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26 <div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
27 <a name="boost_autoindex.script_ref"></a><a class="link" href="script_ref.html" title="Script File (.idx) Reference">Script File (.idx) Reference</a>
28 </h2></div></div></div>
29 <p>
30 The following elements can occur in a script:
31 </p>
32 <h5>
33 <a name="boost_autoindex.script_ref.h0"></a>
34 <span class="phrase"><a name="boost_autoindex.script_ref.comments_and_blank_lines"></a></span><a class="link" href="script_ref.html#boost_autoindex.script_ref.comments_and_blank_lines">Comments
35 and blank lines</a>
36 </h5>
37 <p>
38 Blank lines consisting of only whitespace are ignored, so are lines that <span class="bold"><strong>start with a #</strong></span>.
39 </p>
40 <div class="note"><table border="0" summary="Note">
41 <tr>
42 <td rowspan="2" align="center" valign="top" width="25"><img alt="[Note]" src="../../../../../doc/src/images/note.png"></td>
43 <th align="left">Note</th>
44 </tr>
45 <tr><td align="left" valign="top"><p>
46 You can't append # comments onto the end of a line!
47 </p></td></tr>
48 </table></div>
49 <h5>
50 <a name="boost_autoindex.script_ref.h1"></a>
51 <span class="phrase"><a name="boost_autoindex.script_ref.inclusion_of_index_terms"></a></span><a class="link" href="script_ref.html#boost_autoindex.script_ref.inclusion_of_index_terms">Inclusion
52 of Index terms</a>
53 </h5>
54 <pre class="programlisting"><span class="identifier">term</span> <span class="special">[</span><span class="identifier">regular</span><span class="special">-</span><span class="identifier">expression1</span> <span class="special">[</span><span class="identifier">regular</span><span class="special">-</span><span class="identifier">expression2</span> <span class="special">[</span><span class="identifier">category</span><span class="special">]]]</span>
55 </pre>
56 <div class="variablelist">
57 <p class="title"><b></b></p>
58 <dl class="variablelist">
59 <dt><span class="term">term</span></dt>
60 <dd>
61 <p>
62 <span class="emphasis"><em>Term to index.</em></span>
63 </p>
64 <p>
65 The index term will form a primary entry in the Index with the section
66 title(s) containing the term as secondary entries, and also will be used
67 as a secondary entry beneath each of the section titles that the index
68 term occurs in.
69 </p>
70 </dd>
71 <dt><span class="term">regular-expression1</span></dt>
72 <dd>
73 <p>
74 <span class="emphasis"><em>Index term Searcher.</em></span>
75 </p>
76 <p>
77 An optional regular expression: each occurrence of the regular expression
78 in the text of the document will result in one index term being emitted.
79 </p>
80 <p>
81 If the regular expression is omitted (default) or is "", then
82 the <span class="emphasis"><em>index term</em></span> itself will be used as the search
83 text - and only occurrence of whole words matching <span class="emphasis"><em>index term</em></span>
84 will be indexed.
85 </p>
86 <p>
87 For example:
88 </p>
89 <p>
90 </p>
91 <pre class="programlisting"><span class="identifier">foobar</span></pre>
92 <p>
93 </p>
94 <p>
95 will index occurrences of "foobar" in any section, but
96 </p>
97 <p>
98 </p>
99 <pre class="programlisting"><span class="identifier">foobar</span> <span class="special">\&lt;\</span><span class="identifier">w</span><span class="special">*(</span><span class="identifier">foo</span><span class="special">|</span><span class="identifier">bar</span><span class="special">)\</span><span class="identifier">w</span><span class="special">*\&gt;</span></pre>
100 <p>
101 </p>
102 <p>
103 will index any whole word containing either "foo" or "bar"
104 within it. This is useful when you want to index a lot of similar or
105 related words under one entry.
106 </p>
107 <p>
108 </p>
109 <pre class="programlisting"><span class="identifier">reflex</span></pre>
110 <p>
111 </p>
112 <p>
113 will only index occurrences of "reflex" as a whole word, but:
114 </p>
115 <p>
116 </p>
117 <pre class="programlisting"><span class="identifier">reflex</span> <span class="special">\&lt;</span><span class="identifier">reflex</span><span class="special">\</span><span class="identifier">w</span><span class="special">*\&gt;</span></pre>
118 <p>
119 </p>
120 <p>
121 will index occurrences of "reflex", "reflexes", "reflexing"
122 and "reflexed" ... all under the same entry reflex.
