]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/src/boost/tools/build/src/engine/startup.cpp
update ceph source to reef 18.1.2
[ceph.git] / ceph / src / boost / tools / build / src / engine / startup.cpp
1 /*
2 Copyright 2020 René Ferdinand Rivera Morell
3 Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
4 (See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or https://www.bfgroup.xyz/b2/LICENSE.txt)
5 */
7 #include "startup.h"
8 #include "rules.h"
9 #include "frames.h"
10 #include "object.h"
11 #include "pathsys.h"
12 #include "cwd.h"
13 #include "filesys.h"
14 #include "output.h"
15 #include "variable.h"
17 #include <cstdlib>
18 #include <string>
19 #include <algorithm>
21 namespace
22 {
23 void bind_builtin(
24 char const *name_, LIST *(*f)(FRAME *, int flags),
25 int flags, char const **args)
26 {
27 FUNCTION *func;
28 OBJECT *name = object_new(name_);
29 func = function_builtin(f, flags, args);
30 new_rule_body(root_module(), name, func, 1);
31 function_free(func);
32 object_free(name);
33 }
34 } // namespace
36 void b2::startup::load_builtins()
37 {
38 {
39 char const *args[] = {"dir", "?", 0};
40 bind_builtin("boost-build", builtin_boost_build, 0, args);
41 }
42 }
44 LIST *b2::startup::builtin_boost_build(FRAME *frame, int flags)
45 {
46 b2::jam::list dir_arg{lol_get(frame->args, 0)};
47 std::string dir;
48 if (!dir_arg.empty()) dir = b2::jam::object(*dir_arg.begin());
50 b2::jam::variable dot_bootstrap_file{".bootstrap-file"};
51 if (dot_bootstrap_file)
52 {
53 err_printf(
54 "Error: Illegal attempt to re-bootstrap the build system by invoking\n"
55 "\n"
56 " 'boost-build '%s' ;\n"
57 "\n"
58 "Please consult the documentation at "
59 "'https://www.bfgroup.xyz/b2/'.\n\n",
60 dir.c_str());
61 return L0;
62 }
64 // # Add the given directory to the path so we can find the build system. If
65 // # dir is empty, has no effect.
66 b2::jam::variable dot_boost_build_file{".boost-build-file"};
67 b2::jam::list dot_boost_build_file_val{static_cast<b2::jam::list>(dot_boost_build_file)};
68 std::string boost_build_jam = b2::jam::object{*dot_boost_build_file_val.begin()};
69 std::string boost_build_dir;
70 if (b2::paths::is_rooted(dir))
71 boost_build_dir = dir;
72 else
73 boost_build_dir = b2::paths::normalize(
74 std::string{boost_build_jam}+"/../"+dir);
75 b2::jam::list search_path{b2::jam::object{boost_build_dir}};
76 b2::jam::variable BOOST_BUILD_PATH{"BOOST_BUILD_PATH"};
77 search_path.append(BOOST_BUILD_PATH);
79 // We set the global, and env, BOOST_BUILD_PATH so that the loading of the
80 // build system finds the initial set of modules needed for starting it up.
81 BOOST_BUILD_PATH = search_path;
83 // The code that loads the rest of B2, in particular the site-config.jam
84 // and user-config.jam configuration files uses os.environ, so we need to
85 // update the value there.
87 dot_ENVIRON__BOOST_BUILD_PATH = search_path;
89 // # Try to find the build system bootstrap file 'bootstrap.jam'.
90 std::string bootstrap_file;
91 for (auto path: search_path)
92 {
93 std::string file = b2::jam::object{path};
94 file = b2::paths::normalize(file+"/bootstrap.jam");
95 if (b2::filesys::is_file(file))
96 {
97 bootstrap_file = file;
98 break;
99 }
100 }
102 // # There is no bootstrap.jam we can find, exit with an error.
103 if (bootstrap_file.empty())
104 {
105 err_printf(
106 "Unable to load B2: could not find build system.\n"
107 "-----------------------------------------------\n"
108 "%s attempted to load the build system by invoking\n"
109 "\n"
110 " 'boost-build %s ;'\n"
111 "\n"
112 "but we were unable to find 'bootstrap.jam' in the specified directory "
113 "or in BOOST_BUILD_PATH:\n",
114 boost_build_jam.c_str(), dir.c_str());
115 for (auto path: search_path)
116 {
117 std::string file = b2::jam::object{path};
118 err_printf(" %s\n", file.c_str());
119 }
120 err_puts(
121 "Please consult the documentation at "
122 "'https://www.bfgroup.xyz/b2/'.\n\n");
123 return L0;
124 }
126 // Set the bootstrap=file var as it's used by the build system to refer to
127 // the rest of the build system files.
128 dot_bootstrap_file = b2::jam::list{b2::jam::object{bootstrap_file}};
130 // Show where we found it, if asked.
131 b2::jam::variable dot_OPTION__debug_configuration{".OPTION", "debug-configration"};
132 if (dot_OPTION__debug_configuration)
133 {
134 out_printf("notice: loading B2 from %s\n", bootstrap_file.c_str());
135 }
137 // # Load the build system, now that we know where to start from.
