]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/src/boost/libs/math/test/daubechies_scaling_test.cpp
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[ceph.git] / ceph / src / boost / libs / math / test / daubechies_scaling_test.cpp
1 /*
2 * Copyright Nick Thompson, John Maddock 2020
3 * Use, modification and distribution are subject to the
4 * Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file
5 * LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
6 */
8 #include "math_unit_test.hpp"
9 #include <numeric>
10 #include <utility>
11 #include <iomanip>
12 #include <iostream>
13 #include <random>
14 #include <boost/assert.hpp>
15 #include <boost/core/demangle.hpp>
16 #include <boost/hana/for_each.hpp>
17 #include <boost/hana/ext/std/integer_sequence.hpp>
18 #include <boost/math/tools/condition_numbers.hpp>
19 #include <boost/math/special_functions/daubechies_scaling.hpp>
20 #include <boost/math/filters/daubechies.hpp>
21 #include <boost/math/special_functions/detail/daubechies_scaling_integer_grid.hpp>
22 #include <boost/math/quadrature/trapezoidal.hpp>
23 #include <boost/math/special_functions/next.hpp>
25 #ifdef BOOST_HAS_FLOAT128
26 #include <boost/multiprecision/float128.hpp>
27 using boost::multiprecision::float128;
28 #endif
30 using std::sqrt;
31 // Mallat, Theorem 7.4, characterization number 3:
32 // A conjugate mirror filter has p vanishing moments iff h^{(n)}(pi) = 0 for 0 <= n < p.
33 template<class Real, unsigned p>
34 void test_daubechies_filters()
35 {
36 std::cout << "Testing Daubechies filters with " << p << " vanishing moments on type " << boost::core::demangle(typeid(Real).name()) << "\n";
37 Real tol = 3*std::numeric_limits<Real>::epsilon();
38 using boost::math::filters::daubechies_scaling_filter;
39 using boost::math::filters::daubechies_wavelet_filter;
41 auto h = daubechies_scaling_filter<Real, p>();
42 auto g = daubechies_wavelet_filter<Real, p>();
44 auto inner = std::inner_product(h.begin(), h.end(), g.begin(), Real(0));
45 CHECK_MOLLIFIED_CLOSE(0, inner, tol);
47 // This is implied by Fourier transform of the two-scale dilatation equation;
48 // If this doesn't hold, the infinite product for m_0 diverges.
49 Real H0 = 0;
50 for (size_t j = 0; j < h.size(); ++j)
51 {
52 H0 += h[j];
53 }
54 CHECK_MOLLIFIED_CLOSE(sqrt(static_cast<Real>(2)), H0, tol);
56 // This is implied if we choose the scaling function to be an orthonormal basis of V0.
57 Real scaling = 0;
58 for (size_t j = 0; j < h.size(); ++j) {
59 scaling += h[j]*h[j];
60 }
61 CHECK_MOLLIFIED_CLOSE(1, scaling, tol);
63 using std::pow;
64 // Daubechies wavelet of order p has p vanishing moments.
65 // Unfortunately, the condition number of the sum is infinite.
66 // Hence we must scale the tolerance by the summation condition number to ensure that we don't get spurious test failures.
67 for (size_t k = 1; k < p && k < 9; ++k)
68 {
69 Real hk = 0;
70 Real abs_hk = 0;
71 for (size_t n = 0; n < h.size(); ++n)
72 {
73 Real t = static_cast<Real>(pow(n, k)*h[n]);
74 if (n & 1)
75 {
76 hk -= t;
77 }
78 else
79 {
80 hk += t;
81 }
82 abs_hk += abs(t);
83 }
84 // Multiply the tolerance by the condition number:
85 Real cond = abs(hk) > 0 ? abs_hk/abs(hk) : 1/std::numeric_limits<Real>::epsilon();
86 if (!CHECK_MOLLIFIED_CLOSE(0, hk, 2*cond*tol))
87 {
88 std::cerr << " The " << k << "th moment of the p = " << p << " filter did not vanish\n";
89 std::cerr << " Condition number = " << abs_hk/abs(hk) << "\n";
90 }
91 }
93 // For the scaling function to be orthonormal to its integer translates,
94 // sum h_k h_{k-2l} = \delta_{0,l}.
