]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/src/boost/libs/multiprecision/doc/multiprecision.qbk
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[ceph.git] / ceph / src / boost / libs / multiprecision / doc / multiprecision.qbk
1 [/
2 Copyright 2011, 2013 John Maddock.
3 Copyright 2013 Paul A. Bristow.
4 Copyright 2013 Christopher Kormanyos.
6 Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
7 (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
8 http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt).
9 ]
11 [library Boost.Multiprecision
12 [quickbook 1.7]
13 [copyright 2002-2013 John Maddock and Christopher Kormanyos]
14 [purpose Multiprecision Number library]
15 [license
16 Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
17 (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
18 [@http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt])
19 ]
20 [authors [Maddock, John], [Kormanyos, Christopher]]
21 [/last-revision $Date: 2011-07-08 18:51:46 +0100 (Fri, 08 Jul 2011) $]
22 ]
24 [import html4_symbols.qbk]
26 [import ../example/gmp_snips.cpp]
27 [import ../example/mpfr_snips.cpp]
28 [import ../example/mpfi_snips.cpp]
29 [import ../example/float128_snips.cpp]
30 [import ../example/cpp_dec_float_snips.cpp]
31 [import ../example/cpp_bin_float_snips.cpp]
32 [import ../example/cpp_int_import_export.cpp]
33 [import ../example/cpp_bin_float_import_export.cpp]
34 [import ../example/tommath_snips.cpp]
35 [import ../example/cpp_int_snips.cpp]
36 [import ../example/random_snips.cpp]
37 [import ../example/safe_prime.cpp]
38 [import ../example/mixed_integer_arithmetic.cpp]
39 [import ../example/logged_adaptor.cpp]
40 [import ../example/numeric_limits_snips.cpp]
41 [import ../example/hashing_examples.cpp]
43 [template mpfr[] [@http://www.mpfr.org MPFR]]
44 [template mpfi[] [@http://perso.ens-lyon.fr/nathalie.revol/software.html MPFI]]
45 [template gmp[] [@http://gmplib.org GMP]]
46 [template mpf_class[] [@http://gmplib.org/manual/C_002b_002b-Interface-Floats.html#C_002b_002b-Interface-Floats mpf_class]]
47 [template mpfr_class[] [@http://math.berkeley.edu/~wilken/code/gmpfrxx/ mpfr_class]]
48 [template mpreal[] [@http://www.holoborodko.com/pavel/mpfr/ mpreal]]
49 [template mpir[] [@http://mpir.org/ MPIR]]
50 [template tommath[] [@http://libtom.org/?page=features&newsitems=5&whatfile=ltm libtommath]]
51 [template quadmath[] [@http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/libquadmath/ libquadmath]]
53 [template super[x]'''<superscript>'''[x]'''</superscript>''']
54 [template sub[x]'''<subscript>'''[x]'''</subscript>''']
56 [template equation[name] '''<inlinemediaobject>
57 <imageobject role="html">
58 <imagedata fileref="../'''[name]'''.png"></imagedata>
59 </imageobject>
60 <imageobject role="print">
61 <imagedata fileref="../'''[name]'''.svg"></imagedata>
62 </imageobject>
63 </inlinemediaobject>''']
65 [def __cpp_int [link boost_multiprecision.tut.ints.cpp_int cpp_int]]
66 [def __gmp_int [link boost_multiprecision.tut.ints.gmp_int gmp_int]]
67 [def __tom_int [link boost_multiprecision.tut.ints.tom_int tom_int]]
68 [def __gmp_float [link boost_multiprecision.tut.floats.gmp_float gmp_float]]
69 [def __mpf_float [link boost_multiprecision.tut.floats.gmp_float gmp_float]]
70 [def __mpfr_float_backend [link boost_multiprecision.tut.floats.mpfr_float mpfr_float]]
71 [def __cpp_bin_float [link boost_multiprecision.tut.floats.cpp_bin_float cpp_bin_float]]
72 [def __cpp_dec_float [link boost_multiprecision.tut.floats.cpp_dec_float cpp_dec_float]]
73 [def __gmp_rational [link boost_multiprecision.tut.rational.gmp_rational gmp_rational]]
74 [def __cpp_rational [link boost_multiprecision.tut.rational.cpp_rational cpp_rational]]
75 [def __tommath_rational [link boost_multiprecision.tut.rational.tommath_rational tommath_rational]]
76 [def __number [link boost_multiprecision.ref.number number]]
77 [def __float128 [link boost_multiprecision.tut.floats.float128 float128]]
78 [def __debug_adaptor [link boost_multiprecision.tut.misc.debug_adaptor debug_adaptor]]
79 [def __logged_adaptor [link boost_multiprecision.tut.misc.logged_adaptor logged_adaptor]]
80 [def __rational_adaptor [link boost_multiprecision.tut.rational.rational_adaptor rational_adaptor]]
82 [section:intro Introduction]
84 The Multiprecision Library provides [link boost_multiprecision.tut.ints integer],
85 [link boost_multiprecision.tut.rational rational]
86 and [link boost_multiprecision.tut.floats floating-point] types in C++ that have more
87 range and precision than C++'s ordinary built-in types.
88 The big number types in Multiprecision can be used with a wide
89 selection of basic mathematical operations, elementary transcendental
90 functions as well as the functions in Boost.Math.
91 The Multiprecision types can also interoperate with the
92 built-in types in C++ using clearly defined conversion rules.
93 This allows Boost.Multiprecision to be used for all
94 kinds of mathematical calculations involving integer,
95 rational and floating-point types requiring extended
96 range and precision.
98 Multiprecision consists of a generic interface to the
99 mathematics of large numbers as well as a selection of
100 big number back ends, with support for integer, rational and
101 floating-point types. Boost.Multiprecision provides a selection
102 of back ends provided off-the-rack in including
103 interfaces to GMP, MPFR, MPIR, TomMath as well as
104 its own collection of Boost-licensed, header-only back ends for
105 integers, rationals and floats. In addition, user-defined back ends
106 can be created and used with the interface of Multiprecision,
107 provided the class implementation adheres to the necessary
108 [link boost_multiprecision.ref.backendconc concepts].
110 Depending upon the number type, precision may be arbitrarily large
111 (limited only by available memory), fixed at compile time
112 (for example 50 or 100 decimal digits), or a variable controlled at run-time
113 by member functions. The types are expression-template-enabled for
114 better performance than naive user-defined types.
116 The Multiprecision library comes in two distinct parts:
118 * An expression-template-enabled front-end `number`
119 that handles all the operator overloading, expression evaluation optimization, and code reduction.
120 * A selection of back-ends that implement the actual arithmetic operations, and need conform only to the
121 reduced interface requirements of the front-end.
123 Separation of front-end and back-end allows use of highly refined, but restricted license libraries
124 where possible, but provides Boost license alternatives for users who must have a portable
125 unconstrained license. Which is to say some back-ends rely on 3rd party libraries, but a header-only Boost license version is always
126 available (if somewhat slower).
128 Should you just wish to cut to the chase and use a fully Boost-licensed number type, then skip to
129 __cpp_int for multiprecision integers, __cpp_dec_float for multiprecision floating-point types
130 and __cpp_rational for rational types.
132 The library is often used via one of the predefined typedefs: for example if you wanted an
133 [@http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arbitrary-precision_arithmetic arbitrary precision]
134 integer type using [gmp] as the underlying implementation then you could use:
136 #include <boost/multiprecision/gmp.hpp> // Defines the wrappers around the GMP library's types
138 boost::multiprecision::mpz_int myint; // Arbitrary precision integer type.
140 Alternatively, you can compose your own multiprecision type, by combining `number` with one of the
141 predefined back-end types. For example, suppose you wanted a 300 decimal digit floating-point type
142 based on the [mpfr] library. In this case, there's no predefined typedef with that level of precision,
143 so instead we compose our own:
145 #include <boost/multiprecision/mpfr.hpp> // Defines the Backend type that wraps MPFR
147 namespace mp = boost::multiprecision; // Reduce the typing a bit later...
149 typedef mp::number<mp::mpfr_float_backend<300> > my_float;
151 my_float a, b, c; // These variables have 300 decimal digits precision
153 We can repeat the above example, but with the expression templates disabled (for faster compile times, but slower runtimes)
154 by passing a second template argument to `number`:
156 #include <boost/multiprecision/mpfr.hpp> // Defines the Backend type that wraps MPFR
158 namespace mp = boost::multiprecision; // Reduce the typing a bit later...
160 typedef mp::number<mp::mpfr_float_backend<300>, et_off> my_float;
162 my_float a, b, c; // These variables have 300 decimal digits precision
164 We can also mix arithmetic operations between different types, provided there is an unambiguous implicit conversion from one
165 type to the other:
167 #include <boost/multiprecision/cpp_int.hpp>
169 namespace mp = boost::multiprecision; // Reduce the typing a bit later...
171 mp::int128_t a(3), b(4);
172 mp::int512_t c(50), d;
174 d = c * a; // OK, result of mixed arithmetic is an int512_t
176 Conversions are also allowed:
178 d = a; // OK, widening conversion.
179 d = a * b; // OK, can convert from an expression template too.
181 However conversions that are inherently lossy are either declared explicit or else forbidden altogether:
183 d = 3.14; // Error implicit conversion from float not allowed.
184 d = static_cast<mp::int512_t>(3.14); // OK explicit construction is allowed
186 Mixed arithmetic will fail if the conversion is either ambiguous or explicit:
188 number<cpp_int_backend<>, et_off> a(2);
189 number<cpp_int_backend<>, et_on> b(3);
191 b = a * b; // Error, implicit conversion could go either way.
192 b = a * 3.14; // Error, no operator overload if the conversion would be explicit.
194 [h4 Move Semantics]
196 On compilers that support rvalue-references, class `number` is move-enabled if the underlying backend is.
198 In addition the non-expression template operator overloads (see below) are move aware and have overloads
199 that look something like:
201 template <class B>
202 number<B, et_off> operator + (number<B, et_off>&& a, const number<B, et_off>& b)
203 {
204 return std::move(a += b);
205 }
207 These operator overloads ensure that many expressions can be evaluated without actually generating any temporaries.
208 However, there are still many simple expressions such as:
210 a = b * c;
212 Which don't noticeably benefit from move support. Therefore, optimal performance comes from having both
213 move-support, and expression templates enabled.
215 Note that while "moved-from" objects are left in a sane state, they have an unspecified value, and the only permitted
216 operations on them are destruction or the assignment of a new value. Any other operation should be considered
217 a programming error and all of our backends will trigger an assertion if any other operation is attempted. This behavior
218 allows for optimal performance on move-construction (i.e. no allocation required, we just take ownership of the existing
219 object's internal state), while maintaining usability in the standard library containers.
221 [h4 Expression Templates]
223 Class `number` is expression-template-enabled: that means that rather than having a multiplication
224 operator that looks like this:
226 template <class Backend>
227 number<Backend> operator * (const number<Backend>& a, const number<Backend>& b)
228 {
229 number<Backend> result(a);
230 result *= b;
231 return result;
232 }
234 Instead the operator looks more like this:
236 template <class Backend>
237 ``['unmentionable-type]`` operator * (const number<Backend>& a, const number<Backend>& b);
239 Where the "unmentionable" return type is an implementation detail that, rather than containing the result
240 of the multiplication, contains instructions on how to compute the result. In effect it's just a pair
241 of references to the arguments of the function, plus some compile-time information that stores what the operation
242 is.
244 The great advantage of this method is the ['elimination of temporaries]: for example the "naive" implementation
245 of `operator*` above, requires one temporary for computing the result, and at least another one to return it. It's true
246 that sometimes this overhead can be reduced by using move-semantics, but it can't be eliminated completely. For example,
247 lets suppose we're evaluating a polynomial via Horner's method, something like this:
249 T a[7] = { /* some values */ };
250 //....
251 y = (((((a[6] * x + a[5]) * x + a[4]) * x + a[3]) * x + a[2]) * x + a[1]) * x + a[0];
253 If type `T` is a `number`, then this expression is evaluated ['without creating a single temporary value]. In contrast,
254 if we were using the [mpfr_class] C++ wrapper for [mpfr] - then this expression would result in no less than 11
255 temporaries (this is true even though [mpfr_class] does use expression templates to reduce the number of temporaries somewhat). Had
256 we used an even simpler wrapper around [mpfr] like [mpreal] things would have been even worse and no less that 24 temporaries
257 are created for this simple expression (note - we actually measure the number of memory allocations performed rather than
258 the number of temporaries directly, note also that the [mpf_class] wrapper that will be supplied with GMP-5.1 reduces the number of
259 temporaries to pretty much zero). Note that if we compile with expression templates disabled and rvalue-reference support
260 on, then actually still have no wasted memory allocations as even though temporaries are created, their contents are moved
261 rather than copied.
262 [footnote The actual number generated will depend on the compiler, how well it optimises the code, and whether it supports
263 rvalue references. The number of 11 temporaries was generated with Visual C++ 10]
265 [important
266 Expression templates can radically reorder the operations in an expression, for example:
268 a = (b * c) * a;
270 Will get transformed into:
272 a *= c;
273 a *= b;
275 If this is likely to be an issue for a particular application, then they should be disabled.
276 ]
278 This library also extends expression template support to standard library functions like `abs` or `sin` with `number`
279 arguments. This means that an expression such as:
281 y = abs(x);
283 can be evaluated without a single temporary being calculated. Even expressions like:
285 y = sin(x);
287 get this treatment, so that variable 'y' is used as "working storage" within the implementation of `sin`,
288 thus reducing the number of temporaries used by one. Of course, should you write:
290 x = sin(x);
292 Then we clearly can't use `x` as working storage during the calculation, so then a temporary variable
293 is created in this case.
295 Given the comments above, you might be forgiven for thinking that expression-templates are some kind of universal-panacea:
296 sadly though, all tricks like this have their downsides. For one thing, expression template libraries
297 like this one, tend to be slower to compile than their simpler cousins, they're also harder to debug
298 (should you actually want to step through our code!), and rely on compiler optimizations being turned
299 on to give really good performance. Also, since the return type from expressions involving `number`s
300 is an "unmentionable implementation detail", you have to be careful to cast the result of an expression
301 to the actual number type when passing an expression to a template function. For example, given:
303 template <class T>
304 void my_proc(const T&);
306 Then calling:
308 my_proc(a+b);
310 Will very likely result in obscure error messages inside the body of `my_proc` - since we've passed it
311 an expression template type, and not a number type. Instead we probably need:
313 my_proc(my_number_type(a+b));
315 Having said that, these situations don't occur that often - or indeed not at all for non-template functions.
316 In addition, all the functions in the Boost.Math library will automatically convert expression-template arguments
317 to the underlying number type without you having to do anything, so:
319 mpfr_float_100 a(20), delta(0.125);
320 boost::math::gamma_p(a, a + delta);
322 Will work just fine, with the `a + delta` expression template argument getting converted to an `mpfr_float_100`
323 internally by the Boost.Math library.
325 One other potential pitfall that's only possible in C++11: you should never store an expression template using:
327 auto my_expression = a + b - c;
329 unless you're absolutely sure that the lifetimes of `a`, `b` and `c` will outlive that of `my_expression`.
331 And finally... the performance improvements from an expression template library like this are often not as
332 dramatic as the reduction in number of temporaries would suggest. For example if we compare this library with
333 [mpfr_class] and [mpreal], with all three using the underlying [mpfr] library at 50 decimal digits precision then
334 we see the following typical results for polynomial execution:
336 [table Evaluation of Order 6 Polynomial.
337 [[Library] [Relative Time] [Relative number of memory allocations]]
338 [[number] [1.0 (0.00957s)] [1.0 (2996 total)]]
339 [[[mpfr_class]] [1.1 (0.0102s)] [4.3 (12976 total)]]
340 [[[mpreal]] [1.6 (0.0151s)] [9.3 (27947 total)]]
341 ]
343 As you can see, the execution time increases a lot more slowly than the number of memory allocations. There are
344 a number of reasons for this:
346 * The cost of extended-precision multiplication and division is so great, that the times taken for these tend to
347 swamp everything else.
348 * The cost of an in-place multiplication (using `operator*=`) tends to be more than an out-of-place
349 `operator*` (typically `operator *=` has to create a temporary workspace to carry out the multiplication, where
350 as `operator*` can use the target variable as workspace). Since the expression templates carry out their
351 magic by converting out-of-place operators to in-place ones, we necessarily take this hit. Even so the
352 transformation is more efficient than creating the extra temporary variable, just not by as much as
353 one would hope.
355 Finally, note that `number` takes a second template argument, which, when set to `et_off` disables all
356 the expression template machinery. The result is much faster to compile, but slower at runtime.
358 We'll conclude this section by providing some more performance comparisons between these three libraries,
359 again, all are using [mpfr] to carry out the underlying arithmetic, and all are operating at the same precision
360 (50 decimal digits):
362 [table Evaluation of Boost.Math's Bessel function test data
363 [[Library] [Relative Time] [Relative Number of Memory Allocations]]
364 [[mpfr_float_50] [1.0 (5.78s)] [1.0 (1611963)]]
365 [[number<mpfr_float_backend<50>, et_off>[br](but with rvalue reference support)]
366 [1.1 (6.29s)] [2.64 (4260868)]]
367 [[[mpfr_class]] [1.1 (6.28s)] [2.45 (3948316)]]
368 [[[mpreal]] [1.65 (9.54s)] [8.21 (13226029)]]
369 ]
371 [table Evaluation of Boost.Math's Non-Central T distribution test data
372 [[Library][Relative Time][Relative Number of Memory Allocations]]
373 [[number] [1.0 (263s)][1.0 (127710873)]]
374 [[number<mpfr_float_backend<50>, et_off>[br](but with rvalue reference support)]
375 [1.0 (260s)][1.2 (156797871)]]
376 [[[mpfr_class]] [1.1 (287s)][2.1 (268336640)]]
377 [[[mpreal]] [1.5 (389s)][3.6 (466960653)]]
378 ]
380 The above results were generated on Win32 compiling with Visual C++ 2010, all optimizations on (/Ox),
381 with MPFR 3.0 and MPIR 2.3.0.
383 [endsect] [/section:intro Introduction]
385 [section:tut Tutorial]
387 In order to use this library you need to make two choices:
389 * What kind of number do I want ([link boost_multiprecision.tut.ints integer],
390 [link boost_multiprecision.tut.floats floating-point] or [link boost_multiprecision.tut.rational rational]).
391 * Which back-end do I want to perform the actual arithmetic (Boost-supplied, GMP, MPFR, Tommath etc)?
393 [section:ints Integer Types]
395 The following back-ends provide integer arithmetic:
397 [table
398 [[Backend Type][Header][Radix][Dependencies][Pros][Cons]]
399 [[`cpp_int`][boost/multiprecision/cpp_int.hpp][2][None]
400 [Very versatile, Boost licensed, all C++ integer type which support both [@http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arbitrary-precision_arithmetic arbitrary precision] and fixed precision integer types.][Slower than [gmp], though typically not as slow as [tommath]]]
401 [[`gmp_int`][boost/multiprecision/gmp.hpp][2][[gmp]][Very fast and efficient back-end.][Dependency on GNU licensed [gmp] library.]]
402 [[`tom_int`][boost/multiprecision/tommath.hpp][2][[tommath]][Public domain back-end with no licence restrictions.][Slower than [gmp].]]
403 ]
405 [section:cpp_int cpp_int]
407 `#include <boost/multiprecision/cpp_int.hpp>`
409 namespace boost{ namespace multiprecision{
411 typedef unspecified-type limb_type;
413 enum cpp_integer_type { signed_magnitude, unsigned_magnitude };
414 enum cpp_int_check_type { checked, unchecked };
416 template <unsigned MinBits = 0,
417 unsigned MaxBits = 0,
418 cpp_integer_type SignType = signed_magnitude,
419 cpp_int_check_type Checked = unchecked,
420 class Allocator = std::allocator<limb_type> >
421 class cpp_int_backend;
422 //
423 // Expression templates default to et_off if there is no allocator:
424 //
425 template <unsigned MinBits, unsigned MaxBits, cpp_integer_type SignType, cpp_int_check_type Checked>
426 struct expression_template_default<cpp_int_backend<MinBits, MaxBits, SignType, Checked, void> >
427 { static const expression_template_option value = et_off; };
429 typedef number<cpp_int_backend<> > cpp_int; // arbitrary precision integer
430 typedef rational_adaptor<cpp_int_backend<> > cpp_rational_backend;
431 typedef number<cpp_rational_backend> cpp_rational; // arbitrary precision rational number
433 // Fixed precision unsigned types:
434 typedef number<cpp_int_backend<128, 128, unsigned_magnitude, unchecked, void> > uint128_t;
435 typedef number<cpp_int_backend<256, 256, unsigned_magnitude, unchecked, void> > uint256_t;
436 typedef number<cpp_int_backend<512, 512, unsigned_magnitude, unchecked, void> > uint512_t;
437 typedef number<cpp_int_backend<1024, 1024, unsigned_magnitude, unchecked, void> > uint1024_t;
439 // Fixed precision signed types:
440 typedef number<cpp_int_backend<128, 128, signed_magnitude, unchecked, void> > int128_t;
441 typedef number<cpp_int_backend<256, 256, signed_magnitude, unchecked, void> > int256_t;
442 typedef number<cpp_int_backend<512, 512, signed_magnitude, unchecked, void> > int512_t;
443 typedef number<cpp_int_backend<1024, 1024, signed_magnitude, unchecked, void> > int1024_t;
445 // Over again, but with checking enabled this time:
446 typedef number<cpp_int_backend<0, 0, signed_magnitude, checked> > checked_cpp_int;
447 typedef rational_adaptor<cpp_int_backend<0, 0, signed_magnitude, checked> > checked_cpp_rational_backend;
448 typedef number<cpp_rational_backend> checked_cpp_rational;
450 // Checked fixed precision unsigned types:
451 typedef number<cpp_int_backend<128, 128, unsigned_magnitude, checked, void> > checked_uint128_t;
452 typedef number<cpp_int_backend<256, 256, unsigned_magnitude, checked, void> > checked_uint256_t;
453 typedef number<cpp_int_backend<512, 512, unsigned_magnitude, checked, void> > checked_uint512_t;
454 typedef number<cpp_int_backend<1024, 1024, unsigned_magnitude, checked, void> > checked_uint1024_t;
456 // Fixed precision signed types:
457 typedef number<cpp_int_backend<128, 128, signed_magnitude, checked, void> > checked_int128_t;
458 typedef number<cpp_int_backend<256, 256, signed_magnitude, checked, void> > checked_int256_t;
459 typedef number<cpp_int_backend<512, 512, signed_magnitude, checked, void> > checked_int512_t;
460 typedef number<cpp_int_backend<1024, 1024, signed_magnitude, checked, void> > checked_int1024_t;
462 }} // namespaces
464 The `cpp_int_backend` type is normally used via one of the convenience typedefs given above.
466 This back-end is the "Swiss Army Knife" of integer types as it can represent both fixed and
467 [@http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arbitrary-precision_arithmetic arbitrary precision]
468 integer types, and both signed and unsigned types. There are five template arguments:
470 [variablelist
471 [[MinBits][Determines the number of Bits to store directly within the object before resorting to dynamic memory
472 allocation. When zero, this field is determined automatically based on how many bits can be stored
473 in union with the dynamic storage header: setting a larger value may improve performance as larger integer
474 values will be stored internally before memory allocation is required.]]
475 [[MaxBits][Determines the maximum number of bits to be stored in the type: resulting in a fixed precision type.
476 When this value is the same as MinBits, then the Allocator parameter is ignored, as no dynamic
477 memory allocation will ever be performed: in this situation the Allocator parameter should be set to
478 type `void`. Note that this parameter should not be used simply to prevent large memory
479 allocations, not only is that role better performed by the allocator, but fixed precision
480 integers have a tendency to allocate all of MaxBits of storage more often than one would expect.]]
481 [[SignType][Determines whether the resulting type is signed or not. Note that for
482 [@http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arbitrary-precision_arithmetic arbitrary precision] types
483 this parameter must be `signed_magnitude`. For fixed precision
484 types then this type may be either `signed_magnitude` or `unsigned_magnitude`.]]
485 [[Checked][This parameter has two values: `checked` or `unchecked`. See below.]]
486 [[Allocator][The allocator to use for dynamic memory allocation, or type `void` if MaxBits == MinBits.]]
487 ]
489 When the template parameter Checked is set to `checked` then the result is a ['checked-integer], checked
490 and unchecked integers have the following properties:
492 [table
493 [[Condition][Checked-Integer][Unchecked-Integer]]
494 [[Numeric overflow in fixed precision arithmetic][Throws a `std::overflow_error`.][Performs arithmetic modulo 2[super MaxBits]]]
495 [[Constructing an integer from a value that can not be represented in the target type][Throws a `std::range_error`.]
496 [Converts the value modulo 2[super MaxBits], signed to unsigned conversions extract the last MaxBits bits of the
497 2's complement representation of the input value.]]
498 [[Unsigned subtraction yielding a negative value.][Throws a `std::range_error`.][Yields the value that would
499 result from treating the unsigned type as a 2's complement signed type.]]
500 [[Attempting a bitwise operation on a negative value.][Throws a `std::range_error`][Yields the value, but not the bit pattern,
501 that would result from performing the operation on a 2's complement integer type.]]
502 ]
504 Things you should know when using this type:
506 * Default constructed `cpp_int_backend`s have the value zero.
507 * Division by zero results in a `std::overflow_error` being thrown.
508 * Construction from a string that contains invalid non-numeric characters results in a `std::runtime_error` being thrown.
509 * Since the precision of `cpp_int_backend` is necessarily limited when the allocator parameter is void,
510 care should be taken to avoid numeric overflow when using this type
511 unless you actually want modulo-arithmetic behavior.
512 * The type uses a sign-magnitude representation internally, so type `int128_t` has 128-bits of precision plus an extra sign bit.
513 In this respect the behaviour of these types differs from built-in 2's complement types. In might be tempting to use a
514 127-bit type instead, and indeed this does work, but behaviour is still slightly different from a 2's complement built-in type
515 as the min and max values are identical (apart from the sign), where as they differ by one for a true 2's complement type.
516 That said it should be noted that there's no requirement for built-in types to be 2's complement either - it's simply that this
517 is the most common format by far.
518 * Attempting to print negative values as either an Octal or Hexadecimal string results in a `std::runtime_error` being thrown,
519 this is a direct consequence of the sign-magnitude representation.
520 * The fixed precision types `[checked_][u]intXXX_t` have expression template support turned off - it seems to make little
521 difference to the performance of these types either way - so we may as well have the faster compile times by turning
522 the feature off.
523 * Unsigned types support subtraction - the result is "as if" a 2's complement operation had been performed as long as they are not
524 ['checked-integers] (see above).
525 In other words they behave pretty much as a built in integer type would in this situation. So for example if we were using
526 `uint128_t` then `uint128_t(1)-4` would result in the value `0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFD`
527 of type `uint128_t`. However, had this operation been performed on `checked_uint128_t` then a `std::range_error` would have
528 been thrown.
529 * Unary negation of unsigned types results in a compiler error (static assertion).
530 * This backend supports rvalue-references and is move-aware, making instantiations of `number` on this backend move aware.
531 * When used at fixed precision, the size of this type is always one machine word larger than you would expect for an N-bit integer:
532 the extra word stores both the sign, and how many machine words in the integer are actually in use.
533 The latter is an optimisation for larger fixed precision integers, so that a 1024-bit integer has almost the same performance
534 characteristics as a 128-bit integer, rather than being 4 times slower for addition and 16 times slower for multiplication
535 (assuming the values involved would always fit in 128 bits).
536 Typically this means you can use
537 an integer type wide enough for the "worst case scenario" with only minor performance degradation even if most of the time
538 the arithmetic could in fact be done with a narrower type.
539 * When used at fixed precision and MaxBits is smaller than the number of bits in the largest native integer type, then
540 internally `cpp_int_backend` switches to a "trivial" implementation where it is just a thin wrapper around a single
541 integer. Note that it will still be slightly slower than a bare native integer, as it emulates a
542 signed-magnitude representation rather than simply using the platforms native sign representation: this ensures
543 there is no step change in behavior as a cpp_int grows in size.
544 * Fixed precision `cpp_int`'s have some support for `constexpr` values and user-defined literals, see
545 [link boost_multiprecision.tut.lits here] for the full description. For example `0xfffff_cppi1024`
546 specifies a 1024-bit integer with the value 0xffff. This can be used to generate compile time constants that are
547 too large to fit into any built in number type.
548 * You can import/export the raw bits of a __cpp_int to and from external storage via the `import_bits` and `export_bits`
549 functions. More information is in the [link boost_multiprecision.tut.import_export section on import/export].
551 [h5 Example:]
553 [cpp_int_eg]
555 [endsect] [/section:cpp_int cpp_int]
557 [section:gmp_int gmp_int]
559 `#include <boost/multiprecision/gmp.hpp>`
561 namespace boost{ namespace multiprecision{
563 class gmp_int;
565 typedef number<gmp_int > mpz_int;
567 }} // namespaces
569 The `gmp_int` back-end is used via the typedef `boost::multiprecision::mpz_int`. It acts as a thin wrapper around the [gmp] `mpz_t`
570 to provide an integer type that is a drop-in replacement for the native C++ integer types, but with unlimited precision.
572 As well as the usual conversions from arithmetic and string types, type `mpz_int` is copy constructible and assignable from:
574 * The [gmp] native types: `mpf_t`, `mpz_t`, `mpq_t`.
575 * Instances of `number<T>` that are wrappers around those types: `number<gmp_float<N> >`, `number<gmp_rational>`.
577 It's also possible to access the underlying `mpz_t` via the `data()` member function of `gmp_int`.
579 Things you should know when using this type:
581 * No changes are made to the GMP library's global settings - so you can safely mix this type with
582 existing code that uses [gmp].
583 * Default constructed `gmp_int`s have the value zero (this is GMP's default behavior).
584 * Formatted IO for this type does not support octal or hexadecimal notation for negative values,
585 as a result performing formatted output on this type when the argument is negative and either of the flags
586 `std::ios_base::oct` or `std::ios_base::hex` are set, will result in a `std::runtime_error` will be thrown.
587 * Conversion from a string results in a `std::runtime_error` being thrown if the string can not be interpreted
588 as a valid integer.
589 * Division by zero results in a `std::overflow_error` being thrown.
590 * Although this type is a wrapper around [gmp] it will work equally well with [mpir]. Indeed use of [mpir]
591 is recommended on Win32.
592 * This backend supports rvalue-references and is move-aware, making instantiations of `number` on this backend move aware.
594 [h5 Example:]
596 [mpz_eg]
598 [endsect]
600 [section:tom_int tom_int]
602 `#include <boost/multiprecision/tommath.hpp>`
604 namespace boost{ namespace multiprecision{
606 class tommath_int;
608 typedef number<tommath_int > tom_int;
610 }} // namespaces
612 The `tommath_int` back-end is used via the typedef `boost::multiprecision::tom_int`. It acts as a thin wrapper around the [tommath] `tom_int`
613 to provide an integer type that is a drop-in replacement for the native C++ integer types, but with unlimited precision.
615 Things you should know when using this type:
617 * Default constructed objects have the value zero (this is [tommath]'s default behavior).
618 * Although `tom_int` is mostly a drop in replacement for the builtin integer types, it should be noted that it is a
619 rather strange beast as it's a signed type that is not a 2's complement type. As a result the bitwise operations
620 `| & ^` will throw a `std::runtime_error` exception if either of the arguments is negative. Similarly the complement
621 operator`~` is deliberately not implemented for this type.
622 * Formatted IO for this type does not support octal or hexadecimal notation for negative values,
623 as a result performing formatted output on this type when the argument is negative and either of the flags
624 `std::ios_base::oct` or `std::ios_base::hex` are set, will result in a `std::runtime_error` will be thrown.
625 * Conversion from a string results in a `std::runtime_error` being thrown if the string can not be interpreted
626 as a valid integer.
627 * Division by zero results in a `std::overflow_error` being thrown.
629 [h5 Example:]
631 [tommath_eg]
633 [endsect] [/section:tom_int tom_int]
635 [section:egs Examples]
637 [import ../example/integer_examples.cpp]
639 [section:factorials Factorials]
640 [FAC1]
641 [endsect] [/section:factorials Factorials]
644 [section:bitops Bit Operations]
645 [BITOPS]
646 [endsect] [/section:bitops Bit Operations]
649 [endsect]
651 [endsect]
653 [section:floats floating-point Numbers]
655 The following back-ends provide floating-point arithmetic:
657 [table
658 [[Backend Type][Header][Radix][Dependencies][Pros][Cons]]
659 [[`cpp_bin_float<N>`][boost/multiprecision/cpp_bin_float.hpp][2][None][Header only, all C++ implementation. Boost licence.][Approximately 2x slower than the [mpfr] or [gmp] libraries.]]
660 [[`cpp_dec_float<N>`][boost/multiprecision/cpp_dec_float.hpp][10][None][Header only, all C++ implementation. Boost licence.][Approximately 2x slower than the [mpfr] or [gmp] libraries.]]
661 [[`mpf_float<N>`][boost/multiprecision/gmp.hpp][2][[gmp]][Very fast and efficient back-end.][Dependency on GNU licensed [gmp] library.]]
662 [[`mpfr_float<N>`][boost/multiprecision/mpfr.hpp][2][[gmp] and [mpfr]][Very fast and efficient back-end, with its own standard library implementation.][Dependency on GNU licensed [gmp] and [mpfr] libraries.]]
663 [[`float128`][boost/multiprecision/float128.hpp][2][Either [quadmath] or the Intel C++ Math library.][Very fast and efficient back-end for 128-bit floating-point values (113-bit mantissa, equivalent to FORTRAN's QUAD real)][Depends on the compiler being either recent GCC or Intel C++ versions.]]
664 ]
666 [section:cpp_bin_float cpp_bin_float]
668 `#include <boost/multiprecision/cpp_bin_float.hpp>`
670 namespace boost{ namespace multiprecision{
672 enum digit_base_type
673 {
674 digit_base_2 = 2,
675 digit_base_10 = 10
676 };
678 template <unsigned Digits, digit_base_type base = digit_base_10, class Allocator = void, class Exponent = int, ExponentMin = 0, ExponentMax = 0>
679 class cpp_bin_float;
681 typedef number<cpp_bin_float<50> > cpp_bin_float_50;
682 typedef number<cpp_bin_float<100> > cpp_bin_float_100;
684 typedef number<backends::cpp_bin_float<24, backends::digit_base_2, void, boost::int16_t, -126, 127>, et_off> cpp_bin_float_single;
685 typedef number<backends::cpp_bin_float<53, backends::digit_base_2, void, boost::int16_t, -1022, 1023>, et_off> cpp_bin_float_double;
686 typedef number<backends::cpp_bin_float<64, backends::digit_base_2, void, boost::int16_t, -16382, 16383>, et_off> cpp_bin_float_double_extended;
687 typedef number<backends::cpp_bin_float<113, backends::digit_base_2, void, boost::int16_t, -16382, 16383>, et_off> cpp_bin_float_quad;
689 }} // namespaces
691 The `cpp_bin_float` back-end is used in conjunction with `number`: It acts as an entirely C++ (header only and dependency free)
692 floating-point number type that is a drop-in replacement for the native C++ floating-point types, but with
693 much greater precision.
695 Type `cpp_bin_float` can be used at fixed precision by specifying a non-zero `Digits` template parameter.
696 The typedefs `cpp_bin_float_50` and `cpp_bin_float_100` provide arithmetic types at 50 and 100 decimal digits precision
697 respectively.
699 Optionally, you can specify whether the precision is specified in decimal digits or binary bits - for example
700 to declare a `cpp_bin_float` with exactly the same precision as `double` one would use
701 `number<cpp_bin_float<53, digit_base_2> >`. The typedefs `cpp_bin_float_single`, `cpp_bin_float_double`,
702 `cpp_bin_float_quad` and `cpp_bin_float_double_extended` provide
703 software analogues of the IEEE single, double and quad float data types, plus the Intel-extended-double type respectively.
704 Note that while these types are functionally equivalent to the native IEEE types, but they do not have the same size
705 or bit-layout as true IEEE compatible types.
707 Normally `cpp_bin_float` allocates no memory: all of the space required for its digits are allocated
708 directly within the class. As a result care should be taken not to use the class with too high a digit count
709 as stack space requirements can grow out of control. If that represents a problem then providing an allocator
710 as a template parameter causes `cpp_bin_float` to dynamically allocate the memory it needs: this
711 significantly reduces the size of `cpp_bin_float` and increases the viable upper limit on the number of digits
712 at the expense of performance. However, please bear in mind that arithmetic operations rapidly become ['very] expensive
713 as the digit count grows: the current implementation really isn't optimized or designed for large digit counts.
714 Note that since the actual type of the objects allocated
715 is completely opaque, the suggestion would be to use an allocator with `void` `value_type`, for example:
716 `number<cpp_bin_float<1000, digit_base_10, std::allocator<void> > >`.
718 The final template parameters determine the type and range of the exponent: parameter `Exponent` can be
719 any signed integer type, but note that `MinExponent` and `MaxExponent` can not go right up to the limits
720 of the `Exponent` type as there has to be a little extra headroom for internal calculations. You will
721 get a compile time error if this is the case. In addition if MinExponent or MaxExponent are zero, then
722 the library will choose suitable values that are as large as possible given the constraints of the type
723 and need for extra headroom for internal calculations.
725 There is full standard library and `numeric_limits` support available for this type.
727 Things you should know when using this type:
729 * Default constructed `cpp_bin_float`s have a value of zero.
730 * The radix of this type is 2, even when the precision is specified as decimal digits.
