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13 <title>Hermitian Matrix</title>
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16 <h1><img src="../../../../boost.png" align="middle" />Hermitian Matrix</h1>
17 <div class="toc" id="toc"></div>
18 <h2><a name="hermitian_matrix"></a>Hermitian Matrix</h2>
19 <h4>Description</h4>
20 <p>The templated class <code>hermitian_matrix&lt;T, F1, F2,
21 A&gt;</code> is the base container adaptor for hermitian matrices.
22 For a <em>(n x n</em> )-dimensional hermitian matrix and <em>0
23 &lt;= i &lt; n</em>, <em>0 &lt;= j &lt; n</em> holds
24 <em>h</em><sub><em>i, j</em></sub> <em>= h</em><sub><em>j,
25 i</em></sub><sup><em>-</em></sup>. The storage of hermitian
26 matrices is packed.</p>
27 <h4>Example</h4>
28 <pre>
29 #include &lt;boost/numeric/ublas/hermitian.hpp&gt;
30 #include &lt;boost/numeric/ublas/io.hpp&gt;
32 int main () {
33 using namespace boost::numeric::ublas;
34 hermitian_matrix&lt;std::complex&lt;double&gt;, lower&gt; ml (3, 3);
35 for (unsigned i = 0; i &lt; ml.size1 (); ++ i) {
36 for (unsigned j = 0; j &lt; i; ++ j)
37 ml (i, j) = std::complex&lt;double&gt; (3 * i + j, 3 * i + j);
38 ml (i, i) = std::complex&lt;double&gt; (4 * i, 0);
39 }
40 std::cout &lt;&lt; ml &lt;&lt; std::endl;
41 hermitian_matrix&lt;std::complex&lt;double&gt;, upper&gt; mu (3, 3);
42 for (unsigned i = 0; i &lt; mu.size1 (); ++ i) {
43 mu (i, i) = std::complex&lt;double&gt; (4 * i, 0);
44 for (unsigned j = i + 1; j &lt; mu.size2 (); ++ j)
45 mu (i, j) = std::complex&lt;double&gt; (3 * i + j, 3 * i + j);
46 }
47 std::cout &lt;&lt; mu &lt;&lt; std::endl;
48 }
49 </pre>
50 <h4>Definition</h4>
51 <p>Defined in the header hermitian.hpp.</p>
52 <h4>Template parameters</h4>
53 <table border="1" summary="parameters">
54 <tbody>
55 <tr>
56 <th>Parameter</th>
57 <th>Description</th>
58 <th>Default</th>
59 </tr>
60 <tr>
61 <td><code>T</code></td>
62 <td>The type of object stored in the matrix.</td>
63 <td></td>
64 </tr>
65 <tr>
66 <td><code>F1</code></td>
67 <td>Functor describing the type of the hermitian matrix. <a href=
68 "#hermitian_matrix_1">[1]</a></td>
69 <td><code>lower</code></td>
70 </tr>
71 <tr>
72 <td><code>F2</code></td>
73 <td>Functor describing the storage organization. <a href=
74 "#hermitian_matrix_2">[2]</a></td>
75 <td><code>row_major</code></td>
76 </tr>
77 <tr>
78 <td><code>A</code></td>
79 <td>The type of the adapted array. <a href=
80 "#hermitian_matrix_3">[3]</a></td>
81 <td><code>unbounded_array&lt;T&gt;</code></td>
82 </tr>
83 </tbody>
84 </table>
85 <h4>Model of</h4>
86 <p><a href="container_concept.html#matrix">Matrix</a> .</p>
87 <h4>Type requirements</h4>
88 <p>None, except for those imposed by the requirements of <a href=
89 "container_concept.html#matrix">Matrix</a> .</p>
90 <h4>Public base classes</h4>
91 <p><code>matrix_container&lt;hermitian_matrix&lt;T, F1, F2, A&gt;
92 &gt;</code></p>
93 <h4>Members</h4>
94 <table border="1" summary="members">
95 <tbody>
96 <tr>
97 <th>Member</th>
98 <th>Description</th>
99 </tr>
100 <tr>
101 <td><code>hermitian_matrix ()</code></td>
102 <td>Allocates an uninitialized <code>hermitian_matrix</code> that
103 holds zero rows of zero elements.</td>
104 </tr>
105 <tr>
106 <td><code>hermitian_matrix (size_type size)</code></td>
107 <td>Allocates an uninitialized <code>hermitian_matrix</code> that
108 holds <code>size</code> rows of <code>size</code> elements.</td>
109 </tr>
110 <tr>
111 <td><code>hermitian_matrix (const hermitian_matrix
112 &amp;m)</code></td>
113 <td>The copy constructor.</td>
114 </tr>
115 <tr>
116 <td><code>template&lt;class AE&gt;<br />
