]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/src/boost/libs/test/test/baseline-outputs/test_tools-test.pattern
update ceph source to reef 18.1.2
[ceph.git] / ceph / src / boost / libs / test / test / baseline-outputs / test_tools-test.pattern
1 warning: in "test_BOOST_WARN": condition sizeof(int) == sizeof(short) is not satisfied
2 info: check sizeof(unsigned char) == sizeof(char) has passed
3 error: in "test_BOOST_CHECK": check false has failed
4 error: in "test_BOOST_CHECK": check 1==2 has failed
5 error: in "test_BOOST_CHECK": check i==1 has failed
6 info: check i==2 has passed
7 error: in "test_BOOST_REQUIRE": not aborted
8 fatal error: in "test_BOOST_REQUIRE": critical check false has failed
9 fatal error: in "test_BOOST_REQUIRE": critical check j > 5 has failed
10 info: check j < 5 has passed
11 error: in "test_BOOST_REQUIRE": not aborted
12 info: check 'object size 33 is too small' has passed
13 error: in "test_BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE": Well, may be that what I believe in
14 error: in "test_BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE": Checking predicate failed. Some explanation
15 info: check 'Could it fail?' has passed
16 error: in "test_BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE": Comparing 1 and 2: some explanation
17 fatal error: in "test_BOOST_REQUIRE_MESSAGE": Here we should stop
18 info: check 'That's OK' has passed
19 error: in "test_BOOST_REQUIRE_MESSAGE": not aborted
20 error: in "test_BOOST_ERROR": Fail to miss an error
21 fatal error: in "test_BOOST_FAIL": No! No! Show must go on.
22 error: in "test_BOOST_CHECK_THROW": exception my_exception expected but not raised
23 warning: in "test_BOOST_CHECK_THROW": exception my_exception expected but not raised
24 fatal error: in "test_BOOST_CHECK_THROW": exception my_exception expected but not raised
25 info: check 'exception "my_exception" raised as expected' has passed
26 error: in "test_BOOST_CHECK_EXCEPTION": exception "my_exception" raised as expected: validation on the raised exception through predicate "is_critical"
27 info: check 'exception "my_exception" raised as expected: validation on the raised exception through predicate "is_critical"' has passed
28 error: in "test_BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW": unexpected exception thrown by throw my_exception()
29 error: in "test_BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL": check i == j has failed [1 != 2]
30 error: in "test_BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL": check str1 == str2 has failed [test1 != test12]
31 error: in "test_BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL": check i+1 == j has failed [4 != 2]
32 info: check str1 == str3+1 has passed
33 fatal error: in "test_BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL": critical check str1 == str2 has failed [test != null string]
34 warning: in "test_BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL": condition b1 == b2 is not satisfied [B(1) != B(2)]
35 error: in "test_BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL": check c1 == c3 has failed [C(0,100) != C(1,102)]. Index mismatch
36 error: in "test_BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL": check c1 == c2 has failed [C(0,100) != C(0,101)]. Id mismatch
37 error: in "test_BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL": check ch1 == ch2 has failed [0xfffffffe != 0xfffffffd]
38 error: in "test_BOOST_CHECK_LOGICAL_EXPR": check ++i != j has failed [2 == 2]
39 error: in "test_BOOST_CHECK_LOGICAL_EXPR": check i < j has failed [2 >= 2]
40 error: in "test_BOOST_CHECK_LOGICAL_EXPR": check i > j has failed [2 <= 2]
41 error: in "test_BOOST_CHECK_LOGICAL_EXPR": check i <= j has failed [3 > 2]
42 error: in "test_BOOST_CHECK_LOGICAL_EXPR": check j >= i has failed [2 < 3]
43 error: in "test_BOOST_CHECK_LOGICAL_EXPR": check str1 != str2 has failed [test1 == test1]
44 error: in "test_BOOST_CHECK_PREDICATE": check is_even( i ) has failed for ( 17 )
45 error: in "test_BOOST_CHECK_PREDICATE": check not_equal_to<int>()( i, 17 ) has failed for ( 17, 17 )
46 warning: in "test_BOOST_CHECK_PREDICATE": condition moo( 12, i, j ) is not satisfied for ( 12, 17, 15 )
47 error: in "test_BOOST_CHECK_PREDICATE": check compare_lists( l1, l2 ) has failed for ( , ). Different sizes [2!=0]
48 error: in "test_BOOST_REQUIRE_PREDICATE": not aborted
49 fatal error: in "test_BOOST_REQUIRE_PREDICATE": critical check less_equal<int>()( arg2, arg1 ) has failed for ( 2, 1 )
50 error: in "test_BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL_COLLECTIONS": check { testlist.begin(), testlist.end() } == { pattern, pattern+7 } has failed.