731 * The type supports both infinities and NaN's. An infinity is generated whenever the result would overflow,
732 and a NaN is generated for any mathematically undefined operation.
733 * There is a `std::numeric_limits` specialisation for this type.
734 * Any `number` instantiated on this type, is convertible to any other `number` instantiated on this type -
735 for example you can convert from `number<cpp_bin_float<50> >` to `number<cpp_bin_float<SomeOtherValue> >`.
736 Narrowing conversions round to nearest and are `explicit`.
737 * Conversion from a string results in a `std::runtime_error` being thrown if the string can not be interpreted
738 as a valid floating-point number.
739 * All arithmetic operations are correctly rounded to nearest. String conversions and the `sqrt` function
740 are also correctly rounded, but transcendental functions (sin, cos, pow, exp etc) are not.
742 [h5 cpp_bin_float example:]
744 [cpp_bin_float_eg]
746 [endsect]
748 [section:cpp_dec_float cpp_dec_float]
750 `#include <boost/multiprecision/cpp_dec_float.hpp>`
752 namespace boost{ namespace multiprecision{
754 template <unsigned Digits10, class ExponentType = boost::int32_t, class Allocator = void>
755 class cpp_dec_float;
757 typedef number<cpp_dec_float<50> > cpp_dec_float_50;
758 typedef number<cpp_dec_float<100> > cpp_dec_float_100;
760 }} // namespaces
762 The `cpp_dec_float` back-end is used in conjunction with `number`: It acts as an entirely C++ (header only and dependency free)
763 floating-point number type that is a drop-in replacement for the native C++ floating-point types, but with
764 much greater precision.
766 Type `cpp_dec_float` can be used at fixed precision by specifying a non-zero `Digits10` template parameter.
767 The typedefs `cpp_dec_float_50` and `cpp_dec_float_100` provide arithmetic types at 50 and 100 decimal digits precision
768 respectively. Optionally, you can specify an integer type to use for the exponent, this defaults to a 32-bit integer type
769 which is more than large enough for the vast majority of use cases, but larger types such as `long long` can also be specified
770 if you need a truly huge exponent range. In any case the ExponentType must be a built in signed integer type at least 2 bytes
771 and 16-bits wide.
773 Normally `cpp_dec_float` allocates no memory: all of the space required for its digits are allocated
774 directly within the class. As a result care should be taken not to use the class with too high a digit count
775 as stack space requirements can grow out of control. If that represents a problem then providing an allocator
776 as the final template parameter causes `cpp_dec_float` to dynamically allocate the memory it needs: this
777 significantly reduces the size of `cpp_dec_float` and increases the viable upper limit on the number of digits
778 at the expense of performance. However, please bear in mind that arithmetic operations rapidly become ['very] expensive
779 as the digit count grows: the current implementation really isn't optimized or designed for large digit counts.
781 There is full standard library and `numeric_limits` support available for this type.
783 Things you should know when using this type:
785 * Default constructed `cpp_dec_float`s have a value of zero.
786 * The radix of this type is 10. As a result it can behave subtly differently from base-2 types.
787 * The type has a number of internal guard digits over and above those specified in the template argument.
788 Normally these should not be visible to the user.
789 * The type supports both infinities and NaN's. An infinity is generated whenever the result would overflow,
790 and a NaN is generated for any mathematically undefined operation.
791 * There is a `std::numeric_limits` specialisation for this type.
792 * Any `number` instantiated on this type, is convertible to any other `number` instantiated on this type -
793 for example you can convert from `number<cpp_dec_float<50> >` to `number<cpp_dec_float<SomeOtherValue> >`.
794 Narrowing conversions are truncating and `explicit`.
795 * Conversion from a string results in a `std::runtime_error` being thrown if the string can not be interpreted
796 as a valid floating-point number.
797 * The actual precision of a `cpp_dec_float` is always slightly higher than the number of digits specified in
798 the template parameter, actually how much higher is an implementation detail but is always at least 8 decimal
799 digits.
800 * Operations involving `cpp_dec_float` are always truncating. However, note that since their are guard digits
801 in effect, in practice this has no real impact on accuracy for most use cases.
803 [h5 cpp_dec_float example:]
805 [cpp_dec_float_eg]
807 [endsect]
809 [section:gmp_float gmp_float]
811 `#include <boost/multiprecision/gmp.hpp>`
813 namespace boost{ namespace multiprecision{
815 template <unsigned Digits10>
816 class gmp_float;
818 typedef number<gmp_float<50> > mpf_float_50;
819 typedef number<gmp_float<100> > mpf_float_100;
820 typedef number<gmp_float<500> > mpf_float_500;
821 typedef number<gmp_float<1000> > mpf_float_1000;
822 typedef number<gmp_float<0> > mpf_float;
824 }} // namespaces
826 The `gmp_float` back-end is used in conjunction with `number` : it acts as a thin wrapper around the [gmp] `mpf_t`
827 to provide an real-number type that is a drop-in replacement for the native C++ floating-point types, but with
828 much greater precision.
830 Type `gmp_float` can be used at fixed precision by specifying a non-zero `Digits10` template parameter, or
831 at variable precision by setting the template argument to zero. The typedefs mpf_float_50, mpf_float_100,
832 mpf_float_500, mpf_float_1000 provide arithmetic types at 50, 100, 500 and 1000 decimal digits precision
833 respectively. The typedef mpf_float provides a variable precision type whose precision can be controlled via the
834 `number`s member functions.
836 [note This type only provides standard library and `numeric_limits` support when the precision is fixed at compile time.]
838 As well as the usual conversions from arithmetic and string types, instances of `number<mpf_float<N> >` are
839 copy constructible and assignable from:
841 * The [gmp] native types `mpf_t`, `mpz_t`, `mpq_t`.
842 * The `number` wrappers around those types: `number<mpf_float<M> >`, `number<gmp_int>`, `number<gmp_rational>`.
844 It's also possible to access the underlying `mpf_t` via the `data()` member function of `gmp_float`.
846 Things you should know when using this type:
848 * Default constructed `gmp_float`s have the value zero (this is the [gmp] library's default behavior).
849 * No changes are made to the [gmp] library's global settings, so this type can be safely mixed with
850 existing [gmp] code.
851 * This backend supports rvalue-references and is move-aware, making instantiations of `number` on this backend move aware.
852 * It is not possible to round-trip objects of this type to and from a string and get back
853 exactly the same value. This appears to be a limitation of [gmp].
854 * Since the underlying [gmp] types have no notion of infinities or NaN's, care should be taken
855 to avoid numeric overflow or division by zero. That latter will result in a std::overflow_error being thrown,
856 while generating excessively large exponents may result in instability of the underlying [gmp]
857 library (in testing, converting a number with an excessively large or small exponent
858 to a string caused [gmp] to segfault).
859 * This type can equally be used with [mpir] as the underlying implementation - indeed that is
860 the recommended option on Win32.
861 * Conversion from a string results in a `std::runtime_error` being thrown if the string can not be interpreted
862 as a valid floating-point number.
863 * Division by zero results in a `std::overflow_error` being thrown.
865 [h5 [gmp] example:]
867 [mpf_eg]
869 [endsect]
871 [section:mpfr_float mpfr_float]
873 `#include <boost/multiprecision/mpfr.hpp>`
875 namespace boost{ namespace multiprecision{
877 enum mpfr_allocation_type
878 {
879 allocate_stack,
880 allocate_dynamic
881 };
883 template <unsigned Digits10, mpfr_allocation_type AllocateType = allocate_dynamic>
884 class mpfr_float_backend;
886 typedef number<mpfr_float_backend<50> > mpfr_float_50;
887 typedef number<mpfr_float_backend<100> > mpfr_float_100;
888 typedef number<mpfr_float_backend<500> > mpfr_float_500;
889 typedef number<mpfr_float_backend<1000> > mpfr_float_1000;
890 typedef number<mpfr_float_backend<0> > mpfr_float;
892 typedef number<mpfr_float_backend<50, allocate_stack> > static_mpfr_float_50;
893 typedef number<mpfr_float_backend<100, allocate_stack> > static_mpfr_float_100;
895 }} // namespaces
897 The `mpfr_float_backend` type is used in conjunction with `number`: It acts as a thin wrapper around the [mpfr] `mpfr_t`
898 to provide an real-number type that is a drop-in replacement for the native C++ floating-point types, but with
899 much greater precision.
901 Type `mpfr_float_backend` can be used at fixed precision by specifying a non-zero `Digits10` template parameter, or
902 at variable precision by setting the template argument to zero. The typedefs mpfr_float_50, mpfr_float_100,
903 mpfr_float_500, mpfr_float_1000 provide arithmetic types at 50, 100, 500 and 1000 decimal digits precision
904 respectively. The typedef mpfr_float provides a variable precision type whose precision can be controlled via the
905 `number`s member functions.
907 In addition the second template parameter lets you choose between dynamic allocation (the default,
908 and uses MPFR's normal allocation routines),
909 or stack allocation (where all the memory required for the underlying data types is stored
910 within `mpfr_float_backend`). The latter option can result in significantly faster code, at the
911 expense of growing the size of `mpfr_float_backend`. It can only be used at fixed precision, and
912 should only be used for lower digit counts. Note that we can not guarantee that using `allocate_stack`
913 won't cause any calls to mpfr's allocation routines, as mpfr may call these inside it's own code.
914 The following table gives an idea of the performance tradeoff's at 50 decimal digits
915 precision[footnote Compiled with VC++10 and /Ox, with MPFR-3.0.0 and MPIR-2.3.0]:
917 [table
918 [[Type][Bessel function evaluation, relative times]]
919 [[`number<mpfr_float_backend<50, allocate_static>, et_on>`][1.0 (5.5s)]]
920 [[`number<mpfr_float_backend<50, allocate_static>, et_off>`][1.05 (5.8s)]]
921 [[`number<mpfr_float_backend<50, allocate_dynamic>, et_on>`][1.05 (5.8s)]]
922 [[`number<mpfr_float_backend<50, allocate_dynamic>, et_off>`][1.16 (6.4s)]]
923 ]
925 [note This type only provides `numeric_limits` support when the precision is fixed at compile time.]
927 As well as the usual conversions from arithmetic and string types, instances of `number<mpfr_float_backend<N> >` are
928 copy constructible and assignable from:
930 * The [gmp] native types `mpf_t`, `mpz_t`, `mpq_t`.
931 * The [mpfr] native type `mpfr_t`.
932 * The `number` wrappers around those types: `number<mpfr_float_backend<M> >`, `number<mpf_float<M> >`, `number<gmp_int>`, `number<gmp_rational>`.
934 It's also possible to access the underlying `mpfr_t` via the data() member function of `mpfr_float_backend`.
936 Things you should know when using this type:
938 * A default constructed `mpfr_float_backend` is set to zero (['Note that this is [*not] the default [mpfr] behavior]).
939 * All operations use round to nearest.
940 * No changes are made to [gmp] or [mpfr] global settings, so this type can coexist with existing
941 [mpfr] or [gmp] code.
942 * The code can equally use [mpir] in place of [gmp] - indeed that is the preferred option on Win32.
943 * This backend supports rvalue-references and is move-aware, making instantiations of `number` on this backend move aware.
944 * Conversion from a string results in a `std::runtime_error` being thrown if the string can not be interpreted
945 as a valid floating-point number.
946 * Division by zero results in an infinity.
948 [h5 [mpfr] example:]
950 [mpfr_eg]
952 [endsect]
954 [section:float128 float128]
956 `#include <boost/multiprecision/float128.hpp>`
958 namespace boost{ namespace multiprecision{
960 class float128_backend;
962 typedef number<float128_backend, et_off> float128;
964 }} // namespaces
966 The `float128` number type is a very thin wrapper around GCC's `__float128` or Intel's `_Quad` data types
967 and provides an real-number type that is a drop-in replacement for the native C++ floating-point types, but with
968 a 113 bit mantissa, and compatible with FORTRAN's 128-bit QUAD real.
970 All the usual standard library and `numeric_limits` support are available, performance should be equivalent
971 to the underlying native types: for example the LINPACK benchmarks for GCC's `__float128` and
972 `boost::multiprecision::float128` both achieved 5.6 MFLOPS[footnote On 64-bit Ubuntu 11.10, GCC-4.8.0, Intel Core 2 Duo T5800.].
974 As well as the usual conversions from arithmetic and string types, instances of `float128` are
975 copy constructible and assignable from GCC's `__float128` and Intel's `_Quad` data types.
977 It's also possible to access the underlying `__float128` or `_Quad` type via the `data()` member
978 function of `float128_backend`.
980 Things you should know when using this type:
982 * Default constructed `float128`s have the value zero.
983 * This backend supports rvalue-references and is move-aware, making instantiations of `number` on this backend move aware.
984 * It is not possible to round-trip objects of this type to and from a string and get back
985 exactly the same value when compiled with Intel's C++ compiler and using `_Quad` as the underlying type: this is a current limitation of
986 our code. Round tripping when using `__float128` as the underlying type is possible (both for GCC and Intel).
987 * Conversion from a string results in a `std::runtime_error` being thrown if the string can not be interpreted
988 as a valid floating-point number.
989 * Division by zero results in an infinity being produced.
990 * Type `float128` can be used as a literal type (constexpr support).
991 * When using the Intel compiler, the underlying type defaults to `__float128` if it's available and `_Quad` if not. You can override
992 the default by defining either `BOOST_MP_USE_FLOAT128` or `BOOST_MP_USE_QUAD`.
993 * When the underlying type is Intel's `_Quad` type, the code must be compiled with the compiler option `-Qoption,cpp,--extended_float_type`.
995 [h5 float128 example:]
997 [float128_eg]
999 [endsect]
1001 [section:fp_eg Examples]
1003 [import ../example/floating_point_examples.cpp]
1005 [section:aos Area of Circle]
1007 [AOS1]
1008 [AOS2]
1009 [AOS3]
1011 [endsect]
1013 [section:jel Defining a Special Function.]
1015 [JEL]
1017 [endsect]
1019 [section:nd Calculating a Derivative]
1021 [ND1]
1022 [ND2]
1023 [ND3]
1025 [endsect]
1027 [section:gi Calculating an Integral]
1029 [GI1]
1030 [GI2]
1032 [endsect]
1034 [section:poly_eg Polynomial Evaluation]
1036 [POLY]
1038 [endsect] [/section:poly_eg Polynomial Evaluation]
1040 [endsect] [/section:fp_eg Examples]
1042 [endsect] [/section:floats floating-point Numbers]
1044 [section:interval Interval Number Types]
1046 There is one currently only one interval number type supported - [mpfi].
1048 [section:mpfi mpfi_float]
1050 `#include <boost/multiprecision/mpfi.hpp>`
1052 namespace boost{ namespace multiprecision{
1054 template <unsigned Digits10>
1055 class mpfi_float_backend;
1057 typedef number<mpfi_float_backend<50> > mpfi_float_50;
1058 typedef number<mpfi_float_backend<100> > mpfifloat_100;
1059 typedef number<mpfi_float_backend<500> > mpfifloat_500;
1060 typedef number<mpfi_float_backend<1000> > mpfi_float_1000;
1061 typedef number<mpfi_float_backend<0> > mpfi_float;
1063 }} // namespaces
1065 The `mpfi_float_backend` type is used in conjunction with `number`: It acts as a thin wrapper around the [mpfi] `mpfi_t`
1066 to provide an real-number type that is a drop-in replacement for the native C++ floating-point types, but with
1067 much greater precision and implementing interval arithmetic.
1069 Type `mpfi_float_backend` can be used at fixed precision by specifying a non-zero `Digits10` template parameter, or
1070 at variable precision by setting the template argument to zero. The typedefs mpfi_float_50, mpfi_float_100,
1071 mpfi_float_500, mpfi_float_1000 provide arithmetic types at 50, 100, 500 and 1000 decimal digits precision
1072 respectively. The typedef mpfi_float provides a variable precision type whose precision can be controlled via the
1073 `number`s member functions.
1075 [note This type only provides `numeric_limits` support when the precision is fixed at compile time.]
1077 As well as the usual conversions from arithmetic and string types, instances of `number<mpfi_float_backend<N> >` are
1078 copy constructible and assignable from:
1080 * The [mpfi] native type `mpfi_t`.
1081 * The `number` wrappers around [mpfi] or [mpfr]: `number<mpfi_float_backend<M> >` and `number<mpfr_float<M> >`.
1082 * There is a two argument constructor taking two `number<mpfr_float<M> >` arguments specifying the interval.
1084 It's also possible to access the underlying `mpfi_t` via the data() member function of `mpfi_float_backend`.
1086 Things you should know when using this type:
1088 * A default constructed `mpfi_float_backend` is set to zero (['Note that this is [*not] the default [mpfi] behavior]).
1089 * No changes are made to [gmp] or [mpfr] global settings, so this type can coexist with existing
1090 [mpfr] or [gmp] code.
1091 * The code can equally use [mpir] in place of [gmp] - indeed that is the preferred option on Win32.
1092 * This backend supports rvalue-references and is move-aware, making instantiations of `number` on this backend move aware.
1093 * Conversion from a string results in a `std::runtime_error` being thrown if the string can not be interpreted
1094 as a valid floating-point number.
1095 * Division by zero results in an infinity.
1097 There are some additional non member functions for working on intervals:
1099 template <unsigned Digits10, expression_template_option ExpressionTemplates>
1100 number<mpfr_float_backend<Digits10>, ExpressionTemplates> lower(const number<mpfi_float_backend<Digits10>, ExpressionTemplates>& val);
1102 Returns the lower end of the interval.
1104 template <unsigned Digits10, expression_template_option ExpressionTemplates>
1105 number<mpfr_float_backend<Digits10>, ExpressionTemplates> upper(const number<mpfi_float_backend<Digits10>, ExpressionTemplates>& val);
1107 Returns the upper end of the interval.
1109 template <unsigned Digits10, expression_template_option ExpressionTemplates>
1110 number<mpfr_float_backend<Digits10>, ExpressionTemplates> median(const number<mpfi_float_backend<Digits10>, ExpressionTemplates>& val);
1112 Returns the mid point of the interval.
1114 template <unsigned Digits10, expression_template_option ExpressionTemplates>
1115 number<mpfr_float_backend<Digits10>, ExpressionTemplates> width(const number<mpfi_float_backend<Digits10>, ExpressionTemplates>& val);
1117 Returns the absolute width of the interval.
1119 template <unsigned Digits10, expression_template_option ExpressionTemplates>
1120 number<mpfi_float_backend<Digits10>, ExpressionTemplates> intersect(
1121 const number<mpfi_float_backend<Digits10>, ExpressionTemplates>& a,
1122 const number<mpfi_float_backend<Digits10>, ExpressionTemplates>& b);
1124 Returns the interval which is the intersection of the ['a] and ['b]. Returns an
1125 unspecified empty interval if there is no such intersection.
1127 template <unsigned Digits10, expression_template_option ExpressionTemplates>
1128 number<mpfi_float_backend<Digits10>, ExpressionTemplates> hull(
1129 const number<mpfi_float_backend<Digits10>, ExpressionTemplates>& a,
1130 const number<mpfi_float_backend<Digits10>, ExpressionTemplates>& b);
1132 Returns the interval which is the union of ['a] and ['b].
1134 template <unsigned Digits10, expression_template_option ExpressionTemplates>
1135 bool overlap(const number<mpfi_float_backend<Digits10>, ExpressionTemplates>& a,
1136 const number<mpfi_float_backend<Digits10>, ExpressionTemplates>& b);
1138 Returns `true` only if the intervals ['a] and ['b] overlap.
1140 template <unsigned Digits10, expression_template_option ExpressionTemplates1, expression_template_option ExpressionTemplates2>
1141 bool in(const number<mpfr_float_backend<Digits10>, ExpressionTemplates1>& a,
1142 const number<mpfi_float_backend<Digits10>, ExpressionTemplates2>& b);
1144 Returns `true` only if point ['a] is contained within the interval ['b].
1146 template <unsigned Digits10, expression_template_option ExpressionTemplates>
1147 bool zero_in(const number<mpfi_float_backend<Digits10>, ExpressionTemplates>& a);
1149 Returns `true` only if the interval ['a] contains the value zero.
1151 template <unsigned Digits10, expression_template_option ExpressionTemplates>
1152 bool subset(const number<mpfi_float_backend<Digits10>, ExpressionTemplates>& a,
1153 const number<mpfi_float_backend<Digits10>, ExpressionTemplates>& b);
1155 Returns `true` only if ['a] is a subset of ['b].
1157 template <unsigned Digits10, expression_template_option ExpressionTemplates>
1158 bool proper_subset(const number<mpfi_float_backend<Digits10>, ExpressionTemplates>& a,
1159 const number<mpfi_float_backend<Digits10>, ExpressionTemplates>& b);
1161 Returns `true` only if ['a] is a proper subset of ['b].
1163 template <unsigned Digits10, expression_template_option ExpressionTemplates>
1164 bool empty(const number<mpfi_float_backend<Digits10>, ExpressionTemplates>& a);
1166 Returns `true` only if ['a] is an empty interval, equivalent to `upper(a) < lower(a)`.
1168 template <unsigned Digits10, expression_template_option ExpressionTemplates>
1169 bool singleton(const number<mpfi_float_backend<Digits10>, ExpressionTemplates>& a);
1171 Returns `true` if `lower(a) == upper(a)`.
1173 [h5 [mpfi] example:]
1175 [mpfi_eg]
1177 [endsect]
1179 [endsect]
1181 [section:rational Rational Number Types]
1183 The following back-ends provide rational number arithmetic:
1185 [table
1186 [[Backend Type][Header][Radix][Dependencies][Pros][Cons]]
1187 [[`cpp_rational`][boost/multiprecision/cpp_int.hpp][2][None][An all C++ Boost-licensed implementation.][Slower than [gmp].]]
1188 [[`gmp_rational`][boost/multiprecision/gmp.hpp][2][[gmp]][Very fast and efficient back-end.][Dependency on GNU licensed [gmp] library.]]
1189 [[`tommath_rational`][boost/multiprecision/tommath.hpp][2][[tommath]][All C/C++ implementation that's Boost Software Licence compatible.][Slower than [gmp].]]
1190 [[`rational_adaptor`][boost/multiprecision/rational_adaptor.hpp][N/A][none][All C++ adaptor that allows any integer back-end type to be used as a rational type.][Requires an underlying integer back-end type.]]
1191 [[`boost::rational`][boost/rational.hpp][N/A][None][A C++ rational number type that can used with any `number` integer type.][The expression templates used by `number` end up being "hidden" inside `boost::rational`: performance may well suffer as a result.]]
1192 ]
1194 [section:cpp_rational cpp_rational]
1196 `#include <boost/multiprecision/cpp_int.hpp>`
1198 namespace boost{ namespace multiprecision{
1200 typedef rational_adaptor<cpp_int_backend<> > cpp_rational_backend;
1202 typedef number<cpp_rational_backend> cpp_rational;
1204 }} // namespaces
1206 The `cpp_rational_backend` type is used via the typedef `boost::multiprecision::cpp_rational`. It provides
1207 a rational number type that is a drop-in replacement for the native C++ number types, but with unlimited precision.
1209 As well as the usual conversions from arithmetic and string types, instances of `cpp_rational` are copy constructible
1210 and assignable from type `cpp_int`.
1212 There is also a two argument constructor that accepts a numerator and denominator: both of type `cpp_int`.
1214 There are also non-member functions:
1216 cpp_int numerator(const cpp_rational&);
1217 cpp_int denominator(const cpp_rational&);
1219 which return the numerator and denominator of the number.
1221 Things you should know when using this type:
1223 * Default constructed `cpp_rational`s have the value zero.
1224 * Division by zero results in a `std::overflow_error` being thrown.
1225 * Conversion from a string results in a `std::runtime_error` being thrown if the string can not be
1226 interpreted as a valid rational number.
1228 [h5 Example:]
1230 [cpp_rational_eg]
1232 [endsect]
1234 [section:gmp_rational gmp_rational]
1236 `#include <boost/multiprecision/gmp.hpp>`
1238 namespace boost{ namespace multiprecision{
1240 class gmp_rational;
1242 typedef number<gmp_rational > mpq_rational;
1244 }} // namespaces
1246 The `gmp_rational` back-end is used via the typedef `boost::multiprecision::mpq_rational`. It acts as a thin wrapper around the [gmp] `mpq_t`
1247 to provide a rational number type that is a drop-in replacement for the native C++ number types, but with unlimited precision.
1249 As well as the usual conversions from arithmetic and string types, instances of `number<gmp_rational>` are copy constructible
1250 and assignable from:
1252 * The [gmp] native types: `mpz_t`, `mpq_t`.
1253 * `number<gmp_int>`.
1255 There is also a two-argument constructor that accepts a numerator and denominator (both of type `number<gmp_int>`).
1257 There are also non-member functions:
1259 mpz_int numerator(const mpq_rational&);
1260 mpz_int denominator(const mpq_rational&);
1262 which return the numerator and denominator of the number.
1264 It's also possible to access the underlying `mpq_t` via the `data()` member function of `mpq_rational`.
1266 Things you should know when using this type:
1268 * Default constructed `mpq_rational`s have the value zero (this is the [gmp] default behavior).
1269 * Division by zero results in a `std::overflow_error` being thrown.
1270 * Conversion from a string results in a `std::runtime_error` being thrown if the string can not be
1271 interpreted as a valid rational number.
1272 * No changes are made to the [gmp] library's global settings, so this type can coexist with existing
1273 [gmp] code.
1274 * The code can equally be used with [mpir] as the underlying library - indeed that is the preferred option on Win32.
1276 [h5 Example:]
1278 [mpq_eg]
1280 [endsect]
1282 [section:tommath_rational tommath_rational]
1284 `#include <boost/multiprecision/tommath.hpp>`
1286 namespace boost{ namespace multiprecision{
1288 typedef rational_adpater<tommath_int> tommath_rational;
1289 typedef number<tommath_rational > tom_rational;
1291 }} // namespaces
1293 The `tommath_rational` back-end is used via the typedef `boost::multiprecision::tom_rational`. It acts as a thin wrapper around
1294 `boost::rational<tom_int>`
1295 to provide a rational number type that is a drop-in replacement for the native C++ number types, but with unlimited precision.
1297 The advantage of using this type rather than `boost::rational<tom_int>` directly, is that it is expression-template enabled,
1298 greatly reducing the number of temporaries created in complex expressions.
1300 There are also non-member functions:
1302 tom_int numerator(const tom_rational&);
1303 tom_int denominator(const tom_rational&);
1305 which return the numerator and denominator of the number.
1307 Things you should know when using this type:
1309 * Default constructed `tom_rational`s have the value zero (this the inherited Boost.Rational behavior).
1310 * Division by zero results in a `std::overflow_error` being thrown.
1311 * Conversion from a string results in a `std::runtime_error` being thrown if the string can not be
1312 interpreted as a valid rational number.
1313 * No changes are made to [tommath]'s global state, so this type can safely coexist with other [tommath] code.
1314 * Performance of this type has been found to be pretty poor - this need further investigation - but it appears that Boost.Rational
1315 needs some improvement in this area.
1317 [h5 Example:]
1319 [mp_rat_eg]
1321 [endsect]
1323 [section:br Use With Boost.Rational]
1325 All of the integer types in this library can be used as template arguments to `boost::rational<IntType>`.
1327 Note that using the library in this way largely negates the effect of the expression templates in `number`.
1329 [endsect]
1331 [section:rational_adaptor rational_adaptor]
1333 namespace boost{ namespace multiprecision{
1335 template <class IntBackend>
1336 class rational_adpater;
1338 }}
1340 The class template `rational_adaptor` is a back-end for `number` which converts any existing integer back-end
1341 into a rational-number back-end.
1343 So for example, given an integer back-end type `MyIntegerBackend`, the use would be something like:
1345 typedef number<MyIntegerBackend> MyInt;
1346 typedef number<rational_adaptor<MyIntegerBackend> > MyRational;
1348 MyRational r = 2;
1349 r /= 3;
1350 MyInt i = numerator(r);
1351 assert(i == 2);
1353 [endsect]
1355 [endsect]
1357 [section:misc Miscellaneous Number Types.]
1359 Backend types listed in this section are predominantly designed to aid debugging.
1361 [section:logged_adaptor logged_adaptor]
1363 `#include <boost/multiprecision/logged_adaptor.hpp>`
1365 namespace boost{ namespace multiprecision{
1367 template <class Backend>
1368 void log_postfix_event(const Backend& result, const char* event_description);
1369 template <class Backend, class T>
1370 void log_postfix_event(const Backend& result1, const T& result2, const char* event_description);
1372 template <class Backend>
1373 void log_prefix_event(const Backend& arg1, const char* event_description);
1374 template <class Backend, class T>
1375 void log_prefix_event(const Backend& arg1, const T& arg2, const char* event_description);
1376 template <class Backend, class T, class U>
1377 void log_prefix_event(const Backend& arg1, const T& arg2, const U& arg3, const char* event_description);
1378 template <class Backend, class T, class U, class V>
1379 void log_prefix_event(const Backend& arg1, const T& arg2, const U& arg3, const V& arg4, const char* event_description);
1381 template <Backend>
1382 class logged_adaptor;
1384 }} // namespaces
1386 The `logged_adaptor` type is used in conjunction with `number` and some other backend type: it acts as a thin wrapper around
1387 some other backend to class `number` and logs all the events that take place on that object. Before any number operation takes
1388 place, it calls `log_prefix_event` with the arguments to the operation (up to 4), plus a string describing the operation.
1389 Then after the operation it calls `log_postfix_event` with the result of the operation, plus a string describing the operation.
1390 Optionally, `log_postfix_event` takes a second result argument: this occurs when the result of the operation is not a `number`,
1391 for example when `fpclassify` is called, `log_postfix_event` will be called with `result1` being the argument to the function, and
1392 `result2` being the integer result of `fpclassify`.
1394 The default versions of `log_prefix_event` and `log_postfix_event` do nothing, it is therefore up to the user to overload these
1395 for the particular backend being observed.
1397 This type provides `numeric_limits` support whenever the template argument Backend does so.
1399 This type is particularly useful when combined with an interval number type - in this case we can use `log_postfix_event`
1400 to monitor the error accumulated after each operation. We could either set some kind of trap whenever the accumulated error
1401 exceeds some threshold, or simply print out diagnostic information. Using this technique we can quickly locate the cause of
1402 numerical instability in a particular routine. The following example demonstrates this technique in a trivial algorithm
1403 that deliberately introduces cancellation error:
1405 [logged_adaptor]
1407 When we examine program output we can clearly see that the diameter of the interval increases after each subtraction:
1409 [logged_adaptor_output]
1411 [endsect]
1413 [section:debug_adaptor debug_adaptor]
1415 `#include <boost/multiprecision/debug_adaptor.hpp>`
1417 namespace boost{ namespace multiprecision{
1419 template <Backend>
1420 class debug_adaptor;
1422 }} // namespaces
1424 The `debug_adaptor` type is used in conjunction with `number` and some other backend type: it acts as a thin wrapper around
1425 some other backend to class `number` and intercepts all operations on that object storing the result as a string within itself.
1427 This type provides `numeric_limits` support whenever the template argument Backend does so.
1429 This type is particularly useful when your debugger provides a good view of `std::string`: when this is the case
1430 multiprecision values can easily be inspected in the debugger by looking at the `debug_value` member of `debug_adaptor`.
1431 The down side of this approach is that runtimes are much slower when using this type. Set against that it can make
1432 debugging very much easier, certainly much easier than sprinkling code with `printf` statements.
1434 When used in conjunction with the Visual C++ debugger visualisers, the value of a multiprecision type that uses this
1435 backend is displayed in the debugger just a builtin value would be, here we're inspecting a value of type
1436 `number<debug_adaptor<cpp_dec_float<50> > >`:
1438 [$../debugger1.png]
1440 Otherwise you will need to expand out the view and look at the "debug_value" member:
1442 [$../debugger2.png]
1444 It works for all the backend types equally too, here it is inspecting a `number<debug_adaptor<gmp_rational> >`:
1446 [$../debugger3.png]
1449 [endsect]
1451 [section:visualizers Visual C++ Debugger Visualizers]
1453 Let's face it debugger multiprecision numbers is hard - simply because we can't easily inspect the value of the numbers.
1454 Visual C++ provides a partial solution in the shape of "visualizers" which provide improved views of complex data structures,
1455 these visualizers need to be added to the `[Visualizer]` section of `autoexp.dat` located in the `Common7/Packages/Debugger`
1456 directory of your Visual Studio installation. The actual visualizer code is in the sandbox
1457 [@https://svn.boost.org/svn/boost/sandbox/boost_docs/subprojects/DebuggerVisualizers/multiprecision.vis.txt here] - just cut and paste the code
1458 into your `autoexp.dat` file.
1460 [note These visualizers have only been tested with VC10, also given the ability of buggy visualizers to crash your Visual C++
1461 debugger, make sure you back up `autoexp.dat` file before using these!!]
1463 The first visualizer provides improved views of `debug_adaptor`:
1465 [$../debugger1.png]
1467 The next visualizer provides improved views of cpp_int: small numbers are displayed as actual values, while larger numbers are
1468 displayed as an array of hexadecimal parts, with the most significant part first.
1470 Here's what it looks like for small values:
1472 [$../debugger4.png]
1474 And for larger values:
1476 [$../debugger5.png]
1478 There is also a `~raw` child member that
1479 lets you see the actual members of the class:
1481 [$../debugger6.png]
1483 The visualizer for `cpp_dec_float` shows the first few digits of the value in the preview field, and the full array of digits
1484 when you expand the view. As before the `~raw` child gives you access to the actual data members:
1486 [$../debugger7.png]
1488 [endsect]
1490 [endsect]
1492 [section:conversions Constructing and Interconverting Between Number Types]
1494 All of the number types that are based on `number` have certain conversion rules in common.
1495 In particular:
1497 * Any number type can be constructed (or assigned) from any builtin arithmetic type, as long
1498 as the conversion isn't lossy (for example float to int conversion):
1500 cpp_dec_float_50 df(0.5); // OK construction from double
1501 cpp_int i(450); // OK constructs from signed int
1502 cpp_int j = 3.14; // Error, lossy conversion.
1504 * A number can be explicitly constructed from an arithmetic type, even when the conversion is lossy:
1506 cpp_int i(3.14); // OK explicit conversion
1507 i = static_cast<cpp_int>(3.14) // OK explicit conversion
1508 i.assign(3.14); // OK, explicit assign and avoid a temporary from the cast above
1509 i = 3.14; // Error, no implicit assignment operator for lossy conversion.
1510 cpp_int j = 3.14; // Error, no implicit constructor for lossy conversion.
1512 * A `number` can be converted to any built in type, via the `convert_to` member function:
1514 mpz_int z(2);
1515 int i = z.template convert_to<int>(); // sets i to 2
1517 * Conversions to rational numbers from floating-point ones are always allowed, and are exact and implicit
1518 as long as the rational number uses an unbounded integer type. Please be aware that constructing a rational
1519 number from an extended precision floating-point type with a large exponent range can effectively run the system
1520 out of memory, as in the extreme case ['2[super max_exponent] / CHAR_BITS] bytes of storage may be required. This
1521 does not represent a problem for built in floating-point types however, as the exponent range for these is rather
1522 limited.
1524 * Conversions to floating-point numbers from rational ones are rounded to nearest (less than 0.5ulp error)
1525 as long as the floating-point number is binary, and the integer type used by the rational number is unbounded.
1527 Additional conversions may be supported by particular backends.
1529 * A `number` can be converted to any built in type, via an explicit conversion operator:
1530 this functionality is only available on compilers supporting C++11's explicit conversion syntax.
1532 mpz_int z(2);
1533 int i = z; // Error, implicit conversion not allowed.
1534 int j = static_cast<int>(z); // OK explicit conversion.
1536 * Any number type can be ['explicitly] constructed (or assigned) from a `const char*` or a `std::string`:
1538 // pi to 50 places from a string:
1539 cpp_dec_float_50 df("3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510");
1540 // Integer type will automatically detect "0x" and "0" prefixes and parse the string accordingly:
1541 cpp_int i("0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF000000000000000");
1542 // Invalid input always results in a std::runtime_error being thrown:
1543 i = static_cast<cpp_int>("3.14");
1544 // implicit conversions from strings are not allowed:
1545 i = "23"; // Error, no assignment operator for implicit conversion from string
1546 // assign member function, avoids having to create a temporary via a static_cast:
1547 i.assign("23"); // OK
1549 * Any number type will interoperate with the builtin types in arithmetic expressions as long as the conversions
1550 are not lossy:
1552 // pi to 50 places from a string:
1553 cpp_dec_float_50 df = "3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510";
1554 // Multiply by 2 - using an integer literal here is usually more efficient
1555 // than constructing a temporary:
1556 df *= 2;
1558 // You can't mix integer types with floats though:
1559 cpp_int i = 2;
1560 i *= 3.14; // Error, no *= operator will be found.
1562 * Any number type can be streamed to and from the C++ iostreams:
1564 cpp_dec_float_50 df = "3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510";
1565 // Now print at full precision:
1566 std::cout << std::setprecision(std::numeric_limits<cpp_dec_float_50>::max_digits10)
1567 << df << std::endl
1568 cpp_int i = 1;
1569 i <<= 256;
1570 // Now print in hex format with prefix:
1571 std::cout << std::hex << std::showbase << i << std::endl;
1573 * Interconversions between number types of the same family are allowed and are implicit conversions if no
1574 loss of precision is involved, and explicit if it is:
1576 int128_t i128 = 0;
1577 int266_t i256 = i128; // OK implicit widening conversion
1578 i128_t = i256; // Error, no assignment operator found, narrowing conversion is explicit.
1579 i128_t = static_cast<int128_t>(i256); // OK, explicit narrowing conversion.
