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26 <div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title">
27 <a name="boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax"></a><a class="link" href="perl_syntax.html" title="Perl Regular Expression Syntax">Perl Regular Expression
28 Syntax</a>
29 </h3></div></div></div>
30 <h4>
31 <a name="boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.h0"></a>
32 <span class="phrase"><a name="boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.synopsis"></a></span><a class="link" href="perl_syntax.html#boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.synopsis">Synopsis</a>
33 </h4>
34 <p>
35 The Perl regular expression syntax is based on that used by the programming
36 language Perl . Perl regular expressions are the default behavior in Boost.Regex
37 or you can pass the flag <code class="literal">perl</code> to the <a class="link" href="../ref/basic_regex.html" title="basic_regex"><code class="computeroutput"><span class="identifier">basic_regex</span></code></a> constructor, for example:
38 </p>
39 <pre class="programlisting"><span class="comment">// e1 is a case sensitive Perl regular expression: </span>
40 <span class="comment">// since Perl is the default option there's no need to explicitly specify the syntax used here:</span>
41 <span class="identifier">boost</span><span class="special">::</span><span class="identifier">regex</span> <span class="identifier">e1</span><span class="special">(</span><span class="identifier">my_expression</span><span class="special">);</span>
42 <span class="comment">// e2 a case insensitive Perl regular expression:</span>
43 <span class="identifier">boost</span><span class="special">::</span><span class="identifier">regex</span> <span class="identifier">e2</span><span class="special">(</span><span class="identifier">my_expression</span><span class="special">,</span> <span class="identifier">boost</span><span class="special">::</span><span class="identifier">regex</span><span class="special">::</span><span class="identifier">perl</span><span class="special">|</span><span class="identifier">boost</span><span class="special">::</span><span class="identifier">regex</span><span class="special">::</span><span class="identifier">icase</span><span class="special">);</span>
44 </pre>
45 <h4>
46 <a name="boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.h1"></a>
47 <span class="phrase"><a name="boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.perl_regular_expression_syntax"></a></span><a class="link" href="perl_syntax.html#boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.perl_regular_expression_syntax">Perl
48 Regular Expression Syntax</a>
49 </h4>
50 <p>
51 In Perl regular expressions, all characters match themselves except for the
52 following special characters:
53 </p>
54 <pre class="programlisting">.[{}()\*+?|^$</pre>
55 <h5>
56 <a name="boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.h2"></a>
57 <span class="phrase"><a name="boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.wildcard"></a></span><a class="link" href="perl_syntax.html#boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.wildcard">Wildcard</a>
58 </h5>
59 <p>
60 The single character '.' when used outside of a character set will match
61 any single character except:
62 </p>
63 <div class="itemizedlist"><ul class="itemizedlist" style="list-style-type: disc; ">
64 <li class="listitem">
65 The NULL character when the <a class="link" href="../ref/match_flag_type.html" title="match_flag_type">flag
66 <code class="literal">match_not_dot_null</code></a> is passed to the matching
67 algorithms.
68 </li>
69 <li class="listitem">
70 The newline character when the <a class="link" href="../ref/match_flag_type.html" title="match_flag_type">flag
71 <code class="literal">match_not_dot_newline</code></a> is passed to the matching
72 algorithms.
73 </li>
74 </ul></div>
75 <h5>
76 <a name="boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.h3"></a>
77 <span class="phrase"><a name="boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.anchors"></a></span><a class="link" href="perl_syntax.html#boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.anchors">Anchors</a>
78 </h5>
79 <p>
80 A '^' character shall match the start of a line.
81 </p>
82 <p>
83 A '$' character shall match the end of a line.
84 </p>
85 <h5>
86 <a name="boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.h4"></a>
87 <span class="phrase"><a name="boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.marked_sub_expressions"></a></span><a class="link" href="perl_syntax.html#boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.marked_sub_expressions">Marked sub-expressions</a>
88 </h5>
89 <p>
90 A section beginning <code class="literal">(</code> and ending <code class="literal">)</code>
91 acts as a marked sub-expression. Whatever matched the sub-expression is split
92 out in a separate field by the matching algorithms. Marked sub-expressions
93 can also repeated, or referred to by a back-reference.
94 </p>
95 <h5>
96 <a name="boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.h5"></a>
97 <span class="phrase"><a name="boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.non_marking_grouping"></a></span><a class="link" href="perl_syntax.html#boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.non_marking_grouping">Non-marking
98 grouping</a>
99 </h5>
100 <p>
101 A marked sub-expression is useful to lexically group part of a regular expression,
102 but has the side-effect of spitting out an extra field in the result. As
103 an alternative you can lexically group part of a regular expression, without
104 generating a marked sub-expression by using <code class="literal">(?:</code> and <code class="literal">)</code>
105 , for example <code class="literal">(?:ab)+</code> will repeat <code class="literal">ab</code>
106 without splitting out any separate sub-expressions.
107 </p>
108 <h5>
109 <a name="boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.h6"></a>
110 <span class="phrase"><a name="boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.repeats"></a></span><a class="link" href="perl_syntax.html#boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.repeats">Repeats</a>
111 </h5>
112 <p>
113 Any atom (a single character, a marked sub-expression, or a character class)
114 can be repeated with the <code class="literal">*</code>, <code class="literal">+</code>, <code class="literal">?</code>,
115 and <code class="literal">{}</code> operators.
116 </p>
117 <p>
118 The <code class="literal">*</code> operator will match the preceding atom zero or more
119 times, for example the expression <code class="literal">a*b</code> will match any of
120 the following:
121 </p>
122 <pre class="programlisting"><span class="identifier">b</span>
123 <span class="identifier">ab</span>
124 <span class="identifier">aaaaaaaab</span>
125 </pre>
126 <p>
127 The <code class="literal">+</code> operator will match the preceding atom one or more
128 times, for example the expression <code class="literal">a+b</code> will match any of
129 the following:
130 </p>
131 <pre class="programlisting"><span class="identifier">ab</span>
132 <span class="identifier">aaaaaaaab</span>
133 </pre>
134 <p>
135 But will not match:
136 </p>
137 <pre class="programlisting"><span class="identifier">b</span>
138 </pre>
139 <p>
140 The <code class="literal">?</code> operator will match the preceding atom zero or one
141 times, for example the expression ca?b will match any of the following:
142 </p>
143 <pre class="programlisting"><span class="identifier">cb</span>
144 <span class="identifier">cab</span>
145 </pre>
146 <p>
147 But will not match:
148 </p>
149 <pre class="programlisting"><span class="identifier">caab</span>
150 </pre>
151 <p>
152 An atom can also be repeated with a bounded repeat:
153 </p>
154 <p>
155 <code class="literal">a{n}</code> Matches 'a' repeated exactly n times.
156 </p>
157 <p>
158 <code class="literal">a{n,}</code> Matches 'a' repeated n or more times.
159 </p>
160 <p>
161 <code class="literal">a{n, m}</code> Matches 'a' repeated between n and m times inclusive.
162 </p>
163 <p>
164 For example:
165 </p>
166 <pre class="programlisting">^a{2,3}$</pre>
167 <p>
168 Will match either of:
169 </p>
170 <pre class="programlisting"><span class="identifier">aa</span>
171 <span class="identifier">aaa</span>
172 </pre>
173 <p>
174 But neither of:
175 </p>
176 <pre class="programlisting"><span class="identifier">a</span>
177 <span class="identifier">aaaa</span>
178 </pre>
179 <p>
180 Note that the "{" and "}" characters will treated as
181 ordinary literals when used in a context that is not a repeat: this matches
182 Perl 5.x behavior. For example in the expressions "ab{1", "ab1}"
183 and "a{b}c" the curly brackets are all treated as literals and
184 <span class="emphasis"><em>no error will be raised</em></span>.
185 </p>
186 <p>
187 It is an error to use a repeat operator, if the preceding construct can not
188 be repeated, for example:
189 </p>
190 <pre class="programlisting"><span class="identifier">a</span><span class="special">(*)</span>
191 </pre>
192 <p>
193 Will raise an error, as there is nothing for the <code class="literal">*</code> operator
194 to be applied to.
