]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/src/boost/libs/math/include/boost/math/distributions/arcsine.hpp
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[ceph.git] / ceph / src / boost / libs / math / include / boost / math / distributions / arcsine.hpp
1 // boost/math/distributions/arcsine.hpp
3 // Copyright John Maddock 2014.
4 // Copyright Paul A. Bristow 2014.
6 // Use, modification and distribution are subject to the
7 // Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
8 // (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt
9 // or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
11 // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/arcsine_distribution
13 // The arcsine Distribution is a continuous probability distribution.
14 // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arcsine_distribution
15 // http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=ArcSinDistribution
17 // Standard arcsine distribution is a special case of beta distribution with both a & b = one half,
18 // and 0 <= x <= 1.
20 // It is generalized to include any bounded support a <= x <= b from 0 <= x <= 1
21 // by Wolfram and Wikipedia,
22 // but using location and scale parameters by
23 // Virtual Laboratories in Probability and Statistics http://www.math.uah.edu/stat/index.html
24 // http://www.math.uah.edu/stat/special/Arcsine.html
25 // The end-point version is simpler and more obvious, so we implement that.
26 // TODO Perhaps provide location and scale functions?
32 #include <boost/math/distributions/fwd.hpp>
33 #include <boost/math/distributions/complement.hpp> // complements.
34 #include <boost/math/distributions/detail/common_error_handling.hpp> // error checks.
35 #include <boost/math/constants/constants.hpp>
37 #include <boost/math/special_functions/fpclassify.hpp> // isnan.
39 #if defined (BOOST_MSVC)
40 # pragma warning(push)
41 # pragma warning(disable: 4702) // Unreachable code,
42 // in domain_error_imp in error_handling.
43 #endif
45 #include <utility>
46 #include <exception> // For std::domain_error.
48 namespace boost
49 {
50 namespace math
51 {
52 namespace arcsine_detail
53 {
54 // Common error checking routines for arcsine distribution functions:
55 // Duplicating for x_min and x_max provides specific error messages.
56 template <class RealType, class Policy>
57 inline bool check_x_min(const char* function, const RealType& x, RealType* result, const Policy& pol)
58 {
59 if (!(boost::math::isfinite)(x))
60 {
61 *result = policies::raise_domain_error<RealType>(
62 function,
63 "x_min argument is %1%, but must be finite !", x, pol);
64 return false;
65 }
66 return true;
67 } // bool check_x_min
69 template <class RealType, class Policy>
70 inline bool check_x_max(const char* function, const RealType& x, RealType* result, const Policy& pol)
71 {
72 if (!(boost::math::isfinite)(x))
73 {
74 *result = policies::raise_domain_error<RealType>(
75 function,
76 "x_max argument is %1%, but must be finite !", x, pol);
77 return false;
78 }
79 return true;
80 } // bool check_x_max
83 template <class RealType, class Policy>
84 inline bool check_x_minmax(const char* function, const RealType& x_min, const RealType& x_max, RealType* result, const Policy& pol)
85 { // Check x_min < x_max
86 if (x_min >= x_max)
87 {
88 std::string msg = "x_max argument is %1%, but must be > x_min = " + lexical_cast<std::string>(x_min) + "!";
89 *result = policies::raise_domain_error<RealType>(
90 function,
91 msg.c_str(), x_max, pol);
92 // "x_max argument is %1%, but must be > x_min !", x_max, pol);
93 // "x_max argument is %1%, but must be > x_min %2!", x_max, x_min, pol); would be better.
94 // But would require replication of all helpers functions in /policies/error_handling.hpp for two values,
95 // as well as two value versions of raise_error, raise_domain_error and do_format ...
96 // so use slightly hacky lexical_cast to string instead.
97 return false;
98 }
99 return true;
100 } // bool check_x_minmax
102 template <class RealType, class Policy>
103 inline bool check_prob(const char* function, const RealType& p, RealType* result, const Policy& pol)
104 {
105 if ((p < 0) || (p > 1) || !(boost::math::isfinite)(p))
106 {
107 *result = policies::raise_domain_error<RealType>(
108 function,
109 "Probability argument is %1%, but must be >= 0 and <= 1 !", p, pol);
110 return false;
111 }
112 return true;
113 } // bool check_prob
115 template <class RealType, class Policy>
116 inline bool check_x(const char* function, const RealType& x_min, const RealType& x_max, const RealType& x, RealType* result, const Policy& pol)
117 { // Check x finite and x_min < x < x_max.
118 if (!(boost::math::isfinite)(x))
119 {
120 *result = policies::raise_domain_error<RealType>(
121 function,
122 "x argument is %1%, but must be finite !", x, pol);
123 return false;
124 }
125 if ((x < x_min) || (x > x_max))
126 {
127 // std::cout << x_min << ' ' << x << x_max << std::endl;
128 *result = policies::raise_domain_error<RealType>(
129 function,
130 "x argument is %1%, but must be x_min < x < x_max !", x, pol);
131 // For example:
132 // Error in function boost::math::pdf(arcsine_distribution<double> const&, double) : x argument is -1.01, but must be x_min < x < x_max !