1581 mpz_int z = 0;
1582 mpf_float f = z; // OK, GMP handles this conversion natively, and it's not lossy and therefore implicit.
1584 mpf_float_50 f50 = 2;
1585 f = f50; // OK, conversion from fixed to variable precision, f will have 50 digits precision.
1586 f50 = f; // Error, conversion from variable to fixed precision is potentially lossy, explicit cast required.
1588 * Some interconversions between number types are completely generic, and are always available, albeit the conversions are always ['explicit]:
1590 cpp_int cppi(2);
1591 // We can always convert between numbers of the same category -
1592 // int to int, rational to rational, or float to float, so this is OK
1593 // as long as we use an explicit conversion:
1594 mpz_int z(cppi);
1595 // We can always promote from int to rational, int to float, or rational to float:
1596 cpp_rational cppr(cppi); // OK, int to rational
1597 cpp_dec_float_50 df(cppi); // OK, int to float
1598 df = static_cast<cpp_dec_float_50>(cppr); // OK, explicit rational to float conversion
1599 // However narrowing and/or implicit conversions always fail:
1600 cppi = df; // Compiler error, conversion not allowed
1602 * Other interconversions may be allowed as special cases, whenever the backend allows it:
1604 mpf_t m; // Native GMP type.
1605 mpf_init_set_ui(m, 0); // set to a value;
1606 mpf_float i(m); // copies the value of the native type.
1608 More information on what additional types a backend supports conversions from are given in the tutorial for each backend.
1609 The converting constructor will be implicit if the backend's converting constructor is also implicit, and explicit if the
1610 backends converting constructor is also explicit.
1612 [endsect]
1614 [section:random Generating Random Numbers]
1616 Random numbers are generated in conjunction with Boost.Random.
1618 There is a single generator that supports generating random integers with large bit counts:
1619 [@http://www.boost.org/doc/html/boost/random/independent_bits_engine.html `independent_bits_engine`].
1620 This type can be used with either ['unbounded] integer types, or with ['bounded] (ie fixed precision) unsigned integers:
1622 [random_eg1]
1624 Program output is:
1626 [random_eg1_out]
1628 In addition, the generator adaptors [@http://www.boost.org/doc/html/boost/random/discard_block_engine.html `discard_block`],
1629 [@http://www.boost.org/doc/html/boost/random/xor_combine_engine.html `xor_combine_engine`] and
1630 [@http://www.boost.org/doc/html/boost/random/discrete_distribution.html `discrete_distribution`] can be used
1631 with multiprecision types. Note that if you seed an `independent_bits_engine`, then you are actually seeding
1632 the underlying generator, and should therefore provide a sequence of unsigned 32-bit values as the seed.
1634 Alternatively we can generate integers in a given range using
1635 [@http://www.boost.org/doc/html/boost/random/uniform_int_distribution.html `uniform_int_distribution`], this will
1636 invoke the underlying engine multiple times to build up the required number of bits in the result:
1638 [random_eg2]
1640 [random_eg2_out]
1642 It is also possible to use [@http://www.boost.org/doc/html/boost/random/uniform_int_distribution.html `uniform_int_distribution`]
1643 with a multiprecision generator such as [@http://www.boost.org/doc/html/boost/random/independent_bits_engine.html `independent_bits_engine`].
1644 Or to use [@http://www.boost.org/doc/html/boost/random/uniform_smallint.html `uniform_smallint`] or
1645 [@http://www.boost.org/doc/html/boost/random/random_number_generator.html `random_number_generator`] with multiprecision types.
1647 floating-point values in \[0,1) are most easily generated using [@http://www.boost.org/doc/html/boost/random/generate_canonical.html `generate_canonical`],
1648 note that `generate_canonical` will call the generator multiple times to produce the requested number of bits, for example we can use
1649 it with a regular generator like so:
1651 [random_eg3]
1653 [random_eg3_out]
1655 Note however, the distributions do not invoke the generator multiple times to fill up the mantissa of a multiprecision floating-point type
1656 with random bits. For these therefore, we should probably use a multiprecision generator (ie `independent_bits_engine`) in combination
1657 with the distribution:
1659 [random_eg4]
1661 [random_eg4_out]
1663 And finally, it is possible to use the floating-point generators [@http://www.boost.org/doc/html/boost/random/lagged_fibonacci_01_engine.html `lagged_fibonacci_01_engine`]
1664 and [@http://www.boost.org/doc/html/boost/random/subtract_with_idp144360752.html `subtract_with_carry_01_engine`] directly with multiprecision floating-point types.
1665 It's worth noting however, that there is a distinct lack of literature on generating high bit-count random numbers, and therefore a lack of "known good" parameters to
1666 use with these generators in this situation. For this reason, these should probably be used for research purposes only:
1668 [random_eg5]
1670 [endsect]
1672 [section:primetest Primality Testing]
1674 The library implements a Miller-Rabin test for primality:
1676 #include <boost/multiprecision/miller_rabin.hpp>
1678 template <class Backend, expression_template_option ExpressionTemplates, class Engine>
1679 bool miller_rabin_test(const number<Backend, ExpressionTemplates>& n, unsigned trials, Engine& gen);
1681 template <class Backend, expression_template_option ExpressionTemplates, class Engine>
1682 bool miller_rabin_test(const number<Backend, ExpressionTemplates>& n, unsigned trials);
1684 These functions perform a Miller-Rabin test for primality, if the result is `false` then /n/ is definitely composite,
1685 while if the result is true then n is probably prime. The probability to declare a composite n as probable prime is
1686 at most 0.25[super trials]. Note that this does not allow a statement about the probability of n being actually
1687 prime (for that, the prior probability would have to be known). The algorithm used performs some
1688 trial divisions to exclude small prime factors, does one Fermat test to exclude many more composites, and then
1689 uses the Miller-Rabin algorithm straight out of
1690 Knuth Vol 2, which recommends 25 trials for a pretty strong likelihood that /n/ is prime.
1692 The third optional argument is for a Uniform Random Number Generator from Boost.Random. When not provided the `mt19937`
1693 generator is used. Note that when producing random primes then you should probably use a different random number generator
1694 to produce candidate prime numbers for testing, than is used internally by `miller_rabin_test` for determining
1695 whether the value is prime. It also helps of course to seed the generators with some source of randomness.
1697 The following example searches for a prime `p` for which `(p-1)/2` is also probably prime:
1699 [safe_prime]
1701 [endsect]
1703 [section:lits Literal Types and `constexpr` Support]
1705 [note The features described in this section make heavy use of C++11 language features, currently
1706 (as of May 2013) only
1707 GCC-4.7 and later, and Clang 3.3 and later have the support required to make these features work.]
1709 There is limited support for `constexpr` and user-defined literals in the library, currently the
1710 `number` front end supports `constexpr`
1711 on default construction and all forwarding constructors, but not on any of the non-member operators. So if
1712 some type `B` is a literal type, then `number<B>` is also a literal type, and you will be able to
1713 compile-time-construct such a type from any literal that `B` is compile-time-constructible from.
1714 However, you will not be able to perform compile-time arithmetic on such types.
1716 Currently the only backend type provided by the library that is also a literal type are instantiations
1717 of `cpp_int_backend` where the Allocator parameter is type `void`, and the Checked parameter is
1718 `boost::multiprecision::unchecked`.
1720 For example:
1722 using namespace boost::multiprecision;
1724 constexpr int128_t i = 0; // OK, fixed precision int128_t has no allocator.
1725 constexpr uint1024_t j = 0xFFFFFFFF00000000uLL; // OK, fixed precision uint1024_t has no allocator.
1727 constexpr checked_uint128_t k = -1; // Error, checked type is not a literal type as we need runtime error checking.
1728 constexpr cpp_int l = 2; // Error, type is not a literal as it performs memory management.
1730 There is also limited support for user defined-literals - these are limited to unchecked, fixed precision `cpp_int`'s
1731 which are specified in hexadecimal notation. The suffixes supported are:
1733 [table
1734 [[Suffix][Meaning]]
1735 [[_cppi][Specifies a value of type: `number<cpp_int_backend<N,N,signed_magnitude,unchecked,void> >`, where N is chosen
1736 to contain just enough digits to hold the number specified.]]
1737 [[_cppui][Specifies a value of type: `number<cpp_int_backend<N,N,unsigned_magnitude,unchecked,void> >`, where N is chosen
1738 to contain just enough digits to hold the number specified.]]
1739 [[_cppi['N]][Specifies a value of type `number<cpp_int_backend<N,N,signed_magnitude,unchecked,void> >`.]]
1740 [[_cppui['N]][Specifies a value of type `number<cpp_int_backend<N,N,signed_magnitude,unchecked,void> >`.]]
1741 ]
1743 In each case, use of these suffixes with hexadecimal values produces a `constexpr` result.
1745 Examples:
1747 //
1748 // Any use of user defined literals requires that we import the literal-operators
1749 // into current scope first:
1750 using namespace boost::multiprecision::literals;
1751 //
1752 // To keep things simple in the example, we'll make our types used visible to this scope as well:
1753 using namespace boost::multiprecision;
1754 //
1755 // The value zero as a number<cpp_int_backend<4,4,signed_magnitude,unchecked,void> >:
1756 constexpr auto a = 0x0_cppi;
1757 // The type of each constant has 4 bits per hexadecimal digit,
1758 // so this is of type uint256_t (ie number<cpp_int_backend<256,256,unsigned_magnitude,unchecked,void> >):
1760 //
1761 // Smaller values can be assigned to larger values:
1762 int256_t c = 0x1234_cppi; // OK
1763 //
1764 // However, this does not currently work in constexpr contexts:
1765 constexpr int256_t d = 0x1_cppi; // Compiler error
1766 //
1767 // Constants can be padded out with leading zeros to generate wider types:
1768 constexpr uint256_t e = 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF_cppui; // OK
1769 //
1770 // However, specific width types are best produced with specific-width suffixes,
1771 // ones supported by default are `_cpp[u]i128`, `_cpp[u]i256`, `_cpp[u]i512`, `_cpp[u]i1024`.
1772 //
1773 constexpr int128_t f = 0x1234_cppi128; // OK, always produces an int128_t as the result.
1774 constexpr uint1024_t g = 0xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbccccccccccccccccccccc_cppui1024;
1775 //
1776 // If other specific width types are required, then there is a macro for generating the operators
1777 // for these. The macro can be used at namespace scope only:
1778 //
1780 //
1781 // Now we can create 2048-bit literals as well:
1782 constexpr auto h = 0xff_cppi2048; // h is of type number<cpp_int_backend<2048,2048,signed_magnitude,unchecked,void> >
1783 //
1784 // Finally negative values are handled via the unary minus operator:
1785 //
1787 //
1788 // Which means this also works:
1789 constexpr int1024_t j = -g; // OK: unary minus operator is constexpr.
1791 [endsect]
1793 [section:import_export Importing and Exporting Data to and from cpp_int and cpp_bin_float]
1795 Any integer number type that uses `cpp_int_backend` as it's implementation layer can import or export it's bits via two non-member functions:
1797 template <unsigned MinBits, unsigned MaxBits, cpp_integer_type SignType, cpp_int_check_type Checked, class Allocator,
1798 expression_template_option ExpressionTemplates, class OutputIterator>
1799 OutputIterator export_bits(
1800 const number<const cpp_int_backend<MinBits, MaxBits, SignType, Checked, Allocator>, ExpressionTemplates>& val,
1801 OutputIterator out,
1802 unsigned chunk_size,
1803 bool msv_first = true);
1805 template <unsigned MinBits, unsigned MaxBits, cpp_integer_type SignType, cpp_int_check_type Checked, class Allocator,
1806 expression_template_option ExpressionTemplates, class Iterator>
1807 number<cpp_int_backend<MinBits, MaxBits, SignType, Checked, Allocator>, ExpressionTemplates>&
1808 import_bits(
1809 number<cpp_int_backend<MinBits, MaxBits, SignType, Checked, Allocator>, ExpressionTemplates>& val,
1810 Iterator i,
1811 Iterator j,
1812 unsigned chunk_size = 0,
1813 bool msv_first = true);
1815 These functions are designed for data-interchange with other storage formats, and since __cpp_bin_float uses __cpp_int internally,
1816 by extension they can be used for floating point numbers based on that backend as well (see example below). Parameters and use are as follows:
1818 template <unsigned MinBits, unsigned MaxBits, cpp_integer_type SignType, cpp_int_check_type Checked, class Allocator,
1819 expression_template_option ExpressionTemplates, class OutputIterator>
1820 OutputIterator export_bits(
1821 const number<const cpp_int_backend<MinBits, MaxBits, SignType, Checked, Allocator>, ExpressionTemplates>& val,
1822 OutputIterator out,
1823 unsigned chunk_size,
1824 bool msv_first = true);
1826 Exports the absolute value of `val` to OutputIterator `out`. The function will write `chunk_size` bits at a time
1827 to the OutputIterator, and if `msv_first` is true, will write the most-significant block first. Byte and bit order
1828 within each `chunk_size` block is always in the machines native format. Further, each block is stored in a
1829 `boost::uintmax_t` when it's assigned to `*out`.
1831 [note Unfortunately, the standard's OutputIterator concept provides no means of deducing the type to output since
1832 `std::iterator_traits<OutputIteratorType>::value_type` is type `void`. This is why the bit count for each block
1833 has to be specified manually. It may also result in compiler warnings about the value being narrowed.]
1835 [tip If you're exporting to non-native byte layout, then use
1836 [@http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/release/libs/endian/doc/index.html
1837 Boost.Endian] to create a custom OutputIterator that
1838 reverses the byte order of each chunk prior to actually storing the result.]
1840 template <unsigned MinBits, unsigned MaxBits, cpp_integer_type SignType, cpp_int_check_type Checked, class Allocator,
1841 expression_template_option ExpressionTemplates, class ForwardIterator>
1842 number<cpp_int_backend<MinBits, MaxBits, SignType, Checked, Allocator>, ExpressionTemplates>&
1843 import_bits(
1844 number<cpp_int_backend<MinBits, MaxBits, SignType, Checked, Allocator>, ExpressionTemplates>& val,
1845 ForwardIterator i,
1846 ForwardIterator j,
1847 unsigned chunk_size = 0,
1848 bool msv_first = true);
1850 Imports bits from the iterator range ['\[i,j)] and stores them in `val` to produce an unsigned result (if the result
1851 is to be signed you will need to handle that separately). When `msv_first` is true, takes `*i` as the most significant
1852 chunk. Assumes there are `chunk_size` bits in each value read from the iterator range, and that these are in machine native
1853 bit/byte order. When `chunk_size` is zero, then assumes that each chunk contains
1854 `std::numeric_limits<std::iterator_traits<ForwardIterator>::value_type>::digits`, note that this will give the wrong result
1855 if dereferencing the iterators leads to a signed-integer type, [*and] the sign bit is significant (be particularly careful
1856 if you expect type `char` to contain 8-bit values, as by default it will extract only 7-bits at a time if `char` is signed).
1857 As with exporting, if the external data is to be in a non-native byte order (within each chunk), then you will need to create an iterator adaptor
1858 that presents it in native order (see [@http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/release/libs/endian/doc/index.html Boost.Endian]).
1860 [note
1861 Note that this function is optimized for the case where the data can be memcpy'ed from the source to the integer - in this case both
1862 iterators much be pointers, and everything must be little-endian.]
1864 [h4 Examples]
1866 [IE1]
1868 [IE2]
1870 [endsect]
1872 [section:rounding Rounding Rules for Conversions]
1874 As a general rule, all conversions between unrelated types are performed using basic arithmetic operations, therefore
1875 conversions are either exact, or follow the same rounding rules as arithmetic for the type in question.
1877 The following table summarises the situation for conversions from native types:
1879 [table
1880 [[Backend][Rounding Rules]]
1881 [[__cpp_int][Conversions from integer types are exact if the target has sufficient precision, otherwise they
1882 truncate to the first 2^MaxBits bits (modulo arithmetic). Conversions from floating-point types
1883 are truncating to the nearest integer.]]
1884 [[__gmp_int][Conversions are performed by the GMP library except for conversion from `long double` which is truncating.]]
1885 [[__tom_int][Conversions from floating-point types are truncating, all others are performed by libtommath and are exact.]]
1886 [[__gmp_float][Conversions are performed by the GMP library except for conversion from `long double` which should be exact
1887 provided the target type has as much precision as a `long double`.]]
1888 [[__mpfr_float_backend][All conversions are performed by the underlying MPFR library.]]
1889 [[__cpp_dec_float][All conversions are performed using basic arithmetic operations and are truncating.]]
1890 [[__gmp_rational][See __gmp_int]]
1891 [[__cpp_rational][See __cpp_int]]
1892 [[__tommath_rational][See __tom_int]]
1893 ]
1895 [endsect]
1897 [section:mixed Mixed Precision Arithmetic]
1899 Mixed precision arithmetic is fully supported by the library.
1901 There are two different forms:
1903 * Where the operands are of different precision.
1904 * Where the operands are of the same precision, but yield a higher precision result.
1906 [h4 Mixing Operands of Differing Precision]
1908 If the arguments to a binary operator are of different precision, then the operation is allowed
1909 as long as there is an unambiguous implicit conversion from one argument type to the other.
1910 In all cases the arithmetic is performed "as if" the lower precision type is promoted to the
1911 higher precision type before applying the operator. However, particular backends may optimise
1912 this and avoid actually creating a temporary if they are able to do so.
1914 For example:
1916 mpfr_float_50 a(2), b;
1917 mpfr_float_100 c(3), d;
1918 static_mpfr_float_50 e(5), f;
1919 mpz_int i(20);
1921 d = a * c; // OK, result of operand is an mpfr_float_100.
1922 b = a * c; // Error, can't convert the result to an mpfr_float_50 as it will lose digits.
1923 f = a * e; // Error, operator is ambiguous, result could be of either type.
1924 f = e * i; // OK, unambiguous conversion from mpz_int to static_mpfr_float_50
1926 [h4 Operands of the Same Precision]
1928 Sometimes you want to apply an operator to two arguments of the same precision in
1929 such a way as to obtain a result of higher precision. The most common situation
1930 occurs with fixed precision integers, where you want to multiply two N-bit numbers
1931 to obtain a 2N-bit result. This is supported in this library by the following
1932 free functions:
1934 template <class ResultType, class Source1 class Source2>
1935 ResultType& add(ResultType& result, const Source1& a, const Source2& b);
1937 template <class ResultType, class Source1 class Source2>
1938 ResultType& subtract(ResultType& result, const Source1& a, const Source2& b);
1940 template <class ResultType, class Source1 class Source2>
1941 ResultType& multiply(ResultType& result, const Source1& a, const Source2& b);
1943 These functions apply the named operator to the arguments ['a] and ['b] and store the
1944 result in ['result], returning ['result]. In all cases they behave "as if"
1945 arguments ['a] and ['b] were first promoted to type `ResultType` before applying the
1946 operator, though particular backends may well avoid that step by way of an optimization.
1948 The type `ResultType` must be an instance of class `number`, and the types `Source1` and `Source2`
1949 may be either instances of class `number` or native integer types. The latter is an optimization
1950 that allows arithmetic to be performed on native integer types producing an extended precision result.
1952 For example:
1954 [mixed_eg]
1956 Produces the output:
1958 [mixed_output]
1960 [h4 Backends With Optimized Mixed Precision Arithmetic]
1962 The following backends have at least some direct support for mixed precision arithmetic,
1963 and therefore avoid creating unnecessary temporaries when using the interfaces above.
1964 Therefore when using these types it's more efficient to use mixed precision arithmetic,
1965 than it is to explicitly cast the operands to the result type:
1967 __mpfr_float_backend, __mpf_float, __cpp_int.
1969 [endsect]
1971 [section:gen_int Generic Integer Operations]
1973 All of the [link boost_multiprecision.ref.number.integer_functions non-member integer operations] are overloaded for the
1974 built in integer types in
1975 `<boost/multiprecision/integer.hpp>`.
1976 Where these operations require a temporary increase in precision (such as for powm), then
1977 if no built in type is available, a __cpp_int of appropriate precision will be used.
1979 Some of these functions are trivial, others use compiler intrinsics (where available) to ensure optimal
1980 evaluation.
1982 The overloaded functions are:
1984 template <class Integer, class I2>
1985 Integer& multiply(Integer& result, const I2& a, const I2& b);
1987 Multiplies two `I2` values, to produce a wider `Integer` result.
1989 Returns `result = a * b` without overflow or loss of precision in the multiplication.
1991 template <class Integer, class I2>
1992 Integer& add(Integer& result, const I2& a, const I2& b);
1994 Adds two `I2` values, to produce a wider `Integer` result.
1996 Returns `result = a + b` without overflow or loss of precision in the addition.
1998 template <class Integer, class I2>
1999 Integer& subtract(Integer& result, const I2& a, const I2& b);
2001 Subtracts two `I2` values, to produce a wider `Integer` result.
2003 Returns `result = a - b` without overflow or loss of precision in the subtraction.
2005 template <class Integer>
2006 Integer powm(const Integer& b, const Integer& p, const Integer& m);
2008 Returns b[super p] % m.
2010 template <class Integer>
2011 void divide_qr(const Integer& x, const Integer& y, Integer& q, Integer& r);
2013 Sets `q = x / y` and `r = x % y`.
2015 template <class Integer1, class Integer2>
2016 Integer2 integer_modulus(const Integer1& x, Integer2 val);
2018 Returns x % val;
2020 template <class Integer>
2021 unsigned lsb(const Integer& x);
2023 Returns the (zero-based) index of the least significant bit of `x`.
2025 Throws a `std::domain_error` if `x <= 0`.
2027 template <class Integer>
2028 unsigned msb(const Integer& x);
2030 Returns the (zero-based) index of the most significant bit of `x`.
2032 Throws a `std::domain_error` if `x <= 0`.
2034 template <class Integer>
2035 bool bit_test(const Integer& val, unsigned index);
2037 Returns `true` if bit `index` is set in `val`.
2039 template <class Integer>
2040 Integer& bit_set(Integer& val, unsigned index);
2042 Sets the `index` bit in `val`.
2044 template <class Integer>
2045 Integer& bit_unset(Integer& val, unsigned index);
2047 Unsets the `index` bit in `val`.
2049 template <class Integer>
2050 Integer& bit_flip(Integer& val, unsigned index);
2052 Flips the `index` bit in `val`.
2054 template <class Integer>
2055 Integer sqrt(const Integer& x);
2056 template <class Integer>
2057 Integer sqrt(const Integer& x, Integer& r);
2059 Returns the integer square root `s` of x and sets `r` to the remainder ['x - s[super 2]].
2061 template <class Engine>
2062 bool miller_rabin_test(const number-or-expression-template-type& n, unsigned trials, Engine& gen);
2063 bool miller_rabin_test(const number-or-expression-template-type& n, unsigned trials);
2065 The regular Miller-Rabin functions in `<boost/multiprecision/miller_rabin.hpp>` are defined in terms of the above
2066 generic operations, and so function equally well for built in and multiprecision types.
2068 [endsect]
2070 [section:serial Boost.Serialization Support]
2072 Support for serialization comes in two forms:
2074 * Classes __number, __debug_adaptor, __logged_adaptor and __rational_adaptor have "pass through" serialization
2075 support which requires the underlying backend to be serializable.
2076 * Backends __cpp_int, __cpp_bin_float, __cpp_dec_float and __float128 have full support for Boost.Serialization.
2078 [endsect] [/section:serialization Boost Serialization]
2080 [section:limits Numeric Limits]
2082 Boost.Multiprecision tries hard to implement `std::numeric_limits` for all types
2083 as far as possible and meaningful because experience with Boost.Math
2084 has shown that this aids portability.
2086 The [@http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2013/n3690.pdf C++ standard library]
2087 defines `std::numeric_limits` in section 18.3.2.
2089 This in turn refers to the C standard
2090 [@http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg11/docs/n507.pdf SC22/WG11 N507 DRAFT INTERNATIONAL ISO/IEC STANDARD
2091 WD 10967-1]
2092 Information technology Language independent arithmetic Part 1: Integer and floating-point arithmetic.
2094 That C Standard in turn refers to
2096 [@http://754r.ucbtest.org/standards/754.pdf IEEE754 IEEE Standard for Binary
2097 Floating-Point Arithmetic]
2099 There is a useful summary at
2100 [@http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/limits/numeric_limits/ C++ reference].
2102 The chosen backend often determines how completely `std::numeric_limits` is available.
2104 Compiler options, processor type, and definition of macros or assembler instructions to control denormal numbers will alter
2105 the values in the tables given below.
2107 [warning GMP's `mpf_t` does not have a concept of overflow:
2108 operations that lead to overflow eventually run of out of resources
2109 and terminate with stack overflow (often after several seconds).]
2111 [section:constants std::numeric_limits<> constants]
2113 [h4 is_specialized]
2115 `true` for all arithmetic types (integer, floating and fixed-point)
2116 for which `std::numeric_limits<T>::numeric_limits` is specialized.
2118 A typical test is
2120 if (std::numeric_limits<T>::is_specialized == false)
2121 {
2122 std::cout << "type " << typeid(T).name() << " is not specialized for std::numeric_limits!" << std::endl;
2123 // ...
2124 }
2126 Typically `numeric_limits<T>::is_specialized` is `true` for all `T` where the compile-time constant
2127 members of `numeric_limits` are indeed known at compile time, and don't vary at runtime. For example
2128 floating-point types with runtime-variable precision such as `mpfr_float` have no `numeric_limits`
2129 specialization as it would be impossible to define all the members at compile time. In contrast
2130 the precision of a type such as `mpfr_float_50` is known at compile time, and so it ['does] have a
2131 `numeric_limits` specialization.
2133 Note that not all the `std::numeric_limits` member constants and functions are meaningful for all user-defined types (UDT),
2134 such as the decimal and binary multiprecision types provided here. More information on this is given in the sections below.
2136 [h4 infinity]
2138 For floating-point types, [infin] is defined wherever possible,
2139 but clearly infinity is meaningless for __arbitrary_precision arithmetic backends,
2140 and there is one floating-point type (GMP's `mpf_t`, see __mpf_float) which has no notion
2141 of infinity or NaN at all.
2143 A typical test whether infinity is implemented is
2145 if(std::numeric_limits<T>::has_infinity)
2146 {
2147 std::cout << std::numeric_limits<T>::infinity() << std::endl;
2148 }
2150 and using tests like this is strongly recommended to improve portability.
2152 If the backend is switched to a type that does not support infinity then,
2153 without checks like this, there will be trouble.
2155 [h4 is_signed]
2157 `std::numeric_limits<T>::is_signed == true` if the type `T` is signed.
2159 For built-in binary types, the sign is held in a single bit,
2160 but for other types (cpp_dec_float and cpp_bin_float)
2161 it may be a separate storage element, usually `bool`.
2163 [h4 is_exact]
2165 `std::numeric_limits<T>::is_exact == true` if type T uses exact representations.
2167 This is defined as `true` for all integer types and `false` for floating-point types.
2169 [@http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14203654/stdnumeric-limitsis-exact-what-is-a-usable-definition A usable definition]
2170 has been discussed.
2172 ISO/IEC 10967-1, Language independent arithmetic, noted by the C++ Standard defines
2174 A floating-point type F shall be a finite subset of [real].
2176 The important practical distinction is that all integers (up to `max()`) can be stored exactly.
2178 [@http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rational_number Rational]
2179 types using two integer types are also exact.
2181 Floating-point types [*cannot store all real values]
2182 (those in the set of [real]) [*exactly].
2183 For example, 0.5 can be stored exactly in a binary floating-point, but 0.1 cannot.
2184 What is stored is the nearest representable real value, that is, rounded to nearest.
2186 Fixed-point types (usually decimal) are also defined as exact, in that they only
2187 store a [*fixed precision], so half cents or pennies (or less) cannot be stored.
2188 The results of computations are rounded up or down,
2189 just like the result of integer division stored as an integer result.
2191 There are number of proposals to
2192 [@http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2012/n3407.html
2193 add Decimal floating-point Support to C++].
2195 [@http://www.open-std.org/JTC1/SC22/WG21/docs/papers/2009/n2849.pdf Decimal TR].
2197 And also
2198 [@http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2012/n3352.html
2199 C++ Binary Fixed-Point Arithmetic].
2201 [h4 is_bounded]
2203 `std::numeric_limits<T>::is_bounded == true` if the set of values represented by the type `T` is finite.
2205 This is `true` for all built-in integer, fixed and floating-point types,
2206 and most multi-precision types.
2208 It is only `false` for a few __arbitrary_precision types like `cpp_int`.
2210 Rational and fixed-exponent representations are exact but not integer.
2212 [h4 is_modulo]
2214 `std::numeric_limits<T>::is_modulo` is defined as `true` if adding two positive values of type T
2215 can yield a result less than either value.
2217 `is_modulo == true` means that the type does not overflow, but, for example,
2218 'wraps around' to zero, when adding one to the `max()` value.
2220 For most built-in integer types, `std::numeric_limits<>::is_modulo` is `true`.
2222 `bool` is the only exception.
2224 The modulo behaviour is sometimes useful,
2225 but also can be unexpected, and sometimes undesired, behaviour.
2227 Overflow of signed integers can be especially unexpected,
2228 possibly causing change of sign.
2230 Boost.Multiprecision integer type `cpp_int` is not modulo
2231 because as an __arbitrary_precision types,
2232 it expands to hold any value that the machine resources permit.
2234 However fixed precision __cpp_int's may be modulo if they are unchecked
2235 (i.e. they behave just like built in integers), but not if they are checked
2236 (overflow causes an exception to be raised).
2238 Built-in and multi-precision floating-point types are normally not modulo.
2240 Where possible, overflow is to `std::numeric_limits<>::infinity()`,
2241 provided `std::numeric_limits<>::has_infinity == true`.
2243 [h4 radix]
2245 Constant `std::numeric_limits<T>::radix` returns either 2 (for built-in and binary types)
2246 or 10 (for decimal types).
2248 [h4 digits]
2250 The number of `radix` digits that be represented without change:
2252 * for integer types, the number of [*non-sign bits] in the significand.
2253 * for floating types, the number of [*radix digits] in the significand.
2255 The values include any implicit bit, so for example, for the ubiquious
2256 `double` using 64 bits
2257 ([@http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Double_precision_floating-point_format IEEE binary64 ]),
2258 `digits` == 53, even though there are only 52 actual bits of the significand stored in the representation.
2259 The value of `digits` reflects the fact that there is one implicit bit which is always set to 1.
2261 The Boost.Multiprecision binary types do not use an implicit bit, so the
2262 `digits` member reflects exactly how many bits of precision were requested:
2264 typedef number<cpp_bin_float<53, digit_base_2> > float64;
2265 typedef number<cpp_bin_float<113, digit_base_2> > float128;
2266 std::numeric_limits<float64>::digits == 53.
2267 std::numeric_limits<float128>::digits == 113.
2269 For the most common case of `radix == 2`,
2270 `std::numeric_limits<T>::digits` is the number of bits in the representation,
2271 not counting any sign bit.
2273 For a decimal integer type, when `radix == 10`, it is the number of decimal digits.
2275 [h4 digits10]
2277 Constant `std::numeric_limits<T>::digits10` returns the number of
2278 decimal digits that can be represented without change or loss.
2280 For example, `numeric_limits<unsigned char>::digits10` is 2.
2282 This somewhat inscrutable definition means that an `unsigned char`
2283 can hold decimal values `0..99`
2284 without loss of precision or accuracy, usually from truncation.
2286 Had the definition been 3 then that would imply it could hold 0..999,
2287 but as we all know, an 8-bit `unsigned char` can only hold 0..255,
2288 and an attempt to store 256 or more will involve loss or change.
2290 For bounded integers, it is thus [*one less] than number of decimal digits
2291 you need to display the biggest integer `std::numeric_limits<T>::max()`.
2292 This value can be used to predict the layout width required for
2294 [digits10_1]
2296 For example, `unsigned short` is often stored in 16 bits,
2297 so the maximum value is 0xFFFF or 65535.
2299 [digits10_2]
2302 For bounded floating-point types,
2303 if we create a `double` with a value with `digits10` (usually 15) decimal digits,
2304 `1e15` or `1000000000000000` :
2306 [digits10_3]
2308 and we can increment this value to `1000000000000001`
2309 as expected and show the difference too.
2311 But if we try to repeat this with more than `digits10` digits,
2313 [digits10_4]
2315 then we find that when we add one it has no effect,
2316 and display show that there is loss of precision. See
2317 [@http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loss_of_significance Loss of significance or cancellation error].
2319 So `digits10` is the number of decimal digits [*guaranteed] to be correct.
2321 For example, 'round-tripping' for `double`:
2323 * If a decimal string with at most `digits10`( == 15) significant decimal digits
2324 is converted to `double` and then converted back to the
2325 same number of significant decimal digits,
2326 then the final string will match the original 15 decimal digit string.
2327 * If a `double` floating-point number is converted to a decimal string
2328 with at least 17 decimal digits
2329 and then converted back to `double`,
2330 then the result will be binary identical to the original `double` value.
2332 For most purposes, you will much more likely want
2333 `std::numeric_limits<>::max_digits10`,
2334 the number of decimal digits that ensure that a change of one least significant bit (ULP)
2335 produces a different decimal digits string.
2337 For the most common `double` floating-point type,`max_digits10` is `digits10+2`,
2338 but you should use C++11 `max_digits10`
2339 where possible (see [link boost_multiprecision.tut.limits.constants.max_digits10 below]).
2341 [h4:max_digits10 max_digits10]
2343 `std::numeric_limits<T>::max_digits10` was added for floating-point
2344 because `digits10` decimal digits are insufficient to show
2345 a least significant bit (ULP) change giving puzzling displays like
2347 0.666666666666667 != 0.666666666666667
2349 from failure to 'round-trip', for example:
2351 [max_digits10_2]
2353 If you wish to ensure that a change of one least significant bit (ULP)
2354 produces a different decimal digits string,
2355 then `max_digits10` is the precision to use.
2357 For example:
2359 [max_digits10_3]
2361 will display [pi] to the maximum possible precision using a `double`.
2363 [max_digits10_4]
2365 For integer types, `max_digits10` is implementation-dependent,
2366 but is usually `digits10 + 2`.
2367 This is the output field-width required for the maximum value of the type T
2368 `std::numeric_limits<T>::max()` ['including a sign and a space].
2370 So this will produce neat columns.
2372 std::cout << std::setw(std::numeric_limits<int>::max_digits10) ...
2374 The extra two or three least-significant digits are 'noisy' and may be junk,
2375 but if you want to 'round-trip' - printing a value out as a decimal digit string and reading it back in -
2376 (most commonly during serialization and de-serialization)
2377 you must use `os.precision(std::numeric_limits<T>::max_digits10)`.
2379 [note For Microsoft Visual Studio 2010,
2380 `std::numeric_limits<float>::max_digits10` is wrongly defined as 8. It should be 9.
2381 ]
2383 [note For Microsoft Visual Studio before 2013, and default float format,
2384 a small range of values approximately 0.0001 to 0.004, with exponent values of 3F2 to 3F6,
2385 are wrongly input by one least significant bit,
2386 probably every third value of significand.
2388 A workaround is using scientific or exponential format `<< std::scientific`.
2389 ]
2391 [note BOOST_NO_CXX11_NUMERIC_LIMITS is a suitable feature-test macro to determine if
2392 `std::numeric_limits<float>::max_digits10` is implemented on any platform.
2393 ] [/note]
2395 If `max_digits10` is not available, you should use the
2396 [@http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~wkahan/ieee754status/IEEE754.PDF Kahan formula for floating-point type T].
2398 In C++, the equations for what Kahan (on page 4) describes as 'at least' and 'at most' are:
2400 static long double const log10Two = 0.30102999566398119521373889472449L; // log10(2.)
2402 static_cast<int>(floor((significand_digits - 1) * log10Two)); // == digits10 - 'at least' .
2403 static_cast<int>(ceil(1 + significand_digits * log10Two)); // == max_digits10 - 'at most'.
2405 Unfortunately, these cannot be evaluated (at least by C++03) at [*compile-time].
2406 So the following expression is often used instead.
2408 max_digits10 = 2 + std::numeric_limits<T>::digits * 3010U/10000U;
2410 // == 2 + std::numeric_limits<T>::digits for double and 64-bit long double.
2411 // == 3 + std::numeric_limits<T>::digits for float, 80-bit long-double and __float128.
2413 often the actual values are computed for the C limits macros:
2415 #define FLT_MAXDIG10 (2+FLT_MANT_DIG * 3010U/10000U) // 9
2416 #define DBL_MAXDIG10 (2+ (DBL_MANT_DIG * 3010U)/10000U) // 17
2417 #define LDBL_MAXDIG10 (2+ (LDBL_MANT_DIG * 3010U)/10000U) // 17 for MSVC, 18 for others.
2419 The factor 3010U/10000U is ['log[sub 10](2) = 0.3010]
2420 that can be evaluated at compile-time using only `short unsigned int`s to be a desirable `const` or `constexpr` (and usually also `static`).
2422 Boost macros allow this to be done portably, see
2423 [@http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_58_0/libs/config/doc/html/boost_config/boost_macro_reference.html BOOST_CONSTEXPR_OR_CONST or BOOST_STATIC_CONSTEXPR].
2425 (See also
2426 [@http://www.loria.fr/~zimmerma/mca/mca-cup-0.5.9.pdf Richard P. Brent and Paul Zimmerman, Modern Computer Arithmetic]
2427 Equation 3.8 on page 116).
2429 [max_digits10_1] [/ example for using max_digits10]
2431 [h4 round_style]
2433 The rounding style determines how the result of floating-point operations
2434 is treated when the result cannot be [*exactly represented] in the significand.
