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13 <title>Iterator Concepts</title>
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16 <h1><img src="../../../../boost.png" align="middle" />Iterator Concepts</h1>
17 <div class="toc" id="toc"></div>
18 <p>An Iterator is a restricted pointer-like object pointing into a
19 vector or matrix container.</p>
20 <h2><a name="indexed_bidirectional_iterator"
21 ></a>Indexed Bidirectional Iterator</h2>
22 <h4>Description</h4>
23 <p>An Indexed Bidirectional Iterator is an iterator of a container
24 that can be dereferenced, incremented, decremented and carries
25 index information.</p>
26 <h4>Refinement of</h4>
27 <p>Assignable, Equality Comparable, Default Constructible.</p>
28 <h4>Associated types</h4>
29 <table border="1" summary="associated types">
30 <tbody>
31 <tr>
32 <td>Value type</td>
33 <td>The type of the value obtained by dereferencing a Indexed
34 Bidirectional Iterator</td>
35 </tr>
36 <tr>
37 <td>Container type</td>
38 <td>The type of the container a Indexed Bidirectional Iterator
39 points into.</td>
40 </tr>
41 </tbody>
42 </table>
43 <h4>Notation</h4>
44 <table border="0" summary="notation">
45 <tbody>
46 <tr>
47 <td><code>I</code></td>
48 <td>A type that is a model of Indexed Bidirectional Iterator</td>
49 </tr>
50 <tr>
51 <td><code>T</code></td>
52 <td>The value type of <code>I</code></td>
53 </tr>
54 <tr>
55 <td><code>C</code></td>
56 <td>The container type of <code>I</code></td>
57 </tr>
58 <tr>
59 <td><code>it</code>, <code>itt, it1</code>, <code>it2</code></td>
60 <td>Objects of type <code>I</code></td>
61 </tr>
62 <tr>
63 <td><code>t</code></td>
64 <td>Object of type <code>T</code></td>
65 </tr>
66 <tr>
67 <td><code>c</code></td>
68 <td>Object of type <code>C</code></td>
69 </tr>
70 </tbody>
71 </table>
72 <h4>Definitions</h4>
73 <p>A Indexed Bidirectional Iterator may be <i>mutable</i>, meaning
74 that the values referred to by objects of that type may be
75 modified, or <i>constant</i> , meaning that they may not. If an
76 iterator type is mutable, this implies that its value type is a
77 model of Assignable; the converse, though, is not necessarily
78 true.</p>
79 <p>A Indexed Bidirectional Iterator may have a <i>singular</i>
80 value, meaning that the results of most operations, including
81 comparison for equality, are undefined. The only operation that is
82 guaranteed to be supported is assigning a nonsingular iterator to a
83 singular iterator.</p>
84 <p>A Indexed Bidirectional Iterator may have a
85 <i>dereferenceable</i> value, meaning that dereferencing it yields
86 a well-defined value. Dereferenceable iterators are always
87 nonsingular, but the converse is not true.</p>
88 <p>An Indexed Bidirectional Iterator is <i>past-the-end</i> if it
89 points beyond the last element of a container. Past-the-end values
90 are nonsingular and nondereferenceable.</p>
91 <h4>Valid expressions</h4>
92 <p>In addition to the expressions defined for Assignable, Equality
93 Comparable and Default Constructible, the following expressions
94 must be valid.</p>
95 <table border="1" summary="expressions">
96 <tbody>
97 <tr>
98 <th>Name</th>
99 <th>Expression</th>
100 <th>Type requirements</th>
101 <th>Return type</th>
102 </tr>
103 <tr>
104 <td>Default constructor</td>
105 <td><code>I it</code></td>
106 <td>&nbsp;</td>
107 <td>&nbsp;</td>
108 </tr>
109 <tr>
110 <td>Dereference</td>
111 <td><code>*it</code></td>
112 <td>&nbsp;</td>
113 <td>Convertible to <code>T</code>.</td>
114 </tr>
115 <tr>
116 <td>Dereference assignment</td>
117 <td><code>*it = t</code></td>
118 <td><code>I</code> is mutable.</td>
119 <td>&nbsp;</td>
120 </tr>
121 <tr>
122 <td>Member access</td>
123 <td><code>it-&gt;m</code></td>
124 <td><code>T</code> is a type for which <code>t.m</code> is
125 defined.</td>
126 <td>&nbsp;</td>
127 </tr>
128 <tr>
129 <td>Preincrement</td>
130 <td><code>++ it</code></td>
131 <td>&nbsp;</td>
132 <td><code>I &amp;</code></td>
133 </tr>
134 <tr>
135 <td>Postincrement</td>
136 <td><code>it ++</code></td>
137 <td>&nbsp;</td>
138 <td><code>I</code></td>
139 </tr>
140 <tr>
141 <td>Predecrement</td>
142 <td><code>-- it</code></td>
143 <td>&nbsp;</td>
144 <td><code>I &amp;</code></td>
145 </tr>
146 <tr>
147 <td>Postdecrement</td>
148 <td><code>it --</code></td>
149 <td>&nbsp;</td>
150 <td><code>I</code></td>
151 </tr>
152 <tr>
153 <td>Index</td>
154 <td><code>it.index ()</code></td>
155 <td>&nbsp;</td>
156 <td><code>C::size_type</code></td>
157 </tr>
158 </tbody>
159 </table>
160 <h4>Expression Semantics</h4>
161 <p>Semantics of an expression is defined only where it differs
162 from, or is not defined in, Assignable, Equality Comparable and
163 Default Constructible.</p>
164 <table border="1" summary="semantics">
165 <tbody>
166 <tr>
167 <th>Name</th>
168 <th>Expression</th>
169 <th>Precondition</th>
170 <th>Semantics</th>
171 <th>Postcondition</th>
172 </tr>
173 <tr>
174 <td>Default constructor</td>
175 <td><code>I it</code></td>
176 <td>&nbsp;</td>
177 <td>&nbsp;</td>
178 <td><code>it</code> is singular.</td>
179 </tr>
180 <tr>
181 <td>Dereference</td>
182 <td><code>*it</code></td>
183 <td><code>it</code> is dereferenceable.</td>
184 <td>&nbsp;</td>
185 <td>&nbsp;</td>
186 </tr>
187 <tr>
188 <td>Dereference assignment</td>
189 <td><code>*it = t</code></td>
190 <td>Same as for <code>*it</code>.</td>
191 <td>&nbsp;</td>
192 <td><code>*it</code> is a copy of t.</td>
193 </tr>
194 <tr>
195 <td>Member access</td>
196 <td><code>it-&gt;m</code></td>
197 <td><code>it</code> is dereferenceable.</td>
198 <td>Equivalent to <code>(*it).m</code></td>
199 <td>&nbsp;</td>
200 </tr>
201 <tr>
202 <td>Preincrement</td>
203 <td><code>++ it</code></td>
204 <td><code>it</code> is dereferenceable.</td>
205 <td><code>it</code> is modified to point to the next element.</td>
206 <td><code>it</code> is dereferenceable or past-the-end.