51 Mismatch at position 2: 4 != 3
52 Mismatch at position 5: 7 != 6
53 error: in "test_BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL_COLLECTIONS": check { testlist.begin(), testlist.end() } == { pattern, pattern+2 } has failed.
54 Collections size mismatch: 7 != 2
55 error: in "test_BOOST_CHECK_BITWISE_EQUAL": check (char)0x06 =.= (char)0x16 has failed.
56 Mismatch at position 4
57 warning: in "test_BOOST_CHECK_BITWISE_EQUAL": condition (char)0x26 =.= (char)0x04 is not satisfied.
58 Mismatch at position 1
59 Mismatch at position 5
60 fatal error: in "test_BOOST_CHECK_BITWISE_EQUAL": critical check (char)0x26 =.= (int)0x26 has failed.
61 Operands bit sizes mismatch: 8 != 32
62 still testing
63 1+1=2
64 2+2=4
65 struct A
66 0x14
67 20
68 fatal error: in "test_BOOST_TEST_CHECKPOINT": C string: some error
69 last checkpoint: Going to do a silly things
70 fatal error: in "test_BOOST_TEST_PASSPOINT": unknown type
71 last checkpoint
72 error: in "test_context_logging": check false has failed
73 Failure occurred in a following context:
74 some context
75 error: in "test_context_logging": check false has failed
76 Failure occurred in a following context:
77 some more context: 12
78 error: in "test_context_logging": check false has failed
79 Failure occurred in a following context:
80 info 1
81 info 2
82 info 3
83 error: in "test_context_logging": check false has failed
84 Failure occurred in a following context:
85 some sticky context
86 error: in "test_context_logging": check false has failed
87 Failure occurred in a following context:
88 some sticky context
89 more context
90 error: in "test_context_logging": check false has failed
91 Failure occurred in a following context:
92 some sticky context
93 different subcontext
94 error: in "test_context_logging": check false has failed
95 Failure occurred in a following context:
96 outer context
97 error: in "test_context_logging": check false has failed
98 Failure occurred in a following context:
99 outer context
100 inner context
101 error: in "test_context_logging": check false has failed
102 Failure occurred in a following context:
103 outer context
104 info: check true has passed
105 error: in "test_BOOST_TEST_basic_arithmetic_op": check false has failed
106 info: check bc has passed
107 error: in "test_BOOST_TEST_basic_arithmetic_op": check i == 2 has failed [1 != 2]
108 error: in "test_BOOST_TEST_basic_arithmetic_op": check i != 1 has failed [1 == 1]
109 error: in "test_BOOST_TEST_basic_arithmetic_op": check i > 2 has failed [1 <= 2]
110 error: in "test_BOOST_TEST_basic_arithmetic_op": check i < 1 has failed [1 >= 1]
111 error: in "test_BOOST_TEST_basic_arithmetic_op": check i <= 0 has failed [1 > 0]
112 error: in "test_BOOST_TEST_basic_arithmetic_op": check i >= 5 has failed [1 < 5]
113 error: in "test_BOOST_TEST_basic_arithmetic_op": check i+j >= 5 has failed [1 + 2 < 5]
114 error: in "test_BOOST_TEST_basic_arithmetic_op": check j-i == 2 has failed [2 - 1 != 2]
115 error: in "test_BOOST_TEST_basic_arithmetic_op": check *p == 2 has failed [1 != 2]
116 error: in "test_BOOST_TEST_basic_arithmetic_op": check j-*p == 0 has failed [2 - 1 != 0]