2435 Various rounding modes may be provided:
2437 * round to nearest up or down (default for floating-point types).
2438 * round up (toward positive infinity).
2439 * round down (toward negative infinity).
2440 * round toward zero (integer types).
2441 * no rounding (if decimal radix).
2442 * rounding mode is not determinable.
2444 For integer types, `std::numeric_limits<T>::round_style` is always towards zero, so
2446 std::numeric_limits<T>::round_style == std::round_to_zero;
2448 A decimal type, `cpp_dec_float` rounds in no particular direction,
2449 which is to say it doesn't round at all.
2450 And since there are several guard digits,
2451 it's not really the same as truncation (round toward zero) either.
2453 For floating-point types, it is normal to round to nearest.
2455 std::numeric_limits<T>::round_style == std::round_to_nearest;
2457 See function `std::numeric_limits<T>::round_error` for the maximum error (in ULP)
2458 that rounding can cause.
2460 [h4 has_denorm_loss]
2462 `true` if a loss of precision is detected as a
2463 [@http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denormalization denormalization] loss,
2464 rather than an inexact result.
2466 Always `false` for integer types.
2468 `false` for all types which do not have `has_denorm` == `std::denorm_present`.
2470 [h4 denorm_style]
2472 [@http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denormal_number Denormalized values] are
2473 representations with a variable number of exponent bits that can permit
2474 gradual underflow, so that, if type T is `double`.
2476 std::numeric_limits<T>::denorm_min() < std::numeric_limits<T>::min()
2478 A type may have any of the following `enum float_denorm_style` values:
2480 * `std::denorm_absent`, if it does not allow denormalized values.
2481 (Always used for all integer and exact types).
2482 * `std::denorm_present`, if the floating-point type allows denormalized values.
2483 *`std::denorm_indeterminate`, if indeterminate at compile time.
2485 [h4 Tinyness before rounding]
2487 `bool std::numeric_limits<T>::tinyness_before`
2489 `true` if a type can determine that a value is too small
2490 to be represent as a normalized value before rounding it.
2492 Generally true for `is_iec559` floating-point built-in types,
2493 but false for integer types.
2495 Standard-compliant IEEE 754 floating-point implementations may detect the floating-point underflow at three predefined moments:
2497 # After computation of a result with absolute value smaller than
2498 `std::numeric_limits<T>::min()`,
2499 such implementation detects ['tinyness before rounding] (e.g. UltraSparc).
2501 # After rounding of the result to `std::numeric_limits<T>::digits` bits,
2502 if the result is tiny, such implementation detects ['tinyness after rounding]
2503 (e.g. SuperSparc).
2505 # If the conversion of the rounded tiny result to subnormal form
2506 resulted in the loss of precision, such implementation detects ['denorm loss].
2508 [endsect] [/section:constants std::numeric_limits<> Constants]
2510 [section:functions std::numeric_limits<> functions]
2512 [h4 max function]
2514 Function `std::numeric_limits<T>::max()` returns the largest finite value
2515 that can be represented by the type T. If there is no such value (and
2516 `numeric_limits<T>::bounded` is `false`) then returns `T()`.
2518 For built-in types there is usually a corresponding MACRO value TYPE_MAX,
2519 where TYPE is CHAR, INT, FLOAT etc.
2521 Other types, including those provided by a typedef,
2522 for example `INT64_T_MAX` for `int64_t`, may provide a macro definition.
2524 To cater for situations where no `numeric_limits` specialization is available
2525 (for example because the precision of the type varies at runtime),
2526 packaged versions of this (and other functions) are provided using
2528 #include <boost/math/tools/precision.hpp>
2530 T = boost::math::tools::max_value<T>();
2532 Of course, these simply use `std::numeric_limits<T>::max()` if available,
2533 but otherwise 'do something sensible'.
2535 [h4 lowest function]
2537 Since C++11: `std::numeric_limits<T>::lowest()` is
2539 * For integral types, the same as function `min()`.
2540 * For floating-point types, generally the negative of `max()`
2541 (but implementation-dependent).
2543 [digits10_5]
2545 [h4 min function]
2547 Function `std::numeric_limits<T>::min()` returns the minimum finite value
2548 that can be represented by the type T.
2550 For built-in types there is usually a corresponding MACRO value TYPE_MIN,
2551 where TYPE is CHAR, INT, FLOAT etc.
2553 Other types, including those provided by a typedef,
2554 for example `INT64_T_MIN` for `int64_t`, may provide a macro definition.
2556 For floating-point types,
2557 it is more fully defined as the ['minimum positive normalized value].
2559 See `std::numeric_limits<T>::denorm_min()` for the smallest denormalized value, provided
2561 std::numeric_limits<T>::has_denorm == std::denorm_present
2564 To cater for situations where no `numeric_limits` specialization is available
2565 (for example because the precision of the type varies at runtime),
2566 packaged versions of this (and other functions) are provided using
2568 #include <boost/math/tools/precision.hpp>
2570 T = boost::math::tools::min_value<T>();
2572 Of course, these simply use `std::numeric_limits<T>::min()` if available.
2574 [h4 denorm_min function]
2576 Function `std::numeric_limits<T>::denorm_min()`
2577 returns the smallest
2578 [@http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denormal_number denormalized value],
2579 provided
2581 std::numeric_limits<T>::has_denorm == std::denorm_present
2583 [denorm_min_1]
2585 The exponent is effectively reduced from -308 to -324
2586 (though it remains encoded as zero and leading zeros appear in the significand,
2587 thereby losing precision until the significand reaches zero).
2589 [h4 round_error]
2591 Function `std::numeric_limits<T>::round_error()` returns the maximum error
2592 (in units of [@http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unit_in_the_last_place ULP])
2593 that can be caused by any basic arithmetic operation.
2595 round_style == std::round_indeterminate;
2597 The rounding style is indeterminable at compile time.
2599 For floating-point types, when rounding is to nearest,
2600 only half a bit is lost by rounding, and `round_error == 0.5`.
2601 In contrast when rounding is towards zero, or plus/minus infinity,
2602 we can loose up to one bit from rounding, and `round_error == 1`.
2604 For integer types, rounding always to zero, so at worst almost one bit can be rounded,
2605 so `round_error == 1`.
2607 `round_error()` can be used with `std::numeric_limits<T>::epsilon()` to estimate
2608 the maximum potential error caused by rounding. For typical floating-point types,
2609 `round_error() = 1/2`, so half epsilon is the maximum potential error.
2611 [round_error_1]
2613 There are, of course, many occasions when much bigger loss of precision occurs,
2614 for example, caused by
2615 [@http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loss_of_significance Loss of significance or cancellation error]
2616 or very many iterations.
2618 [h4 epsilon]
2620 Function `std::numeric_limits<T>::epsilon()` is meaningful only for non-integral types.
2622 It returns the difference between `1.0` and the next value representable
2623 by the floating-point type T.
2624 So it is a one least-significant-bit change in this floating-point value.
2626 For `double` (`float_64t`) it is `2.2204460492503131e-016`
2627 showing all possibly significant 17 decimal digits.
2629 [epsilon_1]
2631 We can explicitly increment by one bit using the function `boost::math::float_next()`
2632 and the result is the same as adding `epsilon`.
2634 [epsilon_2]
2636 Adding any smaller value, like half `epsilon`, will have no effect on this value.
2638 [epsilon_3]
2640 So this cancellation error leaves the values equal, despite adding half `epsilon`.
2642 To achieve greater portability over platform and floating-point type,
2643 Boost.Math and Boost.Multiprecion provide a package of functions that
2644 'do something sensible' if the standard `numeric_limits` is not available.
2645 To use these `#include <boost/math/tools/precision.hpp>`.
2647 [epsilon_4]
2649 [h5 Tolerance for Floating-point Comparisons]
2651 `epsilon` is very useful to compute a tolerance when comparing floating-point values,
2652 a much more difficult task than is commonly imagined.
2654 For more information you probably want (but still need) see
2655 [@http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E19957-01/806-3568/ncg_goldberg.html What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic]
2657 The naive test comparing the absolute difference between two values and a tolerance
2658 does not give useful results if the values are too large or too small.
2660 So Boost.Test uses an algorithm first devised by Knuth
2661 for reliably checking if floating-point values are close enough.
2663 See Donald. E. Knuth. The art of computer programming (vol II).
2664 Copyright 1998 Addison-Wesley Longman, Inc., 0-201-89684-2.
2665 Addison-Wesley Professional; 3rd edition.
2667 See also:
2669 [@http://adtmag.com/articles/2000/03/15/comparing-floats-how-to-determine-if-floating-quantities-are-close-enough-once-a-tolerance-has-been.aspx Alberto Squassia, Comparing floats]
2671 [@http://adtmag.com/articles/2000/03/16/comparing-floats-how-to-determine-if-floating-quantities-are-close-enough-once-a-tolerance-has-been.aspx Alberto Squassia, Comparing floats code]
2673 [@boost:/libs/test/doc/html/utf/testing-tools/floating_point_comparison.html floating-point comparison].
2675 [tolerance_1]
2677 used thus:
2679 BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_FRACTION(expected, calculated, tolerance);
2681 (There is also a version using tolerance as a percentage rather than a fraction).
2683 [tolerance_2]
2685 [h4 Infinity - positive and negative]
2687 For floating-point types only, for which
2688 `std::numeric_limits<T>::has_infinity == true`,
2689 function `std::numeric_limits<T>::infinity()`
2690 provides an implementation-defined representation for [infin].
2692 The 'representation' is a particular bit pattern reserved for infinity.
2693 For IEEE754 system (for which `std::numeric_limits<T>::is_iec559 == true`)
2694 [@http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IEEE_754-1985#Positive_and_negative_infinity positive and negative infinity]
2695 are assigned bit patterns for all defined floating-point types.
2697 Confusingly, the string resulting from outputting this representation, is also
2698 implementation-defined. And the string that can be input to generate the representation is also implementation-defined.
2700 For example, the output is `1.#INF` on Microsoft systems, but `inf` on most *nix platforms.
2702 This implementation-defined-ness has hampered use of infinity (and NaNs)
2703 but Boost.Math and Boost.Multiprecision work hard to provide a sensible representation
2704 for [*all] floating-point types, not just the built-in types,
2705 which with the use of suitable facets to define the input and output strings, makes it possible
2706 to use these useful features portably and including Boost.Serialization.
2708 [h4 Not-A-Number NaN]
2710 [h5 Quiet_NaN]
2712 For floating-point types only, for which
2713 `std::numeric_limits<T>::has_quiet_NaN == true`,
2714 function `std::numeric_limits<T>::quiet_NaN()`
2715 provides an implementation-defined representation for NaN.
2717 [@http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NaN NaNs] are values to indicate that the
2718 result of an assignment or computation is meaningless.
2719 A typical example is `0/0` but there are many others.
2721 NaNs may also be used, to represent missing values: for example,
2722 these could, by convention, be ignored in calculations of statistics like means.
2724 Many of the problems with a representation for
2725 [@http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NaN Not-A-Number] has hampered portable use,
2726 similar to those with infinity.
2728 [nan_1]
2730 But using Boost.Math and suitable facets can permit portable use
2731 of both NaNs and positive and negative infinity.
2733 [facet_1]
2735 [h5 Signaling NaN]
2737 For floating-point types only, for which
2738 `std::numeric_limits<T>::has_signaling_NaN == true`,
2739 function `std::numeric_limits<T>::signaling_NaN()`
2740 provides an implementation-defined representation for NaN that causes a hardware trap.
2741 It should be noted however, that at least one implementation of this function causes a hardware
2742 trap to be triggered simply by calling `std::numeric_limits<T>::signaling_NaN()`, and not only
2743 by using the value returned.
2745 [endsect] [/section:functions std::numeric_limits<> functions]
2747 [/ Tables of values for numeric_limits for various built-in and cpp_bin_float types]
2748 [include numeric_limits_32_tables.qbk]
2749 [/include numeric_limits_64_tables.qbk]
2751 [section:how_to_tell How to Determine the Kind of a Number From `std::numeric_limits`]
2753 Based on the information above, one can see that different kinds of numbers can be
2754 differentiated based on the information stored in `std::numeric_limits`. This is
2755 in addition to the traits class [link boost_multiprecision.ref.number.traits_class_support
2756 number_category] provided by this library.
2758 [h4 Integer Types]
2760 For an integer type T, all of the following conditions hold:
2762 std::numeric_limits<T>::is_specialized == true
2763 std::numeric_limits<T>::is_integer == true
2764 std::numeric_limits<T>::is_exact == true
2765 std::numeric_limits<T>::min_exponent == 0
2766 std::numeric_limits<T>::max_exponent == 0
2767 std::numeric_limits<T>::min_exponent10 == 0
2768 std::numeric_limits<T>::max_exponent10 == 0
2770 In addition the type is /signed/ if:
2772 std::numeric_limits<T>::is_signed == true
2774 If the type is arbitrary precision then:
2776 std::numeric_limits<T>::is_bounded == false
2778 Otherwise the type is bounded, and returns a non zero value
2779 from:
2781 std::numeric_limits<T>::max()
2783 and has:
2785 std::numeric_limits<T>::is_modulo == true
2787 if the type implements modulo arithmetic on overflow.
2789 [h4 Rational Types]
2791 Rational types are just like integers except that:
2793 std::numeric_limits<T>::is_integer == false
2795 [h4 Fixed Precision Types]
2797 There appears to be no way to tell these apart from rational types, unless they set:
2799 std::numeric_limits<T>::is_exact == false
2801 This is because these types are in essence a rational type with a fixed denominator.
2803 [h4 floating-point Types]
2805 For a floating-point type T, all of the following conditions hold:
2807 std::numeric_limits<T>::is_specialized == true
2808 std::numeric_limits<T>::is_integer == false
2809 std::numeric_limits<T>::is_exact == false
2810 std::numeric_limits<T>::min_exponent != 0
2811 std::numeric_limits<T>::max_exponent != 0
2812 std::numeric_limits<T>::min_exponent10 != 0
2813 std::numeric_limits<T>::max_exponent10 != 0
2815 In addition the type is /signed/ if:
2817 std::numeric_limits<T>::is_signed == true
2819 And the type may be decimal or binary depending on the value of:
2821 std::numeric_limits<T>::radix
2823 In general, there are no arbitrary precision floating-point types, and so:
2825 std::numeric_limits<T>::is_bounded == false
2827 [h4 Exact floating-point Types]
2829 Exact floating-point types are a [@http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Field_%28mathematics%29 field]
2830 composed of an arbitrary precision integer scaled by an exponent. Such types
2831 have no division operator and are the same as floating-point types except:
2833 std::numeric_limits<T>::is_exact == true
2835 [h4 Complex Numbers]
2837 For historical reasons, complex numbers do not specialize `std::numeric_limits`, instead you must
2838 inspect `std::numeric_limits<T::value_type>`.
2840 [endsect] [/section:how_to_tell How to Determine the Kind of a Number From `std::numeric_limits`]
2843 [endsect] [/section:limits Numeric Limits]
2846 [section:input_output Input Output]
2849 [h4 Loopback testing]
2851 ['Loopback] or ['round-tripping] refers to writing out a value as a decimal digit string using `std::iostream`,
2852 usually to a `std::stringstream`, and then reading the string back in to another value,
2853 and confirming that the two values are identical. A trivial example using `float` is:
2855 float write; // Value to round-trip.
2856 std::stringstream ss; // Read and write std::stringstream.
2857 ss.precision(std::numeric_limits<T>::max_digits10); // Ensure all potentially significant bits are output.
2858 ss.flags(std::ios_base::fmtflags(std::ios_base::scientific)); // Use scientific format.
2859 ss << write; // Output to string.
2860 float read; // Expected.
2861 ss >> read; // Read decimal digits string from stringstream.
2862 BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(write, read); // Should be the same.
2864 and this can be run in a loop for all possible values of a 32-bit float.
2865 For other floating-point types `T`, including built-in `double`,
2866 it takes far too long to test all values,
2867 so a reasonable test strategy is to use a large number of random values.
2869 T write;
2870 std::stringstream ss;
2871 ss.precision(std::numeric_limits<T>::max_digits10); // Ensure all potentially significant bits are output.
2872 ss.flags(f); // Changed from default iostream format flags if desired.
2873 ss << write; // Output to stringstream.
2875 T read;
2876 ss >> read; // Get read using operator>> from stringstream.
2877 BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(read, write);
2879 read = static_cast<T>(ss.str()); // Get read by converting from decimal digits string representation of write.
2880 BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(read, write);
2882 read = static_cast<T>(write.str(0, f)); // Get read using format specified when written.
2883 BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(read, write);
2886 The test at
2887 [@../../test/test_cpp_bin_float_io.cpp test_cpp_bin_float_io.cpp]
2888 allows any floating-point type to be ['round_tripped] using a wide range of fairly random values.
2889 It also includes tests compared a collection of
2890 [@../../test/string_data.ipp stringdata] test cases in a file.
2892 [h4 Comparing with output using Built-in types]
2894 One can make some comparisons with the output of
2896 <number<cpp_bin_float<53, digit_count_2> >
2898 which has the same number of significant bits (53) as 64-bit double precision floating-point.
2900 However, although most outputs are identical, there are differences on some platforms
2901 caused by the implementation-dependent behaviours allowed by the C99 specification
2902 [@http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg14/www/docs/n1124.pdf C99 ISO/IEC 9899:TC2],
2903 incorporated by C++.
2905 [:['"For e, E, f, F, g, and G conversions, if the number of significant decimal digits
2906 is at most DECIMAL_DIG, then the result should be correctly rounded.
2907 If the number of significant decimal digits is more than DECIMAL_DIG
2908 but the source value is exactly representable with DECIMAL_DIG digits,
2909 then the result should be an exact representation with trailing zeros.
2910 Otherwise, the source value is bounded by two adjacent decimal strings L < U,
2911 both having DECIMAL_DIG significant digits;
2912 the value of the resultant decimal string D should satisfy L<= D <= U,
2913 with the extra stipulation that the error should have a correct sign
2914 for the current rounding direction."]]
2916 So not only is correct rounding for the full number of digits not required,
2917 but even if the *optional* recommended practice is followed,
2918 then the value of these last few digits is unspecified
2919 as long as the value is within certain bounds.
2921 [note Do not expect the output from different platforms
2922 to be [*identical], but `cpp_dec_float`, `cpp_bin_float` (and other backends) outputs should be
2923 correctly rounded to the number of digits requested by the set precision and format.]
2928 [@http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg14/www/docs/n1124.pdf C99 Standard]
2929 for [/e and E] format specifiers, 7.19.6 Formatted input/output functions requires:
2931 \"The exponent always contains at least two digits,
2932 and only as many more digits as necessary to represent the exponent.\"
2934 So to conform to the C99 standard (incorporated by C++)
2938 Confusingly, Microsoft (and MinGW) do not conform to this standard and provide
2939 [*at least three digits], for example `1e+001`.
2940 So if you want the output to match that from
2941 built-in floating-point types on compilers that use Microsofts runtime then use:
2945 Also useful to get the minimum exponent field width is
2949 producing a compact output like `2e+4`,
2950 useful when conserving space is important.
2952 Larger values are also supported, for example, value 4 for `2e+0004`
2953 which may be useful to ensure that columns line up.
2955 [endsect] [/section:input_output Input Output]
2957 [section:hash Hash Function Support]
2959 [hash1]
2961 [hash2]
2963 [hash3]
2965 [hash4]
2967 [endsect][/hash]
2970 [endsect]
2972 [section:ref Reference]
2974 [section:number number]
2976 [h4 Synopsis]
2978 namespace boost{ namespace multiprecision{
2980 enum expression_template_option { et_on = 1, et_off = 0 };
2982 template <class Backend> struct expression_template_default
2983 { static const expression_template_option value = et_on; };
2985 template <class Backend, expression_template_option ExpressionTemplates = expression_template_default<Backend>::value>
2986 class number
2987 {
2988 number();
2989 number(see-below);
2990 number& operator=(see-below);
2991 number& assign(see-below);
2993 // Member operators
2994 number& operator+=(const ``['see-below]``&);
2995 number& operator-=(const ``['see-below]``&);
2996 number& operator*=(const ``['see-below]``&);
2997 number& operator/=(const ``['see-below]``&);
2998 number& operator++();
2999 number& operator--();
3000 number operator++(int);
3001 number operator--(int);
3003 number& operator%=(const ``['see-below]``&);
3004 number& operator&=(const ``['see-below]``&);
3005 number& operator|=(const ``['see-below]``&);
3006 number& operator^=(const ``['see-below]``&);
3007 number& operator<<=(const ``['integer-type]``&);
3008 number& operator>>=(const ``['integer-type]``&);
3010 // Use in Boolean context:
3011 operator ``['convertible-to-bool-type]``()const;
3012 // swap:
3013 void swap(number& other);
3014 // Sign:
3015 bool is_zero()const;
3016 int sign()const;
3017 // string conversion:
3018 std::string str()const;
3019 // Generic conversion mechanism
3020 template <class T>
3021 T convert_to()const;
3022 template <class T>
3023 explicit operator T ()const;
3024 // precision control:
3025 static unsigned default_precision();
3026 static void default_precision(unsigned digits10);
3027 unsigned precision()const;
3028 void precision(unsigned digits10);
3029 // Comparison:
3030 int compare(const number<Backend>& o)const;
3031 template <class V>
3032 typename enable_if<is_convertible<V, number<Backend, ExpressionTemplates> >, int>::type
3033 compare(const V& o)const;
3034 // Access to the underlying implementation:
3035 Backend& backend();
3036 const Backend& backend()const;
3037 };
3039 // Non member operators:
3040 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` operator+(const ``['see-below]``&);
3041 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` operator-(const ``['see-below]``&);
3042 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` operator+(const ``['see-below]``&, const ``['see-below]``&);
3043 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` operator-(const ``['see-below]``&, const ``['see-below]``&);
3044 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` operator*(const ``['see-below]``&, const ``['see-below]``&);
3045 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` operator/(const ``['see-below]``&, const ``['see-below]``&);
3046 // Integer only operations:
3047 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` operator%(const ``['see-below]``&, const ``['see-below]``&);
3048 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` operator&(const ``['see-below]``&, const ``['see-below]``&);
3049 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` operator|(const ``['see-below]``&, const ``['see-below]``&);
3050 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` operator^(const ``['see-below]``&, const ``['see-below]``&);
3051 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` operator<<(const ``['see-below]``&, const ``['integer-type]``&);
3052 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` operator>>(const ``['see-below]``&, const ``['integer-type]``&);
3053 // Comparison operators:
3054 bool operator==(const ``['see-below]``&, const ``['see-below]``&);
3055 bool operator!=(const ``['see-below]``&, const ``['see-below]``&);
3056 bool operator< (const ``['see-below]``&, const ``['see-below]``&);
3057 bool operator> (const ``['see-below]``&, const ``['see-below]``&);
3058 bool operator<=(const ``['see-below]``&, const ``['see-below]``&);
3059 bool operator>=(const ``['see-below]``&, const ``['see-below]``&);
3061 // Swap:
3062 template <class Backend, expression_template_option ExpressionTemplates>
3063 void swap(number<Backend, ExpressionTemplates>& a, number<Backend, ExpressionTemplates>& b);
3065 // iostream support:
3066 template <class Backend, expression_template_option ExpressionTemplates>
3067 std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os, const number<Backend, ExpressionTemplates>& r);
3068 std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os, const ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]``& r);
3069 template <class Backend, expression_template_option ExpressionTemplates>
3070 std::istream& operator >> (std::istream& is, number<Backend, ExpressionTemplates>& r);
3072 // Arithmetic with a higher precision result:
3073 template <class ResultType, class Source1 class Source2>
3074 ResultType& add(ResultType& result, const Source1& a, const Source2& b);
3075 template <class ResultType, class Source1 class Source2>
3076 ResultType& subtract(ResultType& result, const Source1& a, const Source2& b);
3077 template <class ResultType, class Source1 class Source2>
3078 ResultType& multiply(ResultType& result, const Source1& a, const Source2& b);
3080 // min and max overloads:
3081 ``['number]`` min (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&, const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3082 ``['number]`` max (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&, const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3084 // C99 Non-member function standard library support:
3085 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` abs (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3086 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` acos (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3087 ``['number]`` acosh (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3088 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` asin (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3089 ``['number]`` asinh (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3090 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` atan (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3091 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` atan2 (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&, const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3092 ``['number]`` atanh (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3093 ``['number]`` cbrt (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3094 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` ceil (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3095 ``['number]`` copysign (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&, const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3096 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` cos (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3097 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` cosh (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3098 ``['number]`` erf (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3099 ``['number]`` erfc (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3100 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` exp (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3101 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` exp2 (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3102 ``['number]`` expm1 (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3103 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` fabs (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3104 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` fdim (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3105 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` floor (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3106 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` fma (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&, const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&, const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3107 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` fmin (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&, const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3108 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` fmax (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&, const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3109 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` fmod (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&, const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3110 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` frexp (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&, ``['integer-type]``*);
3111 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` hypot (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&, const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3112 ``['integer-type]`` ilogb (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3113 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` ldexp (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&, ``['integer-type]``);
3114 ``['number]`` lgamma (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3115 long long llrint (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3116 long long llround (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3117 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` log (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3118 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` log2 (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3119 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` log10 (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3120 ``['number]`` log1p (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3121 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` logb (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3122 long lrint (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3123 long lround (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3124 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` modf (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&, const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3125 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` nearbyint (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3126 ``['number]`` nextafter (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&, const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3127 ``['number]`` nexttoward (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&, const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3128 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` pow (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&, const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3129 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` remainder (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&, const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3130 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` remquo (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&, const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&, int*);
3131 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` rint (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3132 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` round (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3133 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` scalbn (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&, ``['integer-type]``);
3134 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` scalbln (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&, ``['integer-type]``);
3135 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` sin (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3136 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` sinh (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3137 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` sqrt (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3138 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` tan (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3139 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` tanh (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3140 ``['number]`` tgamma (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3141 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` trunc (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3143 int fpclassify (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3144 bool isfinite (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3145 bool isinf (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3146 bool isnan (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3147 bool isnormal (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3148 int signbit (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3150 bool isgreater (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&, const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3151 bool isgreaterequal(const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&, const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3152 bool isless (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&, const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3153 bool islessequal(const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&, const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3154 bool islessgreater(const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&, const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3155 bool isunordered(const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&, const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3156 // Misc other common C library functions:
3157 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` itrunc (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3158 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` ltrunc (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3159 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` lltrunc(const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3160 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` iround (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3161 ``['number]`` changesign(const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3162 ``['number]`` copysign(const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&, const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3164 // Traits support:
3165 template <class T>
3166 struct component_type;
3167 template <class T>
3168 struct number_category;
3169 template <class T>
3170 struct is_number;
3171 template <class T>
3172 struct is_number_expression;
3174 // Integer specific functions:
3175 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` gcd(const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&, const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3176 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` lcm(const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&, const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3177 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` pow(const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&, unsigned);
3178 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` powm(const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``& b, const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``& p, const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``& m);
3179 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` sqrt(const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3180 template <class Backend, expression_template_option ExpressionTemplates>
3181 number<Backend, EXpressionTemplates> sqrt(const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&, number<Backend, EXpressionTemplates>&);
3182 template <class Backend, expression_template_option ExpressionTemplates>
3183 void divide_qr(const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``& x, const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``& y,
3184 number<Backend, ExpressionTemplates>& q, number<Backend, ExpressionTemplates>& r);
3185 template <class Integer>
3186 Integer integer_modulus(const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``& x, Integer val);
3187 unsigned lsb(const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``& x);
3188 unsigned msb(const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``& x);
3189 template <class Backend, class ExpressionTemplates>
3190 bool bit_test(const number<Backend, ExpressionTemplates>& val, unsigned index);
3191 template <class Backend, class ExpressionTemplates>
3192 number<Backend, ExpressionTemplates>& bit_set(number<Backend, ExpressionTemplates>& val, unsigned index);
3193 template <class Backend, class ExpressionTemplates>
3194 number<Backend, ExpressionTemplates>& bit_unset(number<Backend, ExpressionTemplates>& val, unsigned index);
3195 template <class Backend, class ExpressionTemplates>
3196 number<Backend, ExpressionTemplates>& bit_flip(number<Backend, ExpressionTemplates>& val, unsigned index);
3197 template <class Engine>
3198 bool miller_rabin_test(const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``& n, unsigned trials, Engine& gen);
3199 bool miller_rabin_test(const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``& n, unsigned trials);
3201 // Rational number support:
3202 typename component_type<``['number-or-expression-template-type]``>::type numerator (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3203 typename component_type<``['number-or-expression-template-type]``>::type denominator(const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3205 }} // namespaces
3207 namespace boost{ namespace math{
3209 // Boost.Math interoperability functions:
3210 int fpclassify (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&, int);
3211 bool isfinite (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&, int);
3212 bool isnan (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&, int);
3213 bool isinf (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&, int);
3214 bool isnormal (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&, int);
3216 }} // namespaces
3218 // numeric_limits support:
3219 namespace std{
3221 template <class Backend, expression_template_option ExpressionTemplates>
3222 struct numeric_limits<boost::multiprecision<Backend, ExpressionTemplates> >
3223 {
3224 /* Usual members here */
3225 };
3227 }
3229 [h4 Description]
3231 enum expression_template_option { et_on = 1, et_off = 0 };
3233 This enumerated type is used to specify whether expression templates are turned on (et_on) or turned off (et_off).
3235 template <class Backend> struct expression_template_default
3236 { static const expression_template_option value = et_on; };
3238 This traits class specifies the default expression template option to be used with a particular Backend type.
3239 It defaults to `et_on`.
3241 template <class Backend, expression_template_option ExpressionTemplates = expression_template_default<Backend>::value>
3242 class number;
3244 Class `number` has two template arguments:
3246 [variablelist
3247 [[Backend][The actual arithmetic back-end that does all the work.]]
3248 [[ExpressionTemplates][A Boolean value: when `et_on`, then expression templates are enabled, otherwise when set to `et_off` they are disabled.
3249 The default for this parameter is computed via the traits class `expression_template_default` whose member `value` defaults to `et_on` unless
3250 the traits class is specialized for a particular backend.]]
3251 ]
3253 number();
3254 number(see-below);
3255 number& operator=(see-below);
3256 number& assign(see-below);
3258 Type `number` is default constructible, and both copy constructible and assignable from:
3260 * Itself.
3261 * An expression template which is the result of one of the arithmetic operators.
3262 * Any builtin arithmetic type, as long as the result would not be lossy (for example float to integer conversion).
3263 * Any type that the Backend is implicitly constructible or assignable from.
3264 * An rvalue reference to another `number`. Move-semantics are used for construction if the backend also
3265 supports rvalue reference construction. In the case of assignment, move semantics are always supported
3266 when the argument is an rvalue reference irrespective of the backend.
3267 * Any type in the same family, as long as no loss of precision is involved. For example from `int128_t` to `int256_t`,
3268 or `cpp_dec_float_50` to `cpp_dec_float_100`.
3270 Type `number` is explicitly constructible from:
3272 * Any type mentioned above.
3273 * A `std::string` or any type which is convertible to `const char*`.
3274 * Any arithmetic type (including those that would result in lossy conversions).
3275 * Any type in the same family, including those that result in loss of precision.
3276 * Any type that the Backend is explicitly constructible from.
3277 * Any pair of types for which a generic interconversion exists: that is from integer to integer, integer
3278 to rational, integer to float, rational to rational, rational to float, or float to float.
3280 The assign member function is available for any type for which an explicit converting constructor exists.
3281 It is intended to be used where a temporary generated from an explicit assignment would be expensive, for example:
3283 mpfr_float_50 f50;
3284 mpfr_float_100 f100;
3286 f50 = static_cast<mpfr_float_50>(f100); // explicit cast create a temporary
3287 f50.assign(f100); // explicit call to assign create no temporary
3289 In addition, if the type has multiple components (for example rational or complex number types), then there is a
3290 two argument constructor:
3292 number(arg1, arg2);
3294 Where the two args must either be arithmetic types, or types that are convertible to the two components of `this`.
3296 number& operator+=(const ``['see-below]``&);
3297 number& operator-=(const ``['see-below]``&);
3298 number& operator*=(const ``['see-below]``&);
3299 number& operator/=(const ``['see-below]``&);
3300 number& operator++();
3301 number& operator--();
3302 number operator++(int);
3303 number operator--(int);
3304 // Integer only operations:
3305 number& operator%=(const ``['see-below]``&);
3306 number& operator&=(const ``['see-below]``&);
3307 number& operator|=(const ``['see-below]``&);
3308 number& operator^=(const ``['see-below]``&);
3309 number& operator<<=(const ``['integer-type]``&);
3310 number& operator>>=(const ``['integer-type]``&);
3312 These operators all take their usual arithmetic meanings.
3314 The arguments to these operators is either:
3316 * Another `number<Backend, ExpressionTemplates>`.
3317 * An expression template derived from `number<Backend>`.
3318 * Any type implicitly convertible to `number<Backend, ExpressionTemplates>`, including some other instance of class `number`.
3320 For the left and right shift operations, the argument must be a builtin
3321 integer type with a positive value (negative values result in a `std::runtime_error` being thrown).
3323 operator ``['convertible-to-bool-type]``()const;
3325 Returns an ['unmentionable-type] that is usable in Boolean contexts (this allows `number` to be used in any
3326 Boolean context - if statements, conditional statements, or as an argument to a logical operator - without
3327 type `number` being convertible to type `bool`.
3329 This operator also enables the use of `number` with any of the following operators:
3330 `!`, `||`, `&&` and `?:`.
3332 void swap(number& other);
3334 Swaps `*this` with `other`.
3336 bool is_zero()const;
3338 Returns `true` is `*this` is zero, otherwise `false`.
3340 int sign()const;
3342 Returns a value less than zero if `*this` is negative, a value greater than zero if `*this` is positive, and zero
3343 if `*this` is zero.
3345 std::string str(unsigned precision, bool scientific = true)const;
3347 Returns the number formatted as a string, with at least /precision/ digits, and in scientific format
3348 if /scientific/ is true.
3350 template <class T>
3351 T convert_to()const;
3353 template <class T>
3354 explicit operator T ()const;
3356 Provides a generic conversion mechanism to convert `*this` to type `T`. Type `T` may be any arithmetic type.
3357 Optionally other types may also be supported by specific `Backend` types.
3360 static unsigned default_precision();
3361 static void default_precision(unsigned digits10);
3362 unsigned precision()const;
3363 void precision(unsigned digits10);
3365 These functions are only available if the Backend template parameter supports runtime changes to precision. They get and set
3366 the default precision and the precision of `*this` respectively.
3368 int compare(const number<Backend, ExpressionTemplates>& o)const;
3369 template <class V>
3370 typename enable_if<is_convertible<V, number<Backend, ExpressionTemplates> >, int>::type
3371 compare(const V& other)const;
3373 Returns:
3375 * A value less that 0 for `*this < other`
3376 * A value greater that 0 for `*this > other`
3377 * Zero for `*this == other`
3379 Backend& backend();
3380 const Backend& backend()const;
3382 Returns the underlying back-end instance used by `*this`.
3384 [h4 Non-member operators]
3386 // Non member operators:
3387 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` operator+(const ``['see-below]``&);
3388 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` operator-(const ``['see-below]``&);
3389 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` operator+(const ``['see-below]``&, const ``['see-below]``&);
3390 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` operator-(const ``['see-below]``&, const ``['see-below]``&);
3391 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` operator*(const ``['see-below]``&, const ``['see-below]``&);
3392 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` operator/(const ``['see-below]``&, const ``['see-below]``&);
3393 // Integer only operations:
3394 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` operator%(const ``['see-below]``&, const ``['see-below]``&);
3395 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` operator&(const ``['see-below]``&, const ``['see-below]``&);
3396 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` operator|(const ``['see-below]``&, const ``['see-below]``&);
3397 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` operator^(const ``['see-below]``&, const ``['see-below]``&);
3398 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` operator<<(const ``['see-below]``&, const ``['integer-type]``&);
3399 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` operator>>(const ``['see-below]``&, const ``['integer-type]``&);
3400 // Comparison operators:
3401 bool operator==(const ``['see-below]``&, const ``['see-below]``&);
3402 bool operator!=(const ``['see-below]``&, const ``['see-below]``&);
3403 bool operator< (const ``['see-below]``&, const ``['see-below]``&);
3404 bool operator> (const ``['see-below]``&, const ``['see-below]``&);
3405 bool operator<=(const ``['see-below]``&, const ``['see-below]``&);
3406 bool operator>=(const ``['see-below]``&, const ``['see-below]``&);
3408 These operators all take their usual arithmetic meanings.
3410 The arguments to these functions must contain at least one of the following:
3412 * A `number`.
3413 * An expression template type derived from `number`.
3414 * Any type for which `number` has an implicit constructor - for example a builtin arithmetic type.
3416 The return type of these operators is either:
3418 * An ['unmentionable-type] expression template type when `ExpressionTemplates` is `true`.
3419 * Type `number<Backend, et_off>` when `ExpressionTemplates` is `false`.
3420 * Type `bool` if the operator is a comparison operator.
3422 Finally note that the second argument to the left and right shift operations must be a builtin integer type,
3423 and that the argument must be positive (negative arguments result in a `std::runtime_error` being thrown).
3425 [h4 swap]
3427 template <class Backend, ExpressionTemplates>
3428 void swap(number<Backend, ExpressionTemplates>& a, number<Backend, ExpressionTemplates>& b);
3430 Swaps `a` and `b`.
3432 [h4 Iostream Support]
3434 template <class Backend, expression_template_option ExpressionTemplates>
3435 std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os, const number<Backend, ExpressionTemplates>& r);
3436 template <class Unspecified...>
3437 std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os, const unmentionable-expression-template& r);
3438 template <class Backend, expression_template_option ExpressionTemplates>
3439 inline std::istream& operator >> (std::istream& is, number<Backend, ExpressionTemplates>& r)
3441 These operators provided formatted input-output operations on `number` types, and expression templates derived from them.