123 </p>
124 <p>
125 You will very often need to use this to deal with plurals and other variants.
126 </p>
127 </dd>
128 <dt><span class="term">regular-expression2</span></dt>
129 <dd>
130 <p>
131 <span class="emphasis"><em>Section(s) Selector.</em></span>
132 </p>
133 <p>
134 A constraint that specifies which sections are indexed for <span class="emphasis"><em>term</em></span>:
135 only if the ID of the section matches <span class="emphasis"><em>regular-expression2</em></span>
136 exactly will that section be indexed for occurrences of <span class="emphasis"><em>term</em></span>.
137 </p>
138 <p>
139 For example, to limit indexing to just <span class="bold"><strong>one specific
140 section</strong></span> (but not sub-sections below):
141 </p>
142 <p>
143 </p>
144 <pre class="programlisting"><span class="identifier">myclass</span> <span class="string">""</span> <span class="string">"mylib\.examples"</span></pre>
145 <p>
146 </p>
147 <p>
148 For example, to limit indexing to specific sections, <span class="bold"><strong>and
149 sub-sections below</strong></span>:
150 </p>
151 <p>
152 </p>
153 <pre class="programlisting"><span class="identifier">myclass</span> <span class="string">""</span> <span class="string">"mylib\.examples.*"</span></pre>
154 <p>
155 </p>
156 <p>
157 will index occurrences of "myclass" as a whole word, but only
158 in sections whose section ID <span class="bold"><strong>begins</strong></span>
159 "mylib.examples", while
160 </p>
161 <p>
162 </p>
163 <pre class="programlisting"><span class="identifier">myclass</span> <span class="string">"\&lt;myclass\w*\&gt;"</span> <span class="string">"mylib\.examples.*"</span></pre>
164 <p>
165 </p>
166 <p>
167 will also index plurals myclass, myclasses, myclasss ...
168 </p>
169 <p>
170 and:
171 </p>
172 <p>
173 </p>
174 <pre class="programlisting"><span class="identifier">myclass</span> <span class="string">""</span> <span class="string">"(?!mylib\.introduction).*"</span></pre>
175 <p>
176 </p>
177 <p>
178 will index occurrences of "myclass" in any section, except
179 those whose section IDs begin "mylib.introduction".
180 </p>
181 <p>
182 Finally, two (or more) sections can be excluded by OR'ing them together:
183 </p>
184 <p>
185 </p>
186 <pre class="programlisting"><span class="identifier">myclass</span> <span class="string">""</span> <span class="string">"(?!mylib\.introduction|mylib\.reference).*"</span></pre>
187 <p>
188 </p>
189 <p>
190 which excludes searching for this term in sections whose ID's start with
191 either "mylib.introduction" or "mylib.reference".
192 </p>
193 <p>
194 If this third section selection field is omitted (the default) or is
195 "", then <span class="bold"><strong>all sections</strong></span> are
196 indexed for this term.
197 </p>
198 </dd>
199 <dt><span class="term">category</span></dt>
200 <dd>
201 <p>
202 <span class="emphasis"><em>Index Category Constraint.</em></span>
203 </p>
204 <p>
205 Optionally a category to place occurrences of <span class="emphasis"><em>index term</em></span>
206 in. If you have multiple indexes then this is the name assigned to the
207 indexes "type" attribute.
208 </p>
209 <p>
210 For example:
211 </p>
212 <p>
213 myclass "" "" class_name
214 </p>
215 <p>
216 Will index occurances of <span class="emphasis"><em>myclass</em></span> and place them
217 in the class-index if there is one.
218 </p>
219 </dd>
220 </dl>
221 </div>
222 <p>
223 You can have an index term appear more than once in the script file:
224 </p>
225 <div class="itemizedlist"><ul class="itemizedlist" style="list-style-type: disc; ">
226 <li class="listitem">
227 If they have different <span class="emphasis"><em>category</em></span> names then they are
228 treated quite separately.
229 </li>
230 <li class="listitem">
231 Otherwise they are combined, so that the logical or of the regular expressions
232 provided are taken.
