]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/src/boost/tools/build/src/engine/build.jam
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[ceph.git] / ceph / src / boost / tools / build / src / engine / build.jam
1 #~ Copyright 2002-2007 Rene Rivera.
2 #~ Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
3 #~ (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
4 #~ http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
6 # Clean env vars of any "extra" empty values.
7 for local v in ARGV CC CFLAGS LIBS
8 {
9 local values ;
10 for local x in $($(v))
11 {
12 if $(x) != ""
13 {
14 values += $(x) ;
15 }
16 }
17 $(v) = $(values) ;
18 }
20 # Platform related specifics.
21 if $(OS) = NT { rule .path { return "$(<:J=\\)" ; } ./ = "/" ; }
22 else { rule .path { return "$(<:J=/)" ; } }
24 if $(OS) = VMS { . = "_" ; }
25 else { . = "." ; }
26 ./ ?= "" ;
28 # Info about what we are building.
29 _VERSION_ = 3 1 19 ;
30 NAME = boost-jam ;
31 VERSION = $(_VERSION_:J=$(.)) ;
32 RELEASE = 1 ;
35 # Generate development debug binaries?
36 if --debug in $(ARGV)
37 {
38 debug = true ;
39 }
41 if --profile in $(ARGV)
42 {
43 profile = true ;
44 }
46 # Attempt to generate and/or build the grammar?
47 if --grammar in $(ARGV)
48 {
49 grammar = true ;
50 }
52 # Do we need to add a default build type argument?
53 if ! ( --release in $(ARGV) ) &&
54 ! ( --debug in $(ARGV) ) &&
55 ! ( --profile in $(ARGV) )
56 {
57 ARGV += --release ;
58 }
60 # Enable, and configure, Python hooks.
61 with-python = ;
62 python-location = [ MATCH --with-python=(.*) : $(ARGV) ] ;
63 if $(python-location)
64 {
65 with-python = true ;
66 }
67 if $(with-python)
68 {
69 if $(OS) = NT
70 {
71 --python-include = [ .path $(python-location) include ] ;
72 --python-lib = ;
73 for local v in 27 26 25 24 23 22
74 {
75 --python-lib ?=
76 [ GLOB [ .path $(python-location) libs ] : "python$(v).lib" ]
77 [ GLOB $(python-location) [ .path $(python-location) libs ]
78 $(Path) $(PATH) $(path) : "python$(v).dll" ]
79 ;
80 if ! $(--python-lib[2])
81 {
82 --python-lib = ;
83 }
84 }
85 --python-lib = $(--python-lib[1]) ;
86 }
87 else if $(OS) = MACOSX
88 {
89 --python-include = [ .path $(python-location) Headers ] ;
90 --python-lib = $(python-location) Python ;
91 }
92 else
93 {
94 --python-include = ;
95 --python-lib = ;
96 for local v in 2.7 2.6 2.5 2.4 2.3 2.2
97 {
98 local inc = [ GLOB [ .path $(python-location) include ] : python$(v) ] ;
99 local lib = [ GLOB [ .path $(python-location) lib ] : libpython$(v)* ] ;
100 if $(inc) && $(lib)
101 {
102 --python-include ?= $(inc) ;
103 --python-lib ?= $(lib[1]:D) python$(v) ;
104 }
105 }
106 }
107 }
109 if $(--python-include) || $(--python-lib)
110 {
111 ECHO "Python includes: $(--python-include:J=)" ;
112 ECHO "Python includes: $(--python-lib:J=)" ;
113 }
115 # Boehm GC?
116 if --gc in $(ARGV)
117 {
118 --boehm-gc = true ;
119 }
120 if $(--boehm-gc)
121 {
122 --extra-include += [ .path [ PWD ] "boehm_gc" "include" ] ;
123 }
125 # Duma?
126 if --duma in $(ARGV)
127 {
128 --duma = true ;
129 }
130 if $(--duma)
131 {
132 --extra-include += [ .path [ PWD ] "duma" ] ;
133 }
135 # An explicit root for the toolset? (trim spaces)
136 toolset-root = [ MATCH --toolset-root=(.*) : $(ARGV) ] ;
137 {
138 local t = [ MATCH "[ ]*(.*)" : $(toolset-root:J=" ") ] ;
139 toolset-root = ;
140 while $(t)
141 {
142 t = [ MATCH "([^ ]+)([ ]*)(.*)" : $(t) ] ;
143 toolset-root += $(t[1]) ;
144 if $(t[3]) { toolset-root += $(t[2]) ; }
145 t = $(t[3]) ;
146 }
147 toolset-root = $(toolset-root:J="") ;
148 }
150 # Configure the implemented toolsets. These are minimal commands and options to
151 # compile the full Jam. When adding new toolsets make sure to add them to the
152 # "known" list also.