195 </p>
196 <h5>
197 <a name="boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.h7"></a>
198 <span class="phrase"><a name="boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.non_greedy_repeats"></a></span><a class="link" href="perl_syntax.html#boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.non_greedy_repeats">Non
199 greedy repeats</a>
200 </h5>
201 <p>
202 The normal repeat operators are "greedy", that is to say they will
203 consume as much input as possible. There are non-greedy versions available
204 that will consume as little input as possible while still producing a match.
205 </p>
206 <p>
207 <code class="literal">*?</code> Matches the previous atom zero or more times, while
208 consuming as little input as possible.
209 </p>
210 <p>
211 <code class="literal">+?</code> Matches the previous atom one or more times, while
212 consuming as little input as possible.
213 </p>
214 <p>
215 <code class="literal">??</code> Matches the previous atom zero or one times, while
216 consuming as little input as possible.
217 </p>
218 <p>
219 <code class="literal">{n,}?</code> Matches the previous atom n or more times, while
220 consuming as little input as possible.
221 </p>
222 <p>
223 <code class="literal">{n,m}?</code> Matches the previous atom between n and m times,
224 while consuming as little input as possible.
225 </p>
226 <h5>
227 <a name="boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.h8"></a>
228 <span class="phrase"><a name="boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.possessive_repeats"></a></span><a class="link" href="perl_syntax.html#boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.possessive_repeats">Possessive
229 repeats</a>
230 </h5>
231 <p>
232 By default when a repeated pattern does not match then the engine will backtrack
233 until a match is found. However, this behaviour can sometime be undesireble
234 so there are also "possessive" repeats: these match as much as
235 possible and do not then allow backtracking if the rest of the expression
236 fails to match.
237 </p>
238 <p>
239 <code class="literal">*+</code> Matches the previous atom zero or more times, while
240 giving nothing back.
241 </p>
242 <p>
243 <code class="literal">++</code> Matches the previous atom one or more times, while
244 giving nothing back.
245 </p>
246 <p>
247 <code class="literal">?+</code> Matches the previous atom zero or one times, while
248 giving nothing back.
249 </p>
250 <p>
251 <code class="literal">{n,}+</code> Matches the previous atom n or more times, while
252 giving nothing back.
253 </p>
254 <p>
255 <code class="literal">{n,m}+</code> Matches the previous atom between n and m times,
256 while giving nothing back.
257 </p>
258 <h5>
259 <a name="boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.h9"></a>
260 <span class="phrase"><a name="boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.back_references"></a></span><a class="link" href="perl_syntax.html#boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.back_references">Back
261 references</a>
262 </h5>
263 <p>
264 An escape character followed by a digit <span class="emphasis"><em>n</em></span>, where <span class="emphasis"><em>n</em></span>
265 is in the range 1-9, matches the same string that was matched by sub-expression
266 <span class="emphasis"><em>n</em></span>. For example the expression:
267 </p>
268 <pre class="programlisting">^(a*).*\1$</pre>
269 <p>
270 Will match the string:
271 </p>
272 <pre class="programlisting"><span class="identifier">aaabbaaa</span>
273 </pre>
274 <p>
275 But not the string:
276 </p>
277 <pre class="programlisting"><span class="identifier">aaabba</span>
278 </pre>
279 <p>
280 You can also use the \g escape for the same function, for example:
281 </p>
282 <div class="informaltable"><table class="table">
283 <colgroup>
284 <col>
285 <col>
286 </colgroup>
287 <thead><tr>
288 <th>
289 <p>
290 Escape
291 </p>
292 </th>
293 <th>
294 <p>
295 Meaning
296 </p>
297 </th>
298 </tr></thead>
299 <tbody>
300 <tr>
301 <td>
302 <p>
303 <code class="literal">\g1</code>
304 </p>
305 </td>
306 <td>
307 <p>
308 Match whatever matched sub-expression 1
309 </p>
310 </td>
311 </tr>
312 <tr>
313 <td>
314 <p>
315 <code class="literal">\g{1}</code>
316 </p>
317 </td>
318 <td>
319 <p>
320 Match whatever matched sub-expression 1: this form allows for safer
321 parsing of the expression in cases like <code class="literal">\g{1}2</code>
322 or for indexes higher than 9 as in <code class="literal">\g{1234}</code>
323 </p>
324 </td>
325 </tr>
326 <tr>
327 <td>
328 <p>
329 <code class="literal">\g-1</code>
330 </p>
331 </td>
332 <td>
333 <p>
334 Match whatever matched the last opened sub-expression
335 </p>
336 </td>
337 </tr>
338 <tr>
339 <td>
340 <p>
341 <code class="literal">\g{-2}</code>
342 </p>
343 </td>
344 <td>
345 <p>
346 Match whatever matched the last but one opened sub-expression
347 </p>
348 </td>
349 </tr>
350 <tr>
351 <td>
352 <p>
353 <code class="literal">\g{one}</code>
354 </p>
355 </td>
356 <td>
357 <p>
358 Match whatever matched the sub-expression named "one"
359 </p>
360 </td>
361 </tr>
362 </tbody>
363 </table></div>
364 <p>
365 Finally the \k escape can be used to refer to named subexpressions, for example
366 <code class="literal">\k&lt;two&gt;</code> will match whatever matched the subexpression
367 named "two".
368 </p>
369 <h5>
370 <a name="boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.h10"></a>
371 <span class="phrase"><a name="boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.alternation"></a></span><a class="link" href="perl_syntax.html#boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.alternation">Alternation</a>
372 </h5>
373 <p>
374 The <code class="literal">|</code> operator will match either of its arguments, so
375 for example: <code class="literal">abc|def</code> will match either "abc"
376 or "def".
377 </p>
378 <p>
379 Parenthesis can be used to group alternations, for example: <code class="literal">ab(d|ef)</code>
380 will match either of "abd" or "abef".
381 </p>
382 <p>
383 Empty alternatives are not allowed (these are almost always a mistake), but
384 if you really want an empty alternative use <code class="literal">(?:)</code> as a
385 placeholder, for example:
386 </p>
387 <p>
388 <code class="literal">|abc</code> is not a valid expression, but
389 </p>
390 <p>
391 <code class="literal">(?:)|abc</code> is and is equivalent, also the expression:
392 </p>
393 <p>
394 <code class="literal">(?:abc)??</code> has exactly the same effect.
395 </p>
396 <h5>
397 <a name="boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.h11"></a>
398 <span class="phrase"><a name="boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.character_sets"></a></span><a class="link" href="perl_syntax.html#boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.character_sets">Character
399 sets</a>
400 </h5>
401 <p>
402 A character set is a bracket-expression starting with <code class="literal">[] and ending
403 with <code class="literal"></code></code>, it defines a set of characters, and matches
404 any single character that is a member of that set.
405 </p>
406 <p>
407 A bracket expression may contain any combination of the following:
408 </p>
409 <h6>
410 <a name="boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.h12"></a>
411 <span class="phrase"><a name="boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.single_characters"></a></span><a class="link" href="perl_syntax.html#boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.single_characters">Single
412 characters</a>
413 </h6>
414 <p>
415 For example <code class="literal">[abc]</code>, will match any of the characters 'a',
416 'b', or 'c'.
417 </p>
418 <h6>
419 <a name="boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.h13"></a>
420 <span class="phrase"><a name="boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.character_ranges"></a></span><a class="link" href="perl_syntax.html#boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.character_ranges">Character
421 ranges</a>
422 </h6>
423 <p>
424 For example <code class="literal">[a-c]</code> will match any single character in the
425 range 'a' to 'c'. By default, for Perl regular expressions, a character x
426 is within the range y to z, if the code point of the character lies within
427 the codepoints of the endpoints of the range. Alternatively, if you set the
428 <a class="link" href="../ref/syntax_option_type/syntax_option_type_perl.html" title="Options for Perl Regular Expressions"><code class="literal">collate</code>
429 flag</a> when constructing the regular expression, then ranges are locale
430 sensitive.