117 error: in "test_BOOST_TEST_basic_arithmetic_op": check FooType() has failed ['0' evaluates to false]
118 error: in "test_BOOST_TEST_basic_arithmetic_op": check *F has failed ['0' evaluates to false]
119 error: in "test_BOOST_TEST_basic_arithmetic_op": check **F has failed ['0' evaluates to false]
120 error: in "test_BOOST_TEST_basic_arithmetic_op": check ***F has failed ['0' evaluates to false]
121 error: in "test_BOOST_TEST_basic_arithmetic_op": check &F > 100 has failed [10 <= 100]
122 error: in "test_BOOST_TEST_basic_arithmetic_op": check &*F > 100 has failed [10 <= 100]
123 error: in "test_BOOST_TEST_basic_arithmetic_op": check (i == 1) & (j == 1) has failed [true & false]
124 error: in "test_BOOST_TEST_basic_arithmetic_op": check (i == 2) | (j == 1) has failed [false | false]
125 error: in "test_BOOST_TEST_basic_arithmetic_op": check ( i == 1 && j == 1 ) has failed
126 error: in "test_BOOST_TEST_basic_arithmetic_op": check ( i == 2 || j == 1 ) has failed
127 info: check true has passed
128 info: check true has passed
129 error: in "test_BOOST_TEST_basic_arithmetic_op": This message reported instead including 1 and 2
130 error: in "test_BOOST_TEST_collection_comp": check v == l has failed:
131 - mismatch at position 1: [2 == 3] is false
132 - mismatch at position 2: [3 == 2] is false
133 error: in "test_BOOST_TEST_collection_comp": check v != v2 has failed:
134 Collections appear to be equal
135 error: in "test_BOOST_TEST_collection_comp": check v > l has failed:
136 Failure at position 1:
137 - condition [2 > 3] is false
138 - inverse condition [3 > 2] is true
139 error: in "test_BOOST_TEST_collection_comp": check v >= l has failed:
140 Failure at position 1:
141 - condition [2 >= 3] is false
142 - inverse condition [3 >= 2] is true
143 error: in "test_BOOST_TEST_fpv_comp": check d1 == d2 has failed [1.1e-05 != 1.1e-05]
144 error: in "test_BOOST_TEST_fpv_comp": check d1 == d2 has failed [1.1e-05 != 1.1e-05]: relative difference exceeds tolerance [0.000909091 > 1e-07]
145 error: in "test_BOOST_TEST_fpv_comp": check d1 != f1 has failed [1.1e-05 == 1.10000001e-05]: relative difference is within tolerance [7.81041e-09 < 1e-07]
146 error: in "test_BOOST_TEST_fpv_comp": check d1 > d2 has failed [1.1e-05 <= 1.1e-05]
147 error: in "test_BOOST_TEST_fpv_comp": check d1+1./1e20 > d2 has failed [1.1e-05 + 1e-20 <= 1.1e-05]: operation > on arguments yields 'false'.
148 error: in "test_BOOST_TEST_fpv_comp": check d2 <= d1 has failed [1.1e-05 > 1.1e-05]: operation == on arguments yields 'false': relative difference exceeds tolerance [0.000909091 > 1e-07].
149 error: in "test_BOOST_TEST_fpv_comp": check d1-1e-5 == 0. has failed [1.1e-05 - 1e-05 != 0]: absolute value exceeds tolerance [|1e-06| > 1e-07]
150 error: in "test_BOOST_TEST_fpv_comp": check d1-1e-5 != 0. has failed [1.1e-05 - 1e-05 == 0]: absolute value is within tolerance [|1e-06| < 0.0001]
151 error: in "test_BOOST_TEST_fpv_comp": check 0. != 1e-5-d1 has failed [0 == -1e-06]: absolute value is within tolerance [|-1e-06| < 0.0001]
152 error: in "test_BOOST_TEST_fpv_comp": check d2-1e-5 < 0. has failed [1.1e-05 - 1e-05 >= 0]: operation < on arguments yields 'false'.
