]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/src/boost/libs/math/test/gauss_quadrature_test.cpp
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[ceph.git] / ceph / src / boost / libs / math / test / gauss_quadrature_test.cpp
1 // Copyright Nick Thompson, 2017
2 // Use, modification and distribution are subject to the
3 // Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
4 // (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt
5 // or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
7 #define BOOST_TEST_MODULE tanh_sinh_quadrature_test
9 #include <complex>
10 //#include <boost/multiprecision/mpc.hpp>
11 #include <boost/config.hpp>
12 #include <boost/detail/workaround.hpp>
16 #include <boost/math/concepts/real_concept.hpp>
17 #include <boost/test/included/unit_test.hpp>
18 #include <boost/test/tools/floating_point_comparison.hpp>
19 #include <boost/math/quadrature/gauss.hpp>
20 #include <boost/math/special_functions/sinc.hpp>
21 #include <boost/math/tools/test_value.hpp>
22 #include <boost/multiprecision/cpp_bin_float.hpp>
23 #include <boost/multiprecision/cpp_complex.hpp>
25 #ifdef BOOST_HAS_FLOAT128
26 #include <boost/multiprecision/complex128.hpp>
27 #endif
29 #ifdef _MSC_VER
30 #pragma warning(disable:4127) // Conditional expression is constant
31 #endif
33 #if !defined(TEST1) && !defined(TEST2) && !defined(TEST3)
34 # define TEST1
35 # define TEST2
36 # define TEST3
37 #endif
39 using std::expm1;
40 using std::atan;
41 using std::tan;
42 using std::log;
43 using std::log1p;
44 using std::asinh;
45 using std::atanh;
46 using std::sqrt;
47 using std::isnormal;
48 using std::abs;
49 using std::sinh;
50 using std::tanh;
51 using std::cosh;
52 using std::pow;
53 using std::exp;
54 using std::sin;
55 using std::cos;
56 using std::string;
57 using boost::math::quadrature::gauss;
58 using boost::math::constants::pi;
59 using boost::math::constants::half_pi;
60 using boost::math::constants::two_div_pi;
61 using boost::math::constants::two_pi;
62 using boost::math::constants::half;
63 using boost::math::constants::third;
64 using boost::math::constants::half;
65 using boost::math::constants::third;
66 using boost::math::constants::catalan;
67 using boost::math::constants::ln_two;
68 using boost::math::constants::root_two;
69 using boost::math::constants::root_two_pi;
70 using boost::math::constants::root_pi;
71 using boost::multiprecision::cpp_bin_float_quad;
73 //
74 // Error rates depend only on the number of points in the approximation, not the type being tested,
75 // define all our expected errors here:
76 //
78 enum
79 {
80 test_ca_error_id,
81 test_ca_error_id_2,
82 test_three_quad_error_id,
83 test_three_quad_error_id_2,
84 test_integration_over_real_line_error_id,
85 test_right_limit_infinite_error_id,
86 test_left_limit_infinite_error_id
87 };
89 template <unsigned Points>
90 double expected_error(unsigned)
91 {
92 return 0; // placeholder, all tests will fail
93 }
95 template <>
96 double expected_error<7>(unsigned id)
97 {
98 switch (id)
99 {
100 case test_ca_error_id:
101 return 1e-7;
102 case test_ca_error_id_2:
103 return 2e-5;
104 case test_three_quad_error_id:
105 return 1e-8;
106 case test_three_quad_error_id_2:
107 return 3.5e-3;
108 case test_integration_over_real_line_error_id:
109 return 6e-3;
110 case test_right_limit_infinite_error_id:
111 case test_left_limit_infinite_error_id:
112 return 1e-5;
113 }
114 return 0; // placeholder, all tests will fail
115 }
117 template <>
118 double expected_error<9>(unsigned id)
119 {
120 switch (id)
121 {
122 case test_ca_error_id:
123 return 1e-7;
124 case test_ca_error_id_2:
125 return 2e-5;
126 case test_three_quad_error_id:
127 return 1e-8;
128 case test_three_quad_error_id_2:
129 return 3.5e-3;
130 case test_integration_over_real_line_error_id:
131 return 6e-3;
132 case test_right_limit_infinite_error_id:
133 case test_left_limit_infinite_error_id:
134 return 1e-5;
135 }
136 return 0; // placeholder, all tests will fail
137 }
139 template <>
140 double expected_error<10>(unsigned id)
141 {
142 switch (id)
143 {
144 case test_ca_error_id:
145 return 1e-12;
146 case test_ca_error_id_2:
147 return 3e-6;
148 case test_three_quad_error_id:
149 return 2e-13;
150 case test_three_quad_error_id_2:
151 return 2e-3;
152 case test_integration_over_real_line_error_id:
153 return 6e-3; // doesn't get any better with more points!