154 rule toolset ( name command .type ? : opt.out + : opt.define * : flags * : linklibs * )
155 {
156 .type ?= "" ;
157 tool.$(name)$(.type).cc ?= $(command) ;
158 tool.$(name)$(.type).opt.out ?= $(opt.out) ;
159 tool.$(name)$(.type).opt.define ?= $(opt.define) ;
160 tool.$(name)$(.type).flags ?= $(flags) ;
161 tool.$(name)$(.type).linklibs ?= $(linklibs) ;
162 if ! $(name) in $(toolsets) { toolsets += $(name) ; }
163 }
165 rule if-os ( os + : yes-opt * : no-opt * )
166 { if $(os) in $(OS) { return $(yes-opt) ; } else { return $(no-opt) ; } }
168 rule opt ( type : yes-opt * : no-opt * )
169 { if $(type) in $(ARGV) { return $(yes-opt) ; } else { return $(no-opt) ; } }
171 ## HP-UX aCC compiler
172 toolset acc cc : "-o " : -D
173 : -Ae
174 [ opt --release : -s -O3 ]
175 [ opt --debug : -g -pg ]
176 -I$(--python-include) -I$(--extra-include)
177 : -L$(--python-lib[1]) -l$(--python-lib[2]) ;
178 ## Borland C++ 5.5.x
179 toolset borland bcc32 : -e -n : /D
180 : -WC -w- -q "-I$(toolset-root)Include" "-L$(toolset-root)Lib"
181 [ opt --release : -O2 -vi -w-inl ]
182 [ opt --debug : -v -Od -vi- ]
183 -I$(--python-include) -I$(--extra-include)
184 : $(--python-lib[1]) ;
185 ## Generic Unix cc
186 if ! $(CC) { CC = cc ; }
187 toolset cc $(CC) : "-o " : -D
188 : $(CFLAGS)
189 [ opt --release : -s -O ]
190 [ opt --debug : -g ]
191 -I$(--python-include) -I$(--extra-include)
192 : $(LIBS) -L$(--python-lib[1]) -l$(--python-lib[2]) ;
193 ## Comeau C/C++ 4.x
194 toolset como como : "-o " : -D
195 : --c
196 [ opt --release : --inlining ]
197 [ opt --debug : --no_inlining ]
198 -I$(--python-include) -I$(--extra-include)
199 : -L$(--python-lib[1]) -l$(--python-lib[2]) ;
200 ## Clang Linux 2.8+
201 toolset clang clang : "-o " : -D
202 : -Wno-unused -Wno-format
203 [ opt --release : -Os ]
204 [ opt --debug : -g -O0 -fno-inline ]
205 [ opt --profile : -finline-functions -g ]
206 -I$(--python-include) -I$(--extra-include)
207 : -L$(--python-lib[1]) -l$(--python-lib[2]) ;
208 ## MacOSX Darwin, using GCC 2.9.x, 3.x
209 toolset darwin cc : "-o " : -D
210 :
211 [ opt --release : -Wl,-x -O3 -finline-functions ]
212 [ opt --debug : -g -O0 -fno-inline -pg ]
213 [ opt --profile : -Wl,-x -O3 -finline-functions -g -pg ]
214 -I$(--python-include) -I$(--extra-include)
215 : -L$(--python-lib[1]) -l$(--python-lib[2]) ;
216 ## GCC 2.x, 3.x, 4.x
217 toolset gcc gcc : "-o " : -D
218 : -pedantic -fno-strict-aliasing
219 [ opt --release : [ opt --symbols : -g : -s ] -O3 ]
220 [ opt --debug : -g -O0 -fno-inline ]
221 [ opt --profile : -O3 -g -pg ]
222 -I$(--python-include) -I$(--extra-include) -Wno-long-long
223 : -L$(--python-lib[1]) -l$(--python-lib[2]) ;
224 ## GCC 2.x, 3.x on CYGWIN but without cygwin1.dll
225 toolset gcc-nocygwin gcc : "-o " : -D
226 : -s -O3 -mno-cygwin
227 [ opt --release : -finline-functions ]
228 [ opt --debug : -s -O3 -fno-inline -pg ]
229 -I$(--python-include) -I$(--extra-include)
230 : -L$(--python-lib[1]) -l$(--python-lib[2]) ;
231 ## Intel C/C++ for Darwin
232 toolset intel-darwin icc : "-o " : -D
233 :
234 [ opt --release : -O3 ]
235 [ opt --debug : -g -O0 -p ]
236 -I$(--python-include) -I$(--extra-include)
237 : -L$(--python-lib[1]) -l$(--python-lib[2]) ;
238 ## Intel C/C++ for Linux
239 toolset intel-linux icc : "-o " : -D
240 :
241 [ opt --release : -Xlinker -s -O3 ]
242 [ opt --debug : -g -O0 -p ]
243 -I$(--python-include) -I$(--extra-include)
244 : -L$(--python-lib[1]) -l$(--python-lib[2]) ;
245 ## Intel C/C++ for Win32
246 toolset intel-win32 icl : /Fe : -D
247 : /nologo
248 [ opt --release : /MT /O2 /Ob2 /Gy /GF /GA /GB ]
249 [ opt --debug : /MTd /DEBUG /Z7 /Od /Ob0 ]
250 -I$(--python-include) -I$(--extra-include)
251 : kernel32.lib advapi32.lib user32.lib $(--python-lib[1]) ;
252 ## KCC ?
253 toolset kcc KCC : "-o " : -D
254 :
255 [ opt --release : -s +K2 ]
256 [ opt --debug : -g +K0 ]
257 -I$(--python-include) -I$(--extra-include)
258 : -L$(--python-lib[1]) -l$(--python-lib[2]) ;
259 ## Borland Kylix
260 toolset kylix bc++ : -o : -D
261 : -tC -q
262 [ opt --release : -O2 -vi -w-inl ]
263 [ opt --debug : -v -Od -vi- ]
264 -I$(--python-include) -I$(--extra-include)
265 : -L$(--python-lib[1]) -l$(--python-lib[2]) ;
266 ## Metrowerks CodeWarrior 8.x
267 {
268 # Even though CW can compile all files at once, it crashes if it tries in
269 # the bjam case.
