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4 <title>weak_ptr</title>
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8 <h1><img height="86" alt="boost.png (6897 bytes)" src="../../boost.png"
9 width="277" align="middle" border="0">weak_ptr class template</h1>
10 <p><A href="#Introduction">Introduction</A><br>
11 <A href="#Synopsis">Synopsis</A><br>
12 <A href="#Members">Members</A><br>
13 <A href="#functions">Free Functions</A><br>
14 <A href="#FAQ">Frequently Asked Questions</A>
15 </p>
16 <h2><a name="Introduction">Introduction</a></h2>
17 <p>The <b>weak_ptr</b> class template stores a "weak reference" to an object that's
18 already managed by a <b>shared_ptr</b>. To access the object, a <STRONG>weak_ptr</STRONG>
19 can be converted to a <STRONG>shared_ptr</STRONG> using <A href="shared_ptr.htm#constructors">
20 the <STRONG>shared_ptr</STRONG> constructor</A> or the member function <STRONG><A href="#lock">
21 lock</A></STRONG>. When the last <b>shared_ptr</b> to the object goes
22 away and the object is deleted, the attempt to obtain a <STRONG>shared_ptr</STRONG>
23 from the <b>weak_ptr</b> instances that refer to the deleted object will fail:
24 the constructor will throw an exception of type <STRONG>boost::bad_weak_ptr</STRONG>,
25 and <STRONG>weak_ptr::lock</STRONG> will return an <EM>empty</EM> <STRONG>shared_ptr</STRONG>.</p>
26 <p>Every <b>weak_ptr</b> meets the <b>CopyConstructible</b> and <b>Assignable</b> requirements
27 of the C++ Standard Library, and so can be used in standard library containers.
28 Comparison operators are supplied so that <b>weak_ptr</b> works with the
29 standard library's associative containers.</p>
30 <P><STRONG>weak_ptr</STRONG> operations never throw&nbsp;exceptions.</P>
31 <p>The class template is parameterized on <b>T</b>, the type of the object pointed
32 to.</p>
33 <P>Compared to <STRONG>shared_ptr</STRONG>, <STRONG>weak_ptr</STRONG> provides a
34 very limited subset of operations since accessing its stored pointer is often
35 dangerous in multithreaded programs, and sometimes unsafe even within a single
36 thread (that is, it may invoke undefined behavior.) Pretend for a moment that <b>weak_ptr</b>
37 has a <b>get</b> member function that returns a raw pointer, and consider this
38 innocent piece of code:</P>
39 <pre>shared_ptr&lt;int&gt; p(new int(5));
40 weak_ptr&lt;int&gt; q(p);
42 // some time later
44 if(int * r = q.get())
45 {
46 // use *r
47 }
48 </pre>
49 <P>Imagine that after the <STRONG>if</STRONG>, but immediately before <STRONG>r</STRONG>
50 is used, another thread executes the statement <code>p.reset()</code>. Now <STRONG>r</STRONG>
51 is a dangling pointer.</P>
52 <P>The solution to this problem is to create a temporary <STRONG>shared_ptr</STRONG>
53 from <STRONG>q</STRONG>:</P>
54 <pre>shared_ptr&lt;int&gt; p(new int(5));
55 weak_ptr&lt;int&gt; q(p);
57 // some time later
59 if(shared_ptr&lt;int&gt; r = q.<A href="#lock" >lock</A>())
60 {
61 // use *r
62 }
63 </pre>
64 <p>Now <STRONG>r</STRONG> holds a reference to the object that was pointed by <STRONG>q</STRONG>.