95 // See Theoretical Numerical Analysis, Atkinson, Exercise 4.5.2.
96 // This is the last condition we could test to ensure that the filters are correct,
97 // but I'm not gonna bother because it's painful!
98 }
100 // Test that the filters agree with Daubechies, Ten Lenctures on Wavelets, Table 6.1:
101 void test_agreement_with_ten_lectures()
102 {
103 std::cout << "Testing agreement with Ten Lectures\n";
104 std::array<double, 4> h2 = {0.4829629131445341, 0.8365163037378077, 0.2241438680420134, -0.1294095225512603};
105 auto h2_ = boost::math::filters::daubechies_scaling_filter<double, 2>();
106 for (size_t i = 0; i < h2.size(); ++i)
107 {
108 CHECK_ULP_CLOSE(h2[i], h2_[i], 3);
109 }
111 std::array<double, 6> h3 = {0.3326705529500825, 0.8068915093110924, 0.4598775021184914, -0.1350110200102546, -0.0854412738820267, 0.0352262918857095};
112 auto h3_ = boost::math::filters::daubechies_scaling_filter<double, 3>();
113 for (size_t i = 0; i < h3.size(); ++i)
114 {
115 CHECK_ULP_CLOSE(h3[i], h3_[i], 5);
116 }
118 std::array<double, 8> h4 = {0.2303778133088964, 0.7148465705529154, 0.6308807679298587, -0.0279837694168599, -0.1870348117190931, 0.0308413818355607, 0.0328830116668852 , -0.010597401785069};
119 auto h4_ = boost::math::filters::daubechies_scaling_filter<double, 4>();
120 for (size_t i = 0; i < h4.size(); ++i)
121 {
122 if(!CHECK_ULP_CLOSE(h4[i], h4_[i], 18))
123 {
124 std::cerr << " Index " << i << " incorrect.\n";
125 }
126 }
128 }
130 template<class Real1, class Real2, size_t p>
131 void test_filter_ulp_distance()
132 {
133 std::cout << "Testing filters ULP distance between types "
134 << boost::core::demangle(typeid(Real1).name()) << "and"
135 << boost::core::demangle(typeid(Real2).name()) << "\n";
136 using boost::math::filters::daubechies_scaling_filter;
137 auto h1 = daubechies_scaling_filter<Real1, p>();
138 auto h2 = daubechies_scaling_filter<Real2, p>();
140 for (size_t i = 0; i < h1.size(); ++i)
141 {
142 if(!CHECK_ULP_CLOSE(h1[i], h2[i], 0))
143 {
144 std::cerr << " Index " << i << " at order " << p << " failed tolerance check\n";
145 }
146 }
147 }
150 template<class Real, unsigned p, unsigned order>
151 void test_integer_grid()
152 {
153 std::cout << "Testing integer grid with " << p << " vanishing moments and " << order << " derivative on type " << boost::core::demangle(typeid(Real).name()) << "\n";
154 using boost::math::detail::daubechies_scaling_integer_grid;
155 using boost::math::tools::summation_condition_number;
156 Real unit_roundoff = std::numeric_limits<Real>::epsilon()/2;
157 auto grid = daubechies_scaling_integer_grid<Real, p, order>();
159 if constexpr (order == 0)
160 {
161 auto cond = summation_condition_number<Real>(0);
162 for (auto & x : grid)
163 {
164 cond += x;
165 }
166 CHECK_MOLLIFIED_CLOSE(1, cond.sum(), 6*cond.l1_norm()*unit_roundoff);
167 }
169 if constexpr (order == 1)
170 {
