]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/src/boost/libs/proto/doc/reference/debug.xml
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[ceph.git] / ceph / src / boost / libs / proto / doc / reference / debug.xml
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
2 <!--
3 Copyright 2012 Eric Niebler
5 Distributed under the Boost
6 Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
7 file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
8 -->
9 <header name="boost/proto/debug.hpp">
10 <para>Utilities for debugging Proto expression trees </para>
11 <namespace name="boost">
12 <namespace name="proto">
13 <namespace name="functional">
15 <!-- proto::functional::display_expr -->
16 <struct name="display_expr">
17 <purpose>Pretty-print a Proto expression tree. </purpose>
18 <description>
19 <para>
20 A <conceptname>PolymorphicFunctionObject</conceptname> which accepts a Proto expression tree and pretty-prints it to an <computeroutput>ostream</computeroutput> for debugging purposes.
21 </para>
22 </description>
24 <typedef name="result_type">
25 <type>void</type>
26 </typedef>
28 <method-group name="public member functions">
29 <method name="operator()" cv="const">
30 <type>void</type>
31 <template>
32 <template-type-parameter name="Expr"/>
33 </template>
34 <parameter name="expr">
35 <paramtype>Expr const &amp;</paramtype>
36 </parameter>
37 </method>
38 </method-group>
40 <constructor>
41 <parameter name="sout"><paramtype>std::ostream &amp;</paramtype><default>std::cout</default>
42 <description>
43 <para>
44 The <computeroutput>ostream</computeroutput> to which the expression tree will be written.
45 </para>
46 </description>
47 </parameter>
48 <parameter name="depth">
49 <paramtype>int</paramtype>
50 <default>0</default>
51 <description>
52 <para>
53 The starting indentation depth for this node. Children nodes will be displayed at a starting depth of <computeroutput>depth+4</computeroutput>.
54 </para>
55 </description>
56 </parameter>
57 </constructor>
58 </struct>
60 </namespace>
62 <!-- proto::display_expr -->
63 <overloaded-function name="display_expr">
65 <signature>
66 <type>void</type>
67 <template>
68 <template-type-parameter name="Expr"/>
69 </template>
70 <parameter name="expr">
71 <paramtype>Expr const &amp;</paramtype>
72 <description>
73 <para>The Proto expression tree to pretty-print </para>
74 </description>
75 </parameter>
76 <parameter name="sout">
77 <paramtype>std::ostream &amp;</paramtype>
78 <description>
79 <para>
80 The <computeroutput>ostream</computeroutput> to which the output should be written. If not specified, defaults to <computeroutput>std::cout</computeroutput>.
81 </para>
82 </description>
83 </parameter>
84 </signature>
86 <signature>
87 <type>void</type>
88 <template>
89 <template-type-parameter name="Expr"/>
90 </template>
91 <parameter name="expr">
92 <paramtype>Expr const &amp;</paramtype>
93 </parameter>
94 </signature>
95 <purpose>Pretty-print a Proto expression tree. </purpose>
96 <notes>
97 <para>
98 Equivalent to <computeroutput><classname alt="boost::proto::functional::display_expr">proto::functional::display_expr</classname>(0, sout)(expr)</computeroutput>.
99 </para>
100 </notes>
101 </overloaded-function>
103 <!-- proto::assert_matches -->
104 <function name="assert_matches">
105 <type>void</type>
106 <template>
107 <template-type-parameter name="Grammar"/>
108 <template-type-parameter name="Expr"/>
109 </template>
110 <parameter name="expr">
111 <paramtype>Expr const &amp;</paramtype>
112 <purpose>
113 The Proto expression to check againts <code>Grammar</code>.
114 </purpose>
115 </parameter>
116 <purpose>
117 Assert at compile time that a particular expression
118 matches the specified grammar.
119 </purpose>
120 <notes>
121 <para>
122 Equivalent to <code>BOOST_MPL_ASSERT((<classname alt="proto::matches">proto::matches</classname>&lt;Expr, Grammar&gt;))</code>.
123 </para>
124 </notes>
125 <description>
126 <para>
127 Use <code>proto::assert_matches()</code> to assert at compile-time that
128 an expression matches a grammar.
129 </para>
130 <para>
131 <emphasis role="bold">Example:</emphasis><programlisting>typedef proto::plus&lt; proto::terminal&lt; int &gt;, proto::terminal&lt; int &gt; &gt; PlusInts;
133 proto::assert_matches&lt;PlusInts&gt;( <functionname>proto::lit</functionname>(1) + 42 );</programlisting>
134 </para>
135 <para>
136 See also:
137 <itemizedlist>
138 <listitem>
139 <code><functionname>proto::assert_matches_not</functionname>()</code>
140 </listitem>
141 <listitem>
142 <code><macroname>BOOST_PROTO_ASSERT_MATCHES</macroname>()</code>
143 </listitem>
144 <listitem>
145 <code><macroname>BOOST_PROTO_ASSERT_MATCHES_NOT</macroname>()</code>
146 </listitem>
147 </itemizedlist>
148 </para>
149 </description>
150 </function>
152 <!-- proto::assert_matches_not -->
153 <function name="assert_matches_not">
154 <type>void</type>
155 <template>
156 <template-type-parameter name="Grammar"/>
157 <template-type-parameter name="Expr"/>
158 </template>
159 <parameter name="expr">
160 <paramtype>Expr const &amp;</paramtype>
161 <purpose>
162 The Proto expression to check againts <code>Grammar</code>.
163 </purpose>
164 </parameter>
165 <purpose>
166 Assert at compile time that a particular expression
167 does not match the specified grammar.