207 <code><br />
208 &amp;it == &amp;++ it</code>.<br />
209 If <code>it1 == it2</code>,<br />
210 then <code>++ it1 == ++ it2</code>.</td>
211 </tr>
212 <tr>
213 <td>Postincrement</td>
214 <td><code>it ++</code></td>
215 <td>Same as for <code>++ it</code>.</td>
216 <td>Equivalent to<br />
217 <code>{<br />
218 &nbsp;I itt = it;<br />
219 &nbsp;++ it;<br />
220 &nbsp;return itt;<br />
221 }</code></td>
222 <td><code>it</code> is dereferenceable or past-the-end.</td>
223 </tr>
224 <tr>
225 <td>Predecrement</td>
226 <td><code>-- it</code></td>
227 <td><code>it</code> is dereferenceable or past-the-end.<br />
228 There exists a dereferenceable iterator <code>itt</code> such that
229 <code>it == ++ itt</code>.</td>
230 <td><code>it</code> is modified to point to the previous
231 element.</td>
232 <td><code>it</code> is dereferenceable.<br />
233 <code>&amp;it = &amp;-- it</code>.<br />
234 If <code>it1 == it2</code>,<br />
235 then <code>-- it1 == -- it2</code>.<br />
236 If <code>it2</code> is dereferenceable and <code>it1 ==
237 ++it2</code>,<br />
238 then <code>--it1 == it2</code>.</td>
239 </tr>
240 <tr>
241 <td>Postdecrement</td>
242 <td><code>it --</code></td>
243 <td>Same as for -- <code>it</code>.</td>
244 <td>Equivalent to<br />
245 <code>{<br />
246 &nbsp;I itt = it;<br />
247 &nbsp;-- it;<br />
248 &nbsp;return itt;<br />
249 }</code></td>
250 <td><code>it</code> is dereferenceable.&nbsp;</td>
251 </tr>
252 <tr>
253 <td>Index</td>
254 <td><code>it.index ()</code></td>
255 <td><code>it</code> is dereferenceable.</td>
256 <td><code>it.index () &gt;= 0</code><br />
257 and<br />
258 <code>it.index () &lt; it ().size ()</code></td>
259 <td>If <code>it1 == it2</code>,<br />
260 then <code>it1.index () == it2.index ()</code>.<br />
261 If <code>it1 == it2</code>,<br />
262 then <code>it1.index () &lt; (++ it2).index
263 ()</code>.<br />
264 If <code>it1 == it2</code>,<br />
265 then <code>it1.index () &gt; (-- it2).index
266 ()</code>.</td>
267 </tr>
268 </tbody>
269 </table>
270 <h4>Complexity guarantees</h4>
271 <p>The complexity of operations on indexed bidirectional iterators
272 is guaranteed to be amortized constant time.</p>
273 <h4>Invariants</h4>
274 <table border="1" summary="invariants">
275 <tbody>
276 <tr>
277 <td>Identity</td>
278 <td><code>it1 == it2</code> if and only if <code>&amp;*it1 ==
279 &amp;*it2</code>.</td>
280 </tr>
281 <tr>
282 <td>Symmetry of increment and decrement</td>
283 <td>If <code>it</code> is dereferenceable, then <code>++ it;
284 --it;</code> is a null operation. Similarly, <code>-- it; ++
285 it;</code> is a null operation.</td>
286 </tr>
287 <tr>
288 <td>Relation between iterator index and container element
289 operator</td>
290 <td>If <code>it</code> is dereferenceable, <code>*it == it ()
291 (it.index ())</code>.</td>
292 </tr>
293 </tbody>
294 </table>
295 <h4>Models</h4>
296 <ul>
297 <li><code>sparse_vector::iterator</code></li>
298 </ul>
299 <h2><a name="indexed_random_access_iterator"
300 ></a>Indexed Random Access Iterator</h2>
301 <h4>Description</h4>
302 <p>An Indexed Random Access Iterator is an iterator of a container
303 that can be dereferenced, moved forward, moved backward and carries
304 index information.</p>
305 <h4>Refinement of</h4>
306 <p>LessThanComparable, <a href=
307 "#indexed_bidirectional_iterator">Indexed Bidirectional
308 Iterator</a> .</p>
309 <h4>Associated types</h4>
310 <table border="1" summary="associated types">
311 <tbody>
312 <tr>
313 <td>Value type</td>
314 <td>The type of the value obtained by dereferencing a Indexed
315 Random Access Iterator</td>
316 </tr>
317 <tr>
318 <td>Container type</td>
319 <td>The type of the container a Indexed Random Access Iterator
320 points into.</td>
321 </tr>
322 </tbody>
323 </table>
324 <h4>Notation</h4>
325 <table border="0" summary="notation">
326 <tbody>
327 <tr>
328 <td><code>I</code></td>
329 <td>A type that is a model of Indexed Random Access Iterator</td>
330 </tr>
331 <tr>
332 <td><code>T</code></td>
333 <td>The value type of <code>I</code></td>
334 </tr>
335 <tr>
336 <td><code>C</code></td>
337 <td>The container type of <code>I</code></td>
338 </tr>
339 <tr>
340 <td><code>it</code>, <code>itt, it1</code>, <code>it2</code></td>
341 <td>Objects of type <code>I</code></td>
342 </tr>
343 <tr>
344 <td><code>t</code></td>
345 <td>Object of type <code>T</code></td>
346 </tr>
347 <tr>
348 <td><code>n</code></td>
349 <td>Object of type <code>C::difference_type</code></td>
350 </tr>
351 </tbody>
352 </table>
353 <h4>Definitions</h4>
354 <p>An Indexed Random Access Iterator <code>it1</code> is
355 <i>reachable</i> from an Indexed Random Access Iterator
356 <code>it2</code> if, after applying <code>operator ++</code> to
357 <code>it2</code> a finite number of times, <code>it1 ==
