822 <td>
823 <p>
824 140625
825 </p>
826 </td>
827 <td>
828 <p>
829 3.0
830 </p>
831 </td>
832 <td>
833 <p>
834 0
835 </p>
836 </td>
837 <td>
838 </td>
839 <td>
840 <p>
841 5
842 </p>
843 </td>
844 <td>
845 <p>
846 187500
847 </p>
848 </td>
849 <td>
850 <p>
851 4.0
852 </p>
853 </td>
854 <td>
855 <p>
856 0
857 </p>
858 </td>
859 <td>
860 </td>
861 <td>
862 <p>
863 5
864 </p>
865 </td>
866 <td>
867 <p>
868 203125
869 </p>
870 </td>
871 <td>
872 <p>
873 <span class="red">4.3</span>
874 </p>
875 </td>
876 <td>
877 <p>
878 0
879 </p>
880 </td>
881 <td>
882 </td>
883 <td>
884 <p>
885 2
886 </p>
887 </td>
888 <td>
889 <p>
890 13109375
891 </p>
892 </td>
893 <td>
894 <p>
895 2.9
896 </p>
897 </td>
898 <td>
899 <p>
900 0
901 </p>
902 </td>
903 <td>
904 </td>
905 </tr>
906 </tbody>
907 </table></div>
908 </div>
909 <br class="table-break"><h6>
910 <a name="math_toolkit.roots.root_comparison.cbrt_comparison.h1"></a>
911 <span class="phrase"><a name="math_toolkit.roots.root_comparison.cbrt_comparison.program_root_finding_algorithms0"></a></span><a class="link" href="cbrt_comparison.html#math_toolkit.roots.root_comparison.cbrt_comparison.program_root_finding_algorithms0">Program
912 root_finding_algorithms.cpp, GNU C++ version 4.9.2, GNU libstdc++ version
913 20141030, Win32, x64<br> 1000000 evaluations of each of 5 root_finding
914 algorithms.</a>
915 </h6>
916 <div class="table">
917 <a name="math_toolkit.roots.root_comparison.cbrt_comparison.cbrt_4_0"></a><p class="title"><b>Table&#160;12.2.&#160;Cube root(28) for float, double, long double and cpp_bin_float_50</b></p>
918 <div class="table-contents"><table class="table" summary="Cube root(28) for float, double, long double and cpp_bin_float_50">
919 <colgroup>
920 <col>
921 <col>
922 <col>
923 <col>
924 <col>
925 <col>
926 <col>
927 <col>
928 <col>
929 <col>
930 <col>
931 <col>
932 <col>
933 <col>
934 <col>
935 <col>
936 <col>
937 <col>
938 <col>
939 <col>
940 <col>
941 </colgroup>
942 <thead><tr>
943 <th>
944 </th>
945 <th>
946 <p>
947 float
948 </p>
949 </th>
950 <th>
951 </th>
952 <th>
953 </th>
954 <th>
955 </th>
956 <th>
957 </th>
958 <th>
959 <p>
960 double
961 </p>
962 </th>
963 <th>
964 </th>
965 <th>
966 </th>
967 <th>
968 </th>
969 <th>
970 </th>
971 <th>
972 <p>
973 long d
974 </p>
975 </th>
976 <th>
977 </th>
978 <th>
979 </th>
980 <th>
981 </th>
982 <th>
983 </th>
984 <th>
985 <p>
986 cpp50
987 </p>
988 </th>
989 <th>
990 </th>
991 <th>
992 </th>
993 <td class="auto-generated">&#160;</td>
994 <td class="auto-generated">&#160;</td>
995 </tr></thead>
996 <tbody>
997 <tr>
998 <td>
999 <p>
1000 Algorithm
1001 </p>
1002 </td>
1003 <td>
1004 <p>
1005 Its
1006 </p>
1007 </td>
1008 <td>
1009 <p>
1010 Times
1011 </p>
1012 </td>
1013 <td>
1014 <p>
1015 Norm
1016 </p>
1017 </td>
1018 <td>
1019 <p>
1020 Dis
1021 </p>
1022 </td>
1023 <td>
1024 </td>
1025 <td>
1026 <p>
1027 Its
1028 </p>
1029 </td>
1030 <td>
1031 <p>
1032 Times
1033 </p>
1034 </td>
1035 <td>
1036 <p>
1037 Norm
1038 </p>
1039 </td>
1040 <td>
1041 <p>
1042 Dis
1043 </p>
1044 </td>
1045 <td>
1046 </td>
1047 <td>
1048 <p>
1049 Its
1050 </p>
1051 </td>
1052 <td>
1053 <p>
