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8 <h1><img height="86" alt="boost.png (6897 bytes)" src="../../boost.png"
9 width="277" align="middle" border="0">shared_array class template</h1>
10 <p>The <b>shared_array</b> class template stores a pointer to a dynamically
11 allocated array. (Dynamically allocated array are allocated with the C++ <b>new[]</b>
12 expression.) The object pointed to is guaranteed to be deleted when the last <b>shared_array</b>
13 pointing to it is destroyed or reset.</p>
14 <p>Every <b>shared_array</b> meets the <b>CopyConstructible</b> and <b>Assignable</b>
15 requirements of the C++ Standard Library, and so can be used in standard
16 library containers. Comparison operators are supplied so that <b>shared_array</b>
17 works with the standard library's associative containers.</p>
18 <p>Normally, a <b>shared_array</b> cannot correctly hold a pointer to an object
19 that has been allocated with the non-array form of <STRONG>new</STRONG>. See <a href="shared_ptr.htm">
20 <b>shared_ptr</b></a> for that usage.</p>
21 <p>Because the implementation uses reference counting, cycles of <b>shared_array</b>
22 instances will not be reclaimed. For example, if <b>main()</b> holds a <b>shared_array</b>
23 to <b>A</b>, which directly or indirectly holds a <b>shared_array</b> back to <b>A</b>,
24 <b>A</b>'s use count will be 2. Destruction of the original <b>shared_array</b>
25 will leave <b>A</b> dangling with a use count of 1.</p>
26 <p>A <b>shared_ptr</b> to a <b>std::vector</b> is an alternative to a <b>shared_array</b>
27 that is a bit heavier duty but far more flexible.</p>
28 <p>The class template is parameterized on <b>T</b>, the type of the object pointed
29 to. <b>T</b> must meet the smart pointer <a href="smart_ptr.htm#common_requirements">
30 common requirements</a>.</p>
31 <h2>Synopsis</h2>
32 <pre>namespace boost {
34 template&lt;class T&gt; class shared_array {
36 public:
37 typedef T <a href="#element_type">element_type</a>;
39 explicit <a href="#constructors">shared_array</a>(T * p = 0);
40 template&lt;class D&gt; <a href="#constructors">shared_array</a>(T * p, D d);
41 <a href="#destructor">~shared_array</a>(); // never throws
43 <a href="#constructors">shared_array</a>(shared_array const &amp; r); // never throws
45 shared_array &amp; <a href="#assignment">operator=</a>(shared_array const &amp; r); // never throws
47 void <a href="#reset">reset</a>(T * p = 0);
48 template&lt;class D&gt; void <a href="#reset">reset</a>(T * p, D d);
50 T &amp; <a href="#indexing">operator[]</a>(std::ptrdiff_t i) const; // never throws
51 T * <a href="#get">get</a>() const; // never throws
53 bool <a href="#unique">unique</a>() const; // never throws
54 long <a href="#use_count">use_count</a>() const; // never throws
56 operator <A href="#conversions" ><i>unspecified-bool-type</i></A>() const; // never throws
58 void <a href="#swap">swap</a>(shared_array&lt;T&gt; &amp; b); // never throws
59 };
61 template&lt;class T&gt;
62 bool <a href="#comparison">operator==</a>(shared_array&lt;T&gt; const &amp; a, shared_array&lt;T&gt; const &amp; b); // never throws
63 template&lt;class T&gt;
64 bool <a href="#comparison">operator!=</a>(shared_array&lt;T&gt; const &amp; a, shared_array&lt;T&gt; const &amp; b); // never throws
65 template&lt;class T&gt;
66 bool <a href="#comparison">operator&lt;</a>(shared_array&lt;T&gt; const &amp; a, shared_array&lt;T&gt; const &amp; b); // never throws
68 template&lt;class T&gt; void <a href="#free-swap">swap</a>(shared_array&lt;T&gt; &amp; a, shared_array&lt;T&gt; &amp; b); // never throws
70 }</pre>
71 <h2>Members</h2>
72 <h3><a name="element_type">element_type</a></h3>
73 <pre>typedef T element_type;</pre>
74 <p>Provides the type of the stored pointer.</p>
75 <h3><a name="constructors">constructors</a></h3>
76 <pre>explicit shared_array(T * p = 0);</pre>
77 <p>Constructs a <b>shared_array</b>, storing a copy of <b>p</b>, which must be a
78 pointer to an array that was allocated via a C++ <b>new[]</b> expression or be
79 0. Afterwards, the <a href="#use_count">use count</a> is 1 (even if p == 0; see <a href="#destructor">
80 ~shared_array</a>). The only exception which may be thrown by this
81 constructor is <b>std::bad_alloc</b>. If an exception is thrown, <b>delete[] p</b>
82 is called.</p>
83 <pre>template&lt;class D&gt; shared_array(T * p, D d);</pre>
84 <p>Constructs a <b>shared_array</b>, storing a copy of <b>p</b> and of <b>d</b>.