154 case test_right_limit_infinite_error_id:
155 case test_left_limit_infinite_error_id:
156 return 5e-8;
157 }
158 return 0; // placeholder, all tests will fail
159 }
161 template <>
162 double expected_error<15>(unsigned id)
163 {
164 switch (id)
165 {
166 case test_ca_error_id:
167 return 6e-20;
168 case test_ca_error_id_2:
169 return 3e-7;
170 case test_three_quad_error_id:
171 return 1e-19;
172 case test_three_quad_error_id_2:
173 return 6e-4;
174 case test_integration_over_real_line_error_id:
175 return 6e-3; // doesn't get any better with more points!
176 case test_right_limit_infinite_error_id:
177 case test_left_limit_infinite_error_id:
178 return 5e-11;
179 }
180 return 0; // placeholder, all tests will fail
181 }
183 template <>
184 double expected_error<20>(unsigned id)
185 {
186 switch (id)
187 {
188 case test_ca_error_id:
189 return 1e-26;
190 case test_ca_error_id_2:
191 return 1e-7;
192 case test_three_quad_error_id:
193 return 3e-27;
194 case test_three_quad_error_id_2:
195 return 3e-4;
196 case test_integration_over_real_line_error_id:
197 return 5e-5; // doesn't get any better with more points!
198 case test_right_limit_infinite_error_id:
199 case test_left_limit_infinite_error_id:
200 return 1e-15;
201 }
202 return 0; // placeholder, all tests will fail
203 }
205 template <>
206 double expected_error<25>(unsigned id)
207 {
208 switch (id)
209 {
210 case test_ca_error_id:
211 return 5e-33;
212 case test_ca_error_id_2:
213 return 1e-8;
214 case test_three_quad_error_id:
215 return 1e-32;
216 case test_three_quad_error_id_2:
217 return 3e-4;
218 case test_integration_over_real_line_error_id:
219 return 1e-14;
220 case test_right_limit_infinite_error_id:
221 case test_left_limit_infinite_error_id:
222 return 3e-19;
223 }
224 return 0; // placeholder, all tests will fail
225 }
227 template <>
228 double expected_error<30>(unsigned id)
229 {
230 switch (id)
231 {
232 case test_ca_error_id:
233 return 2e-34;
234 case test_ca_error_id_2:
235 return 5e-9;
236 case test_three_quad_error_id:
237 return 4e-34;
238 case test_three_quad_error_id_2:
239 return 1e-4;
240 case test_integration_over_real_line_error_id:
241 return 1e-16;
242 case test_right_limit_infinite_error_id:
243 case test_left_limit_infinite_error_id:
244 return 3e-23;
245 }
246 return 0; // placeholder, all tests will fail
247 }
250 template<class Real, unsigned Points>
251 void test_linear()
252 {
253 std::cout << "Testing linear functions are integrated properly by gauss on type " << boost::typeindex::type_id<Real>().pretty_name() << "\n";
254 Real tol = boost::math::tools::epsilon<Real>() * 10;
255 auto f = [](const Real& x)
256 {
257 return 5*x + 7;
258 };
259 Real L1;
260 Real Q = gauss<Real, Points>::integrate(f, (Real) 0, (Real) 1, &L1);
263 Q = gauss<Real, Points>::integrate(f, (Real) 0, (Real) 0, &L1);
264 BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(Q, 0, tol);
265 Q = gauss<Real, Points>::integrate(f, (Real) 1, (Real) 0, &L1);
267 }
269 template<class Real, unsigned Points>
270 void test_quadratic()
271 {
272 std::cout << "Testing quadratic functions are integrated properly by Gaussian quadrature on type " << boost::typeindex::type_id<Real>().pretty_name() << "\n";
273 Real tol = boost::math::tools::epsilon<Real>() * 10;
275 auto f = [](const Real& x) { return 5*x*x + 7*x + 12; };
276 Real L1;
277 Real Q = gauss<Real, Points>::integrate(f, 0, 1, &L1);
278 BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_FRACTION(Q, (Real) 17 + half<Real>()*third<Real>(), tol);