153 error: in "test_BOOST_TEST_fpv_comp": check 1.01 == cd has failed [1.01 != 1]: relative difference exceeds tolerance [0.01 > 0.001]
154 error: in "test_BOOST_TEST_cstring_comp": check str1 == str2 has failed [test1 != test12]
155 error: in "test_BOOST_TEST_cstring_comp": check str1 == str3 has failed [test1 != test2]
156 error: in "test_BOOST_TEST_cstring_comp": check str3 == str2 has failed [test2 != test12]
157 error: in "test_BOOST_TEST_cstring_comp": check str1 == str4 has failed [test1 != test3]
158 error: in "test_BOOST_TEST_cstring_comp": check str3 == str4 has failed [test2 != test3]
159 error: in "test_BOOST_TEST_cstring_comp": check str1 == str5 has failed [test1 != null string]
160 error: in "test_BOOST_TEST_cstring_comp": check str1 != (str6+1) has failed [test1 == test1]
161 error: in "test_BOOST_TEST_cstring_comp": check str5 != str5 has failed [null string == null string]
162 error: in "test_BOOST_TEST_cstring_comp": check str3 < str1 has failed [test2 >= test1]
163 error: in "test_BOOST_TEST_cstring_comp": check str1 >= str2 has failed [test1 < test12]
164 error: in "string_comparison_per_element": check s1 == s2 has failed
165 - mismatch at position 4: ['h' == 'g'] is false
166 error: in "string_comparison_per_element": check s3 == s4 has failed
167 - mismatch at position 3: ['l' == 'k'] is false
168 - mismatch at position 10: ['d' == 't'] is false
169 error: in "test_BOOST_TEST_bitwise": check a == b has failed [171 != 136]. Bitwise comparison failed
170 Mismatch at position 0
171 Mismatch at position 1
172 Mismatch at position 5
173 error: in "test_BOOST_TEST_bitwise": check c == b has failed [138 != 136]. Bitwise comparison failed
174 Mismatch at position 1
175 Operands bit sizes mismatch: 16 != 32
176 error: in "test_BOOST_TEST_fpv_comp_on_collections": check d1 == d2 has failed [1.1e-05 != 1.11e-05]: relative difference exceeds tolerance [0.00909091 > 0.001]
177 info: check d1 == d2 has passed
178 error: in "test_BOOST_TEST_fpv_comp_on_collections": check v1 == v2 has failed
179 error: in "test_BOOST_TEST_fpv_comp_on_collections": check v1 == v2 has failed
180 - mismatch at position 0: [1.1e-05 == 1.11e-05] is false: relative difference exceeds tolerance [0.00909091 > 0.001]
181 - mismatch at position 1: [1.1e-05 == 1.11e-05] is false: relative difference exceeds tolerance [0.00909091 > 0.001]
182 - mismatch at position 2: [1.1e-05 == 1.11e-05] is false: relative difference exceeds tolerance [0.00909091 > 0.001]
183 error: in "test_BOOST_TEST_fpv_comp_on_collections": check v1f == v2f has failed
184 - mismatch at position 0: [1.10000001e-05 == 1.10999999e-05] is false
185 - mismatch at position 1: [1.10000001e-05 == 1.10999999e-05] is false
186 - mismatch at position 2: [1.10000001e-05 == 1.10999999e-05] is false
187 info: check v1 <= v2 has passed
188 info: check v1 < v2 has passed
189 info: check v1 <= v2 has passed
190 error: in "test_BOOST_TEST_fpv_comp_on_collections": check v1 < v2 has failed
191 - mismatch at position 0: [1.1e-05 < 1.11e-05] is false: operation != on arguments yields 'false': relative difference is within tolerance [0.00900901 < 0.01].
192 - mismatch at position 1: [1.1e-05 < 1.11e-05] is false: operation != on arguments yields 'false': relative difference is within tolerance [0.00900901 < 0.01].
193 - mismatch at position 2: [1.1e-05 < 1.11e-05] is false: operation != on arguments yields 'false': relative difference is within tolerance [0.00900901 < 0.01].