431 </p>
432 <h6>
433 <a name="boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.h14"></a>
434 <span class="phrase"><a name="boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.negation"></a></span><a class="link" href="perl_syntax.html#boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.negation">Negation</a>
435 </h6>
436 <p>
437 If the bracket-expression begins with the ^ character, then it matches the
438 complement of the characters it contains, for example <code class="literal">[^a-c]</code>
439 matches any character that is not in the range <code class="literal">a-c</code>.
440 </p>
441 <h6>
442 <a name="boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.h15"></a>
443 <span class="phrase"><a name="boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.character_classes"></a></span><a class="link" href="perl_syntax.html#boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.character_classes">Character
444 classes</a>
445 </h6>
446 <p>
447 An expression of the form <code class="literal">[[:name:]]</code> matches the named
448 character class "name", for example <code class="literal">[[:lower:]]</code>
449 matches any lower case character. See <a class="link" href="character_classes.html" title="Character Class Names">character
450 class names</a>.
451 </p>
452 <h6>
453 <a name="boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.h16"></a>
454 <span class="phrase"><a name="boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.collating_elements"></a></span><a class="link" href="perl_syntax.html#boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.collating_elements">Collating
455 Elements</a>
456 </h6>
457 <p>
458 An expression of the form <code class="literal">[[.col.]]</code> matches the collating
459 element <span class="emphasis"><em>col</em></span>. A collating element is any single character,
460 or any sequence of characters that collates as a single unit. Collating elements
461 may also be used as the end point of a range, for example: <code class="literal">[[.ae.]-c]</code>
462 matches the character sequence "ae", plus any single character
463 in the range "ae"-c, assuming that "ae" is treated as
464 a single collating element in the current locale.
465 </p>
466 <p>
467 As an extension, a collating element may also be specified via it's <a class="link" href="collating_names.html" title="Collating Names">symbolic name</a>, for example:
468 </p>
469 <pre class="programlisting"><span class="special">[[.</span><span class="identifier">NUL</span><span class="special">.]]</span>
470 </pre>
471 <p>
472 matches a <code class="literal">\0</code> character.
473 </p>
474 <h6>
475 <a name="boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.h17"></a>
476 <span class="phrase"><a name="boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.equivalence_classes"></a></span><a class="link" href="perl_syntax.html#boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.equivalence_classes">Equivalence
477 classes</a>
478 </h6>
479 <p>
480 An expression of the form <code class="literal">[[=col=]]</code>, matches any character
481 or collating element whose primary sort key is the same as that for collating
482 element <span class="emphasis"><em>col</em></span>, as with collating elements the name <span class="emphasis"><em>col</em></span>
483 may be a <a class="link" href="collating_names.html" title="Collating Names">symbolic name</a>.
484 A primary sort key is one that ignores case, accentation, or locale-specific
485 tailorings; so for example <code class="computeroutput"><span class="special">[[=</span><span class="identifier">a</span><span class="special">=]]</span></code> matches
486 any of the characters: a, &#192;, &#193;, &#194;, &#195;, &#196;, &#197;, A, &#224;, &#225;, &#226;, &#227;, &#228; and &#229;. Unfortunately implementation
487 of this is reliant on the platform's collation and localisation support;
488 this feature can not be relied upon to work portably across all platforms,
489 or even all locales on one platform.
490 </p>
491 <h6>
492 <a name="boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.h18"></a>
493 <span class="phrase"><a name="boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.escaped_characters"></a></span><a class="link" href="perl_syntax.html#boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.escaped_characters">Escaped
494 Characters</a>
495 </h6>
496 <p>
497 All the escape sequences that match a single character, or a single character
498 class are permitted within a character class definition. For example <code class="computeroutput"><span class="special">[\[\]]</span></code> would match either of <code class="computeroutput"><span class="special">[</span></code> or <code class="computeroutput"><span class="special">]</span></code>
499 while <code class="computeroutput"><span class="special">[\</span><span class="identifier">W</span><span class="special">\</span><span class="identifier">d</span><span class="special">]</span></code>
500 would match any character that is either a "digit", <span class="emphasis"><em>or</em></span>
501 is <span class="emphasis"><em>not</em></span> a "word" character.
502 </p>
503 <h6>
504 <a name="boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.h19"></a>
505 <span class="phrase"><a name="boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.combinations"></a></span><a class="link" href="perl_syntax.html#boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.combinations">Combinations</a>
506 </h6>
507 <p>
508 All of the above can be combined in one character set declaration, for example:
509 <code class="literal">[[:digit:]a-c[.NUL.]]</code>.
510 </p>
511 <h5>
512 <a name="boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.h20"></a>
513 <span class="phrase"><a name="boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.escapes"></a></span><a class="link" href="perl_syntax.html#boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.escapes">Escapes</a>
514 </h5>
515 <p>
516 Any special character preceded by an escape shall match itself.
517 </p>
518 <p>
519 The following escape sequences are all synonyms for single characters:
520 </p>
521 <div class="informaltable"><table class="table">
522 <colgroup>
523 <col>
524 <col>
525 </colgroup>
526 <thead><tr>
527 <th>
528 <p>
529 Escape
530 </p>
531 </th>
532 <th>
533 <p>
534 Character
535 </p>
536 </th>
537 </tr></thead>
538 <tbody>
539 <tr>
540 <td>
541 <p>
542 <code class="literal">\a</code>
543 </p>
544 </td>
545 <td>
546 <p>
547 <code class="literal">\a</code>
548 </p>
549 </td>
550 </tr>
551 <tr>
552 <td>
553 <p>
554 <code class="literal">\e</code>
555 </p>
556 </td>
557 <td>
558 <p>
559 <code class="literal">0x1B</code>
560 </p>
561 </td>
562 </tr>
563 <tr>
564 <td>
565 <p>
566 <code class="literal">\f</code>
567 </p>
568 </td>
569 <td>
570 <p>
571 <code class="literal">\f</code>
572 </p>
573 </td>
574 </tr>
575 <tr>
576 <td>
577 <p>
578 <code class="literal"><br> </code>
579 </p>
580 </td>
581 <td>
582 <p>
583 <code class="literal"><br> </code>
584 </p>
585 </td>
586 </tr>
587 <tr>
588 <td>
589 <p>
590 <code class="literal">\r</code>
591 </p>
592 </td>
593 <td>
594 <p>
595 <code class="literal">\r</code>
596 </p>
597 </td>
598 </tr>
599 <tr>
600 <td>
601 <p>
602 <code class="literal">\t</code>
603 </p>
604 </td>
605 <td>
606 <p>
607 <code class="literal">\t</code>
608 </p>
609 </td>
610 </tr>
611 <tr>
612 <td>
613 <p>
614 <code class="literal">\v</code>
615 </p>
616 </td>
617 <td>
618 <p>
619 <code class="literal">\v</code>
620 </p>
621 </td>
622 </tr>
623 <tr>
624 <td>
625 <p>
626 <code class="literal">\b</code>
627 </p>
628 </td>
629 <td>
630 <p>
631 <code class="literal">\b</code> (but only inside a character class declaration).
632 </p>
633 </td>
634 </tr>
635 <tr>
636 <td>
637 <p>
638 <code class="literal">\cX</code>
639 </p>
640 </td>
641 <td>
642 <p>
643 An ASCII escape sequence - the character whose code point is X
644 % 32
645 </p>
646 </td>
647 </tr>
648 <tr>
649 <td>
650 <p>
651 <code class="literal">\xdd</code>
652 </p>
653 </td>
654 <td>
655 <p>
656 A hexadecimal escape sequence - matches the single character whose
657 code point is 0xdd.
658 </p>
659 </td>
660 </tr>
661 <tr>
662 <td>
663 <p>
664 <code class="literal">\x{dddd}</code>
665 </p>
666 </td>
667 <td>
668 <p>
669 A hexadecimal escape sequence - matches the single character whose
670 code point is 0xdddd.