279 BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_FRACTION(L1, (Real) 17 + half<Real>()*third<Real>(), tol);
280 }
282 // Examples taken from
283 //http://crd-legacy.lbl.gov/~dhbailey/dhbpapers/quadrature.pdf
284 template<class Real, unsigned Points>
285 void test_ca()
286 {
287 std::cout << "Testing integration of C(a) on type " << boost::typeindex::type_id<Real>().pretty_name() << "\n";
288 Real tol = expected_error<Points>(test_ca_error_id);
289 Real L1;
291 auto f1 = [](const Real& x) { return atan(x)/(x*(x*x + 1)) ; };
292 Real Q = gauss<Real, Points>::integrate(f1, 0, 1, &L1);
293 Real Q_expected = pi<Real>()*ln_two<Real>()/8 + catalan<Real>()*half<Real>();
294 BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_FRACTION(Q, Q_expected, tol);
295 BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_FRACTION(L1, Q_expected, tol);
297 auto f2 = [](Real x)->Real { Real t0 = x*x + 1; Real t1 = sqrt(t0); return atan(t1)/(t0*t1); };
298 Q = gauss<Real, Points>::integrate(f2, 0 , 1, &L1);
299 Q_expected = pi<Real>()/4 - pi<Real>()/root_two<Real>() + 3*atan(root_two<Real>())/root_two<Real>();
300 BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_FRACTION(Q, Q_expected, tol);
301 BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_FRACTION(L1, Q_expected, tol);
303 tol = expected_error<Points>(test_ca_error_id_2);
304 auto f5 = [](Real t)->Real { return t*t*log(t)/((t*t - 1)*(t*t*t*t + 1)); };
305 Q = gauss<Real, Points>::integrate(f5, 0 , 1);
306 Q_expected = pi<Real>()*pi<Real>()*(2 - root_two<Real>())/32;
307 BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_FRACTION(Q, Q_expected, tol);
308 }
310 template<class Real, unsigned Points>
311 void test_three_quadrature_schemes_examples()
312 {
313 std::cout << "Testing integral in 'A Comparison of Three High Precision Quadrature Schemes' on type " << boost::typeindex::type_id<Real>().pretty_name() << "\n";
314 Real tol = expected_error<Points>(test_three_quad_error_id);
315 Real Q;
316 Real Q_expected;
318 // Example 1:
319 auto f1 = [](const Real& t) { return t*boost::math::log1p(t); };
320 Q = gauss<Real, Points>::integrate(f1, 0 , 1);
321 Q_expected = half<Real>()*half<Real>();
322 BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_FRACTION(Q, Q_expected, tol);
325 // Example 2:
326 auto f2 = [](const Real& t) { return t*t*atan(t); };
327 Q = gauss<Real, Points>::integrate(f2, 0 , 1);
328 Q_expected = (pi<Real>() -2 + 2*ln_two<Real>())/12;
329 BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_FRACTION(Q, Q_expected, 2 * tol);
331 // Example 3:
332 auto f3 = [](const Real& t) { return exp(t)*cos(t); };
333 Q = gauss<Real, Points>::integrate(f3, 0, half_pi<Real>());
334 Q_expected = boost::math::expm1(half_pi<Real>())*half<Real>();
335 BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_FRACTION(Q, Q_expected, tol);
337 // Example 4:
338 auto f4 = [](Real x)->Real { Real t0 = sqrt(x*x + 2); return atan(t0)/(t0*(x*x+1)); };
339 Q = gauss<Real, Points>::integrate(f4, 0 , 1);
340 Q_expected = 5*pi<Real>()*pi<Real>()/96;
341 BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_FRACTION(Q, Q_expected, tol);
343 tol = expected_error<Points>(test_three_quad_error_id_2);
344 // Example 5:
345 auto f5 = [](const Real& t) { return sqrt(t)*log(t); };
346 Q = gauss<Real, Points>::integrate(f5, 0 , 1);
347 Q_expected = -4/ (Real) 9;
348 BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_FRACTION(Q, Q_expected, tol);