133 // TODO Perhaps show values of x_min and x_max?
134 return false;
135 }
136 return true;
137 } // bool check_x
139 template <class RealType, class Policy>
140 inline bool check_dist(const char* function, const RealType& x_min, const RealType& x_max, RealType* result, const Policy& pol)
141 { // Check both x_min and x_max finite, and x_min < x_max.
142 return check_x_min(function, x_min, result, pol)
143 && check_x_max(function, x_max, result, pol)
144 && check_x_minmax(function, x_min, x_max, result, pol);
145 } // bool check_dist
147 template <class RealType, class Policy>
148 inline bool check_dist_and_x(const char* function, const RealType& x_min, const RealType& x_max, RealType x, RealType* result, const Policy& pol)
149 {
150 return check_dist(function, x_min, x_max, result, pol)
151 && arcsine_detail::check_x(function, x_min, x_max, x, result, pol);
152 } // bool check_dist_and_x
154 template <class RealType, class Policy>
155 inline bool check_dist_and_prob(const char* function, const RealType& x_min, const RealType& x_max, RealType p, RealType* result, const Policy& pol)
156 {
157 return check_dist(function, x_min, x_max, result, pol)
158 && check_prob(function, p, result, pol);
159 } // bool check_dist_and_prob
161 } // namespace arcsine_detail
163 template <class RealType = double, class Policy = policies::policy<> >
164 class arcsine_distribution
165 {
166 public:
167 typedef RealType value_type;
168 typedef Policy policy_type;
170 arcsine_distribution(RealType x_min = 0, RealType x_max = 1) : m_x_min(x_min), m_x_max(x_max)
171 { // Default beta (alpha = beta = 0.5) is standard arcsine with x_min = 0, x_max = 1.
172 // Generalized to allow x_min and x_max to be specified.
173 RealType result;
174 arcsine_detail::check_dist(
175 "boost::math::arcsine_distribution<%1%>::arcsine_distribution",
176 m_x_min,
177 m_x_max,
178 &result, Policy());
179 } // arcsine_distribution constructor.
180 // Accessor functions:
181 RealType x_min() const
182 {
183 return m_x_min;
184 }
185 RealType x_max() const
186 {
187 return m_x_max;
188 }
190 private:
191 RealType m_x_min; // Two x min and x max parameters of the arcsine distribution.
192 RealType m_x_max;
193 }; // template <class RealType, class Policy> class arcsine_distribution
195 // Convenient typedef to construct double version.
196 typedef arcsine_distribution<double> arcsine;
199 template <class RealType, class Policy>
200 inline const std::pair<RealType, RealType> range(const arcsine_distribution<RealType, Policy>& dist)
201 { // Range of permissible values for random variable x.
202 using boost::math::tools::max_value;
203 return std::pair<RealType, RealType>(static_cast<RealType>(dist.x_min()), static_cast<RealType>(dist.x_max()));
204 }
206 template <class RealType, class Policy>
207 inline const std::pair<RealType, RealType> support(const arcsine_distribution<RealType, Policy>& dist)
208 { // Range of supported values for random variable x.
209 // This is range where cdf rises from 0 to 1, and outside it, the pdf is zero.
210 return std::pair<RealType, RealType>(static_cast<RealType>(dist.x_min()), static_cast<RealType>(dist.x_max()));
211 }
213 template <class RealType, class Policy>
214 inline RealType mean(const arcsine_distribution<RealType, Policy>& dist)
215 { // Mean of arcsine distribution .
216 RealType result;
217 RealType x_min = dist.x_min();
218 RealType x_max = dist.x_max();
220 if (false == arcsine_detail::check_dist(
221 "boost::math::mean(arcsine_distribution<%1%> const&, %1% )",
222 x_min,
223 x_max,
224 &result, Policy())
225 )
226 {
227 return result;
228 }
229 return (x_min + x_max) / 2;
230 } // mean
232 template <class RealType, class Policy>
233 inline RealType variance(const arcsine_distribution<RealType, Policy>& dist)
234 { // Variance of standard arcsine distribution = (1-0)/8 = 0.125.
235 RealType result;
236 RealType x_min = dist.x_min();
237 RealType x_max = dist.x_max();
238 if (false == arcsine_detail::check_dist(
239 "boost::math::variance(arcsine_distribution<%1%> const&, %1% )",
240 x_min,
241 x_max,
242 &result, Policy())
243 )
244 {
245 return result;
246 }
247 return (x_max - x_min) * (x_max - x_min) / 8;
248 } // variance
250 template <class RealType, class Policy>
251 inline RealType mode(const arcsine_distribution<RealType, Policy>& /* dist */)
252 { //There are always [*two] values for the mode, at ['x_min] and at ['x_max], default 0 and 1,
253 // so instead we raise the exception domain_error.