117 hermitian_matrix (const matrix_expression&lt;AE&gt;
118 &amp;ae)</code></td>
119 <td>The extended copy constructor.</td>
120 </tr>
121 <tr>
122 <td><code>void resize (size_type size, bool preserve =
123 true)</code></td>
124 <td>Reallocates a <code>hermitian_matrix</code> to hold
125 <code>size</code> rows of <code>size</code> elements. The existing
126 elements of the <code>hermitian_matrix</code> are preseved when
127 specified.</td>
128 </tr>
129 <tr>
130 <td><code>size_type size1 () const</code></td>
131 <td>Returns the number of rows.</td>
132 </tr>
133 <tr>
134 <td><code>size_type size2 () const</code></td>
135 <td>Returns the number of columns.</td>
136 </tr>
137 <tr>
138 <td><code>const_reference operator () (size_type i, size_type j)
139 const</code></td>
140 <td>Returns a <code>const</code> reference of the <code>j</code>
141 -th element in the <code>i</code>-th row.</td>
142 </tr>
143 <tr>
144 <td><code>reference operator () (size_type i, size_type
145 j)</code></td>
146 <td>Returns a reference of the <code>j</code>-th element in the
147 <code>i</code>-th row.</td>
148 </tr>
149 <tr>
150 <td><code>hermitian_matrix &amp;operator = (const hermitian_matrix
151 &amp;m)</code></td>
152 <td>The assignment operator.</td>
153 </tr>
154 <tr>
155 <td><code>hermitian_matrix &amp;assign_temporary (hermitian_matrix
156 &amp;m)</code></td>
157 <td>Assigns a temporary. May change the hermitian matrix
158 <code>m</code> .</td>
159 </tr>
160 <tr>
161 <td><code>template&lt;class AE&gt;<br />
162 hermitian_matrix &amp;operator = (const matrix_expression&lt;AE&gt;
163 &amp;ae)</code></td>
164 <td>The extended assignment operator.</td>
165 </tr>
166 <tr>
167 <td><code>template&lt;class AE&gt;<br />
168 hermitian_matrix &amp;assign (const matrix_expression&lt;AE&gt;
169 &amp;ae)</code></td>
170 <td>Assigns a matrix expression to the hermitian matrix. Left and
171 right hand side of the assignment should be independent.</td>
172 </tr>
173 <tr>
174 <td><code>template&lt;class AE&gt;<br />
175 hermitian_matrix &amp;operator += (const
176 matrix_expression&lt;AE&gt; &amp;ae)</code></td>
177 <td>A computed assignment operator. Adds the matrix expression to
178 the hermitian matrix.</td>
179 </tr>
180 <tr>
181 <td><code>template&lt;class AE&gt;<br />
182 hermitian_matrix &amp;plus_assign (const
183 matrix_expression&lt;AE&gt; &amp;ae)</code></td>
184 <td>Adds a matrix expression to the hermitian matrix. Left and
185 right hand side of the assignment should be independent.</td>
186 </tr>
187 <tr>
188 <td><code>template&lt;class AE&gt;<br />
189 hermitian_matrix &amp;operator -= (const
190 matrix_expression&lt;AE&gt; &amp;ae)</code></td>
191 <td>A computed assignment operator. Subtracts the matrix expression
192 from the hermitian matrix.</td>
193 </tr>
194 <tr>
195 <td><code>template&lt;class AE&gt;<br />
196 hermitian_matrix &amp;minus_assign (const
197 matrix_expression&lt;AE&gt; &amp;ae)</code></td>
198 <td>Subtracts a matrix expression from the hermitian matrix. Left
199 and right hand side of the assignment should be independent.</td>
200 </tr>
201 <tr>
202 <td><code>template&lt;class AT&gt;<br />
203 hermitian_matrix &amp;operator *= (const AT &amp;at)</code></td>
204 <td>A computed assignment operator. Multiplies the hermitian matrix
205 with a scalar.</td>
206 </tr>
207 <tr>
208 <td><code>template&lt;class AT&gt;<br />
209 hermitian_matrix &amp;operator /= (const AT &amp;at)</code></td>
210 <td>A computed assignment operator. Divides the hermitian matrix
211 through a scalar.</td>
212 </tr>
213 <tr>