138 parse_file(b2::jam::object{bootstrap_file}, frame);
140 return L0;
141 }
143 extern char const *saved_argv0;
145 bool b2::startup::bootstrap(FRAME *frame)
146 {
147 b2::jam::list ARGV = b2::jam::variable{"ARGV"};
148 b2::jam::object opt_debug_configuration{"--debug-configuration"};
149 b2::jam::variable dot_OPTION__debug_configuration{".OPTION", "debug-configration"};
150 for (auto arg: ARGV)
151 {
152 if (opt_debug_configuration == arg)
153 {
154 dot_OPTION__debug_configuration = b2::jam::list{b2::jam::object{"true"}};
155 break;
156 }
157 }
159 char *b2_exe_path_pchar = executable_path(saved_argv0);
160 const std::string b2_exe_path{b2_exe_path_pchar};
161 if (b2_exe_path_pchar)
162 {
163 std::free(b2_exe_path_pchar);
164 }
165 const std::string boost_build_jam{"boost-build.jam"};
166 std::string b2_file_path;
168 // Attempt to find the `boost-build.jam` boot file in work directory tree.
169 if (b2_file_path.empty())
170 {
171 std::string work_dir{b2::paths::normalize(b2::cwd_str()) + "/"};
172 while (b2_file_path.empty() && !work_dir.empty())
173 {
174 if (b2::filesys::is_file(work_dir + boost_build_jam))
175 b2_file_path = work_dir + boost_build_jam;
176 else if (work_dir.length() == 1 && work_dir[0] == '/')
177 work_dir.clear();
178 else
179 {
180 auto parent_pos = work_dir.rfind('/', work_dir.length() - 2);
181 if (parent_pos != std::string::npos)
182 work_dir.erase(parent_pos + 1);
183 else
184 work_dir.clear();
185 }
186 }
187 }
189 // Check relative to the executable for portable install location.
190 if (b2_file_path.empty())
191 {
192 const std::string path{
193 b2::paths::normalize(
194 b2_exe_path + "/../.b2/kernel/" + boost_build_jam)};
195 if (b2::filesys::is_file(path))
196 b2_file_path = path;
197 }
199 // Check relative to the executable for portable install location.
200 if (b2_file_path.empty())
201 {
202 const std::string path{
203 b2::paths::normalize(
204 b2_exe_path + "/../../share/boost-build/src/kernel/" + boost_build_jam)};
205 if (b2::filesys::is_file(path))
206 b2_file_path = path;
207 }
209 // Check the BOOST_BUILD_PATH (and BOOST_ROOT) paths.
210 if (b2_file_path.empty())
211 {
212 b2::jam::list BOOST_BUILD_PATH = b2::jam::variable{"BOOST_BUILD_PATH"};
213 // For back-compat with Boost we also search in the BOOST_ROOT location.
214 BOOST_BUILD_PATH.append(b2::jam::list(b2::jam::variable{"BOOST_ROOT"}));
215 for (auto search_path: BOOST_BUILD_PATH)
216 {
217 std::string path = b2::jam::object{search_path};
218 path = b2::paths::normalize(path+"/"+boost_build_jam);
219 if (b2::filesys::is_file(path))
220 {
221 b2_file_path = path;
222 break;
223 }
224 }
225 }
227 // Indicate a load failure when we can't find the build file.
228 if (b2_file_path.empty())
229 {
230 const char * not_found_error =
231 "Unable to load B2: could not find 'boost-build.jam'\n"
232 "---------------------------------------------------\n"
233 "Attempted search from '%s' up to the root "
234 "at '%s'\n"
235 "Please consult the documentation at "
236 "'https://www.bfgroup.xyz/b2/'.\n\n";
237 err_printf(not_found_error, b2::cwd_str().c_str(), b2_exe_path.c_str());
238 return false;
239 }
241 // Show where we found it, if asked.
242 if (dot_OPTION__debug_configuration)
243 {
244 out_printf("notice: found boost-build.jam at %s\n", b2_file_path.c_str());
245 }
247 // Load the build system bootstrap file we found. But check we did that.
248 b2::jam::variable dot_boost_build_file{".boost-build-file"};
249 dot_boost_build_file = b2_file_path;
250 b2::jam::object b2_file_path_sym{b2_file_path};
251 parse_file(b2_file_path_sym, frame);
252 b2::jam::list dot_dot_bootstrap_file_val = b2::jam::variable{".bootstrap-file"};
253 if (dot_dot_bootstrap_file_val.empty())
254 {
255 err_printf(
256 "Unable to load B2\n"
257 "-----------------\n"
258 "'%s' was found by searching from %s up to the root.\n"
259 "\n"
260 "However, it failed to call the 'boost-build' rule to indicate "
261 "the location of the build system.\n"
262 "\n"
263 "Please consult the documentation at "
264 "'https://www.bfgroup.xyz/b2/'.\n\n",
265 b2_file_path.c_str(), b2::cwd_str().c_str());
266 return false;
267 }
269 return true;
270 }