270 local mwcc ; if $(OS) != NT { mwcc = mwc$(OSPLAT:L) ; }
271 mwcc ?= mwcc ;
272 toolset metrowerks $(mwcc) : "-o " : -D
273 : -c -lang c -subsystem console -cwd include
274 [ opt --release : -runtime ss -opt full -inline all ]
275 [ opt --debug : -runtime ssd -opt none -inline off ]
276 -I$(--python-include) -I$(--extra-include) ;
277 toolset metrowerks $(mwcc) .link : "-o " :
278 : -subsystem console -lkernel32.lib -ladvapi32.lib -luser32.lib
279 [ opt --release : -runtime ss ]
280 [ opt --debug : -runtime ssd ]
281 : $(--python-lib[1]) ;
282 }
283 ## MIPS Pro
284 toolset mipspro cc : "-o " : -D
285 :
286 [ opt --release : -s -O3 -g0 -INLINE:none ]
287 [ opt --debug : -g -O0 -INLINE ]
288 -I$(--python-include) -I$(--extra-include)
289 : -L$(--python-lib[1]) -l$(--python-lib[2]) ;
290 ## Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 6.x
291 toolset msvc cl : /Fe /Fe /Fd /Fo : -D
292 : /nologo
293 [ opt --release : /ML /O2 /Ob2 /Gy /GF /GA /GB ]
294 [ opt --debug : /MLd /DEBUG /Z7 /Od /Ob0 ]
295 -I$(--python-include) -I$(--extra-include)
296 : kernel32.lib advapi32.lib user32.lib $(--python-lib[1]) ;
297 ## QNX 6.x GCC 3.x/2.95.3
298 toolset qcc qcc : "-o " : -D
299 : -Wc,-pedantic -Wc,-fno-strict-aliasing
300 [ opt --release : [ opt --symbols : -g ] -O3 -Wc,-finline-functions ]
301 [ opt --debug : -g -O0 -Wc,-fno-inline ]
302 -I$(--python-include) -I$(--extra-include)
303 : -L$(--python-lib[1]) -l$(--python-lib[2]) ;
304 ## Qlogic Pathscale 2.4
305 toolset pathscale pathcc : "-o " : -D
306 :
307 [ opt --release : -s -O3 ]
308 [ opt --debug : -g ]
309 -I$(--python-include) -I$(--extra-include)
310 : -L$(--python-lib[1]) -l$(--python-lib[2]) ;
311 ## Portland Group Pgi 6.2
312 toolset pgi pgcc : "-o " : -D
313 :
314 [ opt --release : -s -O3 ]
315 [ opt --debug : -g ]
316 -I$(--python-include) -I$(--extra-include)
317 : -L$(--python-lib[1]) -l$(--python-lib[2]) ;
318 ## Sun Workshop 6 C++
319 toolset sun cc : "-o " : -D
320 :
321 [ opt --release : -s -xO3 ]
322 [ opt --debug : -g ]
323 -I$(--python-include) -I$(--extra-include)
324 : -L$(--python-lib[1]) -l$(--python-lib[2]) ;
325 ## Sun Workshop 6 C++ (old alias)
326 toolset sunpro cc : "-o " : -D
327 :
328 [ opt --release : -s -xO3 ]
329 [ opt --debug : -g ]
330 -I$(--python-include) -I$(--extra-include)
331 : -L$(--python-lib[1]) -l$(--python-lib[2]) ;
332 ## Compaq Alpha CXX
333 toolset tru64cxx cc : "-o " : -D
334 :
335 [ opt --release : -s -O5 -inline speed ]
336 [ opt --debug : -g -O0 -pg ]
337 -I$(--python-include) -I$(--extra-include)
338 : -L$(--python-lib[1]) -l$(--python-lib[2]) ;
339 ## IBM VisualAge C++ or IBM XL C/C++ for Aix or IBM XL C/C++ for Linux (Big endian)
340 toolset vacpp xlc : "-o " : -D
341 :
342 [ opt --release : -s -O3 -qstrict -qinline ]
343 [ opt --debug : -g -qNOOPTimize -qnoinline -pg ]
344 -I$(--python-include) -I$(--extra-include)
345 : -L$(--python-lib[1]) -l$(--python-lib[2]) [ if-os AIX : -bmaxdata:0x40000000 ] ;
347 ## IBM XL C/C++ for Linux (little endian)
348 toolset xlcpp xlC : "-o " : -D
349 : -Wno-unused -Wno-format
350 [ opt --release : -s ]
351 [ opt --debug : -g -qNOOPTimize -qnoinline -pg ]
352 -I$(--python-include) -I$(--extra-include)
353 : -L$(--python-lib[1]) -l$(--python-lib[2]) ;
355 ## Microsoft Visual C++ .NET 7.x
356 toolset vc7 cl : /Fe /Fe /Fd /Fo : -D
357 : /nologo
358 [ opt --release : /ML /O2 /Ob2 /Gy /GF /GA /GB ]
359 [ opt --debug : /MLd /DEBUG /Z7 /Od /Ob0 ]
360 -I$(--python-include) -I$(--extra-include)
361 : kernel32.lib advapi32.lib user32.lib $(--python-lib[1]) ;
362 ## Microsoft Visual C++ 2005
363 toolset vc8 cl : /Fe /Fe /Fd /Fo : -D
364 : /nologo
365 [ opt --release : /MT /O2 /Ob2 /Gy /GF /GA /wd4996 ]
366 [ opt --debug : /MTd /DEBUG /Z7 /Od /Ob0 /wd4996 ]
367 -I$(--python-include) -I$(--extra-include)
368 : kernel32.lib advapi32.lib user32.lib $(--python-lib[1]) ;
369 ## Microsoft Visual C++ 2008
370 toolset vc9 cl : /Fe /Fe /Fd /Fo : -D
371 : /nologo
372 [ opt --release : /MT /O2 /Ob2 /Gy /GF /GA /wd4996 ]