214 <td><code>void swap (hermitian_matrix &amp;m)</code></td>
215 <td>Swaps the contents of the hermitian matrices.</td>
216 </tr>
217 <tr>
218 <td><code>void insert (size_type i, size_type j, const_reference
219 t)</code></td>
220 <td>Inserts the value <code>t</code> at the <code>j</code>-th
221 element of the <code>i</code>-th row.</td>
222 </tr>
223 <tr>
224 <td><code>void erase (size_type i, size_type j)</code></td>
225 <td>Erases the value at the <code>j</code>-th elemenst of the
226 <code>i</code>-th row.</td>
227 </tr>
228 <tr>
229 <td><code>void clear ()</code></td>
230 <td>Clears the matrix.</td>
231 </tr>
232 <tr>
233 <td><code>const_iterator1 begin1 () const</code></td>
234 <td>Returns a <code>const_iterator1</code> pointing to the
235 beginning of the <code>hermitian_matrix</code>.</td>
236 </tr>
237 <tr>
238 <td><code>const_iterator1 end1 () const</code></td>
239 <td>Returns a <code>const_iterator1</code> pointing to the end of
240 the <code>hermitian_matrix</code>.</td>
241 </tr>
242 <tr>
243 <td><code>iterator1 begin1 ()</code></td>
244 <td>Returns a <code>iterator1</code> pointing to the beginning of
245 the <code>hermitian_matrix</code>.</td>
246 </tr>
247 <tr>
248 <td><code>iterator1 end1 ()</code></td>
249 <td>Returns a <code>iterator1</code> pointing to the end of the
250 <code>hermitian_matrix</code>.</td>
251 </tr>
252 <tr>
253 <td><code>const_iterator2 begin2 () const</code></td>
254 <td>Returns a <code>const_iterator2</code> pointing to the
255 beginning of the <code>hermitian_matrix</code>.</td>
256 </tr>
257 <tr>
258 <td><code>const_iterator2 end2 () const</code></td>
259 <td>Returns a <code>const_iterator2</code> pointing to the end of
260 the <code>hermitian_matrix</code>.</td>
261 </tr>
262 <tr>
263 <td><code>iterator2 begin2 ()</code></td>
264 <td>Returns a <code>iterator2</code> pointing to the beginning of
265 the <code>hermitian_matrix</code>.</td>
266 </tr>
267 <tr>
268 <td><code>iterator2 end2 ()</code></td>
269 <td>Returns a <code>iterator2</code> pointing to the end of the
270 <code>hermitian_matrix</code>.</td>
271 </tr>
272 <tr>
273 <td><code>const_reverse_iterator1 rbegin1 () const</code></td>
274 <td>Returns a <code>const_reverse_iterator1</code> pointing to the
275 beginning of the reversed <code>hermitian_matrix</code>.</td>
276 </tr>
277 <tr>
278 <td><code>const_reverse_iterator1 rend1 () const</code></td>
279 <td>Returns a <code>const_reverse_iterator1</code> pointing to the
280 end of the reversed <code>hermitian_matrix</code>.</td>
281 </tr>
282 <tr>
283 <td><code>reverse_iterator1 rbegin1 ()</code></td>
284 <td>Returns a <code>reverse_iterator1</code> pointing to the
285 beginning of the reversed <code>hermitian_matrix</code>.</td>
286 </tr>
287 <tr>
288 <td><code>reverse_iterator1 rend1 ()</code></td>
289 <td>Returns a <code>reverse_iterator1</code> pointing to the end of
290 the reversed <code>hermitian_matrix</code>.</td>
291 </tr>
292 <tr>
293 <td><code>const_reverse_iterator2 rbegin2 () const</code></td>
294 <td>Returns a <code>const_reverse_iterator2</code> pointing to the
295 beginning of the reversed <code>hermitian_matrix</code>.</td>
296 </tr>
297 <tr>
298 <td><code>const_reverse_iterator2 rend2 () const</code></td>
299 <td>Returns a <code>const_reverse_iterator2</code> pointing to the
300 end of the reversed <code>hermitian_matrix</code>.</td>
301 </tr>
302 <tr>
303 <td><code>reverse_iterator2 rbegin2 ()</code></td>
304 <td>Returns a <code>reverse_iterator2</code> pointing to the
305 beginning of the reversed <code>hermitian_matrix</code>.</td>
306 </tr>
307 <tr>