171 auto cond = summation_condition_number<Real>(0);
172 for (size_t i = 0; i < grid.size(); ++i) {
173 cond += i*grid[i];
174 }
175 CHECK_MOLLIFIED_CLOSE(Real(-1), cond.sum(), 2*cond.l1_norm()*unit_roundoff);
177 // Differentiate \sum_{k} \phi(x-k) = 1 to get this:
178 cond = summation_condition_number<Real>(0);
179 for (size_t i = 0; i < grid.size(); ++i) {
180 cond += grid[i];
181 }
182 CHECK_MOLLIFIED_CLOSE(Real(0), cond.sum(), 2*cond.l1_norm()*unit_roundoff);
183 }
185 if constexpr (order == 2)
186 {
187 auto cond = summation_condition_number<Real>(0);
188 for (size_t i = 0; i < grid.size(); ++i)
189 {
190 cond += i*i*grid[i];
191 }
192 CHECK_MOLLIFIED_CLOSE(Real(2), cond.sum(), 2*cond.l1_norm()*unit_roundoff);
194 // Differentiate \sum_{k} \phi(x-k) = 1 to get this:
195 cond = summation_condition_number<Real>(0);
196 for (size_t i = 0; i < grid.size(); ++i)
197 {
198 cond += grid[i];
199 }
200 CHECK_MOLLIFIED_CLOSE(Real(0), cond.sum(), 2*cond.l1_norm()*unit_roundoff);
201 }
203 if constexpr (order == 3)
204 {
205 auto cond = summation_condition_number<Real>(0);
206 for (size_t i = 0; i < grid.size(); ++i)
207 {
208 cond += i*i*i*grid[i];
209 }
210 CHECK_MOLLIFIED_CLOSE(Real(-6), cond.sum(), 2*cond.l1_norm()*unit_roundoff);
212 // Differentiate \sum_{k} \phi(x-k) = 1 to get this:
213 cond = summation_condition_number<Real>(0);
214 for (size_t i = 0; i < grid.size(); ++i)
215 {
216 cond += grid[i];
217 }
218 CHECK_MOLLIFIED_CLOSE(Real(0), cond.sum(), 2*cond.l1_norm()*unit_roundoff);
219 }
221 if constexpr (order == 4)
222 {
223 auto cond = summation_condition_number<Real>(0);
224 for (size_t i = 0; i < grid.size(); ++i)
225 {
226 cond += i*i*i*i*grid[i];
227 }
228 CHECK_MOLLIFIED_CLOSE(24, cond.sum(), 2*cond.l1_norm()*unit_roundoff);
230 // Differentiate \sum_{k} \phi(x-k) = 1 to get this:
231 cond = summation_condition_number<Real>(0);
232 for (size_t i = 0; i < grid.size(); ++i)
233 {
234 cond += grid[i];
235 }
236 CHECK_MOLLIFIED_CLOSE(Real(0), cond.sum(), 2*cond.l1_norm()*unit_roundoff);
237 }
238 }
240 template<class Real>
241 void test_dyadic_grid()
242 {
243 std::cout << "Testing dyadic grid on type " << boost::core::demangle(typeid(Real).name()) << "\n";
244 auto f = [&](auto i)
245 {
246 auto phijk = boost::math::daubechies_scaling_dyadic_grid<Real, i+2, 0>(0);
247 auto phik = boost::math::detail::daubechies_scaling_integer_grid<Real, i+2, 0>();
248 BOOST_ASSERT(phik.size() == phijk.size());
250 for (size_t k = 0; k < phik.size(); ++k)
251 {
252 CHECK_ULP_CLOSE(phik[k], phijk[k], 0);
253 }
255 for (uint64_t j = 1; j < 10; ++j)
256 {
257 phijk = boost::math::daubechies_scaling_dyadic_grid<Real, i+2, 0>(j);
258 phik = boost::math::detail::daubechies_scaling_integer_grid<Real, i+2, 0>();
259 for (uint64_t l = 0; l < static_cast<uint64_t>(phik.size()); ++l)
260 {
261 CHECK_ULP_CLOSE(phik[l], phijk[l*(uint64_t(1)<<j)], 0);
262 }