85 Afterwards, the <a href="#use_count">use count</a> is 1. <b>D</b>'s copy
86 constructor and destructor must not throw. When the the time comes to delete
87 the array pointed to by <b>p</b>, the object <b>d</b> is used in the statement <b>d(p)</b>.
88 Invoking the object <b>d</b> with parameter <b>p</b> in this way must not
89 throw. The only exception which may be thrown by this constructor is <b>std::bad_alloc</b>.
90 If an exception is thrown, <b>d(p)</b> is called.</p>
91 <pre>shared_array(shared_array const &amp; r); // never throws</pre>
92 <p>Constructs a <b>shared_array</b>, as if by storing a copy of the pointer stored
93 in <b>r</b>. Afterwards, the <a href="#use_count">use count</a> for all copies
94 is 1 more than the initial use count.</p>
95 <h3><a name="destructor">destructor</a></h3>
96 <pre>~shared_array(); // never throws</pre>
97 <p>Decrements the <a href="#use_count">use count</a>. Then, if the use count is 0,
98 deletes the array pointed to by the stored pointer. Note that <b>delete[]</b> on
99 a pointer with a value of 0 is harmless. <b>T</b> need not be a complete type.
100 The guarantee that this does not throw exceptions depends on the requirement
101 that the deleted object's destructor does not throw exceptions. See the smart
102 pointer <a href="smart_ptr.htm#common_requirements">common requirements</a>.</p>
103 <h3><a name="assignment">assignment</a></h3>
104 <pre>shared_array &amp; operator=(shared_array const &amp; r); // never throws</pre>
105 <p>Constructs a new <b>shared_array</b> as described <a href="#constructors">above</a>,
106 then replaces this <b>shared_array</b> with the new one, destroying the
107 replaced object.</p>
108 <h3><a name="reset">reset</a></h3>
109 <pre>void reset(T * p = 0);</pre>
110 <p>Constructs a new <b>shared_array</b> as described <a href="#constructors">above</a>,
111 then replaces this <b>shared_array</b> with the new one, destroying the
112 replaced object. The only exception which may be thrown is <b>std::bad_alloc</b>.