671 </p>
672 </td>
673 </tr>
674 <tr>
675 <td>
676 <p>
677 <code class="literal">\0ddd</code>
678 </p>
679 </td>
680 <td>
681 <p>
682 An octal escape sequence - matches the single character whose code
683 point is 0ddd.
684 </p>
685 </td>
686 </tr>
687 <tr>
688 <td>
689 <p>
690 <code class="literal">\N{name}</code>
691 </p>
692 </td>
693 <td>
694 <p>
695 Matches the single character which has the <a class="link" href="collating_names.html" title="Collating Names">symbolic
696 name</a> <span class="emphasis"><em>name</em></span>. For example <code class="literal">\N{newline}</code>
697 matches the single character \n.
698 </p>
699 </td>
700 </tr>
701 </tbody>
702 </table></div>
703 <h6>
704 <a name="boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.h21"></a>
705 <span class="phrase"><a name="boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.single_character_character_class"></a></span><a class="link" href="perl_syntax.html#boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.single_character_character_class">"Single
706 character" character classes:</a>
707 </h6>
708 <p>
709 Any escaped character <span class="emphasis"><em>x</em></span>, if <span class="emphasis"><em>x</em></span> is
710 the name of a character class shall match any character that is a member
711 of that class, and any escaped character <span class="emphasis"><em>X</em></span>, if <span class="emphasis"><em>x</em></span>
712 is the name of a character class, shall match any character not in that class.
713 </p>
714 <p>
715 The following are supported by default:
716 </p>
717 <div class="informaltable"><table class="table">
718 <colgroup>
719 <col>
720 <col>
721 </colgroup>
722 <thead><tr>
723 <th>
724 <p>
725 Escape sequence
726 </p>
727 </th>
728 <th>
729 <p>
730 Equivalent to
731 </p>
732 </th>
733 </tr></thead>
734 <tbody>
735 <tr>
736 <td>
737 <p>
738 <code class="computeroutput"><span class="special">\</span><span class="identifier">d</span></code>
739 </p>
740 </td>
741 <td>
742 <p>
743 <code class="computeroutput"><span class="special">[[:</span><span class="identifier">digit</span><span class="special">:]]</span></code>
744 </p>
745 </td>
746 </tr>
747 <tr>
748 <td>
749 <p>
750 <code class="computeroutput"><span class="special">\</span><span class="identifier">l</span></code>
751 </p>
752 </td>
753 <td>
754 <p>
755 <code class="computeroutput"><span class="special">[[:</span><span class="identifier">lower</span><span class="special">:]]</span></code>
756 </p>
757 </td>
758 </tr>
759 <tr>
760 <td>
761 <p>
762 <code class="computeroutput"><span class="special">\</span><span class="identifier">s</span></code>
763 </p>
764 </td>
765 <td>
766 <p>
767 <code class="computeroutput"><span class="special">[[:</span><span class="identifier">space</span><span class="special">:]]</span></code>
768 </p>
769 </td>
770 </tr>
771 <tr>
772 <td>
773 <p>
774 <code class="computeroutput"><span class="special">\</span><span class="identifier">u</span></code>
775 </p>
776 </td>
777 <td>
778 <p>
779 <code class="computeroutput"><span class="special">[[:</span><span class="identifier">upper</span><span class="special">:]]</span></code>
780 </p>
781 </td>
782 </tr>
783 <tr>
784 <td>
785 <p>
786 <code class="computeroutput"><span class="special">\</span><span class="identifier">w</span></code>
787 </p>
788 </td>
789 <td>
790 <p>
791 <code class="computeroutput"><span class="special">[[:</span><span class="identifier">word</span><span class="special">:]]</span></code>
792 </p>
793 </td>
794 </tr>
795 <tr>
796 <td>
797 <p>
798 <code class="computeroutput"><span class="special">\</span><span class="identifier">h</span></code>
799 </p>
800 </td>
801 <td>
802 <p>
803 Horizontal whitespace
804 </p>
805 </td>
806 </tr>
807 <tr>
808 <td>
809 <p>
810 <code class="computeroutput"><span class="special">\</span><span class="identifier">v</span></code>
811 </p>
812 </td>
813 <td>
814 <p>
815 Vertical whitespace
816 </p>
817 </td>
818 </tr>
819 <tr>
820 <td>
821 <p>
822 <code class="computeroutput"><span class="special">\</span><span class="identifier">D</span></code>
823 </p>
824 </td>
825 <td>
826 <p>
827 <code class="computeroutput"><span class="special">[^[:</span><span class="identifier">digit</span><span class="special">:]]</span></code>
828 </p>
829 </td>
830 </tr>
831 <tr>
832 <td>
833 <p>
834 <code class="computeroutput"><span class="special">\</span><span class="identifier">L</span></code>
835 </p>
836 </td>
837 <td>
838 <p>
839 <code class="computeroutput"><span class="special">[^[:</span><span class="identifier">lower</span><span class="special">:]]</span></code>
840 </p>
841 </td>
842 </tr>
843 <tr>
844 <td>
845 <p>
846 <code class="computeroutput"><span class="special">\</span><span class="identifier">S</span></code>
847 </p>
848 </td>
849 <td>
850 <p>
851 <code class="computeroutput"><span class="special">[^[:</span><span class="identifier">space</span><span class="special">:]]</span></code>
852 </p>
853 </td>
854 </tr>
855 <tr>
856 <td>
857 <p>
858 <code class="computeroutput"><span class="special">\</span><span class="identifier">U</span></code>
859 </p>
860 </td>
861 <td>
862 <p>
863 <code class="computeroutput"><span class="special">[^[:</span><span class="identifier">upper</span><span class="special">:]]</span></code>
864 </p>
865 </td>
866 </tr>
867 <tr>
868 <td>
869 <p>
870 <code class="computeroutput"><span class="special">\</span><span class="identifier">W</span></code>
871 </p>
872 </td>
873 <td>
874 <p>
875 <code class="computeroutput"><span class="special">[^[:</span><span class="identifier">word</span><span class="special">:]]</span></code>
876 </p>
877 </td>
878 </tr>
879 <tr>
880 <td>
881 <p>
882 <code class="computeroutput"><span class="special">\</span><span class="identifier">H</span></code>
883 </p>
884 </td>
885 <td>
886 <p>
887 Not Horizontal whitespace
888 </p>
889 </td>
890 </tr>
891 <tr>
892 <td>
893 <p>
894 <code class="computeroutput"><span class="special">\</span><span class="identifier">V</span></code>
895 </p>
896 </td>
897 <td>
898 <p>
899 Not Vertical whitespace
900 </p>
901 </td>
902 </tr>
903 </tbody>
904 </table></div>
905 <h6>
906 <a name="boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.h22"></a>
907 <span class="phrase"><a name="boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.character_properties"></a></span><a class="link" href="perl_syntax.html#boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.character_properties">Character
908 Properties</a>
909 </h6>
910 <p>
911 The character property names in the following table are all equivalent to
912 the <a class="link" href="character_classes.html" title="Character Class Names">names used in character
913 classes</a>.