358 it2</code>.</p>
359 <h4>Valid expressions</h4>
360 <p>In addition to the expressions defined for <a href=
361 "#indexed_bidirectional_iterator">Indexed Bidirectional
362 Iterator</a> , the following expressions must be valid.</p>
363 <table border="1" summary="expressions">
364 <tbody>
365 <tr>
366 <th>Name</th>
367 <th>Expression</th>
368 <th>Type requirements</th>
369 <th>Return type</th>
370 </tr>
371 <tr>
372 <td>Forward motion</td>
373 <td><code>it += n</code></td>
374 <td>&nbsp;</td>
375 <td><code>I &amp;</code></td>
376 </tr>
377 <tr>
378 <td>Iterator addition</td>
379 <td><code>it + n</code></td>
380 <td>&nbsp;</td>
381 <td><code>I</code></td>
382 </tr>
383 <tr>
384 <td>Backward motion</td>
385 <td><code>i -= n</code></td>
386 <td>&nbsp;</td>
387 <td><code>I &amp;</code></td>
388 </tr>
389 <tr>
390 <td>Iterator subtraction</td>
391 <td><code>it - n</code></td>
392 <td>&nbsp;</td>
393 <td><code>I</code>&nbsp;</td>
394 </tr>
395 <tr>
396 <td>Difference</td>
397 <td><code>it1 - it2</code></td>
398 <td>&nbsp;</td>
399 <td><code>C::difference_type</code></td>
400 </tr>
401 <tr>
402 <td>Element operator</td>
403 <td><code>it [n]</code></td>
404 <td>&nbsp;</td>
405 <td>Convertible to <code>T</code>.</td>
406 </tr>
407 <tr>
408 <td>Element assignment</td>
409 <td><code>it [n] = t</code></td>
410 <td><code>I</code> is mutable</td>
411 <td>Convertible to <code>T</code>.</td>
412 </tr>
413 </tbody>
414 </table>
415 <h4>Expression Semantics</h4>
416 <p>Semantics of an expression is defined only where it differs
417 from, or is not defined in, <a href=
418 "#indexed_bidirectional_iterator">Indexed Bidirectional
419 Iterator</a> .</p>
420 <table border="1" summary="semantics">
421 <tbody>
422 <tr>
423 <th>Name</th>
424 <th>Expression</th>
425 <th>Precondition</th>
426 <th>Semantics</th>
427 <th>Postcondition</th>
428 </tr>
429 <tr>
430 <td>Forward motion</td>
431 <td><code>it += n</code></td>
432 <td>Including <code>it</code> itself, there must be <code>n</code>
433 dereferenceable or past-the-end iterators following or preceding
434 <code>it</code>, depending on whether <code>n</code> is positive or
435 negative.</td>
436 <td>If <code>n &gt; 0</code>, equivalent to executing <code>++
437 it</code> <code>n</code> times. If <code>n &lt; 0</code>,
438 equivalent to executing <code>-- it</code> <code>n</code> times. If
439 <code>n == 0</code>, this is a null operation.</td>
440 <td><code>it</code> is dereferenceable or past-the-end.</td>
441 </tr>
442 <tr>
443 <td>Iterator addition</td>
444 <td><code>it + n</code></td>
445 <td>Same as for <code>i += n</code>.</td>
446 <td>Equivalent to<br />
447 <code>{<br />
448 &nbsp;I itt = it;<br />
449 &nbsp;return itt += n;<br />
450 }</code></td>
451 <td>Result is dereferenceable or past-the-end.</td>
452 </tr>
453 <tr>
454 <td>Backward motion</td>
455 <td><code>it -= n</code></td>
456 <td>Including <code>it</code> itself, there must be <code>n</code>
457 dereferenceable or past-the-end iterators preceding or following
458 <code>it</code>, depending on whether <code>n</code> is positive or
459 negative.</td>
460 <td>Equivalent to <code>it += (-n)</code>.</td>
461 <td><code>it</code> is dereferenceable or past-the-end.</td>
462 </tr>
463 <tr>
464 <td>Iterator subtraction</td>
465 <td><code>it - n</code></td>
466 <td>Same as for <code>i -= n</code>.</td>
467 <td>Equivalent to<br />
468 <code>{<br />
469 &nbsp;I itt = it;<br />
470 &nbsp;return itt -= n;<br />
471 }</code></td>
472 <td>Result is dereferenceable or past-the-end.</td>
473 </tr>
474 <tr>
475 <td>Difference</td>
476 <td><code>it1 - it2</code></td>
477 <td>Either <code>it1</code> is reachable from <code>it2</code> or
478 <code>it2</code> is reachable from <code>it1</code>, or both.</td>
479 <td>Returns a number <code>n</code> such that <code>it1 == it2 +
480 n</code></td>
481 <td>&nbsp;</td>
482 </tr>
483 <tr>
484 <td>Element operator</td>
485 <td><code>it [n]</code></td>
486 <td><code>it + n</code> exists and is dereferenceable.</td>
487 <td>Equivalent to <code>*(it + n)</code></td>
488 <td>&nbsp;</td>
489 </tr>
490 <tr>
491 <td>Element assignment</td>
492 <td><code>i[n] = t</code></td>
493 <td>Same as for <code>it [n]</code>.</td>
494 <td>Equivalent to <code>*(it + n) = t</code></td>
495 <td>&nbsp;</td>
496 </tr>
497 </tbody>
498 </table>
499 <h4>Complexity guarantees</h4>
500 <p>The complexity of operations on indexed random access iterators
501 is guaranteed to be amortized constant time.</p>
502 <h4>Invariants</h4>
503 <table border="1" summary="invariants">
504 <tbody>
505 <tr>
506 <td>Symmetry of addition and subtraction</td>
507 <td>If <code>it + n</code> is well-defined, then <code>it += n; it
508 -= n;</code> and <code>(it + n) - n</code> are null operations.