3443 It's down to the back-end type to actually implement string conversion. However, the back-ends provided with
3444 this library support all of the iostream formatting flags, field width and precision settings.
3446 [h4 Arithmetic with a higher precision result]
3448 template <class ResultType, class Source1 class Source2>
3449 ResultType& add(ResultType& result, const Source1& a, const Source2& b);
3451 template <class ResultType, class Source1 class Source2>
3452 ResultType& subtract(ResultType& result, const Source1& a, const Source2& b);
3454 template <class ResultType, class Source1 class Source2>
3455 ResultType& multiply(ResultType& result, const Source1& a, const Source2& b);
3457 These functions apply the named operator to the arguments ['a] and ['b] and store the
3458 result in ['result], returning ['result]. In all cases they behave "as if"
3459 arguments ['a] and ['b] were first promoted to type `ResultType` before applying the
3460 operator, though particular backends may well avoid that step by way of an optimization.
3462 The type `ResultType` must be an instance of class `number`, and the types `Source1` and `Source2`
3463 may be either instances of class `number` or native integer types. The latter is an optimization
3464 that allows arithmetic to be performed on native integer types producing an extended precision result.
3466 [h4 Non-member standard library function support]
3468 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` abs (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3469 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` acos (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3470 ``['number]`` acosh (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3471 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` asin (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3472 ``['number]`` asinh (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3473 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` atan (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3474 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` atan2 (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&, const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3475 ``['number]`` atanh (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3476 ``['number]`` cbrt (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3477 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` ceil (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3478 ``['number]`` copysign (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&, const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3479 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` cos (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3480 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` cosh (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3481 ``['number]`` erf (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3482 ``['number]`` erfc (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3483 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` exp (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3484 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` exp2 (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3485 ``['number]`` expm1 (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3486 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` fabs (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3487 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` fdim (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3488 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` floor (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3489 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` fma (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&, const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&, const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3490 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` fmin (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&, const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3491 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` fmax (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&, const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3492 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` fmod (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&, const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3493 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` frexp (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&, ``['integer-type]``*);
3494 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` hypot (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&, const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3495 ``['integer-type]`` ilogb (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3496 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` ldexp (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&, ``['integer-type]``);
3497 ``['number]`` lgamma (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3498 long long llrint (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3499 long long llround (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3500 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` log (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3501 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` log2 (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3502 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` log10 (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3503 ``['number]`` log1p (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3504 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` logb (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3505 long lrint (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3506 long lround (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3507 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` modf (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&, const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3508 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` nearbyint (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3509 ``['number]`` nextafter (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&, const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3510 ``['number]`` nexttoward (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&, const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3511 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` pow (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&, const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3512 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` remainder (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&, const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3513 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` remquo (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&, const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&, int*);
3514 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` rint (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3515 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` round (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3516 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` scalbn (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&, ``['integer-type]``);
3517 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` scalbln (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&, ``['integer-type]``);
3518 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` sin (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3519 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` sinh (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3520 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` sqrt (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3521 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` tan (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3522 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` tanh (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3523 ``['number]`` tgamma (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3524 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` trunc (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3526 int fpclassify (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3527 bool isfinite (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3528 bool isinf (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3529 bool isnan (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3530 bool isnormal (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3531 int signbit (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3533 bool isgreater (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&, const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3534 bool isgreaterequal(const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&, const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3535 bool isless (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&, const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3536 bool islessequal(const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&, const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3537 bool islessgreater(const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&, const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3538 bool isunordered(const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&, const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3540 These functions all behave exactly as their standard library C++11 counterparts do: their argument is either an instance of `number` or
3541 an expression template derived from it; If the argument is of type `number<Backend, et_off>` then that is also the return type,
3542 otherwise the return type is an expression template unless otherwise stated.
3544 The integer type arguments to `ldexp`, `frexp`, `scalbn` and `ilogb` may be either type `int`, or the actual
3545 type of the exponent of the number type.
3547 There are also some functions implemented for compatibility with the Boost.Math functions of the same name:
3549 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` itrunc (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3550 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` ltrunc (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3551 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` lltrunc(const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3552 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` iround (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3553 ``['number]`` changesign(const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3554 ``['number]`` copysign(const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&, const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3556 All these functions are normally implemented by the Backend type. However, default versions are provided for Backend types that
3557 don't have native support for these functions. Please note however, that this default support requires the precision of the type
3558 to be a compile time constant - this means for example that the [gmp] MPF Backend will not work with these functions when that type is
3559 used at variable precision.
3561 Also note that with the exception of `abs` that these functions can only be used with floating-point Backend types (if any other types
3562 such as fixed precision or complex types are added to the library later, then these functions may be extended to support those number types).
3564 The precision of these functions is generally determined by the backend implementation. For example the precision
3565 of these functions when used with __mpfr_float_backend is determined entirely by [mpfr]. When these functions use our own
3566 implementations, the accuracy of the transcendental functions is generally a few epsilon. Note however, that the trigonometrical
3567 functions incur the usual accuracy loss when reducing arguments by large multiples of [pi]. Also note that both __mpf_float
3568 and __cpp_dec_float have a number of guard digits beyond their stated precision, so the error rates listed for these
3569 are in some sense artificially low.
3571 The following table shows the error rates we observe for these functions with various backend types, functions not listed
3572 here are exact (tested on Win32 with VC++10, MPFR-3.0.0, MPIR-2.1.1):
3574 [table
3575 [[Function][mpfr_float_50][mpf_float_50][cpp_dec_float_50]]
3576 [[sqrt][1eps][0eps][0eps]]
3577 [[exp][1eps][0eps][0eps]]
3578 [[log][1eps][0eps][0eps]]
3579 [[log10][1eps][0eps][0eps]]
3580 [[cos][700eps][0eps][0eps]]
3581 [[sin][1eps][0eps][0eps]]
3582 [[tan][0eps][0eps][0eps]]
3583 [[acos][0eps][0eps][0eps]]
3584 [[asin][0eps][0eps][0eps]]
3585 [[atan][1eps][0eps][0eps]]
3586 [[cosh][1045eps[footnote It's likely that the inherent error in the input values to our test cases are to blame here.]][0eps][0eps]]
3587 [[sinh][2eps][0eps][0eps]]
3588 [[tanh][1eps][0eps][0eps]]
3589 [[pow][0eps][4eps][3eps]]
3590 [[atan2][1eps][0eps][0eps]]
3591 ]
3592 [h4 Traits Class Support]
3594 template <class T>
3595 struct component_type;
3597 If this is a type with multiple components (for example rational or complex types), then this trait has a single member
3598 `type` that is the type of those components.
3600 template <class T>
3601 struct number_category;
3603 A traits class that inherits from `mpl::int_<N>` where `N` is one of the enumerated values `number_kind_integer`, `number_kind_floating_point`,
3604 `number_kind_rational`, `number_kind_fixed_point`, or `number_kind_unknown`. This traits class is specialized for any type that has
3605 `std::numeric_limits` support as well as for classes in this library: which means it can be used for generic code that must work
3606 with built in arithmetic types as well as multiprecision ones.
3608 template <class T>
3609 struct is_number;
3611 A traits class that inherits from `mpl::true_` if T is an instance of `number<>`, otherwise from `mpl::false_`.
3613 template <class T>
3614 struct is_number_expression;
3616 A traits class that inherits from `mpl::true_` if T is an expression template type derived from `number<>`, otherwise from `mpl::false_`.
3620 [h4 Integer functions]
3622 In addition to functioning with types from this library, these functions are also overloaded for built in integer
3623 types if you include `<boost/multiprecision/integer.hpp>`. Further, when used with fixed precision types (whether
3624 built in integers or multiprecision ones), the functions will promote to a wider type internally when the algorithm
3625 requires it. Versions overloaded for built in integer types return that integer type rather than an expression
3626 template.
3628 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` gcd(const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``& a, const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``& b);
3630 Returns the largest integer `x` that divides both `a` and `b`.
3632 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` lcm(const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``& a, const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``& b);
3634 Returns the smallest integer `x` that is divisible by both `a` and `b`.
3636 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` pow(const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``& b, unsigned p);
3638 Returns ['b[super p]] as an expression template. Note that this function should be used with extreme care as the result can grow so
3639 large as to take "effectively forever" to compute, or else simply run the host machine out of memory. This is the one function in
3640 this category that is not overloaded for built in integer types, further, it's probably not a good idea to use it with
3641 fixed precision `cpp_int`'s either.
3643 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` powm(const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``& b, const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``& p, const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``& m);
3645 Returns ['b[super p] mod m] as an expression template. Fixed precision types are promoted internally to ensure accuracy.
3647 ``['unmentionable-expression-template-type]`` sqrt(const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``& a);
3649 Returns the largest integer `x` such that `x * x < a`.
3651 template <class Backend, expression_template_option ExpressionTemplates>
3652 number<Backend, EXpressionTemplates> sqrt(const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``& a, number<Backend, EXpressionTemplates>& r);
3654 Returns the largest integer `x` such that `x * x < a`, and sets the remainder `r` such that `r = a - x * x`.
3656 template <class Backend, expression_template_option ExpressionTemplates>
3657 void divide_qr(const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``& x, const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``& y,
3658 number<Backend, ExpressionTemplates>& q, number<Backend, ExpressionTemplates>& r);
3660 Divides x by y and returns both the quotient and remainder. After the call `q = x / y` and `r = x % y`.
3662 template <class Integer>
3663 Integer integer_modulus(const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``& x, Integer val);
3665 Returns the absolute value of `x % val`.
3667 unsigned lsb(const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``& x);
3669 Returns the (zero-based) index of the least significant bit that is set to 1.
3671 Throws a `std::range_error` if the argument is <= 0.
3673 unsigned msb(const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``& x);
3675 Returns the (zero-based) index of the most significant bit.
3677 Throws a `std::range_error` if the argument is <= 0.
3679 template <class Backend, class ExpressionTemplates>
3680 bool bit_test(const number<Backend, ExpressionTemplates>& val, unsigned index);
3682 Returns `true` if the bit at /index/ in /val/ is set.
3684 template <class Backend, class ExpressionTemplates>
3685 number<Backend, ExpressionTemplates>& bit_set(number<Backend, ExpressionTemplates>& val, unsigned index);
3687 Sets the bit at /index/ in /val/, and returns /val/.
3689 template <class Backend, class ExpressionTemplates>
3690 number<Backend, ExpressionTemplates>& bit_unset(number<Backend, ExpressionTemplates>& val, unsigned index);
3692 Unsets the bit at /index/ in /val/, and returns /val/.
3694 template <class Backend, class ExpressionTemplates>
3695 number<Backend, ExpressionTemplates>& bit_flip(number<Backend, ExpressionTemplates>& val, unsigned index);
3697 Flips the bit at /index/ in /val/, and returns /val/.
3699 template <class Engine>
3700 bool miller_rabin_test(const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``& n, unsigned trials, Engine& gen);
3701 bool miller_rabin_test(const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``& n, unsigned trials);
3703 Tests to see if the number /n/ is probably prime - the test excludes the vast majority of composite numbers
3704 by excluding small prime factors and performing a single Fermat test. Then performs /trials/ Miller-Rabin
3705 tests. Returns `false` if /n/ is definitely composite, or `true` if /n/ is probably prime with the
3706 probability of it being composite less than 0.25^trials. Fixed precision types are promoted internally
3707 to ensure accuracy.
3709 [h4 Rational Number Functions]
3711 typename component_type<``['number-or-expression-template-type]``>::type numerator (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3712 typename component_type<``['number-or-expression-template-type]``>::type denominator(const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
3714 These functions return the numerator and denominator of a rational number respectively.
3716 [h4 Boost.Math Interoperability Support]
3718 namespace boost{ namespace math{
3720 int fpclassify (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&, int);
3721 bool isfinite (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&, int);
3722 bool isnan (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&, int);
3723 bool isinf (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&, int);
3724 bool isnormal (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&, int);
3726 }} // namespaces
3728 These floating-point classification functions behave exactly as their Boost.Math equivalents.
3730 Other Boost.Math functions and templates may also be
3731 specialized or overloaded to ensure interoperability.
3733 [h4 std::numeric_limits support]
3735 namespace std{
3737 template <class Backend, ExpressionTemplates>
3738 struct numeric_limits<boost::multiprecision<Backend, ExpressionTemplates> >
3739 {
3740 /* Usual members here */
3741 };
3743 }
3745 Class template `std::numeric_limits` is specialized for all instantiations of `number` whose precision is known at compile time, plus those
3746 types whose precision is unlimited (though it is much less useful in those cases). It is not specialized for types
3747 whose precision can vary at compile time (such as `mpf_float`).
3749 [endsect]
3751 [section:cpp_int_ref cpp_int]
3753 namespace boost{ namespace multiprecision{
3755 typedef unspecified-type limb_type;
3757 enum cpp_integer_type { signed_magnitude, unsigned_magnitude };
3758 enum cpp_int_check_type { checked, unchecked };
3760 template <unsigned MinDigits = 0,
3761 unsigned MaxDits = 0,
3762 cpp_integer_type SignType = signed_magnitude,
3763 cpp_int_check_type Checked = unchecked,
3764 class Allocator = std::allocator<limb_type> >
3765 class cpp_int_backend;
3766 //
3767 // Expression templates default to et_off if there is no allocator:
3768 //
3769 template <unsigned MinDigits, unsigned MaxDigits, cpp_integer_type SignType, cpp_int_check_type Checked>
3770 struct expression_template_default<cpp_int_backend<MinDigits, MaxDigits, SignType, Checked, void> >
3771 { static const expression_template_option value = et_off; };
3773 typedef number<cpp_int_backend<> > cpp_int; // arbitrary precision integer
3774 typedef rational_adaptor<cpp_int_backend<> > cpp_rational_backend;
3775 typedef number<cpp_rational_backend> cpp_rational; // arbitrary precision rational number
3777 // Fixed precision unsigned types:
3778 typedef number<cpp_int_backend<128, 128, unsigned_magnitude, unchecked, void> > uint128_t;
3779 typedef number<cpp_int_backend<256, 256, unsigned_magnitude, unchecked, void> > uint256_t;
3780 typedef number<cpp_int_backend<512, 512, unsigned_magnitude, unchecked, void> > uint512_t;
3781 typedef number<cpp_int_backend<1024, 1024, unsigned_magnitude, unchecked, void> > uint1024_t;
3783 // Fixed precision signed types:
3784 typedef number<cpp_int_backend<128, 128, signed_magnitude, unchecked, void> > int128_t;
3785 typedef number<cpp_int_backend<256, 256, signed_magnitude, unchecked, void> > int256_t;
3786 typedef number<cpp_int_backend<512, 512, signed_magnitude, unchecked, void> > int512_t;
3787 typedef number<cpp_int_backend<1024, 1024, signed_magnitude, unchecked, void> > int1024_t;
3789 // Over again, but with checking enabled this time:
3790 typedef number<cpp_int_backend<0, 0, signed_magnitude, checked> > checked_cpp_int;
3791 typedef rational_adaptor<cpp_int_backend<0, 0, signed_magnitude, checked> > checked_cpp_rational_backend;
3792 typedef number<checked_cpp_rational_backend> checked_cpp_rational;
3794 // Checked fixed precision unsigned types:
3795 typedef number<cpp_int_backend<128, 128, unsigned_magnitude, checked, void> > checked_uint128_t;
3796 typedef number<cpp_int_backend<256, 256, unsigned_magnitude, checked, void> > checked_uint256_t;
3797 typedef number<cpp_int_backend<512, 512, unsigned_magnitude, checked, void> > checked_uint512_t;
3798 typedef number<cpp_int_backend<1024, 1024, unsigned_magnitude, checked, void> > checked_uint1024_t;
3800 // Fixed precision signed types:
3801 typedef number<cpp_int_backend<128, 128, signed_magnitude, checked, void> > checked_int128_t;
3802 typedef number<cpp_int_backend<256, 256, signed_magnitude, checked, void> > checked_int256_t;
3803 typedef number<cpp_int_backend<512, 512, signed_magnitude, checked, void> > checked_int512_t;
3804 typedef number<cpp_int_backend<1024, 1024, signed_magnitude, checked, void> > checked_int1024_t;
3806 }} // namespaces
3808 Class template `cpp_int_backend` fulfils all of the requirements for a [link boost_multiprecision.ref.backendconc Backend] type.
3809 Its members and non-member functions are deliberately not documented: these are considered implementation details that are subject
3810 to change.
3812 The template arguments are:
3814 [variablelist
3815 [[MinBits][Determines the number of Bits to store directly within the object before resorting to dynamic memory
3816 allocation. When zero, this field is determined automatically based on how many bits can be stored
3817 in union with the dynamic storage header: setting a larger value may improve performance as larger integer
3818 values will be stored internally before memory allocation is required.]]
3819 [[MaxBits][Determines the maximum number of bits to be stored in the type: resulting in a fixed precision type.
3820 When this value is the same as MinBits, then the Allocator parameter is ignored, as no dynamic
3821 memory allocation will ever be performed: in this situation the Allocator parameter should be set to
3822 type `void`. Note that this parameter should not be used simply to prevent large memory
3823 allocations, not only is that role better performed by the allocator, but fixed precision
3824 integers have a tendency to allocate all of MaxBits of storage more often than one would expect.]]
3825 [[SignType][Determines whether the resulting type is signed or not. Note that for
3826 [@http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arbitrary-precision_arithmetic arbitrary precision] types
3827 this parameter must be `signed_magnitude`. For fixed precision
3828 types then this type may be either `signed_magnitude` or `unsigned_magnitude`.]]
3829 [[Checked][This parameter has two values: `checked` or `unchecked`. See the [link boost_multiprecision.tut.ints.cpp_int tutorial] for more information.]]
3830 [[Allocator][The allocator to use for dynamic memory allocation, or type `void` if MaxBits == MinBits.]]
3831 ]
3833 The type of `number_category<cpp_int<Args...> >::type` is `mpl::int_<number_kind_integer>`.
3835 More information on this type can be found in the [link boost_multiprecision.tut.ints.cpp_int tutorial].
3837 [endsect]
3839 [section:gmp_int_ref gmp_int]
3841 namespace boost{ namespace multiprecision{
3843 class gmp_int;
3845 typedef number<gmp_int > mpz_int;
3847 }} // namespaces
3849 Class template `gmp_int` fulfils all of the requirements for a [link boost_multiprecision.ref.backendconc Backend] type.
3850 Its members and non-member functions are deliberately not documented: these are considered implementation details that are subject
3851 to change.
3853 The type of `number_category<cpp_int<Args...> >::type` is `mpl::int_<number_kind_integer>`.
3855 More information on this type can be found in the [link boost_multiprecision.tut.ints.gmp_int tutorial].
3857 [endsect]
3859 [section:tom_int_ref tom_int]
3861 namespace boost{ namespace multiprecision{
3863 class tommath_int;
3865 typedef number<tommath_int > tom_int;
3867 }} // namespaces
3869 Class template `tommath_int` fulfils all of the requirements for a [link boost_multiprecision.ref.backendconc Backend] type.
3870 Its members and non-member functions are deliberately not documented: these are considered implementation details that are subject
3871 to change.
3873 The type of `number_category<cpp_int<Args...> >::type` is `mpl::int_<number_kind_integer>`.
3875 More information on this type can be found in the [link boost_multiprecision.tut.ints.tom_int tutorial].
3877 [endsect]
3879 [section:mpf_ref gmp_float]
3881 namespace boost{ namespace multiprecision{
3883 template <unsigned Digits10>
3884 class gmp_float;
3886 typedef number<gmp_float<50> > mpf_float_50;
3887 typedef number<gmp_float<100> > mpf_float_100;
3888 typedef number<gmp_float<500> > mpf_float_500;
3889 typedef number<gmp_float<1000> > mpf_float_1000;
3890 typedef number<gmp_float<0> > mpf_float;
3892 }} // namespaces
3894 Class template `gmp_float` fulfils all of the requirements for a [link boost_multiprecision.ref.backendconc Backend] type.
3895 Its members and non-member functions are deliberately not documented: these are considered implementation details that are subject
3896 to change.
3898 The class takes a single template parameter - `Digits10` - which is the number of decimal digits precision the type
3899 should support. When this parameter is zero, then the precision can be set at runtime via `number::default_precision`
3900 and `number::precision`. Note that this type does not in any way change the GMP library's global state (for example
3901 it does not change the default precision of the mpf_t data type), therefore you can safely mix this type with existing
3902 code that uses GMP, and also mix `gmp_float`s of differing precision.
3904 The type of `number_category<cpp_int<Args...> >::type` is `mpl::int_<number_kind_floating_point>`.
3906 More information on this type can be found in the [link boost_multiprecision.tut.floats.gmp_float tutorial].
3908 [endsect]
3910 [section:mpfr_ref mpfr_float_backend]
3912 namespace boost{ namespace multiprecision{
3914 template <unsigned Digits10>
3915 class mpfr_float_backend;
3917 typedef number<mpfr_float_backend<50> > mpfr_float_50;
3918 typedef number<mpfr_float_backend<100> > mpfr_float_100;
3919 typedef number<mpfr_float_backend<500> > mpfr_float_500;
3920 typedef number<mpfr_float_backend<1000> > mpfr_float_1000;
3921 typedef number<mpfr_float_backend<0> > mpfr_float;
3923 }} // namespaces
3925 Class template `mpfr_float_backend` fulfils all of the requirements for a [link boost_multiprecision.ref.backendconc Backend] type.
3926 Its members and non-member functions are deliberately not documented: these are considered implementation details that are subject
3927 to change.
3929 The class takes a single template parameter - `Digits10` - which is the number of decimal digits precision the type
3930 should support. When this parameter is zero, then the precision can be set at runtime via `number::default_precision`
3931 and `number::precision`. Note that this type does not in any way change the GMP or MPFR library's global state (for example
3932 it does not change the default precision of the mpfr_t data type), therefore you can safely mix this type with existing
3933 code that uses GMP or MPFR, and also mix `mpfr_float_backend`s of differing precision.
3935 The type of `number_category<cpp_int<Args...> >::type` is `mpl::int_<number_kind_floating_point>`.
3937 More information on this type can be found in the [link boost_multiprecision.tut.floats.mpfr_float tutorial].
3939 [endsect]
3941 [section:cpp_bin_float_ref cpp_bin_float]
3943 namespace boost{ namespace multiprecision{
3945 enum digit_base_type
3946 {
3947 digit_base_2 = 2,
3948 digit_base_10 = 10
3949 };
3951 template <unsigned Digits, digit_base_type base = digit_base_10, class Allocator = void, class Exponent = int, ExponentMin = 0, ExponentMax = 0>
3952 class cpp_bin_float;
3954 typedef number<cpp_bin_float<50> > cpp_bin_float_50;
3955 typedef number<cpp_bin_float<100> > cpp_bin_float_100;
3957 typedef number<backends::cpp_bin_float<24, backends::digit_base_2, void, boost::int16_t, -126, 127>, et_off> cpp_bin_float_single;
3958 typedef number<backends::cpp_bin_float<53, backends::digit_base_2, void, boost::int16_t, -1022, 1023>, et_off> cpp_bin_float_double;
3959 typedef number<backends::cpp_bin_float<64, backends::digit_base_2, void, boost::int16_t, -16382, 16383>, et_off> cpp_bin_float_double_extended;
3960 typedef number<backends::cpp_bin_float<113, backends::digit_base_2, void, boost::int16_t, -16382, 16383>, et_off> cpp_bin_float_quad;
3962 }} // namespaces
3964 Class template `cpp_bin_float` fulfils all of the requirements for a [link boost_multiprecision.ref.backendconc Backend] type.
3965 Its members and non-member functions are deliberately not documented: these are considered implementation details that are subject
3966 to change.
3968 The class takes six template parameters:
3970 [variablelist
3971 [[Digits][The number of digits precision the type
3972 should support. This is normally expressed as base-10 digits, but that can be changed via the second template parameter.]]
3973 [[base][An enumerated value (either `digit_base_10` or `digit_base_2`) that indicates whether `Digits` is base-10 or base-2]]
3974 [[Allocator][The allocator used: defaults to type `void`, meaning all storage is within the class, and no dynamic
3975 allocation is performed, but can be set to a standard library allocator if dynamic allocation makes more sense.]]
3976 [[Exponent][A signed integer type to use as the type of the exponent - defaults to `int`.]]
3977 [[ExponentMin][The smallest (most negative) permitted exponent, defaults to zero, meaning "define as small as possible
3978 given the limitations of the type and our internal requirements".]]
3979 [[ExponentMax][The largest (most positive) permitted exponent, defaults to zero, meaning "define as large as possible
3980 given the limitations of the type and our internal requirements".]]
3981 ]
3983 The type of `number_category<cpp_bin_float<Args...> >::type` is `mpl::int_<number_kind_floating_point>`.
3985 More information on this type can be found in the [link boost_multiprecision.tut.floats.cpp_bin_float tutorial].
3987 [h4 Implementation Notes]
3989 Internally, an N-bit `cpp_bin_float` is represented as an N-bit unsigned integer along with an exponent and a sign.
3990 The integer part is normalized so that it's most significant bit is always 1. The decimal point is assumed to be
3991 directly after the most significant bit of the integer part. The special values zero, infinity and NaN all have
3992 the integer part set to zero, and the exponent to one of 3 special values above the maximum permitted exponent.
3994 Multiplication is trivial: multiply the two N-bit integer mantissa's to obtain a 2N-bit number, then round and
3995 adjust the sign and exponent.
3997 Addition and subtraction proceed similarly - if the exponents are such that there is overlap between the two
3998 values, then left shift the larger value to produce a number with between N and 2N bits, then perform integer
3999 addition or subtraction, round, and adjust the exponent.
4001 Division proceeds as follows: first scale the numerator by some power of 2 so that integer division will
4002 produce either an N-bit or N+1 bit result plus a remainder. If we get an N bit result then the size of
4003 twice the remainder compared to the denominator gives us the rounding direction. Otherwise we have one extra bit
4004 in the result which we can use to determine rounding (in this case ties occur only if the remainder is zero and
4005 the extra bit is a 1).
4007 Square root uses integer square root in a manner analogous to division.
4009 Decimal string to binary conversion proceeds as follows: first parse the digits to
4010 produce an integer multiplied by a decimal exponent. Note that we stop parsing digits
4011 once we have parsed as many as can possibly effect the result - this stops the integer
4012 part growing too large when there are a very large number of input digits provided.
4013 At this stage if the decimal exponent is positive then the result is an integer and we
4014 can in principle simply multiply by 10^N to get an exact integer result. In practice
4015 however, that could produce some very large integers. We also need to be able to divide
4016 by 10^N in the event that the exponent is negative. Therefore calculation of the 10^N
4017 values plus the multiplication or division are performed using limited precision
4018 integer arithmetic, plus an exponent, and a track of the accumulated error. At the end of
4019 the calculation we will either be able to round unambiguously, or the error will be such
4020 that we can't tell which way to round. In the latter case we simply up the precision and try
4021 again until we have an unambiguously rounded result.
4023 Binary to decimal conversion proceeds very similarly to the above, our aim is to calculate
4024 `mantissa * 2^shift * 10^E` where `E` is the decimal exponent and `shift` is calculated
4025 so that the result is an N bit integer assuming we want N digits printed in the result.
4026 As before we use limited precision arithmetic to calculate the result and up the
4027 precision as necessary until the result is unambiguously correctly rounded. In addition
4028 our initial calculation of the decimal exponent may be out by 1, so we have to correct
4029 that and loop as well in the that case.
4031 [endsect]
4033 [section:cpp_dec_ref cpp_dec_float]
4035 namespace boost{ namespace multiprecision{
4037 template <unsigned Digits10, class ExponentType = boost::int32_t, class Allocator = void>
4038 class cpp_dec_float;
4040 typedef number<cpp_dec_float<50> > cpp_dec_float_50;
4041 typedef number<cpp_dec_float<100> > cpp_dec_float_100;
4043 }} // namespaces
4045 Class template `cpp_dec_float` fulfils all of the requirements for a [link boost_multiprecision.ref.backendconc Backend] type.
4046 Its members and non-member functions are deliberately not documented: these are considered implementation details that are subject
4047 to change.
4049 The class takes three template parameters:
4051 [variablelist
4052 [[Digits10][The number of decimal digits precision the type
4053 should support. Note that this type does not normally perform any dynamic memory allocation, and as a result the `Digits10`
4054 template argument should not be set too high or the class's size will grow unreasonably large.]]
4055 [[ExponentType][A signed integer type that represents the exponent of the number]]
4056 [[Allocator][The allocator used: defaults to type `void`, meaning all storage is within the class, and no dynamic
4057 allocation is performed, but can be set to a standard library allocator if dynamic allocation makes more sense.]]
4058 ]
4060 The type of `number_category<cpp_dec_float<Args...> >::type` is `mpl::int_<number_kind_floating_point>`.
4062 More information on this type can be found in the [link boost_multiprecision.tut.floats.cpp_dec_float tutorial].
4064 [endsect]
4066 [section:internals Internal Support Code]
4068 There are some traits classes which authors of new backends should be aware of:
4070 namespace boost{ namespace multiprecision{ namespace detail{
4072 template<typename From, typename To>
4073 struct is_explicitly_convertible;
4075 }}}
4077 Inherits from `boost::integral_constant<bool,true>` if type `From` has an explicit conversion from `To`.
4079 For compilers that support C++11 SFINAE-expressions this trait should "just work". Otherwise it inherits
4080 from `boost::is_convertible<From, To>::type`, and will need to be specialised for Backends that have
4081 constructors marked as `explicit`.
4083 template <class From, class To>
4084 struct is_lossy_conversion
4085 {
4086 static const bool value = see below;
4087 };
4089 Member `value` is true if the conversion from `From` to `To` would result in a loss of precision, and `false` otherwise.
4091 The default version of this trait simply checks whether the ['kind] of conversion (for example from a floating-point to an integer type)
4092 is inherently lossy. Note that if either of the types `From` or `To` are of an unknown number category (because `number_category` is not
4093 specialised for that type) then this trait will be `true`.
4095 template<typename From, typename To>
4096 struct is_restricted_conversion
4097 {
4098 static const bool value = see below;
4099 };
4101 Member `value` is `true` if `From` is only explicitly convertible to `To` and not implicitly convertible, or
4102 if `is_lossy_conversion<From, To>::value` is `true`. Otherwise `false`.
4104 Note that while this trait is the ultimate arbiter of which constructors are marked as `explicit` in class `number`,
4105 authors of backend types should generally specialise one of the traits above, rather than this one directly.
4107 template <class T>
4108 is_signed_number;
4109 template <class T>
4110 is_unsigned_number;
4112 These two traits inherit from either `mpl::true_` or `mpl::false_`, by default types are assumed to be signed unless
4113 `is_unsigned_number` is specialized for that type.
4115 [endsect]
4117 [section:backendconc Backend Requirements]
4119 The requirements on the `Backend` template argument to `number` are split up into
4120 sections: compulsory and optional.
4122 Compulsory requirements have no default implementation in the library, therefore if the feature
4123 they implement is to be supported at all, then they must be implemented by the backend.
4125 Optional requirements have default implementations that are called if the backend doesn't provide
4126 it's own. Typically the backend will implement these to improve performance.
4128 In the following tables, type B is the `Backend` template argument to `number`, `b` and `b2` are
4129 a variables of type B, `pb` is a variable of type B*, `cb`, `cb2` and `cb3` are constant variables of type `const B`,
4130 `rb` is a variable of type `B&&`, `a` and `a2` are variables of Arithmetic type,
4131 `s` is a variable of type `const char*`, `ui` is a variable of type `unsigned`, `bb` is a variable of type `bool`,
4132 `pa` is a variable of type pointer-to-arithmetic-type, `exp` is a variable of type `B::exp_type`,
4133 `pexp` is a variable of type `B::exp_type*`, `i` is a variable of type `int`, `pi` pointer to a variable of type `int`,
4134 B2 is another type that meets these requirements, b2 is a variable of type B2, `ss` is variable of type `std::streamsize`
4135 and `ff` is a variable of type `std::ios_base::fmtflags`.
4137 [table Compulsory Requirements on the Backend type.
4138 [[Expression][Return Type][Comments][Throws]]
4139 [[`B::signed_types`][`mpl::list<type-list>`][A list of signed integral types that can be assigned to type B. The types shall be
4140 listed in order of size, smallest first, and shall terminate in the type that is `std::intmax_t`.][[space]]]
4141 [[`B::unsigned_types`][`mpl::list<type-list>`][A list of unsigned integral types that can be assigned to type B. The types shall be
4142 listed in order of size, smallest first, and shall terminate in the type that is `std::uintmax_t`.][[space]]]
4143 [[`B::float_types`][`mpl::list<type-list>`][A list of floating-point types that can be assigned to type B.The types shall be
4144 listed in order of size, smallest first, and shall terminate in type `long double`.][[space]]]
4145 [[`B::exponent_type`][A signed integral type.][The type of the exponent of type B. This type is required only for floating-point types.][[space]]]
4146 [[`B()`][ ][Default constructor.][[space]]]
4147 [[`B(cb)`][ ][Copy Constructor.][[space]]]
4148 [[`b = b`][`B&`][Assignment operator.][[space]]]
4149 [[`b = a`][`B&`][Assignment from an Arithmetic type. The type of `a` shall be listed in one of the type lists
4150 `B::signed_types`, `B::unsigned_types` or `B::float_types`.][[space]]]
4151 [[`b = s`][`B&`][Assignment from a string.][Throws a `std::runtime_error` if the string could not be interpreted as a valid number.]]
4152 [[`b.swap(b)`][`void`][Swaps the contents of its arguments.][`noexcept`]]
4153 [[`cb.str(ss, ff)`][`std::string`][Returns the string representation of `b` with `ss` digits and formatted according to the flags set in `ff`.
4154 If `ss` is zero, then returns as many digits as are required to reconstruct the original value.][[space]]]
4155 [[`b.negate()`][`void`][Negates `b`.][[space]]]
4156 [[`cb.compare(cb2)`][`int`][Compares `cb` and `cb2`, returns a value less than zero if `cb < cb2`, a value greater than zero if `cb > cb2` and zero
4157 if `cb == cb2`.][`noexcept`]]
4158 [[`cb.compare(a)`][`int`][Compares `cb` and `a`, returns a value less than zero if `cb < a`, a value greater than zero if `cb > a` and zero
4159 if `cb == a`. The type of `a` shall be listed in one of the type lists
4160 `B::signed_types`, `B::unsigned_types` or `B::float_types`.][[space]]]
4161 [[`eval_add(b, cb)`][`void`][Adds `cb` to `b`.][[space]]]
4162 [[`eval_subtract(b, cb)`][`void`][Subtracts `cb` from `b`.][[space]]]
4163 [[`eval_multiply(b, cb)`][`void`][Multiplies `b` by `cb`.][[space]]]
4164 [[`eval_divide(b, cb)`][`void`][Divides `b` by `cb`.]
4165 [`std::overflow_error` if cb has the value zero, and `std::numeric_limits<number<B> >::has_infinity == false`]]
4166 [[`eval_modulus(b, cb)`][`void`][Computes `b %= cb`, only required when `B` is an integer type.]
4167 [`std::overflow_error` if cb has the value zero.]]
4168 [[`eval_bitwise_and(b, cb)`][`void`][Computes `b &= cb`, only required when `B` is an integer type.][[space]]]
4169 [[`eval_bitwise_or(b, cb)`][`void`][Computes `b |= cb`, only required when `B` is an integer type.][[space]]]
4170 [[`eval_bitwise_xor(b, cb)`][`void`][Computes `b ^= cb`, only required when `B` is an integer type.][[space]]]
4171 [[`eval_complement(b, cb)`][`void`][Computes the ones-complement of `cb` and stores the result in `b`, only required when `B` is an integer type.][[space]]]
4172 [[`eval_left_shift(b, ui)`][`void`][Computes `b <<= ui`, only required when `B` is an integer type.][[space]]]
4173 [[`eval_right_shift(b, ui)`][`void`][Computes `b >>= ui`, only required when `B` is an integer type.][[space]]]
4174 [[`eval_convert_to(pa, cb)`][`void`][Converts `cb` to the type of `*pa` and store the result in `*pa`. Type `B` shall support
4175 conversion to at least types `std::intmax_t`, `std::uintmax_t` and `long long`.
4176 Conversion to other arithmetic types can then be synthesised using other operations.
4177 Conversions to other types are entirely optional.][[space]]]
4178 [[`eval_frexp(b, cb, pexp)`][`void`][Stores values in `b` and `*pexp` such that the value of `cb` is b * 2[super *pexp], only required when `B` is a floating-point type.][[space]]]
4179 [[`eval_ldexp(b, cb, exp)`][`void`][Stores a value in `b` that is cb * 2[super exp], only required when `B` is a floating-point type.][[space]]]
4180 [[`eval_frexp(b, cb, pi)`][`void`][Stores values in `b` and `*pi` such that the value of `cb` is b * 2[super *pi], only required when `B` is a floating-point type.]
4181 [`std::runtime_error` if the exponent of cb is too large to be stored in an `int`.]]
4182 [[`eval_ldexp(b, cb, i)`][`void`][Stores a value in `b` that is cb * 2[super i], only required when `B` is a floating-point type.][[space]]]
4183 [[`eval_floor(b, cb)`][`void`][Stores the floor of `cb` in `b`, only required when `B` is a floating-point type.][[space]]]
4184 [[`eval_ceil(b, cb)`][`void`][Stores the ceiling of `cb` in `b`, only required when `B` is a floating-point type.][[space]]]
4185 [[`eval_sqrt(b, cb)`][`void`][Stores the square root of `cb` in `b`, only required when `B` is a floating-point type.][[space]]]
4186 [[`boost::multiprecision::number_category<B>::type`][`mpl::int_<N>`][`N` is one of the values `number_kind_integer`, `number_kind_floating_point`, `number_kind_rational` or `number_kind_fixed_point`.