914 </p>
915 <div class="informaltable"><table class="table">
916 <colgroup>
917 <col>
918 <col>
919 <col>
920 </colgroup>
921 <thead><tr>
922 <th>
923 <p>
924 Form
925 </p>
926 </th>
927 <th>
928 <p>
929 Description
930 </p>
931 </th>
932 <th>
933 <p>
934 Equivalent character set form
935 </p>
936 </th>
937 </tr></thead>
938 <tbody>
939 <tr>
940 <td>
941 <p>
942 <code class="computeroutput"><span class="special">\</span><span class="identifier">pX</span></code>
943 </p>
944 </td>
945 <td>
946 <p>
947 Matches any character that has the property X.
948 </p>
949 </td>
950 <td>
951 <p>
952 <code class="computeroutput"><span class="special">[[:</span><span class="identifier">X</span><span class="special">:]]</span></code>
953 </p>
954 </td>
955 </tr>
956 <tr>
957 <td>
958 <p>
959 <code class="computeroutput"><span class="special">\</span><span class="identifier">p</span><span class="special">{</span><span class="identifier">Name</span><span class="special">}</span></code>
960 </p>
961 </td>
962 <td>
963 <p>
964 Matches any character that has the property Name.
965 </p>
966 </td>
967 <td>
968 <p>
969 <code class="computeroutput"><span class="special">[[:</span><span class="identifier">Name</span><span class="special">:]]</span></code>
970 </p>
971 </td>
972 </tr>
973 <tr>
974 <td>
975 <p>
976 <code class="computeroutput"><span class="special">\</span><span class="identifier">PX</span></code>
977 </p>
978 </td>
979 <td>
980 <p>
981 Matches any character that does not have the property X.
982 </p>
983 </td>
984 <td>
985 <p>
986 <code class="computeroutput"><span class="special">[^[:</span><span class="identifier">X</span><span class="special">:]]</span></code>
987 </p>
988 </td>
989 </tr>
990 <tr>
991 <td>
992 <p>
993 <code class="computeroutput"><span class="special">\</span><span class="identifier">P</span><span class="special">{</span><span class="identifier">Name</span><span class="special">}</span></code>
994 </p>
995 </td>
996 <td>
997 <p>
998 Matches any character that does not have the property Name.
999 </p>
1000 </td>
1001 <td>
1002 <p>
1003 <code class="computeroutput"><span class="special">[^[:</span><span class="identifier">Name</span><span class="special">:]]</span></code>
1004 </p>
1005 </td>
1006 </tr>
1007 </tbody>
1008 </table></div>
1009 <p>
1010 For example <code class="literal">\pd</code> matches any "digit" character,
1011 as does <code class="literal">\p{digit}</code>.
1012 </p>
1013 <h6>
1014 <a name="boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.h23"></a>
1015 <span class="phrase"><a name="boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.word_boundaries"></a></span><a class="link" href="perl_syntax.html#boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.word_boundaries">Word
1016 Boundaries</a>
1017 </h6>
1018 <p>
1019 The following escape sequences match the boundaries of words:
1020 </p>
1021 <p>
1022 <code class="literal">&lt;</code> Matches the start of a word.
1023 </p>
1024 <p>
1025 <code class="literal">&gt;</code> Matches the end of a word.
1026 </p>
1027 <p>
1028 <code class="literal">\b</code> Matches a word boundary (the start or end of a word).
1029 </p>
1030 <p>
1031 <code class="literal">\B</code> Matches only when not at a word boundary.
1032 </p>
1033 <h6>
1034 <a name="boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.h24"></a>
1035 <span class="phrase"><a name="boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.buffer_boundaries"></a></span><a class="link" href="perl_syntax.html#boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.buffer_boundaries">Buffer
1036 boundaries</a>
1037 </h6>
1038 <p>
1039 The following match only at buffer boundaries: a "buffer" in this
1040 context is the whole of the input text that is being matched against (note
1041 that ^ and $ may match embedded newlines within the text).
1042 </p>
1043 <p>
1044 \` Matches at the start of a buffer only.
1045 </p>
1046 <p>
1047 \' Matches at the end of a buffer only.
1048 </p>
1049 <p>
1050 \A Matches at the start of a buffer only (the same as <code class="literal">\`</code>).
1051 </p>
1052 <p>
1053 \z Matches at the end of a buffer only (the same as <code class="literal">\'</code>).
1054 </p>
1055 <p>
1056 \Z Matches a zero-width assertion consisting of an optional sequence of newlines
1057 at the end of a buffer: equivalent to the regular expression <code class="literal">(?=\v*\z)</code>.
1058 Note that this is subtly different from Perl which behaves as if matching
1059 <code class="literal">(?=\n?\z)</code>.
1060 </p>
1061 <h6>
1062 <a name="boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.h25"></a>
1063 <span class="phrase"><a name="boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.continuation_escape"></a></span><a class="link" href="perl_syntax.html#boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.continuation_escape">Continuation
1064 Escape</a>
1065 </h6>
1066 <p>
1067 The sequence <code class="literal">\G</code> matches only at the end of the last match
1068 found, or at the start of the text being matched if no previous match was
1069 found. This escape useful if you're iterating over the matches contained
1070 within a text, and you want each subsequence match to start where the last
1071 one ended.
1072 </p>
1073 <h6>
1074 <a name="boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.h26"></a>
1075 <span class="phrase"><a name="boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.quoting_escape"></a></span><a class="link" href="perl_syntax.html#boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.quoting_escape">Quoting
1076 escape</a>
1077 </h6>
1078 <p>
1079 The escape sequence <code class="literal">\Q</code> begins a "quoted sequence":
1080 all the subsequent characters are treated as literals, until either the end
1081 of the regular expression or \E is found. For example the expression: <code class="literal">\Q*+\Ea+</code>
1082 would match either of:
1083 </p>
1084 <pre class="programlisting"><span class="special">\*+</span><span class="identifier">a</span>
1085 <span class="special">\*+</span><span class="identifier">aaa</span>
1086 </pre>
1087 <h6>
1088 <a name="boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.h27"></a>
1089 <span class="phrase"><a name="boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.unicode_escapes"></a></span><a class="link" href="perl_syntax.html#boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.unicode_escapes">Unicode
1090 escapes</a>
1091 </h6>
1092 <p>
1093 <code class="literal">\C</code> Matches a single code point: in Boost regex this has
1094 exactly the same effect as a "." operator. <code class="literal">\X</code>
1095 Matches a combining character sequence: that is any non-combining character
1096 followed by a sequence of zero or more combining characters.
1097 </p>
1098 <h6>
1099 <a name="boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.h28"></a>
1100 <span class="phrase"><a name="boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.matching_line_endings"></a></span><a class="link" href="perl_syntax.html#boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.matching_line_endings">Matching Line
1101 Endings</a>
1102 </h6>
1103 <p>
1104 The escape sequence <code class="literal">\R</code> matches any line ending character
1105 sequence, specifically it is identical to the expression <code class="literal">(?&gt;\x0D\x0A?|[\x0A-\x0C\x85\x{2028}\x{2029}])</code>.
1106 </p>
1107 <h6>
1108 <a name="boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.h29"></a>
1109 <span class="phrase"><a name="boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.keeping_back_some_text"></a></span><a class="link" href="perl_syntax.html#boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.keeping_back_some_text">Keeping back
1110 some text</a>
1111 </h6>
1112 <p>
1113 <code class="literal">\K</code> Resets the start location of $0 to the current text
1114 position: in other words everything to the left of \K is "kept back"
1115 and does not form part of the regular expression match. $` is updated accordingly.
1116 </p>
1117 <p>
1118 For example <code class="literal">foo\Kbar</code> matched against the text "foobar"
1119 would return the match "bar" for $0 and "foo" for $`.
1120 This can be used to simulate variable width lookbehind assertions.
1121 </p>
1122 <h6>
1123 <a name="boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.h30"></a>
1124 <span class="phrase"><a name="boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.any_other_escape"></a></span><a class="link" href="perl_syntax.html#boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.any_other_escape">Any
1125 other escape</a>
1126 </h6>
1127 <p>
1128 Any other escape sequence matches the character that is escaped, for example
1129 \@ matches a literal '@'.
1130 </p>
1131 <h5>
1132 <a name="boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.h31"></a>
1133 <span class="phrase"><a name="boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.perl_extended_patterns"></a></span><a class="link" href="perl_syntax.html#boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.perl_extended_patterns">Perl Extended
1134 Patterns</a>
1135 </h5>
1136 <p>
1137 Perl-specific extensions to the regular expression syntax all start with
1138 <code class="literal">(?</code>.
