]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/src/boost/tools/build/src/engine/jambase.c
update sources to ceph Nautilus 14.2.1
[ceph.git] / ceph / src / boost / tools / build / src / engine / jambase.c
1 /* Generated by mkjambase from Jambase */
2 char *jambase[] = {
3 /* Jambase */
4 "\n",
5 "\n",
6 "if $(NT)\n",
7 "{\n",
8 "SLASH ?= \\\\ ;\n",
9 "}\n",
10 "SLASH ?= / ;\n",
11 "\n",
12 "\n",
13 "rule find-to-root ( dir : patterns + )\n",
14 "{\n",
15 "local globs = [ GLOB $(dir) : $(patterns) ] ;\n",
16 "while ! $(globs) && $(dir:P) != $(dir)\n",
17 "{\n",
18 "dir = $(dir:P) ;\n",
19 "globs = [ GLOB $(dir) : $(patterns) ] ;\n",
20 "}\n",
21 "return $(globs) ;\n",
22 "}\n",
23 "\n",
24 "\n",
25 ".boost-build-file = ;\n",
26 "\n",
27 ".bootstrap-file = ;\n",
28 "\n",
29 "BOOST_BUILD_PATH.user-value = $(BOOST_BUILD_PATH) ;\n",
30 "\n",
31 "if ! $(BOOST_BUILD_PATH) && $(UNIX)\n",
32 "{\n",
33 "BOOST_BUILD_PATH = /usr/share/boost-build ;\n",
34 "}\n",
35 "\n",
36 "\n",
37 "rule _poke ( module-name ? : variables + : value * )\n",
38 "{\n",
39 "module $(<)\n",
40 "{\n",
41 "$(>) = $(3) ;\n",
42 "}\n",
43 "}\n",
44 "\n",
45 "\n",
46 "rule boost-build ( dir ? )\n",
47 "{\n",
48 "if $(.bootstrap-file)\n",
49 "{\n",
50 "ECHO \"Error: Illegal attempt to re-bootstrap the build system by invoking\" ;\n",
51 "ECHO ;\n",
52 "ECHO \" 'boost-build\" $(dir) \";'\" ;\n",
53 "ECHO ;\n",
54 "EXIT \"Please consult the documentation at 'http://www.boost.org'.\" ;\n",
55 "}\n",
56 "\n",
57 "BOOST_BUILD_PATH = $(dir:R=$(.boost-build-file:D)) $(BOOST_BUILD_PATH) ;\n",
58 "\n",
60 "\n",
61 "local bootstrap-file = [ GLOB $(BOOST_BUILD_PATH) : bootstrap.jam ] ;\n",
62 ".bootstrap-file = $(bootstrap-file[1]) ;\n",
63 "\n",
64 "if ! $(.bootstrap-file)\n",
65 "{\n",
66 "ECHO \"Unable to load Boost.Build: could not find build system.\" ;\n",
67 "ECHO --------------------------------------------------------- ;\n",
68 "ECHO \"$(.boost-build-file) attempted to load the build system by invoking\" ;\n",
69 "ECHO ;\n",
70 "ECHO \" 'boost-build\" $(dir) \";'\" ;\n",
71 "ECHO ;\n",
72 "ECHO \"but we were unable to find \\\"bootstrap.jam\\\" in the specified directory\" ;\n",
73 "ECHO \"or in BOOST_BUILD_PATH (searching \"$(BOOST_BUILD_PATH:J=\", \")\").\" ;\n",
74 "ECHO ;\n",
75 "EXIT \"Please consult the documentation at 'http://www.boost.org'.\" ;\n",
76 "}\n",
77 "\n",
78 "if [ MATCH .*(--debug-configuration).* : $(ARGV) ]\n",
79 "{\n",
80 "ECHO \"notice: loading Boost.Build from\"\n",
81 "[ NORMALIZE_PATH $(.bootstrap-file:D) ] ;\n",
82 "}\n",
83 "\n",
84 "include $(.bootstrap-file) ;\n",
85 "}\n",
86 "\n",
87 "\n",
88 "{\n",
89 "\n",
90 "local search-path = $(BOOST_BUILD_PATH) $(BOOST_ROOT) ;\n",
91 "local self = [ SELF_PATH ] ;\n",
92 "local boost-build-relative = ../../share/boost-build ;\n",
93 "local self-based-path = [ NORMALIZE_PATH $(boost-build-relative:R=$(self)) ] ;\n",
94 "\n",
95 "local boost-build-files =\n",
96 "[ find-to-root [ PWD ] : boost-build.jam ]\n",
97 "[ GLOB $(self-based-path) : boost-build.jam ]\n",
98 "[ GLOB $(search-path) : boost-build.jam ] ;\n",
99 "\n",
100 ".boost-build-file = $(boost-build-files[1]) ;\n",
101 "\n",
102 "if ! $(.boost-build-file)\n",
103 "{\n",
104 "ECHO \"Unable to load Boost.Build: could not find \\\"boost-build.jam\\\"\" ;\n",
105 "ECHO --------------------------------------------------------------- ;\n",
106 "\n",
107 "if ! [ MATCH .*(bjam).* : $(ARGV[1]:BL) ]\n",
108 "{\n",
109 "ECHO \"BOOST_ROOT must be set, either in the environment, or \" ;\n",
110 "ECHO \"on the command-line with -sBOOST_ROOT=..., to the root\" ;\n",
111 "ECHO \"of the boost installation.\" ;\n",
112 "ECHO ;\n",
113 "}\n",
114 "\n",
115 "ECHO \"Attempted search from\" [ PWD ] \"up to the root\" ;\n",
116 "ECHO \"at\" $(self-based-path) ;\n",
117 "ECHO \"and in these directories from BOOST_BUILD_PATH and BOOST_ROOT: \"$(search-path:J=\", \")\".\" ;\n",
118 "EXIT \"Please consult the documentation at 'http://www.boost.org'.\" ;\n",
119 "}\n",
120 "\n",
121 "if [ MATCH .*(--debug-configuration).* : $(ARGV) ]\n",
122 "{\n",
123 "ECHO \"notice: found boost-build.jam at\"\n",
124 "[ NORMALIZE_PATH $(.boost-build-file) ] ;\n",
125 "}\n",
126 "\n",
127 "include $(.boost-build-file) ;\n",
128 "\n",
129 "if ! $(.bootstrap-file)\n",
130 "{\n",
131 "ECHO \"Unable to load Boost.Build\" ;\n",
132 "ECHO -------------------------- ;\n",
133 "ECHO \"\\\"$(.boost-build-file)\\\" was found by searching from\" [ PWD ] \"up to the root\" ;\n",
134 "ECHO \"and in these directories from BOOST_BUILD_PATH and BOOST_ROOT: \"$(search-path:J=\", \")\".\" ;\n",
135 "ECHO ;\n",
136 "ECHO \"However, it failed to call the \\\"boost-build\\\" rule to indicate\" ;\n",
137 "ECHO \"the location of the build system.\" ;\n",
138 "ECHO ;\n",
139 "EXIT \"Please consult the documentation at 'http://www.boost.org'.\" ;\n",
140 "}\n",
141 "}\n",
142 0 };