264 // This test is from Daubechies, Ten Lectures on Wavelets, Ch 7 "More About Compactly Supported Wavelets",
265 // page 245: \forall y \in \mathbb{R}, \sum_{n \in \mathbb{Z}} \phi(y+n) = 1
266 for (size_t k = 1; k < j; ++k)
267 {
268 auto cond = boost::math::tools::summation_condition_number<Real>(0);
269 for (uint64_t l = 0; l < static_cast<uint64_t>(phik.size()); ++l)
270 {
271 uint64_t idx = l*(uint64_t(1)<<j) + k;
272 if (idx < phijk.size())
273 {
274 cond += phijk[idx];
275 }
276 }
277 CHECK_MOLLIFIED_CLOSE(Real(1), cond.sum(), 10*cond()*std::numeric_limits<Real>::epsilon());
278 }
279 }
280 };
282 boost::hana::for_each(std::make_index_sequence<18>(), f);
283 }
286 // Taken from Lin, 2005, doi:10.1016/j.amc.2004.12.038,
287 // "Direct algorithm for computation of derivatives of the Daubechies basis functions"
288 void test_first_derivative()
289 {
290 auto phi1_3 = boost::math::detail::daubechies_scaling_integer_grid<long double, 3, 1>();
291 std::array<long double, 6> lin_3{0.0L, 1.638452340884085725014976L, -2.232758190463137395017742L,
292 0.5501593582740176149905562L, 0.04414649130503405501220997L, 0.0L};
293 for (size_t i = 0; i < lin_3.size(); ++i)
294 {
295 if(!CHECK_ULP_CLOSE(lin_3[i], phi1_3[i], 0))
296 {
297 std::cerr << " Index " << i << " is incorrect\n";
298 }
299 }
301 auto phi1_4 = boost::math::detail::daubechies_scaling_integer_grid<long double, 4, 1>();
302 std::array<long double, 8> lin_4 = {0.0L, 1.776072007522184640093776L, -2.785349397229543142492785L, 1.192452536632278174347632L,
303 -0.1313745151846729587935189L, -0.05357102822023923595359996L,0.001770396479992522798495351L, 0.0L};
305 for (size_t i = 0; i < lin_4.size(); ++i)
306 {
307 if(!CHECK_ULP_CLOSE(lin_4[i], phi1_4[i], 0))
308 {
309 std::cerr << " Index " << i << " is incorrect\n";
310 }
311 }
313 std::array<long double, 10> lin_5 = {0.0L, 1.558326313047001366564379L, -2.436012783189551921436896L, 1.235905129801454293947039L, -0.3674377136938866359947561L,
314 -0.02178035117564654658884556L,0.03234719350814368885815854L,-0.001335619912770701035229331L,-0.00001216838474354431384970525L,0.0L};
315 auto phi1_5 = boost::math::detail::daubechies_scaling_integer_grid<long double, 5, 1>();
316 for (size_t i = 0; i < lin_5.size(); ++i)
317 {
318 if(!CHECK_ULP_CLOSE(lin_5[i], phi1_5[i], 0))
319 {
320 std::cerr << " Index " << i << " is incorrect\n";
321 }
322 }
323 }
325 template<typename Real, int p>
326 void test_quadratures()
327 {
328 std::cout << "Testing " << p << " vanishing moment scaling function quadratures on type " << boost::core::demangle(typeid(Real).name()) << "\n";
329 using boost::math::quadrature::trapezoidal;
330 if constexpr (p == 2)
331 {
332 // 2phi is truly bizarre, because two successive trapezoidal estimates are always bitwise equal,
333 // whereas the third is way different. I don' t think that's a reasonable thing to optimize for,
334 // so one-off it is.