1139 </p>
1140 <h6>
1141 <a name="boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.h32"></a>
1142 <span class="phrase"><a name="boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.named_subexpressions"></a></span><a class="link" href="perl_syntax.html#boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.named_subexpressions">Named
1143 Subexpressions</a>
1144 </h6>
1145 <p>
1146 You can create a named subexpression using:
1147 </p>
1148 <pre class="programlisting"><span class="special">(?&lt;</span><span class="identifier">NAME</span><span class="special">&gt;</span><span class="identifier">expression</span><span class="special">)</span>
1149 </pre>
1150 <p>
1151 Which can be then be referred to by the name <span class="emphasis"><em>NAME</em></span>. Alternatively
1152 you can delimit the name using 'NAME' as in:
1153 </p>
1154 <pre class="programlisting"><span class="special">(?</span><span class="char">'NAME'</span><span class="identifier">expression</span><span class="special">)</span>
1155 </pre>
1156 <p>
1157 These named subexpressions can be referred to in a backreference using either
1158 <code class="literal">\g{NAME}</code> or <code class="literal">\k&lt;NAME&gt;</code> and can
1159 also be referred to by name in a <a class="link" href="../format/perl_format.html" title="Perl Format String Syntax">Perl</a>
1160 format string for search and replace operations, or in the <a class="link" href="../ref/match_results.html" title="match_results"><code class="computeroutput"><span class="identifier">match_results</span></code></a> member functions.
1161 </p>
1162 <h6>
1163 <a name="boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.h33"></a>
1164 <span class="phrase"><a name="boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.comments"></a></span><a class="link" href="perl_syntax.html#boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.comments">Comments</a>
1165 </h6>
1166 <p>
1167 <code class="literal">(?# ... )</code> is treated as a comment, it's contents are ignored.
1168 </p>
1169 <h6>
1170 <a name="boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.h34"></a>
1171 <span class="phrase"><a name="boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.modifiers"></a></span><a class="link" href="perl_syntax.html#boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.modifiers">Modifiers</a>
1172 </h6>
1173 <p>
1174 <code class="literal">(?imsx-imsx ... )</code> alters which of the perl modifiers are
1175 in effect within the pattern, changes take effect from the point that the
1176 block is first seen and extend to any enclosing <code class="literal">)</code>. Letters
1177 before a '-' turn that perl modifier on, letters afterward, turn it off.
1178 </p>
1179 <p>
1180 <code class="literal">(?imsx-imsx:pattern)</code> applies the specified modifiers to
1181 pattern only.
1182 </p>
1183 <h6>
1184 <a name="boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.h35"></a>
1185 <span class="phrase"><a name="boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.non_marking_groups"></a></span><a class="link" href="perl_syntax.html#boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.non_marking_groups">Non-marking
1186 groups</a>
1187 </h6>
1188 <p>
1189 <code class="literal">(?:pattern)</code> lexically groups pattern, without generating
1190 an additional sub-expression.
1191 </p>
1192 <h6>
1193 <a name="boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.h36"></a>
1194 <span class="phrase"><a name="boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.branch_reset"></a></span><a class="link" href="perl_syntax.html#boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.branch_reset">Branch
1195 reset</a>
1196 </h6>
1197 <p>
1198 <code class="literal">(?|pattern)</code> resets the subexpression count at the start
1199 of each "|" alternative within <span class="emphasis"><em>pattern</em></span>.
1200 </p>
1201 <p>
1202 The sub-expression count following this construct is that of whichever branch
1203 had the largest number of sub-expressions. This construct is useful when
1204 you want to capture one of a number of alternative matches in a single sub-expression
1205 index.
1206 </p>
1207 <p>
1208 In the following example the index of each sub-expression is shown below
1209 the expression:
1210 </p>
1211 <pre class="programlisting"># before ---------------branch-reset----------- after
1212 / ( a ) (?| x ( y ) z | (p (q) r) | (t) u (v) ) ( z ) /x
1213 # 1 2 2 3 2 3 4
1214 </pre>
1215 <h6>
1216 <a name="boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.h37"></a>
1217 <span class="phrase"><a name="boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.lookahead"></a></span><a class="link" href="perl_syntax.html#boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.lookahead">Lookahead</a>
1218 </h6>
1219 <p>
1220 <code class="literal">(?=pattern)</code> consumes zero characters, only if pattern
1221 matches.
1222 </p>
1223 <p>
1224 <code class="literal">(?!pattern)</code> consumes zero characters, only if pattern
1225 does not match.
1226 </p>
1227 <p>
1228 Lookahead is typically used to create the logical AND of two regular expressions,
1229 for example if a password must contain a lower case letter, an upper case
1230 letter, a punctuation symbol, and be at least 6 characters long, then the
1231 expression:
1232 </p>
1233 <pre class="programlisting"><span class="special">(?=.*[[:</span><span class="identifier">lower</span><span class="special">:]])(?=.*[[:</span><span class="identifier">upper</span><span class="special">:]])(?=.*[[:</span><span class="identifier">punct</span><span class="special">:]]).{</span><span class="number">6</span><span class="special">,}</span>
1234 </pre>
1235 <p>
1236 could be used to validate the password.
1237 </p>
1238 <h6>
1239 <a name="boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.h38"></a>
1240 <span class="phrase"><a name="boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.lookbehind"></a></span><a class="link" href="perl_syntax.html#boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.lookbehind">Lookbehind</a>
1241 </h6>
1242 <p>
1243 <code class="literal">(?&lt;=pattern)</code> consumes zero characters, only if pattern
1244 could be matched against the characters preceding the current position (pattern
1245 must be of fixed length).
1246 </p>
1247 <p>
1248 <code class="literal">(?&lt;!pattern)</code> consumes zero characters, only if pattern
1249 could not be matched against the characters preceding the current position
1250 (pattern must be of fixed length).
1251 </p>
1252 <h6>
1253 <a name="boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.h39"></a>
1254 <span class="phrase"><a name="boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.independent_sub_expressions"></a></span><a class="link" href="perl_syntax.html#boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.independent_sub_expressions">Independent
1255 sub-expressions</a>
1256 </h6>
1257 <p>
1258 <code class="literal">(?&gt;pattern)</code> <span class="emphasis"><em>pattern</em></span> is matched
1259 independently of the surrounding patterns, the expression will never backtrack
1260 into <span class="emphasis"><em>pattern</em></span>. Independent sub-expressions are typically
1261 used to improve performance; only the best possible match for pattern will
1262 be considered, if this doesn't allow the expression as a whole to match then
1263 no match is found at all.
1264 </p>
1265 <h6>
1266 <a name="boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.h40"></a>
1267 <span class="phrase"><a name="boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.recursive_expressions"></a></span><a class="link" href="perl_syntax.html#boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.recursive_expressions">Recursive
1268 Expressions</a>
1269 </h6>
1270 <p>
1271 <code class="literal">(?<span class="emphasis"><em>N</em></span>) (?-<span class="emphasis"><em>N</em></span>) (?+<span class="emphasis"><em>N</em></span>)
1272 (?R) (?0) (?&amp;NAME)</code>
1273 </p>
1274 <p>
1275 <code class="literal">(?R)</code> and <code class="literal">(?0)</code> recurse to the start
1276 of the entire pattern.
1277 </p>
1278 <p>
1279 <code class="literal">(?<span class="emphasis"><em>N</em></span>)</code> executes sub-expression <span class="emphasis"><em>N</em></span>
1280 recursively, for example <code class="literal">(?2)</code> will recurse to sub-expression
1281 2.
1282 </p>
1283 <p>
1284 <code class="literal">(?-<span class="emphasis"><em>N</em></span>)</code> and <code class="literal">(?+<span class="emphasis"><em>N</em></span>)</code>
1285 are relative recursions, so for example <code class="literal">(?-1)</code> recurses
1286 to the last sub-expression to be declared, and <code class="literal">(?+1)</code> recurses
1287 to the next sub-expression to be declared.
1288 </p>
1289 <p>
1290 <code class="literal">(?&amp;NAME)</code> recurses to named sub-expression <span class="emphasis"><em>NAME</em></span>.
1291 </p>
1292 <h6>
1293 <a name="boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.h41"></a>
1294 <span class="phrase"><a name="boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.conditional_expressions"></a></span><a class="link" href="perl_syntax.html#boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.conditional_expressions">Conditional
1295 Expressions</a>
1296 </h6>
1297 <p>
1298 <code class="literal">(?(condition)yes-pattern|no-pattern)</code> attempts to match
1299 <span class="emphasis"><em>yes-pattern</em></span> if the <span class="emphasis"><em>condition</em></span> is
1300 true, otherwise attempts to match <span class="emphasis"><em>no-pattern</em></span>.