65 Even if <code>p.reset()</code> is executed in another thread, the object will
66 stay alive until <STRONG>r</STRONG> goes out of scope or is reset. By obtaining
67 a <STRONG>shared_ptr</STRONG> to the object, we have effectively locked it
68 against destruction.</p>
69 <h2><a name="Synopsis">Synopsis</a></h2>
70 <pre>namespace boost {
72 template&lt;class T&gt; class weak_ptr {
74 public:
75 typedef T <A href="#element_type" >element_type</A>;
77 <A href="#default-constructor" >weak_ptr</A>();
79 template&lt;class Y&gt; <A href="#constructors" >weak_ptr</A>(shared_ptr&lt;Y&gt; const &amp; r);
80 <A href="#constructors" >weak_ptr</A>(weak_ptr const &amp; r);
81 template&lt;class Y&gt; <A href="#constructors" >weak_ptr</A>(weak_ptr&lt;Y&gt; const &amp; r);
83 <A href="#destructor" >~weak_ptr</A>();
85 weak_ptr &amp; <A href="#assignment" >operator=</A>(weak_ptr const &amp; r);
86 template&lt;class Y&gt; weak_ptr &amp; <A href="#assignment" >operator=</A>(weak_ptr&lt;Y&gt; const &amp; r);
87 template&lt;class Y&gt; weak_ptr &amp; <A href="#assignment" >operator=</A>(shared_ptr&lt;Y&gt; const &amp; r);
89 long <A href="#use_count" >use_count</A>() const;
90 bool <A href="#expired" >expired</A>() const;
91 shared_ptr&lt;T&gt; <A href="#lock" >lock</A>() const;
93 void <A href="#reset" >reset</A>();
94 void <A href="#swap" >swap</A>(weak_ptr&lt;T&gt; &amp; b);
95 };
97 template&lt;class T, class U&gt;
98 bool <A href="#comparison" >operator&lt;</A>(weak_ptr&lt;T&gt; const &amp; a, weak_ptr&lt;U&gt; const &amp; b);
100 template&lt;class T&gt;
101 void <A href="#free-swap" >swap</A>(weak_ptr&lt;T&gt; &amp; a, weak_ptr&lt;T&gt; &amp; b);
102 }
103 </pre>
104 <h2><a name="Members">Members</a></h2>
105 <h3><a name="element_type">element_type</a></h3>
106 <pre>typedef T element_type;</pre>
107 <blockquote>
108 <p>Provides the type of the template parameter T.</p>
109 </blockquote>
110 <h3><a name="constructors">constructors</a></h3>
111 <pre><a name="default-constructor">weak_ptr();</a></pre>
112 <blockquote>
113 <p><b>Effects:</b> Constructs an <EM>empty</EM> <b>weak_ptr</b>.</p>
114 <p><b>Postconditions:</b> <code>use_count() == 0</code>.</p>
115 <p><b>Throws:</b> nothing.</p>
116 </blockquote>
117 <pre>template&lt;class Y&gt; weak_ptr(shared_ptr&lt;Y&gt; const &amp; r);
118 weak_ptr(weak_ptr const &amp; r);
119 template&lt;class Y&gt; weak_ptr(weak_ptr&lt;Y&gt; const &amp; r);</pre>
120 <blockquote>
121 <p><b>Effects:</b> If <STRONG>r</STRONG> is <EM>empty</EM>, constructs an <EM>empty</EM>
122 <STRONG>weak_ptr</STRONG>; otherwise, constructs a <b>weak_ptr</b> that <EM>shares
123 ownership</EM> with <STRONG>r</STRONG> as if by storing a copy of the
124 pointer stored in <b>r</b>.</p>
125 <p><b>Postconditions:</b> <code>use_count() == r.use_count()</code>.</p>
126 <p><b>Throws:</b> nothing.</p>
127 </blockquote>
128 <h3><a name="destructor">destructor</a></h3>
129 <pre>~weak_ptr();</pre>
131 <P><B>Effects:</B> Destroys this <b>weak_ptr</b> but has no effect on the object
132 its stored pointer points to.</P>
133 <P><B>Throws:</B> nothing.</P>
135 <h3><a name="assignment">assignment</a></h3>
136 <pre>weak_ptr &amp; operator=(weak_ptr const &amp; r);
137 template&lt;class Y&gt; weak_ptr &amp; operator=(weak_ptr&lt;Y&gt; const &amp; r);
138 template&lt;class Y&gt; weak_ptr &amp; operator=(shared_ptr&lt;Y&gt; const &amp; r);</pre>
140 <P><B>Effects:</B> Equivalent to <code>weak_ptr(r).swap(*this)</code>.</P>
141 <P><B>Throws:</B> nothing.</P>
142 <P><B>Notes:</B> The implementation is free to meet the effects (and the implied
143 guarantees) via different means, without creating a temporary.</P>
145 <h3><a name="use_count">use_count</a></h3>
146 <pre>long use_count() const;</pre>
147 <blockquote>
148 <p><b>Returns:</b> 0 if <STRONG>*this</STRONG> is <EM>empty</EM>; otherwise, the
149 number of <b>shared_ptr</b> objects that <EM>share ownership</EM> with <STRONG>*this</STRONG>.</p>