350 // Example 6:
351 auto f6 = [](const Real& t) { return sqrt(1 - t*t); };
352 Q = gauss<Real, Points>::integrate(f6, 0 , 1);
353 Q_expected = pi<Real>()/4;
354 BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_FRACTION(Q, Q_expected, tol);
355 }
358 template<class Real, unsigned Points>
359 void test_integration_over_real_line()
360 {
361 std::cout << "Testing integrals over entire real line in 'A Comparison of Three High Precision Quadrature Schemes' on type " << boost::typeindex::type_id<Real>().pretty_name() << "\n";
362 Real tol = expected_error<Points>(test_integration_over_real_line_error_id);
363 Real Q;
364 Real Q_expected;
365 Real L1;
367 auto f1 = [](const Real& t) { return 1/(1+t*t);};
368 Q = gauss<Real, Points>::integrate(f1, -boost::math::tools::max_value<Real>(), boost::math::tools::max_value<Real>(), &L1);
369 Q_expected = pi<Real>();
370 BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_FRACTION(Q, Q_expected, tol);
371 BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_FRACTION(L1, Q_expected, tol);
372 }
374 template<class Real, unsigned Points>
375 void test_right_limit_infinite()
376 {
377 std::cout << "Testing right limit infinite for Gaussian quadrature in 'A Comparison of Three High Precision Quadrature Schemes' on type " << boost::typeindex::type_id<Real>().pretty_name() << "\n";
378 Real tol = expected_error<Points>(test_right_limit_infinite_error_id);
379 Real Q;
380 Real Q_expected;
381 Real L1;
383 // Example 11:
384 auto f1 = [](const Real& t) { return 1/(1+t*t);};
385 Q = gauss<Real, Points>::integrate(f1, 0, boost::math::tools::max_value<Real>(), &L1);
386 Q_expected = half_pi<Real>();
387 BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(Q, Q_expected, 100*tol);
389 auto f4 = [](const Real& t) { return 1/(1+t*t); };
390 Q = gauss<Real, Points>::integrate(f4, 1, boost::math::tools::max_value<Real>(), &L1);
391 Q_expected = pi<Real>()/4;
392 BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(Q, Q_expected, 100*tol);
393 }
395 template<class Real, unsigned Points>
396 void test_left_limit_infinite()
397 {
398 std::cout << "Testing left limit infinite for Gaussian quadrature in 'A Comparison of Three High Precision Quadrature Schemes' on type " << boost::typeindex::type_id<Real>().pretty_name() << "\n";
399 Real tol = expected_error<Points>(test_left_limit_infinite_error_id);
400 Real Q;
401 Real Q_expected;
403 // Example 11:
404 auto f1 = [](const Real& t) { return 1/(1+t*t);};
405 Q = gauss<Real, Points>::integrate(f1, -boost::math::tools::max_value<Real>(), Real(0));
406 Q_expected = half_pi<Real>();
407 BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(Q, Q_expected, 100*tol);
408 }
410 template<class Complex>
411 void test_complex_lambert_w()
412 {
413 std::cout << "Testing that complex-valued integrands are integrated correctly by Gaussian quadrature on type " << boost::typeindex::type_id<Complex>().pretty_name() << "\n";
414 typedef typename Complex::value_type Real;
415 Real tol = 10e-9;
416 using boost::math::constants::pi;
417 Complex z{2, 3};
418 auto lw = [&z](Real v)->Complex {
419 using std::cos;
420 using std::sin;
421 using std::exp;
422 Real sinv = sin(v);
423 Real cosv = cos(v);
425 Real cotv = cosv/sinv;
426 Real cscv = 1/sinv;
427 Real t = (1-v*cotv)*(1-v*cotv) + v*v;
428 Real x = v*cscv*exp(-v*cotv);
429 Complex den = z + x;
430 Complex num = t*(z/pi<Real>());
431 Complex res = num/den;
432 return res;
433 };
435 //N[ProductLog[2+3*I], 150]