233 </li>
234 </ul></div>
235 <p>
236 Thus:
237 </p>
238 <pre class="programlisting"><span class="identifier">myterm</span> <span class="identifier">search_expression1</span> <span class="identifier">constrait_expression2</span> <span class="identifier">foo</span>
239 <span class="identifier">myterm</span> <span class="identifier">search_expression1</span> <span class="identifier">constrait_expression2</span> <span class="identifier">bar</span>
240 </pre>
241 <p>
242 Will be treated as different terms each with their own entries, while:
243 </p>
244 <pre class="programlisting"><span class="identifier">myterm</span> <span class="identifier">search_expression1</span> <span class="identifier">constrait_expression2</span> <span class="identifier">mycategory</span>
245 <span class="identifier">myterm</span> <span class="identifier">search_expression1</span> <span class="identifier">constrait_expression2</span> <span class="identifier">mycategory</span>
246 </pre>
247 <p>
248 Will be combined into a single term equivalent to:
249 </p>
250 <pre class="programlisting"><span class="identifier">myterm</span> <span class="special">(?:</span><span class="identifier">search_expression1</span><span class="special">|</span><span class="identifier">search_expression1</span><span class="special">)</span> <span class="special">(?:</span><span class="identifier">constrait_expression2</span><span class="special">|</span><span class="identifier">constrait_expression2</span><span class="special">)</span> <span class="identifier">mycategory</span>
251 </pre>
252 <h5>
253 <a name="boost_autoindex.script_ref.h2"></a>
254 <span class="phrase"><a name="boost_autoindex.script_ref.source_file_scanning"></a></span><a class="link" href="script_ref.html#boost_autoindex.script_ref.source_file_scanning">Source
255 File Scanning</a>
256 </h5>
257 <pre class="programlisting"><span class="special">!</span><span class="identifier">scan</span> <span class="identifier">source</span><span class="special">-</span><span class="identifier">file</span><span class="special">-</span><span class="identifier">name</span>
258 </pre>
259 <p>
260 Scans the C/C++ source file <span class="emphasis"><em>source-file-name</em></span> for definitions
261 of <span class="emphasis"><em>function</em></span>s, <span class="emphasis"><em>class</em></span>s, <span class="emphasis"><em>macro</em></span>s
262 or <span class="emphasis"><em>typedef</em></span>s and makes each of these a term to be indexed.
263 Terms found are assigned to the index category "function_name", "class_name",
264 "macro_name" or "typedef_name" depending on how they were
265 seen in the source file. These may then be included in a specialised index
266 whose "type" attribute has the same category name.
267 </p>
268 <div class="important"><table border="0" summary="Important">
269 <tr>
270 <td rowspan="2" align="center" valign="top" width="25"><img alt="[Important]" src="../../../../../doc/src/images/important.png"></td>
271 <th align="left">Important</th>
272 </tr>
273 <tr><td align="left" valign="top"><p>
274 When actually indexing a document, the scanner will not index just any old
275 occurrence of the terms found in the source files. Instead it searches for
276 class definitions or function or typedef declarations. This reduces the number
277 of spurious matches placed in the index, but may also miss some legitimate
278 terms: refer to the <span class="emphasis"><em>define-scanner</em></span> command for information
279 on how to change this.
280 </p></td></tr>
281 </table></div>
282 <h5>
283 <a name="boost_autoindex.script_ref.h3"></a>
284 <span class="phrase"><a name="boost_autoindex.script_ref.directory_and_source_file_scanning"></a></span><a class="link" href="script_ref.html#boost_autoindex.script_ref.directory_and_source_file_scanning">Directory
285 and Source File Scanning</a>
286 </h5>
287 <pre class="programlisting"><span class="special">!</span><span class="identifier">scan</span><span class="special">-</span><span class="identifier">path</span> <span class="identifier">directory</span><span class="special">-</span><span class="identifier">name</span> <span class="identifier">file</span><span class="special">-</span><span class="identifier">name</span><span class="special">-</span><span class="identifier">regex</span> <span class="special">[</span><span class="identifier">recurse</span><span class="special">]</span>
288 </pre>
289 <div class="variablelist">
290 <p class="title"><b></b></p>
291 <dl class="variablelist">
292 <dt><span class="term">directory-name</span></dt>
293 <dd><p>
294 The directory to scan: this should be a path relative to the script file
295 (or to the path specified with the prefix=path option on the command
296 line) and should use all forward slashes in its file name.