4187 Defaults to `number_kind_floating_point`.][[space]]]
4188 ]
4190 [table Optional Requirements on the Backend Type
4191 [[Expression][Returns][Comments][Throws]]
4193 [[['Construct and assign:]]]
4194 [[`B(rb)`][`B`][Move constructor. Afterwards variable `rb` shall be in sane state, albeit with unspecified value.
4195 Only destruction and assignment to the moved-from variable `rb` need be supported after the operation.][`noexcept`]]
4196 [[`b = rb`][`B&`][Move-assign. Afterwards variable `rb` shall be in sane state, albeit with unspecified value.
4197 Only destruction and assignment to the moved-from variable `rb` need be supported after the operation.][`noexcept`]]
4198 [[`B(a)`][`B`][Direct construction from an arithmetic type. The type of `a` shall be listed in one of the type lists
4199 `B::signed_types`, `B::unsigned_types` or `B::float_types`.
4200 When not provided, this operation is simulated using default-construction followed by assignment.][[space]]]
4201 [[`B(b2)`][`B`][Copy constructor from a different back-end type. When not provided, a generic interconversion routine is used.
4202 This constructor may be `explicit` if the corresponding frontend constructor should also be `explicit`.][[space]]]
4203 [[`b = b2`][`b&`][Assignment operator from a different back-end type. When not provided, a generic interconversion routine is used.][[space]]]
4204 [[`assign_components(b, a, a)`][`void`][Assigns to `b` the two components in the following arguments.
4205 Only applies to rational and complex number types.
4206 When not provided, arithmetic operations are used to synthesise the result from the two values.][[space]]]
4207 [[`assign_components(b, b2, b2)`][`void`][Assigns to `b` the two components in the following arguments.
4208 Only applies to rational and complex number types.
4209 When not provided, arithmetic operations are used to synthesise the result from the two values.][[space]]]
4211 [[['Comparisons:]]]
4212 [[`eval_eq(cb, cb2)`][`bool`][Returns `true` if `cb` and `cb2` are equal in value.
4213 When not provided, the default implementation returns `cb.compare(cb2) == 0`.][`noexcept`]]
4214 [[`eval_eq(cb, a)`][`bool`][Returns `true` if `cb` and `a` are equal in value.
4215 The type of `a` shall be listed in one of the type lists
4216 `B::signed_types`, `B::unsigned_types` or `B::float_types`.
4217 When not provided, return the equivalent of `eval_eq(cb, B(a))`.][[space]]]
4218 [[`eval_eq(a, cb)`][`bool`][Returns `true` if `cb` and `a` are equal in value.
4219 The type of `a` shall be listed in one of the type lists
4220 `B::signed_types`, `B::unsigned_types` or `B::float_types`.
4221 When not provided, the default version returns `eval_eq(cb, a)`.][[space]]]
4222 [[`eval_lt(cb, cb2)`][`bool`][Returns `true` if `cb` is less than `cb2` in value.
4223 When not provided, the default implementation returns `cb.compare(cb2) < 0`.][`noexcept`]]
4224 [[`eval_lt(cb, a)`][`bool`][Returns `true` if `cb` is less than `a` in value.
4225 The type of `a` shall be listed in one of the type lists
4226 `B::signed_types`, `B::unsigned_types` or `B::float_types`.
4227 When not provided, the default implementation returns `eval_lt(cb, B(a))`.][[space]]]
4228 [[`eval_lt(a, cb)`][`bool`][Returns `true` if `a` is less than `cb` in value.
4229 The type of `a` shall be listed in one of the type lists
4230 `B::signed_types`, `B::unsigned_types` or `B::float_types`.
4231 When not provided, the default implementation returns `eval_gt(cb, a)`.][[space]]]
4232 [[`eval_gt(cb, cb2)`][`bool`][Returns `true` if `cb` is greater than `cb2` in value.
4233 When not provided, the default implementation returns `cb.compare(cb2) > 0`.][`noexcept`]]
4234 [[`eval_gt(cb, a)`][`bool`][Returns `true` if `cb` is greater than `a` in value.
4235 The type of `a` shall be listed in one of the type lists
4236 `B::signed_types`, `B::unsigned_types` or `B::float_types`.
4237 When not provided, the default implementation returns `eval_gt(cb, B(a))`.][[space]]]
4238 [[`eval_gt(a, cb)`][`bool`][Returns `true` if `a` is greater than `cb` in value.
4239 The type of `a` shall be listed in one of the type lists
4240 `B::signed_types`, `B::unsigned_types` or `B::float_types`.
4241 When not provided, the default implementation returns `eval_lt(cb, a)`.][[space]]]
4242 [[`eval_is_zero(cb)`][`bool`][Returns `true` if `cb` is zero, otherwise `false`. The default version of this function
4243 returns `cb.compare(ui_type(0)) == 0`, where `ui_type` is `ui_type` is
4244 `typename mpl::front<typename B::unsigned_types>::type`.][[space]]]
4245 [[`eval_get_sign(cb)`][`int`][Returns a value < zero if `cb` is negative, a value > zero if `cb` is positive, and zero if `cb` is zero.
4246 The default version of this function
4247 returns `cb.compare(ui_type(0))`, where `ui_type` is `ui_type` is
4248 `typename mpl::front<typename B::unsigned_types>::type`.][[space]]]
4250 [[['Basic arithmetic:]]]
4251 [[`eval_add(b, a)`][`void`][Adds `a` to `b`. The type of `a` shall be listed in one of the type lists
4252 `B::signed_types`, `B::unsigned_types` or `B::float_types`.
4253 When not provided, the default version calls `eval_add(b, B(a))`][[space]]]
4254 [[`eval_add(b, cb, cb2)`][`void`][Add `cb` to `cb2` and stores the result in `b`.
4255 When not provided, does the equivalent of `b = cb; eval_add(b, cb2)`.][[space]]]
4256 [[`eval_add(b, cb, a)`][`void`][Add `cb` to `a` and stores the result in `b`. The type of `a` shall be listed in one of the type lists
4257 `B::signed_types`, `B::unsigned_types` or `B::float_types`.
4258 When not provided, does the equivalent of `eval_add(b, cb, B(a))`.][[space]]]
4259 [[`eval_add(b, a, cb)`][`void`][Add `a` to `cb` and stores the result in `b`. The type of `a` shall be listed in one of the type lists
4260 `B::signed_types`, `B::unsigned_types` or `B::float_types`.
4261 When not provided, does the equivalent of `eval_add(b, cb, a)`.][[space]]]
4262 [[`eval_subtract(b, a)`][`void`][Subtracts `a` from `b`. The type of `a` shall be listed in one of the type lists
4263 `B::signed_types`, `B::unsigned_types` or `B::float_types`.
4264 When not provided, the default version calls `eval_subtract(b, B(a))`][[space]]]
4265 [[`eval_subtract(b, cb, cb2)`][`void`][Subtracts `cb2` from `cb` and stores the result in `b`.
4266 When not provided, does the equivalent of `b = cb; eval_subtract(b, cb2)`.][[space]]]
4267 [[`eval_subtract(b, cb, a)`][`void`][Subtracts `a` from `cb` and stores the result in `b`. The type of `a` shall be listed in one of the type lists
4268 `B::signed_types`, `B::unsigned_types` or `B::float_types`.
4269 When not provided, does the equivalent of `eval_subtract(b, cb, B(a))`.][[space]]]
4270 [[`eval_subtract(b, a, cb)`][`void`][Subtracts `cb` from `a` and stores the result in `b`. The type of `a` shall be listed in one of the type lists
4271 `B::signed_types`, `B::unsigned_types` or `B::float_types`.
4272 When not provided, does the equivalent of `eval_subtract(b, cb, a); b.negate();`.][[space]]]
4273 [[`eval_multiply(b, a)`][`void`][Multiplies `b` by `a`. The type of `a` shall be listed in one of the type lists
4274 `B::signed_types`, `B::unsigned_types` or `B::float_types`.
4275 When not provided, the default version calls `eval_multiply(b, B(a))`][[space]]]
4276 [[`eval_multiply(b, cb, cb2)`][`void`][Multiplies `cb` by `cb2` and stores the result in `b`.
4277 When not provided, does the equivalent of `b = cb; eval_multiply(b, cb2)`.][[space]]]
4278 [[`eval_multiply(b, cb, a)`][`void`][Multiplies `cb` by `a` and stores the result in `b`. The type of `a` shall be listed in one of the type lists
4279 `B::signed_types`, `B::unsigned_types` or `B::float_types`.
4280 When not provided, does the equivalent of `eval_multiply(b, cb, B(a))`.][[space]]]
4281 [[`eval_multiply(b, a, cb)`][`void`][Multiplies `a` by `cb` and stores the result in `b`. The type of `a` shall be listed in one of the type lists
4282 `B::signed_types`, `B::unsigned_types` or `B::float_types`.
4283 When not provided, does the equivalent of `eval_multiply(b, cb, a)`.][[space]]]
4284 [[`eval_multiply_add(b, cb, cb2)`][`void`][Multiplies `cb` by `cb2` and adds the result to `b`.
4285 When not provided does the equivalent of creating a temporary `B t` and `eval_multiply(t, cb, cb2)` followed by
4286 `eval_add(b, t)`.][[space]]]
4287 [[`eval_multiply_add(b, cb, a)`][`void`][Multiplies `a` by `cb` and adds the result to `b`.
4288 The type of `a` shall be listed in one of the type lists
4289 `B::signed_types`, `B::unsigned_types` or `B::float_types`.
4290 When not provided does the equivalent of creating a temporary `B t` and `eval_multiply(t, cb, a)` followed by
4291 `eval_add(b, t)`.][[space]]]
4292 [[`eval_multiply_add(b, a, cb)`][`void`][Multiplies `a` by `cb` and adds the result to `b`.
4293 The type of `a` shall be listed in one of the type lists
4294 `B::signed_types`, `B::unsigned_types` or `B::float_types`.
4295 When not provided does the equivalent of `eval_multiply_add(b, cb, a)`.][[space]]]
4296 [[`eval_multiply_subtract(b, cb, cb2)`][`void`][Multiplies `cb` by `cb2` and subtracts the result from `b`.
4297 When not provided does the equivalent of creating a temporary `B t` and `eval_multiply(t, cb, cb2)` followed by
4298 `eval_subtract(b, t)`.][[space]]]
4299 [[`eval_multiply_subtract(b, cb, a)`][`void`][Multiplies `a` by `cb` and subtracts the result from `b`.
4300 The type of `a` shall be listed in one of the type lists
4301 `B::signed_types`, `B::unsigned_types` or `B::float_types`.
4302 When not provided does the equivalent of creating a temporary `B t` and `eval_multiply(t, cb, a)` followed by
4303 `eval_subtract(b, t)`.][[space]]]
4304 [[`eval_multiply_subtract(b, a, cb)`][`void`][Multiplies `a` by `cb` and subtracts the result from `b`.
4305 The type of `a` shall be listed in one of the type lists
4306 `B::signed_types`, `B::unsigned_types` or `B::float_types`.
4307 When not provided does the equivalent of `eval_multiply_subtract(b, cb, a)`.][[space]]]
4308 [[`eval_multiply_add(b, cb, cb2, cb3)`][`void`][Multiplies `cb` by `cb2` and adds the result to `cb3` storing the result in `b`.
4309 When not provided does the equivalent of `eval_multiply(b, cb, cb2)` followed by
4310 `eval_add(b, cb3)`.
4311 For brevity, only a version showing all arguments of type `B` is shown here, but you can replace up to any 2 of
4312 `cb`, `cb2` and `cb3` with any type listed in one of the type lists
4313 `B::signed_types`, `B::unsigned_types` or `B::float_types`.][[space]]]
4314 [[`eval_multiply_subtract(b, cb, cb2, cb3)`][`void`][Multiplies `cb` by `cb2` and subtracts from the result `cb3` storing the result in `b`.
4315 When not provided does the equivalent of `eval_multiply(b, cb, cb2)` followed by
4316 `eval_subtract(b, cb3)`.
4317 For brevity, only a version showing all arguments of type `B` is shown here, but you can replace up to any 2 of
4318 `cb`, `cb2` and `cb3` with any type listed in one of the type lists
4319 `B::signed_types`, `B::unsigned_types` or `B::float_types`.][[space]]]
4320 [[`eval_divide(b, a)`][`void`][Divides `b` by `a`. The type of `a` shall be listed in one of the type lists
4321 `B::signed_types`, `B::unsigned_types` or `B::float_types`.
4322 When not provided, the default version calls `eval_divide(b, B(a))`]
4323 [`std::overflow_error` if `a` has the value zero, and `std::numeric_limits<number<B> >::has_infinity == false`]]
4324 [[`eval_divide(b, cb, cb2)`][`void`][Divides `cb` by `cb2` and stores the result in `b`.
4325 When not provided, does the equivalent of `b = cb; eval_divide(b, cb2)`.]
4326 [`std::overflow_error` if `cb2` has the value zero, and `std::numeric_limits<number<B> >::has_infinity == false`]]
4327 [[`eval_divide(b, cb, a)`][`void`][Divides `cb` by `a` and stores the result in `b`. The type of `a` shall be listed in one of the type lists
4328 `B::signed_types`, `B::unsigned_types` or `B::float_types`.
4329 When not provided, does the equivalent of `eval_divide(b, cb, B(a))`.]
4330 [`std::overflow_error` if `a` has the value zero, and `std::numeric_limits<number<B> >::has_infinity == false`]]
4331 [[`eval_divide(b, a, cb)`][`void`][Divides `a` by `cb` and stores the result in `b`. The type of `a` shall be listed in one of the type lists
4332 `B::signed_types`, `B::unsigned_types` or `B::float_types`.
4333 When not provided, does the equivalent of `eval_divide(b, B(a), cb)`.]
4334 [`std::overflow_error` if cb has the value zero, and `std::numeric_limits<number<B> >::has_infinity == false`]]
4335 [[`eval_increment(b)`][void][Increments the value of `b` by one.
4336 When not provided, does the equivalent of `eval_add(b, static_cast<ui_type>(1u))`.
4337 Where `ui_type` is `typename mpl::front<typename B::unsigned_types>::type`.][[space]]]
4338 [[`eval_decrement(b)`][void][Decrements the value of `b` by one.
4339 When not provided, does the equivalent of `eval_subtract(b, static_cast<ui_type>(1u))`.
4340 Where `ui_type` is `typename mpl::front<typename B::unsigned_types>::type`.][[space]]]
4342 [[['Integer specific operations:]]]
4343 [[`eval_modulus(b, a)`][`void`][Computes `b %= cb`, only required when `B` is an integer type. The type of `a` shall be listed in one of the type lists
4344 `B::signed_types`, `B::unsigned_types` or `B::float_types`.
4345 When not provided, the default version calls `eval_modulus(b, B(a))`]
4346 [`std::overflow_error` if `a` has the value zero.]]
4347 [[`eval_modulus(b, cb, cb2)`][`void`][Computes `cb % cb2` and stores the result in `b`, only required when `B` is an integer type.
4348 When not provided, does the equivalent of `b = cb; eval_modulus(b, cb2)`.]
4349 [`std::overflow_error` if `a` has the value zero.]]
4350 [[`eval_modulus(b, cb, a)`][`void`][Computes `cb % a` and stores the result in `b`, only required when `B` is an integer type. The type of `a` shall be listed in one of the type lists
4351 `B::signed_types`, `B::unsigned_types` or `B::float_types`.
4352 When not provided, does the equivalent of `eval_modulus(b, cb, B(a))`.]
4353 [`std::overflow_error` if `a` has the value zero.]]
4354 [[`eval_modulus(b, a, cb)`][`void`][Computes `cb % a` and stores the result in `b`, only required when `B` is an integer type. The type of `a` shall be listed in one of the type lists
4355 `B::signed_types`, `B::unsigned_types` or `B::float_types`.
4356 When not provided, does the equivalent of `eval_modulus(b, B(a), cb)`.]
4357 [`std::overflow_error` if `a` has the value zero.]]
4358 [[`eval_bitwise_and(b, a)`][`void`][Computes `b &= cb`, only required when `B` is an integer type. The type of `a` shall be listed in one of the type lists
4359 `B::signed_types`, `B::unsigned_types` or `B::float_types`.
4360 When not provided, the default version calls `eval_bitwise_and(b, B(a))`][[space]]]
4361 [[`eval_bitwise_and(b, cb, cb2)`][`void`][Computes `cb & cb2` and stores the result in `b`, only required when `B` is an integer type.
4362 When not provided, does the equivalent of `b = cb; eval_bitwise_and(b, cb2)`.][[space]]]
4363 [[`eval_bitwise_and(b, cb, a)`][`void`][Computes `cb & a` and stores the result in `b`, only required when `B` is an integer type. The type of `a` shall be listed in one of the type lists
4364 `B::signed_types`, `B::unsigned_types` or `B::float_types`.
4365 When not provided, does the equivalent of `eval_bitwise_and(b, cb, B(a))`.][[space]]]
4366 [[`eval_bitwise_and(b, a, cb)`][`void`][Computes `cb & a` and stores the result in `b`, only required when `B` is an integer type. The type of `a` shall be listed in one of the type lists
4367 `B::signed_types`, `B::unsigned_types` or `B::float_types`.
4368 When not provided, does the equivalent of `eval_bitwise_and(b, cb, a)`.][[space]]]
4369 [[`eval_bitwise_or(b, a)`][`void`][Computes `b |= cb`, only required when `B` is an integer type. The type of `a` shall be listed in one of the type lists
4370 `B::signed_types`, `B::unsigned_types` or `B::float_types`.
4371 When not provided, the default version calls `eval_bitwise_or(b, B(a))`][[space]]]
4372 [[`eval_bitwise_or(b, cb, cb2)`][`void`][Computes `cb | cb2` and stores the result in `b`, only required when `B` is an integer type.
4373 When not provided, does the equivalent of `b = cb; eval_bitwise_or(b, cb2)`.][[space]]]
4374 [[`eval_bitwise_or(b, cb, a)`][`void`][Computes `cb | a` and stores the result in `b`, only required when `B` is an integer type. The type of `a` shall be listed in one of the type lists
4375 `B::signed_types`, `B::unsigned_types` or `B::float_types`.
4376 When not provided, does the equivalent of `eval_bitwise_or(b, cb, B(a))`.][[space]]]
4377 [[`eval_bitwise_or(b, a, cb)`][`void`][Computes `cb | a` and stores the result in `b`, only required when `B` is an integer type. The type of `a` shall be listed in one of the type lists
4378 `B::signed_types`, `B::unsigned_types` or `B::float_types`.
4379 When not provided, does the equivalent of `eval_bitwise_or(b, cb, a)`.][[space]]]
4380 [[`eval_bitwise_xor(b, a)`][`void`][Computes `b ^= cb`, only required when `B` is an integer type. The type of `a` shall be listed in one of the type lists
4381 `B::signed_types`, `B::unsigned_types` or `B::float_types`.
4382 When not provided, the default version calls `eval_bitwise_xor(b, B(a))`][[space]]]
4383 [[`eval_bitwise_xor(b, cb, cb2)`][`void`][Computes `cb ^ cb2` and stores the result in `b`, only required when `B` is an integer type.
4384 When not provided, does the equivalent of `b = cb; eval_bitwise_xor(b, cb2)`.][[space]]]
4385 [[`eval_bitwise_xor(b, cb, a)`][`void`][Computes `cb ^ a` and stores the result in `b`, only required when `B` is an integer type. The type of `a` shall be listed in one of the type lists
4386 `B::signed_types`, `B::unsigned_types` or `B::float_types`.
4387 When not provided, does the equivalent of `eval_bitwise_xor(b, cb, B(a))`.][[space]]]
4388 [[`eval_bitwise_xor(b, a, cb)`][`void`][Computes `a ^ cb` and stores the result in `b`, only required when `B` is an integer type. The type of `a` shall be listed in one of the type lists
4389 `B::signed_types`, `B::unsigned_types` or `B::float_types`.
4390 When not provided, does the equivalent of `eval_bitwise_xor(b, cb, a)`.][[space]]]
4391 [[`eval_left_shift(b, cb, ui)`][`void`][Computes `cb << ui` and stores the result in `b`, only required when `B` is an integer type.
4392 When not provided, does the equivalent of `b = cb; eval_left_shift(b, a);`.][[space]]]
4393 [[`eval_right_shift(b, cb, ui)`][`void`][Computes `cb >> ui` and stores the result in `b`, only required when `B` is an integer type.
4394 When not provided, does the equivalent of `b = cb; eval_right_shift(b, a);`.][[space]]]
4395 [[`eval_qr(cb, cb2, b, b2)`][`void`][Sets `b` to the result of `cb / cb2` and `b2` to the result of `cb % cb2`. Only required when `B` is an integer type.
4396 The default version of this function is synthesised from other operations above.]
4397 [`std::overflow_error` if `a` has the value zero.]]
4398 [[`eval_integer_modulus(cb, ui)`][`unsigned`][Returns the result of `cb % ui`. Only required when `B` is an integer type.
4399 The default version of this function is synthesised from other operations above.]
4400 [`std::overflow_error` if `a` has the value zero.]]
4401 [[`eval_lsb(cb)`][`unsigned`][Returns the index of the least significant bit that is set. Only required when `B` is an integer type.
4402 The default version of this function is synthesised from other operations above.][[space]]]
4403 [[`eval_msb(cb)`][`unsigned`][Returns the index of the most significant bit that is set. Only required when `B` is an integer type.
4404 The default version of this function is synthesised from other operations above.][[space]]]
4405 [[`eval_bit_test(cb, ui)`][`bool`][Returns true if `cb` has bit `ui` set. Only required when `B` is an integer type.
4406 The default version of this function is synthesised from other operations above.][[space]]]
4407 [[`eval_bit_set(b, ui)`][`void`][Sets the bit at index `ui` in `b`. Only required when `B` is an integer type.
4408 The default version of this function is synthesised from other operations above.][[space]]]
4409 [[`eval_bit_unset(b, ui)`][`void`][Unsets the bit at index `ui` in `b`. Only required when `B` is an integer type.
4410 The default version of this function is synthesised from other operations above.][[space]]]
4411 [[`eval_bit_flip(b, ui)`][`void`][Flips the bit at index `ui` in `b`. Only required when `B` is an integer type.
4412 The default version of this function is synthesised from other operations above.][[space]]]
4413 [[`eval_gcd(b, cb, cb2)`][`void`][Sets `b` to the greatest common divisor of `cb` and `cb2`. Only required when `B` is an integer type.
4414 The default version of this function is synthesised from other operations above.][[space]]]
4415 [[`eval_lcm(b, cb, cb2)`][`void`][Sets `b` to the least common multiple of `cb` and `cb2`. Only required when `B` is an integer type.
4416 The default version of this function is synthesised from other operations above.][[space]]]
4417 [[`eval_gcd(b, cb, a)`][`void`][Sets `b` to the greatest common divisor of `cb` and `cb2`. Only required when `B` is an integer type.
4418 The type of `a` shall be listed in one of the type lists
4419 `B::signed_types`, `B::unsigned_types` or `B::float_types`.
4420 The default version of this function calls `eval_gcd(b, cb, B(a))`.][[space]]]
4421 [[`eval_lcm(b, cb, a)`][`void`][Sets `b` to the least common multiple of `cb` and `cb2`. Only required when `B` is an integer type.
4422 The type of `a` shall be listed in one of the type lists
4423 `B::signed_types`, `B::unsigned_types` or `B::float_types`.
4424 The default version of this function calls `eval_lcm(b, cb, B(a))`.][[space]]]
4425 [[`eval_gcd(b, a, cb)`][`void`][Sets `b` to the greatest common divisor of `cb` and `a`. Only required when `B` is an integer type.
4426 The type of `a` shall be listed in one of the type lists
4427 `B::signed_types`, `B::unsigned_types` or `B::float_types`.
4428 The default version of this function calls `eval_gcd(b, cb, a)`.][[space]]]
4429 [[`eval_lcm(b, a, cb)`][`void`][Sets `b` to the least common multiple of `cb` and `a`. Only required when `B` is an integer type.
4430 The type of `a` shall be listed in one of the type lists
4431 `B::signed_types`, `B::unsigned_types` or `B::float_types`.
4432 The default version of this function calls `eval_lcm(b, cb, a)`.][[space]]]
4433 [[`eval_powm(b, cb, cb2, cb3)`][`void`][Sets `b` to the result of ['(cb^cb2)%cb3].
4434 The default version of this function is synthesised from other operations above.][[space]]]
4435 [[`eval_powm(b, cb, cb2, a)`][`void`][Sets `b` to the result of ['(cb^cb2)%a].
4436 The type of `a` shall be listed in one of the type lists
4437 `B::signed_types`, `B::unsigned_types`.
4438 The default version of this function is synthesised from other operations above.][[space]]]
4439 [[`eval_powm(b, cb, a, cb2)`][`void`][Sets `b` to the result of ['(cb^a)%cb2].
4440 The type of `a` shall be listed in one of the type lists
4441 `B::signed_types`, `B::unsigned_types`.
4442 The default version of this function is synthesised from other operations above.][[space]]]
4443 [[`eval_powm(b, cb, a, a2)`][`void`][Sets `b` to the result of ['(cb^a)%a2].
4444 The type of `a` shall be listed in one of the type lists
4445 `B::signed_types`, `B::unsigned_types`.
4446 The default version of this function is synthesised from other operations above.][[space]]]
4447 [[`eval_integer_sqrt(b, cb, b2)`][`void`][Sets `b` to the largest integer which when squared is less than `cb`, also
4448 sets `b2` to the remainder, ie to ['cb - b[super 2]].
4449 The default version of this function is synthesised from other operations above.][[space]]]
4451 [[['Sign manipulation:]]]
4452 [[`eval_abs(b, cb)`][`void`][Set `b` to the absolute value of `cb`.
4453 The default version of this functions assigns `cb` to `b`, and then calls `b.negate()` if
4454 `eval_get_sign(cb) < 0`.][[space]]]
4455 [[`eval_fabs(b, cb)`][`void`][Set `b` to the absolute value of `cb`.
4456 The default version of this functions assigns `cb` to `b`, and then calls `b.negate()` if
4457 `eval_get_sign(cb) < 0`.][[space]]]
4459 [[['floating-point functions:]]]
4460 [[`eval_fpclassify(cb)`][`int`][Returns one of the same values returned by `std::fpclassify`. Only required when `B` is an floating-point type.
4461 The default version of this function will only test for zero `cb`.][[space]]]
4462 [[`eval_trunc(b, cb)`][`void`][Performs the equivalent operation to `std::trunc` on argument `cb` and stores the result in `b`. Only required when `B` is an floating-point type.
4463 The default version of this function is synthesised from other operations above.][[space]]]
4464 [[`eval_round(b, cb)`][`void`][Performs the equivalent operation to `std::round` on argument `cb` and stores the result in `b`. Only required when `B` is an floating-point type.
4465 The default version of this function is synthesised from other operations above.][[space]]]
4466 [[`eval_exp(b, cb)`][`void`][Performs the equivalent operation to `std::exp` on argument `cb` and stores the result in `b`. Only required when `B` is an floating-point type.
4467 The default version of this function is synthesised from other operations above.][[space]]]
4468 [[`eval_exp2(b, cb)`][`void`][Performs the equivalent operation to `std::exp2` on argument `cb` and stores the result in `b`. Only required when `B` is an floating-point type.
4469 The default version of this function is implemented in terms of `eval_pow`.][[space]]]
4470 [[`eval_log(b, cb)`][`void`][Performs the equivalent operation to `std::log` on argument `cb` and stores the result in `b`. Only required when `B` is an floating-point type.
4471 The default version of this function is synthesised from other operations above.][[space]]]
4472 [[`eval_log10(b, cb)`][`void`][Performs the equivalent operation to `std::log10` on argument `cb` and stores the result in `b`. Only required when `B` is an floating-point type.
4473 The default version of this function is synthesised from other operations above.][[space]]]
4474 [[`eval_sin(b, cb)`][`void`][Performs the equivalent operation to `std::sin` on argument `cb` and stores the result in `b`. Only required when `B` is an floating-point type.
4475 The default version of this function is synthesised from other operations above.][[space]]]
4476 [[`eval_cos(b, cb)`][`void`][Performs the equivalent operation to `std::cos` on argument `cb` and stores the result in `b`. Only required when `B` is an floating-point type.
4477 The default version of this function is synthesised from other operations above.][[space]]]
4478 [[`eval_tan(b, cb)`][`void`][Performs the equivalent operation to `std::exp` on argument `cb` and stores the result in `b`. Only required when `B` is an floating-point type.
4479 The default version of this function is synthesised from other operations above.][[space]]]
4480 [[`eval_asin(b, cb)`][`void`][Performs the equivalent operation to `std::asin` on argument `cb` and stores the result in `b`. Only required when `B` is an floating-point type.
4481 The default version of this function is synthesised from other operations above.][[space]]]
4482 [[`eval_acos(b, cb)`][`void`][Performs the equivalent operation to `std::acos` on argument `cb` and stores the result in `b`. Only required when `B` is an floating-point type.
4483 The default version of this function is synthesised from other operations above.][[space]]]
4484 [[`eval_atan(b, cb)`][`void`][Performs the equivalent operation to `std::atan` on argument `cb` and stores the result in `b`. Only required when `B` is an floating-point type.
4485 The default version of this function is synthesised from other operations above.][[space]]]
4486 [[`eval_sinh(b, cb)`][`void`][Performs the equivalent operation to `std::sinh` on argument `cb` and stores the result in `b`. Only required when `B` is an floating-point type.
4487 The default version of this function is synthesised from other operations above.][[space]]]
4488 [[`eval_cosh(b, cb)`][`void`][Performs the equivalent operation to `std::cosh` on argument `cb` and stores the result in `b`. Only required when `B` is an floating-point type.
4489 The default version of this function is synthesised from other operations above.][[space]]]
4490 [[`eval_tanh(b, cb)`][`void`][Performs the equivalent operation to `std::tanh` on argument `cb` and stores the result in `b`. Only required when `B` is an floating-point type.
4491 The default version of this function is synthesised from other operations above.][[space]]]
4492 [[`eval_fmod(b, cb, cb2)`][`void`][Performs the equivalent operation to `std::fmod` on arguments `cb` and `cb2`, and store the result in `b`. Only required when `B` is an floating-point type.
4493 The default version of this function is synthesised from other operations above.][[space]]]
4494 [[`eval_modf(b, cb, pb)`][`void`][Performs the equivalent operation to `std::modf` on argument `cb`, and store the integer result in `*pb` and the fractional part in `b`.
4495 Only required when `B` is an floating-point type.
4496 The default version of this function is synthesised from other operations above.][[space]]]
4497 [[`eval_pow(b, cb, cb2)`][`void`][Performs the equivalent operation to `std::pow` on arguments `cb` and `cb2`, and store the result in `b`. Only required when `B` is an floating-point type.
4498 The default version of this function is synthesised from other operations above.][[space]]]
4499 [[`eval_atan2(b, cb, cb2)`][`void`][Performs the equivalent operation to `std::atan` on arguments `cb` and `cb2`, and store the result in `b`. Only required when `B` is an floating-point type.
4500 The default version of this function is synthesised from other operations above.][[space]]]
4501 [[`eval_scalbn(b, cb, e)`][`void`][Scales value `cb` by ['r[super e]], where ['r] is the radix of the type. The default version of this function
4502 is implemented in terms of eval_ldexp, consequently this function must be provided for types with a radix other than 2.]]
4503 [[`eval_scalbln(b, cb, e)`][`void`][Calls `eval_scalbn(b, cb, e)`.]]
4504 [[`eval_ilogb(cb)`][`B::exponent_type`][Returns the exponent ['e] of value `cb` such that ['1 <= cb*r[super -e] < r], where ['r] is the radix of type B.
4505 The default version of this function is implemented in terms of eval_frexp, consequently this function must be provided for types with a radix other than 2.]]
4506 [[`eval_remquo(b, cb, cb2, pi)`][`void`][Sets `b = cb - n * cb2` and stores `n` in `*pi`.]]
4507 [[`eval_remquo(b, cb, a, pi)`][`void`][Default version converts a to type B and calls the overload above.]]
4508 [[`eval_remquo(b, a, cb, pi)`][`void`][Default version converts a to type B and calls the overload above.]]
4509 [[`eval_remainder(b, cb, cb2)`][`void`][Default version calls eval_remquo with a dummy final argument.]]
4510 [[`eval_remainder(b, cb, a)`][`void`][Default version calls eval_remquo with a dummy final argument.]]
4511 [[`eval_remainder(b, a, cb)`][`void`][Default version calls eval_remquo with a dummy final argument.]]
4513 [[`eval_fdim(b, cb, cb2)`][`void`][Default version sets `b = cb - cb2` if `cb > cb2` and zero otherwise. Special cases are handled as in the C99 annex.]]
4514 [[`eval_fdim(b, cb, a)`][`void`][Default version sets `b = cb - cb2` if `cb > cb2` and zero otherwise. Special cases are handled as in the C99 annex.]]
4515 [[`eval_fdim(b, a, cb)`][`void`][Default version sets `b = cb - cb2` if `cb > cb2` and zero otherwise. Special cases are handled as in the C99 annex.]]
4517 [[`eval_fmax(b, cb, cb2)`][`void`][Sets `b` to the larger of `cb` and `cb2`.]]
4518 [[`eval_fmax(b, cb, a)`][`void`][Sets `b` to the larger of `cb` and `a`.]]
4519 [[`eval_fmax(b, a, cb)`][`void`][Sets `b` to the larger of `cb` and `a`.]]
4520 [[`eval_fmin(b, cb, cb2)`][`void`][Sets `b` to the smaller of `cb` and `cb2`.]]
4521 [[`eval_fmin(b, cb, a)`][`void`][Sets `b` to the smaller of `cb` and `a`.]]
4522 [[`eval_fmin(b, a, cb)`][`void`][Sets `b` to the smaller of `cb` and `a`.]]
4524 [[`eval_hypot(b, cb, cb2)`][`void`][Sets `b` to the square root of the sum of the squares of `cb` and `cb2` without undue over or under flow.]]
4525 [[`eval_hypot(b, cb, a)`][`void`][As above.]]
4526 [[`eval_hypot(b, a, cb)`][`void`][As above.]]
4528 [[`eval_logb(b, cb)`][`B::exponent_type`][Sets `b` to the exponent ['e] of value `cb` such that ['1 <= cb*r[super -b] < r], where ['r] is the radix of type B.
4529 The default version of this function is implemented in terms of `eval_ilogb`.]]
4530 [[`eval_nearbyint(b, cb)`][`void`][Calls `eval_round(b, cb)`.]]
4531 [[`eval_rint(b, cb)`][`void`][Calls `eval_nearbyint(b, cb)`.]]
4532 [[`eval_log2(b, cb)`][`void`][Sets `b` to the logarithm base 2 of `cb`.]]
4534 [[['hashing:]]]
4535 [[`hash_value(cb)`][`std::size_t`]
4536 [Returns a hash value for the argument that is suitable for use with `std::hash` etc. If not provided then no automatic hashing support will be available for the number type.]]
4537 ]
4539 When the tables above place no ['throws] requirements on an operation, then it is up to each type modelling this concept to
4540 decide when or whether throwing an exception is desirable. However, thrown exceptions should always either be the type, or
4541 inherit from the type `std::runtime_error`. For example, a floating-point type might choose to throw `std::overflow_error`
4542 whenever the result of an operation would be infinite, and `std::underflow_error` whenever it would round to zero.
4544 [note
4545 The non-member functions are all named with an "eval_" prefix to avoid conflicts with template classes of the same name -
4546 in point of fact this naming convention shouldn't be necessary, but rather works around some compiler bugs.]
4548 [h4 Overloadable Functions]
4550 Some of the C99 math functions do not have `eval_` functions but must be overloaded directly: these functions
4551 are either trivial or are forwarded to the Boost.Math implementations by default.
4552 The full list of these functions is:
4554 int sign (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
4555 int signbit (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
4556 ``['number]`` changesign (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
4557 ``['number]`` copysign (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&, const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
4558 ``['number]`` asinh (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
4559 ``['number]`` acosh (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
4560 ``['number]`` atanh (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
4561 ``['number]`` cbrt (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
4562 ``['number]`` erf (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
4563 ``['number]`` erfc (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
4564 ``['number]`` expm1 (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
4565 ``['number]`` log1p (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
4566 ``['number]`` tgamma (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
4567 ``['number]`` lgamma (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
4568 long lrint (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
4569 long long llrint (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
4570 ``['number]`` nextafter (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&, const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
4571 ``['number]`` nexttoward (const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&, const ``['number-or-expression-template-type]``&);
4573 [endsect]
4575 [section:headers Header File Structure]
4577 [table Top level headers
4578 [[Header][Contains]]
4579 [[cpp_int.hpp][The `cpp_int` backend type.]]
4580 [[gmp.hpp][Defines all [gmp] related backends.]]
4581 [[miller_rabin.hpp][Miller Rabin primality testing code.]]
4582 [[number.hpp][Defines the `number` backend, is included by all the backend headers.]]
4583 [[mpfr.hpp][Defines the mpfr_float_backend backend.]]
4584 [[random.hpp][Defines code to interoperate with Boost.Random.]]
4585 [[rational_adaptor.hpp][Defines the `rational_adaptor` backend.]]
