]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/src/boost/libs/xpressive/include/boost/xpressive/detail/static/transforms/as_action.hpp
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[ceph.git] / ceph / src / boost / libs / xpressive / include / boost / xpressive / detail / static / transforms / as_action.hpp
1 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 // as_action.hpp
3 //
4 // Copyright 2008 Eric Niebler.
5 // Copyright 2008 David Jenkins.
6 //
7 // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
8 // accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
9 // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
14 // MS compatible compilers support #pragma once
15 #if defined(_MSC_VER)
16 # pragma once
17 #endif
19 #include <boost/mpl/sizeof.hpp>
20 #include <boost/mpl/min_max.hpp>
21 #include <boost/mpl/apply_wrap.hpp>
22 #include <boost/xpressive/detail/detail_fwd.hpp>
23 #include <boost/xpressive/detail/core/matcher/attr_end_matcher.hpp>
24 #include <boost/xpressive/detail/static/static.hpp>
25 #include <boost/xpressive/detail/static/transforms/as_quantifier.hpp>
26 #include <boost/proto/core.hpp>
27 #include <boost/proto/transform/arg.hpp>
28 #include <boost/proto/transform/call.hpp>
29 #include <boost/proto/transform/make.hpp>
30 #include <boost/proto/transform/when.hpp>
31 #include <boost/proto/transform/fold.hpp>
32 #include <boost/proto/transform/fold_tree.hpp>
34 namespace boost { namespace xpressive { namespace detail
35 {
36 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
37 // read_attr
38 // Placeholder that knows the slot number of an attribute as well as the type
39 // of the object stored in it.
40 template<typename Nbr, typename Matcher>
41 struct read_attr
42 {
43 typedef Nbr nbr_type;
44 typedef Matcher matcher_type;
45 static Nbr nbr() { return Nbr(); }
46 };
48 template<typename Nbr, typename Matcher>
49 struct read_attr<Nbr, Matcher &>
50 {
51 typedef Nbr nbr_type;
52 typedef Matcher matcher_type;
53 };
55 }}}
57 namespace boost { namespace xpressive { namespace grammar_detail
58 {
59 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
60 // FindAttr
61 // Look for patterns like (a1= terminal<RHS>) and return the type of the RHS.
62 template<typename Nbr>
63 struct FindAttr
64 : or_<
65 // Ignore nested actions, because attributes are scoped
66 when< subscript<_, _>, _state >
67 , when< terminal<_>, _state >
68 , when< proto::assign<terminal<detail::attribute_placeholder<Nbr> >, _>, call<_value(_right)> >
69 , otherwise< fold<_, _state, FindAttr<Nbr> > >
70 >
71 {};
73 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
74 // as_read_attr
75 // For patterns like (a1 = RHS)[ref(i) = a1], transform to
76 // (a1 = RHS)[ref(i) = read_attr<1, RHS>] so that when reading the attribute
77 // we know what type is stored in the attribute slot.
78 struct as_read_attr : proto::transform<as_read_attr>
79 {
80 template<typename Expr, typename State, typename Data>
81 struct impl : proto::transform_impl<Expr, State, Data>
82 {
83 typedef typename impl::expr expr_type;
84 typedef
85 typename FindAttr<typename expr_type::proto_child0::nbr_type>::template impl<
86 State
87 , mpl::void_
88 , int
89 >::result_type
90 attr_type;
92 typedef
93 typename proto::terminal<
94 detail::read_attr<
95 typename expr_type::proto_child0::nbr_type
96 , BOOST_PROTO_UNCVREF(attr_type)
97 >
98 >::type
99 result_type;
101 result_type operator ()(proto::ignore, proto::ignore, proto::ignore) const
102 {
103 result_type that = {{}};
104 return that;
105 }
106 };
107 };
109 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
110 // DeepCopy
111 // Turn all refs into values, and also bind all attribute placeholders with
112 // the types from which they are being assigned.
113 struct DeepCopy
114 : or_<
115 when< terminal<detail::attribute_placeholder<_> >, as_read_attr>
116 , when< terminal<_>, proto::_deep_copy>
117 , otherwise< nary_expr<_, vararg<DeepCopy> > >
118 >
119 {};
121 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
122 // attr_nbr
123 // For an attribute placeholder, return the attribute's slot number.
124 struct attr_nbr : proto::transform<attr_nbr>
125 {
126 template<typename Expr, typename State, typename Data>
127 struct impl : proto::transform_impl<Expr, State, Data>
128 {
129 typedef typename impl::expr expr_type;
130 typedef typename expr_type::proto_child0::nbr_type::type result_type;
131 };
132 };
134 struct max_attr;
136 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
137 // MaxAttr
138 // In an action (rx)[act], find the largest attribute slot being used.
139 struct MaxAttr
140 : or_<
141 when< terminal<detail::attribute_placeholder<_> >, attr_nbr>
142 , when< terminal<_>, make<mpl::int_<0> > >
143 // Ignore nested actions, because attributes are scoped:
144 , when< subscript<_, _>, make<mpl::int_<0> > >
145 , otherwise< fold<_, make<mpl::int_<0> >, max_attr> >
146 >
147 {};
149 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
150 // max_attr
151 // Take the maximum of the current attr slot number and the state.