509 Similarly, if <code>it - n</code> is well-defined, then <code>it -=
510 n; it += n;</code> and <code>(it - n) + n</code> are null
511 operations.</td>
512 </tr>
513 <tr>
514 <td>Relation between distance and addition</td>
515 <td>If <code>it1 - it2</code> is well-defined, then <code>it1 ==
516 it2 + (it1 - it2)</code>.</td>
517 </tr>
518 <tr>
519 <td>Reachability and distance</td>
520 <td>If <code>it1</code> is reachable from <code>it2</code>, then
521 <code>it1 - it2 &gt;= 0</code>.</td>
522 </tr>
523 </tbody>
524 </table>
525 <h4>Models</h4>
526 <ul>
527 <li><code>vector::iterator</code></li>
528 </ul>
529 <h2><a name="indexed_bidirectional_cr_iterator"
530 ></a>Indexed Bidirectional Column/Row Iterator</h2>
531 <h4>Description</h4>
532 <p>An Indexed Bidirectional Column/Row Iterator is an iterator of a
533 container that can be dereferenced, incremented, decremented and
534 carries index information.</p>
535 <h4>Refinement of</h4>
536 <p>Assignable, Equality Comparable, Default Constructible.</p>
537 <h4>Associated types</h4>
538 <table border="1" summary="associated types">
539 <tbody>
540 <tr>
541 <td>Value type</td>
542 <td>The type of the value obtained by dereferencing a Indexed
543 Bidirectional Column/Row Iterator</td>
544 </tr>
545 <tr>
546 <td>Container type</td>
547 <td>The type of the container a Indexed Bidirectional Column/Row
548 Iterator points into.</td>
549 </tr>
550 </tbody>
551 </table>
552 <h4>Notation</h4>
553 <table border="0" summary="notation">
554 <tbody>
555 <tr>
556 <td><code>I1</code></td>
557 <td>A type that is a model of Indexed Bidirectional Column/Row
558 Iterator</td>
559 </tr>
560 <tr>
561 <td><code>I2</code></td>
562 <td>A type that is a model of Indexed Bidirectional Row/Column
563 Iterator</td>
564 </tr>
565 <tr>
566 <td><code>T</code></td>
567 <td>The value type of <code>I1</code> and <code>I2</code></td>
568 </tr>
569 <tr>
570 <td><code>C</code></td>
571 <td>The container type of <code>I1</code> and <code>I2</code></td>
572 </tr>
573 <tr>
574 <td><code>it1</code>, <code>it1t, it11</code>,
575 <code>it12</code></td>
576 <td>Objects of type <code>I1</code></td>
577 </tr>
578 <tr>
579 <td><code>it2</code>, <code>it2t</code></td>
580 <td>Objects of type <code>I2</code></td>
581 </tr>
582 <tr>
583 <td><code>t</code></td>
584 <td>Object of type <code>T</code></td>
585 </tr>
586 <tr>
587 <td><code>c</code></td>
588 <td>Object of type <code>C</code></td>
589 </tr>
590 </tbody>
591 </table>
592 <h4>Definitions</h4>
593 <h4>Valid expressions</h4>
594 <p>In addition to the expressions defined for Assignable, Equality
595 Comparable and Default Constructible, the following expressions
596 must be valid.</p>
597 <table border="1" summary="expressions">
598 <tbody>
599 <tr>
600 <th>Name</th>
601 <th>Expression</th>
602 <th>Type requirements</th>
603 <th>Return type</th>
604 </tr>
605 <tr>
606 <td>Default constructor</td>
607 <td><code>I1 it</code></td>
608 <td>&nbsp;</td>
609 <td>&nbsp;</td>
610 </tr>
611 <tr>
612 <td>Dereference</td>
613 <td><code>*it</code></td>
614 <td>&nbsp;</td>
615 <td>Convertible to <code>T</code>.</td>
616 </tr>
617 <tr>
618 <td>Dereference assignment</td>
619 <td><code>*it = t</code></td>
620 <td><code>I1</code> is mutable.</td>
621 <td>&nbsp;</td>
622 </tr>
623 <tr>