4586 [[cpp_dec_float.hpp][Defines the `cpp_dec_float` backend.]]
4587 [[tommath.hpp][Defines the `tommath_int` backend.]]
4588 [[concepts/number_archetypes.hpp][Defines a backend concept archetypes for testing use.]]
4589 ]
4591 [table Implementation Headers
4592 [[Header][Contains]]
4593 [[cpp_int/add.hpp][Add and subtract operators for `cpp_int_backend`.]]
4594 [[cpp_int/bitwise.hpp][Bitwise operators for `cpp_int_backend`.]]
4595 [[cpp_int/checked.hpp][Helper functions for checked arithmetic for `cpp_int_backend`.]]
4596 [[cpp_int/comparison.hpp][Comparison operators for `cpp_int_backend`.]]
4597 [[cpp_int/cpp_int_config.hpp][Basic setup and configuration for `cpp_int_backend`.]]
4598 [[cpp_int/divide.hpp][Division and modulus operators for `cpp_int_backend`.]]
4599 [[cpp_int/limits.hpp][`numeric_limits` support for `cpp_int_backend`.]]
4600 [[cpp_int/misc.hpp][Miscellaneous operators for `cpp_int_backend`.]]
4601 [[cpp_int/multiply.hpp][Multiply operators for `cpp_int_backend`.]]
4602 [[detail/big_lanczos.hpp][Lanczos support for Boost.Math integration.]]
4603 [[detail/default_ops.hpp][Default versions of the optional backend non-member functions.]]
4604 [[detail/generic_interconvert.hpp][Generic interconversion routines.]]
4605 [[detail/number_base.hpp][All the expression template code, metaprogramming, and operator overloads for `number`.]]
4606 [[detail/no_et_ops.hpp][The non-expression template operators.]]
4607 [[detail/functions/constants.hpp][Defines constants used by the floating-point functions.]]
4608 [[detail/functions/pow.hpp][Defines default versions of the power and exponential related floating-point functions.]]
4609 [[detail/functions/trig.hpp][Defines default versions of the trigonometric related floating-point functions.]]
4610 ]
4612 [endsect]
4614 [endsect]
4616 [section:perf Performance Comparison]
4618 [section:overhead The Overhead in the Number Class Wrapper]
4620 Using a simple [@../../performance/arithmetic_backend.hpp backend class] that wraps any built in arithmetic type
4621 we can measure the overhead involved in wrapping a type inside the `number` frontend, and the effect that turning
4622 on expression templates has. The following table compares the performance between `double` and a `double` wrapped
4623 inside class `number`:
4625 [table
4626 [[Type][Bessel Function Evaluation][Non-Central T Evaluation]]
4627 [[`double`] [[*1.0 (0.016s)]] [[*1.0] (0.46s)]]
4628 [[`number<arithmetic_backend<double>, et_off>`] [1.2 (0.019s)] [[*1.0](0.46s)]]
4629 [[`number<arithmetic_backend<double>, et_on>`] [1.2 (0.019s)] [1.7 (0.79s)]]
4630 ]
4632 As you can see whether or not there is an overhead, and how large it is depends on the actual situation,
4633 but the overhead is in any cases small. Expression templates generally add a greater overhead the
4634 more complex the expression becomes due to the logic of figuring out how to best unpack and evaluate
4635 the expression, but of course this is also the situation where you save more temporaries. For a
4636 "trivial" backend like this, saving temporaries has no benefit, but for larger types it becomes
4637 a bigger win.
4639 The following table compares arithmetic using either `long long` or `number<arithmetic_backend<long long> >`
4640 for the [@../../performance/voronoi_performance.cpp voronoi-diagram builder test]:
4642 [table
4643 [[Type][Relative time]]
4644 [[`long long`][[*1.0](0.0823s)]]
4645 [[`number<arithmetic_backend<long long>, et_off>`][1.05 (0.0875s)]]
4646 ]
4648 This test involves mainly creating a lot of temporaries and performing a small amount of arithmetic on them,
4649 with very little difference in performance between the native and "wrapped" types.
4651 The test code was compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 with all optimisations
4652 turned on (/Ox), and used MPIR-2.3.0 and [tommath]-0.42.0. The tests were run on 32-bit
4653 Windows Vista machine.
4655 [endsect]
4657 [section:realworld Floating-Point Real World Tests]
4659 These tests test the total time taken to execute all of Boost.Math's test cases for these functions.
4660 In each case the best performing library gets a relative score of 1, with the total execution time
4661 given in brackets. The first three libraries listed are the various floating-point types provided
4662 by this library, while for comparison, two popular C++ front-ends to [mpfr] ([mpfr_class] and [mpreal])
4663 are also shown.
4665 [table Bessel Function Performance
4666 [[Library][50 Decimal Digits][100 Decimal Digits]]
4667 [[mpfr_float] [1.2 (5.78s)] [1.2 (9.56s)]]
4668 [[static_mpfr_float] [1.1 (5.47s)] [1.1 (9.09s)]]
4669 [[mpf_float] [[*1.0] (4.82s)] [[*1.0](8.07s)]]
4670 [[cpp_dec_float] [1.8 (8.54s)] [2.6 (20.66s)]]
4671 [[[mpfr_class]] [1.3 (6.28s)] [1.2(10.06s)]]
4672 [[[mpreal]] [2.0 (9.54s)] [1.7 (14.08s)]]
4673 ]
4675 [table Non-Central T Distribution Performance
4676 [[Library][50 Decimal Digits]]
4677 [[mpfr_float] [1.3 (263.27s)]]
4678 [[static_mpfr_float] [1.2 (232.88s)]]
4679 [[mpf_float] [[*1.0] (195.73s)]]
4680 [[cpp_dec_float] [1.9 (366.38s)]]
4681 [[[mpfr_class]] [1.5 (286.94s)]]
4682 [[[mpreal]] [2.0 (388.70s)]]
4683 ]
4685 Test code was compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 with all optimisations
4686 turned on (/Ox), and used MPIR-2.3.0 and [mpfr]-3.0.0. The tests were run on 32-bit
4687 Windows Vista machine.
4689 [endsect]
4691 [section:int_real_world Integer Real World Tests]
4693 The first set of [@../../performance/voronoi_performance.cpp tests] measure the times taken to
4694 execute the multiprecision part of the Voronoi-diagram builder from Boost.Polygon. The tests
4695 mainly create a large number of temporaries "just in case" multiprecision arithmetic is required,
4696 for comparison, also included in the tests is Boost.Polygon's own partial-multiprecision integer
4697 type which was custom written for this specific task:
4699 [table
4700 [[Integer Type][Relative Performance (Actual time in parenthesis)]]
4701 [[polygon::detail::extended_int][1(0.138831s)]]
4702 [[int256_t][1.19247(0.165551s)]]
4703 [[int512_t][1.23301(0.17118s)]]
4704 [[int1024_t][1.21463(0.168628s)]]
4705 [[checked_int256_t][1.31711(0.182855s)]]
4706 [[checked_int512_t][1.57413(0.218538s)]]
4707 [[checked_int1024_t][1.36992(0.190187s)]]
4708 [[cpp_int][1.63244(0.226632s)]]
4709 [[mpz_int][5.42511(0.753172s)]]
4710 [[tom_int][29.0793(4.03709s)]]
4711 ]
4713 Note how for this use case, any dynamic allocation is a performance killer.
4715 The next [@../../performance/miller_rabin_performance.cpp tests] measure the time taken to generate 1000 128-bit
4716 random numbers and test for primality using the Miller Rabin test. This is primarily a test of modular-exponentiation
4717 since that is the rate limiting step:
4719 [table
4720 [[Integer Type][Relative Performance (Actual time in parenthesis)]]
4721 [[cpp_int][5.25827(0.379597s)]]
4722 [[cpp_int (no Expression templates)][5.15675(0.372268s)]]
4723 [[cpp_int (128-bit cache)][5.10882(0.368808s)]]
4724 [[cpp_int (256-bit cache)][5.50623(0.397497s)]]
4725 [[cpp_int (512-bit cache)][4.82257(0.348144s)]]
4726 [[cpp_int (1024-bit cache)][5.00053(0.360991s)]]
4727 [[int1024_t][4.37589(0.315897s)]]
4728 [[checked_int1024_t][4.52396(0.326587s)]]
4729 [[mpz_int][1(0.0721905s)]]
4730 [[mpz_int (no Expression templates)][1.0248(0.0739806s)]]
4731 [[tom_int][2.60673(0.188181s)]]
4732 [[tom_int (no Expression templates)][2.64997(0.191303s)]]
4733 ]
4735 It's interesting to note that expression templates have little effect here - perhaps because the actual expressions involved
4736 are relatively trivial in this case - so the time taken for multiplication and division tends to dominate. Also note
4737 how increasing the internal cache size used by `cpp_int` is quite effective in this case in cutting out memory allocations
4738 altogether - cutting about a third off the total runtime. Finally the much quicker times from GMP and tommath are down to their
4739 much better modular-exponentiation algorithms (GMP's is about 5x faster). That's an issue which needs to be addressed
4740 in a future release for __cpp_int.
4742 Test code was compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 with all optimisations
4743 turned on (/Ox), and used MPIR-2.3.0 and [mpfr]-3.0.0. The tests were run on 32-bit
4744 Windows Vista machine.
4746 [endsect]
4748 [section:float_performance Float Algorithm Performance]
4750 Note that these tests are carefully designed to test performance of the underlying algorithms
4751 and not memory allocation or variable copying. As usual, performance results should be taken
4752 with a healthy dose of scepticism, and real-world performance may vary widely depending upon the
4753 specifics of the program. In each table relative times are given first, with the best performer
4754 given a score of 1. Total actual times are given in brackets, measured in seconds for 500000
4755 operations.
4757 [table Operator +
4758 [[Backend][50 Bits][100 Bits][500 Bits]]
4759 [[cpp_dec_float][[*1] (0.0575156s)][[*1] (0.0740086s)][[*1] (0.219073s)]]
4760 [[gmp_float][2.45065 (0.14095s)][2.01398 (0.149052s)][1.09608 (0.240122s)]]
4761 [[mpfr_float][2.6001 (0.149546s)][2.12079 (0.156957s)][1.09078 (0.23896s)]]
4762 ]
4763 [table Operator +(int)
4764 [[Backend][50 Bits][100 Bits][500 Bits]]
4765 [[cpp_dec_float][1.46115 (0.0855392s)][2.60353 (0.114398s)][3.62562 (0.264905s)]]
4766 [[gmp_float][[*1] (0.0585424s)][[*1] (0.0439398s)][[*1] (0.0730648s)]]
4767 [[mpfr_float][2.40441 (0.14076s)][3.2877 (0.144461s)][2.40379 (0.175632s)]]
4768 ]
4769 [table Operator +(unsigned long long)
4770 [[Backend][50 Bits][100 Bits][500 Bits]]
4771 [[cpp_dec_float][[*1] (0.118146s)][[*1] (0.144714s)][[*1] (0.315639s)]]
4772 [[gmp_float][4.5555 (0.538213s)][3.83096 (0.554395s)][1.95079 (0.615745s)]]
4773 [[mpfr_float][5.74477 (0.678719s)][4.85295 (0.702291s)][2.70354 (0.853342s)]]
4774 ]
4775 [table Operator +=(unsigned long long)
4776 [[Backend][50 Bits][100 Bits][500 Bits]]
4777 [[cpp_dec_float][[*1] (0.101188s)][[*1] (0.122394s)][[*1] (0.251975s)]]
4778 [[gmp_float][5.199 (0.526079s)][4.39327 (0.537712s)][2.42151 (0.610159s)]]
4779 [[mpfr_float][6.08318 (0.615547s)][5.18525 (0.634645s)][3.1022 (0.781677s)]]
4780 ]
4781 [table Operator -
4782 [[Backend][50 Bits][100 Bits][500 Bits]]
4783 [[cpp_dec_float][[*1] (0.0895163s)][[*1] (0.129248s)][1.5088 (0.374512s)]]
4784 [[gmp_float][1.72566 (0.154474s)][1.22567 (0.158415s)][[*1] (0.248219s)]]
4785 [[mpfr_float][1.83764 (0.164499s)][1.34284 (0.173559s)][1.00226 (0.248781s)]]
4786 ]
4787 [table Operator -(int)
4788 [[Backend][50 Bits][100 Bits][500 Bits]]
4789 [[cpp_dec_float][[*1] (0.105285s)][[*1] (0.142741s)][[*1] (0.278718s)]]
4790 [[gmp_float][2.34437 (0.246828s)][1.28814 (0.183871s)][1.00731 (0.280754s)]]
4791 [[mpfr_float][2.8032 (0.295136s)][2.09178 (0.298582s)][1.25213 (0.34899s)]]
4792 ]
4793 [table Operator -(unsigned long long)
4794 [[Backend][50 Bits][100 Bits][500 Bits]]
4795 [[cpp_dec_float][[*1] (0.13719s)][[*1] (0.184428s)][[*1] (0.344212s)]]
4796 [[gmp_float][4.0804 (0.559791s)][3.06776 (0.565781s)][2.07736 (0.715053s)]]
4797 [[mpfr_float][5.10114 (0.699828s)][3.88684 (0.716843s)][2.50074 (0.860784s)]]
4798 ]
4799 [table Operator -=(unsigned long long)
4800 [[Backend][50 Bits][100 Bits][500 Bits]]
4801 [[cpp_dec_float][[*1] (0.100984s)][[*1] (0.123148s)][[*1] (0.246181s)]]
4802 [[gmp_float][5.68353 (0.573944s)][4.68636 (0.577116s)][2.6958 (0.663655s)]]
4803 [[mpfr_float][6.19738 (0.625834s)][5.18544 (0.638577s)][3.18738 (0.784673s)]]
4804 ]
4805 [table Operator *
4806 [[Backend][50 Bits][100 Bits][500 Bits]]
4807 [[cpp_dec_float][1.03667 (0.284251s)][1.30576 (0.536527s)][1.44686 (4.81057s)]]
4808 [[gmp_float][[*1] (0.274196s)][[*1] (0.410891s)][[*1] (3.32484s)]]
4809 [[mpfr_float][1.24537 (0.341477s)][1.15785 (0.475749s)][1.1796 (3.92199s)]]
4810 ]
4811 [table Operator *(int)
4812 [[Backend][50 Bits][100 Bits][500 Bits]]
4813 [[cpp_dec_float][3.97453 (0.240262s)][9.91222 (0.463473s)][50.7926 (4.36527s)]]
4814 [[gmp_float][[*1] (0.0604505s)][[*1] (0.0467577s)][[*1] (0.0859431s)]]
4815 [[mpfr_float][2.56974 (0.155342s)][3.56312 (0.166603s)][3.22964 (0.277565s)]]
4816 ]
4817 [table Operator *(unsigned long long)
4818 [[Backend][50 Bits][100 Bits][500 Bits]]
4819 [[cpp_dec_float][[*1] (0.331877s)][1.01058 (0.586122s)][6.688 (4.7931s)]]
4820 [[gmp_float][1.72433 (0.572266s)][[*1] (0.579987s)][[*1] (0.716672s)]]
4821 [[mpfr_float][2.5553 (0.848047s)][1.74987 (1.0149s)][1.80403 (1.2929s)]]
4822 ]
4823 [table Operator *=(unsigned long long)
4824 [[Backend][50 Bits][100 Bits][500 Bits]]
4825 [[cpp_dec_float][[*1] (0.321397s)][1.00772 (0.574887s)][6.65946 (4.7468s)]]
4826 [[gmp_float][1.77419 (0.570218s)][[*1] (0.570482s)][[*1] (0.712791s)]]
4827 [[mpfr_float][2.62172 (0.842611s)][1.77691 (1.01369s)][1.77511 (1.26528s)]]
4828 ]
4829 [table Operator /
4830 [[Backend][50 Bits][100 Bits][500 Bits]]
4831 [[cpp_dec_float][2.96096 (4.00777s)][4.53244 (7.86435s)][6.11936 (51.5509s)]]
4832 [[gmp_float][[*1] (1.35354s)][[*1] (1.73512s)][[*1] (8.42422s)]]
4833 [[mpfr_float][1.30002 (1.75963s)][1.39045 (2.41261s)][1.66762 (14.0484s)]]
4834 ]
4835 [table Operator /(int)
4836 [[Backend][50 Bits][100 Bits][500 Bits]]
4837 [[cpp_dec_float][8.60726 (1.8181s)][15.4122 (3.67479s)][34.5119 (24.729s)]]
4838 [[gmp_float][1.24394 (0.262756s)][[*1] (0.238433s)][[*1] (0.716536s)]]
4839 [[mpfr_float][[*1] (0.211229s)][1.12178 (0.26747s)][1.02237 (0.732562s)]]
4840 ]
4841 [table Operator /(unsigned long long)
4842 [[Backend][50 Bits][100 Bits][500 Bits]]
4843 [[cpp_dec_float][2.10976 (1.97569s)][3.73601 (3.9133s)][11.3085 (25.4533s)]]
4844 [[gmp_float][[*1] (0.936452s)][[*1] (1.04746s)][[*1] (2.25081s)]]
4845 [[mpfr_float][1.3423 (1.257s)][1.51575 (1.58768s)][3.31513 (7.46175s)]]
4846 ]
4847 [table Operator /=(unsigned long long)
4848 [[Backend][50 Bits][100 Bits][500 Bits]]
4849 [[cpp_dec_float][2.17401 (1.96883s)][3.79591 (3.8965s)][11.2328 (25.2606s)]]
4850 [[gmp_float][[*1] (0.905621s)][[*1] (1.0265s)][[*1] (2.24882s)]]
4851 [[mpfr_float][1.37953 (1.24933s)][1.53073 (1.57129s)][3.30546 (7.43339s)]]
4852 ]
4853 [table Operator construct
4854 [[Backend][50 Bits][100 Bits][500 Bits]]
4855 [[cpp_dec_float][[*1] (0.00929804s)][[*1] (0.0268321s)][[*1] (0.0310685s)]]
4856 [[gmp_float][30.8781 (0.287106s)][7.59969 (0.203916s)][6.51873 (0.202527s)]]
4857 [[mpfr_float][23.5296 (0.218779s)][8.11058 (0.217624s)][7.16325 (0.222552s)]]
4858 ]
4859 [table Operator construct(unsigned)
4860 [[Backend][50 Bits][100 Bits][500 Bits]]
4861 [[cpp_dec_float][[*1] (0.0603971s)][[*1] (0.0735485s)][[*1] (0.116464s)]]
4862 [[gmp_float][3.91573 (0.236498s)][2.88171 (0.211945s)][1.81075 (0.210887s)]]
4863 [[mpfr_float][4.90052 (0.295977s)][4.01118 (0.295017s)][2.62005 (0.305141s)]]
4864 ]
4865 [table Operator construct(unsigned long long)
4866 [[Backend][50 Bits][100 Bits][500 Bits]]
4867 [[cpp_dec_float][[*1] (0.0610288s)][[*1] (0.0759005s)][[*1] (0.118511s)]]
4868 [[gmp_float][8.26247 (0.504249s)][6.69042 (0.507806s)][4.32819 (0.51294s)]]
4869 [[mpfr_float][10.1593 (0.620013s)][8.45884 (0.64203s)][5.51472 (0.653557s)]]
4870 ]
4871 [table Operator str
4872 [[Backend][50 Bits][100 Bits][500 Bits]]
4873 [[cpp_dec_float][2.95848 (0.0223061s)][3.33461 (0.033471s)][3.0159 (0.132732s)]]
4874 [[gmp_float][[*1] (0.00753971s)][[*1] (0.0100374s)][[*1] (0.0440106s)]]
4875 [[mpfr_float][1.25424 (0.00945658s)][1.24943 (0.012541s)][1.09428 (0.0481601s)]]
4876 ]
4878 Test code was compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 with all optimisations
4879 turned on (/Ox), and used MPIR-2.3.0 and [mpfr]-3.0.0. The tests were run on 32-bit
4880 Windows Vista machine.
4882 [endsect]
4884 [section:integer_performance Integer Algorithm Performance]
4886 Note that these tests are carefully designed to test performance of the underlying algorithms
4887 and not memory allocation or variable copying. As usual, performance results should be taken
4888 with a healthy dose of scepticism, and real-world performance may vary widely depending upon the
4889 specifics of the program. In each table relative times are given first, with the best performer
4890 given a score of 1. Total actual times are given in brackets, measured in seconds for 500000
4891 operations.
4893 [table Operator +
4894 [[Backend][128 Bits][256 Bits][512 Bits][1024 Bits]]
4895 [[cpp_int][1.23704 (0.0274266s)][1.09358 (0.0383278s)][1.26645 (0.0558828s)][1.32188 (0.0916899s)]]
4896 [[cpp_int(fixed)][1.62044 (0.0359271s)][1.5277 (0.053543s)][1.73059 (0.076363s)][1.71537 (0.118983s)]]
4897 [[gmp_int][1.87515 (0.0415741s)][1.21699 (0.042653s)][1.15599 (0.0510088s)][[*1] (0.0693631s)]]
4898 [[tommath_int][[*1] (0.0221711s)][[*1] (0.035048s)][[*1] (0.0441255s)][1.04441 (0.0724435s)]]
4899 ]
4900 [table Operator +(int)
4901 [[Backend][128 Bits][256 Bits][512 Bits][1024 Bits]]
4902 [[cpp_int][[*1] (0.0155377s)][[*1] (0.0209523s)][[*1] (0.0306377s)][[*1] (0.043125s)]]
4903 [[cpp_int(fixed)][1.31904 (0.0204948s)][1.76211 (0.0369203s)][1.52941 (0.0468577s)][1.60412 (0.0691778s)]]
4904 [[gmp_int][1.96204 (0.0304855s)][2.02569 (0.0424428s)][2.11505 (0.0648002s)][2.65993 (0.114709s)]]
4905 [[tommath_int][14.0654 (0.218543s)][10.8239 (0.226786s)][7.76691 (0.23796s)][6.10039 (0.263079s)]]
4906 ]
4907 [table Operator +(unsigned long long)
4908 [[Backend][128 Bits][256 Bits][512 Bits][1024 Bits]]
4909 [[cpp_int][[*1] (0.026624s)][[*1] (0.0291407s)][[*1] (0.0373209s)][[*1] (0.0464919s)]]
4910 [[cpp_int(fixed)][1.31378 (0.034978s)][1.54897 (0.045138s)][1.53649 (0.0573431s)][1.27833 (0.0594319s)]]
4911 [[gmp_int][25.5775 (0.680974s)][24.0117 (0.699717s)][19.5633 (0.730121s)][16.8939 (0.785432s)]]
4912 [[tommath_int][19.4694 (0.518354s)][18.4246 (0.536907s)][14.7715 (0.551288s)][12.3637 (0.574812s)]]
4913 ]
4914 [table Operator +=(unsigned long long)
4915 [[Backend][128 Bits][256 Bits][512 Bits][1024 Bits]]
4916 [[cpp_int][1.18405 (0.0196905s)][1.22304 (0.0206476s)][1.25861 (0.0217397s)][1.29525 (0.0220829s)]]
4917 [[cpp_int(fixed)][[*1] (0.0166298s)][[*1] (0.0168822s)][[*1] (0.0172728s)][[*1] (0.0170492s)]]
4918 [[gmp_int][39.9082 (0.663668s)][39.4584 (0.666147s)][38.5504 (0.665873s)][39.2231 (0.668722s)]]
4919 [[tommath_int][30.6219 (0.509238s)][30.4135 (0.513447s)][30.9077 (0.533863s)][32.3086 (0.550835s)]]
4920 ]
4921 [table Operator -
4922 [[Backend][128 Bits][256 Bits][512 Bits][1024 Bits]]
4923 [[cpp_int][1.06986 (0.0296064s)][[*1] (0.0381508s)][1.05932 (0.053186s)][1.1766 (0.0844721s)]]
4924 [[cpp_int(fixed)][1.3304 (0.0368163s)][1.44506 (0.0551303s)][1.4431 (0.0724545s)][1.57255 (0.112898s)]]
4925 [[gmp_int][1.48072 (0.0409761s)][1.19003 (0.0454007s)][1.0794 (0.0541942s)][[*1] (0.0717934s)]]
4926 [[tommath_int][[*1] (0.0276731s)][1.10891 (0.0423057s)][[*1] (0.0502076s)][1.08479 (0.0778811s)]]
4927 ]
4928 [table Operator -(int)
4929 [[Backend][128 Bits][256 Bits][512 Bits][1024 Bits]]
4930 [[cpp_int][[*1] (0.0147372s)][[*1] (0.0170001s)][[*1] (0.0232882s)][[*1] (0.0310734s)]]
4931 [[cpp_int(fixed)][1.4267 (0.0210256s)][1.98887 (0.0338109s)][1.83788 (0.0428009s)][1.81269 (0.0563264s)]]
4932 [[gmp_int][2.07504 (0.0305803s)][2.40928 (0.0409579s)][2.58711 (0.0602493s)][3.26438 (0.101435s)]]
4933 [[tommath_int][13.5424 (0.199577s)][12.1793 (0.207048s)][9.28855 (0.216314s)][7.49327 (0.232842s)]]
4934 ]
4935 [table Operator -(unsigned long long)
4936 [[Backend][128 Bits][256 Bits][512 Bits][1024 Bits]]
4937 [[cpp_int][[*1] (0.0277377s)][[*1] (0.0296807s)][[*1] (0.0372392s)][[*1] (0.0455855s)]]
4938 [[cpp_int(fixed)][1.19867 (0.0332484s)][1.48639 (0.0441169s)][1.43253 (0.0533464s)][1.27697 (0.0582111s)]]
4939 [[gmp_int][24.1794 (0.670683s)][22.9073 (0.679904s)][18.8758 (0.702922s)][16.5837 (0.755975s)]]
4940 [[tommath_int][18.149 (0.503413s)][17.4116 (0.516787s)][14.0411 (0.52288s)][11.8237 (0.538987s)]]
4941 ]
4942 [table Operator -=(unsigned long long)
4943 [[Backend][128 Bits][256 Bits][512 Bits][1024 Bits]]
4944 [[cpp_int][1.26896 (0.0203467s)][1.25722 (0.0206147s)][1.36108 (0.0225485s)][1.18351 (0.0226161s)]]
4945 [[cpp_int(fixed)][[*1] (0.0160342s)][[*1] (0.0163971s)][[*1] (0.0165667s)][[*1] (0.0191094s)]]
4946 [[gmp_int][41.1339 (0.659547s)][40.3982 (0.662411s)][39.925 (0.661425s)][34.636 (0.661874s)]]
4947 [[tommath_int][31.1543 (0.499533s)][31.0303 (0.508806s)][30.7699 (0.509756s)][27.7054 (0.529434s)]]
4948 ]
4949 [table Operator *
4950 [[Backend][128 Bits][256 Bits][512 Bits][1024 Bits]]
4951 [[cpp_int][1.11839 (0.0757577s)][1.61061 (0.207951s)][1.4501 (0.696912s)][1.72796 (2.64108s)]]
4952 [[cpp_int(fixed)][1.01115 (0.0684934s)][1.28687 (0.166152s)][[*1] (0.480595s)][[*1] (1.52844s)]]
4953 [[gmp_int][[*1] (0.0677384s)][[*1] (0.129113s)][1.09011 (0.523902s)][1.03374 (1.58s)]]
4954 [[tommath_int][1.6322 (0.110562s)][2.71751 (0.350866s)][2.05222 (0.986288s)][2.0644 (3.15531s)]]
4955 ]
4956 [table Operator *(int)
4957 [[Backend][128 Bits][256 Bits][512 Bits][1024 Bits]]
4958 [[cpp_int][1.01611 (0.0229536s)][1.12175 (0.0298152s)][1.16413 (0.0416439s)][1.31747 (0.0666043s)]]
4959 [[cpp_int(fixed)][1.30215 (0.0294152s)][1.669 (0.0443606s)][1.72395 (0.0616701s)][1.88315 (0.095202s)]]
4960 [[gmp_int][[*1] (0.0225897s)][[*1] (0.0265791s)][[*1] (0.0357725s)][[*1] (0.0505547s)]]
4961 [[tommath_int][10.8281 (0.244603s)][10.1516 (0.26982s)][8.76424 (0.313519s)][8.04364 (0.406644s)]]
4962 ]
4963 [table Operator *(unsigned long long)
4964 [[Backend][128 Bits][256 Bits][512 Bits][1024 Bits]]
4965 [[cpp_int][[*1] (0.0570721s)][[*1] (0.0856141s)][[*1] (0.143279s)][[*1] (0.252785s)]]
4966 [[cpp_int(fixed)][1.10857 (0.0632686s)][1.2951 (0.110878s)][1.20827 (0.173121s)][1.18463 (0.299456s)]]
4967 [[gmp_int][12.0605 (0.68832s)][8.13434 (0.696415s)][5.21762 (0.747577s)][3.11601 (0.787681s)]]
4968 [[tommath_int][10.0524 (0.57371s)][7.33116 (0.627651s)][4.85202 (0.695193s)][3.35808 (0.848871s)]]
4969 ]
4970 [table Operator *=(unsigned long long)
4971 [[Backend][128 Bits][256 Bits][512 Bits][1024 Bits]]
4972 [[cpp_int][111.27 (7.43118s)][67.7078 (7.34138s)][43.3851 (7.4075s)][25.3089 (7.55455s)]]
4973 [[cpp_int(fixed)][[*1] (0.0667848s)][[*1] (0.108427s)][[*1] (0.170738s)][[*1] (0.298493s)]]
4974 [[gmp_int][46.3718 (3.09693s)][28.4639 (3.08626s)][18.1719 (3.10264s)][10.5223 (3.14083s)]]
4975 [[tommath_int][276.674 (18.4776s)][169.146 (18.34s)][108.491 (18.5236s)][63.3261 (18.9024s)]]
4976 ]
4977 [table Operator /
4978 [[Backend][128 Bits][256 Bits][512 Bits][1024 Bits]]
4979 [[cpp_int][2.68035 (0.595251s)][2.04702 (0.707471s)][1.62314 (0.921536s)][1.43112 (1.38811s)]]
4980 [[cpp_int(fixed)][[*1] (0.222079s)][[*1] (0.34561s)][[*1] (0.567748s)][[*1] (0.969945s)]]
4981 [[gmp_int][3.79283 (0.842308s)][2.73668 (0.945824s)][1.86649 (1.05969s)][1.32141 (1.2817s)]]
4982 [[tommath_int][13.2531 (2.94324s)][11.2054 (3.87271s)][9.83293 (5.58262s)][13.0164 (12.6252s)]]
4983 ]
4984 [table Operator /(int)
4985 [[Backend][128 Bits][256 Bits][512 Bits][1024 Bits]]
4986 [[cpp_int][4.06026 (0.225473s)][3.45732 (0.340049s)][3.00195 (0.547957s)][2.80587 (0.978029s)]]
4987 [[cpp_int(fixed)][2.43766 (0.135367s)][2.56264 (0.252052s)][2.44011 (0.445402s)][2.38009 (0.829617s)]]
4988 [[gmp_int][[*1] (0.0555316s)][[*1] (0.0983563s)][[*1] (0.182534s)][[*1] (0.348566s)]]
4989 [[tommath_int][35.9988 (1.99907s)][27.1024 (2.66569s)][21.8333 (3.98531s)][25.8066 (8.99528s)]]
4990 ]
4991 [table Operator /(unsigned long long)
4992 [[Backend][128 Bits][256 Bits][512 Bits][1024 Bits]]
4993 [[cpp_int][1.50505 (0.705756s)][1.39347 (1.58556s)][2.63348 (3.57438s)][4.75451 (8.52733s)]]
4994 [[cpp_int(fixed)][[*1] (0.468925s)][1.12378 (1.27869s)][2.29966 (3.12128s)][4.4844 (8.04288s)]]
4995 [[gmp_int][2.17234 (1.01866s)][[*1] (1.13785s)][[*1] (1.35728s)][[*1] (1.79352s)]]
4996 [[tommath_int][4.74612 (2.22557s)][2.70088 (3.07319s)][3.65634 (4.96268s)][6.79408 (12.1853s)]]
4997 ]
4998 [table Operator /=(unsigned long long)
4999 [[Backend][128 Bits][256 Bits][512 Bits][1024 Bits]]
5000 [[cpp_int][1.76281 (0.0574966s)][1.76471 (0.0604224s)][1.56085 (0.0716403s)][1.31422 (0.124043s)]]
5001 [[cpp_int(fixed)][[*1] (0.0326164s)][[*1] (0.0342393s)][[*1] (0.0458981s)][[*1] (0.0943852s)]]
5002 [[gmp_int][20.2862 (0.661664s)][19.4043 (0.664389s)][14.4881 (0.664976s)][7.14238 (0.674135s)]]
5003 [[tommath_int][32.9555 (1.07489s)][30.1525 (1.0324s)][22.8324 (1.04796s)][11.7456 (1.10861s)]]
5004 ]
5005 [table Operator %
5006 [[Backend][128 Bits][256 Bits][512 Bits][1024 Bits]]
5007 [[cpp_int][1.8501 (0.364131s)][1.46527 (0.476653s)][1.27509 (0.689738s)][1.20064 (1.11769s)]]
5008 [[cpp_int(fixed)][[*1] (0.196817s)][[*1] (0.325301s)][[*1] (0.540932s)][[*1] (0.930916s)]]
5009 [[gmp_int][3.2533 (0.640305s)][2.15441 (0.700832s)][1.47898 (0.800029s)][1.07439 (1.00016s)]]
5010 [[tommath_int][15.3501 (3.02116s)][12.1106 (3.9396s)][11.0689 (5.98752s)][13.5535 (12.6172s)]]
5011 ]
5012 [table Operator %(int)
5013 [[Backend][128 Bits][256 Bits][512 Bits][1024 Bits]]
5014 [[cpp_int][1.82761 (0.104331s)][2.01496 (0.202512s)][2.10004 (0.389523s)][2.17252 (0.768097s)]]
5015 [[cpp_int(fixed)][1.78851 (0.102099s)][1.96844 (0.197838s)][2.02956 (0.376451s)][2.07257 (0.73276s)]]
5016 [[gmp_int][[*1] (0.057086s)][[*1] (0.100505s)][[*1] (0.185483s)][[*1] (0.353552s)]]
5017 [[tommath_int][36.3018 (2.07233s)][26.3075 (2.64402s)][21.9525 (4.07183s)][25.6759 (9.07775s)]]
5018 ]
5019 [table Operator construct
5020 [[Backend][128 Bits][256 Bits][512 Bits][1024 Bits]]
5021 [[cpp_int][1.40211 (0.0026854s)][[*1] (0.00278639s)][[*1] (0.00322813s)][[*1] (0.0027185s)]]
5022 [[cpp_int(fixed)][[*1] (0.00191526s)][1.40721 (0.00392103s)][1.90346 (0.00614463s)][2.14621 (0.00583447s)]]
5023 [[gmp_int][98.705 (0.189046s)][68.9726 (0.192184s)][58.8994 (0.190135s)][70.0525 (0.190438s)]]
5024 [[tommath_int][105.602 (0.202255s)][74.1994 (0.206748s)][63.6455 (0.205456s)][76.8935 (0.209035s)]]
5025 ]
5026 [table Operator construct(unsigned)
5027 [[Backend][128 Bits][256 Bits][512 Bits][1024 Bits]]
5028 [[cpp_int][1.73436 (0.00348927s)][[*1] (0.00263476s)][[*1] (0.0027009s)][[*1] (0.00318651s)]]
5029 [[cpp_int(fixed)][[*1] (0.00201185s)][1.36851 (0.0036057s)][2.07362 (0.00560064s)][1.66856 (0.00531688s)]]
5030 [[gmp_int][97.2414 (0.195635s)][76.3759 (0.201232s)][72.7396 (0.196462s)][63.8129 (0.20334s)]]
5031 [[tommath_int][210.112 (0.422713s)][162.652 (0.42855s)][158.33 (0.427634s)][134.626 (0.428987s)]]
5032 ]
5033 [table Operator construct(unsigned long long)
5034 [[Backend][128 Bits][256 Bits][512 Bits][1024 Bits]]
5035 [[cpp_int][2.34403 (0.00739542s)][1.66376 (0.00713834s)][1.22989 (0.0074969s)][1.23708 (0.00711417s)]]
5036 [[cpp_int(fixed)][[*1] (0.00315501s)][[*1] (0.00429049s)][[*1] (0.00609561s)][[*1] (0.0057508s)]]
5037 [[gmp_int][222.866 (0.703144s)][164.331 (0.705059s)][115.363 (0.70321s)][122.347 (0.703596s)]]
5038 [[tommath_int][218.681 (0.689941s)][163.796 (0.702765s)][114.57 (0.698376s)][122.422 (0.704027s)]]
5039 ]
5040 [table Operator gcd
5041 [[Backend][128 Bits][256 Bits][512 Bits][1024 Bits]]
5042 [[cpp_int][1.16358 (2.74442s)][1.39847 (8.11559s)][1.64677 (22.2518s)][1.95096 (64.4961s)]]
5043 [[cpp_int(fixed)][[*1] (2.35859s)][1.30986 (7.60133s)][1.67681 (22.6577s)][2.0895 (69.0758s)]]
5044 [[gmp_int][1.03392 (2.4386s)][[*1] (5.80319s)][[*1] (13.5124s)][[*1] (33.0586s)]]
5045 [[tommath_int][5.25978 (12.4057s)][4.4619 (25.8932s)][4.15577 (56.1542s)][3.91192 (129.323s)]]
5046 ]
5047 [table Operator powm
5048 [[Backend][128 Bits][256 Bits][512 Bits][1024 Bits]]
5049 [[cpp_int][2.50722 (2.91621s)][3.5561 (13.406s)][4.37066 (73.483s)][4.88831 (473.91s)]]
5050 [[cpp_int(fixed)][1.93385 (2.24931s)][3.18107 (11.9922s)][4.20753 (70.7403s)][4.8158 (466.88s)]]
5051 [[gmp_int][[*1] (1.16313s)][[*1] (3.76986s)][[*1] (16.8128s)][[*1] (96.9476s)]]
5052 [[tommath_int][1.44081 (1.67584s)][1.8794 (7.08507s)][2.19115 (36.8394s)][2.17186 (210.557s)]]
5053 ]
5054 [table Operator str
5055 [[Backend][128 Bits][256 Bits][512 Bits][1024 Bits]]
5056 [[cpp_int][1.17175 (0.00160006s)][1.41999 (0.00329476s)][1.40856 (0.00813784s)][1.52964 (0.0229767s)]]
5057 [[cpp_int(fixed)][[*1] (0.00136554s)][[*1] (0.00232027s)][[*1] (0.00577741s)][1.14754 (0.0172372s)]]
5058 [[gmp_int][1.50501 (0.00205515s)][1.52968 (0.00354926s)][1.01989 (0.0058923s)][[*1] (0.015021s)]]
5059 [[tommath_int][12.2161 (0.0166816s)][16.9577 (0.0393463s)][18.7474 (0.108311s)][22.7368 (0.341528s)]]
5060 ]
5061 [table Operator |
5062 [[Backend][128 Bits][256 Bits][512 Bits][1024 Bits]]
5063 [[cpp_int][[*1] (0.0301617s)][[*1] (0.0423404s)][[*1] (0.0522358s)][[*1] (0.0813156s)]]
5064 [[cpp_int(fixed)][1.0638 (0.0320861s)][1.22566 (0.0518951s)][1.28515 (0.0671305s)][1.16118 (0.094422s)]]
5065 [[gmp_int][1.76553 (0.0532514s)][1.51489 (0.0641408s)][1.70708 (0.0891706s)][1.77346 (0.14421s)]]
5066 [[tommath_int][4.37637 (0.131999s)][3.46212 (0.146587s)][2.91875 (0.152463s)][4.19621 (0.341217s)]]
5067 ]
5068 [table Operator |(int)
5069 [[Backend][128 Bits][256 Bits][512 Bits][1024 Bits]]
5070 [[cpp_int][[*1] (0.0289129s)][[*1] (0.0351119s)][[*1] (0.0406779s)][[*1] (0.0525891s)]]
5071 [[cpp_int(fixed)][1.06091 (0.030674s)][1.25979 (0.0442336s)][1.36194 (0.0554009s)][1.37438 (0.0722772s)]]
5072 [[gmp_int][4.92854 (0.142498s)][4.34687 (0.152627s)][3.71442 (0.151095s)][2.981 (0.156768s)]]
5073 [[tommath_int][10.9847 (0.317598s)][9.37065 (0.329021s)][8.53651 (0.347248s)][11.2155 (0.589813s)]]
5074 ]
5075 [table Operator ^
5076 [[Backend][128 Bits][256 Bits][512 Bits][1024 Bits]]
5077 [[cpp_int][[*1] (0.0305149s)][[*1] (0.04217s)][[*1] (0.0525977s)][[*1] (0.0816632s)]]
5078 [[cpp_int(fixed)][1.01544 (0.0309861s)][1.24872 (0.0526585s)][1.26661 (0.066621s)][1.15965 (0.0947007s)]]
5079 [[gmp_int][1.64675 (0.0502505s)][1.47181 (0.0620663s)][1.66038 (0.0873322s)][1.67895 (0.137108s)]]
5080 [[tommath_int][4.30668 (0.131418s)][3.45859 (0.145849s)][2.91462 (0.153303s)][4.15538 (0.339342s)]]
5081 ]
5082 [table Operator ^(int)
5083 [[Backend][128 Bits][256 Bits][512 Bits][1024 Bits]]
5084 [[cpp_int][1.01566 (0.0296088s)][[*1] (0.0356634s)][[*1] (0.0401898s)][[*1] (0.0514097s)]]
5085 [[cpp_int(fixed)][[*1] (0.0291524s)][1.2393 (0.0441976s)][1.38556 (0.0556856s)][1.38899 (0.0714075s)]]
5086 [[gmp_int][4.68027 (0.136441s)][4.15243 (0.14809s)][3.74237 (0.150405s)][3.0483 (0.156712s)]]
5087 [[tommath_int][10.919 (0.318314s)][9.16311 (0.326788s)][8.62554 (0.346659s)][11.6212 (0.597442s)]]
5088 ]
5089 [table Operator &
5090 [[Backend][128 Bits][256 Bits][512 Bits][1024 Bits]]
5091 [[cpp_int][1.0346 (0.0303431s)][[*1] (0.0427309s)][[*1] (0.0535587s)][1.06945 (0.0828084s)]]
5092 [[cpp_int(fixed)][[*1] (0.0293284s)][1.10435 (0.04719s)][1.05262 (0.0563769s)][[*1] (0.0774309s)]]
5093 [[gmp_int][1.86057 (0.0545675s)][1.58432 (0.0676995s)][1.69164 (0.0906018s)][1.86625 (0.144505s)]]
5094 [[tommath_int][4.4157 (0.129506s)][3.60396 (0.154s)][2.95985 (0.158525s)][4.4032 (0.340944s)]]
5095 ]
5096 [table Operator &(int)
5097 [[Backend][128 Bits][256 Bits][512 Bits][1024 Bits]]
5098 [[cpp_int][1.05874 (0.038946s)][[*1] (0.0483903s)][[*1] (0.063842s)][[*1] (0.100361s)]]
5099 [[cpp_int(fixed)][[*1] (0.0367853s)][1.05827 (0.0512099s)][1.09114 (0.0696605s)][1.09432 (0.109826s)]]
5100 [[gmp_int][3.92298 (0.144308s)][2.99447 (0.144903s)][2.228 (0.14224s)][1.42296 (0.142809s)]]
5101 [[tommath_int][8.79208 (0.323419s)][7.02288 (0.339839s)][5.65271 (0.36088s)][6.27104 (0.629365s)]]
5102 ]
5103 [table Operator <<
5104 [[Backend][128 Bits][256 Bits][512 Bits][1024 Bits]]
5105 [[cpp_int][[*1] (0.0248801s)][1.23196 (0.04s)][[*1] (0.0424149s)][[*1] (0.060157s)]]
5106 [[cpp_int(fixed)][1.08931 (0.027102s)][1.40572 (0.0456418s)][1.3475 (0.0571542s)][1.24573 (0.0749397s)]]
5107 [[gmp_int][1.05561 (0.0262636s)][[*1] (0.0324686s)][1.09914 (0.0466199s)][1.16315 (0.0699719s)]]
5108 [[tommath_int][1.60497 (0.0399319s)][2.13048 (0.0691737s)][2.31219 (0.0980712s)][2.74695 (0.165248s)]]
5109 ]
5110 [table Operator >>
5111 [[Backend][128 Bits][256 Bits][512 Bits][1024 Bits]]
5112 [[cpp_int][[*1] (0.0213349s)][1.02127 (0.0295019s)][[*1] (0.0327116s)][1.13168 (0.0433804s)]]
5113 [[cpp_int(fixed)][1.13514 (0.0242181s)][1.16938 (0.0337803s)][1.46999 (0.0480859s)][1.60077 (0.061362s)]]
5114 [[gmp_int][1.26614 (0.0270129s)][[*1] (0.0288873s)][1.42219 (0.0465221s)][[*1] (0.0383329s)]]
5115 [[tommath_int][12.0066 (0.25616s)][10.2837 (0.297067s)][9.99696 (0.327017s)][16.0943 (0.616942s)]]
5116 ]
5118 Test code was compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 with all optimisations
5119 turned on (/Ox), and used MPIR-2.3.0 and [mpfr]-3.0.0. The tests were run on 32-bit