373 [ opt --debug : /MTd /DEBUG /Z7 /Od /Ob0 /wd4996 ]
374 -I$(--python-include) -I$(--extra-include)
375 : kernel32.lib advapi32.lib user32.lib $(--python-lib[1]) ;
376 ## Microsoft Visual C++ 2010
377 toolset vc10 cl : /Fe /Fe /Fd /Fo : -D
378 : /nologo
379 [ opt --release : /MT /O2 /Ob2 /Gy /GF /GA /wd4996 ]
380 [ opt --debug : /MTd /DEBUG /Z7 /Od /Ob0 /wd4996 ]
381 -I$(--python-include) -I$(--extra-include)
382 : kernel32.lib advapi32.lib user32.lib $(--python-lib[1]) ;
383 ## Microsoft Visual C++ 2012
384 toolset vc11 cl : /Fe /Fe /Fd /Fo : -D
385 : /nologo
386 [ opt --release : /GL /MT /O2 /Ob2 /Gy /GF /GA /wd4996 ]
387 [ opt --debug : /MTd /DEBUG /Z7 /Od /Ob0 /wd4996 ]
388 -I$(--python-include) -I$(--extra-include)
389 : kernel32.lib advapi32.lib user32.lib $(--python-lib[1]) ;
390 ## Microsoft Visual C++ 2013
391 toolset vc12 cl : /Fe /Fe /Fd /Fo : -D
392 : /nologo
393 [ opt --release : /GL /MT /O2 /Ob2 /Gy /GF /GA /wd4996 ]
394 [ opt --debug : /MTd /DEBUG /Z7 /Od /Ob0 /wd4996 ]
395 -I$(--python-include) -I$(--extra-include)
396 : kernel32.lib advapi32.lib user32.lib $(--python-lib[1]) ;
397 ## Microsoft Visual C++ 2015
398 toolset vc14 cl : /Fe /Fe /Fd /Fo : -D
399 : /nologo
400 [ opt --release : /GL /MT /O2 /Ob2 /Gy /GF /GA /wd4996 ]
401 [ opt --debug : /MTd /DEBUG /Z7 /Od /Ob0 /wd4996 ]
402 -I$(--python-include) -I$(--extra-include)
403 : kernel32.lib advapi32.lib user32.lib $(--python-lib[1]) ;
404 toolset vc15 cl : /Fe /Fe /Fd /Fo : -D
405 : /nologo
406 [ opt --release : /GL /MT /O2 /Ob2 /Gy /GF /GA /wd4996 ]
407 [ opt --debug : /MTd /DEBUG /Z7 /Od /Ob0 /wd4996 ]
408 -I$(--python-include) -I$(--extra-include)
409 : kernel32.lib advapi32.lib user32.lib $(--python-lib[1]) ;
410 ## VMS/OpenVMS DEC C
411 toolset vmsdecc cc : /OBJECT= : "/DEFINES=(" "," ")"
414 [ opt --debug : /NOOPTIMIZE /DEBUG ] ;
415 toolset vmsdecc LINK .link : /EXECUTABLE= :
416 : /NOMAP
417 [ opt --release : /NODEBUG ]
418 [ opt --debug : /DEBUG ] ;
420 # First set the build commands and options according to the
421 # preset toolset.
422 toolset = [ MATCH --toolset=(.*) : $(ARGV) ] ;
423 if ! $(toolset)
424 {
425 # For some reason, the following test does not catch empty toolset.
426 ECHO "###" ;
427 ECHO "###" No toolset specified. Please use --toolset option. ;
428 ECHO "###" ;
429 ECHO "###" Known toolsets are: $(toolsets:J=", ") ;
430 EXIT "###" ;
431 }
432 if ! $(toolset) in $(toolsets)
433 {
434 ECHO "###" ;
435 ECHO "###" Unknown toolset: $(toolset) ;
436 ECHO "###" ;
437 ECHO "###" Known toolsets are: $(toolsets:J=", ") ;
438 EXIT "###" ;
439 }
440 --cc = $(tool.$(toolset).cc) ;
441 if $(tool.$(toolset).opt.out[2])
442 {
443 if $(tool.$(toolset).opt.out[1]) = $(tool.$(toolset).opt.out[2])
444 {
445 --out = $(tool.$(toolset).opt.out[1]) ;
446 --dir = $(tool.$(toolset).opt.out[3-]) ;
447 }
448 else
449 {
450 --bin = $(tool.$(toolset).opt.out[1]) ;
451 --dir = $(tool.$(toolset).opt.out[2-]) ;
452 }
453 }
454 else
455 {
456 --out = $(tool.$(toolset).opt.out) ;
457 }
458 --def = $(tool.$(toolset).opt.define) ;
459 --flags = $(tool.$(toolset).flags) ;
460 --defs = $(tool.$(toolset).defines) ;
461 --libs = $(tool.$(toolset).linklibs) ;
462 if $(tool.$(toolset).link.cc)
463 {
464 --link = $(tool.$(toolset).link.cc) ;
465 if $(tool.$(toolset).link.opt.out[2])
466 {
467 if $(tool.$(toolset).link.opt.out[1]) = $(tool.$(toolset).link.opt.out[2])
468 {
469 --link-out = $(tool.$(toolset).link.opt.out[1]) ;
470 --link-dir = $(tool.$(toolset).link.opt.out[3-]) ;
471 }
472 else
473 {
474 --link-bin = $(tool.$(toolset).link.opt.out[1]) ;
475 --link-dir = $(tool.$(toolset).link.opt.out[2-]) ;
476 }
477 }
478 else
479 {
480 --link-out = $(tool.$(toolset).link.opt.out) ;
481 }
482 --link-def = $(tool.$(toolset).link.opt.define) ;
483 --link-flags = $(tool.$(toolset).link.flags) ;
484 --link-defs = $(tool.$(toolset).link.defines) ;
485 --link-libs = $(tool.$(toolset).link.linklibs) ;
486 }
488 # Put executables in platform-specific subdirectory.