624 <td>Member access</td>
625 <td><code>it-&gt;m</code></td>
626 <td><code>T</code> is a type for which <code>t.m</code> is
627 defined.</td>
628 <td>&nbsp;</td>
629 </tr>
630 <tr>
631 <td>Preincrement</td>
632 <td><code>++ it</code></td>
633 <td>&nbsp;</td>
634 <td><code>I1 &amp;</code></td>
635 </tr>
636 <tr>
637 <td>Postincrement</td>
638 <td><code>it ++</code></td>
639 <td>&nbsp;</td>
640 <td><code>I1</code></td>
641 </tr>
642 <tr>
643 <td>Predecrement</td>
644 <td><code>-- it</code></td>
645 <td>&nbsp;</td>
646 <td><code>I1 &amp;</code></td>
647 </tr>
648 <tr>
649 <td>Postdecrement</td>
650 <td><code>it --</code></td>
651 <td>&nbsp;</td>
652 <td><code>I1</code></td>
653 </tr>
654 <tr>
655 <td>Row Index</td>
656 <td><code>it.index1 ()</code></td>
657 <td>&nbsp;</td>
658 <td><code>C::size_type</code></td>
659 </tr>
660 <tr>
661 <td>Column Index</td>
662 <td><code>it.index2 ()</code></td>
663 <td>&nbsp;</td>
664 <td><code>C::size_type</code></td>
665 </tr>
666 <tr>
667 <td>Row/Column Begin</td>
668 <td><code>it.begin ()</code></td>
669 <td>&nbsp;</td>
670 <td><code>I2</code></td>
671 </tr>
672 <tr>
673 <td>Row/Column End</td>
674 <td><code>it.end ()</code></td>
675 <td>&nbsp;</td>
676 <td><code>I2</code></td>
677 </tr>
678 <tr>
679 <td>Reverse Row/Column Begin</td>
680 <td><code>it.rbegin ()</code></td>
681 <td>&nbsp;</td>
682 <td><code>reverse_iterator&lt;I2&gt;</code></td>
683 </tr>
684 <tr>
685 <td>Reverse Row/Column End</td>
686 <td><code>it.rend ()</code></td>
687 <td>&nbsp;</td>
688 <td><code>reverse_iterator&lt;I2&gt;</code></td>
689 </tr>
690 </tbody>
691 </table>
692 <h4>Expression Semantics</h4>
693 <p>Semantics of an expression is defined only where it differs
694 from, or is not defined in, Assignable, Equality Comparable and
695 Default Constructible.</p>
696 <table border="1" summary="semantics">
697 <tbody>
698 <tr>
699 <th>Name</th>
700 <th>Expression</th>
701 <th>Precondition</th>
702 <th>Semantics</th>
703 <th>Postcondition</th>
704 </tr>
705 <tr>
706 <td>Default constructor</td>
707 <td><code>I1 it</code></td>
708 <td>&nbsp;</td>
709 <td>&nbsp;</td>
710 <td><code>it</code> is singular.</td>
711 </tr>
712 <tr>
713 <td>Dereference</td>
714 <td><code>*it</code></td>
715 <td><code>it</code> is dereferenceable.</td>
716 <td>&nbsp;</td>
717 <td>&nbsp;</td>
718 </tr>
719 <tr>
720 <td>Dereference assignment</td>
721 <td><code>*it = t</code></td>
722 <td>Same as for <code>*it</code>.</td>
723 <td>&nbsp;</td>
724 <td><code>*it</code> is a copy of t.</td>
725 </tr>
726 <tr>
727 <td>Member access</td>
728 <td><code>it-&gt;m</code></td>
729 <td><code>it</code> is dereferenceable.</td>
730 <td>Equivalent to <code>(*it).m</code></td>
731 <td>&nbsp;</td>
732 </tr>
733 <tr>
734 <td>Preincrement</td>
735 <td><code>++ it</code></td>
736 <td><code>it</code> is dereferenceable.</td>
737 <td><code>it</code> is modified to point to the next element of
738 the column/row, i.e. for column iterators holds<br />
739 <code>it.index1 () &lt; (++ it).index1 ()</code> and<br />
740 <code>it.index2 () == (++ it).index2 ()</code>,<br />
741 for row iterators holds<br />
742 <code>it.index1 () == (++ it).index1 ()</code> and<br />
743 <code>it.index2 () &lt; (++ it).index2 ()</code>.<br /></td>
744 <td><code>it</code> is dereferenceable or past-the-end.
