]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/src/boost/libs/math/test/tanh_sinh_mpfr.cpp
import quincy beta 17.1.0
[ceph.git] / ceph / src / boost / libs / math / test / tanh_sinh_mpfr.cpp
1 // Copyright Nick Thompson, 2020
2 // Use, modification and distribution are subject to the
3 // Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
4 // (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt
5 // or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
6 #include "math_unit_test.hpp"
7 #include <boost/math/quadrature/tanh_sinh.hpp>
8 #include <boost/math/constants/constants.hpp>
9 #include <boost/multiprecision/mpfr.hpp>
11 using std::log;
12 using std::sin;
13 using std::abs;
14 using boost::math::quadrature::tanh_sinh;
15 using boost::multiprecision::mpfr_float;
16 using boost::math::constants::pi;
17 using boost::math::constants::zeta_three;
19 int main() {
20 using Real = mpfr_float;
21 int p = 100;
22 mpfr_float::default_precision(p);
23 auto f = [](Real x)->Real { return x*log(sin(x)); };
24 auto integrator = tanh_sinh<mpfr_float>();
25 Real Q = integrator.integrate(f, Real(0), pi<Real>()/2);
26 // Sanity check: NIntegrate[x*Log[Sin[x]],{x,0,Pi/2}] = -0.329236
27 Real expected = (7*zeta_three<Real>() - pi<Real>()*pi<Real>()*log(static_cast<Real>(4)))/16;
28 CHECK_ULP_CLOSE(expected, Q, 3);
29 return boost::math::test::report_errors();
30 }