308 <td><code>reverse_iterator2 rend2 ()</code></td>
309 <td>Returns a <code>reverse_iterator2</code> pointing to the end of
310 the reversed <code>hermitian_matrix</code>.</td>
311 </tr>
312 </tbody>
313 </table>
314 <h4>Notes</h4>
315 <p><a name="hermitian_matrix_1" id="hermitian_matrix_1">[1]</a>
316 Supported parameters for the type of the hermitian matrix are
317 <code>lower</code> and <code>upper</code>.</p>
318 <p><a name="hermitian_matrix_2" id="hermitian_matrix_2">[2]</a>
319 Supported parameters for the storage organization are
320 <code>row_major</code> and <code>column_major</code>.</p>
321 <p><a name="hermitian_matrix_3" id="hermitian_matrix_3">[3]</a>
322 Supported parameters for the adapted array are
323 <code>unbounded_array&lt;T&gt;</code> ,
324 <code>bounded_array&lt;T&gt;</code> and
325 <code>std::vector&lt;T&gt;</code> .</p>
326 <h2><a name="hermitian_adaptor"></a>Hermitian Adaptor</h2>
327 <h4>Description</h4>
328 <p>The templated class <code>hermitian_adaptor&lt;M, F&gt;</code>
329 is a hermitian matrix adaptor for other matrices.</p>
330 <h4>Example</h4>
331 <pre>
332 #include &lt;boost/numeric/ublas/hermitian.hpp&gt;
333 #include &lt;boost/numeric/ublas/io.hpp&gt;
335 int main () {
336 using namespace boost::numeric::ublas;
337 matrix&lt;std::complex&lt;double&gt; &gt; m (3, 3);
338 hermitian_adaptor&lt;matrix&lt;std::complex&lt;double&gt; &gt;, lower&gt; hal (m);
339 for (unsigned i = 0; i &lt; hal.size1 (); ++ i) {
340 for (unsigned j = 0; j &lt; i; ++ j)
341 hal (i, j) = std::complex&lt;double&gt; (3 * i + j, 3 * i + j);
342 hal (i, i) = std::complex&lt;double&gt; (4 * i, 0);
343 }
344 std::cout &lt;&lt; hal &lt;&lt; std::endl;
345 hermitian_adaptor&lt;matrix&lt;std::complex&lt;double&gt; &gt;, upper&gt; hau (m);
346 for (unsigned i = 0; i &lt; hau.size1 (); ++ i) {
347 hau (i, i) = std::complex&lt;double&gt; (4 * i, 0);
348 for (unsigned j = i + 1; j &lt; hau.size2 (); ++ j)
349 hau (i, j) = std::complex&lt;double&gt; (3 * i + j, 3 * i + j);
350 }
351 std::cout &lt;&lt; hau &lt;&lt; std::endl;
352 }
353 </pre>
354 <h4>Definition</h4>
355 <p>Defined in the header hermitian.hpp.</p>
356 <h4>Template parameters</h4>
357 <table border="1" summary="parameters">
358 <tbody>
359 <tr>
360 <th>Parameter</th>
361 <th>Description</th>
362 <th>Default</th>
363 </tr>
364 <tr>
365 <td><code>M</code></td>
366 <td>The type of the adapted matrix.</td>
367 <td></td>
368 </tr>
369 <tr>
370 <td><code>F</code></td>
371 <td>Functor describing the type of the hermitian adaptor. <a href=
372 "#hermitian_adaptor_1">[1]</a></td>
373 <td><code>lower</code></td>
374 </tr>
375 </tbody>
376 </table>
377 <h4>Model of</h4>
378 <p><a href="expression_concept.html#matrix_expression">Matrix Expression</a>
379 .</p>
380 <h4>Type requirements</h4>
381 <p>None, except for those imposed by the requirements of <a href=
382 "expression_concept.html#matrix_expression">Matrix Expression</a> .</p>
383 <h4>Public base classes</h4>
384 <p><code>matrix_expression&lt;hermitian_adaptor&lt;M, F&gt;
385 &gt;</code></p>
386 <h4>Members</h4>
387 <table border="1" summary="members">
388 <tbody>
389 <tr>
390 <th>Member</th>
391 <th>Description</th>
392 </tr>
393 <tr>
394 <td><code>hermitian_adaptor (matrix_type &amp;data)</code></td>
395 <td>Constructs a <code>hermitian_adaptor</code> of a matrix.</td>
396 </tr>
397 <tr>
398 <td><code>hermitian_adaptor (const hermitian_adaptor
399 &amp;m)</code></td>
400 <td>The copy constructor.</td>
401 </tr>
402 <tr>
403 <td><code>template&lt;class AE&gt;<br />
404 hermitian_adaptor (const matrix_expression&lt;AE&gt;
405 &amp;ae)</code></td>