297 </p></dd>
298 <dt><span class="term">file-name-regex</span></dt>
299 <dd><p>
300 A regular expression: any file in the directory whose name matches the
301 regular expression will be scanned for terms to index.
302 </p></dd>
303 <dt><span class="term">recurse</span></dt>
304 <dd><p>
305 An optional boolean value - either "true" or "false"
306 - that indicates whether to recurse into subdirectories. This defaults
307 to "false".
308 </p></dd>
309 </dl>
310 </div>
311 <h5>
312 <a name="boost_autoindex.script_ref.h4"></a>
313 <span class="phrase"><a name="boost_autoindex.script_ref.excluding_terms"></a></span><a class="link" href="script_ref.html#boost_autoindex.script_ref.excluding_terms">Excluding
314 Terms</a>
315 </h5>
316 <pre class="programlisting"><span class="special">!</span><span class="identifier">exclude</span> <span class="identifier">term</span><span class="special">-</span><span class="identifier">list</span>
317 </pre>
318 <p>
319 Excludes all the terms in whitespace separated <span class="emphasis"><em>term-list</em></span>
320 from being indexed. This should be placed <span class="emphasis"><em>after</em></span> any <span class="emphasis"><em>!scan</em></span>
321 or <span class="emphasis"><em>!scan-path</em></span> rules which may result in the terms becoming
322 included. In other words this removes terms from the scanners internal list
323 of things to index.
324 </p>
325 <h5>
326 <a name="boost_autoindex.script_ref.h5"></a>
327 <span class="phrase"><a name="boost_autoindex.script_ref.rewriting_section_names"></a></span><a class="link" href="script_ref.html#boost_autoindex.script_ref.rewriting_section_names">Rewriting
328 Section Names</a>
329 </h5>
330 <pre class="programlisting">!rewrite-id regular-expression new-name</pre>
331 <div class="variablelist">
332 <p class="title"><b></b></p>
333 <dl class="variablelist">
334 <dt><span class="term">regular-expression</span></dt>
335 <dd><p>
336 A regular expression: all section ID's that match the expression exactly
337 will have index entries <span class="emphasis"><em>new-name</em></span> instead of their
338 title(s).
339 </p></dd>
340 <dt><span class="term">new-name</span></dt>
341 <dd><p>
342 The name that the section will appear under in the index.
343 </p></dd>
344 </dl>
345 </div>
346 <pre class="programlisting"><span class="special">!</span><span class="identifier">rewrite</span><span class="special">-</span><span class="identifier">name</span> <span class="identifier">regular</span><span class="special">-</span><span class="identifier">expression</span> <span class="identifier">format</span><span class="special">-</span><span class="identifier">text</span>
347 </pre>
348 <div class="variablelist">
349 <p class="title"><b></b></p>
350 <dl class="variablelist">
351 <dt><span class="term">regular-expression</span></dt>
352 <dd><p>
353 A regular expression: all sections whose titles match the regular expression
354 exactly, will have index entries composed of the regular expression match
355 combined with the regex format string <span class="emphasis"><em>format-text</em></span>.
356 </p></dd>
357 <dt><span class="term">format-text</span></dt>
358 <dd><p>
359 The Perl-style format string used to reformat the title.
360 </p></dd>
361 </dl>
362 </div>
363 <p>
364 For example:
365 </p>
366 <pre class="programlisting">!rewrite-name "(?:A|An|The)\s+(.*)" "\1"
367 </pre>
368 <p>
369 Will remove any leading "A", "An" or "The" from
370 all index entries - thus preventing lots of entries under "The" etc!