168 </purpose>
169 <notes>
170 <para>
171 Equivalent to <code>BOOST_MPL_ASSERT_NOT((<classname alt="proto::matches">proto::matches</classname>&lt;Expr, Grammar&gt;))</code>.
172 </para>
173 </notes>
174 <description>
175 <para>
176 Use <code>proto::assert_matches_not()</code> to assert at compile-time that
177 an expression does not match a grammar.
178 </para>
179 <para>
180 <emphasis role="bold">Example:</emphasis><programlisting>typedef proto::plus&lt; proto::terminal&lt; int &gt;, proto::terminal&lt; int &gt; &gt; PlusInts;
182 proto::assert_matches_not&lt;PlusInts&gt;( <functionname>proto::lit</functionname>("a string") + 42 );</programlisting>
183 </para>
184 <para>
185 See also:
186 <itemizedlist>
187 <listitem>
188 <code><functionname>proto::assert_matches</functionname>()</code>
189 </listitem>
190 <listitem>
191 <code><macroname>BOOST_PROTO_ASSERT_MATCHES</macroname>()</code>
192 </listitem>
193 <listitem>
194 <code><macroname>BOOST_PROTO_ASSERT_MATCHES_NOT</macroname>()</code>
195 </listitem>
196 </itemizedlist>
197 </para>
198 </description>
199 </function>
200 </namespace>
201 </namespace>
203 <macro name="BOOST_PROTO_ASSERT_MATCHES" kind="functionlike">
204 <macro-parameter name="expr"/>
205 <macro-parameter name="Grammar"/>
206 <purpose>
207 Assert at compile time that a particular expression
208 matches the specified grammar.
209 </purpose>
210 <notes>
211 <para>
212 Equivalent to <code><functionname alt="boost::proto::assert_matches">proto::assert_matches</functionname>&lt;Grammar&gt;(expr)</code>.
213 </para>
214 </notes>
215 <description>
216 <para>
217 Use <code>BOOST_PROTO_ASSERT_MATCHES()</code> to assert at compile-time that
218 an expression matches a grammar.
219 </para>
220 <para>
221 <emphasis role="bold">Example:</emphasis><programlisting>typedef <classname alt="boost::proto::plus">proto::plus</classname>&lt; <classname alt="boost::proto::terminal">proto::terminal</classname>&lt; int &gt;, <classname alt="boost::proto::terminal">proto::terminal</classname>&lt; int &gt; &gt; PlusInts;
223 BOOST_PROTO_ASSERT_MATCHES( <functionname alt="boost::proto::lit">proto::lit</functionname>(1) + 42, PlusInts );</programlisting>
224 </para>
225 <para>
226 See also:
227 <itemizedlist>
228 <listitem>
229 <code><functionname alt="boost::proto::assert_matches">proto::assert_matches</functionname>()</code>
230 </listitem>
231 <listitem>
232 <code><functionname alt="boost::proto::assert_matches_not">proto::assert_matches_not</functionname>()</code>
233 </listitem>
234 <listitem>
235 <code><macroname>BOOST_PROTO_ASSERT_MATCHES_NOT</macroname>()</code>
236 </listitem>
237 </itemizedlist>
238 </para>
239 </description>
240 </macro>
242 <macro name="BOOST_PROTO_ASSERT_MATCHES_NOT" kind="functionlike">
243 <macro-parameter name="expr"/>
244 <macro-parameter name="Grammar"/>
245 <purpose>
246 Assert at compile time that a particular expression
247 does not match the specified grammar.
248 </purpose>
249 <notes>
250 <para>
251 Equivalent to <code><functionname alt="boost::proto::assert_matches_not">proto::assert_matches_not</functionname>&lt;Grammar&gt;(expr)</code>.
252 </para>
253 </notes>
254 <description>
255 <para>
256 Use <code>BOOST_PROTO_ASSERT_MATCHES_NOT()</code> to assert at compile-time that
257 an expression does not match a grammar.
258 </para>
259 <para>
260 <emphasis role="bold">Example:</emphasis><programlisting>typedef <classname alt="boost::proto::plus">proto::plus</classname>&lt; <classname alt="boost::proto::terminal">proto::terminal</classname>&lt; int &gt;, <classname alt="boost::proto::terminal">proto::terminal</classname>&lt; int &gt; &gt; PlusInts;
262 BOOST_PROTO_ASSERT_MATCHES_NOT( <functionname alt="boost::proto::lit">proto::lit</functionname>("a string") + 42, PlusInts );</programlisting>
263 </para>
264 <para>
265 See also:
266 <itemizedlist>
267 <listitem>
268 <code><functionname alt="boost::proto::assert_matches">proto::assert_matches</functionname>()</code>
269 </listitem>
270 <listitem>
271 <code><functionname alt="boost::proto::assert_matches_not">proto::assert_matches_not</functionname>()</code>
272 </listitem>
273 <listitem>
274 <code><macroname>BOOST_PROTO_ASSERT_MATCHES</macroname>()</code>
275 </listitem>
276 </itemizedlist>
277 </para>
278 </description>
279 </macro>
280 </header>