406 <td>The extended copy constructor.</td>
407 </tr>
408 <tr>
409 <td><code>size_type size1 () const</code></td>
410 <td>Returns the number of rows.</td>
411 </tr>
412 <tr>
413 <td><code>size_type size2 () const</code></td>
414 <td>Returns the number of columns.</td>
415 </tr>
416 <tr>
417 <td><code>const_reference operator () (size_type i, size_type j)
418 const</code></td>
419 <td>Returns a <code>const</code> reference of the <code>j</code>
420 -th element in the <code>i</code>-th row.</td>
421 </tr>
422 <tr>
423 <td><code>reference operator () (size_type i, size_type
424 j)</code></td>
425 <td>Returns a reference of the <code>j</code>-th element in the
426 <code>i</code>-th row.</td>
427 </tr>
428 <tr>
429 <td><code>hermitian_adaptor &amp;operator = (const
430 hermitian_adaptor &amp;m)</code></td>
431 <td>The assignment operator.</td>
432 </tr>
433 <tr>
434 <td><code>hermitian_adaptor &amp;assign_temporary
435 (hermitian_adaptor &amp;m)</code></td>
436 <td>Assigns a temporary. May change the hermitian adaptor
437 <code>m</code>.</td>
438 </tr>
439 <tr>
440 <td><code>template&lt;class AE&gt;<br />
441 hermitian_adaptor &amp;operator = (const
442 matrix_expression&lt;AE&gt; &amp;ae)</code></td>
443 <td>The extended assignment operator.</td>
444 </tr>
445 <tr>
446 <td><code>template&lt;class AE&gt;<br />
447 hermitian_adaptor &amp;assign (const matrix_expression&lt;AE&gt;
448 &amp;ae)</code></td>
449 <td>Assigns a matrix expression to the hermitian adaptor. Left and
450 right hand side of the assignment should be independent.</td>
451 </tr>
452 <tr>
453 <td><code>template&lt;class AE&gt;<br />
454 hermitian_adaptor &amp;operator += (const
455 matrix_expression&lt;AE&gt; &amp;ae)</code></td>
456 <td>A computed assignment operator. Adds the matrix expression to
457 the hermitian adaptor.</td>
458 </tr>
459 <tr>
460 <td><code>template&lt;class AE&gt;<br />
461 hermitian_adaptor &amp;plus_assign (const
462 matrix_expression&lt;AE&gt; &amp;ae)</code></td>
463 <td>Adds a matrix expression to the hermitian adaptor. Left and
464 right hand side of the assignment should be independent.</td>
465 </tr>
466 <tr>
467 <td><code>template&lt;class AE&gt;<br />
468 hermitian_adaptor &amp;operator -= (const
469 matrix_expression&lt;AE&gt; &amp;ae)</code></td>
470 <td>A computed assignment operator. Subtracts the matrix expression
471 from the hermitian adaptor.</td>
472 </tr>
473 <tr>
474 <td><code>template&lt;class AE&gt;<br />
475 hermitian_adaptor &amp;minus_assign (const
476 matrix_expression&lt;AE&gt; &amp;ae)</code></td>
477 <td>Subtracts a matrix expression from the hermitian adaptor. Left
478 and right hand side of the assignment should be independent.</td>
479 </tr>
480 <tr>
481 <td><code>template&lt;class AT&gt;<br />
482 hermitian_adaptor &amp;operator *= (const AT &amp;at)</code></td>
483 <td>A computed assignment operator. Multiplies the hermitian
484 adaptor with a scalar.</td>
485 </tr>
486 <tr>
487 <td><code>template&lt;class AT&gt;<br />
488 hermitian_adaptor &amp;operator /= (const AT &amp;at)</code></td>
489 <td>A computed assignment operator. Divides the hermitian adaptor
490 through a scalar.</td>
491 </tr>
492 <tr>
493 <td><code>void swap (hermitian_adaptor &amp;m)</code></td>
494 <td>Swaps the contents of the hermitian adaptors.</td>
495 </tr>
496 <tr>
497 <td><code>const_iterator1 begin1 () const</code></td>
498 <td>Returns a <code>const_iterator1</code> pointing to the
499 beginning of the <code>hermitian_adaptor</code>.</td>
500 </tr>
501 <tr>
502 <td><code>const_iterator1 end1 () const</code></td>