194 info: check v1f < v2f has passed
195 error: in "test_BOOST_TEST_fpv_comp_on_collections": check 'custom error message v1 == v2 tolerance<double> ' 1.1e-05 != 1.11e-05 has failed
196 error: in "test_BOOST_TEST_fpv_comp_on_collections": check 'custom error message v1f == v2f tolerance<double> ' 1.10000001e-05 != 1.10999999e-05 has failed
197 info: check 'custom error message v1 <= v2 tolerance<double> ' 1.1e-05 > 1.11e-05 has passed
198 info: check 'custom error message v1 < v2 tolerance<double> ' 1.1e-05 >= 1.11e-05 has passed
199 info: check 'custom error message v1 <= v2 high_tolerance<double> ' 1.1e-05 > 1.11e-05 has passed
200 info: check 'custom error message v1 < v2 high_tolerance<double> ' 1.1e-05 >= 1.11e-05 has passed
201 info: check 'custom error message v1f < v2f high_tolerance<double> ' 1.10000001e-05 >= 1.10999999e-05 has passed
202 error: in "test_BOOST_TEST_fpv_comp_on_collections": check 'custom error message v1 == v2 tolerance<double> ' 1.1e-05 != 1.11e-05 has failed
203 - mismatch at position 0: [1.1e-05 == 1.11e-05] is false: relative difference exceeds tolerance [0.00909091 > 0.001]
204 - mismatch at position 1: [1.1e-05 == 1.11e-05] is false: relative difference exceeds tolerance [0.00909091 > 0.001]
205 - mismatch at position 2: [1.1e-05 == 1.11e-05] is false: relative difference exceeds tolerance [0.00909091 > 0.001]
206 error: in "test_BOOST_TEST_fpv_comp_on_collections": check 'custom error message v1f == v2f tolerance<double> ' 1.10000001e-05 != 1.10999999e-05 has failed
207 - mismatch at position 0: [1.10000001e-05 == 1.10999999e-05] is false
208 - mismatch at position 1: [1.10000001e-05 == 1.10999999e-05] is false
209 - mismatch at position 2: [1.10000001e-05 == 1.10999999e-05] is false
210 info: check 'custom error message v1 <= v2 tolerance<double> ' 1.1e-05 > 1.11e-05 has passed
211 info: check 'custom error message v1 < v2 tolerance<double> ' 1.1e-05 >= 1.11e-05 has passed
212 info: check 'custom error message v1 <= v2 high_tolerance<double> ' 1.1e-05 > 1.11e-05 has passed
213 error: in "test_BOOST_TEST_fpv_comp_on_collections": check 'custom error message v1 < v2 high_tolerance<double> ' 1.1e-05 >= 1.11e-05 has failed
214 - mismatch at position 0: [1.1e-05 < 1.11e-05] is false: operation != on arguments yields 'false': relative difference is within tolerance [0.00900901 < 0.01].
215 - mismatch at position 1: [1.1e-05 < 1.11e-05] is false: operation != on arguments yields 'false': relative difference is within tolerance [0.00900901 < 0.01].
216 - mismatch at position 2: [1.1e-05 < 1.11e-05] is false: operation != on arguments yields 'false': relative difference is within tolerance [0.00900901 < 0.01].
217 info: check 'custom error message v1f < v2f high_tolerance<double> ' 1.10000001e-05 >= 1.10999999e-05 has passed
218 error: in "test_BOOST_TEST_fpv_comp_on_collections": check 'custom error message v1 == v2 tolerance<double> ' 1.1e-05 != 1.11e-05 has failed
219 - mismatch at position 0: [1.1e-05 == 1.11e-05] is false: relative difference exceeds tolerance [0.00909091 > 0.001]
220 - mismatch at position 1: [1.1e-05 == 1.11e-05] is false: relative difference exceeds tolerance [0.00909091 > 0.001]
221 - mismatch at position 2: [1.1e-05 == 1.11e-05] is false: relative difference exceeds tolerance [0.00909091 > 0.001]
222 error: in "test_BOOST_TEST_fpv_comp_on_collections": check 'custom error message v1f == v2f tolerance<double> ' 1.10000001e-05 != 1.10999999e-05 has failed
223 - mismatch at position 0: [1.10000001e-05 == 1.10999999e-05] is false
224 - mismatch at position 1: [1.10000001e-05 == 1.10999999e-05] is false
225 - mismatch at position 2: [1.10000001e-05 == 1.10999999e-05] is false
226 info: check 'custom error message v1 <= v2 tolerance<double> ' 1.1e-05 > 1.11e-05 has passed
227 info: check 'custom error message v1 < v2 tolerance<double> ' 1.1e-05 >= 1.11e-05 has passed
228 info: check 'custom error message v1 <= v2 high_tolerance<double> ' 1.1e-05 > 1.11e-05 has passed
229 error: in "test_BOOST_TEST_fpv_comp_on_collections": check 'custom error message v1 < v2 high_tolerance<double> ' 1.1e-05 >= 1.11e-05 has failed
230 - mismatch at position 0: [1.1e-05 < 1.11e-05] is false: operation != on arguments yields 'false': relative difference is within tolerance [0.00900901 < 0.01].
231 - mismatch at position 1: [1.1e-05 < 1.11e-05] is false: operation != on arguments yields 'false': relative difference is within tolerance [0.00900901 < 0.01].
232 - mismatch at position 2: [1.1e-05 < 1.11e-05] is false: operation != on arguments yields 'false': relative difference is within tolerance [0.00900901 < 0.01].