745 <code><br />
746 &amp;it == &amp;++ it</code>.<br />
747 If <code>it1 == it2</code>,<br />
748 then <code>++ it1 == ++ it2</code>.</td>
749 </tr>
750 <tr>
751 <td>Postincrement</td>
752 <td><code>it ++</code></td>
753 <td>Same as for <code>++ it</code>.</td>
754 <td>Equivalent to<br />
755 <code>{<br />
756 &nbsp;I1 itt = it;<br />
757 &nbsp;++ it;<br />
758 &nbsp;return itt;<br />
759 }</code></td>
760 <td><code>it</code> is dereferenceable or past-the-end.</td>
761 </tr>
762 <tr>
763 <td>Predecrement</td>
764 <td><code>-- it</code></td>
765 <td><code>it</code> is dereferenceable or past-the-end.<br />
766 There exists a dereferenceable iterator <code>itt</code> such that
767 <code>it == ++ itt</code>.</td>
768 <td><code>it</code> is modified to point to the previous&nbsp;
769 element of the column/row, i.e. for column iterators holds<br />
770 <code>it.index1 () &gt; (-- it).index1 ()</code> and<br />
771 <code>it.index2 () == (-- it).index2 ()</code>,<br />
772 for row iterators holds<br />
773 <code>it.index1 () == (-- it).index1 ()</code> and<br />
774 <code>it.index2 () &gt; (-- it).index2 ()</code>.</td>
775 <td><code>it</code> is dereferenceable.<br />
776 <code>&amp;it = &amp;-- it</code>.<br />
777 If <code>it1 == it2</code>,<br />
778 then <code>-- it1 == -- it2</code>.</td>
779 </tr>
780 <tr>
781 <td>Postdecrement</td>
782 <td><code>it --</code></td>
783 <td>Same as for -- <code>it</code>.</td>
784 <td>Equivalent to<br />
785 <code>{<br />
786 &nbsp;I1 itt = it;<br />
787 &nbsp;-- it;<br />
788 &nbsp;return itt;<br />
789 }</code></td>
790 <td><code>it</code> is dereferenceable.&nbsp;</td>
791 </tr>
792 <tr>
793 <td>Row Index</td>
794 <td><code>it.index1 ()</code></td>
795 <td>If <code>it</code> is a Row iterator then <code>it</code> must be dereferenceable.</td>
796 <td><code>it.index1 () &gt;= 0</code> and<br />
797 <code>it.index1 () &lt; it () .size1 ()</code></td>
798 <td>If <code>it1 == it2</code>,<br />
799 then <code>it1.index1 () == 12.index1 ()</code>.<br />
800 If <code>it1</code>, <code>it2</code> are Row Iterators with <code>it1 == it2</code>,<br />
801 then <code>it1.index1 () &lt; (++ it2</code>).<code>index1 ()</code>.<br />
802 and <code>it1.index1 () &gt; (-- it2</code>).<code>index1 ()</code>.</td>
803 </tr>
804 <tr>
805 <td>Column Index</td>
806 <td><code>it.index2 ()</code></td>
807 <td>If <code>it</code> is a Column iterator then <code>it</code> must be dereferenceable.</td>
808 <td><code>it.index2 () &gt;= 0</code> and<br />
809 <code>it.index2 () &lt; it () .size2 ()</code></td>
810 <td>If <code>it1 == it2</code>,<br />
811 then <code>it1.index2 () == it2</code>.<code>index2 ()</code>
812 .<br />
813 If <code>it1</code>, <code>it2</code> are Column Iterators with <code>it1 == i12</code>,<br />
814 then <code>it1.index2 () &lt; (++ it2</code>).<code>index2 ()</code>.<br />
815 end <code>it1.index2 () &gt; (-- it2</code>).<code>index2 ()</code>.</td>
816 </tr>
817 <tr>
818 <td>Row/Column Begin</td>
819 <td><code>it.begin ()</code></td>
820 <td><code>it</code> is dereferenceable.</td>
821 <td>If <code>it</code> is a Column Iterator,<br />
822 then <code>it2 = it.begin ()</code> is a Row Iterator<br />
823 with <code>it2.index1 () == it.index1 ()</code>.
824 <p>If <code>it</code> is a Row Iterator,<br />
825 then <code>it2 = it.begin ()</code> is a Column Iterator<br />
826 with <code>it2.index2 () == it.index2 ()</code>.</p>
827 </td>
828 <td>&nbsp;</td>
829 </tr>
830 <tr>
831 <td>Row/Column End</td>
832 <td><code>it.end ()</code></td>
833 <td><code>it</code> is dereferenceable.</td>
834 <td>If <code>it</code> is a Column Iterator,<br />
835 then <code>it2 = it.end ()</code> is a Row Iterator<br />
836 with <code>it2.index1 () == it.index1 ()</code>.
837 <p>If <code>it</code> is a Row Iterator,<br />
838 then <code>it2 = it.end ()</code> is a Column Iterator<br />
839 with <code>it2.index2 () == it.index2 ()</code>.</p>
840 </td>
841 <td>&nbsp;</td>
842 </tr>
843 <tr>
844 <td>Reverse Row/Column Begin</td>
845 <td><code>it.rbegin ()</code></td>
846 <td><code>it</code> is dereferenceable.</td>
847 <td>Equivalent to <code>reverse_iterator&lt;I2&gt; (it.end
848 ())</code>.</td>
849 <td>&nbsp;</td>
850 </tr>
851 <tr>
852 <td>Reverse Row/Column End</td>
853 <td><code>it.rend ()</code></td>
854 <td><code>it</code> is dereferenceable.</td>
855 <td>Equivalent to <code>reverse_iterator&lt;I2&gt; (it.begin
856 ())</code>.</td>
857 <td>&nbsp;</td>
858 </tr>
859 </tbody>
860 </table>
861 <h4>Complexity guarantees</h4>
862 <p>The complexity of operations on indexed bidirectional column/row
863 iterators is guaranteed to be logarithmic depending on the size of
864 the container. The complexity of one iterator (depending on the
865 storage layout) can be lifted to be amortized constant time. The
866 complexity of the other iterator (depending on the storage layout
867 and the container) can be lifted to be amortized constant time for
868 the first row/first column respectively.</p>
869 <h4>Invariants</h4>
870 <table border="1" summary="invariants">
871 <tbody>
872 <tr>
873 <td>Identity</td>
874 <td><code>it1 == it2</code> if and only if <code>&amp;*it1 ==
875 &amp;*it2</code>.</td>
876 </tr>
877 <tr>
878 <td>Symmetry of increment and decrement</td>
879 <td>If <code>it</code> is dereferenceable, then <code>++ it;
880 --it;</code> is a null operation. Similarly, <code>-- it; ++
881 it;</code> is a null operation.</td>
882 </tr>
883 <tr>
884 <td>Relation between iterator index and container element
885 operator</td>
886 <td>If <code>it</code> is dereferenceable, <code>*it == it ()
887 (it.index1 (), it.index2 ())</code></td>
888 </tr>
889 <tr>
890 <td>Relation between iterator column/row begin and iterator
891 index</td>
892 <td>If <code>it</code> is a Column Iterator
893 and <code>it2 = it.begin ()</code> then <code>it2.index2 () &lt;
894 it2t.index2 ()</code> for all <code>it2t</code> with <code>it2t ()
895 == it2 ()</code> and <code>it2t ().index1 () == it2 ().index1
896 ()</code>.