1301 </p>
1302 <p>
1303 <code class="literal">(?(condition)yes-pattern)</code> attempts to match <span class="emphasis"><em>yes-pattern</em></span>
1304 if the <span class="emphasis"><em>condition</em></span> is true, otherwise matches the NULL
1305 string.
1306 </p>
1307 <p>
1308 <span class="emphasis"><em>condition</em></span> may be either: a forward lookahead assert,
1309 the index of a marked sub-expression (the condition becomes true if the sub-expression
1310 has been matched), or an index of a recursion (the condition become true
1311 if we are executing directly inside the specified recursion).
1312 </p>
1313 <p>
1314 Here is a summary of the possible predicates:
1315 </p>
1316 <div class="itemizedlist"><ul class="itemizedlist" style="list-style-type: disc; ">
1317 <li class="listitem">
1318 <code class="literal">(?(?=assert)yes-pattern|no-pattern)</code> Executes <span class="emphasis"><em>yes-pattern</em></span>
1319 if the forward look-ahead assert matches, otherwise executes <span class="emphasis"><em>no-pattern</em></span>.
1320 </li>
1321 <li class="listitem">
1322 <code class="literal">(?(?!assert)yes-pattern|no-pattern)</code> Executes <span class="emphasis"><em>yes-pattern</em></span>
1323 if the forward look-ahead assert does not match, otherwise executes
1324 <span class="emphasis"><em>no-pattern</em></span>.
1325 </li>
1326 <li class="listitem">
1327 <code class="literal">(?(<span class="emphasis"><em>N</em></span>)yes-pattern|no-pattern)</code>
1328 Executes <span class="emphasis"><em>yes-pattern</em></span> if subexpression <span class="emphasis"><em>N</em></span>
1329 has been matched, otherwise executes <span class="emphasis"><em>no-pattern</em></span>.
1330 </li>
1331 <li class="listitem">
1332 <code class="literal">(?(&lt;<span class="emphasis"><em>name</em></span>&gt;)yes-pattern|no-pattern)</code>
1333 Executes <span class="emphasis"><em>yes-pattern</em></span> if named subexpression <span class="emphasis"><em>name</em></span>
1334 has been matched, otherwise executes <span class="emphasis"><em>no-pattern</em></span>.
1335 </li>
1336 <li class="listitem">
1337 <code class="literal">(?('<span class="emphasis"><em>name</em></span>')yes-pattern|no-pattern)</code>
1338 Executes <span class="emphasis"><em>yes-pattern</em></span> if named subexpression <span class="emphasis"><em>name</em></span>
1339 has been matched, otherwise executes <span class="emphasis"><em>no-pattern</em></span>.
1340 </li>
1341 <li class="listitem">
1342 <code class="literal">(?(R)yes-pattern|no-pattern)</code> Executes <span class="emphasis"><em>yes-pattern</em></span>
1343 if we are executing inside a recursion, otherwise executes <span class="emphasis"><em>no-pattern</em></span>.
1344 </li>
1345 <li class="listitem">
1346 <code class="literal">(?(R<span class="emphasis"><em>N</em></span>)yes-pattern|no-pattern)</code>
1347 Executes <span class="emphasis"><em>yes-pattern</em></span> if we are executing inside
1348 a recursion to sub-expression <span class="emphasis"><em>N</em></span>, otherwise executes
1349 <span class="emphasis"><em>no-pattern</em></span>.
1350 </li>
1351 <li class="listitem">
1352 <code class="literal">(?(R&amp;<span class="emphasis"><em>name</em></span>)yes-pattern|no-pattern)</code>
1353 Executes <span class="emphasis"><em>yes-pattern</em></span> if we are executing inside
1354 a recursion to named sub-expression <span class="emphasis"><em>name</em></span>, otherwise
1355 executes <span class="emphasis"><em>no-pattern</em></span>.
1356 </li>
1357 <li class="listitem">
1358 <code class="literal">(?(DEFINE)never-exectuted-pattern)</code> Defines a block
1359 of code that is never executed and matches no characters: this is usually
1360 used to define one or more named sub-expressions which are referred to
1361 from elsewhere in the pattern.
1362 </li>
1363 </ul></div>
1364 <h6>
1365 <a name="boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.h42"></a>
1366 <span class="phrase"><a name="boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.backtracking_control_verbs"></a></span><a class="link" href="perl_syntax.html#boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.backtracking_control_verbs">Backtracking
1367 Control Verbs</a>
1368 </h6>
1369 <p>
1370 This library has partial support for Perl's backtracking control verbs, in
1371 particular (*MARK) is not supported. There may also be detail differences
1372 in behaviour between this library and Perl, not least because Perl's behaviour
1373 is rather under-documented and often somewhat random in how it behaves in
1374 practice. The verbs supported are:
1375 </p>
1376 <div class="itemizedlist"><ul class="itemizedlist" style="list-style-type: disc; ">
1377 <li class="listitem">
1378 <code class="literal">(*PRUNE)</code> Has no effect unless backtracked onto, in
1379 which case all the backtracking information prior to this point is discarded.
1380 </li>
1381 <li class="listitem">
1382 <code class="literal">(*SKIP)</code> Behaves the same as <code class="literal">(*PRUNE)</code>
1383 except that it is assumed that no match can possibly occur prior to the
1384 current point in the string being searched. This can be used to optimize
1385 searches by skipping over chunks of text that have already been determined
1386 can not form a match.
1387 </li>
1388 <li class="listitem">
1389 <code class="literal">(*THEN)</code> Has no effect unless backtracked onto, in
1390 which case all subsequent alternatives in a group of alternations are
1391 discarded.
1392 </li>
1393 <li class="listitem">
1394 <code class="literal">(*COMMIT)</code> Has no effect unless backtracked onto, in
1395 which case all subsequent matching/searching attempts are abandoned.
1396 </li>
1397 <li class="listitem">
1398 <code class="literal">(*FAIL)</code> Causes the match to fail unconditionally at
1399 this point, can be used to force the engine to backtrack.
1400 </li>
1401 <li class="listitem">
1402 <code class="literal">(*ACCEPT)</code> Causes the pattern to be considered matched
1403 at the current point. Any half-open sub-expressions are closed at the
1404 current point.
1405 </li>
1406 </ul></div>
1407 <h5>
1408 <a name="boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.h43"></a>
1409 <span class="phrase"><a name="boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.operator_precedence"></a></span><a class="link" href="perl_syntax.html#boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.operator_precedence">Operator
1410 precedence</a>
1411 </h5>
1412 <p>
1413 The order of precedence for of operators is as follows:
1414 </p>
1415 <div class="orderedlist"><ol class="orderedlist" type="1">
1416 <li class="listitem">
1417 Collation-related bracket symbols <code class="computeroutput"><span class="special">[==]</span>
1418 <span class="special">[::]</span> <span class="special">[..]</span></code>
1419 </li>
1420 <li class="listitem">
1421 Escaped characters <code class="literal">\</code>
1422 </li>
1423 <li class="listitem">
1424 Character set (bracket expression) <code class="computeroutput"><span class="special">[]</span></code>
1425 </li>
1426 <li class="listitem">
1427 Grouping <code class="literal">()</code>
1428 </li>
1429 <li class="listitem">
1430 Single-character-ERE duplication <code class="literal">* + ? {m,n}</code>
1431 </li>
1432 <li class="listitem">
1433 Concatenation
1434 </li>
1435 <li class="listitem">
1436 Anchoring ^$
1437 </li>
1438 <li class="listitem">
1439 Alternation |
1440 </li>
1441 </ol></div>
1442 <h4>
1443 <a name="boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.h44"></a>
1444 <span class="phrase"><a name="boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.what_gets_matched"></a></span><a class="link" href="perl_syntax.html#boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.what_gets_matched">What
1445 gets matched</a>
1446 </h4>
1447 <p>
1448 If you view the regular expression as a directed (possibly cyclic) graph,
1449 then the best match found is the first match found by a depth-first-search
1450 performed on that graph, while matching the input text.