335 Real h = Real(1)/Real(256);
336 auto phi = boost::math::daubechies_scaling<Real, p>();
337 std::cout << "Scaling functor size is " << phi.bytes() << " bytes" << std::endl;
338 Real t = 0;
339 Real Q = 0;
340 while (t < 3) {
341 Q += phi(t);
342 t += h;
343 }
344 Q *= h;
345 CHECK_ULP_CLOSE(Real(1), Q, 32);
347 auto [a, b] = phi.support();
348 // Now hit the boundary. Much can go wrong here; this just tests for segfaults:
349 int samples = 500;
350 Real xlo = a;
351 Real xhi = b;
352 for (int i = 0; i < samples; ++i)
353 {
354 CHECK_ULP_CLOSE(Real(0), phi(xlo), 0);
355 CHECK_ULP_CLOSE(Real(0), phi(xhi), 0);
356 xlo = std::nextafter(xlo, std::numeric_limits<Real>::lowest());
357 xhi = std::nextafter(xhi, (std::numeric_limits<Real>::max)());
358 }
360 xlo = a;
361 xhi = b;
362 for (int i = 0; i < samples; ++i) {
363 BOOST_ASSERT(abs(phi(xlo)) <= 5);
364 BOOST_ASSERT(abs(phi(xhi)) <= 5);
365 xlo = std::nextafter(xlo, (std::numeric_limits<Real>::max)());
366 xhi = std::nextafter(xhi, std::numeric_limits<Real>::lowest());
367 }
369 return;
370 }
371 else if constexpr (p > 2)
372 {
373 auto phi = boost::math::daubechies_scaling<Real, p>();
374 std::cout << "Scaling functor size is " << phi.bytes() << " bytes" << std::endl;
376 Real tol = std::numeric_limits<Real>::epsilon();
377 Real error_estimate = std::numeric_limits<Real>::quiet_NaN();
378 Real L1 = std::numeric_limits<Real>::quiet_NaN();
379 auto [a, b] = phi.support();
380 Real Q = trapezoidal(phi, a, b, tol, 15, &error_estimate, &L1);
381 if (!CHECK_MOLLIFIED_CLOSE(Real(1), Q, Real(0.0001)))
382 {
383 std::cerr << " Quadrature of " << p << " vanishing moment scaling function is not equal 1.\n";
384 std::cerr << " Error estimate is " << error_estimate << ", L1 norm is " << L1 << "\n";
385 }
387 auto phi_sq = [phi](Real x) { Real t = phi(x); return t*t; };
388 Q = trapezoidal(phi, a, b, tol, 15, &error_estimate, &L1);
389 if (!CHECK_MOLLIFIED_CLOSE(Real(1), Q, 20*std::sqrt(std::numeric_limits<Real>::epsilon())/(p*p)))
390 {
391 std::cerr << " L2 norm of " << p << " vanishing moment scaling function is not equal 1.\n";
392 std::cerr << " Error estimate is " << error_estimate << ", L1 norm is " << L1 << "\n";
393 }
395 std::random_device rd;
396 Real t = static_cast<Real>(rd())/static_cast<Real>((rd.max)());
397 Real S = phi(t);
398 Real dS = phi.prime(t);
399 while (t < b)
400 {
401 t += 1;
402 S += phi(t);
403 dS += phi.prime(t);
404 }
406 if(!CHECK_ULP_CLOSE(Real(1), S, 64))
407 {
408 std::cerr << " Normalizing sum for " << p << " vanishing moment scaling function is incorrect.\n";
409 }
411 // The p = 3, 4 convergence rate is very slow, making this produce false positives:
412 if constexpr(p > 4)
413 {
414 if(!CHECK_MOLLIFIED_CLOSE(Real(0), dS, 100*std::sqrt(std::numeric_limits<Real>::epsilon())))
415 {
416 std::cerr << " Derivative of normalizing sum for " << p << " vanishing moment scaling function doesn't vanish.\n";
417 }
418 }
420 // Test boundary for segfaults:
421 int samples = 500;
422 Real xlo = a;
423 Real xhi = b;
424 for (int i = 0; i < samples; ++i)
425 {
426 CHECK_ULP_CLOSE(Real(0), phi(xlo), 0);
427 CHECK_ULP_CLOSE(Real(0), phi(xhi), 0);
428 if constexpr (p > 2) {
429 BOOST_ASSERT(abs(phi.prime(xlo)) <= 5);
430 BOOST_ASSERT(abs(phi.prime(xhi)) <= 5);
431 if constexpr (p > 5) {
432 BOOST_ASSERT(abs(phi.double_prime(xlo)) <= 5);
433 BOOST_ASSERT(abs(phi.double_prime(xhi)) <= 5);
434 }
435 }
436 xlo = std::nextafter(xlo, std::numeric_limits<Real>::lowest());
437 xhi = std::nextafter(xhi, (std::numeric_limits<Real>::max)());
438 }
440 xlo = a;
441 xhi = b;
442 for (int i = 0; i < samples; ++i) {
443 BOOST_ASSERT(abs(phi(xlo)) <= 5);
444 BOOST_ASSERT(abs(phi(xhi)) <= 5);
445 xlo = std::nextafter(xlo, (std::numeric_limits<Real>::max)());
446 xhi = std::nextafter(xhi, std::numeric_limits<Real>::lowest());
447 }
448 }
449 }
451 int main()
452 {
453 #ifndef __MINGW32__
454 boost::hana::for_each(std::make_index_sequence<18>(), [&](auto i){
455 test_quadratures<float, i+2>();
456 test_quadratures<double, i+2>();
457 });
459 test_agreement_with_ten_lectures();
461 boost::hana::for_each(std::make_index_sequence<19>(), [&](auto i){
462 test_daubechies_filters<float, i+1>();
463 test_daubechies_filters<double, i+1>();
464 test_daubechies_filters<long double, i+1>();
465 });
467 test_first_derivative();
469 // All scaling functions have a first derivative.