897 <p>If <code>it</code> is a Row Iterator and
898 <code>it2 = it.begin ()</code> then <code>it2.index1 () &lt;
899 it2t.index1 ()</code> for all <code>it2t</code> with <code>it2t ()
900 == it2 ()</code> and <code>it2t ().index2 () == it2 ().index2
901 ()</code>.</p>
902 </td>
903 </tr>
904 <tr>
905 <td>Relation between iterator column/row end and iterator
906 index</td>
907 <td>If <code>it</code> is a Column Iterator
908 and <code>it2 = it.end ()</code> then <code>it2.index2 () &gt;
909 it2t.index2 ()</code> for all <code>it2t</code> with <code>it2t ()
910 == it2 ()</code> and <code>it2t ().index1 () == it2 ().index1
911 ()</code>.
912 <p>If <code>it</code> is a Row Iterator and
913 <code>it2 = it.end ()</code> then <code>it2.index1 () &gt;
914 it2t.index1 ()</code> for all <code>it2t</code> with <code>it2t ()
915 == it2 ()</code> and <code>it2t ().index2 () == it2 ().index2
916 ()</code>.</p>
917 </td>
918 </tr>
919 </tbody>
920 </table>
921 <h4>Models</h4>
922 <ul>
923 <li><code>sparse_matrix::iterator1</code></li>
924 <li><code>sparse_matrix::iterator2</code></li>
925 </ul>
926 <h2><a name="indexed_random_access_cr_iterator"
927 ></a>Indexed Random Access Column/Row Iterator</h2>
928 <h4>Description</h4>
929 <p>An Indexed Random Access Column/Row Iterator is an iterator of a
930 container that can be dereferenced, incremented, decremented and
931 carries index information.</p>
932 <h4>Refinement of</h4>
933 <p><a href="#indexed_bidirectional_cr_iterator">Indexed
934 Bidirectional Column/Row Iterator</a> .</p>
935 <h4>Associated types</h4>
936 <table border="1" summary="associated types">
937 <tbody>
938 <tr>
939 <td>Value type</td>
940 <td>The type of the value obtained by dereferencing a Indexed
941 Random Access Column/Row Iterator</td>
942 </tr>
943 <tr>
944 <td>Container type</td>
945 <td>The type of the container a Indexed Random Access Column/Row
946 Iterator points into.</td>
947 </tr>
948 </tbody>
949 </table>
950 <h4>Notation</h4>
951 <table border="0" summary="notation">
952 <tbody>
953 <tr>
954 <td><code>I</code></td>
955 <td>A type that is a model of Indexed Random Access Column/Row
956 Iterator</td>
957 </tr>
958 <tr>
959 <td><code>T</code></td>
960 <td>The value type of <code>I</code></td>
961 </tr>
962 <tr>
963 <td><code>C</code></td>
964 <td>The container type of <code>I</code></td>
965 </tr>
966 <tr>
967 <td><code>it</code>, <code>itt, it1</code>, <code>it2</code></td>
968 <td>Objects of type <code>I</code></td>
969 </tr>
970 <tr>
971 <td><code>t</code></td>
972 <td>Object of type <code>T</code></td>
973 </tr>
974 <tr>
975 <td><code>c</code></td>
976 <td>Object of type <code>C</code></td>
977 </tr>
978 </tbody>
979 </table>
980 <h4>Definitions</h4>
981 <h4>Valid expressions</h4>
982 <p>In addition to the expressions defined for <a href=
983 "#indexed_bidirectional_cr_iterator">Indexed Bidirectional
984 Column/Row Iterator</a> , the following expressions must be
985 valid.</p>
986 <table border="1" summary="expressions">
987 <tbody>
988 <tr>
989 <th>Name</th>
990 <th>Expression</th>
991 <th>Type requirements</th>
992 <th>Return type</th>
993 </tr>
994 <tr>
995 <td>Forward motion</td>
996 <td><code>it += n</code></td>
997 <td>&nbsp;</td>
998 <td><code>I &amp;</code></td>
999 </tr>
1000 <tr>
1001 <td>Iterator addition</td>
1002 <td><code>it + n</code></td>
1003 <td>&nbsp;</td>
1004 <td><code>I</code></td>
1005 </tr>
1006 <tr>
1007 <td>Backward motion</td>
1008 <td><code>i -= n</code></td>
1009 <td>&nbsp;</td>
1010 <td><code>I &amp;</code></td>
1011 </tr>
1012 <tr>
1013 <td>Iterator subtraction</td>
1014 <td><code>it - n</code></td>
1015 <td>&nbsp;</td>
1016 <td><code>I</code>&nbsp;</td>
1017 </tr>
1018 <tr>
1019 <td>Difference</td>
1020 <td><code>it1 - it2</code></td>
1021 <td>&nbsp;</td>
1022 <td><code>C::difference_type</code></td>
1023 </tr>
1024 <tr>
1025 <td>Element operator</td>
1026 <td><code>it [n]</code></td>
1027 <td>&nbsp;</td>
1028 <td>Convertible to <code>T</code>.</td>
1029 </tr>
1030 <tr>
1031 <td>Element assignment</td>
1032 <td><code>it [n] = t</code></td>
1033 <td><code>I</code> is mutable</td>
1034 <td>Convertible to <code>T</code>.</td>
1035 </tr>
1036 </tbody>
1037 </table>
1038 <h4>Expression Semantics</h4>
1039 <p>Semantics of an expression is defined only where it differs
1040 from, or is not defined in, <a href=
1041 "#indexed_bidirectional_cr_iterator">Indexed Bidirectional
1042 Column/Row Iterator</a> .</p>