5120 Windows Vista machine.
5122 Linux x86_64 results are broadly similar, except that libtommath performs much better there.
5124 [endsect]
5126 [section:rational_performance Rational Type Performance]
5128 Note that these tests are carefully designed to test performance of the underlying algorithms
5129 and not memory allocation or variable copying. As usual, performance results should be taken
5130 with a healthy dose of scepticism, and real-world performance may vary widely depending upon the
5131 specifics of the program. In each table relative times are given first, with the best performer
5132 given a score of 1. Total actual times are given in brackets, measured in seconds for 500000
5133 operations.
5135 [table Operator +
5136 [[Backend][128 Bits][256 Bits][512 Bits][1024 Bits]]
5137 [[cpp_rational][5.89417 (18.4116s)][6.87256 (47.4698s)][6.65008 (107.715s)][6.53801 (256.244s)]]
5138 [[mpq_rational][[*1] (3.1237s)][[*1] (6.90715s)][[*1] (16.1975s)][[*1] (39.1929s)]]
5139 ]
5140 [table Operator +(int)
5141 [[Backend][128 Bits][256 Bits][512 Bits][1024 Bits]]
5142 [[cpp_rational][3.62367 (2.46488s)][4.18291 (2.94603s)][4.726 (3.74866s)][6.1388 (5.56817s)]]
5143 [[mpq_rational][[*1] (0.680215s)][[*1] (0.704303s)][[*1] (0.7932s)][[*1] (0.907046s)]]
5144 ]
5145 [table Operator +(unsigned long long)
5146 [[Backend][128 Bits][256 Bits][512 Bits][1024 Bits]]
5147 [[cpp_rational][1.1527 (2.6378s)][1.31751 (3.09863s)][1.58996 (4.00714s)][2.15642 (5.75702s)]]
5148 [[mpq_rational][[*1] (2.28837s)][[*1] (2.35189s)][[*1] (2.52028s)][[*1] (2.66971s)]]
5149 ]
5150 [table Operator +=(unsigned long long)
5151 [[Backend][128 Bits][256 Bits][512 Bits][1024 Bits]]
5152 [[cpp_rational][1.18436 (2.7059s)][1.32279 (3.11099s)][1.61398 (4.05389s)][2.20048 (5.84623s)]]
5153 [[mpq_rational][[*1] (2.2847s)][[*1] (2.35183s)][[*1] (2.51174s)][[*1] (2.6568s)]]
5154 ]
5155 [table Operator -
5156 [[Backend][128 Bits][256 Bits][512 Bits][1024 Bits]]
5157 [[cpp_rational][5.81893 (18.3457s)][6.82209 (47.1928s)][6.64143 (107.498s)][6.51362 (255.137s)]]
5158 [[mpq_rational][[*1] (3.15277s)][[*1] (6.91765s)][[*1] (16.1859s)][[*1] (39.1698s)]]
5159 ]
5160 [table Operator -(int)
5161 [[Backend][128 Bits][256 Bits][512 Bits][1024 Bits]]
5162 [[cpp_rational][3.72441 (2.48756s)][4.27663 (2.98713s)][4.62109 (3.72114s)][6.17605 (5.56503s)]]
5163 [[mpq_rational][[*1] (0.667908s)][[*1] (0.698479s)][[*1] (0.805252s)][[*1] (0.901066s)]]
5164 ]
5165 [table Operator -(unsigned long long)
5166 [[Backend][128 Bits][256 Bits][512 Bits][1024 Bits]]
5167 [[cpp_rational][1.15627 (2.63239s)][1.32096 (3.12092s)][1.61044 (4.00106s)][2.19378 (5.7644s)]]
5168 [[mpq_rational][[*1] (2.27663s)][[*1] (2.36262s)][[*1] (2.48445s)][[*1] (2.62761s)]]
5169 ]
5170 [table Operator -=(unsigned long long)
5171 [[Backend][128 Bits][256 Bits][512 Bits][1024 Bits]]
5172 [[cpp_rational][1.1984 (2.73444s)][1.34141 (3.15698s)][1.64159 (4.06997s)][2.23017 (5.88108s)]]
5173 [[mpq_rational][[*1] (2.28174s)][[*1] (2.35348s)][[*1] (2.47929s)][[*1] (2.63706s)]]
5174 ]
5175 [table Operator *
5176 [[Backend][128 Bits][256 Bits][512 Bits][1024 Bits]]
5177 [[cpp_rational][5.4306 (32.5882s)][6.91805 (89.9436s)][6.94556 (207.307s)][6.88704 (492.151s)]]
5178 [[mpq_rational][[*1] (6.00084s)][[*1] (13.0013s)][[*1] (29.8475s)][[*1] (71.4604s)]]
5179 ]
5180 [table Operator *(int)
5181 [[Backend][128 Bits][256 Bits][512 Bits][1024 Bits]]
5182 [[cpp_rational][2.12892 (2.51376s)][2.47245 (3.07841s)][2.86832 (3.93619s)][3.94086 (6.02565s)]]
5183 [[mpq_rational][[*1] (1.18077s)][[*1] (1.24508s)][[*1] (1.3723s)][[*1] (1.52902s)]]
5184 ]
5185 [table Operator *(unsigned long long)
5186 [[Backend][128 Bits][256 Bits][512 Bits][1024 Bits]]
5187 [[cpp_rational][1.32254 (5.43565s)][1.56078 (6.73163s)][1.97701 (9.32522s)][2.85404 (15.1573s)]]
5188 [[mpq_rational][[*1] (4.11002s)][[*1] (4.313s)][[*1] (4.71682s)][[*1] (5.31082s)]]
5189 ]
5190 [table Operator *=(unsigned long long)
5191 [[Backend][128 Bits][256 Bits][512 Bits][1024 Bits]]
5192 [[cpp_rational][6.29806 (58.1188s)][6.30556 (59.5076s)][6.3385 (62.1007s)][6.55345 (67.6905s)]]
5193 [[mpq_rational][[*1] (9.22804s)][[*1] (9.43733s)][[*1] (9.79739s)][[*1] (10.329s)]]
5194 ]
5195 [table Operator /
5196 [[Backend][128 Bits][256 Bits][512 Bits][1024 Bits]]
5197 [[cpp_rational][4.4269 (66.8031s)][6.40103 (173.527s)][6.32347 (348.193s)][6.61148 (824.063s)]]
5198 [[mpq_rational][[*1] (15.0903s)][[*1] (27.1093s)][[*1] (55.0637s)][[*1] (124.641s)]]
5199 ]
5200 [table Operator /(int)
5201 [[Backend][128 Bits][256 Bits][512 Bits][1024 Bits]]
5202 [[cpp_rational][1.78772 (2.50984s)][2.10623 (3.10606s)][2.46986 (3.99358s)][3.37428 (5.96678s)]]
5203 [[mpq_rational][[*1] (1.40393s)][[*1] (1.4747s)][[*1] (1.61693s)][[*1] (1.76831s)]]
5204 ]
5205 [table Operator /(unsigned long long)
5206 [[Backend][128 Bits][256 Bits][512 Bits][1024 Bits]]
5207 [[cpp_rational][1.29695 (5.45454s)][1.55248 (6.85353s)][1.93237 (9.28765s)][2.75211 (14.8541s)]]
5208 [[mpq_rational][[*1] (4.20568s)][[*1] (4.41458s)][[*1] (4.80635s)][[*1] (5.39734s)]]
5209 ]
5210 [table Operator /=(unsigned long long)
5211 [[Backend][128 Bits][256 Bits][512 Bits][1024 Bits]]
5212 [[cpp_rational][6.19401 (58.4278s)][6.20135 (59.643s)][6.21327 (62.0338s)][6.40576 (67.6778s)]]
5213 [[mpq_rational][[*1] (9.43295s)][[*1] (9.61774s)][[*1] (9.98407s)][[*1] (10.5652s)]]
5214 ]
5215 [table Operator construct
5216 [[Backend][128 Bits][256 Bits][512 Bits][1024 Bits]]
5217 [[cpp_rational][[*1] (0.00978288s)][[*1] (0.0100574s)][[*1] (0.0101393s)][[*1] (0.0101847s)]]
5218 [[mpq_rational][39.1516 (0.383015s)][38.3523 (0.385725s)][37.5812 (0.381048s)][37.6007 (0.382953s)]]
5219 ]
5220 [table Operator construct(unsigned)
5221 [[Backend][128 Bits][256 Bits][512 Bits][1024 Bits]]
5222 [[cpp_rational][[*1] (0.0548151s)][[*1] (0.0557542s)][[*1] (0.055825s)][[*1] (0.0552808s)]]
5223 [[mpq_rational][7.21073 (0.395257s)][7.1016 (0.395944s)][7.02046 (0.391917s)][7.16881 (0.396297s)]]
5224 ]
5225 [table Operator construct(unsigned long long)
5226 [[Backend][128 Bits][256 Bits][512 Bits][1024 Bits]]
5227 [[cpp_rational][[*1] (0.0605156s)][[*1] (0.0616657s)][[*1] (0.0592056s)][[*1] (0.0603081s)]]
5228 [[mpq_rational][35.1604 (2.12775s)][34.7575 (2.14335s)][35.7232 (2.11502s)][35.0437 (2.11342s)]]
5229 ]
5230 [table Operator str
5231 [[Backend][128 Bits][256 Bits][512 Bits][1024 Bits]]
5232 [[cpp_rational][5.48898 (0.0208949s)][8.49668 (0.0546688s)][10.107 (0.121897s)][10.5339 (0.310584s)]]
5233 [[mpq_rational][[*1] (0.0038067s)][[*1] (0.00643413s)][[*1] (0.0120606s)][[*1] (0.0294843s)]]
5234 ]
5236 Test code was compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 with all optimisations
5237 turned on (/Ox), and used MPIR-2.3.0 and [mpfr]-3.0.0. The tests were run on 32-bit
5238 Windows Vista machine.
5240 [endsect]
5242 [endsect]
5244 [section:map Roadmap]
5246 [section:hist History]
5248 [h4 Multiprecision-2.3.0 (Boost-1.63)]
5250 * Added support for all the C99 math functions.
5251 * Extended generic-interconversions to handle narrowing cases as well, changed convert_to member function and hence explicit
5252 conversion operators to use the same conversion code as the explicit constructors.
5253 * Fix IO stream parsing error, see [@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/12488 #12488].
5254 * Make default constructed floating point types all zero for consistency, see [@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/12500 #12500].
5255 * Fix conversion of cpp_bin_float to float/double/long double when the exponent value would overflow an int, see [@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/12512 #12512].
5256 * Fix cpp_bin_float subtractions that yield signed-zeros, see [@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/12524 #12524].
5257 * Fix ceil/trunc/round applied to cpp_bin_float and yielding a signed zero, see [@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/12525 #12525].
5259 [h4 Multiprecision-2.2.8 (Boost-1.62)]
5261 * Added support for hashing via `Boost.Hash` or `std::hash`.
5262 * Fixed some arithmetic operations in cpp_bin_float and cpp_dec_float that should generate a NaN, see [@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/12157 #12157].
5263 * Prevent inadvertant instantiation of variable-precision `mpfr_float_backend` with fixed allocation.
5264 * Fixed division over/underflow in cpp_bin_float, see [@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/12167 #12167].
5265 * Added support for signed-zeros throughout the library, including support for `signbit` and `copysign`, mpfr, float128, and cpp_bin_float types
5266 should now respect signed-zeros correctly.
5267 * Fixed bug in conversion of cpp_bin_float infinities to double etc, see [@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/12196 #12196].
5268 * Fix add and subtract of cpp_bin_float when the exponents would overflow., see [@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/12198 #12198].
5269 * Improve variable-precision support in mpfr and mpf backends, allow these types to be used with Boost.Math.
5270 * Fixed bug in subtraction of signed infinities in cpp_bin_float, see [@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/12209 #12209].
5271 * Fix result of sqrt(infinity) in cpp_bin_float (result should be infinity), see [@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/12227 #12227].
5272 * Added workaround in gmp.hpp for recent MPIR releases which are not quite source-compatible with GMP on Windows x64.
5273 * Allow `cpp_int` code to be used with /RTCc with MSVC.
5274 * Fix conversion of `cpp_int` to signed integer when the result is INT_MIN, see [@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/12343 #12343].
5275 * Update uBlas support to match latest uBlas code.
5276 * Fix some errors present when building on big-endian machines (not all `cpp_int` constructors are available on non-little-endian machines).
5277 * Fix fencepost error in rational to float conversion routines, see [@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/12327 #12327].
5278 * Fix some Oracle C++ compiler compatibility issues.
5279 * Add modf support to complete C90 compatibility.
5280 * Fix self assignment bug in expression template code for expressions such as `a = a * a * a`, see [@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/12408 #12408].
5281 * Fixed some compiler errors that occur when converting from `cpp_int` to `cpp_bin_float`.
5283 [h4 Multiprecision-2.2.7 (Boost-1.61)]
5285 * Fixed bug in stream input for integer types, see [@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/11857 #11857].
5286 * Fixed some ambiguous conversions involving expression templates see [@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/11922 #11922].
5287 * Add expression template aware min/max overloads see [@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/11149 #11149].
5288 * Fix bug in right shifting negative small integers in cpp_int see [@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/11999 #11999].
5289 * Use memmove for bitshifts in cpp_int when possible see [@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/9233 #9233].
5290 * Use memcpy for data import into cpp_int where possible, see [@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/9235 #9235].
5291 * Changed `cpp_bin_float.convert_to<double>()` to a function template rather than proceding via `long double` to avoid
5292 double-rounding bug, see [@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/12039 #12039].
5293 * Fixed conversions from NaN's and Infinities, see [@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/12112 #12112].
5294 * Enabled better support for Clang on Windows.
5295 * Fixed handling of NaN's and Infinities in basic arithmetic for cpp_dec_float and cpp_bin_float, see [@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/12090 #12090].
5296 * Fixed fencepost error in cpp_bin_float subtraction.
5297 * Fixed double-rounding in conversion to float routines for cpp_bin_float, see [@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/12039 #12039].
5298 * Make float128 denorm aware, see [@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/12075 #12075].
5299 * Allow the library and tests to be used without exception handling support, see [@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/12070 #12070].
5300 * Fixed buggy comparison operator overloads for boost::rational.
5301 * Added some workarounds for Oracle C++.
5302 * Fixed some missing typecasts for cases where cpp_int's limb_type is wider than unsigned.
5305 [h4 Multiprecision-2.2.6 (Boost-1.60)]
5307 * Fixed result of Miller Rabin primality test for value 2, see [@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/11495 #11495].
5308 * Improved initialization of cpp_int from very large strings of hex or octal digits, see [@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/11590 #11590].
5309 * Fixed fmod behaviour for negative divisors, see [@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/11641 #11641].
5310 * Fixed infinite division loop in cpp_int special case, see [@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/11648 #11648].
5311 * Patched missing return statement in [@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/11762 #11762].
5312 * Fixed mixed mode arithmetic compiler error in [@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/11764 #11764].
5313 * Fixed over-aggressive use of noexcept in [@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/11826 #11826].
5316 [h4 Multiprecision-2.2.5 (Boost-1.59)]
5318 * Depricated boost/multiprecision/random.hpp as it's no longer needed, updated random examples to match.
5319 * Fixed a bug in cpp_int's right shift operator when shifting negative values - semantics now gives the
5320 same values as shifting 2's compliment integers, though not the same bit pattern.
5321 * Fixed support for GCC-4.6.4 in C++0x mode by disabling conditional noexcept suppoprt for that compiler
5322 see [@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/11402 #11402].
5323 * Suppressed numerous compiler warnings.
5325 [h4 Multiprecision-2.2.4 (Boost-1.58)]
5327 * Changed `frexp` to always be non-expression template generating, see: [@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/10993 10993].
5328 * Improved support of cpp_dec_float on Cygwin and other platforms with missing long double support, see [@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/10924 10924].
5329 * Improved noexcept support and added some more tests, see [@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/10990 10990].
5330 * Various workarounds applied for Intel-15.0 and Solaris-12.4 compilers.
5332 [h4 Multiprecision-2.2.3 (Boost-1.57)]
5334 * Changed rational to float conversions to exactly round to nearest, see [@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/10085 10085].
5335 * Added improved generic float to rational conversions.
5336 * Fixed rare bug in exponent function for __cpp_bin_float.
5337 * Fixed various minor documentation issues.
5339 [h4 Multiprecision-2.2.2 (Boost-1.56)]
5341 * Change floating-point to rational conversions to be implicit, see [@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/10082 10082].
5342 * Fix definition of checked_cpp_rational typedef.
5344 [h4 Multiprecision-2.2.1]
5346 * Fix bug in assignment from string in cpp_int, see [@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/9936 9936].
5348 [h4 Multiprecision-2.2.0]
5350 * Moved to Boost.Multiprecision specific version number - we have one breaking change in Boost-1.54
5351 which makes this major version 2, plus two releases with new features since then.
5352 * Added new __cpp_bin_float backend for binary floating-point.
5353 * Added MSVC-specific #include for compiler intrinsics, see [@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/9336 9336].
5354 * Fixed various typos in docs, see [@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/9432 9432].
5355 * Fixed __gmp_rational to allow move-copy from an already copied-from object, see [@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/9497 9497].
5356 * Added list of values for numeric_limits.
5358 [h4 Boost-1.55]
5360 * Added support for Boost.Serialization.
5361 * Suppressed some GCC warnings. See [@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/8872 8872].
5362 * Fixed bug in pow for large integer arguments. See [@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/8809 8809].
5363 * Fixed bug in pow for calculation of 0[super N]. See [@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/8798 8798].
5364 * Fixed bug in fixed precision cpp_int IO code that causes conversion to string to fail when the
5365 bit count is very small (less than CHAR_BIT). See [@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/8745 8745].
5366 * Fixed bug in cpp_int that causes left shift to fail when a fixed precision type would overflow.
5367 See [@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/8741 8741].
5368 * Fixed some cosmetic warnings from cpp_int. See [@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/8748 8748].
5369 * Fixed calls to functions which are required to be macros in C99. See [@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/8732 8732].
5370 * Fixed bug that causes construction from INT_MIN, LONG_MIN etc to fail in cpp_int. See [@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/8711 8711].
5372 [h4 1.54]
5374 * [*Breaking change] renamed `rational_adapter` to `rational_adaptor`.
5375 * Add support for [mpfi].
5376 * Add logged_adaptor.
5377 * Add support for 128-bit floats via GCC's `__float128` or Intel's `_Quad` data types.
5378 * Add support for user-defined literals in cpp_int, improve `constexpr` support.
5379 * Fixed bug in integer division of `cpp_int` that results in incorrect sign of `cpp_int` when both arguments are small enough
5380 to fit in a `double_limb_type`. See [@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/8126 8126].
5381 * Fixed bug in subtraction of a single limb in `cpp_int` that results in incorrect value when the result should have a 0
5382 in the last limb: [@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/8133 8133].
5383 * Fixed bug in `cpp_int` where division of 0 by something doesn't get zero in the result: [@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/8160 8160].
5384 * Fixed bug in some transcendental functions that caused incorrect return values when variables are reused, for example with
5385 `a = pow(a, b)`. See [@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/8326 8326].
5386 * Fixed some assignment operations in the mpfr and gmp backends to be safe if the target has been moved from: [@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/8326 8667].
5387 * Fixed bug in `cpp_int` that gives incorrect answer for 0%N for large N: [@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/8670 8670].
5388 * Fixed set_precision in mpfr backend so it doesn't trample over an existing value: [@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/8692 8692].
5390 [h4 1.53]
5392 * First Release.
5393 * Fix bug in [@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/7878 cpp_int division].
5394 * Fix issue [@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/7806 #7806].
5396 [h4 Post review changes]
5398 * Non-expression template operators further optimised with rvalue reference support.
5399 * Many functions made `constexp`.
5400 * Differentiate between explicit and implicit conversions in the number constructor.
5401 * Removed "mp_" prefix from types.
5402 * Allowed mixed precision arithmetic.
5403 * Changed ExpressionTemplates parameter to class `number` to use enumerated values rather than true/false.
5404 * Changed ExpressionTemplate parameter default value to use a traits class so that the default value depends on the backend used.
5405 * Added support for fused-multiply-add/subtract with GMP support.
5406 * Tweaked expression template unpacking to use fewer temporaries when the LHS also appears in the RHS.
5407 * Refactored `cpp_int_backend` based on review comments with new template parameter structure.
5408 * Added additional template parameter to `mpfr_float_backend` to allow stack-based allocation.
5409 * Added section on mixed precision arithmetic, and added support for operations yielding a higher precision result
5410 than either of the arguments.
5411 * Added overloads of integer-specific functions for built in integer types.
5413 [h4 Pre-review history]
5415 *2011-2012, John Maddock adds an expression template enabled front end to Christopher's code,
5416 and adds support for other backends.
5417 * 2011, Christopher Kormanyos publishes the decimal floating-point code under the Boost
5418 Software Licence. The code is published as: [@http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1916461.1916469
5419 "Algorithm 910: A Portable C++ Multiple-Precision
5420 System for Special-Function Calculations"], in ACM TOMS, {VOL 37, ISSUE 4, (February 2011)} (C) ACM,
5421 2011.
5422 * 2002-2011, Christopher Kormanyos develops the all C++ decimal arithmetic floating-point
5423 code.
5425 [endsect]
5427 [section:todo TODO]
5431 More a list of what ['could] be done, rather than what ['should] be done (which may be a much smaller list!).
5433 * Add back-end support for libdecNumber.
5434 * Add an adaptor back-end for complex number types.
5435 * Add better multiplication routines (Karatsuba, FFT etc) to cpp_int_backend.
5436 * Add assembly level routines to cpp_int_backend.
5437 * Can ring types (exact floating-point types) be supported? The answer should be yes, but someone needs to write it,
5438 the hard part is IO and binary-decimal conversion.
5439 * Should there be a choice of rounding mode (probably MPFR specific)?
5440 * We can reuse temporaries in multiple subtrees (temporary caching).
5441 * cpp_dec_float should round to nearest.
5442 * A 2's complement fixed precision int that uses exactly N bits and no more.
5444 Things requested in review:
5446 * The performances of mp_number<a_trivial_adaptor<float>, false>respect to
5447 float and mp_number<a_trivial_adaptor<int>, false> and int should be
5448 given to show the cost of using the generic interface (Mostly done, just need to update docs to the latest results).
5449 * Should we provide min/max overloads for expression templates? (Not done - we can't overload functions declared in the std namespace :-( ).
5450 * The rounding applied when converting must be documented (Done).
5451 * Document why we don't abstract out addition/multiplication algorithms etc. (done - FAQ)
5452 * Document why we don't use proto (compile times) (Done).
5453 * We can reuse temporaries in multiple subtrees (temporary caching) Moved to TODO list.
5454 * Emphasise in the docs that ET's may reorder operations (done 2012/10/31).
5455 * Document what happens to small fixed precision cpp_int's (done 2012/10/31).
5456 * The use of bool in template parameters could be improved by the use of
5457 an enum class which will be more explicit. E.g `enum class expression_template {disabled, enabled};
5458 enum class sign {unsigned, signed};` (Partly done 2012/09/15, done 2012/10/31).
5459 * Each back-end should document the requirements it satisfies (not currently scheduled for inclusion: it's
5460 deliberately an implementation detail, and "optional" requirements are optimisations which can't be detected
5461 by the user). Not done: this is an implementation detail, the exact list of requirements satisfied is purely
5462 an optimization, not something the user can detect.
5463 * A backend for an overflow aware integers (done 2012/10/31).
5464 * IIUC convert_to is used to emulate in c++98 compilers C++11 explicit
5465 conversions. Could the explicit conversion operator be added on
5466 compilers supporting it? (Done 2012/09/15).
5467 * The front-end should make the differences between implicit and explicit
5468 construction (Done 2012/09/15).
5469 * The tutorial should add more examples concerning implicit or explicit
5470 conversions. (Done 2012/09/15).
5471 * The documentation must explain how move semantics helps in this domain
5472 and what the backend needs to do to profit from this optimization. (Done 2012/09/15).
5473 * The documentation should contain Throws specification on the mp_number
5474 and backend requirements operations. (Done 2012/09/15).
5475 * The library interface should use the noexcept (BOOST_NOEXCEPT, ...)
5476 facilities (Done 2012/09/15).
5477 * It is unfortunate that the generic mp_number front end can not make use
5478 constexpr as not all the backends can ensure this (done - we can go quite a way).
5479 * literals: The library doesn't provide some kind of literals. I think that the
5480 mp_number class should provide a way to create literals if the backend
5481 is able to. (Done 2012/09/15).
5482 * The ExpresionTemplate parameter could be defaulted to a traits class for more sensible defaults (done 2012/09/20).
5483 * In a = exp1 op exp2 where a occurs inside one of exp1 or exp2 then we can optimise and eliminate one more temporary (done 2012/09/20).
5487 [h4 Pre-Review Comments]
5489 * Make fixed precision orthogonal to Allocator type in cpp_int. Possible solution - add an additional MaxBits
5490 template argument that defaults to 0 (meaning keep going till no more space/memory). Done.
5491 * Can ring types (exact floating-point types) be supported? The answer should be yes, but someone needs to write it (Moved to TODO list).
5492 * Should there be a choice of rounding mode (probably MPFR specific)? Moved to TODO list.
5493 * Make the exponent type for cpp_dec_float a template parameter, maybe include support for big-integer exponents.
5494 Open question - what should be the default - int32_t or int64_t? (done 2012/09/06)
5495 * Document the size requirements of fixed precision ints (done 2012/09/15).
5496 * Document std lib function accuracy (done 2012/09/15).
5497 * Be a bit clearer on the effects of sign-magnitude representation of cpp_int - min == -max etc - done.
5498 * Document cpp_dec_float precision, rounding, and exponent size (done 2012/09/06).
5499 * Can we be clearer in the docs that mixed arithmetic doesn't work (no longer applicable as of 2012/09/06)?
5500 * Document round functions behaviour better (they behave as in C++11) (added note 2012/09/06).
5501 * Document limits on size of cpp_dec_float (done 2012/09/06).
5502 * Add support for fused multiply add (and subtract). GMP mpz_t could use this (done 2012/09/20).
5504 [endsect]
5506 [section:faq FAQ]
5508 [variablelist
5509 [[Why do I get compiler errors when passing a `number` to a template function?]
5510 [Most likely you are actually passing an expression template type to the function and
5511 template-argument-deduction deduces the "wrong" type. Try casting the arguments
5512 involving expressions to the actual number type, or as a last resort turning off
5513 expression template support in the number type you are using.]]
5514 [[When is expression template support a performance gain?]
5515 [As a general rule, expression template support adds a small runtime overhead
5516 creating and unpacking the expression templates, but greatly reduces the number of
5517 temporaries created. So it's most effective in improving performance when the cost
5518 of creating a temporary is high: for example when creating a temporary involves a memory
5519 allocation. It is least effective (and may even be a dis-optimisation) when temporaries
5520 are cheap: for example if the number type is basically a thin wrapper around a native
5521 arithmetic type. In addition, since the library makes extensive use of thin inline wrapper
5522 functions, turning on compiler optimization is essential to achieving high performance.]]
5523 [[Do expression templates reorder operations?]
5524 [Yes they do, sometimes quite radically so, if this is a concern then they should be turned
5525 off for the number type you are using.]]
5526 [[I can't construct my number type from ['some other type], but the docs indicate that the conversion should be allowed, what's up?]
5527 [Some conversions are ['explicit], that includes construction from a string, or constructing from any type
5528 that may result in loss of precision (for example constructing an integer type from a float).]]
5529 [[Why do I get an exception thrown (or the program crash due to an uncaught exception) when using the bitwise operators on a checked `cpp_int`?]
5530 [Bitwise operations on negative values (or indeed any signed integer type) are unspecified by the standard. As a result
5531 any attempt to carry out a bitwise operation on a negative checked-integer will result in a `std::range_error` being thrown.]]
5532 [[Why do I get compiler errors when trying to use the complement operator?]
5533 [Use of the complement operator on signed types is problematic as the result is unspecified by the standard, and is further
5534 complicated by the fact that most extended precision integer types use a sign-magnitude representation rather than the 2's
5535 complement one favored by most native integer types. As a result the complement operator is deliberately disabled for
5536 checked `cpp_int`'s. Unchecked `cpp_int`'s give the same valued result as a 2's complement type would, but not the same bit-pattern.]]
5537 [[Why can't I negate an unsigned type?]
5538 [The unary negation operator is deliberately disabled for unsigned integer types as its use would almost always be a programming error.]]
5539 [[Why doesn't the library use proto?]
5540 [A very early version of the library did use proto, but compile times became too slow
5541 for the library to be usable. Since the library only required a tiny fraction of what
5542 proto has to offer anyway, a lightweight expression template mechanism was used instead.
5543 Compile times are still too slow...]]
5544 [[Why not abstract out addition/multiplication algorithms?]
5545 [This was deemed not to be practical: these algorithms are intimately
5546 tied to the actual data representation used.]]
5547 ]
5549 [endsect]
5551 [section:ack Acknowledgements]
5553 This library would not have happened without:
5555 * Christopher Kormanyos' C++ decimal number code.
5556 * Paul Bristow for patiently testing, and commenting on the library.
5557 * All the folks at GMP, MPFR and libtommath, for providing the "guts" that makes this library work.
5558 * [@http://www-cs-faculty.stanford.edu/~uno/taocp.html "The Art Of Computer Programming"],
5559 Donald E. Knuth, Volume 2: Seminumerical Algorithms, Third Edition
5560 (Reading, Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1997), xiv+762pp. ISBN 0-201-89684-2
5562 [endsect]
5564 [endsect]
5566 [section:indexes Indexes]
5568 '''
5569 <index type="function_name">
5570 <title>Function Index</title>
5571 </index>
5573 <index type="class_name">
5574 <title>Class Index</title>
5575 </index>
5577 <index type="typedef_name">
5578 <title>Typedef Index</title>
5579 </index>
5581 <index/>
5582 '''
5584 [endsect]