470 boost::hana::for_each(std::make_index_sequence<18>(), [&](auto idx){
471 test_integer_grid<float, idx+2, 0>();
472 test_integer_grid<float, idx+2, 1>();
473 test_integer_grid<double, idx+2, 0>();
474 test_integer_grid<double, idx+2, 1>();
475 test_integer_grid<long double, idx+2, 0>();
476 test_integer_grid<long double, idx+2, 1>();
477 #ifdef BOOST_HAS_FLOAT128
478 test_integer_grid<float128, idx+2, 0>();
479 test_integer_grid<float128, idx+2, 1>();
480 #endif
481 });
483 // 4-tap (2 vanishing moment) scaling function does not have a second derivative;
484 // all other scaling functions do.
485 boost::hana::for_each(std::make_index_sequence<17>(), [&](auto idx){
486 test_integer_grid<float, idx+3, 2>();
487 test_integer_grid<double, idx+3, 2>();
488 test_integer_grid<long double, idx+3, 2>();
489 #ifdef BOOST_HAS_FLOAT128
490 test_integer_grid<boost::multiprecision::float128, idx+3, 2>();
491 #endif
492 });
494 // 8-tap filter (4 vanishing moments) is the first to have a third derivative.
495 boost::hana::for_each(std::make_index_sequence<16>(), [&](auto idx){
496 test_integer_grid<float, idx+4, 3>();
497 test_integer_grid<double, idx+4, 3>();
498 test_integer_grid<long double, idx+4, 3>();
499 #ifdef BOOST_HAS_FLOAT128
500 test_integer_grid<boost::multiprecision::float128, idx+4, 3>();
501 #endif
502 });
504 // 10-tap filter (5 vanishing moments) is the first to have a fourth derivative.
505 boost::hana::for_each(std::make_index_sequence<15>(), [&](auto idx){
506 test_integer_grid<float, idx+5, 4>();
507 test_integer_grid<double, idx+5, 4>();
508 test_integer_grid<long double, idx+5, 4>();
509 #ifdef BOOST_HAS_FLOAT128
510 test_integer_grid<boost::multiprecision::float128, idx+5, 4>();
511 #endif
512 });
514 test_dyadic_grid<float>();
515 test_dyadic_grid<double>();
516 test_dyadic_grid<long double>();
517 #ifdef BOOST_HAS_FLOAT128
518 test_dyadic_grid<float128>();
519 #endif
522 #ifdef BOOST_HAS_FLOAT128
523 boost::hana::for_each(std::make_index_sequence<19>(), [&](auto i){
524 test_filter_ulp_distance<float128, long double, i+1>();
525 test_filter_ulp_distance<float128, double, i+1>();
526 test_filter_ulp_distance<float128, float, i+1>();
527 });
529 boost::hana::for_each(std::make_index_sequence<19>(), [&](auto i){
530 test_daubechies_filters<float128, i+1>();
531 });
532 #endif
533 #endif // compiler guard for CI
534 return boost::math::test::report_errors();
535 }