371 </p>
372 <h5>
373 <a name="boost_autoindex.script_ref.h6"></a>
374 <span class="phrase"><a name="boost_autoindex.script_ref.defining_or_changing_the_file_scanners"></a></span><a class="link" href="script_ref.html#boost_autoindex.script_ref.defining_or_changing_the_file_scanners">Defining
375 or Changing the File Scanners</a>
376 </h5>
377 <pre class="programlisting"><span class="special">!</span><span class="identifier">define</span><span class="special">-</span><span class="identifier">scanner</span> <span class="identifier">type</span> <span class="identifier">file</span><span class="special">-</span><span class="identifier">search</span><span class="special">-</span><span class="identifier">expression</span> <span class="identifier">xml</span><span class="special">-</span><span class="identifier">regex</span><span class="special">-</span><span class="identifier">formatter</span> <span class="identifier">term</span><span class="special">-</span><span class="identifier">formatter</span> <span class="identifier">id</span><span class="special">-</span><span class="identifier">filter</span> <span class="identifier">filename</span><span class="special">-</span><span class="identifier">filter</span>
378 </pre>
379 <p>
380 When a source file is scanned using the <code class="literal">!scan</code> or <code class="literal">!scan-path</code>
381 rules, then the file is searched using a series of regular expressions to look
382 for classes, functions, macros or typedefs that should be indexed. A set of
383 default regular expressions are provided for this (see below), but sometimes
384 you may want to replace the defaults, or add new scanners. The arguments to
385 this rule are:
386 </p>
387 <div class="variablelist">
388 <p class="title"><b></b></p>
389 <dl class="variablelist">
390 <dt><span class="term">type</span></dt>
391 <dd><p>
392 The <span class="emphasis"><em>type</em></span> to which items found using this rule will
393 assigned, index terms created from the source file and then found in
394 the XML, will have the type attribute set to this value, and may then
395 appear in a specialized index with the same type attribute
396 </p></dd>
397 <dt><span class="term">file-search-expression</span></dt>
398 <dd><p>
399 A regular expression that is used to scan the source file for index terms,
400 the result of a match against this expression will be transformed by
401 the next two arguments.
402 </p></dd>
403 <dt><span class="term">xml-regex-formatter</span></dt>
404 <dd><p>
405 A regular expression format string that extracts the salient information
406 from whatever matched the <span class="emphasis"><em>file-search-expression</em></span>
407 in the source file, and creates <span class="emphasis"><em>a new regular expression</em></span>
408 that will be used to search the document being indexed for occurrences
409 of this index term.
410 </p></dd>
411 <dt><span class="term">term-formatter</span></dt>
412 <dd><p>
413 A regular expression format string that extracts the salient information
414 from whatever matched the <span class="emphasis"><em>file-search-expression</em></span>
415 in the source file, and creates the index term that will appear in the
416 index.
417 </p></dd>
418 <dt><span class="term">id-filter</span></dt>
419 <dd><p>
420 Optional. A regular expression that restricts the section-id's that are
421 searched in the document being indexed: only sections whose ID attribute
422 matches this expression exactly will be considered for indexing terms
423 found by this scanner.
424 </p></dd>
425 <dt><span class="term">filename-filter</span></dt>
426 <dd><p>
427 Optional. A regular expression that restricts which files are scanned
428 by this scanner: only files whose file name matches this expression exactly
429 will be scanned for index terms to use. Note that the filename matched
430 against this may well be an absolute path, and contain either forward
431 or backward slash path separators.
432 </p></dd>
433 </dl>
434 </div>
435 <p>
436 If, when the first file is scanned, there are no scanners whose <span class="emphasis"><em>type</em></span>
437 is "class_name", "typedef_name", "macro_name"
438 or "function_name", then the defaults are installed. These are equivalent
439 to:
440 </p>
441 <pre class="programlisting"><span class="special">!</span><span class="identifier">define</span><span class="special">-</span><span class="identifier">scanner</span> <span class="identifier">class_name</span> <span class="string">"^[[:space:]]*(template[[:space:]]*&lt;[^;:{]+&gt;[[:space:]]*)?(class|struct)[[:space:]]*(\&lt;\w+\&gt;([[:blank:]]*\([^)]*\))?[[:space:]]*)*(\&lt;\w*\&gt;)[[:space:]]*(&lt;[^;:{]+&gt;)?[[:space:]]*(\{|:[^;\{()]*\{)"</span> <span class="string">"(?:class|struct)[^;{]+\&lt;\5\&gt;[^;{]+\{"</span> <span class="special">\</span><span class="number">5</span>
442 <span class="special">!</span><span class="identifier">define</span><span class="special">-</span><span class="identifier">scanner</span> <span class="identifier">typedef_name</span> <span class="string">"typedef[^;{}#]+?(\w+)\s*;"</span> <span class="string">"typedef[^;]+\&lt;\1\&gt;\s*;"</span> <span class="string">"\1"</span>
443 <span class="special">!</span><span class="identifier">define</span><span class="special">-</span><span class="identifier">scanner</span> <span class="string">"macro_name"</span> <span class="string">"^\s*#\s*define\s+(\w+)"</span> <span class="string">"\&lt;\1\&gt;"</span> <span class="string">"\1"</span>
444 <span class="special">!</span><span class="identifier">define</span><span class="special">-</span><span class="identifier">scanner</span> <span class="string">"function_name"</span> <span class="string">"\w++(?:\s*+&lt;[^&gt;]++&gt;)?[\s&amp;*]+?(\w+)\s*(?:BOOST_[[:upper:]_]+\s*)?\([^;{}]*\)\s*[;{]"</span> <span class="string">"\\&lt;\\w+\\&gt;(?:\\s+&lt;[^&gt;]*&gt;)*[\\s&amp;*]+\\&lt;\1\\&gt;\\s*\\([^;{]*\\)"</span> <span class="string">"\1"</span>
445 </pre>
446 <p>
447 Note that these defaults are not installed if you have provided your own versions
448 with these <span class="emphasis"><em>type</em></span> names. In this case if you want the default
449 scanners to be in effect as well as your own, you should include the above
450 in your script file. It is also perfectly allowable to have multiple scanners
451 with the same <span class="emphasis"><em>type</em></span>, but with the other fields differing.