233 info: check 'custom error message v1f < v2f high_tolerance<double> ' 1.10000001e-05 >= 1.10999999e-05 has passed
234 error: in "test_BOOST_TEST_fpv_comp_on_collections": check 'custom error message v1 == v2 ' 1.1e-05 != 1.11e-05 has failed
235 - mismatch at position 0: [1.1e-05 == 1.11e-05] is false
236 - mismatch at position 1: [1.1e-05 == 1.11e-05] is false
237 - mismatch at position 2: [1.1e-05 == 1.11e-05] is false
238 error: in "test_BOOST_TEST_fpv_comp_on_collections": check 'custom error message v1f == v2f ' 1.10000001e-05 != 1.10999999e-05 has failed
239 - mismatch at position 0: [1.10000001e-05 == 1.10999999e-05] is false
240 - mismatch at position 1: [1.10000001e-05 == 1.10999999e-05] is false
241 - mismatch at position 2: [1.10000001e-05 == 1.10999999e-05] is false
242 info: check 'custom error message v1 <= v2 ' 1.1e-05 > 1.11e-05 has passed
243 info: check 'custom error message v1 < v2 ' 1.1e-05 >= 1.11e-05 has passed
244 info: check 'custom error message v1f < v2f ' 1.10000001e-05 >= 1.10999999e-05 has passed
245 info: check v1 <= v2 has passed
246 info: check v1 < v2 has passed
247 error: in "test_BOOST_TEST_fpv_comp_on_collections": check v2 <= v3 has failed
248 Failure at position 1:
249 - condition [1.11e-05 <= 1.1e-05] is false: operation == on arguments yields 'false': relative difference exceeds tolerance [0.00909091 > 0.001].
250 - inverse condition [1.1e-05 <= 1.11e-05] is true: operation <= on arguments yields 'true'.
251 error: in "test_BOOST_TEST_fpv_comp_on_collections": check v2 < v3 has failed
252 Failure at position 1:
253 - condition [1.11e-05 < 1.1e-05] is false: operation < on arguments yields 'false'.
254 - inverse condition [1.1e-05 < 1.11e-05] is true
255 info: check v3 <= v2 has passed
256 info: check v3 < v2 has passed
257 info: check v1 <= v2 has passed
258 error: in "test_BOOST_TEST_fpv_comp_on_collections": check v1 < v2 has failed
259 Collections appear to be equal.
260 info: check v2 <= v3 has passed
261 error: in "test_BOOST_TEST_fpv_comp_on_collections": check v2 < v3 has failed
262 Collections appear to be equal.
263 info: check v3 <= v2 has passed
264 error: in "test_BOOST_TEST_fpv_comp_on_collections": check v3 < v2 has failed
265 Collections appear to be equal.
266 info: check 'custom error message v1 <= v2 ' 1.1e-05 != 1.11e-05 has passed
267 info: check 'custom error message v1 < v2 ' 1.1e-05 != 1.11e-05 has passed
268 error: in "test_BOOST_TEST_fpv_comp_on_collections": check 'custom error message v2 <= v3 ' 1.1e-05 > 1.11e-05 has failed
269 Failure at position 1:
270 - condition [1.11e-05 <= 1.1e-05] is false
271 - inverse condition [1.1e-05 <= 1.11e-05] is true
272 error: in "test_BOOST_TEST_fpv_comp_on_collections": check 'custom error message v2 < v3 ' 1.1e-05 >= 1.11e-05 has failed
273 Failure at position 1:
274 - condition [1.11e-05 < 1.1e-05] is false
275 - inverse condition [1.1e-05 < 1.11e-05] is true
276 info: check 'custom error message v3 <= v2 ' 1.1e-05 > 1.11e-05 has passed
277 info: check 'custom error message v3 < v2 ' 1.1e-05 >= 1.11e-05 has passed
278 info: check 'custom error message v1 <= v2 tolerance<double> ' 1.1e-05 != 1.11e-05 has passed
279 info: check 'custom error message v1 < v2 tolerance<double> ' 1.1e-05 != 1.11e-05 has passed
280 error: in "test_BOOST_TEST_fpv_comp_on_collections": check 'custom error message v2 <= v3 tolerance<double> ' 1.1e-05 > 1.11e-05 has failed
281 Failure at position 1:
282 - condition [1.11e-05 <= 1.1e-05] is false: operation == on arguments yields 'false': relative difference exceeds tolerance [0.00909091 > 0.001].