489 locate-target = $(LOCATE_TARGET) ;
490 if $(OSPLAT)
491 {
492 locate-target ?= bin$(.)$(OS:L)$(OSPLAT:L) ;
493 platform = $(OS:L)$(OSPLAT:L) ;
494 }
495 else
496 {
497 locate-target ?= bin$(.)$(OS:L) ;
498 platform = $(OS:L) ;
499 }
500 if $(debug)
501 {
502 locate-target = [ .path $(locate-target)$(.)debug ] ;
503 }
504 if $(profile)
505 {
506 locate-target = [ .path $(locate-target)$(.)profile ] ;
507 }
508 else
509 {
510 locate-target = [ .path $(locate-target) ] ;
511 }
513 if --show-locate-target in $(ARGV)
514 {
515 ECHO $(locate-target) ;
516 }
518 # We have some different files for UNIX, VMS, and NT.
519 jam.source =
520 command.c compile.c constants.c debug.c execcmd.c frames.c function.c glob.c
521 hash.c hcache.c headers.c hdrmacro.c jam.c jambase.c jamgram.c lists.c
522 make.c make1.c mem.c object.c option.c output.c parse.c pathsys.c regexp.c
523 rules.c scan.c search.c subst.c w32_getreg.c timestamp.c variable.c
524 modules.c strings.c filesys.c builtins.c class.c cwd.c native.c md5.c
525 [ .path modules set.c ] [ .path modules path.c ] [ .path modules regex.c ]
526 [ .path modules property-set.c ] [ .path modules sequence.c ] [ .path modules order.c ] ;
527 if $(OS) = NT
528 {
529 jam.source += execnt.c filent.c pathnt.c ;
530 }
531 else if $(OS) = VMS
532 {
533 jam.source += execvms.c filevms.c pathvms.c ;
534 --flags += /INCLUDE=(\""./modules"\") ;
535 }
536 else
537 {
538 jam.source += execunix.c fileunix.c pathunix.c ;
539 }
541 # Debug assertions, or not.
542 if ! $(debug) || --noassert in $(ARGV)
543 {
544 --defs += NDEBUG ;
545 }
547 # Enable some optional features.
548 --defs += OPT_HEADER_CACHE_EXT ;
549 --defs += OPT_GRAPH_DEBUG_EXT ;
550 --defs += OPT_SEMAPHORE ;
551 --defs += OPT_AT_FILES ;
552 --defs += OPT_DEBUG_PROFILE ;
554 # Bug fixes
558 # Improvements
561 # Use Boehm GC memory allocator?
562 if $(--boehm-gc)
563 {
564 --defs += OPT_BOEHM_GC ;
565 if $(debug)
566 {
567 --defs += GC_DEBUG ;
568 }
569 }
571 if $(--duma)
572 {
573 --defs += OPT_DUMA ;
574 }
576 if ( $(OS) = NT ) && ! NT in $(--defs)
577 {
578 --defs += NT ;
579 }
580 if $(OS) = VMS
581 {
582 --defs += VMS ;
583 }
584 --defs += YYSTACKSIZE=5000 ;
586 if $(with-python)
587 {
588 --defs += HAVE_PYTHON ;
589 }
591 if $(debug)
592 {
594 }
597 # The basic symbolic targets...
598 NOTFILE all clean dist ;
599 ALWAYS clean ;
601 # Utility rules and actions...
602 rule .clean
603 {
604 [DELETE] clean : $(<) ;
605 }
606 if $(OS) = NT { actions piecemeal together existing [DELETE] {
607 del /F /Q "$(>)"
608 } }
609 if $(UNIX) = true { actions piecemeal together existing [DELETE] {
610 rm -f "$(>)"
611 } }
612 if $(OS) = VMS { actions piecemeal together existing [DELETE] {
613 DELETE /NOCONF $(>:WJ=;*, );*
614 } }
615 if $(OS) = NT {
616 --chmod+w = "attrib -r " ;
617 }
618 if $(UNIX) = true {
619 --chmod+w = "chmod +w " ;
620 }
621 if $(OS) = VMS {
622 --chmod+w = "SET FILE/PROT=(W:RWED) " ;
623 }
625 rule .mkdir
626 {
627 NOUPDATE $(<) ;
628 if $(<:P) { DEPENDS $(<) : $(<:P) ; .mkdir $(<:P) ; }
629 if ! $(md<$(<)>) { [MKDIR] $(<) ; md<$(<)> = - ; }
630 }
631 if $(OS) = NT { actions [MKDIR] {
632 md "$(<)"
633 } }
634 if $(UNIX) = true { actions [MKDIR] {
635 mkdir "$(<)"
636 } }
637 if $(OS) = VMS { actions [MKDIR] {
638 CREATE/DIR $(<:WJ=, )
639 } }
641 rule .exe
642 {
643 local exe = $(<) ;
644 if $(OS) = NT || ( $(UNIX) = true && $(OS) = CYGWIN ) || $(OS) = VMS { exe = $(exe:S=.exe) ; }
645 LOCATE on $(exe) = $(locate-target) ;
646 DEPENDS all : $(exe) ;
647 .mkdir $(locate-target) ;
648 if $(--link)
649 {
650 local objs ;
651 for local s in $(>)
652 {
653 # Translate any subdir elements into a simple file name.