152 struct max_attr : proto::transform<max_attr>
153 {
154 template<typename Expr, typename State, typename Data>
155 struct impl : proto::transform_impl<Expr, State, Data>
156 {
157 typedef
158 typename mpl::max<
159 typename impl::state
160 , typename MaxAttr::template impl<Expr, State, Data>::result_type
161 >::type
162 result_type;
163 };
164 };
166 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
167 // as_attr_matcher
168 // turn a1=matcher into attr_matcher<Matcher>(1)
169 struct as_attr_matcher : proto::transform<as_attr_matcher>
170 {
171 template<typename Expr, typename State, typename Data>
172 struct impl : proto::transform_impl<Expr, State, Data>
173 {
174 typedef typename impl::expr expr_type;
175 typedef typename impl::data data_type;
176 typedef
177 detail::attr_matcher<
178 typename proto::result_of::value<typename expr_type::proto_child1>::type
179 , typename data_type::traits_type
180 , typename data_type::icase_type
181 >
182 result_type;
184 result_type operator ()(
185 typename impl::expr_param expr
186 , typename impl::state_param
187 , typename impl::data_param data
188 ) const
189 {
190 return result_type(
191 proto::value(proto::left(expr)).nbr()
192 , proto::value(proto::right(expr))
193 , data.traits()
194 );
195 }
196 };
197 };
199 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
200 // add_attrs
201 // Wrap an expression in attr_begin_matcher/attr_end_matcher pair
202 struct add_attrs : proto::transform<add_attrs>
203 {
204 template<typename Expr, typename State, typename Data>
205 struct impl : proto::transform_impl<Expr, State, Data>
206 {
207 typedef
208 detail::attr_begin_matcher<
209 typename MaxAttr::template impl<Expr, mpl::int_<0>, int>::result_type
210 >
211 begin_type;
213 typedef typename impl::expr expr_type;
215 typedef
216 typename shift_right<
217 typename terminal<begin_type>::type
218 , typename shift_right<
219 Expr
220 , terminal<detail::attr_end_matcher>::type
221 >::type
222 >::type
223 result_type;
225 result_type operator ()(
226 typename impl::expr_param expr
227 , typename impl::state_param
228 , typename impl::data_param
229 ) const
230 {
231 begin_type begin;
232 detail::attr_end_matcher end;
233 result_type that = {{begin}, {expr, {end}}};
234 return that;
235 }
236 };
237 };
239 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
240 // InsertAttrs
241 struct InsertAttrs
242 : if_<MaxAttr, add_attrs, _>
243 {};
245 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
246 // CheckAssertion
247 struct CheckAssertion
248 : proto::function<terminal<detail::check_tag>, _>
249 {};
251 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
252 // action_transform
253 // Turn A[B] into (mark_begin(n) >> A >> mark_end(n) >> action_matcher<B>(n))
254 // If A and B use attributes, wrap the above expression in
255 // a attr_begin_matcher<Count> / attr_end_matcher pair, where Count is
256 // the number of attribute slots used by the pattern/action.
257 struct as_action : proto::transform<as_action>
258 {
259 template<typename Expr, typename State, typename Data>
260 struct impl : proto::transform_impl<Expr, State, Data>
261 {
262 typedef typename proto::result_of::left<Expr>::type expr_type;
263 typedef typename proto::result_of::right<Expr>::type action_type;
265 typedef
266 typename DeepCopy::impl<action_type, expr_type, int>::result_type
267 action_copy_type;
269 typedef
270 typename InsertMark::impl<expr_type, State, Data>::result_type
271 marked_expr_type;
273 typedef
274 typename mpl::if_c<
275 proto::matches<action_type, CheckAssertion>::value
276 , detail::predicate_matcher<action_copy_type>
277 , detail::action_matcher<action_copy_type>
278 >::type
279 matcher_type;
281 typedef
282 typename proto::shift_right<
283 marked_expr_type
284 , typename proto::terminal<matcher_type>::type
285 >::type
286 no_attr_type;
288 typedef
289 typename InsertAttrs::impl<no_attr_type, State, Data>::result_type
290 result_type;
292 result_type operator ()(
293 typename impl::expr_param expr
294 , typename impl::state_param state
295 , typename impl::data_param data
296 ) const
297 {
298 int dummy = 0;
299 marked_expr_type marked_expr =
300 InsertMark::impl<expr_type, State, Data>()(proto::left(expr), state, data);
302 no_attr_type that = {
303 marked_expr
304 , {
305 matcher_type(
306 DeepCopy::impl<action_type, expr_type, int>()(
307 proto::right(expr)
308 , proto::left(expr)
309 , dummy
310 )
311 , proto::value(proto::left(marked_expr)).mark_number_
312 )
313 }
314 };
315 return InsertAttrs::impl<no_attr_type, State, Data>()(that, state, data);
316 }
317 };
318 };
320 }}}
322 #endif