452 </p>
453 <p>
454 Finally you should note that the default scanners are quite strict in what
455 they will find, for example the class scanner will only create index entries
456 for classes that have class definitions of the form:
457 </p>
458 <pre class="programlisting"><span class="keyword">class</span> <span class="identifier">my_class</span> <span class="special">:</span> <span class="keyword">public</span> <span class="identifier">base_classes</span>
459 <span class="special">{</span>
460 <span class="comment">// etc</span>
461 </pre>
462 <p>
463 In the documentation, so that simple mentions of the class name will <span class="emphasis"><em>not</em></span>
464 get indexed, only the class synopsis if there is one. If this isn't how you
465 want things, then include the <span class="emphasis"><em>class_name</em></span> scanner definition
466 above in your script file, and change the <span class="emphasis"><em>xml-regex-formatter</em></span>
467 field to something more permissive, for example:
468 </p>
469 <pre class="programlisting"><span class="special">!</span><span class="identifier">define</span><span class="special">-</span><span class="identifier">scanner</span> <span class="identifier">class_name</span> <span class="string">"^[[:space:]]*(template[[:space:]]*&lt;[^;:{]+&gt;[[:space:]]*)?(class|struct)[[:space:]]*(\&lt;\w+\&gt;([[:blank:]]*\([^)]*\))?[[:space:]]*)*(\&lt;\w*\&gt;)[[:space:]]*(&lt;[^;:{]+&gt;)?[[:space:]]*(\{|:[^;\{()]*\{)"</span> <span class="string">"\&lt;\5\&gt;"</span> <span class="special">\</span><span class="number">5</span>
470 </pre>
471 <p>
472 Will look for <span class="emphasis"><em>any</em></span> occurrence of whatever class names the
473 scanner may find in the documentation.
474 </p>
475 <h5>
476 <a name="boost_autoindex.script_ref.h7"></a>
477 <span class="phrase"><a name="boost_autoindex.script_ref.debugging_scanning"></a></span><a class="link" href="script_ref.html#boost_autoindex.script_ref.debugging_scanning">Debugging
478 scanning</a>
479 </h5>
480 <p>
481 If you see a term in the index, and you don't understand why it's there, add
482 a <span class="emphasis"><em>debug</em></span> directive:
483 </p>
484 <pre class="programlisting">!debug regular-expression
485 </pre>
486 <p>
487 Now, whenever <span class="emphasis"><em>regular-expression</em></span> matches either the found
488 index term, or the section title it appears in, or the <span class="emphasis"><em>type</em></span>
489 field of a scanner, then some diagnostic information will be printed that will
490 look something like:
491 </p>
492 <pre class="programlisting">Debug term found, in block with ID: spirit.qi.reference.parser_concepts.parser
493 Current section title is: Notation
494 The main index entry will be : Notation
495 The indexed term is: parser
496 The search regex is: [P|p]arser
497 The section constraint is: .<span class="bold"><strong>qi.reference.parser_concepts.</strong></span>
498 The index type for this entry is: qi_index
499 </pre>
500 <p>
501 This can produce a lot of output in your log file, but until you are satisfied
502 with your file selection and scanning process, it is worth switching it on.
503 </p>
504 </div>
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508 Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
509 file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at <a href="http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt" target="_top">http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt</a>)
510 </p>
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