654 local o = [ MATCH "([^/]+)[/]?(.+)" : $(s) ] ;
656 o = $(o:J=_) ;
657 o = $(o:S=.o) ;
658 if $(OS) = VMS { o = $(o:S=.obj) ; }
659 objs += $(o) ;
660 LOCATE on $(o) = $(locate-target) ;
661 DEPENDS $(exe) : $(o) ;
662 DEPENDS $(o) : $(s) ;
663 DEPENDS $(o) : $(locate-target) ;
664 [COMPILE] $(o) : $(s) ;
665 .clean $(o) ;
666 }
667 DEPENDS $(exe) : $(objs) ;
668 DEPENDS $(exe) : $(locate-target) ;
669 [COMPILE.LINK] $(exe) : $(objs) ;
670 .clean $(exe) ;
671 }
672 else
673 {
674 DEPENDS $(exe) : $(>) ;
675 DEPENDS $(exe) : $(locate-target) ;
676 [COMPILE] $(exe) : $(>) ;
677 .clean $(exe) ;
678 }
679 return $(exe) ;
680 }
682 if $(OS) = VMS { actions [COMPILE] {
683 $(--cc) $(--bin)$(<:WD=) $(--dir)$(<:D)$(./) $(--out)$(<:W) $(--def[1])$(--defs:J=$(--def[2]))$(--def[3]) $(--flags) $(>:W) $(--libs)
684 } }
685 else if ! $(--def[2]) { actions [COMPILE] {
686 "$(--cc)" "$(--bin)$(<:D=)" "$(--dir)$(<:D)$(./)" $(--out)$(<) "$(--def)$(--defs)" "$(--flags)" "$(>)" "$(--libs)"
687 } }
688 else { actions [COMPILE] {
689 "$(--cc)" "$(--bin)$(<:D=)" "$(--dir)$(<:D)$(./)" $(--out)$(<) "$(--def[1])$(--defs:J=$(--def[2]))$(--def[3])" "$(--flags)" "$(>)" "$(--libs)"
690 } }
692 if $(OS) = VMS { actions [COMPILE.LINK] {
693 $(--link) $(--link-bin)$(<:WD=) $(--link-dir)$(<:WD)$(./) $(--link-out)$(<:W) $(--link-def)$(--link-defs) $(--link-flags) $(--link-libs) $(>:WJ=, )
694 } }
695 else { actions [COMPILE.LINK] {
696 "$(--link)" "$(--link-bin)$(<:D=)" "$(--link-dir)$(<:D)$(./)" "$(--link-out)$(<)" "$(--link-def)$(--link-defs)" "$(--link-flags)" "$(>)" "$(--link-libs)"
697 } }
699 rule .link
700 {
701 DEPENDS all : $(<) ;
702 DEPENDS $(<) : $(>) ;
703 [LINK] $(<) : $(>) ;
704 .clean $(<) ;
705 }
706 if $(OS) = NT { actions [LINK] {
707 copy "$(>)" "$(<)"
708 } }
709 if $(UNIX) = true { actions [LINK] {
710 ln -fs "$(>)" "$(<)"
711 } }
712 if $(OS) = VMS { actions [LINK] {
713 COPY/REPLACE $(>:W) $(<:W)
714 } }
716 rule .copy
717 {
718 DEPENDS all : $(<) ;
719 DEPENDS $(<) : $(>) ;
720 [COPY] $(<) : $(>) ;
721 .clean $(<) ;
722 }
724 # Will be redefined later.
725 if $(OS) = VMS { actions [COPY] {
726 COPY/REPLACE $(>:W) $(<:W)
727 } }
728 else { actions [COPY] {
729 } }
732 rule .move
733 {
734 DEPENDS $(<) : $(>) ;
735 [MOVE] $(<) : $(>) ;
736 }
737 if $(OS) = NT { actions [MOVE] {
738 del /f "$(<)"
739 rename "$(>)" "$(<)"
740 } }
741 if $(UNIX) = true { actions [MOVE] {
742 mv -f "$(>)" "$(<)"
743 } }
744 if $(OS) = VMS { actions [MOVE] {
745 RENAME /NOCONF $(>:W) $(<:W)
746 } }
748 # Generate the grammar tokens table, and the real yacc grammar.
749 rule .yyacc
750 {
751 local exe = [ .exe yyacc : yyacc.c ] ;
752 NOUPDATE $(exe) ;
753 DEPENDS $(<) : $(exe) $(>) ;
754 LEAVES $(<) ;
755 yyacc.exe on $(<) = $(exe:R=$(locate-target)) ;
756 [YYACC] $(<) : $(>) ;
757 }
758 actions [YYACC] {
759 $(--chmod+w)$(<[1])
760 $(--chmod+w)$(<[2])
761 "$(yyacc.exe)" "$(<)" "$(>)"
762 }
763 if $(grammar)
764 {
765 .yyacc jamgram.y jamgramtab.h : jamgram.yy ;
766 }
767 else if $(debug)
768 {
769 .exe yyacc : yyacc.c ;
770 }
772 # How to build the grammar.
773 if $(OS) = NT
774 {
775 SUFEXE = .exe ;
776 # try some other likely spellings...
777 PATH ?= $(Path) ;
778 PATH ?= $(path) ;
779 }
780 SUFEXE ?= "" ;
782 yacc ?= [ GLOB $(PATH) : yacc$(SUFEXE) ] ;
783 yacc ?= [ GLOB $(PATH) : bison$(SUFEXE) ] ;
784 yacc ?= [ GLOB "$(ProgramFiles:J= )\\GnuWin32\\bin"
785 "C:\\Program Files\\GnuWin32\\bin" : bison$(SUFEXE) ] ;
786 yacc = $(yacc[1]) ;
787 switch $(yacc:D=:S=)
788 {
789 case bison : yacc += -d --yacc ;
790 case yacc : yacc += -d ;
791 }
792 if $(debug) && $(yacc)
793 {
794 yacc += -t -v ;
795 }
796 yacc += $(YACCFLAGS) ;
798 rule .yacc
799 {
800 DEPENDS $(<) : $(>) ;
801 LEAVES $(<) ;
802 [YACC] $(<) : $(>) ;
803 }
804 if $(OS) = NT { actions [YACC] {
805 "$(yacc)" "$(>)"
806 if not errorlevel 1 (
807 del /f "$(<[1])"
808 rename y.tab$(<[1]:S) "$(<[1])"
809 del /f $(<[2])
810 rename y.tab$(<[2]:S) "$(<[2])"
811 ) else set _error_ =
812 } }
813 if $(UNIX) = true { actions [YACC] {
814 if ` "$(yacc)" "$(>)" ` ; then
815 mv -f y.tab$(<[1]:S) "$(<[1])"
816 mv -f y.tab$(<[2]:S) "$(<[2])"
817 else
818 exit 1
819 fi
820 } }
821 if $(OS) = VMS { actions [YACC] {
822 IF $(yacc) $(>)
823 THEN
824 RENAME /NOCONF y_tab$(<[1]:S) $(<[1]:W)
825 RENAME /NOCONF y_tab$(<[2]:S) $(<[2]:W)
827 } }
828 if $(grammar) && ! $(yacc)
829 {
830 EXIT Could not find the 'yacc' tool, and therefore can not build the
831 grammar. ;
832 }
833 if $(grammar) && $(yacc)
834 {
835 .yacc jamgram.c jamgram.h : jamgram.y ;
836 }
838 # How to build the compiled in jambase.
