]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/src/boost/libs/spirit/test/x3/extract_int.cpp
import new upstream nautilus stable release 14.2.8
[ceph.git] / ceph / src / boost / libs / spirit / test / x3 / extract_int.cpp
1 /*=============================================================================
2 Copyright (c) 2018 Nikita Kniazev
4 Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
5 file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
6 =============================================================================*/
8 #include <boost/detail/lightweight_test.hpp>
9 #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/support/numeric_utils/extract_int.hpp>
10 #include <cmath> // for std::pow
11 #include <cstdio>
12 #include <iosfwd>
13 #include <limits>
15 #ifdef _MSC_VER
16 # pragma warning(disable: 4127) // conditional expression is constant
17 #endif
19 template <int Min, int Max>
20 struct custom_int
21 {
22 custom_int() = default;
23 constexpr custom_int(int value) : value_{value} {}
25 custom_int operator+(custom_int x) const { return value_ + x.value_; }
26 custom_int operator-(custom_int x) const { return value_ - x.value_; }
27 custom_int operator*(custom_int x) const { return value_ * x.value_; }
28 custom_int operator/(custom_int x) const { return value_ / x.value_; }
30 custom_int& operator+=(custom_int x) { value_ += x.value_; return *this; }
31 custom_int& operator-=(custom_int x) { value_ -= x.value_; return *this; }
32 custom_int& operator*=(custom_int x) { value_ *= x.value_; return *this; }
33 custom_int& operator/=(custom_int x) { value_ /= x.value_; return *this; }
34 custom_int& operator++() { ++value_; return *this; }
35 custom_int& operator--() { --value_; return *this; }
36 custom_int operator++(int) { return value_++; }
37 custom_int operator--(int) { return value_--; }
39 custom_int operator+() { return +value_; }
40 custom_int operator-() { return -value_; }
42 bool operator< (custom_int x) const { return value_ < x.value_; }
43 bool operator> (custom_int x) const { return value_ > x.value_; }
44 bool operator<=(custom_int x) const { return value_ <= x.value_; }
45 bool operator>=(custom_int x) const { return value_ >= x.value_; }
46 bool operator==(custom_int x) const { return value_ == x.value_; }
47 bool operator!=(custom_int x) const { return value_ != x.value_; }
49 template <typename Char, typename Traits>
50 friend std::basic_ostream<Char, Traits>&
51 operator<<(std::basic_ostream<Char, Traits>& os, custom_int x) {
52 return os << x.value_;
53 }
55 static constexpr int max = Max;
56 static constexpr int min = Min;
58 private:
59 int value_;
60 };
62 namespace utils {
64 template <int Min, int Max> struct digits;
65 template <> struct digits<-9, 9> { static constexpr int r2 = 3, r10 = 1; };
66 template <> struct digits<-10, 10> { static constexpr int r2 = 3, r10 = 1; };
67 template <> struct digits<-15, 15> { static constexpr int r2 = 3, r10 = 1; };
69 }
71 namespace std {
73 template <int Min, int Max>
74 class numeric_limits<custom_int<Min, Max>> : public numeric_limits<int>
75 {
76 public:
77 static constexpr custom_int<Min, Max> max() noexcept { return Max; }
78 static constexpr custom_int<Min, Max> min() noexcept { return Min; }
79 static constexpr custom_int<Min, Max> lowest() noexcept { return min(); }
80 static_assert(numeric_limits<int>::radix == 2, "hardcoded for digits of radix 2");
81 static constexpr int digits = utils::digits<Min, Max>::r2;
82 static constexpr int digits10 = utils::digits<Min, Max>::r10;
83 };
85 }
87 namespace x3 = boost::spirit::x3;
89 template <typename T, int Base, int MaxDigits>
90 void test_overflow_handling(char const* begin, char const* end, int i)
91 {
92 // Check that parser fails on overflow
93 static_assert(std::numeric_limits<T>::is_bounded, "tests prerequest");
94 BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(MaxDigits == -1 || static_cast<int>(std::pow(float(Base), MaxDigits)) > T::max,
95 "test prerequest");
96 int initial = Base - i % Base; // just a 'random' non-equal to i number
97 T x { initial };
98 char const* it = begin;
99 bool r = x3::extract_int<T, Base, 1, MaxDigits>::call(it, end, x);
100 if (T::min <= i && i <= T::max) {
101 BOOST_TEST(r);
102 BOOST_TEST(it == end);
103 BOOST_TEST_EQ(x, i);
104 }
105 else
106 if (MaxDigits == -1) // TODO: Looks like a regression. See #430
107 {
108 BOOST_TEST(!r);
109 BOOST_TEST(it == begin);
110 }
111 }
113 template <typename T, int Base>
114 void test_unparsed_digits_are_not_consumed(char const* it, char const* end, int i)
115 {
116 // Check that unparsed digits are not consumed
117 static_assert(T::min <= -Base+1, "test prerequest");
118 static_assert(T::max >= Base-1, "test prerequest");
119 bool has_sign = *it == '+' || *it == '-';
120 auto len = end - it;
121 int initial = Base - i % Base; // just a 'random' non-equal to i number
122 T x { initial };
123 bool r = x3::extract_int<T, Base, 1, 1>::call(it, end, x);
124 BOOST_TEST(r);
125 if (-Base < i && i < Base) {
126 BOOST_TEST(it == end);
127 BOOST_TEST_EQ(x, i);
128 }
129 else {
130 BOOST_TEST_EQ(end - it, len - 1 - has_sign);
131 BOOST_TEST_EQ(x, i / Base);
132 }
133 }
135 template <typename T, int Base>
136 void run_tests(char const* begin, char const* end, int i)
137 {
138 // Check that parser fails on overflow
139 test_overflow_handling<T, Base, -1>(begin, end, i);
140 // Check that MaxDigits > digits10 behave like MaxDigits=-1
141 test_overflow_handling<T, Base, 2>(begin, end, i);
142 // Check that unparsed digits are not consumed
143 test_unparsed_digits_are_not_consumed<T, Base>(begin, end, i);
144 }
146 int main()
147 {
148 for (int i = -30; i <= 30; ++i) {
149 char s[4];
150 std::snprintf(s, 4, "%d", i);
151 auto begin = &s[0], end = begin + std::strlen(begin);
153 // log(Base, abs(MinOrMax) + 1) == digits
154 run_tests<custom_int<-9, 9>, 10>(begin, end, i);
155 // (MinOrMax % Base) == 0
156 run_tests<custom_int<-10, 10>, 10>(begin, end, i);
157 // (MinOrMax % Base) != 0
158 run_tests<custom_int<-15, 15>, 10>(begin, end, i);
159 }
161 return boost::report_errors();
162 }