503 <td>Returns a <code>const_iterator1</code> pointing to the end of
504 the <code>hermitian_adaptor</code>.</td>
505 </tr>
506 <tr>
507 <td><code>iterator1 begin1 ()</code></td>
508 <td>Returns a <code>iterator1</code> pointing to the beginning of
509 the <code>hermitian_adaptor</code>.</td>
510 </tr>
511 <tr>
512 <td><code>iterator1 end1 ()</code></td>
513 <td>Returns a <code>iterator1</code> pointing to the end of the
514 <code>hermitian_adaptor</code>.</td>
515 </tr>
516 <tr>
517 <td><code>const_iterator2 begin2 () const</code></td>
518 <td>Returns a <code>const_iterator2</code> pointing to the
519 beginning of the <code>hermitian_adaptor</code>.</td>
520 </tr>
521 <tr>
522 <td><code>const_iterator2 end2 () const</code></td>
523 <td>Returns a <code>const_iterator2</code> pointing to the end of
524 the <code>hermitian_adaptor</code>.</td>
525 </tr>
526 <tr>
527 <td><code>iterator2 begin2 ()</code></td>
528 <td>Returns a <code>iterator2</code> pointing to the beginning of
529 the <code>hermitian_adaptor</code>.</td>
530 </tr>
531 <tr>
532 <td><code>iterator2 end2 ()</code></td>
533 <td>Returns a <code>iterator2</code> pointing to the end of the
534 <code>hermitian_adaptor</code>.</td>
535 </tr>
536 <tr>
537 <td><code>const_reverse_iterator1 rbegin1 () const</code></td>
538 <td>Returns a <code>const_reverse_iterator1</code> pointing to the
539 beginning of the reversed <code>hermitian_adaptor</code>.</td>
540 </tr>
541 <tr>
542 <td><code>const_reverse_iterator1 rend1 () const</code></td>
543 <td>Returns a <code>const_reverse_iterator1</code> pointing to the
544 end of the reversed <code>hermitian_adaptor</code>.</td>
545 </tr>
546 <tr>
547 <td><code>reverse_iterator1 rbegin1 ()</code></td>
548 <td>Returns a <code>reverse_iterator1</code> pointing to the
549 beginning of the reversed <code>hermitian_adaptor</code>.</td>
550 </tr>
551 <tr>
552 <td><code>reverse_iterator1 rend1 ()</code></td>
553 <td>Returns a <code>reverse_iterator1</code> pointing to the end of
554 the reversed <code>hermitian_adaptor</code>.</td>
555 </tr>
556 <tr>
557 <td><code>const_reverse_iterator2 rbegin2 () const</code></td>
558 <td>Returns a <code>const_reverse_iterator2</code> pointing to the
559 beginning of the reversed <code>hermitian_adaptor</code>.</td>
560 </tr>
561 <tr>
562 <td><code>const_reverse_iterator2 rend2 () const</code></td>
563 <td>Returns a <code>const_reverse_iterator2</code> pointing to the
564 end of the reversed <code>hermitian_adaptor</code>.</td>
565 </tr>
566 <tr>
567 <td><code>reverse_iterator2 rbegin2 ()</code></td>
568 <td>Returns a <code>reverse_iterator2</code> pointing to the
569 beginning of the reversed <code>hermitian_adaptor</code>.</td>
570 </tr>
571 <tr>
572 <td><code>reverse_iterator2 rend2 ()</code></td>
573 <td>Returns a <code>reverse_iterator2</code> pointing to the end of
574 the reversed <code>hermitian_adaptor</code>.</td>
575 </tr>
576 </tbody>
577 </table>
578 <h4>Notes</h4>
579 <p><a name="hermitian_adaptor_1" id="hermitian_adaptor_1">[1]</a>
580 Supported parameters for the type of the hermitian adaptor are
581 <code>lower</code> and <code>upper</code>.</p>
582 <hr />
583 <p>Copyright (&copy;) 2000-2002 Joerg Walter, Mathias Koch<br />
584 Use, modification and distribution are subject to the
585 Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
586 (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt
587 or copy at <a href="http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt">
588 http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt
589 </a>).
590 </p>
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