1451 </p>
1452 <p>
1453 Alternatively:
1454 </p>
1455 <p>
1456 The best match found is the <a class="link" href="leftmost_longest_rule.html" title="The Leftmost Longest Rule">leftmost
1457 match</a>, with individual elements matched as follows;
1458 </p>
1459 <div class="informaltable"><table class="table">
1460 <colgroup>
1461 <col>
1462 <col>
1463 </colgroup>
1464 <thead><tr>
1465 <th>
1466 <p>
1467 Construct
1468 </p>
1469 </th>
1470 <th>
1471 <p>
1472 What gets matched
1473 </p>
1474 </th>
1475 </tr></thead>
1476 <tbody>
1477 <tr>
1478 <td>
1479 <p>
1480 <code class="literal">AtomA AtomB</code>
1481 </p>
1482 </td>
1483 <td>
1484 <p>
1485 Locates the best match for <span class="emphasis"><em>AtomA</em></span> that has
1486 a following match for <span class="emphasis"><em>AtomB</em></span>.
1487 </p>
1488 </td>
1489 </tr>
1490 <tr>
1491 <td>
1492 <p>
1493 <code class="literal">Expression1 | Expression2</code>
1494 </p>
1495 </td>
1496 <td>
1497 <p>
1498 If <span class="emphasis"><em>Expresion1</em></span> can be matched then returns
1499 that match, otherwise attempts to match <span class="emphasis"><em>Expression2</em></span>.
1500 </p>
1501 </td>
1502 </tr>
1503 <tr>
1504 <td>
1505 <p>
1506 <code class="literal">S{N}</code>
1507 </p>
1508 </td>
1509 <td>
1510 <p>
1511 Matches <span class="emphasis"><em>S</em></span> repeated exactly N times.
1512 </p>
1513 </td>
1514 </tr>
1515 <tr>
1516 <td>
1517 <p>
1518 <code class="literal">S{N,M}</code>
1519 </p>
1520 </td>
1521 <td>
1522 <p>
1523 Matches S repeated between N and M times, and as many times as
1524 possible.
1525 </p>
1526 </td>
1527 </tr>
1528 <tr>
1529 <td>
1530 <p>
1531 <code class="literal">S{N,M}?</code>
1532 </p>
1533 </td>
1534 <td>
1535 <p>
1536 Matches S repeated between N and M times, and as few times as possible.
1537 </p>
1538 </td>
1539 </tr>
1540 <tr>
1541 <td>
1542 <p>
1543 <code class="literal">S?, S*, S+</code>
1544 </p>
1545 </td>
1546 <td>
1547 <p>
1548 The same as <code class="literal">S{0,1}</code>, <code class="literal">S{0,UINT_MAX}</code>,
1549 <code class="literal">S{1,UINT_MAX}</code> respectively.
1550 </p>
1551 </td>
1552 </tr>
1553 <tr>
1554 <td>
1555 <p>
1556 <code class="literal">S??, S*?, S+?</code>
1557 </p>
1558 </td>
1559 <td>
1560 <p>
1561 The same as <code class="literal">S{0,1}?</code>, <code class="literal">S{0,UINT_MAX}?</code>,
1562 <code class="literal">S{1,UINT_MAX}?</code> respectively.
1563 </p>
1564 </td>
1565 </tr>
1566 <tr>
1567 <td>
1568 <p>
1569 <code class="literal">(?&gt;S)</code>
1570 </p>
1571 </td>
1572 <td>
1573 <p>
1574 Matches the best match for <span class="emphasis"><em>S</em></span>, and only that.
1575 </p>
1576 </td>
1577 </tr>
1578 <tr>
1579 <td>
1580 <p>
1581 <code class="literal">(?=S), (?&lt;=S)</code>
1582 </p>
1583 </td>
1584 <td>
1585 <p>
1586 Matches only the best match for <span class="emphasis"><em>S</em></span> (this is
1587 only visible if there are capturing parenthesis within <span class="emphasis"><em>S</em></span>).
1588 </p>
1589 </td>
1590 </tr>
1591 <tr>
1592 <td>
1593 <p>
1594 <code class="literal">(?!S), (?&lt;!S)</code>
1595 </p>
1596 </td>
1597 <td>
1598 <p>
1599 Considers only whether a match for S exists or not.
1600 </p>
1601 </td>
1602 </tr>
1603 <tr>
1604 <td>
1605 <p>
1606 <code class="literal">(?(condition)yes-pattern | no-pattern)</code>
1607 </p>
1608 </td>
1609 <td>
1610 <p>
1611 If condition is true, then only yes-pattern is considered, otherwise
1612 only no-pattern is considered.
1613 </p>
1614 </td>
1615 </tr>
1616 </tbody>
1617 </table></div>
1618 <h4>
1619 <a name="boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.h45"></a>
1620 <span class="phrase"><a name="boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.variations"></a></span><a class="link" href="perl_syntax.html#boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.variations">Variations</a>
1621 </h4>
1622 <p>
1623 The <a class="link" href="../ref/syntax_option_type/syntax_option_type_perl.html" title="Options for Perl Regular Expressions">options
1624 <code class="literal">normal</code>, <code class="literal">ECMAScript</code>, <code class="literal">JavaScript</code>
1625 and <code class="literal">JScript</code></a> are all synonyms for <code class="literal">perl</code>.
1626 </p>
1627 <h4>
1628 <a name="boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.h46"></a>
1629 <span class="phrase"><a name="boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.options"></a></span><a class="link" href="perl_syntax.html#boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.options">Options</a>
1630 </h4>
1631 <p>
1632 There are a <a class="link" href="../ref/syntax_option_type/syntax_option_type_perl.html" title="Options for Perl Regular Expressions">variety
1633 of flags</a> that may be combined with the <code class="literal">perl</code> option
1634 when constructing the regular expression, in particular note that the <code class="literal">newline_alt</code>
1635 option alters the syntax, while the <code class="literal">collate</code>, <code class="literal">nosubs</code>
1636 and <code class="literal">icase</code> options modify how the case and locale sensitivity
1637 are to be applied.
1638 </p>
1639 <h4>
1640 <a name="boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.h47"></a>
1641 <span class="phrase"><a name="boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.pattern_modifiers"></a></span><a class="link" href="perl_syntax.html#boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.pattern_modifiers">Pattern
1642 Modifiers</a>
1643 </h4>
1644 <p>
1645 The perl <code class="literal">smix</code> modifiers can either be applied using a
1646 <code class="literal">(?smix-smix)</code> prefix to the regular expression, or with
1647 one of the <a class="link" href="../ref/syntax_option_type/syntax_option_type_perl.html" title="Options for Perl Regular Expressions">regex-compile
1648 time flags <code class="literal">no_mod_m</code>, <code class="literal">mod_x</code>, <code class="literal">mod_s</code>,
1649 and <code class="literal">no_mod_s</code></a>.
1650 </p>
1651 <h4>
1652 <a name="boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.h48"></a>
1653 <span class="phrase"><a name="boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.references"></a></span><a class="link" href="perl_syntax.html#boost_regex.syntax.perl_syntax.references">References</a>
1654 </h4>
1655 <p>
1656 <a href="http://perldoc.perl.org/perlre.html" target="_top">Perl 5.8</a>.
1657 </p>
1658 </div>
1659 <table xmlns:rev="http://www.cs.rpi.edu/~gregod/boost/tools/doc/revision" width="100%"><tr>
1660 <td align="left"></td>
1661 <td align="right"><div class="copyright-footer">Copyright &#169; 1998-2013 John Maddock<p>
1662 Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
1663 file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at <a href="http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt" target="_top">http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt</a>)
1664 </p>
1665 </div></td>
1666 </tr></table>
1667 <hr>
1668 <div class="spirit-nav">
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1670 </div>
1671 </body>
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