437 Complex Q = gauss<Real, 30>::integrate(lw, (Real) 0, pi<Real>());
438 BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_FRACTION(Q.real(), BOOST_MATH_TEST_VALUE(Real, 1.0900765344857908463017778267816696498710210863535777805644), tol);
439 BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_FRACTION(Q.imag(), BOOST_MATH_TEST_VALUE(Real, 0.5301397207748388014268602135741217419287056313827031782979), tol);
440 #endif
441 }
443 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(gauss_quadrature_test)
444 {
446 #ifdef TEST1
447 test_linear<double, 7>();
448 test_quadratic<double, 7>();
449 test_ca<double, 7>();
450 test_three_quadrature_schemes_examples<double, 7>();
451 test_integration_over_real_line<double, 7>();
452 test_right_limit_infinite<double, 7>();
453 test_left_limit_infinite<double, 7>();
455 test_linear<double, 9>();
456 test_quadratic<double, 9>();
457 test_ca<double, 9>();
458 test_three_quadrature_schemes_examples<double, 9>();
459 test_integration_over_real_line<double, 9>();
460 test_right_limit_infinite<double, 9>();
461 test_left_limit_infinite<double, 9>();
463 test_linear<cpp_bin_float_quad, 10>();
464 test_quadratic<cpp_bin_float_quad, 10>();
465 test_ca<cpp_bin_float_quad, 10>();
466 test_three_quadrature_schemes_examples<cpp_bin_float_quad, 10>();
467 test_integration_over_real_line<cpp_bin_float_quad, 10>();
468 test_right_limit_infinite<cpp_bin_float_quad, 10>();
469 test_left_limit_infinite<cpp_bin_float_quad, 10>();
470 #endif
471 #ifdef TEST2
472 test_linear<cpp_bin_float_quad, 15>();
473 test_quadratic<cpp_bin_float_quad, 15>();
474 test_ca<cpp_bin_float_quad, 15>();
475 test_three_quadrature_schemes_examples<cpp_bin_float_quad, 15>();
476 test_integration_over_real_line<cpp_bin_float_quad, 15>();
477 test_right_limit_infinite<cpp_bin_float_quad, 15>();
478 test_left_limit_infinite<cpp_bin_float_quad, 15>();
480 test_linear<cpp_bin_float_quad, 20>();
481 test_quadratic<cpp_bin_float_quad, 20>();
482 test_ca<cpp_bin_float_quad, 20>();
483 test_three_quadrature_schemes_examples<cpp_bin_float_quad, 20>();
484 test_integration_over_real_line<cpp_bin_float_quad, 20>();
485 test_right_limit_infinite<cpp_bin_float_quad, 20>();
486 test_left_limit_infinite<cpp_bin_float_quad, 20>();
488 test_linear<cpp_bin_float_quad, 25>();
489 test_quadratic<cpp_bin_float_quad, 25>();
490 test_ca<cpp_bin_float_quad, 25>();
491 test_three_quadrature_schemes_examples<cpp_bin_float_quad, 25>();
492 test_integration_over_real_line<cpp_bin_float_quad, 25>();
493 test_right_limit_infinite<cpp_bin_float_quad, 25>();
494 test_left_limit_infinite<cpp_bin_float_quad, 25>();
496 test_linear<cpp_bin_float_quad, 30>();
497 test_quadratic<cpp_bin_float_quad, 30>();
498 test_ca<cpp_bin_float_quad, 30>();
499 test_three_quadrature_schemes_examples<cpp_bin_float_quad, 30>();
500 test_integration_over_real_line<cpp_bin_float_quad, 30>();
501 test_right_limit_infinite<cpp_bin_float_quad, 30>();
502 test_left_limit_infinite<cpp_bin_float_quad, 30>();
505 #endif
506 #ifdef TEST3
507 test_left_limit_infinite<cpp_bin_float_quad, 30>();
508 test_complex_lambert_w<std::complex<double>>();
509 test_complex_lambert_w<std::complex<long double>>();
510 #ifdef BOOST_HAS_FLOAT128
511 test_left_limit_infinite<boost::multiprecision::float128, 30>();
512 test_complex_lambert_w<boost::multiprecision::complex128>();
513 #endif
514 test_complex_lambert_w<boost::multiprecision::cpp_complex_quad>();
515 #endif
516 }
518 #else
520 int main() { return 0; }
522 #endif