1043 <table border="1" summary="semantics">
1044 <tbody>
1045 <tr>
1046 <th>Name</th>
1047 <th>Expression</th>
1048 <th>Precondition</th>
1049 <th>Semantics</th>
1050 <th>Postcondition</th>
1051 </tr>
1052 <tr>
1053 <td>Forward motion</td>
1054 <td><code>it += n</code></td>
1055 <td>Including <code>it</code> itself, there must be <code>n</code>
1056 dereferenceable or past-the-end iterators following or preceding
1057 <code>it</code>, depending on whether <code>n</code> is positive or
1058 negative.</td>
1059 <td>If <code>n &gt; 0</code>, equivalent to executing <code>++
1060 it</code> <code>n</code> times. If <code>n &lt; 0</code>,
1061 equivalent to executing <code>-- it</code> <code>n</code> times. If
1062 <code>n == 0</code>, this is a null operation.</td>
1063 <td><code>it</code> is dereferenceable or past-the-end.</td>
1064 </tr>
1065 <tr>
1066 <td>Iterator addition</td>
1067 <td><code>it + n</code></td>
1068 <td>Same as for <code>i += n</code>.</td>
1069 <td>Equivalent to<br />
1070 <code>{<br />
1071 &nbsp;I itt = it;<br />
1072 &nbsp;return itt += n;<br />
1073 }</code></td>
1074 <td>Result is dereferenceable or past-the-end.</td>
1075 </tr>
1076 <tr>
1077 <td>Backward motion</td>
1078 <td><code>it -= n</code></td>
1079 <td>Including <code>it</code> itself, there must be <code>n</code>
1080 dereferenceable or past-the-end iterators preceding or following
1081 <code>it</code>, depending on whether <code>n</code> is positive or
1082 negative.</td>
1083 <td>Equivalent to <code>it += (-n)</code>.</td>
1084 <td><code>it</code> is dereferenceable or past-the-end.</td>
1085 </tr>
1086 <tr>
1087 <td>Iterator subtraction</td>
1088 <td><code>it - n</code></td>
1089 <td>Same as for <code>i -= n</code>.</td>
1090 <td>Equivalent to<br />
1091 <code>{<br />
1092 &nbsp;I itt = it;<br />
1093 &nbsp;return itt -= n;<br />
1094 }</code></td>
1095 <td>Result is dereferenceable or past-the-end.</td>
1096 </tr>
1097 <tr>
1098 <td>Difference</td>
1099 <td><code>it1 - it2</code></td>
1100 <td>Either <code>it1</code> is reachable from <code>it2</code> or
1101 <code>it2</code> is reachable from <code>it1</code>, or both.</td>
1102 <td>Returns a number <code>n</code> such that <code>it1 == it2 +
1103 n</code></td>
1104 <td>&nbsp;</td>
1105 </tr>
1106 <tr>
1107 <td>Element operator</td>
1108 <td><code>it [n]</code></td>
1109 <td><code>it + n</code> exists and is dereferenceable.</td>
1110 <td>Equivalent to <code>*(it + n)</code></td>
1111 <td>&nbsp;</td>
1112 </tr>
1113 <tr>
1114 <td>Element assignment</td>
1115 <td><code>i[n] = t</code></td>
1116 <td>Same as for <code>it [n]</code>.</td>
1117 <td>Equivalent to <code>*(it + n) = t</code></td>
1118 <td>&nbsp;</td>
1119 </tr>
1120 </tbody>
1121 </table>
1122 <h4>Complexity guarantees</h4>
1123 <p>The complexity of operations on indexed random access Column/Row
1124 iterators is guaranteed to be amortized constant time.</p>
1125 <h4>Invariants</h4>
1126 <table border="1" summary="invariants">
1127 <tbody>
1128 <tr>
1129 <td>Symmetry of addition and subtraction</td>
1130 <td>If <code>it + n</code> is well-defined, then <code>it += n; it
1131 -= n;</code> and <code>(it + n) - n</code> are null operations.
1132 Similarly, if <code>it - n</code> is well-defined, then <code>it -=
1133 n; it += n;</code> and <code>(it - n) + n</code> are null
1134 operations.</td>
1135 </tr>
1136 <tr>
1137 <td>Relation between distance and addition</td>
1138 <td>If <code>it1 - it2</code> is well-defined, then <code>it1 ==
1139 it2 + (it1 - it2)</code>.</td>
1140 </tr>
1141 <tr>
1142 <td>Reachability and distance</td>
1143 <td>If <code>it1</code> is reachable from <code>it2</code>, then
1144 <code>it1 - it2 &gt;= 0</code>.</td>
1145 </tr>
1146 </tbody>
1147 </table>
1148 <h4>Models</h4>
1149 <ul>
1150 <li><code>matrix::iterator1</code></li>
1151 <li><code>matrix::iterator2</code></li>
1152 </ul>
1153 <hr />
1154 <p>Copyright (&copy;) 2000-2002 Joerg Walter, Mathias Koch<br />
1155 Use, modification and distribution are subject to the
1156 Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
1157 (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt
1158 or copy at <a href="http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt">
1159 http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt
1160 </a>).
1161 </p>
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1164 $('#toc').toc();
1165 })(jQuery);
1166 </script>
1167 </body>
1168 </html>