1054 Times
1055 </p>
1056 </td>
1057 <td>
1058 <p>
1059 Norm
1060 </p>
1061 </td>
1062 <td>
1063 <p>
1064 Dis
1065 </p>
1066 </td>
1067 <td>
1068 </td>
1069 <td>
1070 <p>
1071 Its
1072 </p>
1073 </td>
1074 <td>
1075 <p>
1076 Times
1077 </p>
1078 </td>
1079 <td>
1080 <p>
1081 Norm
1082 </p>
1083 </td>
1084 <td>
1085 <p>
1086 Dis
1087 </p>
1088 </td>
1089 <td>
1090 </td>
1091 </tr>
1092 <tr>
1093 <td>
1094 <p>
1095 cbrt
1096 </p>
1097 </td>
1098 <td>
1099 <p>
1100 0
1101 </p>
1102 </td>
1103 <td>
1104 <p>
1105 46875
1106 </p>
1107 </td>
1108 <td>
1109 <p>
1110 <span class="blue">1.0</span>
1111 </p>
1112 </td>
1113 <td>
1114 <p>
1115 0
1116 </p>
1117 </td>
1118 <td>
1119 </td>
1120 <td>
1121 <p>
1122 0
1123 </p>
1124 </td>
1125 <td>
1126 <p>
1127 46875
1128 </p>
1129 </td>
1130 <td>
1131 <p>
1132 <span class="blue">1.0</span>
1133 </p>
1134 </td>
1135 <td>
1136 <p>
1137 0
1138 </p>
1139 </td>
1140 <td>
1141 </td>
1142 <td>
1143 <p>
1144 0
1145 </p>
1146 </td>
1147 <td>
1148 <p>
1149 46875
1150 </p>
1151 </td>
1152 <td>
1153 <p>
1154 <span class="blue">1.0</span>
1155 </p>
1156 </td>
1157 <td>
1158 <p>
1159 0
1160 </p>
1161 </td>
1162 <td>
1163 </td>
1164 <td>
1165 <p>
1166 0
1167 </p>
1168 </td>
1169 <td>
1170 <p>
1171 3500000
1172 </p>
1173 </td>
1174 <td>
1175 <p>
1176 1.1
1177 </p>
1178 </td>
1179 <td>
1180 <p>
1181 0
1182 </p>
1183 </td>
1184 <td>
1185 </td>
1186 </tr>
1187 <tr>
1188 <td>
1189 <p>
1190 TOMS748
1191 </p>
1192 </td>
1193 <td>
1194 <p>
1195 8
1196 </p>
1197 </td>
1198 <td>
1199 <p>
1200 187500
1201 </p>
1202 </td>
1203 <td>
1204 <p>
1205 4.0
1206 </p>
1207 </td>
1208 <td>
1209 <p>
1210 -1
1211 </p>
1212 </td>
1213 <td>
1214 </td>
1215 <td>
1216 <p>
1217 11
1218 </p>
1219 </td>
1220 <td>
1221 <p>
1222 406250
1223 </p>
1224 </td>
1225 <td>
1226 <p>
1227 <span class="red">8.7</span>
1228 </p>
1229 </td>
1230 <td>
1231 <p>
1232 2
1233 </p>
1234 </td>
1235 <td>
1236 </td>
1237 <td>
1238 <p>
1239 10
1240 </p>
1241 </td>
1242 <td>
1243 <p>
1244 609375
1245 </p>
1246 </td>
1247 <td>
1248 <p>
1249 <span class="red">13.</span>
1250 </p>
1251 </td>
1252 <td>
1253 <p>
1254 -1
1255 </p>
1256 </td>
1257 <td>
1258 </td>
1259 <td>
1260 <p>
1261 7
1262 </p>
1263 </td>
1264 <td>
1265 <p>
1266 44531250
1267 </p>
1268 </td>
1269 <td>
1270 <p>
1271 <span class="red">14.</span>
1272 </p>
1273 </td>
1274 <td>
1275 <p>
1276 -2
1277 </p>
1278 </td>
1279 <td>
1280 </td>
1281 </tr>
1282 <tr>
1283 <td>
1284 <p>
1285 Newton
1286 </p>
1287 </td>
1288 <td>
1289 <p>
1290 5
1291 </p>
1292 </td>
1293 <td>
1294 <p>
1295 93750
1296 </p>
1297 </td>
1298 <td>
1299 <p>
1300 2.0
1301 </p>
1302 </td>
1303 <td>
1304 <p>
1305 0
1306 </p>
1307 </td>
1308 <td>
1309 </td>
1310 <td>
1311 <p>
1312 6
1313 </p>
1314 </td>
1315 <td>
1316 <p>
1317 109375
1318 </p>
1319 </td>
1320 <td>
1321 <p>
1322 2.3
1323 </p>
1324 </td>
1325 <td>
1326 <p>
1327 0
1328 </p>
1329 </td>
1330 <td>
1331 </td>
1332 <td>
1333 <p>
1334 6
1335 </p>
1336 </td>
1337 <td>
1338 <p>
1339 171875
1340 </p>
1341 </td>
1342 <td>
1343 <p>
1344 3.7
1345 </p>
1346 </td>
1347 <td>
1348 <p>
1349 0
1350 </p>
1351 </td>
1352 <td>
1353 </td>