254 return policies::raise_domain_error<RealType>(
255 "boost::math::mode(arcsine_distribution<%1%>&)",
256 "The arcsine distribution has two modes at x_min and x_max: "
257 "so the return value is %1%.",
258 std::numeric_limits<RealType>::quiet_NaN(), Policy());
259 } // mode
261 template <class RealType, class Policy>
262 inline RealType median(const arcsine_distribution<RealType, Policy>& dist)
263 { // Median of arcsine distribution (a + b) / 2 == mean.
264 RealType x_min = dist.x_min();
265 RealType x_max = dist.x_max();
266 RealType result;
267 if (false == arcsine_detail::check_dist(
268 "boost::math::median(arcsine_distribution<%1%> const&, %1% )",
269 x_min,
270 x_max,
271 &result, Policy())
272 )
273 {
274 return result;
275 }
276 return (x_min + x_max) / 2;
277 }
279 template <class RealType, class Policy>
280 inline RealType skewness(const arcsine_distribution<RealType, Policy>& dist)
281 {
282 RealType result;
283 RealType x_min = dist.x_min();
284 RealType x_max = dist.x_max();
286 if (false == arcsine_detail::check_dist(
287 "boost::math::skewness(arcsine_distribution<%1%> const&, %1% )",
288 x_min,
289 x_max,
290 &result, Policy())
291 )
292 {
293 return result;
294 }
295 return 0;
296 } // skewness
298 template <class RealType, class Policy>
299 inline RealType kurtosis_excess(const arcsine_distribution<RealType, Policy>& dist)
300 {
301 RealType result;
302 RealType x_min = dist.x_min();
303 RealType x_max = dist.x_max();
305 if (false == arcsine_detail::check_dist(
306 "boost::math::kurtosis_excess(arcsine_distribution<%1%> const&, %1% )",
307 x_min,
308 x_max,
309 &result, Policy())
310 )
311 {
312 return result;
313 }
314 result = -3;
315 return result / 2;
316 } // kurtosis_excess
318 template <class RealType, class Policy>
319 inline RealType kurtosis(const arcsine_distribution<RealType, Policy>& dist)
320 {
321 RealType result;
322 RealType x_min = dist.x_min();
323 RealType x_max = dist.x_max();
325 if (false == arcsine_detail::check_dist(
326 "boost::math::kurtosis(arcsine_distribution<%1%> const&, %1% )",
327 x_min,
328 x_max,
329 &result, Policy())
330 )
331 {
332 return result;
333 }
335 return 3 + kurtosis_excess(dist);
336 } // kurtosis
338 template <class RealType, class Policy>
339 inline RealType pdf(const arcsine_distribution<RealType, Policy>& dist, const RealType& xx)
340 { // Probability Density/Mass Function arcsine.
342 BOOST_MATH_STD_USING // For ADL of std functions.
344 static const char* function = "boost::math::pdf(arcsine_distribution<%1%> const&, %1%)";
346 RealType lo = dist.x_min();
347 RealType hi = dist.x_max();
348 RealType x = xx;
350 // Argument checks:
351 RealType result = 0;
352 if (false == arcsine_detail::check_dist_and_x(
353 function,
354 lo, hi, x,
355 &result, Policy()))
356 {
357 return result;
358 }
359 using boost::math::constants::pi;
360 result = static_cast<RealType>(1) / (pi<RealType>() * sqrt((x - lo) * (hi - x)));
361 return result;
362 } // pdf
364 template <class RealType, class Policy>
365 inline RealType cdf(const arcsine_distribution<RealType, Policy>& dist, const RealType& x)
366 { // Cumulative Distribution Function arcsine.
367 BOOST_MATH_STD_USING // For ADL of std functions.
369 static const char* function = "boost::math::cdf(arcsine_distribution<%1%> const&, %1%)";
371 RealType x_min = dist.x_min();
372 RealType x_max = dist.x_max();
374 // Argument checks:
375 RealType result = 0;
376 if (false == arcsine_detail::check_dist_and_x(
377 function,
378 x_min, x_max, x,
379 &result, Policy()))
380 {
381 return result;
382 }
383 // Special cases:
384 if (x == x_min)
385 {
386 return 0;
387 }
388 else if (x == x_max)
389 {
390 return 1;
391 }
392 using boost::math::constants::pi;
393 result = static_cast<RealType>(2) * asin(sqrt((x - x_min) / (x_max - x_min))) / pi<RealType>();
394 return result;
395 } // arcsine cdf
397 template <class RealType, class Policy>
398 inline RealType cdf(const complemented2_type<arcsine_distribution<RealType, Policy>, RealType>& c)
399 { // Complemented Cumulative Distribution Function arcsine.