283 - inverse condition [1.1e-05 <= 1.11e-05] is true: operation <= on arguments yields 'true'.
284 error: in "test_BOOST_TEST_fpv_comp_on_collections": check 'custom error message v2 < v3 tolerance<double> ' 1.1e-05 >= 1.11e-05 has failed
285 Failure at position 1:
286 - condition [1.11e-05 < 1.1e-05] is false: operation < on arguments yields 'false'.
287 - inverse condition [1.1e-05 < 1.11e-05] is true
288 info: check 'custom error message v3 <= v2 tolerance<double> ' 1.1e-05 > 1.11e-05 has passed
289 info: check 'custom error message v3 < v2 tolerance<double> ' 1.1e-05 >= 1.11e-05 has passed
290 info: check 'custom error message v1 <= v2 high_tolerance<double> ' 1.1e-05 != 1.11e-05 has passed
291 error: in "test_BOOST_TEST_fpv_comp_on_collections": check 'custom error message v1 < v2 high_tolerance<double> ' 1.1e-05 != 1.11e-05 has failed
292 Collections appear to be equal.
293 info: check 'custom error message v2 <= v3 high_tolerance<double> ' 1.1e-05 > 1.11e-05 has passed
294 error: in "test_BOOST_TEST_fpv_comp_on_collections": check 'custom error message v2 < v3 high_tolerance<double> ' 1.1e-05 >= 1.11e-05 has failed
295 Collections appear to be equal.
296 info: check 'custom error message v3 <= v2 high_tolerance<double> ' 1.1e-05 > 1.11e-05 has passed
297 error: in "test_BOOST_TEST_fpv_comp_on_collections": check 'custom error message v3 < v2 high_tolerance<double> ' 1.1e-05 >= 1.11e-05 has failed
298 Collections appear to be equal.
299 info: check 'custom error message v1 <= v2 tolerance<double> ' 1.1e-05 != 1.11e-05 has passed
300 info: check 'custom error message v1 < v2 tolerance<double> ' 1.1e-05 != 1.11e-05 has passed
301 error: in "test_BOOST_TEST_fpv_comp_on_collections": check 'custom error message v2 <= v3 tolerance<double> ' 1.1e-05 > 1.11e-05 has failed
302 Failure at position 1:
303 - condition [1.11e-05 <= 1.1e-05] is false: operation == on arguments yields 'false': relative difference exceeds tolerance [0.00909091 > 0.001].
304 - inverse condition [1.1e-05 <= 1.11e-05] is true: operation <= on arguments yields 'true'.
305 error: in "test_BOOST_TEST_fpv_comp_on_collections": check 'custom error message v2 < v3 tolerance<double> ' 1.1e-05 >= 1.11e-05 has failed
306 Failure at position 1:
307 - condition [1.11e-05 < 1.1e-05] is false: operation < on arguments yields 'false'.
308 - inverse condition [1.1e-05 < 1.11e-05] is true
309 info: check 'custom error message v3 <= v2 tolerance<double> ' 1.1e-05 > 1.11e-05 has passed
310 info: check 'custom error message v3 < v2 tolerance<double> ' 1.1e-05 >= 1.11e-05 has passed
311 info: check 'custom error message v1 <= v2 high_tolerance<double> ' 1.1e-05 != 1.11e-05 has passed
312 error: in "test_BOOST_TEST_fpv_comp_on_collections": check 'custom error message v1 < v2 high_tolerance<double> ' 1.1e-05 != 1.11e-05 has failed
313 Collections appear to be equal.
314 info: check 'custom error message v2 <= v3 high_tolerance<double> ' 1.1e-05 > 1.11e-05 has passed
315 error: in "test_BOOST_TEST_fpv_comp_on_collections": check 'custom error message v2 < v3 high_tolerance<double> ' 1.1e-05 >= 1.11e-05 has failed
316 Collections appear to be equal.
317 info: check 'custom error message v3 <= v2 high_tolerance<double> ' 1.1e-05 > 1.11e-05 has passed
318 error: in "test_BOOST_TEST_fpv_comp_on_collections": check 'custom error message v3 < v2 high_tolerance<double> ' 1.1e-05 >= 1.11e-05 has failed
319 Collections appear to be equal.