839 rule .mkjambase
840 {
841 local exe = [ .exe mkjambase : mkjambase.c ] ;
842 DEPENDS $(<) : $(exe) $(>) ;
843 LEAVES $(<) ;
844 mkjambase.exe on $(<) = $(exe:R=$(locate-target)) ;
845 [MKJAMBASE] $(<) : $(>) ;
846 }
847 actions [MKJAMBASE] {
848 $(--chmod+w)$(<)
849 $(mkjambase.exe) "$(<)" "$(>)"
850 }
851 if $(debug)
852 {
853 .mkjambase jambase.c : Jambase ;
854 }
856 # How to build Jam.
857 rule .jam
858 {
859 $(>).exe = [ .exe $(>) : $(jam.source) ] ;
860 DEPENDS all : $($(>).exe) ;
862 # Make a copy under the old name.
863 $(<).exe = $(<:S=$($(>).exe:S)) ;
864 LOCATE on $($(<).exe) = $(locate-target) ;
865 .copy $($(<).exe) : $($(>).exe) ;
866 DEPENDS all : $($(<).exe) ;
867 }
868 .jam bjam : b2 ;
871 # Scan sources for header dependencies.
872 #
873 # In order to keep things simple, we made a slight compromise here - we only
874 # detect changes in headers included relative to the current folder as opposed
875 # to those included from somewhere on the include path.
876 rule .scan ( targets + )
877 {
878 HDRRULE on $(targets) = .hdr.scan ;
879 HDRSCAN on $(targets) = "^[ \t]*#[ \t]*include[ \t]*\"([^\"]*)\".*$" ;
880 }
881 rule .hdr.scan ( target : includes * : binding )
882 {
883 local target-path = [ NORMALIZE_PATH $(binding:D) ] ;
884 # Extra grist provides target name uniqueness when referencing same name
885 # header files from different folders.
886 local include-targets = <$(target-path)>$(includes) ;
887 NOCARE $(include-targets) ;
888 INCLUDES $(target) : $(include-targets) ;
889 SEARCH on $(include-targets) = $(target-path) ;
890 ISFILE $(include-targets) ;
891 .scan $(include-targets) ;
892 }
893 .scan $(jam.source) ;
896 # Distribution making from here on out. Assumes that the docs are already built
897 # as HTML at ../doc/html. Otherwise they will not be included in the built
898 # distribution archive.
899 dist.license =
900 [ GLOB . : $(LICENSE).txt ]
901 ;
902 dist.license = $(dist.license:D=)
903 [ GLOB [ .path .. .. .. ] : $(LICENSE).txt ]
904 [ GLOB [ .path .. boost ] : $(LICENSE).txt ] ;
905 dist.docs =
906 [ GLOB . : *.png *.css *.html ]
907 ;
908 dist.docs = $(dist.docs:D=)
909 [ GLOB [ .path images ] : *.png ]
910 [ GLOB [ .path jam ] : *.html ]
911 ;
912 dist.source =
913 [ GLOB . : *.c *.h ]
914 ;
915 dist.source = $(dist.source:D=)
916 $(dist.license[1])
917 $(dist.docs)
918 build.jam build.bat build.sh build_vms.com
919 Jambase
920 jamgram.y jamgram.yy
921 [ .path modules set.c ]
922 [ .path modules path.c ]
923 [ .path modules regex.c ]
924 [ .path modules property-set.c ]
925 [ .path modules sequence.c ]
926 [ .path modules order.c ]
927 [ GLOB [ .path boehm_gc ] : * ]
928 [ GLOB [ .path boehm_gc include ] : * ]
929 [ GLOB [ .path boehm_gc include private ] : * ]
930 [ GLOB [ .path boehm_gc cord ] : * ]
931 [ GLOB [ .path boehm_gc Mac_files ] : * ]
932 [ GLOB [ .path boehm_gc tests ] : * ]
933 [ GLOB [ .path boehm_gc doc ] : * ]
934 ;
935 dist.bin =
936 bjam
937 ;
938 dist.bin =
939 $(dist.license[1])
940 $(dist.bin:S=$(bjam.exe:S))
941 ;
943 if $(OS) = NT
944 {
945 zip ?= [ GLOB "$(ProgramFiles:J= )\\7-ZIP" "C:\\Program Files\\7-ZIP" : "7z.exe" ] ;
946 zip ?= [ GLOB "$(ProgramFiles:J= )\\7-ZIP" "C:\\Program Files\\7-ZIP" : "7zn.exe" ] ;
947 zip ?= [ GLOB $(PATH) : zip.exe ] ;
948 zip ?= zip ;
949 zip = $(zip[1]) ;
950 switch $(zip:D=:S=)
951 {
952 case 7z* : zip += a -r -tzip -mx=9 ;
953 case zip : zip += -9r ;
954 }
955 actions piecemeal [PACK] {
956 "$(zip)" "$(<)" "$(>)"
957 }
958 actions piecemeal [ZIP] {
959 "$(zip)" "$(<)" "$(>)"
960 }
961 actions piecemeal [COPY] {
962 copy /Y "$(>)" "$(<)" >NUL:
963 }
964 }
965 if $(UNIX) = true
966 {
967 tar ?= [ GLOB $(PATH) : star bsdtar tar ] ;
968 tar = $(tar[1]) ;
969 switch $(tar:D=:S=)
970 {
971 case star : tar += -c artype=pax -D -d -to-stdout ;
972 case * : tar += -c -f - ;
973 }
974 actions [PACK] {
975 "$(tar)" "$(>)" | gzip -c9 > "$(<)"
976 }
977 #~ actions [PACK] {
978 #~ tar cf "$(<:S=.tar)" "$(>)"
979 #~ }
980 actions [ZIP] {
981 gzip -c9 "$(>)" > "$(<)"
982 }
983 actions [COPY] {
984 cp -Rpf "$(>)" "$(<)"
985 }
986 }
988 # The single binary, compressed.