400 BOOST_MATH_STD_USING // For ADL of std functions.
401 static const char* function = "boost::math::cdf(arcsine_distribution<%1%> const&, %1%)";
403 RealType x = c.param;
404 arcsine_distribution<RealType, Policy> const& dist = c.dist;
405 RealType x_min = dist.x_min();
406 RealType x_max = dist.x_max();
408 // Argument checks:
409 RealType result = 0;
410 if (false == arcsine_detail::check_dist_and_x(
411 function,
412 x_min, x_max, x,
413 &result, Policy()))
414 {
415 return result;
416 }
417 if (x == x_min)
418 {
419 return 0;
420 }
421 else if (x == x_max)
422 {
423 return 1;
424 }
425 using boost::math::constants::pi;
426 // Naive version x = 1 - x;
427 // result = static_cast<RealType>(2) * asin(sqrt((x - x_min) / (x_max - x_min))) / pi<RealType>();
428 // is less accurate, so use acos instead of asin for complement.
429 result = static_cast<RealType>(2) * acos(sqrt((x - x_min) / (x_max - x_min))) / pi<RealType>();
430 return result;
431 } // arcine ccdf
433 template <class RealType, class Policy>
434 inline RealType quantile(const arcsine_distribution<RealType, Policy>& dist, const RealType& p)
435 {
436 // Quantile or Percent Point arcsine function or
437 // Inverse Cumulative probability distribution function CDF.
438 // Return x (0 <= x <= 1),
439 // for a given probability p (0 <= p <= 1).
440 // These functions take a probability as an argument
441 // and return a value such that the probability that a random variable x
442 // will be less than or equal to that value
443 // is whatever probability you supplied as an argument.
444 BOOST_MATH_STD_USING // For ADL of std functions.
446 using boost::math::constants::half_pi;
448 static const char* function = "boost::math::quantile(arcsine_distribution<%1%> const&, %1%)";
450 RealType result = 0; // of argument checks:
451 RealType x_min = dist.x_min();
452 RealType x_max = dist.x_max();
453 if (false == arcsine_detail::check_dist_and_prob(
454 function,
455 x_min, x_max, p,
456 &result, Policy()))
457 {
458 return result;
459 }
460 // Special cases:
461 if (p == 0)
462 {
463 return 0;
464 }
465 if (p == 1)
466 {
467 return 1;
468 }
470 RealType sin2hpip = sin(half_pi<RealType>() * p);
471 RealType sin2hpip2 = sin2hpip * sin2hpip;
472 result = -x_min * sin2hpip2 + x_min + x_max * sin2hpip2;
474 return result;
475 } // quantile
477 template <class RealType, class Policy>
478 inline RealType quantile(const complemented2_type<arcsine_distribution<RealType, Policy>, RealType>& c)
479 {
480 // Complement Quantile or Percent Point arcsine function.
481 // Return the number of expected x for a given
482 // complement of the probability q.
483 BOOST_MATH_STD_USING // For ADL of std functions.
485 using boost::math::constants::half_pi;
486 static const char* function = "boost::math::quantile(arcsine_distribution<%1%> const&, %1%)";
488 // Error checks:
489 RealType q = c.param;
490 const arcsine_distribution<RealType, Policy>& dist = c.dist;
491 RealType result = 0;
492 RealType x_min = dist.x_min();
493 RealType x_max = dist.x_max();
494 if (false == arcsine_detail::check_dist_and_prob(
495 function,
496 x_min,
497 x_max,
498 q,
499 &result, Policy()))
500 {
501 return result;
502 }
503 // Special cases:
504 if (q == 1)
505 {
506 return 0;
507 }
508 if (q == 0)
509 {
510 return 1;
511 }
512 // Naive RealType p = 1 - q; result = sin(half_pi<RealType>() * p); loses accuracy, so use a cos alternative instead.
513 //result = cos(half_pi<RealType>() * q); // for arcsine(0,1)
514 //result = result * result;
515 // For generalized arcsine:
516 RealType cos2hpip = cos(half_pi<RealType>() * q);
517 RealType cos2hpip2 = cos2hpip * cos2hpip;
518 result = -x_min * cos2hpip2 + x_min + x_max * cos2hpip2;
520 return result;
521 } // Quantile Complement
523 } // namespace math
524 } // namespace boost
526 // This include must be at the end, *after* the accessors
527 // for this distribution have been defined, in order to
528 // keep compilers that support two-phase lookup happy.
529 #include <boost/math/distributions/detail/derived_accessors.hpp>
531 #if defined (BOOST_MSVC)
532 # pragma warning(pop)
533 #endif