1354 <td>
1355 <p>
1356 2
1357 </p>
1358 </td>
1359 <td>
1360 <p>
1361 3140625
1362 </p>
1363 </td>
1364 <td>
1365 <p>
1366 <span class="blue">1.0</span>
1367 </p>
1368 </td>
1369 <td>
1370 <p>
1371 -1
1372 </p>
1373 </td>
1374 <td>
1375 </td>
1376 </tr>
1377 <tr>
1378 <td>
1379 <p>
1380 Halley
1381 </p>
1382 </td>
1383 <td>
1384 <p>
1385 3
1386 </p>
1387 </td>
1388 <td>
1389 <p>
1390 93750
1391 </p>
1392 </td>
1393 <td>
1394 <p>
1395 2.0
1396 </p>
1397 </td>
1398 <td>
1399 <p>
1400 0
1401 </p>
1402 </td>
1403 <td>
1404 </td>
1405 <td>
1406 <p>
1407 4
1408 </p>
1409 </td>
1410 <td>
1411 <p>
1412 125000
1413 </p>
1414 </td>
1415 <td>
1416 <p>
1417 2.7
1418 </p>
1419 </td>
1420 <td>
1421 <p>
1422 0
1423 </p>
1424 </td>
1425 <td>
1426 </td>
1427 <td>
1428 <p>
1429 4
1430 </p>
1431 </td>
1432 <td>
1433 <p>
1434 218750
1435 </p>
1436 </td>
1437 <td>
1438 <p>
1439 <span class="red">4.7</span>
1440 </p>
1441 </td>
1442 <td>
1443 <p>
1444 0
1445 </p>
1446 </td>
1447 <td>
1448 </td>
1449 <td>
1450 <p>
1451 2
1452 </p>
1453 </td>
1454 <td>
1455 <p>
1456 7171875
1457 </p>
1458 </td>
1459 <td>
1460 <p>
1461 2.3
1462 </p>
1463 </td>
1464 <td>
1465 <p>
1466 0
1467 </p>
1468 </td>
1469 <td>
1470 </td>
1471 </tr>
1472 <tr>
1473 <td>
1474 <p>
1475 Schr&#246;der
1476 </p>
1477 </td>
1478 <td>
1479 <p>
1480 4
1481 </p>
1482 </td>
1483 <td>
1484 <p>
1485 109375
1486 </p>
1487 </td>
1488 <td>
1489 <p>
1490 2.3
1491 </p>
1492 </td>
1493 <td>
1494 <p>
1495 0
1496 </p>
1497 </td>
1498 <td>
1499 </td>
1500 <td>
1501 <p>
1502 5
1503 </p>
1504 </td>
1505 <td>
1506 <p>
1507 171875
1508 </p>
1509 </td>
1510 <td>
1511 <p>
1512 3.7
1513 </p>
1514 </td>
1515 <td>
1516 <p>
1517 0
1518 </p>
1519 </td>
1520 <td>
1521 </td>
1522 <td>
1523 <p>
1524 5
1525 </p>
1526 </td>
1527 <td>
1528 <p>
1529 281250
1530 </p>
1531 </td>
1532 <td>
1533 <p>
1534 <span class="red">6.0</span>
1535 </p>
1536 </td>
1537 <td>
1538 <p>
1539 0
1540 </p>
1541 </td>
1542 <td>
1543 </td>
1544 <td>
1545 <p>
1546 2
1547 </p>
1548 </td>
1549 <td>
1550 <p>
1551 8703125
1552 </p>
1553 </td>
1554 <td>
1555 <p>
1556 2.8
1557 </p>
1558 </td>
1559 <td>
1560 <p>
1561 0
1562 </p>
1563 </td>
1564 <td>
1565 </td>
1566 </tr>
1567 </tbody>
1568 </table></div>
1569 </div>
1570 <br class="table-break">
1571 </div>
1572 <table xmlns:rev="http://www.cs.rpi.edu/~gregod/boost/tools/doc/revision" width="100%"><tr>
1573 <td align="left"></td>
1574 <td align="right"><div class="copyright-footer">Copyright &#169; 2006-2010, 2012-2014 Nikhar Agrawal,
1575 Anton Bikineev, Paul A. Bristow, Marco Guazzone, Christopher Kormanyos, Hubert
1576 Holin, Bruno Lalande, John Maddock, Jeremy Murphy, Johan R&#229;de, Gautam Sewani,
1577 Benjamin Sobotta, Thijs van den Berg, Daryle Walker and Xiaogang Zhang<p>
1578 Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
1579 file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at <a href="http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt" target="_top">http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt</a>)
1580 </p>
1581 </div></td>
1582 </tr></table>
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