113 If an exception is thrown, <b>delete[] p</b> is called.</p>
114 <pre>template&lt;class D&gt; void reset(T * p, D d);</pre>
115 <p>Constructs a new <b>shared_array</b> as described <a href="#constructors">above</a>,
116 then replaces this <b>shared_array</b> with the new one, destroying the
117 replaced object. <b>D</b>'s copy constructor must not throw. The only exception
118 which may be thrown is <b>std::bad_alloc</b>. If an exception is thrown, <b>d(p)</b>
119 is called.</p>
120 <h3><a name="indexing">indexing</a></h3>
121 <pre>T &amp; operator[](std::ptrdiff_t i) const; // never throws</pre>
122 <p>Returns a reference to element <b>i</b> of the array pointed to by the stored
123 pointer. Behavior is undefined and almost certainly undesirable if the stored
124 pointer is 0, or if <b>i</b> is less than 0 or is greater than or equal to the
125 number of elements in the array.</p>
126 <h3><a name="get">get</a></h3>
127 <pre>T * get() const; // never throws</pre>
128 <p>Returns the stored pointer. <b>T</b> need not be a complete type. See the smart
129 pointer <a href="smart_ptr.htm#common_requirements">common requirements</a>.</p>
130 <h3><a name="unique">unique</a></h3>
131 <pre>bool unique() const; // never throws</pre>
132 <p>Returns true if no other <b>shared_array</b> is sharing ownership of the stored
133 pointer, false otherwise. <b>T</b> need not be a complete type. See the smart
134 pointer <a href="smart_ptr.htm#common_requirements">common requirements</a>.</p>
135 <h3><a name="use_count">use_count</a></h3>
136 <pre>long use_count() const; // never throws</pre>
137 <p>Returns the number of <b>shared_array</b> objects sharing ownership of the
138 stored pointer. <b>T</b> need not be a complete type. See the smart pointer <a href="smart_ptr.htm#common_requirements">
139 common requirements</a>.</p>
140 <p>Because <b>use_count</b> is not necessarily efficient to implement for
141 implementations of <b>shared_array</b> that do not use an explicit reference
142 count, it might be removed from some future version. Thus it should be used for
143 debugging purposes only, and not production code.</p>
144 <h3><a name="conversions">conversions</a></h3>
145 <pre>operator <i>unspecified-bool-type</i> () const; // never throws</pre>
146 <p>Returns an unspecified value that, when used in boolean contexts, is equivalent
147 to <code>get() != 0</code>.</p>
148 <h3><a name="swap">swap</a></h3>
149 <pre>void swap(shared_ptr &amp; b); // never throws</pre>
150 <p>Exchanges the contents of the two smart pointers. <b>T</b> need not be a
151 complete type. See the smart pointer <a href="smart_ptr.htm#common_requirements">common
152 requirements</a>.</p>
153 <h2><a name="functions">Free Functions</a></h2>
154 <h3><a name="comparison">comparison</a></h3>
155 <pre>template&lt;class T&gt;
156 bool operator==(shared_array&lt;T&gt; const &amp; a, shared_array&lt;T&gt; const &amp; b); // never throws
157 template&lt;class T&gt;
158 bool operator!=(shared_array&lt;T&gt; const &amp; a, shared_array&lt;T&gt; const &amp; b); // never throws
159 template&lt;class T&gt;
160 bool operator&lt;(shared_array&lt;T&gt; const &amp; a, shared_array&lt;T&gt; const &amp; b); // never throws</pre>
161 <p>Compares the stored pointers of the two smart pointers. <b>T</b> need not be a
162 complete type. See the smart pointer <a href="smart_ptr.htm#common_requirements">common
163 requirements</a>.</p>
164 <p>The <b>operator&lt;</b> overload is provided to define an ordering so that <b>shared_array</b>
165 objects can be used in associative containers such as <b>std::map</b>. The
166 implementation uses <b>std::less&lt;T *&gt;</b> to perform the comparison. This
167 ensures that the comparison is handled correctly, since the standard mandates
168 that relational operations on pointers are unspecified (5.9 [expr.rel]
169 paragraph 2) but <b>std::less&lt;&gt;</b> on pointers is well-defined (20.3.3
170 [lib.comparisons] paragraph 8).</p>
171 <h3><a name="free-swap">swap</a></h3>
172 <pre>template&lt;class T&gt;
173 void swap(shared_array&lt;T&gt; &amp; a, shared_array&lt;T&gt; &amp; b) // never throws</pre>
174 <p>Equivalent to <b>a.swap(b)</b>. Matches the interface of <b>std::swap</b>.
175 Provided as an aid to generic programming.</p>
176 <hr>
177 <p>$Date$</p>
178 <p><small>Copyright 1999 Greg Colvin and Beman Dawes. Copyright 2002 Darin Adler.
179 Copyright 2002-2005 Peter Dimov. Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version
180 1.0. See accompanying file <A href="../../LICENSE_1_0.txt">LICENSE_1_0.txt</A> or
181 copy at <A href="http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt">http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt</A>.</small></p>
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