150 <p><b>Throws:</b> nothing.</p>
151 <P><B>Notes:</B> <code>use_count()</code> is not necessarily efficient. Use only
152 for debugging and testing purposes, not for production code.</P>
153 </blockquote>
154 <h3><a name="expired">expired</a></h3>
155 <pre>bool expired() const;</pre>
156 <blockquote>
157 <p><b>Returns:</b> <code>use_count() == 0</code>.</p>
158 <p><b>Throws:</b> nothing.</p>
159 <P><B>Notes:</B> <code>expired()</code> may be faster than <code>use_count()</code>.</P>
160 </blockquote>
161 <h3><a name="lock">lock</a></h3>
162 <pre>shared_ptr&lt;T&gt; lock() const;</pre>
164 <P><B>Returns:</B> <code>expired()? shared_ptr&lt;T&gt;(): shared_ptr&lt;T&gt;(*this)</code>.</P>
165 <P><B>Throws:</B> nothing.</P>
167 <h3><a name="reset">reset</a></h3>
168 <pre>void reset();</pre>
170 <P><B>Effects:</B> Equivalent to <code>weak_ptr().swap(*this)</code>.</P>
172 <h3><a name="swap">swap</a></h3>
173 <pre>void swap(weak_ptr &amp; b);</pre>
174 <blockquote>
175 <p><b>Effects:</b> Exchanges the contents of the two smart pointers.</p>
176 <p><b>Throws:</b> nothing.</p>
177 </blockquote>
178 <h2><a name="functions">Free Functions</a></h2>
179 <h3><a name="comparison">comparison</a></h3>
180 <pre>template&lt;class T, class U&gt;
181 bool operator&lt;(weak_ptr&lt;T&gt; const &amp; a, weak_ptr&lt;U&gt; const &amp; b);</pre>
182 <blockquote>
183 <p><b>Returns:</b> an unspecified value such that</p>
184 <UL>
185 <LI>
186 <b>operator&lt;</b> is a strict weak ordering as described in section 25.3 <code>[lib.alg.sorting]</code>
187 of the C++ standard;
188 <LI>
189 under the equivalence relation defined by <STRONG>operator&lt;</STRONG>, <code>!(a
190 &lt; b) &amp;&amp; !(b &lt; a)</code>, two <STRONG>weak_ptr</STRONG> instances
191 are equivalent if and only if they <EM>share ownership</EM> or are both <EM>empty</EM>.</LI></UL>
192 <p><b>Throws:</b> nothing.</p>
193 <P><B>Notes:</B> Allows <STRONG>weak_ptr</STRONG> objects to be used as keys in
194 associative containers.</P>
195 </blockquote>
196 <h3><a name="free-swap">swap</a></h3>
197 <pre>template&lt;class T&gt;
198 void swap(weak_ptr&lt;T&gt; &amp; a, weak_ptr&lt;T&gt; &amp; b)</pre>
200 <P><B>Effects:</B> Equivalent to <code>a.swap(b)</code>.</P>
201 <P><B>Throws:</B> nothing.</P>
202 <P><B>Notes:</B> Matches the interface of <B>std::swap</B>. Provided as an aid to
203 generic programming.</P>
205 <h2><a name="FAQ">Frequently Asked Questions</a></h2>
206 <P><B>Q.</B> Can an object create a <STRONG>weak_ptr</STRONG> to itself in its
207 constructor?</P>
208 <P><b>A.</b> No. A <STRONG>weak_ptr</STRONG> can only be created from a <STRONG>shared_ptr</STRONG>,
209 and at object construction time no <STRONG>shared_ptr</STRONG> to the object
210 exists yet. Even if you could create a temporary <STRONG>shared_ptr</STRONG> to <STRONG>
211 this</STRONG>, it would go out of scope at the end of the constructor, and
212 all <STRONG>weak_ptr</STRONG> instances would instantly expire.</P>
213 <P>The solution is to make the constructor private, and supply a factory function
214 that returns a <STRONG>shared_ptr</STRONG>:<BR>
215 </P>
216 <pre>
217 class X
218 {
219 private:
221 X();
223 public:
225 static shared_ptr&lt;X&gt; create()
226 {
227 shared_ptr&lt;X&gt; px(new X);
228 // create weak pointers from px here
229 return px;
230 }
231 };
232 </pre>
233 <hr>
234 <p>$Date$</p>
235 <p><small>Copyright 1999 Greg Colvin and Beman Dawes. Copyright 2002 Darin Adler.
236 Copyright 2002-2005 Peter Dimov. Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version
237 1.0. See accompanying file <A href="../../LICENSE_1_0.txt">LICENSE_1_0.txt</A> or
238 copy at <A href="http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt">http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt</A>.</small></p>
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