989 rule .binary
990 {
991 local zip ;
992 if $(OS) = NT { zip = $($(<).exe:S=.zip) ; }
993 if $(UNIX) = true { zip = $($(<).exe:S=.tgz) ; }
994 zip = $(zip:S=)-$(VERSION)-$(RELEASE)-$(platform)$(zip:S) ;
995 DEPENDS $(zip) : $($(<).exe) ;
996 DEPENDS dist : $(zip) ;
997 #~ LOCATE on $(zip) = $(locate-target) ;
998 if $(OS) = NT { [ZIP] $(zip) : $($(<).exe) ; }
999 if $(UNIX) = true { [PACK] $(zip) : $($(<).exe) ; }
1000 .clean $(zip) ;
1001 }
1003 # Package some file.
1004 rule .package ( dst-dir : src-files + )
1005 {
1006 local dst-files ;
1007 local src-files-actual ;
1008 for local src-path in $(src-files)
1009 {
1010 if ! [ GLOB $(src-path:P) : $(src-path:B) ] || [ CHECK_IF_FILE $(src-path) ]
1011 {
1012 local src-subdir = $(src-path:D) ;
1013 local src-file = $(src-path) ;
1014 while $(src-subdir:D) { src-subdir = $(src-subdir:D) ; }
1015 if $(src-subdir) = ".."
1016 {
1017 src-file = $(src-file:D=) ;
1018 }
1019 dst-files += $(src-file:R=$(dst-dir)) ;
1020 src-files-actual += $(src-path) ;
1021 }
1022 }
1024 local pack ;
1025 if $(OS) = NT { pack = $(dst-dir).zip ; }
1026 if $(UNIX) = true { pack = $(dst-dir).tgz ; }
1028 DEPENDS dist : $(pack) ;
1029 DEPENDS $(pack) : $(dst-files) ;
1031 local dst-files-queue = $(dst-files) ;
1032 for local src-path in $(src-files-actual)
1033 {
1034 local dst-file = $(dst-files-queue[1]) ;
1035 dst-files-queue = $(dst-files-queue[2-]) ;
1036 DEPENDS $(dst-file) : $(src-path) $(dst-file:D) ;
1037 .mkdir $(dst-file:D) ;
1039 [COPY] $(dst-file) : $(src-path) ;
1040 .clean $(dst-file) ;
1041 }
1043 [PACK] $(pack) : $(dst-files) ;
1044 .clean $(pack) ;
1045 }
1047 # RPM distro file.
1048 rpm-tool = [ GLOB $(PATH) : "rpmbuild" ] ;
1049 rpm-tool ?= [ GLOB $(PATH) : "rpm" ] ;
1050 rpm-tool = $(rpm-tool[1]) ;
1051 rule .rpm ( name : source )
1052 {
1053 local rpm-arch ;
1054 switch $(OSPLAT)
1055 {
1056 case X86 : rpm-arch ?= i386 ;
1057 case PPC : rpm-arch ?= ppc ;
1058 case AXP : rpm-arch ?= alpha ;
1059 # no guaranty for these:
1060 case IA64 : rpm-arch ?= ia64 ;
1061 case ARM : rpm-arch ?= arm ;
1062 case SPARC : rpm-arch ?= sparc ;
1063 case * : rpm-arch ?= other ;
1064 }
1065 local target = $(name)-rpm ;
1066 NOTFILE $(target) ;
1067 DEPENDS dist : $(target) ;
1068 DEPENDS $(target) : $(name).$(rpm-arch).rpm $(name).src.rpm ;
1069 DEPENDS $(name).$(rpm-arch).rpm : $(source) ;
1070 DEPENDS $(name).src.rpm : $(name).$(rpm-arch).rpm ;
1071 docs on $(target) = $(dist.docs:J=" ") ;
1072 arch on $(target) = $(rpm-arch) ;
1073 if $(rpm-arch) = ppc { target-opt on $(target) = --target= ; }
1074 else { target-opt on $(target) = "--target " ; }
1075 [RPM] $(target) : $(source) ;
1076 .clean $(name).$(rpm-arch).rpm $(name).src.rpm ;
1077 }
1078 actions [RPM] {
1079 set -e
1080 export BOOST_JAM_TOOLSET="$(toolset)"
1081 $(rpm-tool) -ta $(target-opt)$(arch) $(>) | tee rpm.out
1082 cp `grep -e '^Wrote:' rpm.out | sed 's/^Wrote: //'` .
1083 rm -f rpm.out
1084 }
1086 # The distribution targets. Do not bother with them unless this is a
1087 # distribution build.
1088 if dist in $(ARGV)
1089 {
1090 #~ .binary bjam ;
1091 .package $(NAME)-$(VERSION) : $(dist.source) ;
1092 .package $(NAME)-$(VERSION)-$(RELEASE)-$(platform) : $(dist.bin) ;
1093 if $(rpm-tool)
1094 {
1095 #~ .rpm $(NAME)-$(VERSION)-$(RELEASE) : $(NAME)-$(VERSION).tgz ;
1096 }
1097 }